Re: Seeking Python + Subversion hosting.

2004-12-06 Thread remi
> Anyone know of a good hosting company that offers both server-side
> Python and a subversion repository?
> I know of one: - they're a bit pricey, but I s'pose
> you gets what you pays for - they look good.
> Just FYI - right now I'm with They're cheap and
> my brief experience have been pretty good at responding to support
> issues. They gave me a big 'no' to subversion though. (tip: if you
> these guys, be sure to tell them you want the server with the latest
> Python goodies *before* you sign up!) supports Subversion hosting as well.
You can also get Trac hosting there if you need it.
This is available as part of all the plans and you'll get all the other
features included (backups, monitoring, DNS hosting, e-mail hosting,
web hosting, DB hosting, ...)

This is where is hosted for instance.



Re: Seeking Python + Subversion hosting.

2004-12-06 Thread remi
> Anyone know of a good hosting company that offers both server-side
> Python and a subversion repository?
> I know of one: - they're a bit pricey, but I s'pose
> you gets what you pays for - they look good.
> Just FYI - right now I'm with They're cheap and
> my brief experience have been pretty good at responding to support
> issues. They gave me a big 'no' to subversion though. (tip: if you
> these guys, be sure to tell them you want the server with the latest
> Python goodies *before* you sign up!) supports Subversion hosting as well.
You can also get Trac hosting there if you need it.
This is available as part of all the plans and you'll get all the other
features included (backups, monitoring, DNS hosting, e-mail hosting,
web hosting, DB hosting, ...)

This is where is hosted for instance.



Ann: CherryPy-2.0-beta released

2005-01-03 Thread remi
Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce the release of CherryPy-2.0-beta.

CherryPy-2 is a pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.

CherryPy-2 is a redesign of CherryPy-1 (the unpythonic features have
been removed): no more compilation step, pure python source code (no
more "CherryClass")

Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy-2:

# from cherrypy import cpg
# class HelloWorld:
# @cpg.expose
# def index(self):
# return "Hello world!"
# cpg.root = HelloWorld()
# cpg.server.start()

Main properties:
- this code starts a multi-threaded HTTP server that dispatches
requests to methods
- requests like "http://domain/dir/page?arg1=val1&arg2=val2"; are
mapped to "'val1', arg2='val2')"
- requests are mapped to an object tree that is "mounted" on cpg.root
(for instance: "cpg.root.user", "cpg.root.user.remi", ...)
- method must be explicitely exposed with a decorator "@cpg.expose"
(or " = True" for Python-2.3)
- methods can return a generator instead of a string (useful when
generating big pages)

Here is a non-exhaustive list of CherryPy-2 features:
multi-threaded HTTP server, XML-RPC server, sessions, form handling,
authentication, unicode support, gzip-compression, virtual hosting,
WSGI adapter (experimental)

The design of CherryPy-2 allows to easily write/use pluggable "filters"
or "modules":
- filters perform operations on the request/response such as
gzip-compression or string encoding
- modules are web applications (like a blog or a web forum) than can
be easily "mounted" anywhere you want in your website

CherryPy-2 is already used in production by several sites and is
supported by an active community.



Re: Frameworks for "Non-Content Oriented Web Apps"

2005-01-03 Thread remi
Have a look a the new CherryPy (

It allows developers to build web applications in much the same way
they would build any other object-oriented Python program.
This might corespond to what you're looking for.



Re: Ann: CherryPy-2.0-beta released

2005-01-03 Thread remi
> I'm a great believer that avoiding query strings in URL's is good
> practise ( for good arguments why).

CherryPy also supports that out of the box:

class Book:
def default(self, categoryName, bookId):
... = Book()

If you go to "http://domain/book/science/9";, CherryPy will call
book.default('science', '9')

> Also how
> much does it complicate matters to run cherryPy under an existing
> webserver? Is any functionality lost?

Well, you can easily run CherryPy behind Apache (see
Since CherryPy provides a WSGI interface (although it's still
experimental), you can also run your CherryPy app with any
WSGI-compatible HTTP server (although I don't really see any advantage
to doing this).



numbering variables

2005-03-28 Thread remi
I have got a list like : mylist = ['item 1', 'item 2','item n'] and 
I would like to store the string 'item1' in a variable called s_1, 
'item2' in s_2,...,'item i' in 's_i',... The lenght of mylist is finite ;-)
Any ideas ?
Thanks a lot.

Re: numbering variables

2005-03-28 Thread remi
Patrick Useldinger a écrit :
remi wrote:
I have got a list like : mylist = ['item 1', 'item 2','item n'] 
and I would like to store the string 'item1' in a variable called s_1, 
'item2' in s_2,...,'item i' in 's_i',... The lenght of mylist is 
finite ;-)
Any ideas ?
Thanks a lot.

Use a dictionary: variable['s_1']= mylist.pop(), variable['s_2'] = 
mylist.pop() ...
Ok thanks but is there a way to automate this variable numbering ? Such 
like :
i = 0
for i <=len(mylist)
i = i +1
or as you suggest :
i = 0
while i<=len(mylist)
   i = i+1

Re: numbering variables

2005-03-28 Thread remi
Fredrik Lundh a écrit :
"remi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have got a list like : mylist = ['item 1', 'item 2','item n'] and I would like to store the 
string 'item1' in a variable called s_1, 'item2' in s_2,...,'item i' in 's_i',...

I want to convert a very simple *.tex file into a very simple *.xml file
mylist is made by :
file_in = open('in.tex','r')
file_string =
corps = r"""\\begin{document}(?P.*)\\end{document}""" 
compile_obj = re.compile(corps,  re.IGNORECASE| re.DOTALL)
match_obj =
contents ='contents')

sect = r'\\section{(.*)}'
motif1 = re.compile(sect)
mylist = re.split(motif1,contents)
I want to store each item of mylist in a variable (and after "xmlize" it 
little by little). The lengh of mylist isn't fixed it depends on the 
*.tex file.

Re: numbering variables

2005-03-28 Thread remi
Fredrik Lundh a écrit :
"remi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I want to store each item of mylist in a variable (and after "xmlize" it little by little).

why not just process the items in the list?
That's right.
for item in mylist:
print tex2xml(item)
where tex2xml() is the main converting function i guess.
So i should change "print tex2xml(item)" to a kind of 

Ok, i try this too but i think it will lead to a "line by line" 
processing of the file... I try.



Re: numbering variables

2005-03-28 Thread remi
Fredrik Lundh a écrit :

variable['s_' + str(i)]=mylist.pop()
but that while and pop stuff is pretty weird; 
Why ? Because it destroys the list ?
maybe you should read the
sections on lists, for loops, and string formatting in the Python tutorial?
here's a shorter way to create that dictionary:
variable = {}
for item in mylist:
variable["s_%d" % len(variable)] = item
maybe a dictionnary is more easely usable and reusable than a list...
Thanks a lot for your help.
and here's the obligatory one-liner:
variable = dict(("s_" + str(k), v) for k, v in enumerate(mylist))
(shorter, but not exactly clearer, especially not if you're new to Python)
As a beginner, I agree at 100% even if the latter is nicer !
I send to people form clp a little sun from Toulouse (France)

Re: (PHP or Python) Developing something like

2005-04-28 Thread remi
> CherryPy and Quixote are for programming in the small

May I ask why you say that ?
Just because a framework is light and easy doesn't mean it doesn't
scale well ...

> I have not idea how they scale in the large.

Well, I do :-)
Among many other sites, CherryPy powers the BackOffice system of a big
cinema chain in the UK. The web app gets hammered all day long by
hundreds of users whose work is completely dependent on this web app.
It has 500 different web forms (everything is data driven) and the code
is about 30K lines of python/cherrypy code (if the code wasn't
data-driven it would be a *lot* more ...).

If it gets accepted, there will be a talk about this system at
EuroPython ...



ANN: CherryPy-2.0-final released

2005-05-04 Thread remi
Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce the first stable release of CherryPy-2.

CherryPy-2 is a pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.

CherryPy-2 is a redesign of CherryPy-1 (the unpythonic features have
been removed): no more compilation step, pure python source code (no
more "CherryClass").

Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy-2:

# from cherrypy import cpg
# class HelloWorld:
# @cpg.expose
# def index(self):
# return "Hello world!"
# cpg.root = HelloWorld()
# cpg.server.start()

Main properties:
- this code starts a multi-threaded HTTP server that dispatches
requests to methods
- requests like "http://domain/dir/page?arg1=val1&arg2=val2"; are
mapped to "'val1', arg2='val2')"
- CherryPy also supports "positional" arguments in URLs like
- requests are mapped to an object tree that is "mounted" on cpg.root
(for instance: "cpg.root.user", "cpg.root.user.remi", ...)
- method must be explicitely exposed with a decorator "@cpg.expose"
(or " = True" for Python-2.3)
- methods can return a generator instead of a string (useful when
generating big pages)

Here is a non-exhaustive list of CherryPy-2 features:
multi-threaded HTTP server, XML-RPC server, sessions, form handling,
authentication, unicode support, gzip-compression, virtual hosting,
WSGI adapter

The design of CherryPy-2 allows to easily write/use pluggable "filters"
or "modules":
- filters perform operations on the request/response such as
gzip-compression or string encoding
- modules are web applications (like a blog or a web forum) than can
be easily "mounted" anywhere you want in your website

CherryPy-2 is already used in production by many sites and is
supported by an active community.



ANN: CherryPy-2.1.0-final released

2005-10-23 Thread remi
Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce the release of CherryPy-2.1.0

If is the result of 6 months of intense development since the
last stable release and the work of a growing number of

CherryPy has become increasingly popular these past few months
(the mailing lists now have more than 500 people) and it is
also used in other popular products such as Subway and Turbogears.

This release is a major step forward for CherryPy. It is packed
with new features and bug fixes.

Here are the main improvements in this release:
 - New WSGI interface, which allow CherryPy sites to be deployed on
any WSGI server. People are already running it on mod_python, FastCGI,
SCGI, IIS or CherryPy's own built-in HTTP server.
 - New implementation for sessions, which supports multiple backends
 - Built-in list of convenient "filters" for things like gzip
XHTML validation, caching, unicode decoding/encoding, authentication,
XML-RPC wrapper, etc ... These filters can easily be enabled/disabled
through configuration.
 - New "development" mode which provides things like autoreload (no
need to manually restart your server when you make a change), logging
of page stats, etc ...
 - Better handling of file uploads
 - Internal implementation now uses generators everywhere (no more
 - New built-in HTTP server implementation

About CherryPy:

CherryPy-2 is a pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.

Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy-2:

# import cherrypy
# class HelloWorld:
# @cherrypy.expose
# def index(self):
# yield ""
# yield "Hello world!"
# yield ""
# cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
# cherrypy.server.start()

Main properties:
- this code starts a multi-threaded HTTP server that dispatches
requests to methods
- requests like "http://domain/dir/page?arg1=va l1&arg2=val2" are
mapped to "'val1', arg2='val2')"
- CherryPy also supports "RESTful" URLs like
- requests are mapped to an object tree that is "mounted" on
(for instance: "cherrypy.root.user", "cherrypy.root.user.remi", ...)
- method must be explicitly exposed with a decorator "@cherrypy.expose"
(or " = True" for Python-2.3)



ANN: CherryPy-2.1.0-beta released

2005-07-14 Thread remi
Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce the first beta release of CherryPy-2.1

This release is a major step forward for CherryPy. It is packed
with new features and bug fixes. Also, the CherryPy community is
now growing quite fast and it is very active. Many people contributed
to this release.

Here are the main improvements in this release:
 - New WSGI interface, which allow CherryPy sites to be deployed on
any WSGI server. People are already running it on mod_python, FastCGI,
SCGI, IIS or CherryPy's own built-in HTTP server.
 - New implementation for sessions, which supports multiple backends
 - Built-in list of convenient "filters" for things like gzip
XHTML validation, caching, unicode decoding/encoding, authentication,
XML-RPC wrapper, etc ... These filters can easily be enabled/disabled
through configuration.
 - New "development" mode which provides things like autoreload (no
need to manually restart your server when you make a change), logging
of page stats, etc ...
 - Better handling of file uploads
 - Internal implementation now uses generators everywhere (no more
 - New built-in HTTP server implementation

About CherryPy:

CherryPy-2 is a pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.

Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy-2:

# import cherrypy
# class HelloWorld:
# @cherrypy.expose
# def index(self):
# yield ""
# yield "Hello world!"
# yield ""
# cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
# cherrypy.server.start()

Main properties:
- this code starts a multi-threaded HTTP server that dispatches
requests to methods
- requests like "http://domain/dir/page?arg1=va l1&arg2=val2" are
mapped to "'val1', arg2='val2')"
- CherryPy also supports "RESTful" URLs like
- requests are mapped to an object tree that is "mounted" on
(for instance: "cherrypy.root.user", "cherrypy.root.user.remi", ...)
- method must be explicitly exposed with a decorator "@cherrypy.expose"
(or " = True" for Python-2.3)



ANN: CherryPy-2.2.0beta released

2006-01-30 Thread remi
Hi everyone,

I am please to announce the first beta release of CP-2.2.0
We've started to collect changes on this page: (there's many more items to

Included in this release are:

- Support for multiple applications within one CherryPy process

- Lots of bug fixes and improvements (including a more stable session

- Switch to lowercase API (instead of camelCase). (old API is still
supported but deprecated)



ANN: CherryPy-2.2.0-rc1 released

2006-03-09 Thread remi
Hello everyone,

I'm happy to announce that the first release candidate for
CherryPy-2.2.0 is now available.

This release includes various bugfixes, a new benchmarking tool and
improved WSGI support.

Check out this great post from Christian Wyglendowski to see how you
can run multiple WSGI-CherryPy apps using other tools like wsgutils or
Paste (or do the opposite: run a PyBloxsom or MoinMoin WSGI app within

Christian has also put together a great screencast showing how to run
CherryPy and interact with it directly from the prompt:

About CherryPy:

CherryPy is a pythonic, lightweight and straightforward (no
dependencies) web development framework.

Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy:

# import cherrypy
# class HelloWorld:
# @cherrypy.expose
# def index(self):
# yield ""
# yield "Hello world!"
# yield ""
# cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
# cherrypy.server.start()

Details and downloads for the 2.2.0-rc1 release are available from the
CherryPy website:



ANN: CherryPy-2.2.0-rc1 released

2006-04-04 Thread remi
Hello everyone,

After six months of hard work and 300 changesets since the last stable
release I'm happy to announce that CherryPy-2.2.0-final is out.

The biggest changes are:

- switch to a lowercase api (although the old camelCase API is still
supported for backward compatibility)

- support for multiple applications (new "cherrypy.tree" object)

- better error handling

- lots of bug fixes (especially in file-based sessions)

- better test suite.

Check out for more details.

About CherryPy:

CherryPy is a simple (no dependencies), pythonic (doesn't
get in your way) web development framework.

Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy:

# import cherrypy
# class HelloWorld:
# @cherrypy.expose
# def index(self):
# yield ""
# yield "Hello world!"
# yield ""
# cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
# cherrypy.server.start()

The project has been growing strongly lately: averaged 3000 visitors/day in March,
up from 2000 visitors/day in January and February;
and the cherrypy-users list just passed 700 users.

Details and downloads are available from: 



Re: ANN: CherryPy-2.2.0 released

2006-04-04 Thread remi
Oops ... The title should have been "CherryPy-2.2.0 released", not
"CherryPy-2.2.0-rc1" ...

> Hello everyone,
> After six months of hard work and 300 changesets since the last stable
> release I'm happy to announce that CherryPy-2.2.0-final is out.
> The biggest changes are:
> - switch to a lowercase api (although the old camelCase API is still
> supported for backward compatibility)
> - support for multiple applications (new "cherrypy.tree" object)
> - better error handling
> - lots of bug fixes (especially in file-based sessions)
> - better test suite.
> Check out for more details.
> ***
> About CherryPy:
> CherryPy is a simple (no dependencies), pythonic (doesn't
> get in your way) web development framework.
> Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy:
> # import cherrypy
> # class HelloWorld:
> # @cherrypy.expose
> # def index(self):
> # yield ""
> # yield "Hello world!"
> # yield ""
> # cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
> # cherrypy.server.start()
> The project has been growing strongly lately:
> averaged 3000 visitors/day in March,
> up from 2000 visitors/day in January and February;
> and the cherrypy-users list just passed 700 users.
> Details and downloads are available from:
> Remi.


ANN: CherryPy-2.2.0 released

2006-04-04 Thread remi
(sorry for the double-post, the title of the previous one was wrong)

Hello everyone,

After six months of hard work and 300 changesets since the last stable
release I'm happy to announce that CherryPy-2.2.0-final is out.

The biggest changes are:

- switch to a lowercase api (although the old camelCase API is still
supported for backward compatibility)

- support for multiple applications (new "cherrypy.tree" object)

- better error handling

- lots of bug fixes (especially in file-based sessions)

- better test suite.

Check out for more details.

About CherryPy:

CherryPy is a simple (no dependencies), pythonic (doesn't
get in your way) web development framework.

Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy:

# import cherrypy
# class HelloWorld:
# @cherrypy.expose
# def index(self):
# yield ""
# yield "Hello world!"
# yield ""
# cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
# cherrypy.server.start()

The project has been growing strongly lately: averaged 3000 visitors/day in March,
up from 2000 visitors/day in January and February;
and the cherrypy-users list just passed 700 users.

Details and downloads are available from: 



ANN: CherryPy-2.2.0 released

2006-04-04 Thread remi
(sorry for the double-post, the title of the previous one was wrong)

Hello everyone,

After six months of hard work and 300 changesets since the last stable
release I'm happy to announce that CherryPy-2.2.0-final is out.

The biggest changes are:

- switch to a lowercase api (although the old camelCase API is still
supported for backward compatibility)

- support for multiple applications (new "cherrypy.tree" object)

- better error handling

- lots of bug fixes (especially in file-based sessions)

- better test suite.

Check out for more details.

About CherryPy:

CherryPy is a simple (no dependencies), pythonic (doesn't
get in your way) web development framework.

Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy:

# import cherrypy
# class HelloWorld:
# @cherrypy.expose
# def index(self):
# yield ""
# yield "Hello world!"
# yield ""
# cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
# cherrypy.server.start()

The project has been growing strongly lately: averaged 3000 visitors/day in March,
up from 2000 visitors/day in January and February;
and the cherrypy-users list just passed 700 users.

Details and downloads are available from: 



Re: projects: dead?

2006-12-19 Thread Remi
> > I certainly hope so, but this is what I'm reacting to (from
> >
> >
> > "We're sorry, we're not longer accepting applications for free trac/svn
> > accounts. People have left their Trac sites unattended and as a result
> > our server is being flooded with spam. We need to do some serious
> > cleanup and when that's done we'll accept new applications again (that
> > might take weeks, if not months though). "
> Um, that sounds to me like they're not accepting *new*
> projects, not that they're shutting down existing ones.
> Unless *my* reading comprehension skills have completely
> abandoned me.

Your reading comprehension skills are fine :)

We're not accepting *new* projects anymore (for now), but we certainly
continue to support existing ones. We would never take down the sites
without at least a one month warning ... not that we have any plan to
do so anyway...

We had to do some serious cleanup and we disabled a lot of Trac sites
that looked abandoned (people left their Trac sites open to spammers
and our server was crawling under the load caused by these spammers).

If your site got disabled by mistake just e-mail us and we'll re-enable
it within minutes ...



ANN: Python-2.5 available at WebFaction

2006-09-20 Thread remi
Hello everyone,

I'm happy to announce that WebFaction have now installed Python-2.5
on all their servers.

WebFaction (formerly support all the
major Python web frameworks (Django, TurboGears, CherryPy,
mod_python, Pylons,, ...)

People using Python CGI or Python-2.5-compatible application servers
will be able to use all the new features of Python-2.5 for their

Remi - Hosting for an agile web


Re: Python-2.5 available at WebFaction

2006-09-20 Thread remi

Paul McGuire wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I'm happy to announce that WebFaction have now installed Python-2.5
> > on all their servers.
> >
> > WebFaction (formerly support all the
> > major Python web frameworks (Django, TurboGears, CherryPy,
> > mod_python, Pylons,, ...)
> >
> > People using Python CGI or Python-2.5-compatible application servers
> > will be able to use all the new features of Python-2.5 for their
> > website.
> >
> > Remi
> >
> > - Hosting for an agile web
> >
> Is this available for all of your hosting plans, including your lowest cost
> plan?

Python CGI is. Web frameworks that require a long-running process (such
as Django, TurboGears, ...) are available on our "Shared 2" plan and



ANN (Screencast): Using python at WebFaction

2006-06-21 Thread remi
Hello everyone,

WebFaction (formerly have just released a
screencast demo of their control panel.

The 6 minute demo shows how you can setup some sites in a few clicks,
using a variety of applications (including some Python ones such as
Django and TurboGears).

The one-click installer already supports all major tools, including
Rails, WordPress, Django, TurboGears, Plone, Trac and Subversion, but
also lightweight tools such as static HTML, CGI or PHP.

The demo is available at:

Remi.  - Hosting for an agile web


ANN: Python-2.4 available at

2004-12-03 Thread Remi Delon
Hello everyone,

I'm happy to announce that Python-2.4 is already available on all of
our servers.

People using Python CGI or Python-2.4-compatible application servers
will be able to use all the new features of Python-2.4 for their

We've only installed a few third-party modules for it so far, but
we'll install more as they become available and as people need them.

About is a hosting provider specialized in Python.
Supported software includes Zope, Plone, Quixote, CherryPy, Webware,
 SkunkWeb, Twisted, Spyce, mod_python and others (in fact, pretty
 much everything you want that runs on Python).


PS: will be 2 years old in a few weeks :-)

ANN: Python-2.4 available at

2004-12-03 Thread Remi Delon
Hello everyone,

I'm happy to announce that Python-2.4 is already available on all of
our servers.

People using Python CGI or Python-2.4-compatible application servers
will be able to use all the new features of Python-2.4 for their

We've only installed a few third-party modules for it so far, but
we'll install more as they become available and as people need them.

About is a hosting provider specialized in Python.
Supported software includes Zope, Plone, Quixote, CherryPy, Webware,
 SkunkWeb, Twisted, Spyce, mod_python and others (in fact, pretty
 much everything you want that runs on Python).


PS: will be 2 years old in a few weeks :-)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Free Trac/Subversion hosting at

2005-01-19 Thread Remi Delon
Hello everyone,

To celebrate its second anniversary, is happy to announce
that it is now offering free Trac/Subversion hosting.
This offer is limited to open-source, python projects.

Trac and Subversion make a great combination for project
management. More information about Trac can be found

The free offer includes:
- Your own Trac site with HTTP and HTTPS access
- Your own Subversion repository with HTTP and HTTPS access
- Access to trac-admin through a web interface
- Access to Trac and Subversion user configuration through a web interface
- Web usage statistics of your Trac site
- Nightly backups of your data to external servers

If you want to know more about this offer and find out how to sign up,
check out the following page:


Re: [CherryPy]Serve dynamic binary file in cherrypy?

2005-03-09 Thread Remi Delon
"mep" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Hi,
> After lookup in cherrypy site and google for a while, I haven't
> found any information about cherrypy how to serve dynamic binary
> file(some generated charts).Is there any easy way to do this?
>  In cherrypy 2.0 & python 2.4

Yes, there is an easy way: have your handler method return the binary
data, and set the Content-Type before returning the data, like this:

# class Root:
# def index(self):
# ... Generate binary data in "data" ...
# cpg.response.headerMap['Content-Type'] = 'image/gif'
# return data


Re: python coding contest

2005-12-25 Thread Remi Villatel
André Malo wrote:

>>is two lines and 347 characters ugly enough to win?

> Nope. 3 lines / 179 chars here >:->
> Yes, it's quite unreadable.

I'm in for the second place with 4 lines / 228 chars.

> (The problem is that I need to find an internet cafe on 28/29th in order to
> be able to submit)

Do your best! I'd really like to see your code. Right now, 179 chars 
doesn't seem enough for me to write a "Hello world".  ;-)

Remi Villatel

Re: python coding contest

2005-12-25 Thread Remi Villatel
rbt wrote:

> Does positioning matter? For example, say I give it '123' is it ok to 
> output this:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> Or does it have to be 123

Download the test suite and you'll see that only 123 on one line passes 
the test. Sorry...

Remi Villatel

Re: python coding contest

2005-12-26 Thread Remi Villatel
Tim Hochberg wrote:

>> I am currently at 39 bytes following the requirements and the 
>> principle given above (my module passes the test). Anyone able to beat 
>> that?

> Wow! It'll be interesting to see how to do that. The obvious way gives 
> 53 bytes. Hmmm, I'll have to see what can be done...

39 bytes... 53 bytes... It gives me the impression to follow a jet plane 
with a bike with my 179 bytes!

There isn't a single superfluous byte. My code is so compressed that the 
syntactic colorizer can't cope any more.

I definitively need a new algorythm. 

Remi Villatel

Re: python coding contest

2005-12-27 Thread Remi Villatel
Scott David Daniels wrote:

>> 39 bytes... 53 bytes... It gives me the impression to follow a jet 
>> plane with a bike with my 179 bytes!

> And I am sadly stuck at 169.  Not even spitting distance from 149 (which
> sounds like a non-cheat version).

Try harder!  ;-)  I thought I was stuck at 179 but with a strict diet, I 
managed to loose some bones  :-D  and get down to a one-liner of 153 bytes.

No cheating with import but it's so ugly that I'm not sure I will 
understand my own code next month. And this time I'm sure at 99% that 
I'm really stuck...

Remi Villatel

Re: python coding contest

2005-12-27 Thread Remi Villatel
Christian Tismer wrote:

>>> I feel that python is more beautiful and readable, even if you write
>>> short programs.

> Looking at what I produced the last days, I'm not convinced...

Me neither. Especially since I've taken the one-liner road. Python can 
be very unreadable... sometimes.

> And that's what puzzled me a bit about the approach and the intent
> of this contest: Should this evolute into a language war about
> goals (shortness, conciseness, brevity, whatnot) that Python
> doesn't have as its main targets?

Maybe to prove to the others that Python is a "real" language that can 
produce "uglinesses" too?

> Sure, I see myself hacking this unfortunate little 7-seg code
> until it becomes unreadable for me, the trap worked for me,
> but why do I do this???

For the pleasure of twisting your mind in every possible way, for the 
challenge, for the luxury price if you win? Whatever... I'm trapped too 
and I can't give any reason off the top of my head.

> I think it is legal to use any standard pre-installed package you
> like, if it belongs to the set of default batteries included.

If you use more than the built-ins, you've already lost. It costs you at 
least 9 bytes, well, 10 since I don't know any module with a 
single-letter name.

"\t"+"import"+" "+name_of_module+"\n"

And knowing how much I struggled to remove the last 10 bytes I removed 
from my code, the idea doesn't sound very attractive.

> After all, I'd really love to set up another contest with
> different measures and criteria.

Go on! I don't think that "shortest code" is a very pythonic goal if you 
count in bytes. The same contest with the length of the code measured in 
  "pythonic units" would be better. When I say "pythonic unit", I mean 
to count 1 unit for each variable, literal, operator or key-word. That 
would be more pythonic.

...but maybe less challenging. To try to do with Python things it wasn't 
meant to do is more "fun" for a contest.  ;-)

Remi Villatel

Loop until condition is true

2005-06-17 Thread Remi Villatel
Hi there,

There is always a "nice" way to do things in Python but this time I can't 
find one.

What I'm trying to achieve is a conditionnal loop of which the condition 
test would be done at the end so the loop is executed at least once. It's 
some way the opposite of "while".

So far, all I got is:

while True:
if final_condition is True:

What I don't find so "nice" is to have to build an infinite loop only to 
break it.

Is there a better recipe?

Remi Villatel

Re: Loop until condition is true

2005-06-21 Thread Remi Villatel
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

>>while True:
>>  some(code)
>>  if final_condition is True:
>>  break
>>  #

> checking if a logical expression is true by comparing it to True is bad
> style, and comparing values using "is" is also bad style.

Erm... You totally missed the point. I wrote it this way because, first, 
it's perfectly valid Python code and, second and most important, it's also a 
valid english sentence.

[CENSORED] I keep for myself how stupid I found your post.

> the correct way to write that if-statement is:

Don't try to teach your grandfather how to suck eggs. There is no "correct 
way" to code and "superfluous" isn't a synonym of "incorrect".

> and yes, the "infinite" while loop is a standard Python pattern.  get
> used to it.

Grandfathers and eggs. Now, excuse me but I have a group of savage AI 
written in bad style Python to tame.

Remi Villatel

Re: Polling, Fifos, and Linux

2005-07-08 Thread Remi Villatel
Jeremy Moles wrote:

> This is my first time working with some of the more lower-level python
> "stuff." I was wondering if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong
> with my simple test here?
> Basically, what I need is an easy way for application in userspace to
> simply echo values "down" to this fifo similar to the way proc files are
> used. Is my understanding of fifo's and their capabilities just totally
> off base?

Funny coincidence... I was also trying some FIFO stuff today. I came to a 
very simple solution for just one writer and one listener. I make this stuff 
send text (strings) from one Konsole to another Konsole.

The FIFO was created from Bash with:

$ mkfifo -m 666 fifo
#! /usr/bin/env python

fifo = open("fifo","r")

while True:
print fifo.readline()[:-1]
# [:-1] because of the newline added by print.
#! /usr/bin/env python

fifo = open("fifo", "a")# Mode "a" or "w"

fifo.write("This string goes down the pipe.\n")
# Newline is important because the listener uses readline().
# Output is buffered.
except IOError:

If you kill the writer, the listener remains quiet until somebody writes 
into the pipe. The same happens if there is no writer.

If you kill the listener, the writer reports a broken pipe when it tries to 

The writer can close and open the pipe to its liking, the listener doesn't care.

The only problem is that the writer freezes when it opens the pipe until 
there is a listener at the other end.

Any way, it's very simple and it uses 0% of the CPU.

Just my 2 Euro cents,

Remi Villatel

Re: What's wrong in this HTML Source file of a Bank

2006-06-13 Thread Remi Villatel

> Several times I logged-in successfully but after log-in I can't use
> features/services which were shown prior to my login. Can anyone exoert
> from this forum check , is it technical fault of Bank Web Site or this
> problem pertaining to the user(me).

This is definitively not the right newsgroup for HTML issues. Go to:

And I'm already too nice...

Remi Villatel

Re: Python is fun (useless social thread) ;-)

2006-06-15 Thread Remi Villatel
John Salerno wrote:

> So out of curiosity, I'm just wondering how everyone else came to learn 
> it.

I just needed it. I needed it to recode text files from my old Atari 
computer for my Linux box. I had already seen Python sources during some 
googling sessions and found them mostly understandable. I also knew it 
was already installed so I decided to give it a try.

One night was all I needed to write my "recoder" with nothing more to 
help me than the (cryptic) included docs and the examples. Yes, 8 hours 
and I had learned arguments passing, files operations, strings 
manipulations and even module import with no prior knowledge. I fell in 
love with Python.

I still have the source, it's very basic Python and I definitively could 
have used a dictionary... but it worked.

 From that moment, Python became my script language. Whenever I need to 
write more than 2 lines in Bash, I use Python.

I learned the classes to play with some (rudimentary) artificial 
intelligence. I even took part in a contest where I learned 'lambda' and 
the generators. The only thing I haven't taken much care about is GUI in 
Python. For that, I learned C++...  ;-)

Any way, Python even helps me sometimes to write C++ since I use it to 
test my algorithms when it comes to data manipulation. I can feed my 
routines on the fly with whatever data I want to see how they react. So 
I use Python as a debugger before to even start writing things in C++. 
No need to compile or debug in Python. When something goes wrong: 
CTRL+C, correct and restart.

Python is fun because it's easy to write, to understand and to use.

Remi Villatel