Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-03-04 Thread Dennis Lee Bieber
On Fri, 4 Mar 2022 10:02:30 -0800 (PST), NArshad 
declaimed the following:

>You have made everything too complicated. Just adjust the units left in the 
>second feed into the third and fourth feed because the fish is special and 
>that's it.  The next day the second feed will be 100 units the way it used to 
My solution is generalized for 1) any number of periods in the day, 2)
mis-feed discovered at any point during the day, 3) works with any shape of
feeding schedule.

>What's wrong with the solution which I have written?

Nothing IF you can justify that it meets the documented requirements.
>From your original post:

Implement some methods to distribute the remaining 40 unit in the rest of
the day and propose the new patterns. Try to keep the distribution similar
to the current feeding pattern. 

Rephrased some, with emphasis, into what I see as the two major
requirements to be met:

*   distribute the remaining 40 unit IN THE REST OF THE DAY

"Remaining 40 unit" is really a noise clause resulting only from the
/example/ input schedule and feedings. Any programmatic solution should not
know, ahead of time, what the schedule was, nor what the feedings actually
were. There is no sense to writing a program in which all the input data is
hard-coded -- you might as well hard-code the output too, while you are at
it. I consider "..some methods" to also be noise clause -- the alternative
interpretation is that you are supposed to create multiple programs doing
different types of solutions to the one problem.

Assume, for example, that a fish#2 has a feeding schedule that looks
150  100  20  20  20  20  20  20  100  150
(A big feed at start of day, an almost as large in second hour, six hours
at a constant 20, and then a large feed near the end, followed by a really
big feed to keep it happy overnight -- it seems to make more sense than
slowly starving the fish during the afternoon ).

That planned distribution could be called a bathtub curve -- high start
and ends with a flat middle. (as a sideways histogram)


Again, assume error in first two feeds as:

150  60

REQUIREMENTS? (... rest of day, and similar distribution).

C:\Users\Wulfraed\Documents\_Hg-Repositories\REXX>rexx feedme.rex

Enter planned feeding schedule (feed units for each time period, space
150 100 20 20 20 20 20 20 100 150

Enter actual feeding schedule up to current feed period
150 60

PLAN:   10 time periods   620 total feed units
ACTUAL  :2 time periods   210 total feed units dispensed
MIS-FEED:  40 underfed

SCHEDULE: 150 60  |>   23 22 22 22 22 22

(I modified the script to put |> at the point where the modified
feedings begin)

The result, as a histogram

(Not very visible as each * is 10 units, and using . for 2.5, - for 5, +
for 7.5)

Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN

Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-03-01 Thread Dennis Lee Bieber
On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 02:20:53 -0800 (PST), NArshad 
declaimed the following:

>I have completed the homework or what so ever it used to be its only I am 
>telling the solution which looks to me as better as compared to what others 
>have given like the one that Christian has given.

At the risk of irritating the other regulars... If you've completed it,
why not show us your Python code so we may review it? I presume you did do
it in Python.

I'm not going to show my code -- mainly as I just spent today writing a
solution in REXX. But I will show the results of running said code. My
solution is GENERAL in that it handles
1   variable number of periods in the plan
2   variable number of periods in the actual (partial day)
3   the case where the mis-feed is not the last item in actual
4   the case where the actual matches the plan (no mis-feed)
5   the case where the mis-feed is a shortage (underfed)
6   the case where the mis-feed is an overage (overfed)
7   the case where multiple mis-feeds cancel out (not shown below)

-=-=-   Your example schedule and feed amounts
C:\Users\Wulfraed\Documents\_Hg-Repositories\REXX>rexx feedme.rex

Enter planned feeding schedule (feed units for each time period, space
150 100 30 30 30 20 20 10 5 5

Enter actual feeding schedule up to current feed period
150 60

PLAN:  10 time periods 400 total feed units
ACTUAL  :  2 time periods 210 total feed units dispensed
MIS-FEED:  40 underfed

SCHEDULE:  150 60 39 38 38 25 25 13 6 6

-=-=-   Same, but the mis-feed was not discovered until after the 3rd
C:\Users\Wulfraed\Documents\_Hg-Repositories\REXX>rexx feedme.rex

Enter planned feeding schedule (feed units for each time period, space
150 100 30 30 30 20 20 10 5 5

Enter actual feeding schedule up to current feed period
150 60 30

PLAN:  10 time periods 400 total feed units
ACTUAL  :  3 time periods 240 total feed units dispensed
MIS-FEED:  40 underfed

SCHEDULE:  150 60 30 40 40 27 27 13 7 6

-=-=-   An example were the mis-feed was in the other direction
C:\Users\Wulfraed\Documents\_Hg-Repositories\REXX>rexx feedme.rex

Enter planned feeding schedule (feed units for each time period, space
150 100 30 30 30 20 20 10 5 5

Enter actual feeding schedule up to current feed period
150 120

PLAN:  10 time periods 400 total feed units
ACTUAL  :  2 time periods 270 total feed units dispensed
MIS-FEED:  20 overfed

SCHEDULE:  150 120 27 26 26 17 17 9 4 4

-=-=-   Finally, an example where there was no mis-feed
C:\Users\Wulfraed\Documents\_Hg-Repositories\REXX>rexx feedme.rex

Enter planned feeding schedule (feed units for each time period, space
150 100 30 30 30 20 20 10 5 5

Enter actual feeding schedule up to current feed period
150 100

PLAN:  10 time periods 400 total feed units
ACTUAL  :  2 time periods 250 total feed units dispensed
MIS-FEED:  0 on schedule


Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN

Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-26 Thread Dennis Lee Bieber
On Sat, 26 Feb 2022 02:49:15 -0800 (PST), NArshad 
declaimed the following:

>Its better to adjust the feed in the coming next two feeds that is the third 
>and fourth one. Thirty or thirty one units in the third feed and the remaining 
>units which are nine or ten in the fourth feed.  

Is there a question in that?

It's your assignment -- you will have to justify your design to whoever
gave you that assignment. So far all you have is a statement with no

And you really do need to justify the part where you seem to ignore
"distribute the remaining 40 unit in the rest of the day" and "Try to keep
the distribution similar to the current feeding pattern."

If you really wanted to provide a /generalized/ solution then "40
units" will never appear IN THE CODE. A generalized solution would accept
two lines of input: the original/planned schedule (for the whole day) and,
the implemented schedule up to when the mistake was detected. It would then
generate a new schedule for the rest of the day taking into account what
had already been done. (PLANNED and ACTUAL are input, ADJUSTED is output)

ACTUAL: 15060


Note that a generalized solution would handle

ACTUAL: 15060  30


where the mistake was on the second feed, but not discovered until after
the third feed.

Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN

Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-17 Thread Dennis Lee Bieber
On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 02:20:53 -0800 (PST), NArshad 
declaimed the following:

>I have completed the homework or what so ever it used to be its only I am 
>telling the solution which looks to me as better as compared to what others 
>have given like the one that Christian has given.

This statement should probably have been how you introduced the prior
post instead of presenting something that read like a request for someone
to implement something based on your new description.

Your immediately prior post:

>The feed remaining of the second hour will be distributed and adjusted in the 
>next third and fourth hour not the next day because the fish must be hungry. 
>This can be done by both taking the average or the percentage left. What I 
>think is taking the average and then distributing in the third and fourth feed 
>is better. If the feed is given in the next day there is a chance that the 
>fish will not survive because the fish is special.  

"If the feed is given in the next day..." is a non-issue, as the
original problem description (shown here)...

>Assume that there is a pattern of feeding for a special fish in a day (10 
>hours a day) as below:
>                              150    100    30    30    30    20    20    10   
> 5    5
>Today, the fish is fed in the second hour 60 unit instead of 100 unit 
>Accidently. Implement some methods to distribute the remaining 40 unit in the 
>rest of the day and propose the new patterns. Try to keep the distribution 
>similar to the current feeding pattern. 
>Note: pay attention that the total feeding amounts should be fix in a day.

... explicitly states that the total amount must be provided within a
single day.

Since you didn't provide your implementation (or even just the
resultant feeding pattern), I can not determine exactly what you are doing
with regards to your "average" -- however, it seems to me that your
"average" distribution "in the third and fourth feed" fails both the "rest
of the day" and "try to keep the distribution similar..." requirements. It
is a given that you have to account for the 40 units that were not provided
in the second hour. It sounds very much like you are dumping them at 20&20
on the 3rd&4th hours, so your pattern (with the "error" feed now looks like

150 60  50  50  30  20  20  10  
5   5

A proportional solution would result in the full pattern looking (ignoring
round-off errors)

150 60  38  38  38  25  25  13  
6   6
(round-off means you have to account for 1 more unit -- I'd probably put it
on the first 38 hour, but that's only because I hand worked the proportions
on a calculator. A "proper" algorithm should probably be tracking the error
amounts [difference between integer units and real proportion] to apply the
round-off at the nearest correct location).

Taking error term into account

units   calcerror
38  8.0 0.0
38  8.0 0.0
38  8.0 0.0
25  5.333   .333v
25  5.333   .666v
13  2.666   1.333^
6   1.333   .666v
7   1.333   .999^   (I'm only showing 3 decimal places)

Of course, one could compute the data in the other direction and get

6   1.333   .333v
6   1.333   .666v
13  2.666   1.333^
25  5.333   .666v
26  5.333   .999^   (again, 3 decimal places)
38  8.0 0.0
38  8.0 0.0
38  8.0 0.0

(v = round down, ^ round up

Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN

Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-16 Thread Dennis Lee Bieber
On Tue, 15 Feb 2022 23:53:15 -0800 (PST), NArshad 
declaimed the following:

>The feed remaining of the second hour will be distributed and adjusted in the 
>next third and fourth hour not the next day because the fish must be hungry. 
>This can be done by both taking the average or the percentage left. What I 
>think is taking the average and then distributing in the third and fourth feed 
>is better. If the feed is given in the next day there is a chance that the 
>fish will not survive because the fish is special.  

You are now defining new requirements that were not in your original
description of the  assignment (the original description had no mention of
"next day" -- only to redistribute the excess over the remainder of the
feeding schedule). It is your assignment -- code a solution based upon your
understanding of the problem, and submit it for grading (unless proven
otherwise, these have the appearance of homework assignments and, to
reiterate, we do not provide solutions to homework). OR ask the person who
gave you the assignment if your understanding is correct.

Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN

Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-10 Thread Avi Gross via Python-list
Anyone think someone keeps asking homework questions? This seems absolutely 
unrelated to earlier discussions from this person. Jobs often tend to remain 
I opt out after frustration with earlier exchanges with NArshad about library 
books and EXCEL ...

-Original Message-
From: NArshad 
Sent: Thu, Feb 10, 2022 1:40 am
Subject: How to solve the given problem?

Assume that there is a pattern of feeding for a special fish in a day (10 hours 
a day) as below:
                              150    100    30    30    30    20    20    10    
5    5
Today, the fish is fed in the second hour 60 unit instead of 100 unit 
Accidently. Implement some methods to distribute the remaining 40 unit in the 
rest of the day and propose the new patterns. Try to keep the distribution 
similar to the current feeding pattern. 
Note: pay attention that the total feeding amounts should be fix in a day.

Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-10 Thread Marco Sulla
Narshad, I propose you post your questions to StackOverflow. I'm sure
they will be very happy.

Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-10 Thread Dennis Lee Bieber
On Wed, 9 Feb 2022 22:40:48 -0800 (PST), NArshad 
declaimed the following:

>Assume that there is a pattern of feeding for a special fish in a day (10 
>hours a day) as below:
>   150100303030202010  
>   55
>Today, the fish is fed in the second hour 60 unit instead of 100 unit 
>Accidently. Implement some methods to distribute the remaining 40 unit in the 
>rest of the day and propose the new patterns. Try to keep the distribution 
>similar to the current feeding pattern. 
>Note: pay attention that the total feeding amounts should be fix in a day.

This is very obviously phrased as a homework problem. WE DO NOT DO

Write some Python code, present the code, your input data, and the
output it produced along with an example of the output you expected, and we
may be able to point out what parts of Python you made a mistake with. If
we get ambitious we might even correct an algorithm, not just explain
errors in the usage of Python.

I'm going a tad too far but...

You need to compute the percentage of remaining scheduled units each
takes, then apply those percentages to the left-over from the mis-feed.

NONE of this has anything to do with Python itself -- it is purely
algorithm development that applies with any programming language -- or even

Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN

Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-10 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Am 10.02.22 um 11:26 schrieb NArshad:

You don't reply if you have problems.
When I don't find any solution elsewhere then only I place in this group

One problem of different type requires the same elaboration.

No it doesn't

Q. What technique of statistics or numerical computation or general mathematics 
to use to solve this problem. Can you tell one example

Find the values of 푥subscript(푖) for i from 1 to n (n =100).

WTF? Go study maths yourself instead of asking here (Offf-topic as well)



Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, 11 Feb 2022 at 02:15, NArshad  wrote:
> -ChrisA:
> You don't reply if you have problems.
> When I don't find any solution elsewhere then only I place in this group

You're a help vampire. Stop it.

Go do some actual research instead of asking people to do your homework.


Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-10 Thread NArshad
You don't reply if you have problems.
When I don't find any solution elsewhere then only I place in this group 

One problem of different type requires the same elaboration.

Q. What technique of statistics or numerical computation or general mathematics 
to use to solve this problem. Can you tell one example.

Find the values of 푥subscript(푖) for i from 1 to n (n =100).

푥subscript(1) + 푥subscript(2) = 3,

푥subscript(푖+1) − 푥subscript(푖+2) = 1, 푓표푟 푖 = 1, … , 푛 − 2

푥subscript(n-1) + 푥subscript(n) = 3


Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, 10 Feb 2022 at 18:41, NArshad  wrote:
> Assume that there is a pattern of feeding for a special fish in a day (10 
> hours a day) as below:
> Today, the fish is fed in the second hour 60 unit instead of 100 unit 
> Accidently. Implement some methods to distribute the remaining 40 unit in the 
> rest of the day and propose the new patterns. Try to keep the distribution 
> similar to the current feeding pattern.
> Note: pay attention that the total feeding amounts should be fix in a day.

Once again, you're bringing your homework to a mailing list and
expecting us to do it for you.

Start by putting in some actual work yourself, and stop trying to
cheat your way to a good grade.

Please, can people not assist this person until there's some
demonstration of actual work being done?


Re: How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-09 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Am 10.02.22 um 07:40 schrieb NArshad:

Assume that there is a pattern of feeding for a special fish in a day (10 hours 
a day) as below:
Today, the fish is fed in the second hour 60 unit instead of 100 unit 
Accidently. Implement some methods to distribute the remaining 40 unit in the 
rest of the day and propose the new patterns. Try to keep the distribution 
similar to the current feeding pattern.
Note: pay attention that the total feeding amounts should be fix in a day.

This is not a Python problem, it's a math problem and most probably a 
homework problem. Actually the question already tells you how to solve 
it. There are 40 units of fish-food left and you should distribute them 
proportionally to the rest of the day. Sum up the numbers from 3rd to 
last, add 40, and then distribute this to proportionally to each day.

You'll end up with fractinoal numbers in the general case, so you'll 
have to find a method to fairly distribute the units, if you wan to 
stick with integers.

You can also check out the various algorithms for distributing seats in 
a parliament, it is almost the same problem.


How to solve the given problem?

2022-02-09 Thread NArshad

Assume that there is a pattern of feeding for a special fish in a day (10 hours 
a day) as below:
Today, the fish is fed in the second hour 60 unit instead of 100 unit 
Accidently. Implement some methods to distribute the remaining 40 unit in the 
rest of the day and propose the new patterns. Try to keep the distribution 
similar to the current feeding pattern. 
Note: pay attention that the total feeding amounts should be fix in a day.