Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-30 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 The recent Pystone Benchmark message says that Python is only 75% as
 fast on Linux as on Windows.

no, it really only says that the Pystone benchmark is 75% as fast as Linux as on
Windows, on the poster's hardware, using his configuration, and using different



Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-30 Thread Alex Martelli

 Michael Tobis wrote:
  (unwisely taking the bait...)
  If you like your language to look like this
  then more power to you.
 Thanks for pointing out that interesting article on Fortran 90 bugs.
 How long would a comparable C++ list be? Even Python has gotchas, for
 example the difference between deep and shallow copies.

C++ gotchas spawn whole books.  So, once, did C ones -- Koenig's C
Traps and Pitfalls is a wonderful book; to be honest, that was only
partly about the _language_... Koenig's advocacy of half-open loops and
intervals is just as valid in any language, but it was still a point
WELL worth making.

The referenced page, in part, is simply pointing out places where
Fortran might prove surprising to a programmer just because it works
differently from some other language the programmer might be used to.
For example, the very first entry just says that '.and.' does not
short-circuit, so when you need guard behavior you should rather use
nested IF statements.  This is no bug, just a reasonable language design
choice; anybody coming from (standard) Pascal would not be surprised;
Ada even has two different forms ('and' doesn't short-circuit, if you
want short-circuit you use 'and then').
In some sense it can be a gotcha for some programmers, but it would be
silly to count it as a fortran bug!  Or even wart for that matter.

So, I would try to classify things in three classes:

a. some things are important techniques which one may choose to
   highlight in the context of a given language, yet it would simply
   be silly to classify as gotchas, warts, or bugs _of that language_;

b. some aspects of a language's behavior are surprising to people
   familiar w/other languages which behave differently, and thus are
   worth pointing out as gotchas though they're surely not bugs (and
   may or may not be warts);

c. lastly, some things are irregularities within the language, or
   truly unexpected interactions among language features, or vary
   between implementations in ways most programmers won't expect;
   these can be described as warts (and maybe even bugs, meaning
   things that may well be fixed in the next version of a language).

The advantages of half-open intervals (per Koenig's book), the fact that
copies exist in both shallow and deep senses, or the fact that with
pointers to pointers you need to allocate the parent pointers first (the
last entry in the referenced page) are really about [a] -- of course if
a language doesn't have pointers, or doesn't offer a standardized way to
make copies, you won't notice those aspects in that language (the issue
of half-open loops and intervals is wider...), but really these kinds of
observations apply across broad varieties of languages.

Point (b) will always be with us unless all languages work in exactly
the same way;-).  'and' will either short-circuit or not (or the
language will be more complicated to let you specify), array indices
will start from 0 or from 1 (or the language will be more complicated to
let you specify, etc etc), default values for arguments will be computed
at some specified time -- compile-time, call-time, whatever -- or the
language will be poorer (no default values, or only constant ones) or
more complicated (to let you specify when the default gets computed).
Etc, etc.

Point (c) is really the crux of the matter.  Generally, simple languages
such as C or Python will have relatively few (c)-warts; very big and
rich ones such as C++ or Perl will have many; and ones in the middle, as
it appears to me that Fortran 90 is, will have middling amounts.  I'm
not saying that lanugage size/complexity is the only determinant --
there are other aspects which contribute, e.g., the need for backwards
compatibility often mandates the presence of legacy features whose
interaction with other features may cause (c) moments, so, a language
which is older, has evolved a lot, and is careful to keep compatibility,
will be more at risk of (c)-level issues.  Still, size matters.  It's
just like saying that a big program is likely to have more bugs than a
small one... even though many other factors contribute (backwards
compatible evolution from previous versions matters here, too).

  I prefer my languages to be portable, terse and expressive.
 Fortran programmers are generally happy with the portability of the
 language. A difficulty with Python portability and maintainability is
 that some needed functionality is not in the core language but in C
 extensions. For scientific computation, consider the case of Numeric
 and Numarray. I don't think Numeric binaries are available for Python
 2.4, ?  Just
googled and visited the first hit -- I don't currently use Windows so I
don't know if it's still there, works well, etc.

 The recent Pystone Benchmark message says that Python is only 75% as
 fast on Linux as 

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-30 Thread beliavsky

Alex Martelli wrote:


  For scientific computation, consider the case of Numeric
  and Numarray. I don't think Numeric binaries are available for
  2.4, ?  Just
 googled and visited the first hit -- I don't currently use Windows so
 don't know if it's still there, works well, etc.

I should have Googled. I will investigate that link. At SourceForge, I see a
Numarray but not a Numeric Windows binary for Python 2.4. The latest
Numeric Windows binary there is for Python 2.3.

  The recent Pystone Benchmark message says that Python is only 75%
  fast on Linux as on Windows. Fortran programs do not suffer this
  performance hit and are in this respect more portable. In theory,

 You're saying that using a different and better compiler cannot speed
 the execution of your Fortran program by 25% when you move it from
 platform to another...?!  This seems totally absurd to me, and yet I
 no other way to interpret this assertion about Fortran programs not
 suffering -- you're looking at it as a performance _hit_ but of
 it might just as well be construed as a performance _boost_ depending
 the direction you're moving your programs.

I had in mind the Polyhedron Fortran 90 benchmarks for Windows and
Linux on Intel x86 at and . The speed
differences of Absoft, Intel, and Lahey between Linux and Windows for
individual programs, not to mention the average differential across all
programs, is much less than 25%. The differences on a single OS between
compilers can be much larger, but that has less bearing on portability
across OS's.

Thanks for your earlier informative comments on languages. Sparring
with Alex Martelli is like boxing Mike Tyson, except that one
experiences brain enhancement rather than brain damage :).


Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-30 Thread Andrew McLean
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alex Martelli 
You're saying that using a different and better compiler cannot speed
the execution of your Fortran program by 25% when you move it from one
platform to another...?!  This seems totally absurd to me, and yet I see
no other way to interpret this assertion about Fortran programs not
suffering -- you're looking at it as a performance _hit_ but of course
it might just as well be construed as a performance _boost_ depending on
the direction you're moving your programs.
I think that upon mature consideration you will want to retract this
assertion, and admit that it IS perfectly possible for the same Fortran
program on the same hardware to have performance that differs by 25% or
more depending on how good the optimizers of different compilers happen
to be for that particular code, and therefore that, whatever point you
thought you were making here, it's in fact totally worthless.
Look at the Fortran compiler benchmarks here:
for some concrete evidence to support Alex's point.
You will see that the average performance across different benchmarks of 
different Fortran compilers on the same platform can be as much a factor 
of two. Variation of individual benchmarks as much as a factor of three.

Some of you might be surprised at how many different Fortran compilers 
are available!

Andrew McLean

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-30 Thread Alex Martelli

 I had in mind the Polyhedron Fortran 90 benchmarks for Windows and
 Linux on Intel x86 at and . The speed
 differences of Absoft, Intel, and Lahey between Linux and Windows for
 individual programs, not to mention the average differential across all
 programs, is much less than 25%. The differences on a single OS between
 compilers can be much larger, but that has less bearing on portability
 across OS's.

So, you think that comparing a single commercial compiler for code
generation on Windows vs Linux (which _should_ pretty obviously be
pretty much identical) is the same thing as comparing the code
generation of two DIFFERENT compilers, a commercial one on Windows vs a
free one on Linux?!  This stance sounds singularly weird to me.

If on one platform you use a compiler that's only available for that
platform (such as Microsoft's), then portability across OS's (in terms
of performance, at least) can of course easily be affected.  If you care
so much, splurge for (say) the commercial compilers that Intel will be
quite happy to sell you for both platforms -- the one for Windows is a
plug-in replacement for Microsoft's, inside MS Visual Studio (at least,
it used to be that way, with VS 6.0; I don't know if that's still the
case), the one for Linux is usable in lieu of the free gcc.  So, each
should compile Python without any problem.  Presumably, the optimizer
and code generator will be essentially unchanged across platforms, as
they are in the offerings of other vendors of commercial compilers -- it
would seem silly for any vendor to do otherwise!

If one has no funding to purchase commercial compilers for several
platforms, or one doesn't care particularly about the differences in
speed resulting from different compilers' optimizers, then, surprise
surprise, one's programs are quite liable to have different performance
on different platforms.  Trying to imply that this has ANYTHING to do
with the LANGUAGE the programs are coded in, as opposed to the compilers
and expenses one is willing to incur for them, is either an extremely
serious error of logic, if incurred in good faith, or else is an attempt
to score points in a discussion, and then good faith is absent.


Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-30 Thread Michael Tobis
 Michael Tobis wrote:
  (unwisely taking the bait...)
  If you like your language to look like this
  then more power to you.

 Thanks for pointing out that interesting article on Fortran 90 bugs.
 How long would a comparable C++ list be? Even Python has gotchas, for
 example the difference between deep and shallow copies.

The reply C++ is even worse, while debatable either way, seems to be
a common response from Fortran defenders. It misses the point.

What the scientific community needs, whether they know it or not, is
high-performance Python if that's possible, or something as close to it
as possible. Specifically, something with serious introspective power
and economy of expression.

  I prefer my languages to be portable, terse and expressive.

 Fortran programmers are generally happy with the portability of the

Until they try to port something...? Honestly, I can't imagine where
anyone would get this impression.

Now, about the terseness and expressiveness?

 For scientific computation, consider the case of Numeric
 and Numarray.

I'm not happy with these, because they either make temporary arrays
with wild abandon, or enforce an unnatural style of expression. I could
see how they would be useful to others but they are awkward in
long-time spatially coarse finite difference/finite volume/spectral
calculations, which is the problem space I care about.

As for non-coarse (finite element) integrations (where rectangular
decompositions do not suffice) it seems to me that using Fortran is
sheer madness, even though there are real pointers now.

I do not suggest that Python is currently competitive with C++ or
Fortran. I simply agree with that something new ought to be
designed, that a backward compatible Fortran2003 cannot possibly be it,
and that attention to fortran diverts resources from teh osrt of
genuine progress that ought to be possible.

 The recent Pystone Benchmark message says that Python is only 75%
 fast on Linux as on Windows. Fortran programs do not suffer this
 performance hit and are in this respect more portable. In theory, as
 has been mentioned, one could use a faster compiler to compile
 on Linux, but AFAIK this has not yet been done.

Without disagreeing with Alex Martelli's response to this, I find it
nonsensical on other grounds.

Performance portability has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

The answer belies the attitude that programmers are there to put in
time and expend effort, because the only resource worth considering is
production cycles on a big machine. This attitude explains why working
with Fortran is so unpleasant an experience for anyone who has been
exposed to other languages.

An alternative attitude is that the amount of human effort put into
solving a problem is a relevant factor.

In this view, portability is actually about build effort, not runtime
performance. Perhaps the Fortran community finds this idea surprising?

Getting a python package working usually amounts to an install command
to the OS and an import command to the interpreter. Then you can get
down to work. Getting a Fortran package working involves not only an
endless dance with obscure compiler flags and library links, but then a
set of workarounds for codes that produce expected results on one
compiler and compile failures or even different results on another.

The day when project cost was dominated by machine time as opposed to
programmer time is coming to a close. Fortran is a meaningful solution
only to the extent that programmer time is not just secondary but
actually negligible as a cost.

The assumption that portability is somehow about performance belies
total lack of concern for the programmer as a resource, and therefore
to the time-to-solution of any new class of scientific problem. The
result of this habit of thought (entirely appropriate to 1955) is that
in an environment where fortran is expected, new problems are
interpreted as changes to old problems, and the packages become vast
and bloated.

Since most of these legacy codes in practice predate any concept of
design-for-test, they are also almost certainly wrong, in the sense
that they are unlikely to implement the mathematics they purport to
implement. Usually they are close enough for some purposes, but it's
impossible to delimit what purposes are inside or outside the range of

 Nobody is stopping Python developers from working on projects like

They aren't helping either, for the most part.

Psyco aside, institutions that ought to be supporting development of
high-performance high-expressiveness scientific languages are not doing

Institutions with a Fortran legacy base are confused between
maintaining the existing investment and expanding it. The former is
frequently a mistake already, but the latter is a mistake almost
always. This mistake drives investment 

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-30 Thread Michael Sparks
On 30 Jan 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 with Alex Martelli is like boxing Mike Tyson, except that one
 experiences brain enhancement rather than brain damage :).





Fortran pros and cons (was Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space)

2005-01-30 Thread beliavsky
Michael Tobis wrote:

  Fortran programmers are generally happy with the portability of the

 Until they try to port something...? Honestly, I can't imagine where
 anyone would get this impression.

From the fact that Fortran has been used on hundreds of platforms and
that many portable libraries like LAPACK exist. Fortran 90+ allows one
to write even more portable code using the KIND mechanism and the
selected_int_kind and selected_real_kind functions, which let you
specify the ranges of basic data types.

 Now, about the terseness and expressiveness?

Fortran 90/95 is more expressive than Fortran 77 in many ways, as
described in (for example) pages 7-8 of the essay Numerical Recipes:
Does This Paradigm Have a Future?, available at . Quoting that paper:

This, for us, was the revelation of parallel programming in Fortran
The use of parallel and higher-level constructions -- wholly
independently of whether they are executed on tomorrow's parallel
machines or today's ordinary workstations -- expresses more science per
line of code and per programming workday. Based on our own experience,
we think that productivity, or achievable complexity of project, is
increased a factor of 2 or 3 in going from Fortran 77 to Fortran 90 --
if one makes the investment of mastering Fortran 90's higher level

  For scientific computation, consider the case of Numeric
  and Numarray.

 I'm not happy with these, because they either make temporary arrays
 with wild abandon

Some early Fortran 90 compilers did this but have improved
significantly in this respect.

 or enforce an unnatural style of expression.

I wonder what this means.


 I do not suggest that Python is currently competitive with C++ or
 Fortran. I simply agree with that something new ought to be
 designed, that a backward compatible Fortran2003 cannot possibly be
 and that attention to fortran diverts resources from [the sort] of
 genuine progress that ought to be possible.

You have not given specifics about what genuine progress in a
scientific programming language would be.


 Performance portability has nothing to do with what I'm talking

 The answer belies the attitude that programmers are there to put in
 time and expend effort, because the only resource worth considering
 production cycles on a big machine.

Nonsense. Fortran was originally created to make PROGRAMMERS more
efficient by letting them code algebraic expressions instead of machine

 This attitude explains why working with Fortran is so unpleasant an
 experience for anyone who has been exposed to other languages.

Anyone? Since I have been exposed to Python and C++ and still find
Fortran 90+ enjoyable, your statement is demonstrably false. Have you
ever used a version of Fortran past F77? The free Fortran 95 compiler
called g95 is available.


 Getting a python package working usually amounts to an install
 to the OS and an import command to the interpreter. Then you can get
 down to work. Getting a Fortran package working involves not only an
 endless dance with obscure compiler flags and library links, but then
 set of workarounds for codes that produce expected results on one
 compiler and compile failures or even different results on another.

If one writes standard-conforming code it does not. At least with
Fortran one has multiple independent implementations of an ISO
standardized language, about 10 each on Intel Windows or Linux, and 4
for Mac OS X. Links are at . If
one Fortran compiler leaks memory when multiplying matrices, one can
use another. If Python Numarray does, the only alternative I know of is
Numeric, which is no longer supported according to . I have found it extremely useful to
work with multiple compilers and compiler options. A good compiler such
as Lahey/Fujitsu has debugging options that aid programmer productivity
by finding bugs, both at compile and run time, at some cost in speed. I
gave a few examples in a previous thread. The existence of such
compilers refutes your assertion that Fortran programmers think only
machine time is important.


Re: Fortran pros and cons (was Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space)

2005-01-30 Thread beliavsky
Michael Tobis wrote:
  Michael Tobis wrote:

  Fortran 90/95 is more expressive than Fortran 77 in many ways, as
  described in ... .

  ... expresses more science per
  line of code and per programming workday.

 The example shown on p 10 illustrates a shorter piece of code in f90
 than in f77, but it is not obviously more expressive or less complex.
 Arguably the f77 code is easier to write and maintain, even though it
 has more linefeeds in it, so I find the example far from compelling.

Ok, here are some simple examples of the greater expressiveness of
Fortran 95 compared to F77 or C for calculations involving arrays.

(1) To compute the sum of squares for each column of a matrix of the
positive elements, one can write in F90 just

isum = sum(imat**2,dim=1,mask=imat0)

compared to

do j=1,ncol
isum(j) = 0
do i=1,nrows
if (imat(i,j)  0) isum(j) = isum(j) + imat(i,j)**2
end do
end do

I think there is a similar Numeric Python one-liner using the sum and
compress functions. Array operations are not revolutionary (APL had
them in 1960s), but they are faster to write and later read.

(2) Suppose x and y are matrices of the same size and one wants to set
each element y(i,j) = f(x(i,j)) for some elemental (no side-effects)
function f. In Fortran 95, one can just write

y = f(x)

compared to

do j=1,ncol
do i=1,nrow
y(i,j) = f(x(i,j))
end do
end do

The ufunc of Numeric Python and the map of basic Python offer similar

With Fortran 95 one can code numerical algorithms involving arrays in a
high-level manner similar to Python with Numeric/Numarray or Matlab,
while retaining the advantages (better performance, stand-alone
executables) and disadvantages (explicit variable declarations, no
scripting ability) of a compiled language with static typing. That's
all I am claiming.


Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread Nick Coghlan
Thought some folks here might find this one interesting. No great revelations, 
just a fairly sensible piece on writing readable code :)

The whole article:
The section specifically on white space:
Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread Rakesh Kumar
Thanx Nick


Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread beliavsky
Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Thought some folks here might find this one interesting. No great
 just a fairly sensible piece on writing readable code :)

 The whole article:

 The section specifically on white space:

The suggestions in the cited article, How Not to Write FORTRAN in Any
Language, are reasonable but elementary and can be followed in Fortran
90/95/2003 as well as any other language. What infuriates me is that
the author writes as if Fortran has not evolved since the 1960s. It
has. To be specific, Fortran 90

(1) allows variable names up to 31 characters long
(2) has a free source form where
(a) there are no rigid rules about starting code in a certain
(b) white space is significant
(3) has a full set of control structures -- goto's are almost never

More detailed rebuttals of the article are in the archives of the
Fortran 90 discussion group at
-- search for Fortran bashing.

Python looks more like Fortran 90 than one of the curly-brace/semicolon
languages, and both languages have modules and array slices.

One ought to do a little research before publishing an article.
Apparently, many authors and editors are too lazy to do so.


Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread Cameron Laird
One ought to do a little research before publishing an article.
Apparently, many authors and editors are too lazy to do so.

... and/or ignorant or uncultured.  Also, don't forget to excoriate 
the publishers and editors, too cheap and/or otherwise constrained
to edit/fact-check/review/...

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread Nick Coghlan
The suggestions in the cited article, How Not to Write FORTRAN in Any
Language, are reasonable but elementary and can be followed in Fortran
90/95/2003 as well as any other language. What infuriates me is that
the author writes as if Fortran has not evolved since the 1960s. It
has. To be specific, Fortran 90
For myself, I'd be more inclined to say you can write Perl in any language, but 
the fact that the author used Fortan as his own hated source of unreadable code 
is beside the point - the entire point of the article is that readability 
counts, no matter what language you're writing in :)

And that's why the article got published in spite of the jabs at Fortran - those 
jabs served to explain the source of the author's detestation of unreadable 
code. Anyone taking such an admittedly biased opinion and using it to form an 
opinion on _current_ Fortan has problems far bigger than a single article.

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread Michael Tobis
(unwisely taking the bait...)

If you like your language to look like this
then more power to you.

I prefer my languages to be portable, terse and expressive. That's why
I like Python. If you want your language to be obscure, ill-defined and
inconsistent across platforms, by all means go to comp.lang.fortran .

There is no fundamental reason why a language with expressive power
much like Python's cannot have run-time performance comparable to
Fortran's. Unfortunately, Fortran's dominance of the relatively small
scientific computation universe has prevented such a language from
emerging. The solutions which interest me in the short run are 1)
writing a code generation layer from Python to a compiled language
(possibly F77 though I will try to get away with C) and 2) wrapping
legacy Fortran in Python. The latter is quite regularly subverted by
non-standard binary data structures across compilers and a pretty
profound disinterest in interoperability by the people designing the
Fortran standard that makes their interest look more like turf
protection and less like an interest in the progress of science.

In the long run, hopefully a high-performance language that has
significant capacity for abstraction and introspection will emerge.
People keep trying various ways to coax Python into that role. Maybe it
will work, or maybe a fresh start is needed. Awkwardly bolting even
more conetmporary concepts onto Fortran is not going to achieve
bringing computational science up to date.

Python fundamentally respects the programmer. Fortran started from a
point of respecting only the machine, (which is why Fortrans up to F77,
having a well-defined objective, were reasonable) but now it is a
motley collection of half-baked and confusing compromises between
runtime performance, backward compatibility,  and awkward efforts at
keeping up with trends in computer languages. So-called object
oriented Fortran makes the most baroque Java look elegant and

For more see
Language matters. You can't really write Python in any language. 



Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread beliavsky
Michael Tobis wrote:
 (unwisely taking the bait...)

 If you like your language to look like this
 then more power to you.

Thanks for pointing out that interesting article on Fortran 90 bugs.
How long would a comparable C++ list be? Even Python has gotchas, for
example the difference between deep and shallow copies.

 I prefer my languages to be portable, terse and expressive.

Fortran programmers are generally happy with the portability of the
language. A difficulty with Python portability and maintainability is
that some needed functionality is not in the core language but in C
extensions. For scientific computation, consider the case of Numeric
and Numarray. I don't think Numeric binaries are available for Python
2.4, and Numarray is not perfect substitute, being considerably slower
for small arrays, having slightly different functionality in some
areas, and
as recently as Nov 2004 ( thread numarray memory leak) leaking
memory when multiplying matrices.

The recent Pystone Benchmark message says that Python is only 75% as
fast on Linux as on Windows. Fortran programs do not suffer this
performance hit and are in this respect more portable. In theory, as
has been mentioned, one could use a faster compiler to compile CPython
on Linux, but AFAIK this has not yet been done.


 There is no fundamental reason why a language with expressive power
 much like Python's cannot have run-time performance comparable to
 Fortran's. Unfortunately, Fortran's dominance of the relatively small
 scientific computation universe has prevented such a language from

Nobody is stopping Python developers from working on projects like

 The solutions which interest me in the short run are 1)
 writing a code generation layer from Python to a compiled language
 (possibly F77 though I will try to get away with C) and 2) wrapping
 legacy Fortran in Python. The latter is quite regularly subverted by
 non-standard binary data structures across compilers and a pretty
 profound disinterest in interoperability by the people designing the
 Fortran standard that makes their interest look more like turf
 protection and less like an interest in the progress of science.

So uninterested in interoperability is the Fortran standards committee
that they added interoperability with C in Fortran 2003 standard.


 Python fundamentally respects the programmer.

What does that mean?

 Fortran started from a point of respecting only the machine, (which
is  why Fortrans up to F77, having a well-defined objective, were

I have found that Fortran 90/95 is better at the objective of FORmula
TRANslation for array expressions (mostly what I need) than previous

 but now it is a motley collection of half-baked and
 confusing compromises between runtime performance, backward
 compatibility,  and awkward efforts at keeping up with trends in
 computer languages.

This is true to some extent of any language of a certain age,
including C++.


 For more see

And the rebuttal at
