Help Please - Need to make SOAPpy server multithreaded or handle problem some other way

2007-12-13 Thread sberry
I have a SOAP server running using SOAPpy.  The problem I am having is
that it only handles a single request at a time.  It needs to be able
to accept as many simultaneous requests as come in.

What is the best way to achieve this?  I really appreciate any help


Re: Help Please - Need to make SOAPpy server multithreaded or handle problem some other way

2007-12-13 Thread sberry
On Dec 13, 12:38 pm, sberry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a SOAP server running using SOAPpy.  The problem I am having is
 that it only handles a single request at a time.  It needs to be able
 to accept as many simultaneous requests as come in.

 What is the best way to achieve this?  I really appreciate any help

Found the answer.  Started reading the file to make updates
required and found a ThreadingSOAPServer... now it all just works.

SOAPpy server shutting down?

2007-12-10 Thread sberry
I have a soap server I am running on an OS X Server using SOAPpy.  To
start the server I am running
server = SOAPpy.SOAPServer(('IPADDRESS, PORT), namespace=NAMESPACE)

I am starting the server manually in the background by running from
the command line as follows:

However, when I log out of my ssh session, the server often stops
working.  I have not been able to find a consistent amount of time it
will stay up, however it always seems to go down after an hour or so.

Any ideas on how to prevent this or take care of the problem.  So far
all I could come up with is running a cron job to check for the
process, then start it if it is not running.  However, in the
production environment I need this to be running 24/7 so I can't
really afford any down time.  I would need to run my cron job every
minute or so to get the most up-time possible and would like to avoid

Any ideas?  Thanks.

SOAPpy / WSDL help... please

2007-10-30 Thread sberry
I have an Adobe InDesign server running that includes a built-in SOAP
server.  The wsdl is located here:

I have a PHP example that looks like this for calling the SOAP
function runScriptParameters

$scriptArgs = array();
$scriptArgs[] = array(name = myVarName, value = myVarValue);
$scriptArgs[] = array(name = myVarName2, value =
$runScriptParams = array( scriptFile = /some/path/to/file.jsx,
scriptArgs = $scriptArgs, scriptLanguage = javascript);
$scriptData = array(runScriptParameters = $runScriptParams);
$client = new SoapClient(IDSP.wsdl, $proxy_settings);
$returnedValue = $client-RunScript($scriptData);

This works fine and produces the following as its output XML:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=
envelope/ xmlns:ns1=;



Now I am writing a client in Python and have tried the following:

import SOAPpy

url = ./IDSP.wsdl

wsdlObject = SOAPpy.WSDL.Proxy(url)
SOAPpy.Config.debug = 1

scriptArgs = []
scriptArgs.append({name:myVarName, value:myVarValue})
scriptArgs.append({name:myVarName2, value:myVarValue2})
runScriptParams = {}
runScriptParams[scriptFile] = /some/path/to/file.jsx
runScriptParams[scriptLanguage] = javascript
runScriptParams[scriptArgs] = scriptArgs

result = wsdlObject.RunScript(runScriptParameters=runScriptParams)
print result

This errors out and shows the following as the XML.
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

RunScript SOAP-ENC:root=1
scriptArgs SOAP-
ENC:arrayType=ns1:SOAPStruct[2] xsi:type=SOAP-ENC:Array
   scriptFile xsi:type=xsd:string/some/

This looks wrong first off because of the RunScript node, but also has
those extra item nodes for the scriptArgs instead of each being a
scriptArgs node.  Can anyone help?  I really need to get this working
and would appreciate any pointers anyone can give.



Re: SOAPpy / WSDL help... please

2007-10-30 Thread sberry
On Oct 30, 4:10 pm, sberry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have an Adobe InDesign server running that includes a built-in SOAP
 server.  The wsdl is located here:

 I have a PHP example that looks like this for calling the SOAP
 function runScriptParameters

Sorry, I meant that I was trying to run the SOAP function RunScript...
not runScriptParameters like I posted previously.

Thanks for any help.


Question involving a Python app...

2007-08-31 Thread sberry
I am a Flash developer (also a Python dev) and I use an editor called
SEPY Actionscript Editor.  The latest release version does not support
Flash CS3, so I downloaded the source from subversion, edited it, and
recompiled to get a version that worked with CS3.  Right now, in order
to run the program I have to do a command line python main.pyw.

The question now is this:
Others in my company would like to use the version I have compiled
without installing Python, wxPython, 4suite, antlr, and a whole bunch
of other Python libs.  So, how do I create an executable (on Windows)
to install the program so it will run without the aforementioned
framework being installed?

I know this isn't really an entirely Pythonic question, but this
group has always been very helpful in the past.



Re: Question involving a Python app...

2007-08-31 Thread sberry
On Aug 31, 8:25 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 31, 9:52 am, sberry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am a Flash developer (also a Python dev) and I use an editor called
  SEPY Actionscript Editor.  The latest release version does not support
  Flash CS3, so I downloaded the source from subversion, edited it, and
  recompiled to get a version that worked with CS3.  Right now, in order
  to run the program I have to do a command line python main.pyw.

  The question now is this:
  Others in my company would like to use the version I have compiled
  without installing Python, wxPython, 4suite, antlr, and a whole bunch
  of other Python libs.  So, how do I create an executable (on Windows)
  to install the program so it will run without the aforementioned
  framework being installed?

  I know this isn't really an entirely Pythonic question, but this
  group has always been very helpful in the past.


 I find GUI2exe to be very easy to use. It's just py2exe with a GUI
 frontend. See
 more information.


Thanks for the help... and for giving it so quickly - I can always
count on this group.

Problems though... I was successful at creating the dist dir with my
executable file, but when I try to run it I get an error.log file with
the following:

type 'exceptions.IOError'
[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
[53]: main.pyw
[29]: SEPY.pyo
[16]: core\__init__.pyo
[5]: core\documents\__init__.pyo
[11]: core\documents\compare.pyo
[15]: core\documents\editor.pyo
[13]: core\io\__init__.pyo
[6]: core\io\xml\__init__.pyo
[11]: core\io\xml\autoformat.pyo
[29]: Ft\Xml\Domlette.pyo
[355]: Ft\Xml\InputSource.pyo
[584]: Ft\Xml\Catalog.pyo
[62]: warnings.pyo
[126]: warnings.pyo
[122]: Ft\__init__.pyo

Can anyone help explain what I am missing here?



Re: Question involving a Python app...

2007-08-31 Thread sberry
On Aug 31, 8:43 am, sberry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 31, 8:25 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Aug 31, 9:52 am, sberry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am a Flash developer (also a Python dev) and I use an editor called
   SEPY Actionscript Editor.  The latest release version does not support
   Flash CS3, so I downloaded the source from subversion, edited it, and
   recompiled to get a version that worked with CS3.  Right now, in order
   to run the program I have to do a command line python main.pyw.

   The question now is this:
   Others in my company would like to use the version I have compiled
   without installing Python, wxPython, 4suite, antlr, and a whole bunch
   of other Python libs.  So, how do I create an executable (on Windows)
   to install the program so it will run without the aforementioned
   framework being installed?

   I know this isn't really an entirely Pythonic question, but this
   group has always been very helpful in the past.


  I find GUI2exe to be very easy to use. It's just py2exe with a GUI
  frontend. See
  more information.


 Thanks for the help... and for giving it so quickly - I can always
 count on this group.

 Problems though... I was successful at creating the dist dir with my
 executable file, but when I try to run it I get an error.log file with
 the following:

 type 'exceptions.IOError'
 [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
 [53]: main.pyw
 [29]: SEPY.pyo
 [16]: core\__init__.pyo
 [5]: core\documents\__init__.pyo
 [11]: core\documents\compare.pyo
 [15]: core\documents\editor.pyo
 [13]: core\io\__init__.pyo
 [6]: core\io\xml\__init__.pyo
 [11]: core\io\xml\autoformat.pyo
 [29]: Ft\Xml\Domlette.pyo
 [355]: Ft\Xml\InputSource.pyo
 [584]: Ft\Xml\Catalog.pyo
 [62]: warnings.pyo
 [126]: warnings.pyo
 [122]: Ft\__init__.pyo

 Can anyone help explain what I am missing here?


Ok, I figured some of this out.  I added the module antlr, and the
package Ft and recompiled.  Now I have the error.log down to this:

type 'exceptions.ImportError'
No module named shell
[53]: main.pyw
[37]: SEPY.pyo
[11]: core\io\PythonShortCut.pyo

Any ideas on how to get rid of these last couple of errors?
