Thankyou for rounding help

2008-02-19 Thread katie smith
you guys all said pretty much the same thing, use a .0 and the end or   float() 
and they all worked. Thankyou so much


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2008-02-18 Thread katie smith
in python im doing the problem 255/494

it keeps giving me 0 instead of .51
what am i doing wrong?

please help me I have been looking for hours


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Multiple Bullets

2008-01-07 Thread katie smith
In my game there are planes and I could make multiple bullets fired by the 
plane by keeping track of each bullets x and y coordinates. I was wondering if 
there is an easier way without keeping track of a 150 bullet coordinates.


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Multiple keys?

2007-12-28 Thread katie smith
while repeat:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == (QUIT):
if (event.type == KEYDOWN):
if (event.key == K_ESCAPE):
if (event.key == K_UP):

when I make an event with keys I use that model above. I have no idea how to do 
multiple keys at a time. I would like to make it so if i hold down and left the 
character moves down in left. Does anyone have any idea how to do that?


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OMG please help

2007-12-22 Thread katie smith
Here is the program I just started, The problem i am having is I'm trying to 
get it to load the image file Sand1 with eval(loader) = 
because Loader is euqual to "Sand1" but It wont load it. If I set it as loader 
= pygame.image.load(loader) then it sets the image to the variable loader. So 
I'm basically trying to set a string equal to a surface variable. I dont want 
to have to go Sand1 = pygame.image.load("Sand1.bmp") for every image because 
I'm expecting there to be a lot of them when I am done.

So hard to explain if you don't understand what I'm trying to get from it 
please let me know.

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (150,150) )
background = pygame.Surface( screen.get_size() )
pygame.display.set_caption("Empire Strategy")
pygame.key.set_repeat(1, 1)
def LoadMaterial():
loader = loading + "1"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "2"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "3"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "4"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "R"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "L"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "T"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "D"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "TR"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "TL"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "BR"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loader = loading + "BL"
eval(loader) = pygame.image.load(loader)
loading = "Sand"
repeat = True

while repeat:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == (QUIT):
if (event.type == KEYDOWN):
if (event.key == K_ESCAPE):
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 1:
position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()


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Seperate Files

2007-12-22 Thread katie smith
I'm attempting to create a game and right now the game has 6000 lines of code 
and is confusing me.

I have seen it done but have no idea how to do it, but I would like to use 
seperate files and incorporate them together. One for my units, one for the map 
maker, one for the playing part.

Any ideas on how to do that?


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2007-12-18 Thread katie smith
if i have a number 6.345 and i wanted it to be 6 without subtracting .345 
because it won't always be .345 what do i do?

how do i round to the nearest whole number. Or in this case round down. Is 
there an easy way to round down to the nearest whole number?


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what the heck does this mean?

2007-12-13 Thread katie smith
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python25\empire\Empire Strategy.pyw", line 322
Maty = Searched(number)
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable

My list is NewMap1 =[0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,2,2,3,2,0,0,0,0]

so Maty Searched(number is supposed to give me 0 when
Search = "NewMap"
number = 0
bignum = 1
bignumer = repr(bignum)
Searching = Search+bignumer
Searched = eval(Searching)
Maty = Searched[number]

instead i get that error whats up? i thought it is suppose to give me 
NewMap1(0).when I print it it works fine  and gives me the result 0 but when I 
go to save the number as Maty-(randomletters) it keeps giving me the stupid 

please help

Ps: rather than doing in your head making a test prgram to run exactly that 
might be better


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[no subject]

2007-12-11 Thread katie smith
I tried googling and yahooing to find the answer and there was to many 
conflicting results so i just decided to ask to simple question here.

How do i could the number of letters in a string no a single letter all of them.

ex. 'Count this String'
should turn into an integer saying 17


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[no subject]

2007-12-11 Thread katie smith
Nevermind I always seem to find the answer on my own after i post the topic. i 
used len(string) and it counted the letters in string... why do I always do this


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2007-12-11 Thread katie smith
WAHHH! for all of you who helped thankyou all of your ideas worked perfectly. I 
found what was causing the error and corrected. thankyou for the replies.


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2007-12-11 Thread katie smith
I'm sorry this is the error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python25\empire\Empire Strategy.pyw", line 1788, in 
eval(NewMap1, {}, {})
  File "", line 1
Tropical Islands
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

- Forwarded Message 
From: katie smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:55:46 PM

I tried your suggestions and all that came up was the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python25\empire\Empire Strategy.pyw", line 1788, in 
NewMap1= eval (NewMap1, {}, {})
  File "", line 1
Tropical Islands
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
And what is this about trusting your source? The string is taken exactly from 
another part in the program so I know for sure it is correct if that is what 
that means.

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[no subject]

2007-12-11 Thread katie smith
I tried your suggestions and all that came up was the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python25\empire\Empire Strategy.pyw", line 1788, in 
NewMap1= eval (NewMap1, {}, {})
  File "", line 1
Tropical Islands
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

And what is this about trusting your source? The string is taken exactly from 
another part in the program so I know for sure it is correct if that is what 
that means.


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[no subject]

2007-12-11 Thread katie smith
How on earth do I convert strings to lists. I have a string with a list it in 
it  and I'm trying to convert it into a list. Please help me.

Ex."[16, 16, 2, 16, 2, 16, 8, 16]"-string
to [16, 16, 2, 16, 2, 16, 8, 16] -list


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Screen Shots?

2007-12-04 Thread katie smith
UGH so frustrating. In my game there is a minimap. On top of the minimap is a 
window showing the part of the map your viewing. The minimap is composed of 
other little pictures piled of top of eachother.

I want to know how to basically take a picture from ex.((50,50),to (150,150)) 
and blit the mini window image on top of it. hard to explain but everytime I 
move the window box I don't want to redo the window with its couple hundred 
compiled image. I need to copy picture and make it into a surface??.. I dont 
even know.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


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