Re: programming toolbox

2008-08-22 Thread Krishnakant Mane
hi william,
I am slightly more experienced in python than you (2 years to be presise).
Before this I handled pritty heavy as in coding and as in usage
projects in java.
Untill I came into the wonderful and powerful world of free software,
I programmed in c++ using borlands c++ compiler and IDE.
But having all this experience (I still use c for some system
programming), python has hooked me.
I am so hooked up to python that I have explored all things that is
possible in python to the extent of zope and python cgi.
If you find that wxpython is any harder then try java swing.
By the way have you looked at pygtk.  It is not just rich with widgets
from gtk but also has great power and flexibility.
And since you know wxpython, learning pygtk would be a snap.
But as the saying goes, "one shoo does not fit all ".
Obviously if you are thinking about system programming like writing
device drivers etc, you will have to keep c in your programming
And I find php much better comfortable and powerfull enough for web
server programming/ scripting.
I can only say one thing.
If vb facinated you on windows then, python is a cross platform vb
with power of c in many aspects.
although as fellow hackers rightly said on this thread previously,
there is no harm learning some languages like java which have long
Keep away from rubbish like c# and similar .net based language.
They are very short lived and lak many powerfull features.
Happy hacking.

On 22/08/2008, Derek Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 08:17:27AM -0500, William Purcell wrote:
>> I am still wondering if C++ would be worth learning and I think it could
>> be
>> answered by these three questions...
>> 1. Are programs written in C++ better (in any form of the word) than
>> programs written in python or vise versa or equal?
>> 2. Is compiled better than interpreted?
>> 3. Is it necessary to know any more languages than python to be a
>> respectable programmer, i.e. to be able to take care of most programming
>> problems (text manipulation, gui programming, scientific computation, web
>> stuff)?
> I think the answer depends on what your goals are.  If you want to be
> a well-rounded programmer, it's good to experience a number of
> different languages, so you can see different approaches to different
> problems.  Languages like Python tend to obscure to some degree how
> things actually work inside the machine, whereas languages like C/C++
> encourage that a bit more (though assembler much more so).
> I think it's also a good idea to have more languages under your belt
> if you want to be a professional programmer.  The more tools you have
> in your toolbox, the more marketable you are...
> If you only want to learn to program to solve your own problems, then
> it doesn't really matter.  The only reason to learn additional
> languages is if you find a case where what you've learned doesn't
> solve your problem, or the solution is a lot harder than it should be.
> --
> Derek D. Martin
> GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Re: Python Written in C?

2008-07-20 Thread Krishnakant Mane
On 21/07/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm just learning about Python now and it sounds interesting. But I
> just read (on the Wiki page) that mainstream Python was written in C.
> That's what I was searching for: Python was written in what other
> language?
Are you a PH.d researcher
In the first place why do you want to make an issue of "what an x
language is compiled in "
and if that' is what you are researching in, then sorry to say you
don't seam to have a mindset needed for researcher.
> See, my concern was something like: OK, if Python is so hot, then,
> hopefully someone is writing it in assembly language for each MPU chip
> out there. Otherwise, if, say, they've written it in C#, then it looks
> like the REAL, generally useful language to learn is C# and Python is
> akin to Visual Basic or something: a specialty languagewhereas
> REAL WORLD programmers who want to be generally useful go and learn
> C#.
First off all c# is absolute rubbish waist of time.  if I need to
learn it then I better lern java or pythonfor that matter.  and by the
way what is a "real programmer?"
I never knew that there are robots who program vertually and a "real
programmer ".
What do you think I am a spam bot who is writing a "vertual program "
every day?  first give me your defination for real programmer.
> So I was suspecting the Python compiler or interpreter is written in a
> REAL language like C#. So, Wiki says it's written in C! It's almost as
> if it were an intentional trick...write your own, new language in an
> OLD, real world language that is passe. Compile it into executable
> modules of course, so it is a real, working compiler, alright. But the
> SOURCE is some old, high level language which no one wants to use
> anymore! So now you've got a hot new language package and no one can
> say "well, it is written in, the SOURCE code is written in, a REAL
> language." No, it's not! The source is some outdated language and
> compiler and no one is going to prefer learning THAT to learning your
> hot new language!
what! no one is using c?  I want to know what people use to write
device drivers?  I am such a fool I really never new that people use
c# to create device drivers for hardware and for creating firmware.  I
admit my stupidity that I never knew that c# is "real programming
language ".
and what is "your programming language?"python is a free and open
source programming language and does not belong to one person.

> I'm not dissing Python, here. Just noting that, if it is written in C,
> that throws a curve at me in trying to balance the value of learning
> Python vs. some other major language.
My request and strong recommendation to you is "don't learn python,
because you don't deserve to. " I am not saying for dissing you, i
know you are "real programmer ".  but you seam to have a typical
mindset which the rubbish microsoft has inculcated in many
programmers, aa sorry "real programmers " line you.
I don't think there is any point saying "vvb kind of " some thing is
great and python is rubbish.  every language has its value and vb is
not a language in the first place.  python is made with a view that it
is usefull for all purposes and it has been so far successful and I
don't really care why it is done in c as long as it does the work.
happy hacking.
> --

question relateding to parsing dbf files.

2008-06-18 Thread Krishnakant Mane
hello all.
I need to parse some dbf files through python.
the reason being that I have to migrate some old data from dbf files
to postgresql.
all that I need to know is if some one has got a working code sample
using dbfpy.
I found this module suitable for my work but can't figure out how to use it.
else, if there is any other module, please recommend so.
happy hacking.

Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread Krishnakant Mane
I have programmed co insidentally in all the 3 languages.
so out of my experience of 10 + years, I got my personal share of
reasons to prefer python over the other 2 namely c++ and java.
firstly as every one has already explained, python is easy, fun to
learn and can do many things much productively for programmers
compared to c++ and java.
and c# is no better in that.
besides, now a days python has become much much faster in some cases
faster than java.
compare pygtk vs java swing.
python has huge amount of libraries/ modules which are as easy to use
as the language itself.
the syntax difference mentioned in the first email on this thread
makes a huge difference when the code becomes complex and the number
of lines increase.
so there are a lot of reasons to prefer python over java.
for the question "what can I do in python easier than other languages
" is not a question to be answered because it all depends on how one
associates the problem space with the language space in which the
programmer wishes to express the solution.
there will be people who will say "java is much better choice for
large scale programmes " but people like myself will always question
happy hacking.

Re: difflib confusion

2008-01-23 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 23/01/2008, Paul Hankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 22, 6:57 pm, "krishnakant Mane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hello all,
> > I have a bit of a confusing question.
> > firstly I wanted a library which can do an svn like diff with two files.
> > let's say I have file1 and file2 where file2 contains some thing which
> > file1 does not have.  now if I do readlines() on both the files, I
> > have a list of all the lines.
> > I now want to do a diff and find out which word is added or deleted or
> changed.
> > and that too on which character, if not at least want to know the word
> > that has the change.
> > any ideas please?
> Have a look at difflib in the standard library.
I am aware of the difflib library but still can't figure out.
I know that differences in two lines can be got but how to get it between words?
> --
> Paul Hankin
> --

difflib confusion

2008-01-22 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I have a bit of a confusing question.
firstly I wanted a library which can do an svn like diff with two files.
let's say I have file1 and file2 where file2 contains some thing which
file1 does not have.  now if I do readlines() on both the files, I
have a list of all the lines.
I now want to do a diff and find out which word is added or deleted or changed.
and that too on which character, if not at least want to know the word
that has the change.
any ideas please?
-- still gives problem with file://

2007-11-12 Thread krishnakant Mane
some days bac I posted a problem about not opening
the file on the local machine.
I get a few responses and I tryed working it out.
I also refered to the cookbook example posted on that thread.
I still can't figure out why"file:///home/krishna/documents/tut.html") does not
open the file.
as I mentioned earlier the url in the addressbar of mozilla firefox 3
alpha is "file:///home/krishna/"/home/krishna/documents/tut.html"
which is indeed wrong.
I have only got a hint so far that I can use a module called
BaseHTTPServer but I have not yet understood how it will help me to
solve the problem.
is it going to give the correct "file:///" to the
if yes then how?
can some one post a simple example?
I don't need to create any class for this because some other code in
python is actually creating an html file and I just need to display it
in the browser.
so please help on this one.
with regards,

attaching someconfusing results in on gnulinux

2007-11-01 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I had mentioned previously that I can't open html files in python.
I have my username as krishna and there is a documents folder.
so when I give"file:///home/krishna/documents/tut.html")
on python prompt I get true as return value but web browser (firefox )
opens with page not found.
and the address bar shows the following address which indeed is wrong.
I can't understand what is happening.

problem opening html file with

2007-10-29 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
as I posted in my previous thread, I am generating html reports for my
client software.
I am yet to find a satisfactory module which can help me actually
create headings, bold and italics etc without merging html with data
any ways I am right now doing the hamd coding myself.  may be I have
overlooked some module.
right now I am in the process of trying templayer.
but my main issue is that when I use the"file:///home/myname/report.html"), webbroser opens
but the page does not come up.
there is certainly some thing wrong in what I am giving to the open function.
can some one correct me?

Re: how to creating html files with python

2007-10-27 Thread krishnakant Mane
hi George,

On 27/10/2007, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 27, 12:12 pm, "krishnakant Mane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I have one strange requirement,
> > I need to create html files through python and add some data from the
> database.
> The only strange thing here is that you think this is a strange
> requirement :) This is quite typical, and practically required for web
> development. As Diez pointed out, your main problem will be which of
> the dozen or so template packages to pick. Depending on your criteria
I am finding it difficult to choose.
my only requirement is to create an htmo file with normal html taggs
but the values come from a database connection.
so I want to get rid of doing the entire concatination right from
start till end.  I don't mind opening a file and doing file.write()
but it will be nice of some module to help me get the data
concatinated with taggs and rather even better if I can do complex
things like creating an html table whos rows contain data coming from
a result set.
here I would like to have the tagging more like functions, some thing
like report.bold("this must be bold ") and this function to return a
line with the bolded html which looks in the file as  this must be
so instead of I doing the concatination myself, python makes it easy.
and I will have lot of complex tables etc to do like this.
so please help me choose one.

how to creating html files with python

2007-10-27 Thread krishnakant Mane
I have one strange requirement,
I need to create html files through python and add some data from the database.
it is a GUI based application developed in WX python.
and the reports need to come out in html for some strange reason which
is off topic to discuss here.
but the point is that how do I do it?
should I create a normal file object and write the html with the data
into it or are there some modules to do it?

Re: confused on calculating date difference in days.

2007-10-16 Thread krishnakant Mane
thanks all of you for providing valuable help.
right now I am confused about the delta object.
how can I extract the difference between two dates in terms of day
using the delta object?
I tried reading the python docs but did not understand the concept of
delta object and how can I measure the difference in terms of days
between two dates.
I expect that the days would be integers.
secondly the format of my date is actually "16/10/2007", and this is
all in varchar field inside a postgresql database.
I understand that datetime.datetime.strptime would convert this string
"16/10/2007" into a date object which I can then compare with the
current date created by
is that right?
if yes then please explain me how I can get the delta object to give
me results in days.

confused on calculating date difference in days.

2007-10-16 Thread krishnakant Mane
I am strangely confused with a date calculation problem.
the point is that I want to calculate difference in two dates in days.
there are two aspects to this problem.
firstly, I can't get a way to convert a string like "1/2/2005" in a
genuan date object which is needed for calculation.
now once this is done I will create a another date object with
today =
and then see the difference between this today and the string that I
converted to date.
now in the first place I can't recall how I can convert a string to a date.
then now I don't know how to calculate difference in days between
today and the string converted date.
any help will be appreciated.

Re: problems playing with dates from any month.

2007-08-02 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 02/08/07, Ian Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I looked there even before.
but could not figure out what the code did.
I know in that variable called s there was a string in a valid date format.
but when datetime.strptime was used, I did not understand the place
where a date object say d was created.
I would expect some thing like d = and the function.  but I did not fine that.
only reference was the datetime module and the documentation is not as good.
another question I am getting is that where is the list of all
formatting characters.  like for example Y is 4 digit year M is month
MM is month in 2 digits etc.
I am trying to locate a list of all these denoters.
can you provide me the place?

> Then it's just:
> if == 5:
>  print 'It's the fifth day of the month'
this was much better than the documentation, thanks,

problems playing with dates from any month.

2007-08-02 Thread krishnakant Mane
I have a very strange problem and I can't find any solution for that.
I am working on an accounting package which I wish to develop in python.
the simple problem is that I want to knoe how I can know if the given
date is the nth day of a month.
for example if a customer is supposed to pay his installment on every
5th of all months,
I want to know if today is the fifth day (jan the fifth, feb the fifth
etc) for any given month.
I have not found any such function.
if I have looked (or over looked ) in the wrong places I am really sorry.
secondly I also want to know the way in which I can convert a given
string to a date object.
for example if I have a string "29/09/2005", I know it is a valid date
although it is in a string form.
now I want to convert the above string into a real date object.
how can I cast it this way?

how good does PyGTK work on windows?

2007-07-16 Thread krishnakant Mane
I will be writing some code in PyGTK to run on linux.  but I want to
know if there are any installers or distutils available for PyGTK on
I have heard that installing gimp or even pygtk is next to impossible
and is very tedious if at all one gets success.
can any one share their experiences with installing and running pygtk on windos?
any links for downloading proper packages will be highly appreciated.

inspite of proper package structure, no module named xyz error.

2007-07-12 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
can some one suggest me the best solution for a package?
I have a package folder called idm and there are the following files in there. which is right now empty. which has a single class called MainWindow which is an
MDI Parent frame from wxpython. which is a child frame which gets called from the main menu., another child frame.
now when I try to run file with the "import
idm"statement, I get the following error.
no module named idm.
what could be the problem?
I have imported all the necessary modules in mainwindow.
kindly help.

which is the comprehencive module for postgresql?

2007-05-18 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
some times having many choices often confuses the users.
can some one plese tell me which is the most comprehencive, well
documented and widely used and tested module to connect from python to
postgresql database?  I looked around PYPgsql but there seams to be
very little documentation.
and seams that PyGreSql is non-free?
please suggest a suitable driver.  by the way I will also be using
bynary large objects.
so that support must be included.

Latest errors on pickled objects and blob datatypes in mysql

2007-05-07 Thread krishnakant Mane
finally the errors for my sql query have changed so I have even
changed the thread subject because I feel now that this is not doable
in mysql and this seams to be a bug, ither in python or the MySQLdb
module or perhaps both.
my table is called testobj and the blob field is called obj.
now following is my query with the cursor named CSRInsert.
CSRInsert.execute("insert into testobj (obj) values (?);",(pickled_object))
the error is,
"type error, not all arguments formatted during string formatting ".

can some one now figure out what could be the problem?

Re: problem with quoted strings while inserting into varchar field of database.

2007-05-06 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 6 May 2007 11:22:52 -0700, Daniele Varrazzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >
> Every serious database driver has a complete and solid SQL escaping
> mechanism. This mechanism tipically involves putting placeholders in
> your SQL strings and passing python data in a separate tuple or
> dictionary. Kinda
> cur.execute("INSERT INTO datatable (data) VALUES (%s);",
> (pickled_data,))
I will try doing that once I get back to the lab.
mean while I forgot to mention in my previous email that I use MySQLdb
for python-mysql connection.
I did not find any such reference to storing pickled objects in the API.

any Idea what could be done with the mysql python module I am using?

problem with quoted strings while inserting into varchar field of database.

2007-05-06 Thread krishnakant Mane
I finally got some code to push a pickled list into a database table.
but now the problem is technically complex although possible to solve.
the problem is that I can nicely pickle and store lists in a blob
field with the help of dumps() for picklling into a string and then
passing the string to the blob.
I am also able to get back the string safely and do a loads() to
unpickle the object.
but this only works when list contains numbers.
if there is a list such als
lst = ["a","b","c"] then after a dumpls I get a pickled object into a
string but when I try to insert this into the blob field it refuses to
get into the table.
there is an sql syntax error.
I further discovered that the string variable that contains the
pickled object contains a lot of single quots "'" and this is what is
probably preventing the sql insert from succedding.  can some one
suggest how to work around this problem?

is there a module to work with pickled objects storage in database?

2007-05-04 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I am trying a very complex kind of a task in a project.
I have a knowledge management system where I need to store a lot of
objects (pickled).  I have to store mostly lists and dictionaries into
a rdbms.
mostly I will be using mysql.  I want to know if there is any module
that can help me store a pickled object inside a blob field instead of
a file.  I know that pickle.dump() can store an object into a file but
I can't find a way to transfer pickled objects into a database.
I so far tried to read a dumpped file for pickled object and directly
right the contents of the file to the blob field in my database.
but that does not seam to give the right result.
I first dump the object into the file through pickle.dump and then
open the file in read mode.
then I read the contents of the file and then store what ever comes
out into the blob field.
I know this is not right and there should be ways of storing a pickled
object other than file.
Please guide me on this issue.

how to pickle objects for database storage?

2007-04-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
I have a strange but very interesting requirement?
provided that a database can provide for an object data type like
binary large object (blob), can I store a pickeled python object in
I know oracle has blob and clob and believe that mysql/ postgre sql
has some thing similar to store direct objects?
if not then should a pickeled object wrapped inside a file and then
stored in a database?

Re: newbi question on python rpc server, how it works?

2007-03-28 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I have downloaded the entire twisted library.
I am also trying to read the documentation but I have a couple of
problems right now.
firstly, I did not find any thing in twisted documentation that
specifically talks about xml rpc.  am I missing some thing?
secondly, if I am writing an entire application with its logic in an
xml rpc server, do I have to create all my classes as instences of xml
rpc server (just like I create a java servlet or a php script)?  or is
it that I just create one xml rpc server class which is like the entri
point for all other classes in the package?
can you provide a couple of links to howtos or tutorials on creating
xml rpc servers and clients  with twisted python?  I am also confused
as to how will I mix the functionality of MySQLDB with twisted python?
I am asking this because I felt twisted much cleaner to use than the
modules coming with python itself.  again I may be wrong and some one
might point me to the possible problems with this aproach in the long

newbi question on python rpc server, how it works?

2007-03-28 Thread krishnakant Mane
searched a lot of places including google search but can't find
answers to python-rpc.  I am also very new to rpc.  I am very clear
about its meaning and where it is to be used, but not about how it is
I have a need where I need to create a layer of business logic that
will connect to mysql database at one end and a wxpython based thin
client at the other end.
can some one give me basic idea as to how I can use simple xml rpc
server class of python and build an xml rpc server and then a client
which I can embed in my wxpython based thin client?
as I said I am not aware of how xml rpc works in details.
I want to creat the wxpython client app in such a way that it only
does the work of validation and display and only sending the data as
is to the xml rpc server for logic and then xml rpc server will
inturn talk to mysql.
my business logic consists of many classes which I want to put in a
package directory with and all the other modules.
do I need to create all of them as xml rpc server instances or can I
use them into one single xml rpc server class?
at the other end I am not really understanding how the xml rpc client
can be used to get data in to my wx based gui?
for example I want to fill up a list box with data that came from the
rpc server to the client and then some how looping through the
elements sent over and putting into a list.


Re: help developing an editor to view openoffice files.

2007-03-14 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 14/03/07, Paul Hummer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I actually just read this in the O'Reilly book "Python Cookbook," so I
> know this answer off the top of my head.  OpenOffice files are merely
> zip files with well documented XML inside.  Use the builtin zip module
> to open them, and then it's just XML parsing.  As far as the editor,
> you'll have to familiarize yourself with the XML data from the
> documentation, and it sounds like that's quite a project.
it is indeed a huge project but I need to get started.
I know that it is xml inside a zipped archive.  but reading the
documents is one thing and rendering them is another.
just in case we can convert it to html and then render it in some kind
of a html browser or html text area and then when user makes changes
to the document, we can save it back to odt.  but for that we need
both way conversion.

> Just out of curiosity, why not just download OpenOffice?
I wished I could use it out of the box.
but the problem is that open office does not provide any accessibility
on windows and on linux the work is going on.

Re: help developing an editor to view openoffice files.

2007-03-13 Thread krishnakant Mane
well what I exactly need to do is firstly have a way to read .odt and
.ods files.
I have a lot of information in open office format which I need to access.
The most important thing is that I completely want to avoid the use of
microsoft office.
so I need to firstly get access to open office documents through a
python module that can read and parse those documents and may be
convert it to html and display in some kind of an html/ text area may
be wxpython can help?
secondly I want to edit those documents may be in html format and then
when I say sayve it should save the changes back to .odt with the
formatting information.
can this be made possible?
thanks and regards,

Re: Python in a desktop environment

2007-03-12 Thread krishnakant Mane
I have coded some complex programs in python in the recent past.
I find it very robust and also not very slow (as is depicted by the
starter of this thread )  I use wxpython on the gui side and testify
that it is indeed very suitable for huge gui apps.
may be pyqt is good enough too and I believe so.
I don't find there is any reason to go stay in a hut when you have a
banglo to stay.
may be c++ gives you more control on pointers etc but what if you just
forgot to use that control properly?  afterall we are all humans.
so python is really good for speed as well as robustness if you can
understand the meaning of it.  and I wont want to again give the
meaning of the word because some one has already done it.

help developing an editor to view openoffice files.

2007-03-12 Thread krishnakant Mane
right now I am involved on doing a very important accessibility work.
as many people may or may not know that I am a visually handicap
person and work a lot on accessibility.  the main issue at hand is to
create an accessible editor for open office.
there are a lot of things remaining on that front.
so right now I am trying to find out a temporary work around by
creating a simple accessible editor (with wxpython) for viewing and
editing open office files.
I know there must be python libraries that can open/ save .odt files
because it is an open standard any ways.
but I am trying to work out a kind of a program where those files can
also be displayed in a text area with all the formatting.
probably one way of doing it is to use some thing like a rich text
editor and allow the file to be converted to rtf from odt for viewing
and back again to odt when the user wishes to save it.
another way I find is to actually find out if there is a odt text box
that can display these files as they are.
viewing the contents of the files in an editable way is most important.
any suggestions?

Re: can't find a way to display and print pdf through python.

2007-02-12 Thread krishnakant Mane
os.start does not work..  attribute error.

Re: can't find a way to display and print pdf through python.

2007-02-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
well yes,
I need to view reports on line and also print them from within my app.
so yes I need to display the pdf in my app and print it as well.

Re: can't find a way to display and print pdf through python.

2007-02-10 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 11/02/07, Vishal Bhargava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you trying to do real time or post real time.
> -Vishal

post real time.
I want to first display the report on screen by default and the user
at his choice will click the print button and the report will be

Re: can't find a way to display and print pdf through python.

2007-02-10 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 11/02/07, Vishal Bhargava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use Report Lab...
I mentioned in my first email that I am already using reportlab.
but I can only generate pdf out of that.
I want to display it on screen and I also will be giving a print
button which should do the printing job.
by the way I use wxpython for gui.

can't find a way to display and print pdf through python.

2007-02-10 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I am stuck with a strange requirement.
I need a library that can help me display a pdf file as a report and
also want a way to print the same pdf file in a platform independent
if that's not possible then I at least need the code for useing some
library for connecting to acrobat reader and giving the print command
on windows and some thing similar on ubuntu linux.
the problem is that I want to display reports in my application.  the
user should be able to view the formatted report on screen and at his
choice click the print button on the screen to send it to the printer.
I have reportlab installed and that is sufficient to generate pdf reports.
but I still can't fine the way to display it directly and print it directly.
Please help me.

Re: strange problem using modules from my own package.

2007-02-08 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 09/02/07, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At Friday 9/2/2007 02:10, you wrote:
> Please keep posting on the list - you'll reach a whole lot of people
> there...
sorry, I had just hit the reply button and did not notice that
python-list was not there.
>my crystal ball I can see this statement: import pbcf
> or perhaps: from pbcf import something (it's not so clear...)
> written inside any module in your package. So, your package must be
> installed in any directory listed in sys.path, for python to be able
> to actually find it; perhaps in site-packages.
can I have package in a folder and then a in the same folder
but out side the package?
> Also, if you try to execute a module "inside" your package, it does
> not even *know* that it lives inside a package.
but all this is working in eclipse with pydev.
and I looked in the console but there were no errors.

strange problem using modules from my own package.

2007-02-08 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I found a very strange kind of behaviour in python with my own package.
I created a package in which there were 4 modules and one file
I created the entire project in eclipse (pydev).
it works fine there with the ide.
but now when I try running the code without eclipse, that is when I
run the individual .py file from a command promt it gives me error.
for example I have,, and of course in my package
the app is in wxpython which is not important in the context of this problem.
never the less I go in the directory called pbcf which is the name of
my package
there I have all the above mentioned files and the file
is the one I run for testing all the menus.
but here the moment I run the file, it starts giving me an error
saying pbcf is not a module.
I find that the same code runs without any problem in eclipse.
in I have from pbcf import * and in I have
of course included MySQLdb and wx
and in I have a connection object called CONCSS.
now when I have all the imports in mainwindow, it does work in eclipse
but does not on a normal command prompt.
why is this?

python packages and __name__ query.

2007-01-20 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I had previously mentioned my doubt and confusion about having a
main() to be an entry point in my python based software.
I am still having a particular doubt.
I use cx freze for creating a python executable.  my software is
essentially a package containing a few modules and one file where I
created the main() function.
if needed and suggested by experts I may as well put it in my file of the package.
coming back to the point.  where do I put the following code
if __name__ == "__main__":

I have 5 modules in my package each doing a specific task.
and a file that contains the main() function.  the 5 modules and the file all are in the same package.  if it is a wrong practice
please correct me.
so plese clear my doubt given the above situation.

Re: confused on python rpc with apache, is it possible?

2007-01-20 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 20/01/07, Diez B. Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is nothing an apache will do for you - except from possibly
> proxing python.
> Go read up upon xmlrpc and python, possibly doing it with twisted, but
> there are other options.
> Don't bother with the apache.

well in that case I don't need apache.
can I do xml-rpc using the default libraries that come with every
python installer?
is there some added advantage of using twisted?

Re: confused on python rpc with apache, is it possible?

2007-01-20 Thread krishnakant Mane
> Use mod_python with some xmlrpc handler. There is more than one around.
> Google for them. That way you can keep Apache for both Python and PHP.
I am confused.
I have some documents on xml-rpc but none of them mentioned apache.

Re: confused on python rpc with apache, is it possible?

2007-01-19 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 19/01/07, Diez B. Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm unclear why you want the apache in there in the first place. Why don't
> you just create an e.g. twisted-based XMLRPC-server, and simply let that
> run? What is the apache intended for?

twisted-based? what is that?  what is that.
I am very new to xml-rpc so my questions may sound very basic.
any ways apache is doing nothing in there but I thought that if some
thing needs to be done in php in the future then apache better be
there but as I said that is no need if pythone can do it on a stand
alone basis.

confused on python rpc with apache, is it possible?

2007-01-19 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all.
I will like to know if the following combination is possible.
I have looked around on google and did not find any thing productive
so bothering the list: sorry.
I am developing a distributed application which will have 3 layers
namely the thin client written in wxpython, an application layer on a
server and a database server of course.  database and application
server will be on same physical machine.
what I want to know is if I can use python as the base for developing
the application layer as an rpc server  and use apache server to
handle http remote procedure requests from the client?
if yes then what basic configuration settings I will need?
I believe I must first have apache recognise python interpreter and
then do some settings in apache so that it knows that what is
happening is not a web page request but an xml-rpc application created
in python.
can some one guide me?

how to mimik a main() function to start a program with entry point?

2007-01-19 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all.
I have one simple query and may be that's to stupid to answer but I am
not finding the answer any ways.
I have a set of modules in my package and out if which one is my
actual starting point to my entire program.  say for example I have an
entire database application ready and I want a main (as in java or c)
to initiate the program and may be bring up a login screen and then
pass the control on to the main window.
if I am giving raw source code that is easy because I will tell user
to run the command ./ which has that function.
but if I freze it into an executable with py2exe for example , how do
I solve this problem?

can't find a suitable application server

2006-12-30 Thread krishnakant Mane
I have read about zope and found it very good.
but right now I am a bit confused about one project I have just procured.
it is supposed to be a simple 3 tear application.  the front end will
be a thin client which we will develop using wxpython.
We are using MySQL for the database and I need to find out a suitable
application server where I can do just the following.
1. write my business logic which will actually be the workhorse.
2.  send data to the thin client in form of either text or lists or
tuples as required.  I want my thin client just to take the data and
recieve the data.
3.  an application server that will process data coming from the thing
client.  this layer will fire the queries etc.
4.  send the processed results in the forms mentioned in point number
2 (sorry if I am redundent).
I thought zope is too heavy and complex for this task and zope is
generally used in places where the data is too dynamic and the system
very complex.
I am any ways using MySQL for the rdbms which is more than sufficient
so no need for a object oriented database like what zope has.
can any one suggest me what to do?
right now I get an impression that I must create sockets and send and
receave data through that socket to the thin client and put the actual
business logic on a seperate machine or on the database server what
thanking all.

issues with making a package. where do classes link?

2006-12-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I am struggling a bit in making python packages.
when I am doing a project I want to create all my python modules
inside a single package.
I want to know when I make a package, what are the basic things I must
generally do in the file?
and how do I link all the modules in my project with each other?
like when I make a compilation unit in java under a package, the first
like of that file will read "package mypackage".
I did not find any such thing in python that can say that this xyz
file is in the abc package.
if I want to use one module into another in my same package I can't
figure how python figures it out?
I want every thing in a single package.
so that's my confusion.

Re: need guidance on sending emails with attachment with python.

2006-12-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 11 Dec 2006 04:54:04 -0800, Bernard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> here's the function I've been using for while :P
thanks indeed for the function Bernard.
I will have a windows machine up tomorrow.  but do I need to install
any thing over and above the python libraries needed?
is it necessary that I install outlook or do I need to install any
server/ client on the machine where your function is to be used?
> import smtplib
> from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
> from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
> from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
> from email.Utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate
> from email import Encoders
> def sendMail(arrRecipients, sender, subject, message, files=[]):
> """ Sends email with attachements """
> # SMTP address
> smtpserver = '' # provide a smtp here in string format
> # authentification section
> AUTHREQUIRED = 0 # if you need to use SMTP AUTH set to 1
> smtpuser = ''  # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username here
> smtppass = ''  # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP password here
> # Building the body of the email
> mssg = MIMEMultipart()
> mssg['From'] = sender
> mssg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(arrRecipients)
> mssg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
> mssg['Subject'] = subject
> mssg.attach( MIMEText(message) )
> # attachments
> for file in files:
> part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream")
> part.set_payload( open(file,"rb").read() )
> Encoders.encode_base64(part)
> part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment;
> filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(file))
> mssg.attach(part)
> session = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver)
> session.login(smtpuser, smtppass)
> smtpresult = session.sendmail(sender, arrRecipients,
> mssg.as_string())
> if smtpresult:
> errstr = ""
> for recip in smtpresult.keys():
> errstr = """Could not delivery mail to: %s
> Server said: %s
> %s
> %s""" % (recip, smtpresult[recip][0], smtpresult[recip][1], errstr)
> raise smtplib.SMTPException, errstr
> krishnakant Mane a écrit :
> > hello,
> > I am a bit confused.
> > I want to make a program that will take some data from a database and
> > make a string of text.  and send it to the respective email id of a
> > person.
> > next I also want to send an attachment of a photo along with the email.
> > I will be required to make this program run on windows xp.
> > can some one guide me as to how I can achieve this?
> > what I will need on windows to send emails?
> > I believe yahoo, gmail, rediff and msn supports pop3 and smtp?
> > correct me if I am wrong on this.
> > secondly what library is used on windows to do this?
> > I know there must be python libraries to do this,
> > but apart from that I don't know what all I will need on my windows
> > machine to send emails to mostly yahoo, gmail and msn.
> > Please give me some idea about it.
> > Krishnakant.

Re: need guidance on sending emails with attachment with python.

2006-12-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
hi jonathan,
it is understandable from your point of view I wont say you were rood.
but my question was different.
I am very new to doing programmed emails.
all I need to know is that will I need to use outlook or any thing to
send emails to pop3 or smtp?
I want to know because I wont like to make use of outlook or any thing
to do my work.
I know the python libraries are there but I want to know what these
libraries will make use of on my windows machine.

is there a tutorial for creating packages in python?

2006-12-08 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I have got a lot of sets of functions and classes that do related
work.  so just like we get python libraries I too need to create such
libraries often called packages.
I want to put my code to re-use so will create these libraries and put
in the site-libs folder.
can any one suggest me a good tutorial on line which can teach me to
develop python packages and modules and most importantly to put them
in libraries?
I saw the official python tutorial and I think chapter 6 has quite a
bit on that.
but not what I could term as some thing complete in knowledge that one
needs to create libraries as huge as wxpython etc.

thanking all.

Re: problem formatting dates from text fields.

2006-12-03 Thread krishnakant Mane
is there a soft copy of wxpython in action available for free download?
I saw the book on my book store but since I am totally blind, I have
to depend on soft copies.

Re: problem formatting dates from text fields.

2006-12-03 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 04/12/06, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   You don't show us what format is used in the database, so there is
> nothing to base a conversion on. Is it year/month/day, month/day/year;
> months numeric or alpha (abbreviated or spelled out). Fields separated
> by space, comma, -, :, or /

the format in the text field is dd/mm/ which is perfect for what I need.
but the problem as I said is to get this text into a value that can
fit into a date time picker.
can this be done?

please provide urls for some python success stories.

2006-12-03 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all.
actually I have been recently appointed as a technology consulltent at
a huge company.
and I have couple more such projects in the pypeline.
unfortunately the officials out here are too much in favour of java
and I have personally worked with both and find that python is heaven
in syntax and makes it very easy to do complex things.  on speed?  I
think experts on this list can give better answer, but efficiency and
maintainance wise there is nothing like python I believe.
the problem here is that I am from India and all indians on this list
can correct me if I am wrong, very few people know about python here.
infact a vast majority of programmers ask me "python? what is that!"
they don't even know that it is a programming language, let alone using it.
but I am amongst the very few who have actually used both java and python.
I need some strong evidence to prove to these stupid and java oriented
officials that there is some thing better than java called python.
can some one provide me some urls or may be share some personal
experience on this issue?
I saw a couple of blogs and a few success stories on the python web site itself.
but the common answer I am getting is "y! even java can do this and
java is much faster!"
I am really adicted to python due to its superiority and efficiency
and the  amount of libraries.
but I need some strong official efidence.
Please help me, I don't want to leave python.

problem formatting dates from text fields.

2006-12-03 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all.
thanks for the help and for pointing me to the proper url for wxpython
related issues.
I am so happy that I now have a very easy gui library that can do
practically every thing with such ease (no flames intended but I was
never at so much ease with java swing ).
I however have a problem with dates.
I am tired searching for some good tutorial that can explain the basic
functionality of wx.datetime class and the datetime picker.
I want to display the date in dd/mm/ format and allow the user to
change the dates.
I then will like to take the value (the entire date) and put into a database.
now this is my first question.
the other problem is even more tough to solve with my given knowledge
of wx.datetime and related classes.
unfortunately the database given to me has a text field for date and
the data is neetly entered.
but when I get the data back from that text field I some how want to
convert it back to actual date in the same dd/mm/ format and send
this as a value to my date time picker.
how can I achieve this?
thanking all.

Re: wxpython worked out but can't find api docs for download.

2006-12-03 Thread krishnakant Mane
hi pol,
thanks for your helpful suggestion.
I tried it but nothing seams to work.
I can't get the folder containing html files as you suggested.
can you kindly attach a .zip archive of your generated folder as a
privat email to me?
I will be really thankful.

Re: evaluating gui modules, any experience on tkinter?

2006-12-02 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 03/12/06, Gian Mario Tagliaretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hg wrote:
> Tkinter is fine under *nix and Windows for a large range of applications.
 > I think it has drawbacks and advantage compared to other toolkits. The
 > major advantage being bundled with python, and the drawbacks include (I
 > think) ... look and feel, printing support, imaging, documentation.
well, I am looking seriously at wxpython.

I found pyqt very good but can't figure out where to get dynamic
run-times for qt.
I don't want to compile it myself.
if that is available then I could as well go for it.
but talking about wxpython, I found it very easy.  and after reading a
few articles at I am up and running with wxpython.
but problem is that as I emailed on another thread, I am falling short
of api documentation and reference for wxpython.
there is the reference and all the docs for wx widgets.  but what is
the point in first studying the c++ version and then translating the
same back to python when a library is already been translated and
there to be used?

Re: wxpython worked out but can't find api docs for download.

2006-12-02 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 03/12/06, hg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I had the wxwidgets documentation on my computer as well.
and I also have the demos.
but I was wondering if there is some api reference on wxpython itself.
the problem is that wx widgets is such a huge library that every time
I want to look up some reference material, I need to first look into
the c++ version of the library and then make a mentel translation of
the same into python.
I know it is not a good thing to do always.  and then it does not do
justice to the writers of wxpython.  after having such a beautiful
library as a wrapp around the c++ equivalent, it is rather unjustified
to look at the c++ version of documentation isn't it?
so if there is a api reference similar to the one available on-line,
please provide the url for the same.
thanking all.

wxpython worked out but can't find api docs for download.

2006-12-02 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all.
finally I got the accessibility issue out from wxpython.  actually
almost got it out, but that's another story.
now my problem is that I can't gind a downloadable version of wxpython
api reference for the latest version or the latest api reference at
I found the on-line version so please don't provide the same link.
when I opened it on line, it took about 8 minuts to get the wx package
come up on screen with over 600 links.
I need to have some off line reference for the wxpython api.
I have enough documentation to get started but I don't have the
extencive api references for events and other methods, properties and
can some one point me to a .zip or .tar.gz version of the api docs for wxpython?
thanking all.

evaluating gui modules, any experience on tkinter?

2006-12-02 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
I seam to have noticed this a bit late but it appears to me that
tkinter is being used very widely for gui development on all platform?
is that right?
since fredric lundh has written a very good introduction to tkinter
(was that just an intro?), I have got keen interest to know the
following.  may be fredric himself might put some light on these
1. I seriously don't intend to start a flame war but does tkinter
stand up to the standards of heavy gui development?  can I have an
entire mdi application working fine with tkinter?  I know wxpython can
do it and I have heard enough about pyqt, but tkinter seams to be very
rich in gui objects.
2.  as usual I always look out for accessibility when it comes to gui
design.  will tkinter be useful for blind people?  I mean, are gui
apps in tkinter accessible on windows?
3.  I don't know if I need any thing else as dependencies on my
windows machine.  I am using python24 and I did not find any thing
about installation in the introduction to tkinter.  can some one give
me the process of installing tkinter and all necessary things?
4. is tkinter absolutely compatible with windows gui?  does it call on
native api for native look and feel?  in that case I think
accessibility issue is automatically solved.
I am looking out gui library for some serious application development.
 one is an erp system and the other is a customer relation management
so I am confused between wxpython pyqt and now tkinter.
out of the 3 I only found qt talking extencively about accessibility,
but did not find a way to install qt in the first place.  I could not
compile qt nor did I find any run-time dlls for mingw so that I can
use it out of the box.
wxpython is the poorest in documentation and tkinter seams to be best at that.
please give me some advice.
thanking all.

can't figure out how to create menus in urwid

2006-12-01 Thread krishnakant Mane
I have been trying out urwid for creating ncurses based applications.
I will like to know if any one has ever tried to create menu bar with
drop down menus using urwid?
any suggestion?

Re: python vs java & eclips

2006-12-01 Thread krishnakant Mane
may be emacs can provide code completion (intellicense)
I have not used it so far so can't say.
but the main reason I use eclipse is for the above feature.
and yes indentation happens in eclipse python-mode so that is not a
major feature eclipse offers any way.
syntax highlighting is a very common feature again.
so if there is an editor which will give me auto code completion, I
will happily give up using eclipse.
by the way, there is one problem I am finding with eclipse and py dev.
the following snippad of code is a mesterious problem.
name = raw_input("please identify your self ")
if name == "tom":
   print "hello and welcome"
   print "I don't know you"

just run this script and you will find that you always get "I don't
know you", even if you entered tom.
I then figured out that length of name actually comes to 4 even when I
entered tom.  that's why it always goes in the else claws.
but when I ran the same script from a command promt the length of name
returned 3 when tom was entered and the code worked fine.
I can't understand why is this happening?  why is eclipse putting an
extra character in the name variable?


Re: good documentation about win32api ??

2006-12-01 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 1 Dec 2006 09:56:09 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> covers the API itself, although you need to
> transliterate from the C code to python.
Exactly! that's where the problem lyes.
I am pritty well to do with windows API, I am an a good python
programmer, but I can't find the link between the two.
there are modules but no good documentation.

Re: python vs java & eclipse

2006-12-01 Thread krishnakant Mane
just used the py dev plugin for eclipse.
it is great.
auto indentation and intellisence.
and all other things.
so now how does it look from this end?
python + productivity and eclipse + productivity = double productivity!
only problem with the plugin is that I find it difficult to manage the
script running.
I open a command prompt and run the scripts manually.
any suggestion for this.
for example I had name = raw_input("please enter your name") and the
moment I type the first letter on the keyboard the code execution
moves over to the next statement.  should it not wait for the return
key as it always does?

question on pygtk and accessibility on windows.

2006-11-30 Thread krishnakant Mane
has any one tried py gtk on windows?
I tried to do a google search for accessibility related issues but did
not find any thing specific to pygtk and windows accessibility.
I even tried to search for just gtk and windows accessibility but
again no result.
so I am now posting this message as a last hope to at least get a "yes
" or "no " answer on whether py gtk is accessible with windows.

Re: please help me choose a proper gui library.

2006-11-18 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 18 Nov 2006 12:40:57 -0800, sturlamolden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's a matter of taste. I would recommend PyGTK (yes it runs on
> Windows). You can design the GUI in a fly with GLADE, and import it as
> an XML resource in Python with one single line of code.
I also have to consider the issue of accessibility.
I am blind myself and need to know what I am coding.  and as a policy
matter our company always makes use of accessible libraries just in
case any client is also handicap.  some laws have also made it

>It will save
> you an awful lot of work; all you have to code is the event handlers.
that will be great provided it is accessible on windows.
> Additionally you get the GUI design out of you code, which makes
> maintenance a lot easier. You can redesign the GUI without changing or
> breaking your existing Python code.
that is great but I don't want to use glade.
I will like a simple ide where I can do hand coding.
I am going to try python with eclipse.


Re: please help me choose a proper gui library.

2006-11-18 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 18/11/06, Phil Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You have to install Qt first. You only need to install the run-time elements
> (ie. the DLLs) on the client's machine. Unless your application is licensed
> under the GPL (and you are using the GPL version of Qt and PyQt) then there
> are components of Qt that you must not install on the client's machine.
Yes, the software is licensed under gpl.  how do I determine what
run-time elements I need to install on the clien'ts machine and what
is supposed to  be skipped?

> The only binary installer provided is for the GPL version of PyQt. Qt has
> separate installers. It's easy enough to use something like NSIS to create
> your own installer for your application that includes everything that it
> needs.
that's exactly what I am planning, only need to figure out what all do
I need to package apart from the application executable.  by the way I
will be using cx_freze for creating executables.  so I hope I will not
require to also ship the PYQT modules?
> PyQt fully supports Python 2.5.
but my problem is that I will only be able to use python 2.4, is that
ok?  the PYQT installer asks "you seam to have a version older than
python25, would you still like to continue?"  is it safe to do so?  I
did not find a gpl binary for PYQT that is made for python24.  please
give the URL if possible.
> Google for the different ones and try them out.
which is the best editor which I can consider simple, does auto
indentation and has some kind of auto completion features?  it is ok
if I don't get a gui designer.
> In addition to your application you need to distribute the Qt DLLs (and
> plugins if you use them), the corresponding PyQt .pyd files and sip.pyd. If
> you are using the GPL version of Qt then you may also need to consider the
> MinGW DLLs. Finally you need to consider if you need to distribute Python
> itself.
> You might like to look at tools like PyInstaller for creating single
> executables.
this is all confusing for me right now.  can you please give me any
links possible for having a binary qt installer that will also install
dlls required by PYQT?
and how will I be able to determine what dll files and what other
components I will need to ship with my installer?

please help me choose a proper gui library.

2006-11-18 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all.
after finishing a project in record time using python we have taken up
one more project.
this time however, we need to do a gui based project  which will run
on windows xp and 2000.
now My question is which gui toolkit should I choose?
I had initially raised some doubt about accessibility (which is very
important for me ), and with the answers and all the pointers given, I
know that wxpython is quite out of question.
now my next choice is PyQT.
can some one give me information on the following points?
1.  do I first need to install the pure c++ based QT library both on
the developer machine and the client's user machine?
2.  I need an executable binary installer for windows xp.  is it
available for python24?  I searched but found one for python25.  else
kindly guide me what should I do to install the source.  I read the
documentation but did not get the clear idea whether I must have qt
installed first or not.  if yes are there binary installers of PYQT
which can also install qt?
3. if I need to upgrate to python25, should it be considered safe?
4.  I don't want to use the qt IDE and this point is nothing to do
with qt, I need a good windows based python editor.
5.  if I am supposed to also distrubute qt with PYQT, how do I plan
the deployment of my ready software?
thanking all.

Re: how to print pdf with python on a inkjet printer.

2006-11-17 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 17/11/06, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> or possibly:
I can't figure out where is the win32api module in my system.
I think I need to download it.
I tried to search but did not find it.
what is the url for this module and does it also have documentation.
thanking you.

Re: how to print pdf with python on a inkjet printer.

2006-11-17 Thread krishnakant Mane
On 17/11/06, Tim Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Making the PDF is easy.  Go get ReportLab from  I
> consider it the best Python PDF solution.
wow! you solved my major problem before I even asked it.  seams that
python programmers also have dynamic mind reading capability *smile*.
> Printing is more complicated, because you actually need something that can
> RENDER the PDF.  The most common such renderer is the Acrobat Reader, and
> you can actually call the Acrobat Reader from a command line with a
> parameter that tells it to print the file automatically.  The only
> disadvantage is that using that method will only print to the "default"
> printer.
double wow!  as it is my customer wants me to print to the default printer.
can you please help me with the command for rendering the pdf to the
printer with acrobat using python?
that essentially solves my most important problem.
else I was thinking to create an excel spreadsheet as a last alternative.
out of my curocity, I want to know if there are libraries that can
create excel spreadsheets?

I also wanted to know if there is a common dialog for listing out
printers under windows?
so in future if I make this software in GUI, I can at list help the
user select the printer from the list.

python and accessibility issues.

2006-11-16 Thread krishnakant Mane
this question is streight forward, short and sweet.
I am developing some applications and being blind myself, expect that
including me, all other blind people must be able to use it.
so my question is,
is wx python complying with Microsoft Active Accessibility or MSAA for short?
I will use wx python or any other gui library that is having support
for MSAA built in.
thanking all.

how to print pdf with python on a inkjet printer.

2006-11-16 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all.
I am developing an ncurses based python application that will require
to create pdf reports for printing.
I am not using py--qt or wx python.
it is a consol based ui application and I need to make a pdf report
and also send it to a lazer or ink jet printer.
is it possible to do so with python?
or is it that I will have to use the wxpython library asuming that
there is a print dialog which can open up the list of printers?
if wx python and gui is the only way then it is ok but I will like to
keep this application on the ncurses side.


Re: Secure Python

2006-11-16 Thread krishnakant Mane
after reading all the mails on this thread, I have the following observations.
I am relatively new to python at its development side but very old as
far as using python is concerned.
firstly, talking about gnu/linux there is no question about security.
python, if at all it is non-secure wont harm a linux machine much any ways.
secondly with OS like windows, things will be non-secure, no matter what you do.
and it will be un stable and un secure no matter what language you use.
how far then is python secured or non-secured in its absolute sence?
I need to use python for a very mission critical project.  may be I
will also use zope.
so I will like to know how far I can trust python for security in its
absolute (platform independent ) sence?
I mean running unwanted code at run-time etc.

a newbi problem: can't find complete python curses library

2006-11-02 Thread krishnakant Mane
I am a new member to this list.
I am Krishnakant from India, Mumbai.
I have been coding in python for quite some time and now I am at the
intermediate level of programming as far as python is concerned.
I am going to develop a accounting software that can work on the
console and accessed through ssh from other terminals.
I will like to use the curses or ncurses library for the menus and the
input forms with add, save, delete, update and cancel buttens.
I also need to create drop down menus with a top level menu bar.
I read a few articles about python wrapping curses but can't find some
thing very comprehencive.
my question is,
does python possess a complete wrapper to ncurses and its related
libraries like menu, panel and form?
if yes then where can I find documentation?
I read the python documentation and could manage to find out the
window object but nothing on menus and panels and forms.
thanks and regards.
Please help,