Re: xlrd 0.8.0 released!

2012-08-03 Thread pruebauno
On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 11:01:56 AM UTC-4, Chris Withers wrote:
 Hi All,
 I'm pleased to announce the release of xlrd 0.8.0:
 This release finally lands the support for both .xls and .xlsx files.
 Many thanks to John Machin for all his work on making this happen.
 Opening of .xlsx files is seamless, just use xlrd as you did before and 
 it all should just work.
 xlrd 0.8.0 is also the first release that that targets Python 2.6 and 
 2.7, but no Python 3 just yet. Python 2.5 and below may work but are not 
 supported. If you need to use Python 2.5 or earlier, please stick to 
 xlrd 0.7.x.
 Speaking of xlrd 0.7.x, that's now in requested maintenance only mode 
 ;-) That means, if possible, use 0.8.x. If you have a really good reason 
 for sticking with 0.7.x, and you find a bug that you can't work around, 
 then please make this clear on the and 
 we'll see what we can do.
 If you find any problems, please ask about them on the list, or submit 
 an issue on GitHub:
 Full details of all things Python and Excel related can be found here:
 Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting

Congrats! Being able to read Office 2007 files will be very useful. Looking 
forward to the Python 3 support.

Re: interval arithmetic libraries

2009-06-08 Thread pruebauno
On Jun 6, 8:15 am, srepmub wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm looking for libraries that allow one to calculate with sets of
 (date) intervals. So for example, I'd like to be able to calculate the
 overlap between two sets of intervals, the union etc. Preferrably,
 this works with datetime objects, is written in pure Python, and has
 reasonably good (algorithmic) performance. The neatest library I've
 found so far is this one:

 From an API standpoint, it looks rather nice, but the performance
 could be better (for example, calculating an overlap now involves
 looping quadratically over both interval sets), and it doesn't work
 fully with datetime objects (Inf doesn't work).

 Thanks for any pointers,
 Mark Dufour.
 (author of Shedskin, an experimental (restricted-)Python-to-C++

For some pointers look at this thread where I posted a similar

I am surprised that libraries to do that are not more common. I guess
everybody rolls his own.

Re: fastest way to test file for string?

2009-06-05 Thread pruebauno
On Jun 5, 7:50 am, kj wrote:
 Hi.  I need to implement, within a Python script, the same
 functionality as that of Unix's

    grep -rl some_string some_directory

 I.e. find all the files under some_directory that contain the string

 I imagine that I can always resort to the shell for this, but is
 there an efficient way of doing it within Python?

 (BTW, portability is not high on my list here; this will run on a
 Unix system, and non-portable Unix-specific solutions are fine with


You can write your own version of grep in python using os.walk, open,
read and find. I don't know why one would want to do that unless for
portability reasons. It will be pretty hard to beat grep in efficiency
and succinctness. The most sensible thing IMHO is a shell script or
call grep using os.system (or using subprocess).

Re: DUDA !!!!!!!!!!

2009-06-05 Thread pruebauno
On Jun 4, 2:51 pm, Ariel Vazquez Riveron
   Hoy en día me encuentro iniciandome dentro del python, en estos  
 momentos quiero saber de que forma puedo eliminar un archivo de un  
 compactado, ya sea zip, rar o cualquier otro. Estudie las librerías  
 zipfile pero no tiene ninguna funcion que me permita hacerlo. Trabajo  
 con python 2.5

 salu2 Ariel

 This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

En esta lista la mayoria no entiende castellano sino ingles. Mejor
pregunta en esta lista:

Re: Illegal seek with os.popen

2009-06-04 Thread pruebauno
On Jun 3, 3:36 pm, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article, wrote:
 Should I open a bug report for this?

 Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Sep 19 2007, 14:58:06) [C] on aix5
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import os
 open file 'cat', mode 'w' at 0x110111990

 Python 3.1rc1 (r31rc1:73054, Jun  1 2009, 10:49:24) [C] on aix5
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 641, in popen
     return _wrap_close(io.TextIOWrapper(proc.stdin), proc)
 IOError: [Errno 29] Illegal seek

 What happens in 2.6 and 3.0?
 Aahz (           *

 Given that C++ has pointers and typecasts, it's really hard to have a
 serious conversation about type safety with a C++ programmer and keep a
 straight face.  It's kind of like having a guy who juggles chainsaws
 wearing body armor arguing with a guy who juggles rubber chickens wearing
 a T-shirt about who's in more danger.  --Roy Smith,, 2004.05.23

Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Jun  4 2009, 16:07:26) [C] on aix5
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import os
open file 'cat', mode 'w' at 0x1101ab4f8

Python 3.0.1 (r301:69556, Jun  4 2009, 16:07:22) [C] on aix5
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import os
os._wrap_close object at 0x1103e5748

So it seems to be something in 3.1 that causes it to fail.
BTW it is not like I use os.popen a lot. I found this problem while
trying to use help().

Python 3.1rc1 (r31rc1:73054, Jun  1 2009, 10:49:24) [C] on aix5
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 429, in __call__
return*args, **kwds)
  File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 1709, in __call__
  File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 1756, in help
else: doc(request, 'Help on %s:')
  File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 1505, in doc
pager(render_doc(thing, title, forceload))
  File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 1320, in pager
  File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 1340, in lambda
return lambda text: pipepager(text, 'less')
  File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 1359, in pipepager
pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'w')
  File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 641, in popen
return _wrap_close(io.TextIOWrapper(proc.stdin), proc)
IOError: [Errno 29] Illegal seek


Illegal seek with os.popen

2009-06-01 Thread pruebauno
Should I open a bug report for this?

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Sep 19 2007, 14:58:06) [C] on aix5
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import os
open file 'cat', mode 'w' at 0x110111990

Python 3.1rc1 (r31rc1:73054, Jun  1 2009, 10:49:24) [C] on aix5
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /Python-3.1rc1/Lib/, line 641, in popen
return _wrap_close(io.TextIOWrapper(proc.stdin), proc)
IOError: [Errno 29] Illegal seek


Re: Is there a better way to chose a slice of a list?

2009-05-09 Thread pruebauno
On May 8, 3:03 pm, walterbyrd wrote:
 This works, but it seems like there should be a better way.

 week = ['sun','mon','tue','wed','thu','fri','sat']
 for day in week[week.index('tue'):week.index('fri')]:
    print day

Depending on the context this style might help:

 week = ['sun','mon','tue','wed','thu','fri','sat']
 tue_fri = slice(week.index('tue'), week.index('fri'))
 for day in week[tue_fri]:
print day

But I don't really see it as an improvement unless you are using those
intervals repeatedly.

Re: Python 3.1 beta 1

2009-05-08 Thread pruebauno
On May 7, 11:57 am, wrote:
 Equality tests between OrderedDict objects are order-sensitive and are 
 implemented as list(od1.items())==list(od2.items()). Equality tests between 
 OrderedDict objects and other Mapping objects are order-insensitive

 very nice idea.

I don't know if somebody else is interested but I wouldn't mind
support to OrderedDict and namedtuple in the csv module:

Have csv.DictReader return an OrderedDict instead of a regular one
(based on the order of the column names in the header line).

Have csv.DictWriter accept an OrderedDict. That would take care of

Note that unlike the DictReader class, the fieldnames parameter of
the DictWriter is not optional. Since Python’s dict objects are not
ordered, there is not enough information available to deduce the order
in which the row should be written to the csvfile.

Add a new csv.NamedTupleReader and csv.NamedTupleWriter that work
similar to the DictReader and DictWriter then this snippet (in

EmployeeRecord = namedtuple('EmployeeRecord', 'name, age, title,
department, paygrade')
import csv
for emp in map(EmployeeRecord._make, csv.reader(open(employees.csv,
print(, emp.title)

Could be rewritten as:

import csv
for emp in csv.NamedTupleReader(employees.csv):
print(, emp.title)

Also, is there a way to convert a OrderedDict into a namedtuple? It is
possible to go the other direction using namedtuple._asdict, but I
don't see a _fromdict method.

And thanks Steven and Raymond for the Counter class. Several people
had started to see the common pattern and now we have it in the

Re: Python 3.1 beta 1

2009-05-08 Thread pruebauno
On May 7, 6:33 pm, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
  pruebauno at writes:



  Is it just me or was some nice summary output added to the make
  process? I get a nice list of modules that didn't compile and the ones
  where the library could not be found.

 Are you compiling on a different platform? The nice output has been around 
 for a
 while, bu only on non-Windows platforms.

Not really, I was on AIX. It is probably just me then, probably
because for the first time I see it making it through the whole
process even with the Tkinter libraries missing.

Re: Python 2.6, File read() problems in Windows Xp

2009-05-08 Thread pruebauno
On May 8, 5:08 am, Li Wang wrote:
 Hi  Dave:
 Thank you very much for you explanation:)

  Chances are you forgot the b parameter to open().  Unnecessary in Unix, it
  tells the library to *not* translate \r\n  to \n upon read, or the inverse
  on write.  In other words, with the b parameter, the file is read in

 So, if I am using python in Linux, do open('file', 'r') and
 open('file', 'rb') work the same way?


 Best regards,

In old Python up to 2.6, YES.

Re: I'm intrigued that Python has some functional constructions in the language.

2009-05-08 Thread pruebauno
On May 8, 3:04 pm, Casey Hawthorne wrote:
 I'm intrigued that Python has some functional constructions in the

 Would it be possible to more clearly separate the pure code (without
 side effects) from the impure code (that deals with state changes,
 I/O, etc.), so that the pure code could be compiled and have
 aggressive functional transformations applied to it for efficiency.

 That way, the syntax would be a lot easier to understand, than most
 functional languages, like Haskell.

 I gave a presentation at the beginning of last year on Haskell and at
 the end, someone's comment was, I can see the benefits of functional
 programming but why does it have to be so cryptic.

Don't forget that the Python interpreter is simple. It makes
maintenance easier and allows embedding it into other programs. Good
optimizing compilers for functional languages are not simple. Your
idea would be something that could be added to the PyPy project in the

Re: Python 3.1 beta 1

2009-05-07 Thread pruebauno
On May 6, 9:32 pm, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
 On behalf of the Python development team, I'm thrilled to announce the first 
 only beta release of Python 3.1.

 Python 3.1 focuses on the stabilization and optimization of features and 
 Python 3.0 introduced.  For example, the new I/O system has been rewritten in 
 for speed.  File system APIs that use unicode strings now handle paths with
 undecodable bytes in them. [1] Other features include an ordered dictionary
 implementation and support for ttk Tile in Tkinter.  For a more extensive list
 of changes in 3.1, see
 Misc/NEWS in the Python distribution.

 Please note that this is a beta release, and as such is not suitable for
 production environments.  We continue to strive for a high degree of quality,
 but there are still some known problems and the feature sets have not been
 finalized.  This beta is being released to solicit feedback and hopefully
 discover bugs, as well as allowing you to determine how changes in 3.1 might
 impact you.  If you find things broken or incorrect, please submit a bug 

 For more information and downloadable distributions, see the Python 3.1 

 See PEP 375 for release schedule details:

 -- Benjamin

 Benjamin Peterson
 benjamin at
 Release Manager
 (on behalf of the entire python-dev team and 3.1's contributors)


Is it just me or was some nice summary output added to the make
process? I get a nice list of modules that didn't compile and the ones
where the library could not be found.

Re: print(f) for files .. and is print % going away?

2009-04-30 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 30, 8:30 am, Esmail wrote:
 Matt Nordhoff wrote:
  Esmail wrote:
  Hello all,

  I use the print method with % for formatting my output to
  the console since I am quite familiar with printf from my
  C days, and I like it quite well.

  I am wondering if there is a way to use print to write
  formatted output to files?

  Also, it seems like I read that formatting with print is
  going away eventually and we should start using something
  else? Is that true and if so, what?


 Hi Matt,

  String formatting has nothing to do with the print statement/function.
  It's an operator, just like doing foo + bar; you can use it wherever
  you want.

 Ah .. so this means I could use this formatting with the
 write method for files .. that is great news (you don't
 want to see the ugly code I put together there .. :-)

  Also see for
  information on the replacement for the old string formatting, Python
  2.6's new str.format().

 Will do .. so do you think it's good to move to the new format,
 or will the older one still be around for a while?

 Thanks again!


There is also the Template class in the stdlib string module, for unix
shell/perl style formatting.

The old mod (%) formatting will be around in 3.1 and that version not
even out yet, so it will be around for a couple more years at the very
least. Although the new format is more powerful and slightly less
error prone, there is so much old code using % that there is
resistance to drop it. The printf format is also well known among C
programmers. One thing many Python programmers don't like is that it
is a single character operator (%). It makes formatting hard to spot.
Maybe printf formatting will be moved to some module in the stdlib in
the future as a compromise.

I hope that the information will help you decide what to use.

Re: dict is really slow for big truck

2009-04-29 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 29, 1:05 pm, Scott David Daniels wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  d = {}
  for line in open(thefile):
     arr = line.strip().split()
     d[arr[0]] = arr

 Sorry, not picking on Bruno in particular, but I keep seeing
 this formulation around various places.
 When does line.strip().split() ever differ from line.split()?

 --Scott David Daniels

They don't.
It is probably out of habit of using the generalized idiom:
['a', 'b', 'c']
['a', 'b', 'c\n']

Re: Help AIX 5.3 build on Python-3.1a2

2009-04-29 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 28, 10:07 am, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmo...@in- wrote:
 -On [20090427 20:31], ( wrote:

 ./Modules/ld_so_aix xlc_r -q64 -bI:Modules/python.exp build/
 temp.aix-5.3-3.1//ptst/Python-3.1a2/Modules/_tkinter.o build/
 temp.aix-5.3-3.1//ptst/Python-3.1a2/Modules/tkappinit.o -L/usr/X11R6/
 lib64 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -ltk8.3 -ltcl8.3 -lX11 -o
 ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l tk8.3
         ld:open(): A file or directory in the path name does not

 Well, do you have TK installed? It seems so, but are the paths passed to the
 compiler/linker correct (-L) for locating

 Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmodai(-at-) / asmodai
 イェルーン ラウフロック ヴァン デル ウェルヴェン|| 
 GPG: 2EAC625B
 Time is a twofold teacher, harsh and yet patient like no-one...

I don't think I have tk. Since it is the last thing to build it's not
a problem. At that point I just call it a successful compilation :-).
Python still works fine regardless.

Re: Help AIX 5.3 build on Python-3.1a2

2009-04-27 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 26, 5:14 am, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmo...@in- wrote:
 -On [20090425 19:17], Aahz ( wrote:

 In article, wrote:
 Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-213 (S) Macro name TILDE cannot be
 Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-358 (I) TILDE is defined on line
 250 of /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.

 Can you try trimming down the compilation to a small reproducible case?

 I thought it was already clear from what was provided?

 Include/token.h has a #define for TILDE and apparently AIX has a #define for
 TILDE in /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h as well. So you can a redefinition.

 One way around it, depending how AIX protects headers might be to change
 Include/token.h to either:

 #if defined(_SYS_IOCTL_H_)
 #undef TILDE
 #define TILDE           32


 #if defined(aix)
 #undef TILDE
 #define TILDE           32

 Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmodai(-at-) / asmodai
 イェルーン ラウフロック ヴァン デル ウェルヴェン|| 
 GPG: 2EAC625B
 A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose...

Thanks Jeroen. I know that AIX isn't as supported as other platforms,
but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway. At least now everybody
can search for that particular problem and find something. I will
experiment a little bit and see if I make it compile.

Re: Help AIX 5.3 build on Python-3.1a2

2009-04-27 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 27, 10:26 am, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmo...@in- wrote:
 -On [20090427 15:00], ( wrote:

 Thanks Jeroen. I know that AIX isn't as supported as other platforms,
 but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway. At least now everybody
 can search for that particular problem and find something. I will
 experiment a little bit and see if I make it compile.

 I'll be interested to see if that fixes it. I have had to support a bunch of
 different Unix systems over the years compile-wise, but I don't think AIX
 was one of them though, so I might be a bit rusty there.

 Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmodai(-at-) / asmodai
 イェルーン ラウフロック ヴァン デル ウェルヴェン|| 
 GPG: 2EAC625B
 What is the short meaning of this long speech..?

Yes, I tried them and either way fixes it. But this was with version 6
of the xlc compiler and it later gave me this error:

xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Python/symtable.o Python/symtable.c

Python/symtable.c, line 767.50: 1506-068 (S) Operation between types
struct _object* and int is not allowed.
Python/symtable.c, line 826.55: 1506-068 (S) Operation between types
struct _object* and int is not allowed.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.

I gave up and found a machine with xlc version 8 installed. Using that
version gave me a bunch of warnings instead but it compiled. Just for
the curious this is (more or less) what it looks like (long text

(//ptst/Python-3.1a2)  make
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Modules/python.o ./Modules/python.c
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/acceler.o Parser/acceler.c
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-236 (W) Macro name TILDE has been
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-358 (I) TILDE is defined on line
250 of /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/grammar1.o Parser/grammar1.c
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-236 (W) Macro name TILDE has been
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-358 (I) TILDE is defined on line
250 of /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/listnode.o Parser/listnode.c
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-236 (W) Macro name TILDE has been
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-358 (I) TILDE is defined on line
250 of /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/node.o Parser/node.c
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/parser.o Parser/parser.c
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-236 (W) Macro name TILDE has been
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-358 (I) TILDE is defined on line
250 of /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.
Parser/parser.c, line 32.31: 1506-1298 (W) The subscript 1500 is out
of range. The valid range is 0 to 1499.
Parser/parser.c, line 293.45: 1506-1298 (W) The subscript 1500 is
out of range. The valid range is 0 to 1499.
Parser/parser.c, line 314.29: 1506-1298 (W) The subscript 1500 is
out of range. The valid range is 0 to 1499.
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/parsetok.o Parser/parsetok.c
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-236 (W) Macro name TILDE has been
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-358 (I) TILDE is defined on line
250 of /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/bitset.o Parser/bitset.c
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/metagrammar.o Parser/metagrammar.c
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/firstsets.o Parser/firstsets.c
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-236 (W) Macro name TILDE has been
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-358 (I) TILDE is defined on line
250 of /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/grammar.o Parser/grammar.c
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-236 (W) Macro name TILDE has been
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-358 (I) TILDE is defined on line
250 of /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/pgen.o Parser/pgen.c
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-236 (W) Macro name TILDE has been
Include/token.h, line 42.9: 1506-358 (I) TILDE is defined on line
250 of /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -
DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Parser/myreadline.o Parser/myreadline.c
xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O2  -I. -IInclude -I./Include   -

Help AIX 5.3 build on Python-3.1a2

2009-04-24 Thread pruebauno
OPT=-O2 LDFLAGS=-s ./configure --prefix=/ptst --with-gcc=xlc_r -q64
--with-cxx=xlC_r -q64 --disable-ipv6 AR=ar -X64 --without-locale --

checking for --with-universal-archs... 32-bit
checking MACHDEP... aix5
checking machine type as reported by uname -m... 00023AAA4C00
checking for --without-gcc... xlc_r -q64
checking for gcc... xlc_r -q64
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... no
checking whether xlc_r -q64 accepts -g... yes
checking for xlc_r -q64 option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for --with-cxx-main=compiler... no
checking for c++... no
checking for g++... no
checking for gcc... no
checking for CC... no
checking for cxx... no
checking for cc++... no
checking for cl... no
checking how to run the C preprocessor... xlc_r -q64 -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for AIX... yes
checking for --with-suffix...
checking for case-insensitive build directory... no
checking LIBRARY... libpython$(VERSION).a
checking LINKCC... $(srcdir)/Modules/makexp_aix Modules/python.exp . $
checking for --enable-shared... no
checking for --enable-profiling...
checking LDLIBRARY... libpython$(VERSION).a
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for ar... ar -X64
checking for svnversion... not-found
checking for a BSD-compatible install... ./install-sh -c
checking for --with-pydebug... no
checking whether xlc_r -q64 accepts -OPT:Olimit=0... no
checking whether xlc_r -q64 accepts -Olimit 1500... no
checking whether pthreads are available without options... yes
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking asm/types.h usability... no
checking asm/types.h presence... no
checking for asm/types.h... no
checking conio.h usability... no
checking conio.h presence... no
checking for conio.h... no
checking curses.h usability... yes
checking curses.h presence... yes
checking for curses.h... yes
checking direct.h usability... no
checking direct.h presence... no
checking for direct.h... no
checking dlfcn.h usability... yes
checking dlfcn.h presence... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking errno.h usability... yes
checking errno.h presence... yes
checking for errno.h... yes
checking fcntl.h usability... yes
checking fcntl.h presence... yes
checking for fcntl.h... yes
checking grp.h usability... yes
checking grp.h presence... yes
checking for grp.h... yes
checking ieeefp.h usability... no
checking ieeefp.h presence... no
checking for ieeefp.h... no
checking io.h usability... no
checking io.h presence... no
checking for io.h... no
checking langinfo.h usability... yes
checking langinfo.h presence... yes
checking for langinfo.h... yes
checking libintl.h usability... yes
checking libintl.h presence... yes
checking for libintl.h... yes
checking ncurses.h usability... no
checking ncurses.h presence... no
checking for ncurses.h... no
checking poll.h usability... yes
checking poll.h presence... yes
checking for poll.h... yes
checking process.h usability... no
checking process.h presence... no
checking for process.h... no
checking pthread.h usability... yes
checking pthread.h presence... yes
checking for pthread.h... yes
checking shadow.h usability... no
checking shadow.h presence... no
checking for shadow.h... no
checking signal.h usability... yes
checking signal.h presence... yes
checking for signal.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes
checking stropts.h usability... yes
checking stropts.h presence... yes
checking for stropts.h... yes
checking termios.h usability... yes
checking termios.h presence... yes
checking for termios.h... yes
checking thread.h usability... no
checking thread.h presence... no
checking for thread.h... no
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking utime.h usability... yes
checking utime.h presence... yes
checking for utime.h... yes
checking sys/audioio.h usability... no
checking sys/audioio.h presence... no
checking for sys/audioio.h... no
checking sys/bsdtty.h usability... no
checking sys/bsdtty.h presence... no
checking for sys/bsdtty.h... no
checking sys/epoll.h usability... no
checking sys/epoll.h presence... no
checking for sys/epoll.h... no
checking sys/event.h usability... no
checking sys/event.h presence... no
checking for sys/event.h... no
checking sys/file.h usability... yes
checking sys/file.h presence... yes
checking for sys/file.h... yes
checking sys/loadavg.h usability... no
checking sys/loadavg.h presence... no
checking for sys/loadavg.h... no

Re: Python, MS SQL, and batch inserts

2009-04-22 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 21, 5:21 pm, Scott David Daniels wrote: wrote:
  On Apr 21, 4:01 pm, wrote:
  On Apr 21, 3:36 pm, Scott David Daniels wrote:
   I forget the name of the SQL Server bulk loader, 

 bcp (bulk copy) was the name of the bulk loader.  I just remembered.

 Sorry, no more exciting advice.  it does sound like a good idea to go
 to a SQL Server group.

 --Scott David Daniels

For MS SQL try:

BULK INSERT AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail
FROM ''drive:\path\filename''

Re: Help improve program for parsing simple rules

2009-04-20 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 17, 5:32 pm, Paul McGuire wrote:
 On Apr 17, 2:40 pm, wrote:

  On Apr 17, 11:26 am, Paul McGuire wrote:

   On Apr 16, 10:57 am, wrote:

Another interesting task for those that are looking for some
interesting problem:
I inherited some rule system that checks for programmers program
outputs that to be ported: given some simple rules and the values it
has to determine if the program is still working correctly and give
the details of what the values are. If you have a better idea of how
to do this kind of parsing please chime in. I am using tokenize but
that might be more complex than it needs to be. This is what I have
come up so far:

   I've been meaning to expand on pyparsing's example for
   a while, to include the evaluation of the parsed tokens.  Here is the
   online version,,
   it will be included in version 1.5.2 (coming shortly).  I took the
   liberty of including your rule set as a list of embedded test cases.

   -- Paul

  That is fine with me. I don't know how feasible it is for me to use
  pyparsing for this project considering I don't have admin access on
  the box that is eventually going to run this. To add insult to injury
  Python is in the version 2-3 transition (I really would like to push
  the admins to install 3.1 by the end of the year before the amount of
  code written by us gets any bigger) meaning that any third party
  library is an additional burden on the future upgrade. I can't
  remember if pyparsing is pure Python. If it is I might be able to
  include it alongside my code if it is not too big.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

 It *is* pure Python, and consists of a single source file for the very
 purpose of ease-of-inclusion.  A number of projects include their own
 versions of pyparsing for version compatibility management, matplotlib
 is one that comes to mind.

 The upcoming version 1.5.2 download includes a file
 for Python 3 compatibility, I should have that ready for users to
 download *VERY SOON NOW*!

 -- Paul

I will consider it. I have to admit that although it looks like it is
a very good solution, it is also longer and more complex than my
current code. Having to explicitly define standard python evaluation
and semantics is a bit overkill.

Re: when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for python 3 ?

2009-04-20 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 20, 9:47 am, Deep_Feelings wrote:
 every one is telling dont go with python 3 , 3rd party tools and
 libraries have no compitability with python 3

 so from previous experience : when can i expect libraries and third
 party tools to be updated for python 3 ? (especially libraries )

I predict: one year.



Re: Help improve program for parsing simple rules

2009-04-17 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 16, 3:59 pm, Aaron Brady wrote:
 On Apr 16, 10:57 am, wrote:

  Another interesting task for those that are looking for some
  interesting problem:
  I inherited some rule system that checks for programmers program
  outputs that to be ported: given some simple rules and the values it
  has to determine if the program is still working correctly and give
  the details of what the values are. If you have a better idea of how
  to do this kind of parsing please chime in. I am using tokenize but
  that might be more complex than it needs to be. This is what I have
  come up so far:

           '( A - B ) = 0',
           '(A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I) = J',
           '(A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H) = I',
           '(A + B + C + D + E + F) = G',
           '(A + B + C + D + E) = (F + G + H + I + J)',
           '(A + B + C + D + E) = (F + G + H + I)',
           '(A + B + C + D + E) = F',
           '(A + B + C + D) = (E + F + G + H)',
           '(A + B + C) = (D + E + F)',
           '(A + B) = (C + D + E + F)',
           '(A + B) = (C + D)',
           '(A + B) = (C - D + E - F - G + H + I + J)',
           '(A + B) = C',
           '(A + B) = 0',
           '(A+B+C+D+E) = (F+G+H+I+J)',
           '(A+B+C+D) = (E+F+G+H)',
           '(G + H) = I',
           '-0.99 LE ((A+B+C)-(D+E+F+G)) LE 0.99',
           '-0.99 LE (A-(B+C)) LE 0.99',
           '-1000.00 LE A LE 0.00',
  def main():
      for cur_rule in rules[20:26]:
          rep_out=''.join(x[0]+x[1] for x in rep)
          calc_out=''.join(x[0]+x[1] for x in calc)


 You are using 'eval' which isn't safe if its inputs are dangerous.  If
 you are controlling the inputs, you might be interested in the
 optional arguments to 'eval'.

  a= '-1000.00  A  0.00'
  eval( a, { 'A': -100 } )
  eval( a, { 'A': -1000 } )


 The syntax is slightly different for Python 2.  For the replacement of
 'LE', I assume you require spaces on both sides.

  a= '-1000.00 LE A LE 0.00'
  b= a.replace( ' LE ', ' = ' )

 '-1000.00 = A = 0.00' eval( b, { 'A': -1000 } )
  eval( b, { 'A': -1001 } )


 If you need something more flexible, the 'ast' module gives you more
 options.  The string has to be a valid Python module to start with.

 FYI, have you checked order of precedence in your custom rule set to
 match Python's?

I know about evals implication of safety. Rules are defined by the
programmers so I don't worry too much about it at this point. They
should know better than messing up their application server. Unless
there is some easier way to do it I am willing to take the risk.
Precedence is standard math, we can always add some extra parenthesis
to the rules, I don't thing the old system would mind.

I thought about using eval with a locals dictionary, but they want
output of the intermediate values. I want to avoid the situation where
the intermediate output does not match what eval is doing.

Re: Help improve program for parsing simple rules

2009-04-17 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 16, 9:29 pm, John Machin wrote:
 On Apr 17, 1:57 am, wrote:

  COMP_REPLACERS={'LT':'', 'GT':'', 'LE':'=', 'GE':'=', '=':'==',
  '=':'=', '=':'='}

 What do the '=' and '=' represent? Why are you replacing each by

because of this:

I didn't want to create a separate variable. Those are dubious anyway,
I haven't seen one in all of our current rules and it generates a
syntax error in Python so I took them out:

COMP_REPLACERS={'LT':'', 'GT':'', 'LE':'=', 'GE':'=', '=':'=='}

And before somebody else points it out. This line:

(TOK.NUMBER,str(vars_.get(x[1],x[1]))) if x[0]==TOK.NAME

should really be:

(TOK.NUMBER,str(vars_[x[1]])) if (x[0]==TOK.NAME and x[1] in vars_)

Re: Help improve program for parsing simple rules

2009-04-17 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 17, 11:26 am, Paul McGuire wrote:
 On Apr 16, 10:57 am, wrote:

  Another interesting task for those that are looking for some
  interesting problem:
  I inherited some rule system that checks for programmers program
  outputs that to be ported: given some simple rules and the values it
  has to determine if the program is still working correctly and give
  the details of what the values are. If you have a better idea of how
  to do this kind of parsing please chime in. I am using tokenize but
  that might be more complex than it needs to be. This is what I have
  come up so far:

 I've been meaning to expand on pyparsing's example for
 a while, to include the evaluation of the parsed tokens.  Here is the
 online version,,
 it will be included in version 1.5.2 (coming shortly).  I took the
 liberty of including your rule set as a list of embedded test cases.

 -- Paul

That is fine with me. I don't know how feasible it is for me to use
pyparsing for this project considering I don't have admin access on
the box that is eventually going to run this. To add insult to injury
Python is in the version 2-3 transition (I really would like to push
the admins to install 3.1 by the end of the year before the amount of
code written by us gets any bigger) meaning that any third party
library is an additional burden on the future upgrade. I can't
remember if pyparsing is pure Python. If it is I might be able to
include it alongside my code if it is not too big.

Help improve program for parsing simple rules

2009-04-16 Thread pruebauno
Another interesting task for those that are looking for some
interesting problem:
I inherited some rule system that checks for programmers program
outputs that to be ported: given some simple rules and the values it
has to determine if the program is still working correctly and give
the details of what the values are. If you have a better idea of how
to do this kind of parsing please chime in. I am using tokenize but
that might be more complex than it needs to be. This is what I have
come up so far:

 '( A - B ) = 0',
 '(A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I) = J',
 '(A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H) = I',
 '(A + B + C + D + E + F) = G',
 '(A + B + C + D + E) = (F + G + H + I + J)',
 '(A + B + C + D + E) = (F + G + H + I)',
 '(A + B + C + D + E) = F',
 '(A + B + C + D) = (E + F + G + H)',
 '(A + B + C) = (D + E + F)',
 '(A + B) = (C + D + E + F)',
 '(A + B) = (C + D)',
 '(A + B) = (C - D + E - F - G + H + I + J)',
 '(A + B) = C',
 '(A + B) = 0',
 '(A+B+C+D+E) = (F+G+H+I+J)',
 '(A+B+C+D) = (E+F+G+H)',
 '(G + H) = I',
 '-0.99 LE ((A+B+C)-(D+E+F+G)) LE 0.99',
 '-0.99 LE (A-(B+C)) LE 0.99',
 '-1000.00 LE A LE 0.00',
 '-5000.00 LE A LE 0.00',
 'A  B',
 'A  7000',
 'A = -(B)',
 'A = C',
 'A = 0',
 'A GT 0',
 'A GT 0.00',
 'A GT 7.00',
 'A LE B',
 'A LT -1000.00',
 'A LT -5000',
 'A LT 0',
 'I = (G + H)',
 '0.00 LE A LE 4.00',
 '4.00 LT A LE 7.00'
vars_={'A': 0, 'B': 1.1, 'C': 2.2, 'D': 3.3, 'E': 4.4, 'F': 5.5, 'G':
6.6, 'H':7.7, 'I':8.8, 'J':9.9}

import tokenize as TOK
import StringIO as SIO

COMP_REPLACERS={'LT':'', 'GT':'', 'LE':'=', 'GE':'=', '=':'==',
'=':'=', '=':'='}

def get_tokens(string):
return [x[:2] for x in TOK.generate_tokens(SIO.StringIO

def replace_comps(toks,repl):
return [(TOK.OP, repl[x[1]]) if x[1] in repl else x for x in toks]

def replace_names(norm,vars_):
return [(TOK.NUMBER,str(vars_.get(x[1],x[1]))) if x[0]==TOK.NAME
else x for x in norm]

def split_seccions(subs,comp_split):
for type_,value in subs:
if value in comp_split:
return g

def all_seccions(grps):
return [(TOK.untokenize(lst),comper) for lst,comper in grps]

def calc_seccions(rep):
return [(str(eval(comp,{},{})),comper) for comp,comper in rep]

def calc_deltas(calc):
return [eval(calc[i][0]+'-'+calc[i+1][0],{},{}) for i in range(len

def main():
for cur_rule in rules[20:26]:
rep_out=''.join(x[0]+x[1] for x in rep)
calc_out=''.join(x[0]+x[1] for x in calc)
print 'Values:',', '.join(str(key)+': '+str(val) for key,val
in sorted(vars_.iteritems()))
print 'Read rule:   ',cur_rule
print 'Used rule:   ',TOK.untokenize(normal)
print 'Substitution:',rep_out
print 'Calculation: ',calc_out
print 'Result:  ','Successful' if result else 'Failed'
if  not result and '==' in calc_out:
print 'Difference:  ',', '.join(map(str,deltas))
print '='*40

if __name__=='__main__': main()

Re: complaints about no replies last week

2009-04-01 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 31, 4:07 pm, Arnaud Delobelle wrote: writes:


  Well since I attracted a couple people's attention I will describe the
  problem in more detail. Describing the problem properly is probably as
  hard as solving it, so excuse me if I struggle a bit.

  The problem is for a health insurance company and involves the period
  of time a person is covered. Most insurance companies allow not only
  for the main member to be insured but his family: the spouse and the
  dependents (children). This additional coverage costs extra but less
  than a full new insurance. So for example if Alice buys an insurance
  worth at 100 dollars a month, she can insure her husband Bob for an
  additional 50 dollars. Under certain circumstances Alice may go off
  the insurance and only Bob stays. In that case the price goes back to
  100 dollars or maybe there is a deal for 80 or something like that. In
  other words the cost of the insurance is dependent on the combination
  of family members that participate in it. Additionally not only do we
  have different family compositions but also different insurance
  products. So you can get medical, dental and vision insurance.

  All that data is stored in a database that is not very tidy and looks
  something like this:

  First Day of Coverage, Last Day of Coverage, Relationship, Product
  5/3/2005, 5/3/2005, D, M
  9/10/2005, 10/10/2005, S, V
  3/15/2005, 7/15/2005, M, M
  3/1/2005, 6/1/2005, S, M
  5/15/2005, 7/20/2005, D, D
  9/10/2005, 1/1/2140, M, V
  2/1/2005, 5/3/2005, M, M

  Relationship: M=Main Member, S=Spouse, D=Dependent
  Product: M=Medical, D=Dental, V=Vision

  As far as I know at the present time there are no deals based on
  combination of products purchased so we will handle each product
  independently. What I want is a simple algorithm that allows me to
  calculate something like this out of it (hopefully I didn’t make a

  2/1/2005, 2/28/2005, M
  3/1/2005, 5/2/2005, MS
  5/3/2005, 5/3/2005, MSD
  5/4/2005, 6/1/2005, MS
  6/2/2005, 7/15/2005, M

  5/15/2005, 7/20/2005, D

  9/10/2005, 10/10/2005, MS
  10/11/2005, 1/1/2140, M

 OK the approach I describe in my previous email works fine for this
 particular problem. I implement it below - the function walk_ivals is at
 the heart of it, I've made it as simple as possible and it's pretty
 clear that it is O(nlogn).

 The function that actually sorts the data is union(), and it's just a
 call to walk_ivals with callback the function acc() which is constant
 time, therefore union() itself has the same complexity as walk_ivals.

 There are no comments - I don't have the time to add any, sorry!

 import datetime
 from collections import defaultdict

 def walk_ivals(ivals, callback, endvals=(-1, 1)):
     endpoints = [(x, data) for ival, data in ivals for x in zip(ival, 
     for (endpoint, endval), data in endpoints:
         callback(endpoint, endval, data)

 def union(ivals):
     timelines = defaultdict(list)
     mult = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
     def acc(date, step, data):
         rel, prod = data
         old_mult = mult[prod][rel]
         mult[prod][rel] -= step
         if not(old_mult and mult[prod][rel]):
             rels = [rel for rel, m in mult[prod].iteritems() if m]
             if timelines[prod] and timelines[prod][-1][0] == date:
                 timelines[prod][-1][1] = rels
                 timelines[prod].append([date, rels])
     walk_ivals(ivals, acc)
     return timelines

 test_data = 5/3/2005, 5/3/2005, D, M
 9/10/2005, 10/10/2005, S, V
 3/15/2005, 7/15/2005, M, M
 3/1/2005, 6/1/2005, S, M
 5/15/2005, 7/20/2005, D, D
 9/10/2005, 1/1/2140, M, V
 2/1/2005, 5/3/2005, M, M

 def parse_date(date_string):
     month, day, year = map(int, date_string.split('/'))
     return, month, day)

 def parse_data(data_string):
     data = []
     for line in data_string.split(\n):
         start, end, rel, prod = line.split(,)
         start, end = map(parse_date, (start + datetime.timedelta(1), end))
         rel, prod = rel.strip(), prod.strip()
         data.append([(start, end), (rel, prod)])
     return data

 def test():
     ivals = parse_data(test_data)
     timelines = union(ivals)
     for prod, timeline in timelines.iteritems():
         print -*20
         print Product, prod
         for date, covers in timeline:
             print date, '  '.join(covers)

 if __name__ == '__main__':

 Here is what it outputs:

 marigold:junk arno$ python
 Product M
 2005-02-01 M
 2005-03-01 S  M
 2005-05-03 S  M  D
 2005-05-04 S  M
 2005-06-02 M
 Product D
 2005-05-15 D
 Product V

Re: complaints about no replies last week

2009-03-31 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 31, 2:56 am, Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
 Arnaud Delobelle wrote: writes:
   I myself asked about how to write a library to efficiently do union
   and intersection of sets containing time intervals some time ago on
   this list and got little to no answers. It is a tricky problem. Since
   I was getting paid I got an O(n*n) solution working. People on this
   list on the other hand do not get paid and answer whatever strikes
   their fancy. Sometimes the question is hard or confusing and nobody is
   motivated enough to answer.

  I wasn't around when you posted this I guess. Do you mean intervals sets
  on the (real) number line such as:

        1-3, 6-10 meaning all numbers between 1 and 3 and all numbers
        between 6 and 10.

  In this case I think you can achieve union and intersection in O(nlogn)
  where n is the total number of intervals in the interval sets to unify
  or intersect. There is an implementation below. I have chosen a very
  simple data structure for interval sets: an interval set is the list of
  its endpoints. E.g.

      1-3, 6-10 is the list [1, 3, 6, 10]

  This means that I can't specify whether an interval is closed or open.
  So in the implementation below all intervals are assumed to be open.
  The method could be made to work for any kind of intervals with the same
  complexity, there would just be a few more LOC.  I'm focusing on the
  principle - here it is:

  # Implementation of union and intersection of interval sets.

  from itertools import *

  def combine(threshold, intsets):
      endpoints = sorted(chain(*imap(izip, intsets, repeat(cycle([1,-1])
      height = 0
      compound = []
      for x, step in endpoints:
          old_height = height
          height += step
          if max(height, old_height) == threshold:
      return compound

  def union(*intsets):
      return combine(1, intsets)

  def intersection(*intsets):
      return combine(len(intsets), intsets)

  # tests

  def pretty(a):
      a = iter(a)
      return ', '.join(%s-%s % (a, b) for a, b in izip(a, a))

  tests = [
      ([1, 5, 10, 15], [3, 11, 13, 20]),
      ([2, 4, 6, 8], [4, 7, 10, 11]),
      ([0, 11], [5, 10, 15, 25], [7, 12, 13, 15]),

  for intsets in tests:
      print sets: , ; .join(imap(pretty, intsets))
      print union: , pretty(union(*intsets))
      print intersection: , pretty(intersection(*intsets))
      print -*20

  Is this what you were looking for?


 I realised after posting last night that I must be

 (1) solving the wrong problem
 (2) solving it badly

 - My implementation of the combine() function above is O(nlogn)
 (because of the sorted() call) whereas it could be O(n) by iterating
 over the interval in the parallel manner, hence (2).  This would make
 union() and intersection() O(n).

 - As the problem was solved by the OP in O(n^2) I must be solving the
 wrong problem (1).

 I apologise for this.

 However it was a nice and compact implementation IMHO :)


I am pretty sure the problem can be solved in O(n log n). I just
wasn't feeling overly smart when I was writing the algorithm. N is on
average 4 and it had eventually to be implemented inside a framework
using C++ anyway, so it is pretty fast. I can’t believe that no
programmer has come over the same kind of problem before, yet my
Google fu didn’t do anything for me.

Well since I attracted a couple people's attention I will describe the
problem in more detail. Describing the problem properly is probably as
hard as solving it, so excuse me if I struggle a bit.

The problem is for a health insurance company and involves the period
of time a person is covered. Most insurance companies allow not only
for the main member to be insured but his family: the spouse and the
dependents (children). This additional coverage costs extra but less
than a full new insurance. So for example if Alice buys an insurance
worth at 100 dollars a month, she can insure her husband Bob for an
additional 50 dollars. Under certain circumstances Alice may go off
the insurance and only Bob stays. In that case the price goes back to
100 dollars or maybe there is a deal for 80 or something like that. In
other words the cost of the insurance is dependent on the combination
of family members that participate in it. Additionally not only do we
have different family compositions but also different insurance
products. So you can get medical, dental and vision insurance.

All that data is stored in a database that is not very tidy and looks
something like this:

First Day of Coverage, Last Day of Coverage, Relationship, Product
5/3/2005, 5/3/2005, D, M
9/10/2005, 10/10/2005, S, V
3/15/2005, 7/15/2005, M, M
3/1/2005, 6/1/2005, S, M
5/15/2005, 7/20/2005, D, D
9/10/2005, 1/1/2140, M, V
2/1/2005, 5/3/2005, M, 

Re: complaints about no replies last week

2009-03-30 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 28, 11:07 am, Aaron Brady wrote:

 A week ago, I posted a question and an idea about Python's garbage
 collector.  I got a few replies.  Some days later, I posted a mock-up
 implementation of it, and got *NO* replies.  Does this mean:

 a) It works
 b) It doesn't work
 c) It's not particularly applicable to Python at that point
 d) It's not news

 Thanks and sincerely.

 P.S.  Non-plugging 

e) It is a hard or complex problem that requires significant
investment of time on a problem or approach that few people are
interested in at the moment.

f) The description is confusing or incomplete or the source code is
long and difficult to read.

I myself asked about how to write a library to efficiently do union
and intersection of sets containing time intervals some time ago on
this list and got little to no answers. It is a tricky problem. Since
I was getting paid I got an O(n*n) solution working. People on this
list on the other hand do not get paid and answer whatever strikes
their fancy. Sometimes the question is hard or confusing and nobody is
motivated enough to answer.

Re: Programming Python 4th Edition?

2009-03-27 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 26, 10:08 pm, Esmail wrote:

 Does anyone know if there is a 4th edition of this book planned
 and if so, when it might be coming out?

 It looks like a good and comprehensive book but is getting a bit

 And I guess since I'm asking this, I might as well be asking what
 your favorite, comparable Python book might be :-)


Make sure that Programming Python is what you want. I was very
disappointment with it (First edition) because I was expecting
something like the Perl Camel book and it isn't.

It isn't a introduction to the Python language like Learning Python,
it doesn't work as reference like Python in a Nutshell, it doesn't
contain short idiomatic code like Python Cookbook. What you are left
with is different application domains and how to apply Python to them.
The book is excellent if you want to do Network, GUI, Databases, etc.
but poor if you want to learn about Python the core language. The
title of the book should be changed from Programming Python to
Applied Python so newcomers to the language don't buy it by mistake.
Even the preface says that it is about application-level programming
in Python. The book is pretty much 4 books in 1:
  System programming in Python
  Tkinter programming in Python
  Internet programming in Python
  Database and Persistence programming in Python

In my opinion an experienced programmer that wants to learn Python the
language should buy Nutshell and somebody new to programming in
general Learning. You should buy Programming only if you need to
develop in one of the Domains covered in the book.

Re: Another form of dynamic import

2009-03-25 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 25, 10:23 am, Marco Nawijn wrote:

 In short I would like to know if somebody knows if it is possible to
 re-execute a statement that raised an exception? I will explain the
 reason by providing a small introduction on why this might be nice in
 my case
 and some example code.

 I am using the python bindings to a *very* large C++ library. About
 5000 classes divided over approx. 450 different
 packages are exposed through the Python interface. To reduce the
 number of import statements that need to be inserted and to limit the
 number of wildcard imports it would be very helpful if class names
 could be automatically imported from the proper module. There is no
 problem in finding out the proper module given a (valid) class name.

 As an example, look at the following statement

  aPoint = gp_Pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)     # Oops, this will raise a NameError, 

                                                       # gp_Pnt class
 is unknown

 NameError: name 'gp_Pnt' is not defined

 As indicated, this will raise a NameError exception. What I would like
 to do is something like the following (pseudo-code):

     aPoint = gp_Pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)    [1]

 except NameError, e:

      name = e.args[0].split[1]

      if isValid(name):
 === Can I go back to statement [1] from this point?
          raise e

 There is no problem in catching the exception, finding out which name
 is unknown to python and check if this is a valid name for my library.
 My question is, is there any possibility of going back to the
 statement that raised the error, re-execute the statement and

 Thanks for any thoughts and suggestions.


You can always use a loop:

while True:

aPoint = gp_Pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)[1]

except NameError, e:
if recover:
name = e.args[0].split[1]
if isValid(name):
raise e


Re: Unit testing frameworks

2009-03-24 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 24, 8:06 am, wrote:
 I am looking for a unit testing framework for Python. I am aware of
 nose, but was wondering if there are any others that will
 automatically find and run all tests under a directory hierarchy.

 Thanks, Ralph


Re: improve this newbie code/nested functions in Python?

2009-03-20 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 19, 10:21 pm, Esmail wrote:

 I'm new to writing Python code. This is a simple client I wrote, it
 works, but I feel it doesn't look as clean as it could. Can anyone
 make suggestions how to streamline this code?

 Also, I am using two nested functions, it seems that nested functions
 aren't used that much in Python - is that correct? And if so, how



 ps: I realize there is minimal error checking/exception handling.

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 import sys
 from socket import *
 from threading import Thread

 class Client(object):
     def __init__(self, host=localhost, port=, name = esmail):
         self._host = host
         self._port = port
         self._name = name
         self._address=(self._host, self._port)
         self._sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
         self._parent = self
         self._keepGoing = True

     def info(self):
         return self._host, self._port, self._name

     class Listener(Thread):
        def __init__(self, parent, tname=listener):
            Thread.__init__(self,name = tname)
            self._parent = parent
            print self._parent._host

        def run(self):

            while self._parent._keepGoing:
                m = self._parent._sock.recvfrom(1024)
                print m[0]

     class Speaker(Thread):
        def __init__(self, parent, tname = speaker):
            Thread.__init__(self,name = tname)
            self._parent = parent
            self._parent._sock.send(self._parent._name + \n)

        def run(self):

                m = raw_input(- )
                if m == bye:
                    self._parent._sock.send(self._parent._name +  is
 signing off.\n)
                    self._parent._keepGoing = False
                    self._parent._sock.send(m + \n)

 def main():

     if len(sys.argv) == 4:  # prog name + 3 args
         host = sys.argv[1]
         port = int(sys.argv[2])
         name = sys.argv[3]
         c = Client(host, port, name)
         c = Client()

     print Client connecting to - host=%s  port=%d   name=%s %

     s = Client.Speaker(c)

     l = Client.Listener(c)


How about renaming the Client to SocketConfig, Listener to
ClientListener and Speaker to ClientSpeaker and put all at the same
level. The you can do this:

 c = SocketConfig(host, port, name)
 s = ClientSpeaker(c)
 l = ClientListener(c)

the other option would be to create a Speaker and Listener factory in
Client that returns Speakers and Listeners so you can do:

c = Client(host, port, name)
s = c.Speaker()
l = c.Listener()


Re: How complex is complex?

2009-03-19 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 19, 1:25 pm, Paul Hildebrandt
 On Mar 19, 9:41 am, Kottiyath wrote:

  On Mar 19, 9:33 pm, Kottiyath wrote:

   On Mar 19, 8:42 pm, Paul McGuire wrote:

On Mar 19, 4:39 am, Kottiyath wrote:

 I understand that my question was foolish, even for a newbie.
 I will not ask any more such questions in the future.

Gaaah! Your question was just fine, a good question on coding style.
I wish more people would ask such questions so that bad habits could
be avoided.

The newbie posts that are annoying are the ones that:
- are answered on page 1 of any tutorial (how do I get the second
character of a string?)
- are obvious homework assignments with no actual effort on the
poster's part (how do I write a Python program to find the first 10
prime numbers?)
- pontificate on what is wrong with Python, based on 2 hours'
experience with the language (often titled What's wrong with Python,
with content like Python sucks because it doesn't have a switch
statement/has significant whitespace/doesn't check types of arguments/
isn't totally object-oriented like Java/doesn't have interfaces/...)
- are so vague as to be just Usenet noise (titled Help me, with no
content, or i need to write a program and don't know where to start
can someone write it for me?)

I think Daniel's joke was on the rest of us, who each had to chime in
with our favorite dict processing algorithm.

It *would* be good for you as a newbie to get an appreciation of the
topics that were covered in these responses, though, especially the
distinction between updating the dict in-place vs. creating a new

-- Paul

   Daniel, Sorry for misunderstanding your post. I hope I was not being
   passive-aggresive - (also because I found that the second mechanism I
   provided was quite horrible :-), so I was indeed being foolish
   there. )

   Paul/Aahz, I did understand 2 things
   (1) When using map always consider that the function will be called
   everytime, so the hit on the performance is more.
   (2) The second mechanism and the first mechanism provides different
   solutions (new dict/same dict)
   both of which I did not think about at all.

   Also, thank you everyone for all the help. I have been following this
   thread for the last 4 months (when I started with python) and I have
   learned a lot. The amount of help provided here is amazing.

   p.s. - English is indeed not my first language :-)

  Oops, Forgot to mention the biggest learning.

  Readability is better than brevity -

 I rewrote your sentence to be more optimized.

 Readability  brevity


  Thanks to Rhodri.

  This was a question which was bugging me all the time. When I look at
  code, I am always envious when I see the same code written in much
  smaller number of lines. Now, I will force myself to ask the questions
  Rhodri proposed (esp: does it look uglier part) before deciding
  whether or not to go ahead with brevity.

sometimes: brevity==Readability

but as in many things the trick is in finding the right tradeoff. I am
willing to accept some trivial amount of additional complexity if it
means I have to read less lines of code, but I have my limits too. I
aim for a comprehension speed of 2-10 lines per minute for somebody
proficient in the language.

Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-13 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 13, 7:06 am, Tim Rowe wrote:
 2009/3/12 Raymond Hettinger

  If anyone here is interested, here is a proposal I posted on the
  python-ideas list.

  The idea is to make numbering formatting a little easier with the new
  format() builtin
  in Py2.6 and Py3.0:

 As far as I can see you're proposing an amendment to *encourage*
 writing code that is not locale aware, with the amendment itself being
 locale specific, which surely has to be a regressive move in the 21st
 century. Frankly, I'd sooner see it made /harder/ to write code that
 is not locale aware (warnings, like FxCop gives on .net code?) tnan
 /easier/. Perhaps that's because I'm British, not American and I'm
 sick of having date fields get the date wrong because the programmer
 thinks the USA is the world. It makes me sympathetic to the problems
 caused to others by programmers who think the English-speaking world
 is the world.

 By the way, to others who think that 123,456.7 and 123.456,7 are the
 only conventions in common use in the West, no they're not. 123 456.7
 is in common use in engineering, at least in Europe, precisely to
 reduce (though not eliminate) problems caused by dot and comma

 Tim Rowe

I lived in three different countries and in school used blank for
thousand separator to avoid confusion with the multiply operator. I
think this proposal is more for debugging big numbers and meant mostly
for programmers' eyes. We are already using the dot instead of comma
decimal separator in our programming languages that one more
Americanism won't kill us.

I am leaning towards proposal 1 now just to avoid the thousand
variations that will be requested because of this, making the
implementation unnecessarily complex. I can always use the 3
replacement hack (conveniently documented in the pep).

+1 for Nick's proposal

Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 12, 3:30 am, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 If anyone here is interested, here is a proposal I posted on the
 python-ideas list.

 The idea is to make numbering formatting a little easier with the new
 format() builtin
 in Py2.6 and Py3.0:



     Provide a simple, non-locale aware way to format a number
     with a thousands separator.

     Adding thousands separators is one of the simplest ways to
     improve the professional appearance and readability of
     output exposed to end users.

     In the finance world, output with commas is the norm.  Finance
     and non-professional programmers find the locale approach to be
     frustrating, arcane and non-obvious.

     It is not the goal to replace locale or to accommodate every
     possible convention.  The goal is to make a common task easier
     for many users.

 Research so far:

     Scanning the web, I've found that thousands separators are
     usually one of COMMA, PERIOD, SPACE, or UNDERSCORE.  The
     COMMA is used when a PERIOD is the decimal separator.

     James Knight observed that Indian/Pakistani numbering systems
     group by hundreds.   Ben Finney noted that Chinese group by

     Visual Basic and its brethren (like MS Excel) use a completely
     different style and have ultra-flexible custom format specifiers
     like: _($* #,##0_).

 Proposal I (from Nick Coghlan]:

     A comma will be added to the format() specifier mini-language:


     The ',' option indicates that commas should be included in the
 output as a
     thousands separator. As with locales which do not use a period as
     decimal point, locales which use a different convention for digit
     separation will need to use the locale module to obtain

     The proposal works well with floats, ints, and decimals.  It also
     allows easy substitution for other separators.  For example:

         format(n, 6,f).replace(,, _)

     This technique is completely general but it is awkward in the one
     case where the commas and periods need to be swapped.

         format(n, 6,f).replace(,, X).replace(., ,).replace
 (X, .)

 Proposal II (to meet Antoine Pitrou's request):

     Make both the thousands separator and decimal separator user
     but not locale aware.  For simplicity, limit the choices to a
 comma, period,
     space, or underscore..

     [[fill]align][sign][#][0][minimumwidth][T[tsep]][dsep precision]


         format(1234, 8.1f)    --     '  1234.0'
         format(1234, 8,1f)    --     '  1234,0'
         format(1234, 8T.,1f)  --     ' 1.234,0'
         format(1234, 8T .f)   --     ' 1 234,0'
         format(1234, 8d)      --     '    1234'
         format(1234, 8T,d)      --   '   1,234'

     This proposal meets mosts needs (except for people wanting
     for hundreds or ten-thousands), but it comes at the expense of
     being a little more complicated to learn and remember.  Also, it
 makes it
     more challenging to write custom __format__ methods that follow
     format specification mini-language.

     For the locale module, just the T is necessary in a formatting
     since the tool already has procedures for figuring out the actual
     separators from the local context.

 Comments and suggestions are welcome but I draw the line at supporting
 Mayan numbering conventions ;-)


As far as I am concerned the most simple version plus a way to swap
around commas and period is all that is needed. The rest can be done
using one replace (because the decimal separator is always one of two
options). This should cover everywhere but the far east. 80% of cases
for 20% of implementation complexity.

For example:


 format(1234, .8.1f)  -- ' 1.234,0'
 format(1234, ,8.1f)  -- ' 1,234.0'


Re: Candidate for a new itertool

2009-03-12 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 7, 8:47 pm, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 The existing groupby() itertool works great when every element in a
 group has the same key, but it is not so handy when groups are
 determined by boundary conditions.

 For edge-triggered events, we need to convert a boundary-event
 predicate to groupby-style key function.  The code below encapsulates
 that process in a new itertool called split_on().

 Would love you guys to experiment with it for a bit and confirm that
 you find it useful.  Suggestions are welcome.



 from itertools import groupby

 def split_on(iterable, event, start=True):
     'Split iterable on event boundaries (either start events or stop
     # split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'.__eq__, True)  -- X1 X23 X456 X
     # split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'.__eq__, False) -- X 1X 23X 456X
     def transition_counter(x, start=start, cnt=[0]):
         before = cnt[0]
         if event(x):
             cnt[0] += 1
         after = cnt[0]
         return after if start else before
     return (g for k, g in groupby(iterable, transition_counter))

 if __name__ == '__main__':
     for start in True, False:
         for g in split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'.__eq__, start):
             print list(g)

     from pprint import pprint
     boundary = '--===2615450625767277916==\n'
     email = open('email.txt')
     for mime_section in split_on(email, boundary.__eq__):
         pprint(list(mime_section, 1, None))
         print '= = ' * 30

For me your examples don't justify why you would need such a general
algorithm. A split function that works on iterables instead of just
strings seems straightforward, so maybe we should have that and
another one function with examples of problems where a plain split
does not work.
Something like this should work for the two examples you gave were the
boundaries are a known constants (and therefore there is really no
need to keep them. I can always add them later):

def split_on(iterable, boundary):
for el in iterable:
if el!=boundary:
yield l
yield l

def join_on(iterable, boundary):
for el in it:
yield boundary
for x in el:
yield x

if __name__ == '__main__':
for g in split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'):
print list(g)
print list(join_on(lst,'X'))

Re: Candidate for a new itertool

2009-03-10 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 9, 6:55 pm, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

  The data often contains objects with attributes instead of tuples, and
  I expect the new namedtuple datatype to be used also as elements of
  the list to be processed.

  But I haven't found a nice generalized way for that kind of pattern
  that aggregates from a list of one datatype to a list of key plus
  output datatype that would make it practical and suitable for
  inclusion in the standard library.

 Looks like you've searched the possibilities thoroughly and no one
 aggregation function seems to meet all needs.  That's usually a cue
 to not try to build one and instead let simple python loops do the
 work for you (that also saves the awkward itemgetter() calls in your
 examples).  To my eyes, all three examples look like straight-forward,
 easy-to-write, easy-to-read, fast plain python:

  d = defaultdict(int)
  for color, n, info in data:
 ...     d[color] += n

 [('blue', 6), ('yellow', 3), ('red', 4)]

  d = defaultdict(list)
  for color, n, info in data:

 ...     d[color].append(n) d.items()

 [('blue', [5, 1]), ('yellow', [3]), ('red', [2, 2])]

  d = defaultdict(set)
  for color, n, info in data:
 ...     d[color].add(n)

 [('blue', set([1, 5])), ('yellow', set([3])), ('red', set([2]))]

 I don't think you can readily combine all three examples into a single
 aggregator without the obfuscation and awkwardness that comes from
 parameterizing all of the varying parts:

 def aggregator(default_factory, adder, iterable, keyfunc, valuefunc):
    d = defaultdict(default_factory)
    for record in iterable:
        key = keyfunc(record)
        value = valuefunc(record)
        adder(d[key], value)
    return d.items()

  aggregator(list, list.append, data, itemgetter(0), itemgetter(1))

 [('blue', [5, 1]), ('yellow', [3]), ('red', [2, 2])] aggregator(set, 
 set.add, data, itemgetter(0), itemgetter(1))

 [('blue', set([1, 5])), ('yellow', set([3])), ('red', set([2]))]

 Yuck!  Plain Python wins.


 P.S. The aggregator doesn't work so well for:

  aggregator(int, operator.iadd, data, itemgetter(0), itemgetter(1))

 [('blue', 0), ('yellow', 0), ('red', 0)]

 The problem is that operator.iadd() doesn't have a way to both
 and store back into a dictionary.

Yes thinking about this more, one probably needs to have two code
paths depending if the type returned by default_factory is mutable or
immutable. But you are probably right that the ratio of redundancy/
variability is pretty low for such a function and the plain written
out for loop is not too painful. The only redundancy is the creation
and manipulation of the dictionary and the explicit looping.


Re: Candidate for a new itertool

2009-03-09 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 7, 8:47 pm, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 The existing groupby() itertool works great when every element in a
 group has the same key, but it is not so handy when groups are
 determined by boundary conditions.

 For edge-triggered events, we need to convert a boundary-event
 predicate to groupby-style key function.  The code below encapsulates
 that process in a new itertool called split_on().

 Would love you guys to experiment with it for a bit and confirm that
 you find it useful.  Suggestions are welcome.



 from itertools import groupby

 def split_on(iterable, event, start=True):
     'Split iterable on event boundaries (either start events or stop
     # split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'.__eq__, True)  -- X1 X23 X456 X
     # split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'.__eq__, False) -- X 1X 23X 456X
     def transition_counter(x, start=start, cnt=[0]):
         before = cnt[0]
         if event(x):
             cnt[0] += 1
         after = cnt[0]
         return after if start else before
     return (g for k, g in groupby(iterable, transition_counter))

 if __name__ == '__main__':
     for start in True, False:
         for g in split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'.__eq__, start):
             print list(g)

     from pprint import pprint
     boundary = '--===2615450625767277916==\n'
     email = open('email.txt')
     for mime_section in split_on(email, boundary.__eq__):
         pprint(list(mime_section, 1, None))
         print '= = ' * 30

Sorry to hijack the thread but I now that you have a knack for finding
good iterator patterns. I have noticed a pattern lately: Aggregation
using a defaultdict. I quickly found two examples of problems that
could use this:

To show an example, using data like this:

 data=[('red',2,'other data'),('blue',5,'more data'),('yellow',3,'lots of 
 things'),('blue',1,'data'),('red',2,'random data')]

 from itertools import groupby
 from operator import itemgetter
 from collections import defaultdict

We can use groupby to do this:
 [(el[0],sum(x[1] for x in el[1])) for el in 
[('blue', 6), ('red', 4), ('yellow', 3)]

 [(el[0],[x[1] for x in el[1]]) for el in 
[('blue', [5, 1]), ('red', [2, 2]), ('yellow', [3])]

 [(el[0],set([x[1] for x in el[1]])) for el in 
[('blue', set([1, 5])), ('red', set([2])), ('yellow', set([3]))]

But this way seems to be more efficient:

 def aggrsum(data,key,agrcol):
for el in data:
return dd.items()

[('blue', 6), ('yellow', 3), ('red', 4)]

 def aggrlist(data,key,agrcol):
for el in data:
return dd.items()

[('blue', [5, 1]), ('yellow', [3]), ('red', [2, 2])]

 def aggrset(data,key,agrcol):
for el in data:
return dd.items()

[('blue', set([1, 5])), ('yellow', set([3])), ('red', set([2]))]

The data often contains objects with attributes instead of tuples, and
I expect the new namedtuple datatype to be used also as elements of
the list to be processed.

But I haven't found a nice generalized way for that kind of pattern
that aggregates from a list of one datatype to a list of key plus
output datatype that would make it practical and suitable for
inclusion in the standard library.


Re: Mapping 64 bit int from C to Python-2.2

2009-03-09 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 9, 11:51 am, Explore_Imagination

 I want to map 64 bit integers from C to python. I must use Python 2.2
 BUT There is no support for 64 bits integers in Python2.2 (Supported
 in 2.5).

 Now the problem is that I have these four variables:

 unit32_t a,b,c;
 uint64_t w,x,y,z;

 I use this funtion to map values:

 Py_BuildValue( (lll), a,b,c,w,x,y,z );

 As I access 32 bit values in Python it works fine BUT 64 bit intergers
 in Pythong give garbage values . I think there may be a case of
 overflow when 64 bit values in C are mapped to python.

 Any Suggestions?

You should be able to create PyLong objects from your 64 bit integers.
PyLong objects have unlimited integer precision. Alas I don't know
enough about the internal C code of Python to know what function to
use to do the conversion from an int64 to a PyLong object.

Re: Perl python - regex performance comparison

2009-03-03 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 3, 12:38 pm, Ivan wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I know this is not a direct python question, forgive me for that, but
 maybe some of you will still be able to help me. I've been told that
 for my application it would be best to learn a scripting language, so
 I looked around and found perl and python to be the nice. Their syntax
 and way is not similar, though.
 So, I was wondering, could any of you please elaborate on the
 following, as to ease my dilemma:

 1. Although it is all relatively similar, there are differences
 between regexes of these two. Which do you believe is the more
 powerful variant (maybe an example) ?

 2. They are both interpreted languages, and I can't really be sure how
 they measure in speed. In your opinion, for handling large files,
 which is better ?
 (I'm processing files of numerical data of several hundred mb - let's
 say 200mb - how would python handle file of such size ? As compared to
 perl ?)

 3. This last one is somewhat subjective, but what do you think, in the
 future, which will be more useful. Which, in your (humble) opinion
 has a future ?

 Thank you for all the info you can spare, and expecially grateful for
 the time in doing so.
 -- Ivan

 p.s. Having some trouble posting this. If you see it come out several
 times, please ignore the copies.

1. They are so similar that, unless they added a lot in Perl lately,
both are about equally powerful. I think the difference had mainly to
do with how certain multiline constructs were handled. But that
doesn't make one more powerful than the other, it just means that you
have to make minor changes to port regexes from one to the other.

2. Speed is pretty similar too, Perl probably has a more optimized
regex engine because regexes are usually used a more in Perl programs.
Python probably has more optimized function calls, string methods,
etc. So it probably depends on the mix of functionality you are using.

3. Both languages have been around for a while and too much
infrastructure depends on them that they are not going to go away.
Perl is extensively used for sysadmin tasks, nagios, etc. and Python
is used in Gentoo, Redhat distributions. Of course COBOL is not dying
quickly either for the same reason which isn't the same than wanting
to program in it.

On this list you will find quite a few that have switched from Perl to
Python because we like the later better, but there are many
programmers that are quite happy with Perl. I myself want to play
around with Perl 6 at some point just for fun. Since a lot of the
reasons to choose one or another seem to be mostly syntax, I would
recommend you to write a couple of short programs in both of them and
see what you like more and use that.

Re: starting a Python 2.5 executable without the DOS window

2009-02-27 Thread pruebauno
On Feb 27, 9:12 am, Greg Miller wrote:
 I am working on a program that controls a piece of equipment.  The GUI/
 control software is written with Python2.5/wxPython.  I would like to
 know if there is a way of starting the GUI without the DOS window
 having to launch?  I would like only the application itself to appear,
 no DOS window.  Thanks for any information.
 Greg Miller

change the extension of your python program from .py to .pyw.
Alternatively make sure that your program gets started by pythonw.exe
(insted of python.exe).

Re: is this pythonic?

2009-01-22 Thread pruebauno
On Jan 21, 4:23 pm, Scott David Daniels wrote: wrote:
  ... If you have duplicates this will not work. You will have to do
  something like this instead:

  while iln:
     if l[i]['title']=='ti':

 Or the following:
      indices = [i for i,d in enumerate(l) if d['title']=='ti']
      for i in reversed(indices): # so del doesn't affect later positions
          del l[i]

 --Scott David Daniels

Cool. How come I didn't think of that! That means I can create an evil
one liner now :-).

replacecount=len([o.append(l.pop(i)) for i in reversed(xrange(len(l)))
if l[i]['title']=='ti'])

Re: is this pythonic?

2009-01-22 Thread pruebauno
On Jan 21, 4:23 pm, Scott David Daniels wrote: wrote:
  ... If you have duplicates this will not work. You will have to do
  something like this instead:

  while iln:
     if l[i]['title']=='ti':

 Or the following:
      indices = [i for i,d in enumerate(l) if d['title']=='ti']
      for i in reversed(indices): # so del doesn't affect later positions
          del l[i]

 --Scott David Daniels

Cool. How come I didn't think of that!. Now I can write my evil one
liner :-).

o=[l.pop(i) for i in reversed(xrange(len(l))) if l[i]['title']=='ti']

Re: is this pythonic?

2009-01-21 Thread pruebauno
On Jan 21, 12:34 pm, TP tribulati...@paralleles.invalid wrote:
 alex23 wrote:
  Try not to use 'dict' or the name of any of the other built-in types

 So my list is rather:
 l=[{title:to, color:blue, value:2}
 {title:ti, color:red, value:coucou}]

 So, I will rather use your solution:

 for index, record in enumerate(l):
     if record['title'] == 'ti':
         to_add_in_another_list = l.pop(index)
 another_list.append(to_add_in_another_list )

If you have duplicates this will not work. You will have to do
something like this instead:

 while iln:
if l[i]['title']=='ti':

If you don't have duplicates you can extract the one and exit early:

 for index, record in enumerate(l):
if record['title'] == 'ti':
to_add_in_another_list = l.pop(index)

I don't know if these are more pythonic, they should be more efficient
for longer lists though.

Re: optimizing large dictionaries

2009-01-16 Thread pruebauno
On Jan 15, 4:39 pm, Per Freem wrote:

 i have an optimization questions about python. i am iterating through
 a file and counting the number of repeated elements. the file has on
 the order
 of tens of millions elements...

 i create a dictionary that maps elements of the file that i want to
 to their number of occurs. so i iterate through the file and for each
 extract the elements (simple text operation) and see if it has an
 entry in the dict:

 for line in file:
     elt = MyClass(line)# extract elt from line...
     my_dict[elt] += 1
   except KeyError:
     my_dict[elt] = 1

 i am using try/except since it is supposedly faster (though i am not
 about this? is this really true in Python 2.5?).

 the only 'twist' is that my elt is an instance of a class (MyClass)
 with 3 fields, all numeric. the class is hashable, and so my_dict[elt]
 works well.
 the __repr__ and __hash__ methods of my class simply return str()
 of self, while __str__ just makes everything numeric field into a
 concatenated string:

 class MyClass

   def __str__(self):
     return %s-%s-%s %(self.field1, self.field2, self.field3)

   def __repr__(self):
     return str(self)

   def __hash__(self):
     return hash(str(self))

 is there anything that can be done to speed up this simply code? right
 now it is taking well over 15 minutes to process, on a 3 Ghz machine
 with lots of RAM (though this is all taking CPU power, not RAM at this

 any general advice on how to optimize large dicts would be great too

 thanks for your help.

I am willing to bet a beer that the slow performance has nothing to do
with the dict but is either because of MyClass or the read from disk.

Re: Encrypted Logging in python

2009-01-09 Thread pruebauno
On Jan 9, 8:02 am, wrote:
 Also, what I am asking is a generic option in logging - which can help
 the adoption of the logging framework in even closed source systems.
 It is not just about security - just that a closed source company
 might be much more comfortable in using the system if crypt is there.

Python is an open source project. Many people that read this list
don't like closed source code too much and are not willing to invest
time to work in features like this. You might get lucky and somebody
that is interested in the topic might give you some tips.

Re: Implementing file reading in C/Python

2009-01-09 Thread pruebauno
On Jan 9, 8:48 am, Johannes Bauer wrote:
 No - and I've not known there was a profiler yet have found anything
 meaningful (there seems to be an profiling C interface, but that won't
 get me anywhere). Is that a seperate tool or something? Could you
 provide a link?
 Kind regards,

It is part of the python standard library:

Re: Any news on when some libraries will be ported to Python 3.0?

2009-01-07 Thread pruebauno
On Jan 7, 3:48 am, Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality wrote:
     Anyway, I'd love to hear some news about any of these things in
 particular or even anything in general.  Am I the only one who's psyched for
 this version of Python?
     Thank you...

There are many people psyched about 3.0, but also many older farts
that have been using Python since 1.0 and have tons of code that
already works fine and feel a little bit like the mechanic that has to
switch his tools from imperial to metric; it is overall probably for
the better but still a pain to adapt everything to the new system.
This is open source so you either have to find a way to motivate the
authors of the libraries without pissing them off, or you will have to
be patient.

Re: unwanted output

2009-01-05 Thread pruebauno
On Jan 5, 8:52 am,
 I'm having trouble with a script that is printing the output of
 () whereas in the documentation it is quoted not to have any output:[, whence])¶

     Set the file’s current position, like stdio‘s fseek. The whence
 argument is optional and defaults to os.SEEK_SET or 0 (absolute file
 positioning); other values are os.SEEK_CUR or 1 (seek relative to the
 current position) and os.SEEK_END or 2 (seek relative to the file’s
 end). There is no return value.

 I have a file in memory.
 when i try #or any other value in f.tell()
 it gives me 0 as output:

 the following script illustrates my 'problem' for a in range(10):


 I don't want python to produce output when setting the file pointer.
 Any help woul be appreciated.
 Kind regards,

You can also avoid the output by assigning the output to something:

 for a in range(10):


Re: SQL, lite lite lite

2008-12-30 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 29, 1:06 pm, Aaron Brady wrote:
 Hi all,

 About a year ago, I posted an idea I was having about thread
 synchronization to the newsgroup.  However, I did not explain it well,
 and I really erred on the side of brevity.  (After some finagling, Mr.
 Bieber and I decided it wasn't exactly anything groundbreaking.)  But
 I think the brevity cost me some readers, who might have had more
 interest.  The affair was on the whole discouraging.  So, I'm going to
 try another idea, and assume that readers have some time, and will
 spend it on it.

 I don't think relational data can be read and written very easily in
 Python.  There are some options, such as 'sqllite3', but they are not
 easy.  'sqllite3' statements are valid SQL expressions, which afford
 the entire power of SQL, but contrary to its name, it is not that
 'lite'.  To me, 'lite' is something you could learn (even make!) in an
 afternoon, not a semester; something the size of an ActiveState
 recipe, or a little bigger, maybe a file or two.  If you think SQL is
 a breeze, you probably won't find my idea exciting.  I assume that the
 basics of SQL are creating tables, selecting records, and updating

 My idea is to create a 'Relation' class.  The details are basically
 open, such as whether to back it with 'sqllite3', 'shelve', 'mmap', or
 just mapping and sequence objects; what the simplest syntax is that
 can capture and permit all the basics, and how much and what else can
 fit in at that level; how and whether it can include arbitrary Python
 objects, and what constraints there are on them if not; how and
 whether to permit transactions; and what the simplest and coolest
 thing you can do with a little Python syntax is.

 This is basically an invitation for everyone to brainstorm.  (No
 hijackings, good humor  digression ok.)  Lastly, ...

 **warning, spoiler!  here's what I thought of already.**

 **repeat!  spoiler!  here's what I thought of already.**

 #Just the select and update syntax:

  a= people._select( firstname== 'Joe' )

 #select 'key' from 'people' where 'firstname'== 'joe' a

 [Entry2864, Entry3076, Entry3172] entry1= a[ 0 ]

 #select 'phone' from 'people' where 'key'==self.key
 555-2413 555-1234

 #update 'people' set 'phone'= '555-1234' where 'key'==self.key


 #Create table syntax (a-whole-nother beast in itself):

  classes= db.Relation( 'class_', 'person', Unique( 'class_', 'person' ) )

 #create table 'classes' ( 'key', 'class_', 'person' ) unique
 ( 'class_', 'person' )

  classes._unique( 'class_', 'person' )
  classes.class_.noneok= False #'class_' cannot be null
  classes.person.noneok= False
  classes._insert( 'Physics', 'Dan' )
  classes._insert( 'Chem', 'Tim' )

 Hoping-good critic-is-self-consistent-ly, hoping-to-hear-it's-too-
 A. Brady

You really do like to reinvent the wheels do you? :-) Nothing wrong
with that. Just be aware that most people that really need what you
are proposing are probably already using mature feature rich libraries
for that.

Re: 2to3 used in the Shootout

2008-12-29 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 23, 5:21 pm, Isaac Gouy wrote:
 On Dec 23, 11:51 am, wrote:

  They have translated the Python benchmarks of the Shootout site from
  Py2 to Py3 using 2to3:〈=pyt...

 So please re-write those programs to remove problems created by
 automatic translation and better take advantage of Python 3

  It shows some performance bugs of Python3 itself (especially
  regarding the binary-trees benchmark, that was unexpected by me), and
  two points where 2to3 may be improved, for example after the
  translation this gives error:

  TypeError: maketrans arguments must be bytes objects


BTW I am not sure how to submit this or if this is actually valid to
do, but I have a faster version for the pidigits program that uses
basically the same algorithm but removes function calls and unused
terms of the formula.

import time

def pi_digits(n, width):
out = []
wrt = out.append
aq = 1
ar = 0
at = 1
k = 0
f = 1
g = 2
i = 0
while i  n:
y = (aq*3+ar)//at
while y != ((aq*4+ar)//at):
k += 1
f += 2
g += 4
ar = aq*g+ar*f
aq = aq*k
at = at*f
y = (aq*3+ar)//at
aq = 10*aq
ar = 10*ar-10*y*at
i += 1
if not i%width:
wrt(' '*(width-i%width))
return ''.join(out)

def main():
begin = time.time()
n = 1000
width = 70
print pi_digits(n,width)
print 'Total Time:', time.time()-begin



Re: Is this pythonic?

2008-12-18 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 18, 11:08 am, wrote:

 Is it even good programming form?

Lisp and Scheme programmers love that style. You can tell by the
number of parentheses :-). In Python people usually use an
intermediate variable to break things up a bit but the amount of
acceptable nesting is a matter of personal style.

Re: Why no lexical scoping for a method within a class?

2008-12-17 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 17, 10:19 am, walterbyrd wrote:
 For a language as well structured as Python, this seems somewhat
 sloppy, and inconsistant.  Or is there some good reason for this?

 Here is what I mean:

 def a():
     x = 99
     print x

 def b():
     print x

 b() # raises an exception because x is not defined.

 However in the methods are within a class, the scoping seems to work

 class ab():
     def a(self):
         self.x = 99
         print self.x
     def b(self):
         print self.x

 i = ab()
 i.b() # this works, why no lexical scoping?

If scoping worked as you want, how, pray tell, would you define object

Re: stable algorithm with complexity O(n)

2008-12-15 Thread pruebauno
 Non-comparison sorts are a useful technique, but it's changing the
 problem, and they are only useful in very limited circumstances. There's
 a good reason that most sort routines are based on O(n*log n) comparison
 sorts instead of O(n) bucket sorts or radix sorts.

This is an assumption that I never quite understood. What most people
want is to have sorted data, they don't care if I used a sorting or
non-sorting comparison to do it. I think it is just that in most cases
n is not very big anyway and comparison sorts make it easier on the
programmer to create arbitrary types that are sortable.

Re: stable algorithm with complexity O(n)

2008-12-15 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 15, 11:05 am, wrote:
  Non-comparison sorts are a useful technique, but it's changing the
  problem, and they are only useful in very limited circumstances. There's
  a good reason that most sort routines are based on O(n*log n) comparison
  sorts instead of O(n) bucket sorts or radix sorts.

 This is an assumption that I never quite understood. What most people
 want is to have sorted data, they don't care if I used a sorting or
 non-sorting comparison to do it. I think it is just that in most cases
 n is not very big anyway and comparison sorts make it easier on the
 programmer to create arbitrary types that are sortable.

I meant they don't care if I use a comparison or non-comparison sort
of course.

Re: Removing None objects from a sequence

2008-12-12 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 12, 8:08 am, Filip Gruszczyński wrote:
 I am not doing it, because I need it. I can as well use if not elem
 is None, but I just wanted to know, if there is some better way of
 doing this. I like to know :-)

 And I can't understand why you are becoming so aggressive because of
 this. Just because I asked for that, doesn't mean, that I will put
 some obfuscated code into my project. I just wanted to learn something
 new - I checked itertools, I googled a bit, now I wanted to ask here
 if someone knew some really cool way of this.  All the other
 assumptions weren't really necessary.

 Thanks for those ideas, however. I like the last one a lot :)

 Filip Gruszczyński

In this case the cool way is the straightforward way:
either the list versions:

[x fox x in seq if x is not None]
filter(lambda x: x is not None, seq)

or the generator versions:

(x for x in seq if x is not None)
itertools.ifilter(lambda x: x is not None, seq)


Re: StringIO in 2.6 and beyond

2008-12-10 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 10, 6:58 am, Bill McClain
 On 2008-12-10, ajaksu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Dec 9, 5:24 pm, Bill McClain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   On 2008-12-09, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In Python 2.x unmarked string literals are bytestrings. In Python 3.x
they're Unicode. The intention is to make the transition from 2.x to 3.x
easier by adding some features of 3.x to 2.x, but without breaking
backwards compatibility (not entirely successfully!).

   It is a bit ugly. In 2.6 StringIO won't take bytestrings, so I apply 
   u'x'. But
   in 3.0 u'x' will be gone and I'll have to change the code again.
  from __future__ import unicode_literals

 That works for:

     output.write('First line.\n')

 ...but not for:

    print('Second line.', file=output)

 Maybe a combination of this and functools.partial as was suggested before. At
 least the necessary edits would be at the top of the program.

 Sattre Press                                      Tales of 
 War                      by Lord Dunsany

I think this combination might do the trick (I don't have 2.6 to test
it right now):

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from functools import partial
import io
print = partial(print, sep= , end=\n)
out = io.StringIO()
print(hello, file=out)

What puzzles me is the documentation in 2.6 and 3.0:
In 2.6 it says: The StringIO object can accept either Unicode or 8-
bit strings. Why does it fail with old str objects then?
Why is there no documentation for StringIO in 3.0?

Re: StringIO in 2.6 and beyond

2008-12-10 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 10, 10:06 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 10, 6:58 am, Bill McClain

  On 2008-12-10, ajaksu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Dec 9, 5:24 pm, Bill McClain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 2008-12-09, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In Python 2.x unmarked string literals are bytestrings. In Python 3.x
 they're Unicode. The intention is to make the transition from 2.x to 
 easier by adding some features of 3.x to 2.x, but without breaking
 backwards compatibility (not entirely successfully!).

It is a bit ugly. In 2.6 StringIO won't take bytestrings, so I apply 
u'x'. But
in 3.0 u'x' will be gone and I'll have to change the code again.
   from __future__ import unicode_literals

  That works for:

      output.write('First line.\n')

  ...but not for:

     print('Second line.', file=output)

  Maybe a combination of this and functools.partial as was suggested before. 
  least the necessary edits would be at the top of the program.

  Sattre Press                                      Tales of 
  War                     by Lord Dunsany

 I think this combination might do the trick (I don't have 2.6 to test
 it right now):

 from __future__ import print_function
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 from functools import partial
 import io
 print = partial(print, sep= , end=\n)
 out = io.StringIO()
 print(hello, file=out)

 What puzzles me is the documentation in 2.6 and 3.0:
 In 2.6 it says: The StringIO object can accept either Unicode or 8-
 bit strings. Why does it fail with old str objects then?
 Why is there no documentation for StringIO in 3.0?

OK I found StringIO it is called io.StringIO now.

Re: StringIO in 2.6 and beyond

2008-12-09 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 9, 11:28 am, Bill McClain
 On 2008-12-08, Bill McClain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 2008-12-08, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In this context 'str' means Python 3.0's str type, which is unicode in
   2.x. Please report the misleading error message.
  So this is an encoding problem? Can you give me a hint on how to correct in 
  example? I see that io.StringIO() has an encoding parameter, but I'm unclear
  what to specify.

 I still don't have this working. I've been specifying encodings without

 The StringIO example usage in the Python 3.0 documentation here:

 gives me the same error on 2.6:

     #! /usr/bin/env python

     from __future__ import print_function
     import io

     output = io.StringIO()
     output.write('First line.\n')
     print('Second line.', file=output)

     # Retrieve file contents -- this will be
     # 'First line.\nSecond line.\n'
     contents = output.getvalue()

     # Close object and discard memory buffer --
     # .getvalue() will now raise an exception.

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./, line 7, in module
     output.write('First line.\n')
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 1487, in write
 TypeError: can't write str to text stream

 Sattre Press                              History of 
 Astronomy              During the 19th Century
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       by Agnes M. Clerke

This puzzles me too. According to the documentation StringIO accepts
both byte strings and unicode strings. Try to replace
   output.write('First line.\n')
   output.write(unicode('First line.\n'))
   output.write(str('First line.\n'))
and see if one of those works.

Re: When (and why) to use del?

2008-12-09 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 9, 11:35 am, Albert Hopkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking at a person's code and I see a lot of stuff like this:

         def myfunction():
             # do some stuff stuff
             my_string = function_that_returns_string()
             # do some stuff with my_string
             del my_string
             # do some other stuff

 and also

         def otherfunction():
                 # some stuff
             except SomeException, e:
                 # more stuff
                 del e

 I think this looks ugly, but also does it not hurt performance by
 preempting the gc?  My feeling is that this is a misuse of 'del'. Am I
 wrong?  Is there any advantage of doing the above?

If this is CPython (the standard Python) the extra del(s) in the
examples you gave are just garbage and good for nothing. The reason
being that they are inside a function; as soon as the program exits
the function the variable gets deleted automatically. The only reason
to use del would be a global variable in long running program that
uses a lot of space, but global variables should be avoided for other
reasons anyway. I never ever used del in my programs only on the
interactive interpreter prompt after doing foolish things like x=open

Re: Python 3 For Python 2 Users

2008-12-09 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 9, 11:58 am, Tim Daneliuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I code in Python 2.x intermittently and have only casually watched the
 3.x development discussions.  Now it's time to get up to speed.
 Has someone written a tutorial for people in my situation.  Yes, I've
 looked at the release notes, but I'm looking for something that
 motivates all the major changes to give me a better sense of the
 Gestalt of the new language.

 Tim Daneliuk     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PGP Key:

For starters this should work:

Re: funny generator behaviour

2008-12-04 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 4, 8:00 am, Edvin Fuglebakk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have written a generator that puzzles me:

 The generator is supposed to create ordered selections of a set of
 objects. repetition of objects is allowed and the selections should be
 of a size determined by a pramter to the generator.

 Now, if I try to accummulate the generated selections into a list I get
 some peculiar behaviour that I hope maybe some of you can help me

 Help much appreciated

 #straightforward acumulation. Does not give the expected result
   for f in orderedCombinations([1,2],3):
 ... d.append(f)
 [[1], [2], [1], [2], [1], [2], [1], [2]]

 #accumulating shallow copies of the genereated combinations works:
   for f in orderedCombinations([1,2],3):
 ... d.append(f[:])
 [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2], [2, 1, 1], [2, 1, 2], [2,
 2, 1], [2, 2, 2]]

 #The generator:
 def orderedCombinations(pool, k):
 Generator yielding ordered selections of size k with repetition from

 if k == 1:
 for m in pool:
 yield [m]

 if k  1:

 for m in pool:
 for combo in orderedCombinations(pool, k-1):

 #insert and pop to avoid copying entire list
 yield combo

Functional style (like the recursion you are using) and mutable
datastructures are hard to reason about. This version works for me:

def orderedCombinations(pool, k):

Generator yielding ordered selections of size k with repetition

if k == 1:
for m in pool:
yield [m]

if k  1:

for m in pool:
for combo in orderedCombinations(pool, k-1):
yield [m]+combo

Re: funny generator behaviour

2008-12-04 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 4, 8:00 am, Edvin Fuglebakk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have written a generator that puzzles me:

 The generator is supposed to create ordered selections of a set of
 objects. repetition of objects is allowed and the selections should be
 of a size determined by a pramter to the generator.

 Now, if I try to accummulate the generated selections into a list I get
 some peculiar behaviour that I hope maybe some of you can help me

 Help much appreciated

 #straightforward acumulation. Does not give the expected result
   for f in orderedCombinations([1,2],3):
 ... d.append(f)
 [[1], [2], [1], [2], [1], [2], [1], [2]]

 #accumulating shallow copies of the genereated combinations works:
   for f in orderedCombinations([1,2],3):
 ... d.append(f[:])
 [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2], [2, 1, 1], [2, 1, 2], [2,
 2, 1], [2, 2, 2]]

 #The generator:
 def orderedCombinations(pool, k):
 Generator yielding ordered selections of size k with repetition from

 if k == 1:
 for m in pool:
 yield [m]

 if k  1:

 for m in pool:
 for combo in orderedCombinations(pool, k-1):

 #insert and pop to avoid copying entire list
 yield combo

BTW if you search in the fine manual version 2.6 you will find that a
slick implementation is already part of the standard library (hint:

def orderedCombinations(pool, k):
result = [[]]
for poolel in [pool] * k:
result = [x+[y] for x in result for y in poolel]
return result

Re: funny generator behaviour

2008-12-04 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 4, 8:00 am, Edvin Fuglebakk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have written a generator that puzzles me:

 The generator is supposed to create ordered selections of a set of
 objects. repetition of objects is allowed and the selections should be
 of a size determined by a pramter to the generator.

 Now, if I try to accummulate the generated selections into a list I get
 some peculiar behaviour that I hope maybe some of you can help me

 Help much appreciated

 #straightforward acumulation. Does not give the expected result
   for f in orderedCombinations([1,2],3):
 ... d.append(f)
 [[1], [2], [1], [2], [1], [2], [1], [2]]

 #accumulating shallow copies of the genereated combinations works:
   for f in orderedCombinations([1,2],3):
 ... d.append(f[:])
 [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2], [2, 1, 1], [2, 1, 2], [2,
 2, 1], [2, 2, 2]]

 #The generator:
 def orderedCombinations(pool, k):
 Generator yielding ordered selections of size k with repetition from

 if k == 1:
 for m in pool:
 yield [m]

 if k  1:

 for m in pool:
 for combo in orderedCombinations(pool, k-1):

 #insert and pop to avoid copying entire list
 yield combo

def orderedCombinations(pool, k):
for i in xrange(k):
res=[n+[m] for n in res for m in pool]
return res

Re: Good introductory book?

2008-12-04 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 3, 9:44 am, Ken D'Ambrosio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, all.  I'm getting ready to do some projects in Python, and I've cut my
 teeth a little bit, but I've found the Learning|Programming Python books
 from O'Reilly to be more-or-less useless (to my surprise -- I'm usually an
 O'Reilly fan).  I really, really like Python Essential Reference, but
 it's -- well, more of a reference than an intro.  So, an introductory text
 that actually assumes some previous programming experience (as opposed to
 Learning Python which must be the most slowly-paced programming book
 ever) would be terrific.

 Thanks for your suggestions!


I had the same experience as you had and almost gave up on Python. I
had programmed in other languages before and found the Programming
Python book very tedious to read. I just wanted to learn the syntax
and library to start writing my own stuff. Luckily, I found Guido's 12
page tutorial ( and that
plus the online library reference and Google was everything I ever
needed since then. That said I looked at O'Reilly's Python in a
Nutshell and I thought it was really good. It is a mix between
introduction, language and library reference. I should have gotten
that instead of Learning/Programming when I started and I probably
would have been much happier.

Re: Dynamic features used

2008-11-21 Thread pruebauno
On Nov 21, 4:17 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What are the dynamic features of Python that you use in your code?

The main ones is using configuration files that are plain Python
instead of XML and not having to wait 5 minutes to compile larger
programs. I also prefer structural typing over nominative typing and
duck typing is closer to structural than nominative typing with the
difference that compilation doesn’t take forever but the disadvantage
that the checking doesn’t happen until runtime. Hopefully they will
keep improving pylint to generate warnings for all those.

As far as speed goes, there might be 5% of my code that I would be
willing to run through a slow compiler to speed it up. For the rest it
is probably not worth it.

Re: redirecting stdout/err to mysql table

2008-11-19 Thread pruebauno
On Nov 18, 2:07 pm, n00b [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i need to log to the db directly and wrote a little script to do so.
 since i'm pretty new to python,
 i was wondering if a) you could review the enclosed code and b)
 provide suggestions to harden to code to turn it into a more general,
 broadly reusable class.

 thank you very much.

 import sys
 import MySQLdb

 class DBLogger(object):
 def __init__(self):
 self.db_name = 'xxx'
 self.db_host = ''
 self.db_table = 'yyy'
 self.db_uname = 'root'
 self.db_passwd = ''
 self.db_port = 3306
 self.db = None
 self.cur = None
 self.sql = 'INSERT INTO %s' %self.db_table + ' VALUES(null, NOW
 (), %s)'

 def openDb(self):
 self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host = self.db_host,
 user = self.db_uname,
 passwd = self.db_passwd,
 db = self.db_name,

 self.cur = self.db.cursor()
 return self.db, self.cur
 except Exception, e:
 sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
 sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
 print e[0], e[1]

 def closeDb(self):

 def write(self, string):
 s = string.strip('\n')
 if not s=='':
 self.cur.execute(self.sql, (s))

 dbl = DBLogger()
 sys.stdout = dbl
 sys.stderr = dbl
 #a = 'test string'

 print 'a b c '
 sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
 sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__

 thanks again for your time

Looks good to me.

Re: duck-type-checking?

2008-11-14 Thread pruebauno
On Nov 14, 12:47 am, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 13, 10:55 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Take this example:

  def foo(alist):

  The argument can be any object with sort and append methods (assumed to
  act in place). But what happens if you pass it an object with a sort
  method but no append? The exception doesn't occur until *after* the
  object is sorted, which leaves it in an inconsistent state. This can be
  undesirable: you might need the function foo to be atomic, either the
  entire function succeeds, or none of it.

 In this example atomicity is not guaranteed even if alist is a builtin
 list (if it contains a complex number or other unorderable object),
 let alone if not isistance(alist, list). It gets worse: false
 positives are less likely for full-spelled methods with well-known
 names such as sort and append  (i.e. if hasattr(alist, 'append'),
 alist.append *probably* does what you think it does), but good luck
 with that when testing for __getitem__, __iter__ for more than one
 pass, __call__, and other special methods with ambiguous or undefined

 Let's face it, duck typing is great for small to medium complexity
 projects but it doesn't scale without additional support in the form
 of ABCs/interfaces, explicit type checking (at compile and/or run
 time), design by contract, etc. It must not be a coincidence that both
 Zope and Twisted had to come up with interfaces to manage their
 massive (for Python at least) complexity.


What would be actually interesting would be an switch to the python
interpreter that internally annotated function parameters with how
they are used in the function and raised an exception as soon as the
function is called instead of later. Failing earlier rather than
later. Example:

def sub(x,y): some stuff
...print x[2]
...return y.strip().replace('a','b')

internally python generates:

def sub(x: must have getitem, y: must have strip and replace)

Error calling sub(x,y): y has to have strip() method.


Re: duck-type-checking?

2008-11-12 Thread pruebauno
On Nov 12, 1:22 pm, Joe Strout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 12, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Tim Rowe wrote:

  What do you actually mean by Quacks like a string? Supports the
  'count()' method? Then you find out if it doesn't when you try to
  apply the 'count()' method. Supports some method that you don't
  actually use? Then why do you care?

 Because if I write a method with the intention of treating the
 arguments like strings in various ways (slicing, combining with other
 strings, printing to stdout or writing to a file, etc. etc.), and some
 idiot (i.e. me six weeks later or long after I should have gone to
 bed) manages to accidentally pass in something else, then I want my
 program to blow up right away, not plant a roadside bomb and
 cheerfully wait for me to drive by.

 This is not hypothetical -- just last week I had a hard-to-track-down
 abend that ultimately turned out to be an NLTK.Tree object stored
 someplace that I expected to only contain strings.  I found it by
 littering my code with assertions of the form
 isinstance(foo,basestring).  If I'd had those in there in the first
 place, not only documenting my assumptions but letting the computer
 check them for me, it would have saved me a lot of grief.

 But in the spirit of duck-typing, I shouldn't actually check that foo
 is a basestring.  I should instead check that foo quacks like a
 basestring.  I'd define that is:

 x quacks like a basestring if it implements all the public methods of
 basestring, and can be used in pretty much any context that a
 basestring can.

 I have to say pretty much since obviously there may be some evil
 context that actually checks isinstance.  But that's the pathological
 case, and we shouldn't let it prevent us from neatly handling the
 typical case.

  The point about duck typing is that something might quack like a duck
  but not walk like a duck -- one of those duck calls that hunters use,
  for instance. Quacking like a duck doesn't actually mean it /is/ a
  duck, it means that it will do instead of a duck if the quack is all
  you want.

 Well, that's one point, but it's not the only point.  If I have code
 that expects to be working with strings, and I want to purposely give
 it something else, then it's reasonable to expect that the something-
 else will act like a string in every way that a string is likely to be
 exercised.  My string wrapper or doppleganger_string or whatever
 should implement all the methods, and support all the operators and
 type conversions, that basestring does.

  If you need to know that it walks like a duck, mates like a duck and
  tastes like a duck when roasted, you probably want it to really /be/ a
  duck and should go back to inheritance.

 I can't agree; there are times when inheritance just won't do, for
 example when you don't have control over the object creation, because
 they come from some factory method you can't change.  In that case you
 may need to make a wrapper instead of a subclass, but if you've
 faithfully implemented the interface of the original class, you should
 be able to use it wherever the original class could be used (within

 So, since it's pretty clear by now that there's no standard idiom for
 this, I'll try to cook up something myself.  For classes, I think we
 could do a two-stage test:

 1. If the given object isinstance of the specified class, then all is
 good and return immediately.
 2. Otherwise, check each of the public attributes of the specified
 class, and make sure that the given object has corresponding callable

 For case 2, we might be able to cache the result so that we don't do
 all that work again the next time the same type comparison is done.

 Anyway, I'll evolve something in our shop here and live with it a
 while, and in a few months I'll either share what we develop for this
 purpose, or admit it was a horrible idea all along.  :)

 - Joe

It seems to me that what you are describing is exactly what abcs were
added for in 2.6, in particular registration:

class AnotherClass(metaclass=ABCMeta):

assert isinstance(str, AnotherClass)

Please read this first:

and tell us why that would not work.

Re: Possible read()/readline() bug?

2008-10-23 Thread pruebauno
On Oct 23, 9:48 am, Mike Kent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To followup on this:

 Terry: Yes, I did in fact miss the 'buffer' parameter to open.
 Setting the buffer parameter to 0 did in fact fix the test code that I
 gave above, but oddly, did not fix my actual production code; it
 continues to get the data as first read, rather than what is currently
 on the disk.  I'm still investigating why.

 Carl: I tried the above test code, without 'buffer=0' in the open, but
 with a flush added before reads in the appropriate places. The flush
 made no difference; readline continued to return the old data rather
 than what was actually on the disk.  So, flush isn't the answer.  I
 suppose that means that, when the document states it flushes the
 buffer, it's referring to the output buffer, not the input buffer.

Something odd is going on for sure. I had a couple of theories but
then I tested it on both Windows XP and AIX and could not reproduce
the problem even using the default buffer setting. As soon as I do a
seek and read it gives me the new data. I wonder if other people can
test this out on different operating systems and file systems and
detect a pattern.

Re: Possible read()/readline() bug?

2008-10-22 Thread pruebauno
On Oct 22, 2:54 pm, Mike Kent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Before I file a bug report against Python 2.5.2, I want to run this by
 the newsgroup to make sure I'm not being stupid.

 I have a text file of fixed-length records I want to read in random
 order.  That file is being changed in real-time by another process,
 and my process want to see the changes to the file.  What I'm seeing
 is that, once I've opened the file and read a record, all subsequent
 seeks to and reads of that same record will return the same data as
 the first read of the record, so long as I don't close and reopen the
 file.  This indicates some sort of buffering and caching is going on.

 Consider the following:

 $ echo hi foo.txt  # Create my test file
 $ python2.5  # Run Python
 Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 22 2008, 16:13:07)
 [GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-9)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

  f = open('foo.txt')  # Open my test file Seek to the beginning of the file
  f.readline() # Read the line, I get the data I expected
  # At this point, in another shell I execute 'echo bye foo.txt'.  
  'foo.txt' now has been changed
  # on the disk, and now contains 'bye\n'. Seek to the beginning of the still-open file
  f.readline() # Read the line, I don't get 'bye\n', I get the 
  original data, which is no longer there.
  f.close() # Now I close the file...
  f = open('foo.txt') # ... and reopen it   # Seek to the beginning of the file
  f.readline()# Read the line, I get the expected 'bye\n'

 It seems pretty clear to me that this is wrong.  If there is any
 caching going on, it should clearly be discarded if I do a seek.  Note
 that it's not just readline() that's returning me the wrong, cached
 data, as I've also tried this with read(), and I get the same
 results.  It's not acceptable that I have to close and reopen the file
 before every read when I'm doing random record access.

 So, is this a bug, or am I being stupid?

This has to do how the OS file-system operates. This is equivalent of

echo hi foo.txt
vi foo.txt
in another session type: echo bye  foo.txt

the text in the vi session doesn't change.

you can even type 'rm foo.txt' and vi will still have the text there.

Re: Possible read()/readline() bug?

2008-10-22 Thread pruebauno
On Oct 22, 3:44 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2:54 pm, Mike Kent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Before I file a bug report against Python 2.5.2, I want to run this by
  the newsgroup to make sure I'm not being stupid.

  I have a text file of fixed-length records I want to read in random
  order.  That file is being changed in real-time by another process,
  and my process want to see the changes to the file.  What I'm seeing
  is that, once I've opened the file and read a record, all subsequent
  seeks to and reads of that same record will return the same data as
  the first read of the record, so long as I don't close and reopen the
  file.  This indicates some sort of buffering and caching is going on.

  Consider the following:

  $ echo hi foo.txt  # Create my test file
  $ python2.5  # Run Python
  Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 22 2008, 16:13:07)
  [GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-9)] on linux2
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

   f = open('foo.txt')  # Open my test file Seek to the beginning of the file
   f.readline() # Read the line, I get the data I expected
   # At this point, in another shell I execute 'echo bye foo.txt'.  
   'foo.txt' now has been changed
   # on the disk, and now contains 'bye\n'. Seek to the beginning of the still-open file
   f.readline() # Read the line, I don't get 'bye\n', I get 
   the original data, which is no longer there.
   f.close() # Now I close the file...
   f = open('foo.txt') # ... and reopen it   # Seek to the beginning of the file
   f.readline()# Read the line, I get the expected 'bye\n'

  It seems pretty clear to me that this is wrong.  If there is any
  caching going on, it should clearly be discarded if I do a seek.  Note
  that it's not just readline() that's returning me the wrong, cached
  data, as I've also tried this with read(), and I get the same
  results.  It's not acceptable that I have to close and reopen the file
  before every read when I'm doing random record access.

  So, is this a bug, or am I being stupid?

 This has to do how the OS file-system operates. This is equivalent of

 echo hi foo.txt
 vi foo.txt
 in another session type: echo bye  foo.txt

 the text in the vi session doesn't change.

 you can even type 'rm foo.txt' and vi will still have the text there.

Actually disregard what I said. vi loads everything in memory. You
might want to try:

f = open('foo.txt','r',0)

and see if that fixes your problem.

Re: Where/how to propose an addition to a standard module?

2008-10-13 Thread pruebauno
On Oct 10, 3:10 pm, Joe Strout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to propose a new method for the string.Template class.
 What's the proper procedure for doing this?  I've joined the python-
 ideas list, but that seems to be only for proposed language changes,
 and my idea doesn't require any change to the language at all.

  From, it sounds like the
 PEP process is appropriate here, though other PEPs (like
   make it sound as though these are meant for proposals for Python
 3000, which is not necessarily my intent.

 Here's a brief sketch of my proposal, in case it helps:

 Add a match function to string.Template, which takes a text string
 as a parameter.  If this text string can be matched to the template,
 by substituting some portion of the given string for each field of the
 template, then .match returns a dictionary, where each key is a field
 name and the value is the corresponding text from the input.  If the
 text string cannot be matched to the template, then .match returns None.

 I understand that if I'm to write a PEP, I'll need to flesh this out
 considerably as per PEP 0001.  But that document also suggests first
 discussing it here.  I'm still a newbie (or actually, oldbie-turned-
 nonbie-turned-newbie-again), so I could use some advice.  What's the
 next step in advocating for this idea?

 - Joe

Whenever I needed such functionality I used the re module. The benefit
is that it uses unix style regular expression syntax and an egrep/awk/
perl/ruby user can understand it. You should show a few examples where
your proposal looks better than just using RE.

Re: Append a new value to dict

2008-10-13 Thread pruebauno
On Oct 13, 9:41 am, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 14:10:43 +0200, Mathias Frey wrote:
  However incrementing a non-existing key throws an exception. So you
  either have to use a workaround:

  ...   counter['B'] += 1
  ... except KeyError:
  ...   counter['B'] = 1

  Since this looks ugly somebody invented the setdefault method:

counter['B'] = counter.setdefault('B',0) + 1

 Nope, for this use case there is the `dict.get()` method:

 counter['B'] = counter.get('B', 0) + 1

 This assigns only *once* to ``counter['B']`` in every case.

 `dict.setdefault()` is for situations where you really want to actually
 put the initial value into the dictionary, like with the list example by
 the OP.

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

...and if you are using Python 2.5 or later you can use the
collections module with collections.defaultdict(list) or
collections.defaultdict(int) to do the same thing. I personally find
it easier to read.

Re: python 3: sorting with a comparison function

2008-10-10 Thread pruebauno
On Oct 10, 8:35 am, Kay Schluehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9 Okt., 22:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yes, that's a wonderful thing, because from the code I see around
  99.9% of people see the cmp and just use it, totally ignoring the
  presence of the 'key' argument, that allows better and shorter
  solutions of the sorting problem.

 Me too because I don't get this:

 key specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a
 comparison key from each list element: key=str.lower. The default
 value is None.


Don't know if further explanation is needed, but here is the deal:

cmp is a function that receives two values and you return -1, 0 or 1
depending if the first is smaller, equal or bigger. 99% of the time
you will do some operation on the values that come in and then do a if
statement with  or  and return -1,0,1.

key is a function that receives one value and you return the value
that you would normally compare against.

Let me show an example:

[(1, 'a'), (2, 'x'), (4, 'v')]

OK, we sorted the data, but What if we want to sort by the letter
instead of the number? Let's use cmp:

 def comp(x, y):
  if key_of_x  key_of_y:
return -1
  elif key_of_x  key_of_y:
return 1
return 0 #key_of_x == key_of_y

[(1, 'a'), (4, 'v'), (2, 'x')]

Very well, so how do we do this using key?

 def keyfunc(x):
  return key_of_x

[(1, 'a'), (4, 'v'), (2, 'x')]

Same output. Very good.

(Of course a smart python developer would use the operator module so
he doesn't even have to write keyfunc but this was just an example)

In summary to transform most cmp functions to a key function you just
take the code that calculates the first value to be compared and leave
out the rest of the logic.

Hope that was helpful.

Re: Dict Comprehension ?

2008-10-06 Thread pruebauno
On Oct 6, 8:59 am, Ernst-Ludwig Brust [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Given 2 Number-Lists say l0 and l1,
 count the various positiv differences between the 2 lists

 the following part works:

 dif=[abs(x-y) for x in l0 for y in l1]
 for d in dif: da[d]=da.get(d,0)+1

 i wonder, if there is a way, to avoid the list dif

 Ernst-Ludwig Brust

from collections import defaultdict
for x in [10]:
for y in [11]:

Re: Builing Python 2.6 on AIX 5.2

2008-10-06 Thread pruebauno
On Oct 6, 4:16 am, brasse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am having some trouble building Python 2.6 on AIX. The steps I have
 taken are:

 export PATH=/usr/bin/:/usr/vacpp/bin/
 ./configure --with-gcc=xlc_r --with-cxx=xlC_r --disable-ipv6

 This is the error message I'm seeing:
 ./Modules/ld_so_aix xlc_r -bI:Modules/python.exp build/
 multiprocessing.o build/temp.aix-5.2-2.6/home/mabr/Python-2.6/Modules/
 _multiprocessing/socket_connection.o build/temp.aix-5.2-2.6/home/mabr/
 Python-2.6/Modules/_multiprocessing/semaphore.o -L/usr/local/lib -o
 ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .sem_timedwait
 ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .CMSG_SPACE
 ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .CMSG_LEN
 ld: 0711-345 Use the -bloadmap or -bnoquiet option to obtain more
 *** WARNING: renaming _multiprocessing since importing it failed: No
 such file or directory
 error: No such file or directory
 make: The error code from the last command is 1.

 Have someone on this list had similar problems? Am I missing some
 libraries? The configure script runs without errors, I would have
 expected some kind of error there if I was missing something.


I don't know if it has anything to do with it. But I got that error
one time on AIX and it was a library compiled to 32 bit that could not
be linked to 64 bit python. Maybe in your case it is the other way

I haven't tried compiling Py2.6 yet. I compile 64 bit with:

OPT=-O2 ./configure --with-gcc=xlc_r -q64 --with-cxx=xlC_r -q64 --
disable-ipv6 AR=ar -X64

Re: Builing Python 2.6 on AIX 5.2

2008-10-06 Thread pruebauno
On Oct 6, 11:03 am, Jesse Noller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Looks like AIX is missing sem_timedwait - see:

 Please add your error to the bug report just so I can track it.


 On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 4:16 AM, brasse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am having some trouble building Python 2.6 on AIX. The steps I have
  taken are:

  export PATH=/usr/bin/:/usr/vacpp/bin/
  ./configure --with-gcc=xlc_r --with-cxx=xlC_r --disable-ipv6

  This is the error message I'm seeing:
  ./Modules/ld_so_aix xlc_r -bI:Modules/python.exp build/
  multiprocessing.o build/temp.aix-5.2-2.6/home/mabr/Python-2.6/Modules/
  _multiprocessing/socket_connection.o build/temp.aix-5.2-2.6/home/mabr/
  Python-2.6/Modules/_multiprocessing/semaphore.o -L/usr/local/lib -o
  ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .sem_timedwait
  ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .CMSG_SPACE
  ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .CMSG_LEN
  ld: 0711-345 Use the -bloadmap or -bnoquiet option to obtain more
  *** WARNING: renaming _multiprocessing since importing it failed: No
  such file or directory
  error: No such file or directory
  make: The error code from the last command is 1.

  Have someone on this list had similar problems? Am I missing some
  libraries? The configure script runs without errors, I would have
  expected some kind of error there if I was missing something.


I read that some people use:

for AIX, although I never do. Maybe I am not doing anything advanced
enough for problems related to semaphores to show up.

Re: improving a huge double-for cycle

2008-09-19 Thread pruebauno
On Sep 18, 7:42 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:43:00 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  Now the obvious winner is pruebono - even unoptimized, using sets seems
  to be *way* faster than even the most optimized corrected version of
  your algorithm.

 I'm not being snarky about losing priority here, but I submitted
 essentially the same solution two hours earlier than pruebono.

 Are people not seeing my posts? Have I been kill-filed by everyone except
 Mensator? I also asked a question about HTTPError and I haven't seen any
 responses at all.


I see your post now, but I didn't notice it at the time I posted.
Could be because I am using the noticeable bad Google groups interface
that is known for being unreliable. Duplicate solutions on Usenet are
almost a given and I consider duplicate solutions a good thing, it
means that other people will be able to understand that code.

In any case I am not here for glory I am posting under a pseudonym so
nobody discovers that I am slacking off at work reading Usen[carrier

Re: improving a huge double-for cycle

2008-09-18 Thread pruebauno
On Sep 18, 8:25 am, Alexzive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello there :) ,

 I am a python newbie and need to run following code for a task in an
 external simulation programm called Abaqus which makes use of python
 to access the mesh (ensamble of nodes with xy coordinates) of a
 certain geometrical model.

 [IN is the starting input containing the nodes to be check, there are
 some double nodes with the same x and y coordinates which need to be
 removed. SN is the output containing such double nodes]

 Code: Select all
 for i in range(len(IN)): #scan all elements of the list IN
   for j in range(len(IN)):
 if i  j:
  if IN[i].coordinates[0] == IN[j].coordinates[0]:
if IN[i].coordinates[1] == IN[j].coordinates[1]:

 Unfortunately my len(IN) is about 100.000 and the running time about
 15h  :(

 Any idea to improve it?

 I have already tried to group the if statements in a single one:

 Code: Select all
 if i  j and if IN[i].coordinates[0] == IN[j].coordinates[0] and
 if IN[i].coordinates[1] == IN[j].coordinates[1]:

 but no improvements.

 Many thanks, Alex

for item in IN:
   c=item.coordinates[0], item.coordinates[1]
   if c in dup:

Re: dict generator question

2008-09-18 Thread pruebauno
On Sep 18, 10:54 am, Simon Mullis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's say I have an arbitrary list of minor software versions of an
 imaginary software product:

 l = [,,,,]

 I'd like to create a dict with major_version : count.

 (So, in this case:

 dict_of_counts = { 1.1 : 1,
1.2 : 2,
1.3 : 2 }

 Something like:

 dict_of_counts = dict([(v[0:3], count) for v in l])

 I can't seem to figure out how to get count, as I cannot do x += 1
 or x++ as x may or may not yet exist, and I haven't found a way to
 create default values.

 I'm most probably not thinking pythonically enough... (I know I could
 do this pretty easily with a couple more lines, but I'd like to
 understand if there's a way to use a dict generator for this).

 Thanks in advance


 Simon Mullis

3 lines:

from collections import defaultdict
for x in l: dd[x[0:3]]+=1

Re: dict generator question

2008-09-18 Thread pruebauno
On Sep 18, 10:54 am, Simon Mullis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's say I have an arbitrary list of minor software versions of an
 imaginary software product:

 l = [,,,,]

 I'd like to create a dict with major_version : count.

 (So, in this case:

 dict_of_counts = { 1.1 : 1,
1.2 : 2,
1.3 : 2 }

 Something like:

 dict_of_counts = dict([(v[0:3], count) for v in l])

 I can't seem to figure out how to get count, as I cannot do x += 1
 or x++ as x may or may not yet exist, and I haven't found a way to
 create default values.

 I'm most probably not thinking pythonically enough... (I know I could
 do this pretty easily with a couple more lines, but I'd like to
 understand if there's a way to use a dict generator for this).

 Thanks in advance


 Simon Mullis

Considering 3 identical simultpost solutions I'd say:
 one obvious way to do it FTW :-)

Re: List of modules available for import inside Python?

2008-08-28 Thread pruebauno
On Aug 28, 12:21 am, ssecorp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way to view all the modules I have available for import
 from within Python?
 Like writing in the interpreter:

 Also, is there anything like Cpan for Python?

Isn't the most obvious answer to the first question this link?

Re: Native Code vs. Python code for modules

2008-07-30 Thread pruebauno
On Jul 29, 11:56 pm, koblas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 better if there was a way that if I have an interface compatible
 native (aka C) module that has better performance that there could be
 a way that python would give it preference.


   import random(version=1.2, lang=c)
   import random(version=1.2, lang=py)   # use the python version by
   import random #  use the latest version in the fastest code (C
 given preference)

 where there could be a nice set of standard key value pairs that
 could provide addtional hints as to what language and version of a
 library was to be used.

I will only make a comment on automatic cModule importing. Some of
what you are suggesting already happens (e.g. Elementree). In Python
3.0 more of the legacy modules (e.g. StringIO) should also work that
way. I don't know what the current status for Pickle is  because
cPickle had some additional internal functionality not available in
regular Pickle that Zope was dependent on.

Re: Why does list have no 'get' method?

2008-02-08 Thread pruebauno
On Feb 7, 4:36 pm, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 7, 4:25 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 15:59:13 +0100, Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
   Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
   Personally, between

   * foo if foo else bar
   * foo or bar

   I prefer the second. Maybe it could be spelt

   * foo else bar ?

   How about

   val = foo rather than bar

   If that is not clear and obvios, I don't know what is.  ;)

  In English, the expression foo rather than bar means bar is never
  chosen, foo is always chosen.

 Ok, the fix is easy:

 val = BETTER foo THAN bar


 Cobol-strikes-back-ly yours,


I use a ETL language/tool that actually has a function for this kind
of thing:


it returns defaultValue if value is null otherwise value.


Re: Why does list have no 'get' method?

2008-02-07 Thread pruebauno
On Feb 7, 12:15 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 7, 11:01 am, Denis Bilenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Steve Holden wrote:
   These versions differ with respect to treatment of blank lines, which
   indicates  how easy it is to go astray in this kind of semantic
   optimization. Your example simply wouldn't work (though you could patch
   it up using if line is None. (despite the use of short-circuiting
both examples show reduction by 3 lines.

   Perhaps so, but you have to realise that Python has never valued code
   compactness over clarity.
   I'm not sure that your democratic wish to ensure fairness to sequences
   will garner much support, interesting though it is in an academic sense.

  Thank you for the patch. My incentives are not academic though.

  I convinced that this

  line = self._buffer.get(self._bufindex)
  if line is None:
  self._bufindex += 1
  self._lineno += 1
  self._filelineno += 1
  return line
  line = self.readline()

  is more clear than

  line = self._buffer[self._bufindex]
  except IndexError:
  self._bufindex += 1
  self._lineno += 1
  self._filelineno += 1
  return line
  line = self.readline()

  I mentioned 3 lines reduction just because it is
  objective, while 'more clear' is subjective.

  Code snippets are again not equivalent, e.g. in the
  case when self._buffer[self._bufindex] exists and is
  equal to None. Although the author could probably
  make a guarantee that is never the case.

 This has been a pet peeve of mine too. So you are not completely

 There is a discussion about precisely this by Alex Martelli in the
 printed version of the Python cookbook (2nd edition). I don't share
 the opinion but I am not going to fight the core Python developers
 over it. I don't think it is worth the effort. Python is so smooth
 already, there has to be some excuse to add some cute hack to your
 program once in a while :-).

 dict(enumerate(lst)).get(i,default) for example although not very
 efficient, looks cute. I think I like it better than my own solution.

Actually to clarify, I think this is more useful for tuples (or tuple
like structures) than lists per se. On homogeneous lists I usually
iterate. It is on heterogeneous that I want to extract specific fields
that might be optional.

Re: Why does list have no 'get' method?

2008-02-07 Thread pruebauno
On Feb 7, 11:01 am, Denis Bilenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
  These versions differ with respect to treatment of blank lines, which
  indicates  how easy it is to go astray in this kind of semantic
  optimization. Your example simply wouldn't work (though you could patch
  it up using if line is None. (despite the use of short-circuiting
   both examples show reduction by 3 lines.

  Perhaps so, but you have to realise that Python has never valued code
  compactness over clarity.
  I'm not sure that your democratic wish to ensure fairness to sequences
  will garner much support, interesting though it is in an academic sense.

 Thank you for the patch. My incentives are not academic though.

 I convinced that this

 line = self._buffer.get(self._bufindex)
 if line is None:
 self._bufindex += 1
 self._lineno += 1
 self._filelineno += 1
 return line
 line = self.readline()

 is more clear than

 line = self._buffer[self._bufindex]
 except IndexError:
 self._bufindex += 1
 self._lineno += 1
 self._filelineno += 1
 return line
 line = self.readline()

 I mentioned 3 lines reduction just because it is
 objective, while 'more clear' is subjective.

 Code snippets are again not equivalent, e.g. in the
 case when self._buffer[self._bufindex] exists and is
 equal to None. Although the author could probably
 make a guarantee that is never the case.

This has been a pet peeve of mine too. So you are not completely

There is a discussion about precisely this by Alex Martelli in the
printed version of the Python cookbook (2nd edition). I don't share
the opinion but I am not going to fight the core Python developers
over it. I don't think it is worth the effort. Python is so smooth
already, there has to be some excuse to add some cute hack to your
program once in a while :-).

dict(enumerate(lst)).get(i,default) for example although not very
efficient, looks cute. I think I like it better than my own solution.

Re: Compiling python2.5 on IBM AIX

2007-07-17 Thread pruebauno
On Jul 17, 3:58 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I haven't compiled it myself, but I'm told that the installation I
  work with was compiled with:

  export PATH=$PATH:/usr/vacpp/bin:/usr/vacpp/lib
  ./configure --with-gcc=xlc_r -q64 --with-cxx=xlC_r -q64 --disable-
  ipv6 AR=ar -X64
  make install

 I've tried with the followong configuration :
 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/vacpp/bin:/usr/vacpp/lib
 ./configure --prefix=${BASE} --with-gcc=xlc_r -q64 --with-cxx=xlC_r
 -q64 --disable-ipv6 AR=ar -X64 LDFLAGS=-L\${BASE}/lib/ PPFLAGS=-I


 but it doesn't compile either :

 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Modules/python.o ./Modules/python.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Modules/_typesmodule.o Modules/_typesmodule.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/acceler.o Parser/acceler.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/grammar1.o Parser/grammar1.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/listnode.o Parser/listnode.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/node.o Parser/node.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/parser.o Parser/parser.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/parsetok.o Parser/parsetok.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/bitset.o Parser/bitset.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/metagrammar.o Parser/metagrammar.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/firstsets.o Parser/firstsets.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/grammar.o Parser/grammar.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/pgen.o Parser/pgen.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/myreadline.o Parser/myreadline.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Parser/tokenizer.o Parser/tokenizer.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Objects/abstract.o Objects/abstract.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Objects/boolobject.o Objects/boolobject.c
 xlc_r -q64 -c  -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -I./Include   -DPy_BUILD_CORE -
 o Objects/bufferobject.o Objects/bufferobject.c
 Objects/bufferobject.c, line 22.15: 1506-275 (S) Unexpected text ','
 make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.

 any idea ?



Remove the extra comma at the end of line 22 of bufferobject.c
That should help you fix it.

I sent a bug report for that:


Re: Dict Help

2007-07-17 Thread pruebauno
On Jul 17, 5:57 am, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
 Morning Gabriel,

 I'm looking for a little more advice on this dictionary/list to
 defaultdict/set conversion that we were talking about, there were a few
 things I was looking to clarify. Firstly, what is the difference between a
 standard dict and a default dict? Is it purely a performance issue?

 This dict is likely to grow pretty large and is read/written on a very
 regular basis so the better performing one is going to work best for me.
 Also, am I still able to iterate over a set in the same way I can a list?

 Here is an example of my add function at the moment, how can that be
 converted to a defaultdict/set instead of the dict/list approach?

 self.History = {}

 def addHistory(self, address, media):
 if address not in self.History:
 self.History[address] = []


 Thanks Gabriel,


1. defaultdict just sets a dictionary entry to a default if the key
does not exist. In other words if you replace the first line with:

self.History=defaultdict(list) #replace list by set if you want

you can get rid of:

if address not in self.History: self.History[address]=[]

because that then happens automatically. Otherwise it works exactly
like a regular dictionary.

2. You can iterate over a set the same way you iterate over a list.

3. Change the following lines:

line 5 self.History[address] = set() #instead of [] (list)
line 7 self.History[address].add(media) #set uses add instead of


Re: compiling on AIX 5.3 with vacpp

2006-11-01 Thread pruebauno
  I am trying to compile Python 2.5 on AIX 5.3. I used
  building '_locale' extension
  ./Modules/ld_so_aix xlc_r -q64 -bI:Modules/python.exp
  -L/usr/local/lib -o build/lib.aix-5.3-2.5/
  ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .bindtextdomain
  ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .textdomain
  ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .dcgettext
  ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .dgettext
  ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .gettext

 The problem is that an additional library is needed to link the locale
 module.  You will first need to determine what library is needed.
 Maybe libintl?  To find out, you can do a man on any of those symbols,
 for example, man textdomain.

 That should tell you want library is required.  You will then need to
 modify to add the extra library for the locale module.
 There's already some support for this in around line 390:

 # access to ISO C locale support
 data = open('pyconfig.h').read()
 m =*define\s+WITH_LIBINTL\s+1\s*, data)
 if m is not None:
 locale_libs = ['intl']
 locale_libs = []
 if platform == 'darwin':
 locale_extra_link_args = ['-framework', 'CoreFoundation']
 locale_extra_link_args = []

 exts.append( Extension('_locale', ['_localemodule.c'],

 Once you get something working, please post a patch.


Thanks for the info Neil,

sorry for taking long to answer. This is skunkwork, I am working on it
whenever I get some time.

indeed as you say. libintl.h is required so I hard coded it into to no effect. At what point does get called? by make?

my code
# access to ISO C locale support
data = open('pyconfig.h').read()
m =*define\s+WITH_LIBINTL\s+1\s*, data)
if m is not None:
locale_libs = ['intl']
locale_libs = []
if platform == 'darwin':
locale_extra_link_args = ['-framework', 'CoreFoundation']
locale_extra_link_args = []


exts.append( Extension('_locale', ['_localemodule.c'],
   extra_link_args=locale_extra_link_args) )


compiling on AIX 5.3 with vacpp

2006-10-26 Thread pruebauno
I am trying to compile Python 2.5 on AIX 5.3. I used

export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/vacpp/bin

OPT=-O2 ./configure --with-gcc=xlc_r -q64 --with-cxx=xlC_r -q64
--disable-ipv6 AR=ar -X64


The following error stops make in its track:

building '_locale' extension
./Modules/ld_so_aix xlc_r -q64 -bI:Modules/python.exp
-L/usr/local/lib -o build/lib.aix-5.3-2.5/
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .bindtextdomain
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .textdomain
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .dcgettext
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .dgettext
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .gettext
ld: 0711-345 Use the -bloadmap or -bnoquiet option to obtain more
*** WARNING: renaming _locale since importing it failed:
0509-022 Cannot load module build/lib.aix-5.3-2.5.
0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name
does not exist.
error: No such file or directory
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.


Any help appreciated as to explain what that error could mean and
possible ways of fixing it.


Re: definitive source on advanced python?

2006-04-06 Thread pruebauno
vdrab wrote:
 Hi all,

 Is there some sort of coherent source (dead tree format, maybe?) on
 some of the more advanced features
 of python (decorators, metaclasses, etc)? I'm sort of looking for a

If you just want a good  book in feature description I recomend Python
in a Nutshell. It will explain everything you ever did (or didn't) want
to know without much fuzz. It will not have a long list of when you
should use them. For the later the Python Cookbook is probably more
appropiate. It is the book with the most amount and kind of advanced
stuff IMHO. The printed version is much better than the online because
it not only contains the examples but explains how they work. The
problem is that the cookbook is organized by problem domain and not by
implementation technique. To learn techniques you have to read it like
the Bible: you read the stories and try to deduce what it tells you
about Python.


Re: How to debug python code?

2006-03-31 Thread pruebauno
I am new to Python programming.I am not getting exactly pdb.Can
 anyone tell me effective  way to debug python code?
Please give me any example.
Looking for responce.
Thank You.

If you are having issues you also might want to try:
and see if it finds your problem. You might get lucky.

Or just make the bigger install:
that one already includes pychecker and a python debugger.

Sorry for the noise if you were just looking for instructions for pdb.


Re: tricky time interval billing problem

2005-12-06 Thread pruebauno
 First of all, you need to use ordering to ensure that the database gives
 you the most convenient order for processing, as this will make your
 computations much easier. So I'd suggest sorting by clientNumber,
 ServiceNumber, Begindate and Enddate. That way you can consider each
 service separately.

 Then all you need to do is accumulate the entries where the clientNumber
 and ServiceNumber are the same and the start date of the second is less
 than or equal to the end date of the first, repeatedly until either
 there's no date overlap or a new service and/or client is started.

 This shouldn't need any intermediate storage of results: if the row
 you've just read can be used to extend the current range then extend it,
 otherwise emit the current range and replace it with the new row.

 Or is there something I've failed to understand about how you want to
 process the data?


Hi Steve,  (btw I am the one that sent you the quotes at Pycon)

Hm, that would be an algorithm for requirement number 2. I do not
understand how it would help with respect to requirement 1. Notice that
by coincidence, in my examples the input data is already sorted as you

The real data is of course more messy than my analogy and I will post
it here so that nobody can accuse me of feature creep. I hope I don't
totally confuse you now. Feel free to ignore it. The real output is not
100% correct either (that is why I am rewriting the program). Some of
the database in all its gory, glory:


43756350|9048327561|DCUD2B00|D|A|01/01/1999|04/01/1999|83516   |00374
43756350|9048327561|DCUD2B00|D|E|04/02/1999|09/30/2003|83516   |00374
43756350|9048327561|MARTPPG2|M|A|01/01/1999|03/31/1999|83516   |00374
43756350|9048327561|MBCPG002|M|A|04/01/1999|07/31/2002|83516   |00374
43756350|9048327561|MBP07305|M|A|08/01/2002|09/02/2002|83516   |00374
43756350|9048327561|MBP07305|M|E|09/03/2002|09/30/2003|83516   |00374

|   (M)  |  (H,W)  |  (D,O,S)  ||
|   -|-| - ||O|
|   -|-| X ||G|
|   -|X| - ||F|
|   -|X| X ||E|
|   X|-| - ||C|
|   X|-| X ||D|
|   X|X| - ||B|
|   X|X| X ||A|



tricky time interval billing problem

2005-12-05 Thread pruebauno
I am currently working on a tricky problem at work. I googled around a
bit, but time intervals did not come up with anything useful.
Although I have some rough idea of how I could solve it, I still would
value some input.

I have information of (It has only couple dozen entries.)
ServiceNum, DollarCost

and a input database table in the form (several GBytes):
ClientNumber (CN), BeginDate(BD), EndDate(ED),
--Date intervals are always [closed, closed]

The output is:
ClientNumber(CN), BeginDate(BD), Enddate(ED), DollarCost(DC)

With the following requirements:
1) The input dates can be overlapping dates.
The output has to be non-overlapping broken up dates

Example: (assuming SN 1=$10 and SN 2=$20)
input (CN, BD, ED ,SN):
10, 1/1/2001,1/1/2005,1
10, 1/1/2002,1/1/2004,2

should result in:
output (CN, BD, ED, DC):
10, 1/1/2001, 12/31/2001, $10
10, 1/1/2002, 1/1/2004, $30
10, 1/2,2004, 1/1/2005, $10

2) if the same service is purchased twice for an interval it should be
billed only once
10, 1/1/2001, 1/1/2005, 1
10, 1/1/2004, 1/1/2007, 1

10, 1/1/2001, 1/1/2007, $10

Here are my thoughts about a solution so far:

1. fetch the input data sorted by clientNumber, Begindate, Enddate and

2. read the row, store as temporary good interval, then read another

3. if new begin-date is bigger than previous good interval end-date (or
previously saved end-date), output previous good interval, start new
good interval

4. else create new good interval entry with good interval begin-date
and current row begin-date, store good interval end-date into a list
with bisect module or something (so we always compare against smallest

5. Use bitwise or on a service bitfield to add services and caluate
the total

As you can see my algorithm is a bit scetchy right now, but at this
point I am more interested to determine if the bisect module would be
the best way to approach the date interval problem or if I should use
some other data structure instead (stack, queue, set,...). I am working
on a Python proof of concept now. It is likely that the company will
want a C++ version of it later (yikes).



Re: anaconda.real in RH7.1

2005-09-02 Thread pruebauno
Allan Adler wrote:
 I'm using the book, Programming Python, by Mark Lutz, as a reference.

No offence to Mark Lutz or O'Reilly but I consider Programming Python
one of the worst books I have read (in my case an old first edition).
It overwhelms the beginning programmer (Learning Python is probably
better for that), it bores the experienced programmer to death with
introductory details and does not work as a reference book. It is a
nice survey of application areas for python, but the book lacks a clear
goal, purpose and a problem it tries to address. It needs more focus.
It needs to be marketed correctly also. I believe too many people new
to python buy that book and get discouraged about Python, O'Reilly and
programming when they should buy something else instead.

That said what you probably want is Python in a Nutshell by O'Reilly
which is a good reference book it has a concise introduction of Python
in the beginning and after that, documentation for the most usefull
libraries out there.

Personally I use the online documentation a lot:

If I know the the name of the module
(for example it starts with sys.zz) I use:

If I know what I want but not the name I use:


Re: Improving my text processing script

2005-09-01 Thread pruebauno
Paul McGuire wrote:
 match...), this program has quite a few holes.

 What if the word Identifier is inside one of the quoted strings?
 What if the actual value is tablename10?  This will match your
 tablename1 string search, but it is certainly not what you want.
 Did you know there are trailing blanks on your table names, which could
 prevent any program name from matching?

Good point. I did not think about that. I got lucky because none of the
table names had trailing blanks (google groups seems to add those) the
word identifier is not used inside of quoted strings anywhere and  I do
not have tablename10, but I do have dba.tablename1 and that one has
to match with tablename1 (and magically did).

 So here is an alternative approach using, as many have probably
 predicted by now if they've spent any time on this list, the pyparsing
 module.  You may ask, isn't a parser overkill for this problem? and

You had to plug pyparsing! :-). Thanks for the info I did not know
something like pyparsing existed. Thanks for the code too, because
looking at the module it was not totally obvious to me how to use it. I
tried run it though and it is not working for me. The following code
runs but prints nothing at all:

import pyparsing as prs

f=file('tlst'); tlst=[ln.strip() for ln in f if ln]; f.close()
f=file('plst');  ; f.close()


  + 'Identifier'
  + prs.quotedString
  + prs.LineEnd()

  + 'Value'
  + prs.quotedString
  + prs.LineEnd()

interestingLines=(identLine | tableLine)

for toks,start,end in interestingLines.scanString(plst):
print toks,start,end


Re: Improving my text processing script

2005-09-01 Thread pruebauno
Miki Tebeka wrote:

 Look at re.findall, I think it'll be easier.

Minor changes aside the interesting thing, as you pointed out, would be
using re.findall. I could not figure out how to.


Re: Improving my text processing script

2005-09-01 Thread pruebauno
 Paul McGuire wrote:
  match...), this program has quite a few holes.

 tried run it though and it is not working for me. The following code
 runs but prints nothing at all:

 import pyparsing as prs

And this is the point where I have to post the real stuff because your
code works with the example i posted and not with the real thing. The
identifier I am interested in is (if I understood the the requirements
correctly) the one after the title with the stars

So here is the real data for tlst some info replaced with z to
protect privacy:


   Identifier zzz0main


   Identifier zz501

 Value zzz_CLCL_,zz_ID

 Name z

 Name zz


   Identifier 3main


   Identifier zzz505

 Value dba.zzz_CKPY__SUM

 Name xxx_xxx_xxx_DT


 Value zzz__zzz_zzz

 Name zzz_zz_zzz


 Value zzz_zzz_zzz_HIST

 Name zzz_zzz



Improving my text processing script

2005-08-31 Thread pruebauno
I am sure there is a better way of writing this, but how?

import re
sep=re.compile('Identifier (.*?)')
for elem in'Identifier'):
if match:
for table in tlst:
for prog,content in plst:
if content.find(table)0:
for elem in flst:
print elem

What would be the best way of writing this program. BTW find0 to check
in case table=='' (empty line) so I do not include everything.

tlst is of the form:



plst is of the form:

Identifier Program1
Name Random Stuff
Value tablename2
...other random properties
Name More Random Stuff
Identifier Program 2
Name Yet more stuff
Value tablename2

I want to know in what programs are the tables in tlst (and only those)


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