Re: Can't run program

2020-05-19 Thread Yong Pang


Ryan Harrington wrote:

Hi - I'm not the least bit technical. Trying to learn through YouTube. I've
gotten exit code 1, 2, 106. Tried setting up the project interpreter and
can't figure it out. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything and
still having problems. Any feedback appreciated.

You should be able to paste the code here before anyone others can help you.


Re: gmail api

2017-02-09 Thread Kelvid Pang
On Tuesday, 7 February 2017 14:22:32 UTC+8, Kelvid Pang  wrote:
> hi,
> I am trying to gmail api with reference to this URL: 
> But I couldn't find the 'gmail-python-quickstart.json' file. Any one can 
> help? thanks.

First of all, I have figured out the gmail api. thanks for those who give me 
the guide, apparently I didn't follow the guide 100%.

Side note, why reply in the email doesn't appear at the here, so 
other viewers can also know the status of the thread?

gmail api

2017-02-06 Thread Kelvid Pang

I am trying to gmail api with reference to this URL:

But I couldn't find the 'gmail-python-quickstart.json' file. Any one can help? 

[issue25406] OrderedDict.move_to_end may cause crash in python 3.5

2015-10-14 Thread Snivy Pang

Changes by Snivy Pang <>:

nosy: +Snivy Pang

Python tracker <>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: a potential pep to extend the syntax of for loops

2009-03-10 Thread pang
 This idea has already been proposed and rejected.  But discuss away as
 you wish ;=).


Where is that? I didn't see any related pep's. Could you post a link?

Re: a potential pep to extend the syntax of for loops

2009-03-10 Thread pang

 Sorry, no.


well, thank you

Even now it's difficult to find the discussion, but at least I know
about python-ideas.

Thanks to all that replied.

a potential pep to extend the syntax of for loops

2009-03-09 Thread pang
  This is an idea about something I'd like to see implemented in
I understand that's the purpose of PEPs, so I'll write it as a PEP,
send it here to receive your valuable feedback.


This is a proposal to increase the richness of for loops, only to the
extent that it equals that of list and generator comprehensions. In
opinion of the proponent, this will make the language more uniform and
would reduce the excessive level of nesting that is required
without introducing special keywords, or breaking backwards

This PEP is independent of, but related to PEP 3142.

The syntax of a for loop is restricted to the following:
for element in list:

Nesting for loops and conditionals is possible, of course:
for x in list1:
for y in list2:
if condition(x,y):

However, for list and generator comprehensions, the syntax is more
list=[func(x,y,..) for x in list1 for y in list2 ... if

Loops and comprehensions serve for similar purposes, and sometimes
was first written in one way is finally changed into the other. Thus
would be convenient to allow for more similar syntax in both of them.
This requires that the syntax of a for loop allows for nested for and
conditionals (and possibly while loops (see PEP 3142))

for x in list1 for y in list2 ... if condition(x,y,...):

In general, whenever
 [expression1  iterator]
is a valid list comprehension, then
should be a valid loop.

As another example, it is sometimes the case that an iteration over
lists can be rewritten as a single iteration:
 for x in range(10) for y in range(10)  if x+y==5:
 print x,y
is equivalent to
 for x in range(6):
 print x,5-y
it is somewhat more conceptual to think of the first iteration as a
single loop.

It is actually possible to come very close to the notation proposed
using the generator comprehensions introduced in python 2.5:
 for x,y in ((x,y) for x in range(10) for y in range(10)  if
 print x,y
but this notation is cumbersome.

This PEP responds to the philosophy that if a nesting level is unused,
it should be avoided. For example, in the code:

 for x in list1:
 for y in list2:
if cond(x,y):

the second nesting  level doesn't contain any statements and thus,
should this PEP be passed, it should be written:

 for x in list1:
 for y in list2 if cond(x,y):


Re: a potential pep to extend the syntax of for loops

2009-03-09 Thread pang
 for x in range(10) for y in range(10) if x+y==5:
 print x,y

 What is that supposed to mean? Nested looping? Why is that (confusing
 thing) better than:

 from itertools import product

 for x, y in product(range(10), range(10)) if x + y == 5:
      print x, y

That confusing thing is what you use every day for list and generator

But I didn't know that python 2.6 incorporated itertools.product (I
use 2.5, and didn't search hard enough)

I agree that itertools.product is a perfectly nice solution

 +1 on the if and (possibly) while conditional looping.
 -1 on shorthand nested for.

same thing here, now that I know about itertools.product

transmit an array via socket

2007-10-27 Thread Jeff Pang
I want to transmit an array via socket from a host to another.
How to do it? thank you.

Largest network of startups. Find new startup opportunities. Click here.


Re: [ANN] Python courses this Fall

2007-08-23 Thread Jeff Pang
Sounds good.How about the costs for those lessons?thanks.

-- wesley chun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Folks, I'd like to announce my final Python courses for 2007:

Need to get up-to-speed with Python as quickly as possible? Come join
me, Wesley Chun, author of Prentice-Hall's well-received Core Python
Programming, for another set of courses this Fall in beautiful
Northern California! This will be the final set for 2007... if you
miss these, you'll have to wait until next year. I look forward to
meeting you!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is course is meant for those new to Python and/or want to get
more in-depth formal training. We will immerse you in the world of
Python in only a few days.  We will show you more than just its syntax
(which you don't really need a book to learn, right?). Knowing more
about how Python works under the covers, including the relationship
between data objects and memory management, will make you a much more
effective Python programmer coming out of the gate.  3 hands-on labs
each day will help hammer the concepts home.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This 1-day course will introduce current Python programmers to 3
distinct areas of Internet programming, each in self-contained modules
with a set of lab exercises following each lecture topic:

Network Programming using Sockets -- Underneath all of today's network
protocols, i.e., HTTP, FTP, RDBMS, IM, e-mail, etc., lies the main
communication mechanism, sockets. Here, we introduce client/server
architecture and how to program sockets using Python.

Internet Client Programming -- One level above the socket layer are
well-known Internet protocols such as FTP, NNTP, POP3, and SMTP.  In
this section, we learn how to create Internet clients of these
protocols to transfer files, send and receive e-mail, and read Usenet
newsgroup postings.

Web/CGI Programming -- Yes, pure CGI is sooo yesterday, but before
you jump on all the web framework bandwagons, it's a good idea to
learn basics and the basis of how all web servers deliver dynamic
content back to the client browser so that you can appreciate all the
work that is done on your behalf by a more fully-featured frame- work.
Time-permitting, we will also give a high-level overview of one of the
more popular Python web frameworks, Django.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WHERE: near the San Francisco Airport (SFO/San Bruno), CA, USA

WEB: (click Python Training)

LOCALS: easy freeway (101/280/380) with lots of parking plus public
transit (BART and CalTrain) access via the San Bruno stations, easily
accessible from all parts of the Bay Area

VISITORS: free shuttle to/from the airport, free high-speed internet,
free breakfast and regular evening receptions; fully-equipped suites

See website for costs, venue info, and registration.  Discounts are
available for multiple registrations as well as for teachers/students.

Hope to see you there!
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Core Python Programming, Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

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Re: Python Newbie Suggestions

2007-05-16 Thread Jeff Pang
I'm interested in konwing that for python and perl,which is easier 
for start?

Please note: message attached

As a newbie, Python has my vote for beginners. It is easy to get started
with some quick and satisfying scripts but tricky to learn good OOP form.
That's why I highly recommend the Programming Python Part 1 article that
just came out in the June 2007 Linux Journal. You can use some of the
sections in it to explain classes and instances to the kids.

And I'd cast a second vote for
