Active Directory ADO strange objects returned

2009-12-11 Thread marc wyburn

I have a script that returns data from active directory using ADO.
Everything works except for any fields that use a time value I get an
instance of an object returned called COMObject GetRows.  I know
it's a time object because if I do object.HighPart or object.LowPart I
get a value back.  The bit I don't understand is how I inspect the
object to work out what it is programmatically.  Do I need to do some
sort of makepy trickery so that the object is understood by Python?  I
have already makepy'd MS ActiveX Data Object 2.8.

thanks, Marc.

Re: gethostbyname blocking

2009-04-24 Thread marc wyburn
On Apr 23, 2:16 pm, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
  marc wyburn (MW) wrote:
 MW Hi, I am writing anasynchronousping app to check if 1000s of hosts
 MW are alive very quickly.  Everything works extremely quickly unless the
 MW host name doesn't have a DNS record.
 MW when calling socket.gethostbynameif there is no record for the host
 MW the result seems to block all other threads.  As an example I have 6
 MW threads running and if I pass the class below a Queue with about 30
 MW valid addresses with one invalid address in the middle the thread that
 MW the exception occurs in seems to block the others.

 What you could do is have two Queues, one with host names, and one with
 results fromgethostbyname. And an additional thread which gets from the
 first queue, callsgethostbynameand puts the results in the second queue.
 The ping threads then should get from the second queue. The lookup
 thread could even do caching of the results if you often have to repeat
 the pings for thew same host.
 Piet van Oostrum
 URL:[PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
 Private email:

Hi, I did try this but the socket blocked for so long that this was a
real bottleneck.  It also seemed that whilst the DNS lookup thread was
blocking the other threads were also blocked.  I guess this may have
something to do with the GIL but I'm still fairly new to threading.  I
ended up using DNSPython which flys along.  I have a thread creating
the ping packets and pinging them and another performing a select and
logging + filtering any ICMP replies.  I may put the DNS code into
another thread but the whole script runs faster than I need it to as
it is, I've got time.sleeps in the ping thread as I'm scared of
saturating the local LAN during work hours.

gethostbyname blocking

2009-04-22 Thread marc wyburn
Hi, I am writing an asynchronous ping app to check if 1000s of hosts
are alive very quickly.  Everything works extremely quickly unless the
host name doesn't have a DNS record.

when calling socket.gethostbyname if there is no record for the host
the result seems to block all other threads.  As an example I have 6
threads running and if I pass the class below a Queue with about 30
valid addresses with one invalid address in the middle the thread that
the exception occurs in seems to block the others.

I'm pretty new to threading so am not sure if my threading code is
wrong or whether I need to look at how gethostbyname?  When there list
is made entirely of valid host names I get the responses back very
very quickly.

class HostThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, Host_Queue):
self.Host_Queue = Host_Queue
def run(self):
while True:
# Create a new IP packet and set its source and
destination addresses.
host = self.Host_Queue.get()
dest_addr, alias, ipaddrlist  =
except socket.gaierror, (errorno, details):
print '%s: %s' %(host,details)
print '%s: %s' %(host, ipaddrlist)

Thanks, Marc.

Re: gethostbyname blocking

2009-04-22 Thread marc wyburn
On Apr 22, 5:19 pm, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 08:08:51 -0700 (PDT), marc wyburn wrote:
 Hi, I am writing an asynchronous ping app to check if 1000s of hosts
 are alive very quickly.  Everything works extremely quickly unless the
 host name doesn't have a DNS record.

 when calling socket.gethostbyname if there is no record for the host
 the result seems to block all other threads.  As an example I have 6
 threads running and if I pass the class below a Queue with about 30
 valid addresses with one invalid address in the middle the thread that
 the exception occurs in seems to block the others.

 If your system doesn't have the gethostbyname_r function, then you can
 only make one gethostbyname_ex call at a time - a call to this function
 will block any other calls to this function, since it is not safe to
 call gethostbyname reentrantly.

 I'm not sure what the easiest way to determine whether Python has found
 gethostbyname_r or not on your system is.  The configure script used to
 build Python will probably tell, but I doubt you have that lying around.
 You could just assume this is the case, since you're observing behavior
 consistent with it. ;)

 An alternate approach would be to use a DNS library which doesn't have
 this restriction.  For example, Twisted includes a DNS library which
 is not implemented in terms of threads.  There are also a couple other
 Python DNS client libraries around.

 This isn't /quite/ the same as using gethostbyname, though, since
 gethostbyname is controlled by system configuration in various ways,
 and may do more than just DNS lookups (in fact, it may even be
 configured not to use DNS at all!).  But it's pretty close, and may
 be close enough for your purposes.


Thanks for the quick response.  I'm using Win32, I don't think there
is a non-blocking gethostbyname avail.  I managed to find some info on
the net but most of it was old and Nix related and I was hoping it was
a bug that had been fixed and I was making a mistake with my threads.
I wrote a simlar script that uses multiprocess and that seemed to have
less problems but I will look at

Thanks, Marc.


Re: pymssql text type

2009-03-12 Thread marc wyburn
On Mar 12, 3:36 pm, (Aahz) wrote:
 [posted and e-mailed, please reply to group]

 In article,
 marcwyburn wrote:

 Hi, I'm trying to pass a text blob to MS SQL Express 2008 but get the
 follwoing error.

 (class 'pymssql.OperationalError', OperationalError(SQL Server
 message 102, severity 15, state 1, line 1:\nIncorrect syntax near
 'assigned'.\n,), traceback object at 0x044ABDF0)

 the string it is having an issue with is

 (\r\n\r\n\tLogon ID:\t\t(0x0,0xE892A8)\r\n\r\n\tLogon Type:\t2\r\n\r

 What is the code you're trying to execute and what is the full traceback?
 Aahz (           *

 All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of    
 indirection.  --Butler Lampson

I can't remember what the original code was but will try to recreate
it.  I ended up using re to remove most of the line breaks and tabs.

pymssql text type

2009-02-20 Thread marc wyburn
Hi, I'm trying to pass a text blob to MS SQL Express 2008 but get the
follwoing error.

(class 'pymssql.OperationalError', OperationalError(SQL Server
message 102, severity 15, state 1, line 1:\nIncorrect syntax near
'assigned'.\n,), traceback object at 0x044ABDF0)

the string it is having an issue with is

(\r\n\r\n\tLogon ID:\t\t(0x0,0xE892A8)\r\n\r\n\tLogon Type:\t2\r\n\r

It looks like SQL is reading the blob, finding the newline codes and
generating an error.  Is there anyway I can get it to ignore the text
and just enter the whole sentance as a string.  I think that some
automatic character encodign might be taking place hence the string is
being read but I can work out whether I need to character encode in
Python, change a table setting in SQL or do something to pymssql.

Thanks, Marc.

Re: confused about classes and tkinter object design

2008-11-27 Thread marc wyburn
On Nov 26, 12:09 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
 marc wyburn a écrit :


  I've created my firstTkinterGUI class which consists of some buttons
  that trigger functions.  I have also created a
  tkFileDialog.askdirectory control to local a root folder for log

  I have several file paths that depend on the value of
  tkFileDialog.askdirectory should I create an object that inherits this
  value or can I point functions at the GUI class?

  I am creating thetkinterGUI instance using;

  if __name__ == __main__:
      GUI = AuditorGUI()

 Note that at this point, the AuditorGUI class is not yet defined, so you
 should get a NameError.


  class AuditorGUI(Frame):

 I assume you have all necessary imports in your real code...

      def __init__(self):
          self.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)

  ##      Create GUI objects

          self.currentdir = StringVar()

          self.logdir = Button(self, text=Choose Data

          self.labeldirpath = Label(self, textvariable=self.currentdir)

      def choose_dir(self):
          dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory
  (parent=self,initialdir=self.currentdir.get(),title='Please select a
          if len(dirname )  0:

  I think I have created an instance of the AuditorGUI class called GUI
  so should be able to access the path using GUI.currentdir but this
  doesn't work.

 does not work is (almost) the less possible usefull description of a
 problem. What happens exactly ? Do you have a traceback ? If so, please
 post the full traceback and error message. Else, please explain what
 result you get. And if possible, post minimal *working* code reproducing
 the problem.

  I'm still struggling with classes so not sure whether my problem is
 tkinterrelated or not.

 Minus the couple problems above (ie: trying to instanciate a
 non-yet-existing class, and lack of necessary imports), it seems correct
 - at least wrt/ class definition and instanciation.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

thanks for your help.  I'm not creating the instances properly.
Everything works as expected if I merge everything into the class.
Time to get the manual out again.  Thanks for pointing me in the right
direction. MW

confused about classes and tkinter object design

2008-11-25 Thread marc wyburn

I've created my first Tkinter GUI class which consists of some buttons
that trigger functions.  I have also created a
tkFileDialog.askdirectory control to local a root folder for log

I have several file paths that depend on the value of
tkFileDialog.askdirectory should I create an object that inherits this
value or can I point functions at the GUI class?

I am creating the tkinter GUI instance using;

if __name__ == __main__:
GUI = AuditorGUI()

class AuditorGUI(Frame):
def __init__(self):
self.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)

##  Create GUI objects

self.currentdir = StringVar()

self.logdir = Button(self, text=Choose Data

self.labeldirpath = Label(self, textvariable=self.currentdir)

def choose_dir(self):
dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory
(parent=self,initialdir=self.currentdir.get(),title='Please select a
if len(dirname )  0:

I think I have created an instance of the AuditorGUI class called GUI
so should be able to access the path using GUI.currentdir but this
doesn't work.

I'm still struggling with classes so not sure whether my problem is
tkinter related or not.

Thanks, MW


variable expansion with sqlite

2008-07-30 Thread marc wyburn
Hi I'm using SQlite and the CSV module and trying to create a class
that converts data from CSV file into a SQLite table.

My script curently uses functions for everything and I'm trying to
improve my class programming.  The problem I'm having is with variable

self.cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO test VALUES (?)', CSVinput)

If CSVinput is a tuple with only 1 value, everything is fine.  If I
want to use a tuple with more than 1 value, I need to add more
question marks.  As I'm writing a class I don't want to hard code a
specific number of ?s into the INSERT statement.

The two solutions I can think of are;
using python subsitution to create a number of question marks, but
this seems very dirty
finding someway to substitue tuples or lists into the statement - I'm
not sure if this should be done using Python or SQLite substitution

Any tips on where to start looking?

Thanks, Marc.

Re: variable expansion with sqlite

2008-07-30 Thread marc wyburn
Hi and thanks,

I was hoping to avoid having to weld qmarks together but I guess
that's why people use things like SQL alchemy instead.  It's a good
lesson anyway.

Thanks, Marc.

On Jul 30, 2:24 pm, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gerhard Häring wrote:
  My code would probably look very similar. Btw you don't need to use
  list() on an iterable to pass to executemany(). pysqlite's executemany()
  accepts anything iterable (so generators work fine, too).

 Thanks for that. My finger-memory told me to do that, possibly
 because some *other* dbapi interface only accepts lists. Can't
 quite remember. I'm usually all in favour of non-crystallised

  Also, with SQLite you can just skip data type definitions like
  VARCHAR(200). They're ignored anyway.

 Heh. Once again, finger memory forced me to put *something*
 in there. I've been developing Enterprise databases for too
 long :)



CSV variable seems to reset

2008-06-18 Thread marc wyburn
Hi, I'm using the CSV module to parse a file using

whitelistCSV_file = open(\\pathtoCSV\\whitelist.csv,'rb')
whitelistCSV = csv.reader(whitelistCSV_file)
for uname, dname, nname in whitelistCSV:
  print uname, dname, nname

The first time I run the for loop the contents of the file is
displayed.  Subsequent attempts to run the for loop I don't get any
data back and no exception.

The only way I can get the data is to run whitelistCSV_file = open(\
\pathtoCSV\\whitelist.csv,'rb') again.

I'm stumped as to how I can get around this or work out what the
problem is, I'm assuming that the 'open' command buffers the data
somewhere and that data is being wiped out by the CSV module but
surely this shouldn't happen.

thanks, Marc.

boolian logic

2008-06-13 Thread marc wyburn
HI all, I'm a bit stuck with how to work out boolian logic.

I'd like to say if A is not equal to B, C or D:
   do something.

I've tried

if not var == A or B or C:
and various permutations but can't seem to get my head around it.  I'm
pretty sure I need to know what is calulated first i.e the not or the

thanks, Marc.

Re: boolian logic

2008-06-13 Thread marc wyburn
On 13 Jun, 10:34, Aidan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 marc wyburn wrote:
  HI all, I'm a bit stuck with how to work outboolianlogic.

  I'd like to say if A is not equal to B, C or D:
     do something.

  I've tried

  if not var == A or B or C:
  and various permutations but can't seem to get my head around it.  I'm
  pretty sure I need to know what is calulated first i.e the not or the

  thanks, Marc.

 You mean like a ternary operation?

   True and 1 or 0
   False and 1 or 0

 This of course depends on the 'true' result also being true.. it fails
 if it is false...

 if that's not what you mean, then maybe this is what you want

 if not var==A or not var==B or not var==C:
      # do something

the not var==A or not var==B or not var==C was what I was after.  I
was being too literal with my script and trying not (A or B or C)
which doesn't work.

Thanks for the help.

Re: write whitespace/tab to a text file

2007-10-19 Thread marc wyburn
On Oct 19, 3:33 pm, dirkheld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would l like to write some data to a text file. I want to write the
 data with whitespace or tabs in between so that I create tabular
 columns like in a spreadsheet. How can I do this in python.
 (btw, I'm new to python)

 names = ['John','Steve','asimov','fred','jim']
 ## output I would like in txt file : John Steve
 asimov  fred jim

 for x in range(len(names)):

I'm not sure exactly but you'll probably need to find out what the
ASCII code is for a tab.  Personally I would just write data straight
into Excel using the win32 extensions.  I'm sure the same can be
achieved with OO on a Linux box.


Re: Please Help !!!

2007-10-19 Thread marc wyburn
On Oct 17, 10:32 am, Heiko Schlierkamp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to update the virus program every day with the new dat file from
 I would like to us a Bat file to go to the web page and download the dat
 file automatically to a specific Directory, that I have created, but my
 problem lays in that the bat file will open the file to be downloaded but
 the bat file does not confirm the save button so that it start to download
 the file, that I still need to do manual. Please advice me with what still
 need to be done!!
 Your help will be very appreciated!!!

 I have added the file so you can see what it does exactly!!

  Heiko Schlierkamp
  Tel: +264 61 275300
  Fax: +264 61 263417
  PO Box 2058, Windhoek, Namibia



I'm not going to open that file I'm afraid and I doubt many others
will either. You are using Python I assume.  Have a look at the urllib
module and the urlretrieve function.


Re: Python for web development ...

2007-08-22 Thread marc wyburn
On Aug 22, 5:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have to do a web based application for my final year project. Since,
 i am only familiar with basic HTML and Java Script, i am totally new
 to this one. My friends are using LAMP (P-PHP). But i want to use
 Python. Is it possible to use Python with Apache and MySQL. Is it
 possible ? Any websites/books ?

 Thank you

there are a number of ways to do it.  I've used mod_python embedded
into Apache and it worked well and I found it easy to pick up and
advanced enough to do pretty much whatever I wanted.  There are in
depth docs and tutorials on the mod_python page. You could also look
at a preconfigured stacks like Turbogears or Django although they may
have many features you don't need.  Have a look at



2007-05-22 Thread marc wyburn
On May 22, 11:29 am, jolly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey guys,

 I want to begin python. Does anyone know where a good starting point


i went through the tutorials on the main site and then followed up
with mark Hammonds book for windows stuff.  I got a few other books as
well to reference but I've found it easy enough to find info for
almost everything on the net.


Re: sound processing modules in python - anyone?

2006-11-07 Thread marc . wyburn
I've had a brief look at this and there isn't a sound orientated
library as such.  You can however use numpy to do stuff like FFTs and
there are there is a wave module in python that will allow you to
create wavs, you can google for importing wav's into numpy arrays.
This seemed like a good idea to me as I think Numpy is written in C or
C++ (or maybe it was fortran).  There seem to be a lot of people using
numpy in a similar way to matlab so there is a fair ammount of the
standard DSP routines have already been written.

 Hi everyone,
 I'm looking for a module for sound processing (manipulating sound objets,
 filters, ffts etc.).
 I tried Snack, but when i downloaded the package that was supposed to be
 for python, there was only the Tk/Tcl stuff (where's the .py ?).
 could anyone help me with that (or with any other sound module for python)?
 thanks in advance,


Re: sound processing modules in python - anyone?

2006-11-07 Thread marc . wyburn
I've had a brief look at this and there isn't a sound orientated
library as such.  You can however use numpy to do stuff like FFTs and
there are there is a wave module in python that will allow you to
create wavs, you can google for importing wav's into numpy arrays.
This seemed like a good idea to me as I think Numpy is written in C or
C++ (or maybe it was fortran).  There seem to be a lot of people using
numpy in a similar way to matlab so there is a fair ammount of the
standard DSP routines have already been written.

 Hi everyone,
 I'm looking for a module for sound processing (manipulating sound objets,
 filters, ffts etc.).
 I tried Snack, but when i downloaded the package that was supposed to be
 for python, there was only the Tk/Tcl stuff (where's the .py ?).
 could anyone help me with that (or with any other sound module for python)?
 thanks in advance,


Re: Slurping All Content of a File into a Variable

2006-10-27 Thread marc . wyburn
myfile_content is an object and you have only opened the file.  Python
doesn't yet know whether you want to read it, copy it etc.

to read it try

text = myfile_content.readlines()
print text

this should be in most tutorials

Wijaya Edward wrote:

 How can we slurp content of a single file
 into one variable?

 I tried this:

  myfile_content = open('somefile.txt')
  print myfile_content,
 open file 'somefile.txt', mode 'r' at 0xb7f532e0

 But it doesn't print the content of the file.

 -- Edward WIJAYA

  Institute For Infocomm Research - Disclaimer -
 This email is confidential and may be privileged.  If you are not the 
 intended recipient, please delete it and notify us immediately. Please do not 
 copy or use it for any purpose, or disclose its contents to any other person. 
 Thank you.


batteries included

2006-10-25 Thread marc . wyburn
Could someone confirm that modules like socket don't use libraries/
dlls on a particular OS, they are completly self contained.

Thanks, Marc.


XML ElementTree Parse.

2006-10-12 Thread marc . wyburn
I'm playing with XML and elementtree and am missing something but I'm
not sure what...? I've create an XML file with Elementtree with a root
of backup.xml.  Attached to the root is a dirob and the dirobj has a
fileobj.  fileobj has filename and filesize tags.  I can open the file
in excel and it sets out the columns as I would expect.  The problem
I'm having is parsing the file. Using..

 file = open('c:\\scripts\\backup.xml', r)
 tree = parse(file)
 elem = tree.getroot()

Doesn't return anything, infact I can't seem to find anything
regardless of what I search for.
Here is the XML.  I've got a list of files and their containing
directories and I want my python script to append to the XML file each
day.  I could have done it with SQL but fancied banging my head on the
wall instead.  Thanks, MW.

- backup.xml
- dirob
- fileob


Re: XML ElementTree Parse.

2006-10-12 Thread marc . wyburn
Thanks Fredrik, thats got me started but just incase anyone looks there
is a slight mistype in your code...

 or you could do something like

 for dir_elem in tree.findall(dirob):
 for file_elem in dirob.findall(fileob):
 print file_elem.findtext(filesize)

 to loop over all directory objects at the top level, and print the sizes for
 all files in those directories.

should read

 for delem in tree.findall(dirob):
... for felem in delem.findall(fileob):
... print felem.findtext(filesize)


ctypes listing dll functions

2006-09-08 Thread marc . wyburn
hi all and before I start I apologise if I have this completely muddled
up but here goes.

I'm trying to call functions from a dll file in a python script but I
can't work out what functions are available. I'm using ctypes.  I've
tried using dir(ctypes_object) but the resultant output looks like a
list of standard functions and not the ones I'm looking for.

Also how can I tell if the dll was written in C or C++ as I understand
C++ dlls can't be used.

I have a header file that starts;

#ifndef __DIRAC__
#define __DIRAC__

// Prototypes

const char *DiracVersion(void);
void *DiracCreate(long lambda, long quality, long numChannels,
float sampleRate, long (*readFromChannelsCallback)(float **data, long
numFrames, void *userData));
void *DiracCreate(long lambda, long quality, long numChannels,
float sampleRate, long (*readFromChannelsCallback)(float *data, long
numFrames, void *userData));
long DiracSetProperty(long selector, long double value, void
long double DiracGetProperty(long selector, void *dirac);
void DiracReset(bool clear, void *dirac);
long DiracProcess(float **audioOut, long numFrames, void *userData,
void *dirac);
long DiracProcess(float *audioOut, long numFrames, void *userData,
void *dirac);
void DiracDestroy(void *dirac);
long DiracGetInputBufferSizeInFrames(void *dirac);

I would have thought that DiracCreate, DiracSetProperty etc were all
callable functions.  As you may have guessed I'm don't do much work in

Thanks, MW.


ctypes listing dll functions

2006-09-08 Thread marc . wyburn
hi all and before I start I apologise if I have this completely muddled
up but here goes.

I'm trying to call functions from a dll file in a python script but I
can't work out what functions are available. I'm using ctypes.  I've
tried using dir(ctypes_object) but the resultant output looks like a
list of standard functions and not the ones I'm looking for.

Also how can I tell if the dll was written in C or C++ as I understand
C++ dlls can't be used.

I have a header file that starts;

#ifndef __DIRAC__
#define __DIRAC__

// Prototypes

const char *DiracVersion(void);
void *DiracCreate(long lambda, long quality, long numChannels,
float sampleRate, long (*readFromChannelsCallback)(float **data, long
numFrames, void *userData));
void *DiracCreate(long lambda, long quality, long numChannels,
float sampleRate, long (*readFromChannelsCallback)(float *data, long
numFrames, void *userData));
long DiracSetProperty(long selector, long double value, void
long double DiracGetProperty(long selector, void *dirac);
void DiracReset(bool clear, void *dirac);
long DiracProcess(float **audioOut, long numFrames, void *userData,
void *dirac);
long DiracProcess(float *audioOut, long numFrames, void *userData,
void *dirac);
void DiracDestroy(void *dirac);
long DiracGetInputBufferSizeInFrames(void *dirac);

I would have thought that DiracCreate, DiracSetProperty etc were all
callable functions.  As you may have guessed I'm don't do much work in

Thanks, MW.


Re: CPU or MB Serial number

2006-07-11 Thread marc . wyburn

Bayazee wrote:
 How can I get CPU Serial number , or motherboard serial number with
 python . I need an idetification of a computer 

 iranian python community --

If you are on a windows box with WMI (2000 or above) you can use
Python, win32com extentions to get it.  The WMI stuff is easily
accessible with Tim Goldens wrapper

 import wmi
 c = wmi.WMI()
 for s in c.Win32_Processor():
... print s

instance of Win32_Processor
AddressWidth = 32;
Architecture = 0;
Availability = 3;
Caption = x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4;
CpuStatus = 1;
CreationClassName = Win32_Processor;
CurrentClockSpeed = 1794;
CurrentVoltage = 15;
DataWidth = 32;
Description = x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4;
DeviceID = CPU0;
ExtClock = 100;
Family = 2;
L2CacheSize = 0;
Level = 15;
LoadPercentage = 7;
Manufacturer = GenuineIntel;
MaxClockSpeed = 1794;
Name =   Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz;
PowerManagementSupported = FALSE;
ProcessorId = 3FEBFBFF0F24;
ProcessorType = 3;
Revision = 516;
Role = CPU;
SocketDesignation = Microprocessor;
Status = OK;
StatusInfo = 3;
Stepping = 4;
SystemCreationClassName = Win32_ComputerSystem;
SystemName = LON42;
UpgradeMethod = 4;
Version = Model 2, Stepping 4;


C++ and Python

2006-03-30 Thread marc . wyburn
I've been learning to write VST plugins in C++ and would like to switch
back to Python.  The first step of writing the plugin is to import the
C++ header files from the Steinberg SDK.  How can I do this in Python.
I've tried looking at SWIG but didn't really understand what it was
trying to do.Should I be using SWIG to create Python versions of
the classes and then go from there or does it create glue code to talk
to the classes.


Re: C++ and Python

2006-03-30 Thread marc . wyburn
sorry accidentally hit post.

has nyone tried this before?  Thanks, Marc.


mod_python, dates, strings and integers

2006-01-26 Thread marc . wyburn
when POSTing a date from an mod_python psp page to another the date is
sent as a string. I'm using form.has_key to pull the POST.  I can cut
the string up,turn the strings into integers and then use
datetime.datetime(y,m,d,hr,mn,se) to create a proper datetime.  Is
there a simpler way of doing this.  I ask as I'm working with SQL and
want to keep as much possible in datetime format to avoid confusion/


post is; monday - 01/01/2006

if form.has_key('day'):
string_day = form['day']
textday  = string_day.split(-,1)[0]
pyday = string_day.split(-,1)[1]
d,m,y = pyday.split('/',2)
d = int(d)
m = int(m)
y = int(y)
today = datetime.datetime(y,m,d)

Thanks, Marc.


Re: simple pythonpath query

2006-01-19 Thread marc . wyburn
Cheers Tim, that sorted it.  I need to re-read the modules section and
namespaces.  Everydays a schoolday. MW.


python create WMI instances

2005-06-10 Thread Marc Wyburn
Hi all, I am struggling with a vb - python code conversion.  I'm using
WMI to create printers on remote machines using (in VB);

set oPrinter = oService.Get(Win32_Printer).SpawnInstance_

oPrinter.DriverName = strDriver
oPrinter.PortName   = strPort
oPrinter.DeviceID   = strPrinter

In python I have logged onto the WMI service on the remote machine and
I can run things like so I know that I am
connected and working OK.  I don't get any errors when I create a new
object with SpawnInstance_ but when I try to set the value of
oPrinter.Drivername I get an error saying that the Drivername object
doesn't exist.  Does anyone know how to set the values of the object
using either the method above or with the WMI module?  I think the WMI
module only allows access to modify methods such ADDPrinterConnection
or Create (from Win32_Service).


using variables with modules

2005-05-05 Thread marc . wyburn
Hi, I am trying to move away from Windows only scripting to Python.
I've written a quick script that will pull the product version from the
client registry.  I can get the IP addresses from a file into a list
and then pull each element in the list using the for loop.  I am
setting each element to a varuable ClientIP.  When I try to use that
variable in _winreg values it is not substituting the element from the
list.  If I type the list value straight into the _winreg command it
works fine. The IPaddresses in the list are surrounded by quotes.  So

1. can I use variables with modules? (I have assumed that I can!)
2. does putting quotes around the IPaddress in the list create a
problem (my list is something like [,]

I've also tried not having the list elements in quotes and using %s
substitution in the _winreg command.

Any help would be much appreciated, Cheers, MW.

#Query ProductName in windows Registry

import _winreg
import sys

readfile = open(c:\scripts\ip.txt, 'r')
IPList = readfile.readlines()

for ClientIP in IPList:
print ClientIP
key = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(ClientIP, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
hkey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)
OSver=_winreg.QueryValueEx( hkey, ProductName)
print OSver

print Exiting Script


Re: using variables with modules

2005-05-05 Thread marc . wyburn
thanks runes, that makes sense, time for me to go off and read some
more about strip and try:

Cheers, MW.
