Re: Keypress Input

2015-08-16 Thread John McKenzie

 Thanks again to everyone who tried to help.

 Michael, I especially appreciate your encouragement and chiming in to 
point out that telling newbies to learn everything there is before 
posting question was not helpful in getting more people using Python.

 Have the Pi wired up directly to the buttons, read up on the GPIO 
library and I just posted for help regarding the error messages I am 
getting from my Python buttons script.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-16 Thread Rick Johnson
On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 11:30:40 PM UTC-5, Michael Torrie wrote:
 On 07/15/2015 07:03 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
  too much to quote
 I think you've missed the whole point of the OP's project.  

Obviously my reply was not only too much to quote, but
apparently, and sadly, too much to read! I don't know about
anyone else here, but i would be cautious about replying to
any post before i took the time to read the entire content. I
mean, i'd wouldn't want to embarrass myself.

But, I suppose this more evidence of the damage social media
is doing to our collective attention spans. There are some
studies that report an average attention span of only 8
seconds -- which is less than the attention span of a

CLOWN-FISH: Hello Dori! 

DORI: Who's Dori?

I had read an article the other day about how smart phones
are making people dumb. However, by focusing on the phone,
which is nothing more than a tool, the author ignored the
real cause of this ubiquitous intelligence drain that is
rotting our culture from the inside out.

It's not the *PHONES* that making people dumb, it's the
*CONTENT* people *CHOOSE* that is turning us into a society
of drooling, superficial, and mindless gossip zombies.


With Twitter, we have a communication medium that encourages
teeny tiny thoughtless reactions to whatever emotional
drivel happens to be churning around in the daily cesspools
of what, for whatever sociological reason, we still refer
to as News.

Is the size of some morally corrupt celeb's butt really
news? Or the love interest of various talent-less
glitterati anything we should concern ourselves with? Heck,
just a few days ago, another lip singer made
front page world news simply by licking a donut! BY LICKING
AN EFFING DONUT! Are our lives that pathetic?

In the past there were at least a few educational programs
on the tele, now even so called educational channels have
devolved into train-wrecks of thought UNprovoking emotion,
with episode after episode of totally scripted reality TV
far more concerned with shock value than entertainment --
much less education.

I once believed that Facebook was the bottom of the barrel
for social media -- BOY WAS I WRONG! It's seems there is no
level that we, as a society will stoop, in the effort to
destroy our capacity of intellectual evolution. So fire up
those twitter engines and speed headlong into that wall of
ignorant bliss!

And don't bother trotting out the old cliche of grab a
fiddle folks, because the unwashed masses are not refined
enough to appreciate the higher intellectual emotions and
the thoughtful introspection that such an instrument can
produce, instead, grab a shiny rattle and shake it in front
of their pasty little ignorant faces. For they can only
understand simple concepts and the selfish emotions.

   :-O =
 ___^ __ ^_


Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-16 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/15/2015 9:03 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:

You may have solved your input capturing problem, and i
don't think a GUI is the preferred solution for a
graphically deficient device anyhow, but you may well need a
GUI in the future, and this would be a fine example from which
to learn.

This really is a nice example.  Your rationale for defining an app class 
is the best I remember seeing.

To run in 3.x, change the first two lines to

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo, showerror

import Tkinter as tk
from tkMessageBox import showinfo, showerror

MSG1 = \
To begin retinal stimulation, press r or g or b on your keyboard
Hold key down for extended stimulation!

class App(tk.Tk):
 def __init__(self):
 self.bind(KeyPress, self.evtKeyDown)
 self.bind(KeyRelease, self.evtKeyUp)
 self.protocol(WM_DELETE_WINDOW, self.evtDeleteWindow)
 w = tk.Label(self, text=MSG1)

 def evtDeleteWindow(self):
 showinfo(The window is Dying, Goodbye cruel world!, parent=self)

 def evtKeyDown(self, event):
 key = event.keysym.lower()
 alert = False

 if key == 'r':
 elif key == 'g':
 elif key == 'b':

Can condense block above to this easily extended code: (Replacing if 
if/elif/elif/... chains, when possible, is part of mastering Python.)

  self['bg'] = {'r':'red', 'g':'green', 'b':'blue'}[key]
  except KeyError:

 msg = 'I *TOLD* you to press r or g or b, not {0!r}!'.format(key)
 showerror('', msg, parent=self)

 def evtKeyUp(self, event):

if __name__ == '__main__':
 app = App()
 app.title('Retina Stimultor')
 print This code only executes *AFTER* the mainloop call returns!

Adding parens to print, when there is a single object being printed, has 
no effect in 2.x and makes the statement work in 3.x.  The following 
works the same in both.

print(Mainloop has returned)

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-16 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/16/2015 12:30 AM, Michael Torrie wrote:

On 07/15/2015 07:03 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:

too much to quote

I think you've missed the whole point of the OP's project.  He doesn't
want to make a GUI.  He simply wants to have his program do something
like blink an LED when someone presses a big red button.  He just wanted
a quick way to test things out since his big red button can emulate a
USB keyboard.  So all he needed was a simple console app that can fetch
keystrokes.  In the end, though GPIO is very simple both electrically
and in terms of Python, so that is the ultimate route he will go.  If
you read his last post you'll find he says this.

Rick pretty much acknowledged what you said in this paragraph.

You may have solved your input capturing problem, and i
don't think a GUI is the preferred solution for a
graphically deficient device anyhow, but you may well need a
GUI in the future, and this would be a fine example from which
to learn.

It is a fine example.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-16 Thread Michael Torrie
On 07/16/2015 11:22 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 11:30:40 PM UTC-5, Michael Torrie wrote:
 On 07/15/2015 07:03 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 too much to quote

 I think you've missed the whole point of the OP's project.  
 Obviously my reply was not only too much to quote, but
 apparently, and sadly, too much to read! I don't know about
 anyone else here, but i would be cautious about replying to
 any post before i took the time to read the entire content. I
 mean, i'd wouldn't want to embarrass myself.

I read a good deal of what you wrote, which is more than most do with
such long, rambling posts.  Good to know there were some good nuggets in

This is as much as I read of your current post though.  As soon as you
started going off about gold fish, I'm out.  It's true that attention
spans are shorter these days. But it's also true there are ways of being


Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-16 Thread Rick Johnson
On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 1:09:32 AM UTC-5, Terry Reedy wrote:

 This really is a nice example.  Your rationale for defining an app class 
 is the best I remember seeing.

Well thank you Terry. Your many years of selfless altruistic
offerings to this fine group are both inspiring and
educational. And i can happily admit that you are no doubt
much more of an asset to this group than i.

   def evtKeyDown(self, event):
   key = event.keysym.lower()
   alert = False

Oops. I just noticed that i forgot to remove the alert =
False line. It was an artifact from one of my earlier
versions. It's obviously superfluous to we pyhtonistas, but
it could become a source of confusion to the shadow lurkers.

   if key == 'r':
   elif key == 'g':
   elif key == 'b':
 Can condense block above to this easily extended code: (Replacing if 
 if/elif/elif/... chains, when possible, is part of mastering Python.)
self['bg'] = {'r':'red', 'g':'green', 'b':'blue'}[key]
except KeyError:

Yes you make a good point. And i'm glad you injected this
alternative, as it offers yet another fine teaching moment 
for the OP and this group. 

[Warning: Caveat ahead!]

However, i must take exception with your claim that
replacing classical conditional chains with Python's
unofficial pseudo case/switch is key to: mastering
Python. I feel there are instances when a classical
condition chain are more appropriate, and then other times,
when the pseudo switch/case is superior.

For me, I believe the key to mastering Python is not to
choose one method over the other (as some sort of religious
rule carved into stone), rather, to know when one method is more
appropriate than the other. That's my person opinion anyway.

 Adding parens to print, when there is a single object
 being printed, has no effect in 2.x and makes the
 statement work in 3.x.  The following works the same in
 print(Mainloop has returned)

Yes, another fine teaching moment! But just to be clear of
my intentions: I only write code in full 2.x compliance, or
full 3.x compliance. And i do this because i don't want to
inject any implicit version confusion into my source code.

In fact, the only time i will mix the incompatible syntaxes
is when i can wrap them explicitly in an exception handler.
But since there is no exception to catch in this case, even
that option would be unavailable to me.

But again. The act of you pointing out this easily
overlooked difference between print 2.x and print(3.x) is
yet another opportunity at exploiting fundamental teaching
moments as they pop up. Hey, who would ever have thunk that
teaching could be as exciting and egotistically
fulfilling as a game of wack-a-mole! O:-)

Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-16 Thread Michael Torrie
On 07/16/2015 01:10 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 7/16/2015 12:30 AM, Michael Torrie wrote:
 On 07/15/2015 07:03 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 too much to quote

 I think you've missed the whole point of the OP's project.  He doesn't
 want to make a GUI.  He simply wants to have his program do something
 like blink an LED when someone presses a big red button.  He just wanted
 a quick way to test things out since his big red button can emulate a
 USB keyboard.  So all he needed was a simple console app that can fetch
 keystrokes.  In the end, though GPIO is very simple both electrically
 and in terms of Python, so that is the ultimate route he will go.  If
 you read his last post you'll find he says this.
 Rick pretty much acknowledged what you said in this paragraph.
 You may have solved your input capturing problem, and i
 don't think a GUI is the preferred solution for a
 graphically deficient device anyhow, but you may well need a
 GUI in the future, and this would be a fine example from which
 to learn.
 It is a fine example.

Good to know.  With some posters it's hard to glean the good bits from
the ramblings.

Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-15 Thread Michael Torrie
On 07/15/2015 07:03 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 too much to quote

I think you've missed the whole point of the OP's project.  He doesn't
want to make a GUI.  He simply wants to have his program do something
like blink an LED when someone presses a big red button.  He just wanted
a quick way to test things out since his big red button can emulate a
USB keyboard.  So all he needed was a simple console app that can fetch
keystrokes.  In the end, though GPIO is very simple both electrically
and in terms of Python, so that is the ultimate route he will go.  If
you read his last post you'll find he says this.

Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-15 Thread Rick Johnson
On Friday, June 19, 2015 at 12:20:14 AM UTC-5, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:

 The nonsense starts here:
 [...snip code...]
 it seems you don't understand event based programming.

Duh. No need to abuse the lad.

 It waits for the user input and does the dispatching, i.e.
 when a key is pressed, then according to your bindings,
 the functions red1, yellow1, blue1 are called, which set a
 variable but do not do nything else.
 Now your job is to also do the functionality there, i.e.
 you have to reformulate your task (waiting for red, then
 blue...) as a state machine. Alternatively you can
 circumvent to redo the logic in a state machine by using a

State machines? Co-routines? Dispatching? Bindings? Are you
purposefully attempting to scare the OP away from GUI
programming forever, or merely practicing for your next tenure
exam? Heck you're scaring me away and i have years of GUI
programming experience under my belt!

 You should read a text about GUI programming, or more
 specifically event based programming, to understand your

Christian, peppering a student with a barrage of technical
verbiage and then smacking them in the face with that tried
and true knee-jerk-reactionary condescension of RTFM, is
hardly the reaction that the OP deserves when he *DID*
attempt to formulate working code from the sample that Laura
provided. And even *IF* his attempt was an abysmal failure, we
should strive to provide more information than simply: go
study the history of GUI design and get back to us in a year
or two. Of course, we don't want to write the code for him,
but his attempt does warrant a few extra clues.

 @ John

You may have solved your input capturing problem, and i
don't think a GUI is the preferred solution for a
graphically deficient device anyhow, but you may well need a
GUI in the future, and this would be a fine example from which
to learn.

So you want to know about Event Driven Programming do ya?
Well then, skip the boring lectures and the hours of eyeball
parsing techno-babble-prose and listen up!

You see, we, as humans, emulate a version of Event Driven
Programming (or EDP) in our everyday lives as something i
shall henceforth refer to as Event Driven Reactions (or
EDR). And these EDRs are codified as culturally acceptable
reactions to external stimuli during the course of
interpersonal relations. 

For instance: 

  If we meet someone for the first time and they extend
  their hand, then we should extend ours and engage in the
  hand shake or the fist bump (depending upon cultural
  norms). And if you're in one of those really freaky cultures
  you may have to kiss someone... YUCK!

  Or if someone insults us with a sexual advance, and we're
  of the female persuasion, and they're of the male
  persuasion: then we might react (as Manolo found out in 
  that famous scene from Scarface) by slapping them *SMACK*
The point is: The action of us reacting to external stimuli
(based on predefined rules) is the exact nature of Event
Driven GUIs. When we write GUI code under this paradigm, we
need to follow a few design rules.
  Here we define the window(s) and the required widgets that
  shall provide an interface between our users and our code.
  Here we bind events (keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc) to
  callbacks (aka: functions in Python) that our master
  control program (aka: Tkinter in this instance) will
  execute when the defined event is recieved.
Now you may be asking yourself: But i did that already! Why
does my code fail to produce required results?

Hmm, it seems (as Christian pointed out) you made the fatal
flaw of starting the event loop before your logic could
execute. However. Even if your logic was allowed to execute,
it would fail to produce the desired results. 


I have re-packaged Laura's basic example into a class format
that utilizes a paradigm known as Object Oriented
Programming (or OOP). Of course, you're not required to
write code utilizing this format, but i feel it may be
easier for a GUI novice to understand the entire structure
of this program when the relevant bits are in near proximity
to one another, rather than spread around a module like a
spilled carton of toothpicks on the floor -- because, not
all of us are blessed with the narrowly focused genius of
the idiot savant!

Now, conceptualize the entire class as representing the window
whilst it's alive, and the methods defined in the class as
personal reactions to events that the window encounters
during it's lifetime. You should think of the window as a
unique object in two dimensional space, just as you 

Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-15 Thread John McKenzie

 Hello, all.

 Thanks to everyone who responded to my post.

 I decided to make sure I had something that worked with what I have now 
and used Curses to finish it. However, it turns out that the extra work 
and problems with using GPIO pins and wiring up controllers that way is a 
small amount of headaches and work compared to what I thought it would be 
and the software part is actually easier than doing it this way. So in 
the end I will hooking the Raspberry Pi up directly to the buttons and 
use the Raspberry Pi's GPIO library to do it all.

 For posterity and in case other beginners want to look at it, here is 
what I have with curses that works now. Tried to add a function to cause 
it to only work for a certain amount of time and that did not work. Will 
worry about that when I do the new programme based off of directly 
connected buttons and have those working.

 Thanks everyone.

 Here is the keyboard controls the colours script. (Raspberry Pi B+, 
Blinkstick Pro and LED Adapter, analouge RGB LED light strip.)

import curses
import atexit
import time
from datetime import datetime
from blinkstick import blinkstick

starttime = time.time()

screen = curses.initscr()

led = blinkstick.find_first()

timered = 0
timeyellow = 0
timeblue = 0

timestamp = str(

colour = 0

screen.addstr(Eflag 1)

while True:
event = screen.getch()
if event == ord(q):
flog = open('flag1log.text', 'a')
flog.write(timestamp + '\n' + 'Red Team: ' + str(timered) + '\n' 
+ 'Yellow Team: ' + str(timeyellow) + '\n' + 'Blue Team: ' + str(timeblue) 
+ '\n')
elif event == ord(r):
colour = 1
screen.addstr(Red Activated)

elif event == ord(y):
colour = 2
screen.addstr(Yellow Activated)

elif event == ord(b):
colour = 3
screen.addstr(Blue Activated)

if colour == 1:
led.pulse(red=255, green=0, blue=0, repeats=1, duration=3000, 
timered += 1
print timered

if colour == 2:
led.pulse(red=255, green=255, blue=0, repeats=1, duration=3000, 
timeyellow += 1

if colour == 3:
led.pulse(red=0, green=0, blue=255, repeats=1, duration=2000, 
timeblue += 1

if time.time() == (time.time() + 30):
flog = open('flag1log.text', 'a')
flog.write(timestamp + '\n' + 'Red Team: ' + str(timered) + '\n' 
+ 'Yellow Team: ' + str(timeyellow) + '\n' + 'Blue Team: ' + str(timeblue) 
+ '\n')


Re: Keypress Input

2015-07-15 Thread Michael Torrie
On 07/15/2015 01:05 PM, John McKenzie wrote:
  Hello, all.
  Thanks to everyone who responded to my post.
  I decided to make sure I had something that worked with what I have now 
 and used Curses to finish it. However, it turns out that the extra work 
 and problems with using GPIO pins and wiring up controllers that way is a 
 small amount of headaches and work compared to what I thought it would be 
 and the software part is actually easier than doing it this way. So in 
 the end I will hooking the Raspberry Pi up directly to the buttons and 
 use the Raspberry Pi's GPIO library to do it all.
  For posterity and in case other beginners want to look at it, here is 
 what I have with curses that works now. Tried to add a function to cause 
 it to only work for a certain amount of time and that did not work. Will 
 worry about that when I do the new programme based off of directly 
 connected buttons and have those working.
  Thanks everyone.

Thanks for the update! Also I am very glad to hear that using GPIO
doesn't look very difficult.  Good luck on things!


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-20 Thread John McKenzie

 Guys, thanks for the various code examples for GPIO and the warning 
about debouncing issues. I am still considering going the route of more 
complex wiring and doing it a more traditional GPIO way.

Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-20 Thread Michael Torrie
On 06/20/2015 09:02 AM, John McKenzie wrote:
  Guys, thanks for the various code examples for GPIO and the warning 
 about debouncing issues. I am still considering going the route of more 
 complex wiring and doing it a more traditional GPIO way.

You can wire up the button without a little breadboard or circuit board
using this general diagram:

Just solder the resistors to the wires themselves, and keep them close
to the pi to keep them clean.  Then you you just have to route one wire
per switch, with one common wire hitting the other side of each switch.
 Probably you will want to use the pull-up version where the switch
pulls the signal down to ground.  You may want to use a header to plug
into the rpi.  But besides that should just be a matter of routing wires.

But on the original track, you might want to ask on the kade forums if
there's any way to interact with kade and get events besides HID
emulation.  For example, maybe you could communicate with it over a
virtual serial port.  Or some other protocol so you don't have to worry
about ttys and Linux kernel HID handling for your program, especially in
a headless environment.  Using HID emulation makes sense in a MAME
arcade environment but not for a headless raspberry pi application.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-20 Thread John McKenzie

 Christian, are you suggesting I learn to do everything perfectly before 
I ask how to do everything perfectly?

 Despite your tone and insults I honestly appreciate the response. I know 
what to focus on and less than 5 minutes from now I will be looking for e-
books on the specific subjects you point me to and will have a better 
idea of where the issues are.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-18 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Am 15.06.15 um 07:15 schrieb John McKenzie:

from Tkinter import *
from blinkstick import blinkstick

led = blinkstick.find_first()

timered = 0
timeyellow = 0
timeblue = 0

colour = None

root = Tk()
root.title('eFlag 1')

def red1(event):
 colour = 1

def yellow1(event):
 colour = 2

def blue1(event):
 colour = 3

root.bind_all('r', red1)
root.bind_all('b', blue1)
root.bind_all('y', yellow1)

The nonsense starts here:



while colour == None:
 led.pulse(red=0, green=255, blue=0, repeats=1, duration=5000,

while colour == 1:
 led.pulse(red=255, green=0, blue=0, repeats=1, duration=3000,
 timered += 1

while colour == 2:
 led.pulse(red=255, green=255, blue=0, repeats=1, duration=3000,
 timeyellow += 1

while colour == 3:
 led.pulse(red=0, green=0, blue=255, repeats=1, duration=2000,
 timeblue += 1

it seems you don't understand event based programming. root.mainloop() 
never exits. It waits for the user input and does the dispatching, i.e. 
when a key is pressed, then according to your bindings, the functions 
red1, yellow1, blue1 are called, which set a variable but do not do 
nything else. To see that, just insert a print statement into these 

 def red1(event):
  colour = 1
  print(Red ws called)

Now your job is to also do the functionality there, i.e. you have to 
reformulate your task (waiting for red, then blue...) as a state 
machine. Alternatively you can circumvent to redo the logic in a state 
machine by using a coroutine.

You should read a text about GUI programming, or more specifically event 
based programming, to understand your mistake.


def exit_handler():
 print '\033[0;41;37mRed Team:\033[0m ', timered
 print '\033[0;43;30mYellow Time:\033[0m ', timeyellow
 print '\033[0;44;37mBlue Time:\033[0m ', timeblue
 flog = open('flag1log.text', 'a')
 flog.write(timestamp + '\n' + 'Red Team: ' + str(timered) + '\n' +
'Yellow Team: ' + str(timeyellow) + '\n' + 'Blue Team: ' + str(timeblue)
+ '\n')


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-18 Thread Michael Torrie
On 06/18/2015 01:35 PM, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
 I use the following. I found in testing that when you push the button it
 prints 'Button pressed' 10 times a second (in actual use it calls poweroff
 so I guess bounce isn't an issue there). Is there some reason it needs to
 be cleverer in this case?

Yes, that would be expected, given your code has a while loop that never
exits.  Just curious what you expect the code to do that it's not doing.

You are probably right that debouncing isn't important in your
application.  So just add your poweroff command after the print()
statement, and break out of the loop:

while True:
if not GPIO.input(PIN_NUM):
print('Button pressed')
# run shutdown command here


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-18 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 at 02:23 Michael Torrie wrote:

 On 06/16/2015 02:49 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
  On 2015-06-16, John McKenzie wrote:
  It never occurred to me something so simple as keystrokes would not
  be present in Python, a language rated as being terrific by everyone
  I know who knows it.
  Ah, but in reality keystrokes is not simple at all.  Keyboards and
  input handling is a very messy, complicated area.

 If you do choose to go with the GPIO route, unless your code for
 accessing the GPIO lines does debouncing, you will have to debounce the
 key.  There are lots of examples out there (most in C on the arduino,
 but still applicable). Most of them check for a button press, then do a
 timer count-down to let things settle out before recording a button
 press.  So it's still complicated even if you talk directly to the
 buttons!  No way around some complexity though.

I use the following. I found in testing that when you push the button it
prints 'Button pressed' 10 times a second (in actual use it calls poweroff
so I guess bounce isn't an issue there). Is there some reason it needs to
be cleverer in this case?

 #!/usr/bin/env python

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import subprocess
import time

PIN_NUM = 21


GPIO.setup(PIN_NUM, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)

while True:
if not GPIO.input(PIN_NUM):
print('Button pressed')


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-16 Thread John McKenzie

 It appears that one of my posts was cut off. It contains my script but 
none of the lengthy text in front of it.

 To summarize, my set-up consists of three massive arcade buttons from 
Adafruit. one red, one blue, one yellow. They are connected to a Kade 
Device that is connected to a Raspberry Pi via USB cable and emulates a 
USB keyboard. The goal is to get the LED light strip attached to the Pi 
via a Blinkstick Pro and LED adapter to glow the colour of the button 
pushed. Also, I want the Pi to record how long it spent as each colour.

 For development purposes I am using an actual keyboard.

 The script brings up a blank tkinker window (expected) and the window 
seems to have focus when it is created. Pressing the keys does nothing.

 Would appreciate any insight into why it does not respond. Just look a 
few posts above (Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2015 05:15:31 GMT) and you will see my 

 Tried a bunch of different approaches and in some of them, an error 
message appeared when I pressed a key. It may not have worked, but it was 
registering the key press.



Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-16 Thread Michael Torrie
On 06/14/2015 11:23 PM, John McKenzie wrote:
  Thank to the others who joined in and posted replies.
  Michael, your assumption is correct. To quote my original post, and I 
 want this working on a Raspberry Pi. Doing a superficial look at curses 
 and getch it looks excessively complicated. I was under the impression it 
 was not multi-platform and Linux was excluded. Searching for getch and 
 raspberry pi on the web I see it is not and is available for Raspian.
  Worried about implementing it but I will consider it again. May spend 
 time reading about during my treatment tomorrow as the hospital has wifi 
 and Internet access and I am allowed to have my laptop there.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by not available on Linux.  Curses
provides the same API on all platforms it runs on and I know it can read
keystrokes.  Curses getch is certainly available on Linux.  In fact,
here's an example:

Again, however, you probably can't just fire up your program from a
startup script and have it run automatically, since stdin for a script
is not going to be the tty.  One idea would be to run your program from
init as a getty on tty1 (the default tty).  That would run as soon as it
boots up.

Though question for you. Why are you hooking the arcade buttons up to a
kade USB device?  Would not it be far simpler to hook the buttons
directly to a GPIO pin and read them from python?  You're already using
GPIO pins to run the LEDs.  Seems like the usb keyboard hack is
unnecessary and it's making your task more difficult.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-16 Thread Paul Rubin
John McKenzie writes:
  Would like a set-up where something happens when a key is pressed. Not 
 propose a question, have the user type something, then hit return, then 
 something happens, but just the R key is pressed, something happens, 

The quick answer is that you want raw mode tty input.  Type stty raw
to the shell, and will give you the bytes of the typed
characters immediately.  Use stty -raw to put it back in cooked mode,
or maybe better, stty sane to restore normal settings in general.

Yes there are messy details like function keys actually sending several
characters.  In practice you'll also want to control the tty modes from
your program instead of the shell, but that should get you started.  You
may also want to turn off echo, i.e. stty raw -echo.

Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-16 Thread John McKenzie

 That was the impression I got reading some comments people made online 
and doing research, so I focused on tkinter. As I mentioned in the 4th 
sentence of the post you quoted I discovered that was not the case, but 
by then I had already done some work on the tkinter script so I kept with 

 Before I actually tried any of this and was just thinking of it 
conceptually I bought the Kade device. It was my hope that it would save 
on soldering, something I hate so very, very much, and I had not started 
learning Python at that point. It never occurred to me something so 
simple as keystrokes would not be present in Python, a language rated as 
being terrific by everyone I know who knows it.

 Out of great ignorance I thought I could hook up the Kade device and do 
something like if keypress == r then do this. Also out of ignorance I 
thought that using the GPIO would require days of soldering and 
incredibly complicated coding to talk to the pins.

 Only since I got much more deep into actually doing this did I start to 
find out otherwise. Spent the last few days looking at breakout boards to 
see if they would make the wiring easier to test out. When I saw one that 
had built in electrical protection (RaspIO Pro) I thought about getting 
it and going the route you suggest. However, I cannot find any option 
that does not require a breadboard. The lack of compactness and all the 
exposed wires does bother me a bit. More than it should, but I need a 
compact setup I can place outdoors. Breadboards and loose wires worry me 
in this case.

 Still, I must admit I spent the last 3 or 4 days thinking about exactly 
what you said and I may do it that way after all just to get it to work 
software wise.

 And BTW, I am not using any GPIO for the lights, the LED light strip is 
hooked up to a Blinkstick Pro through a USB port.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-16 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2015-06-16, John McKenzie wrote:

 It never occurred to me something so simple as keystrokes would not
 be present in Python, a language rated as being terrific by everyone
 I know who knows it.

Ah, but in reality keystrokes is not simple at all.  Keyboards and
input handling is a very messy, complicated area.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! FOOLED you!  Absorb
  at   EGO SHATTERING impulse
  gmail.comrays, polyester poltroon!!

Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-16 Thread Michael Torrie
On 06/16/2015 02:49 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2015-06-16, John McKenzie wrote:
 It never occurred to me something so simple as keystrokes would not
 be present in Python, a language rated as being terrific by everyone
 I know who knows it.
 Ah, but in reality keystrokes is not simple at all.  Keyboards and
 input handling is a very messy, complicated area.

If you do choose to go with the GPIO route, unless your code for
accessing the GPIO lines does debouncing, you will have to debounce the
key.  There are lots of examples out there (most in C on the arduino,
but still applicable). Most of them check for a button press, then do a
timer count-down to let things settle out before recording a button
press.  So it's still complicated even if you talk directly to the
buttons!  No way around some complexity though.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-15 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On 15 June 2015 at 06:23, John McKenzie wrote:

  Thank to the others who joined in and posted replies.

  Michael, your assumption is correct. To quote my original post, and I
 want this working on a Raspberry Pi. Doing a superficial look at curses
 and getch it looks excessively complicated. I was under the impression it
 was not multi-platform and Linux was excluded. Searching for getch and
 raspberry pi on the web I see it is not and is available for Raspian.

I'm not sure what you mean but you can write a getch function for
Unixy systems using the tty module (I can't remember where I
originally borrowed this code from):

import sys, tty, termios

def getch():
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
oldsettings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
c =
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, oldsettings)
return c

while True:
key = getch()
print(key: '%c'  code: '%d' % (key, ord(key)))
if key == 'q':

This puts the terminal in raw mode and waits for a key-press. Once a
key is pressed the terminal is restored to it's previous mode (most
likely not raw mode) and the character is returned. This is important
because once your program finishes you don't want the terminal to be
in raw mode. If the terminal goes weird you can usually fix it by
typing reset and pressing enter.

Note that going into raw mode has other implications such as not being
able to exit your program with ctrl-c or suspend with ctrl-z etc. You
can explicitly process those kinds of contrl keys with something like:

while True:
key = getch()
if 1 = ord(key) = 26:
ctrl_key = chr(ord(key) + 64)
print(ctrl-%c % ctrl_key)
if ctrl_key == 'C':
print(key: '%c' % key)


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-15 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2015-06-15, Oscar Benjamin wrote:

 Note that going into raw mode has other implications such as not
 being able to exit your program with ctrl-c or suspend with ctrl-z
 etc. You can explicitly process those kinds of contrl keys with
 something like:

 while True:
 key = getch()
 if 1 = ord(key) = 26:
 ctrl_key = chr(ord(key) + 64)
 print(ctrl-%c % ctrl_key)
 if ctrl_key == 'C':
 print(key: '%c' % key)

It's probably better (at least on Linux) to just enable handling of
those characters in by setting the ISIG lflag:

def getch():
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
oldsettings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)

# enable handling of ctrl-C, ctrl-Z, etc.
attr = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
attr[3] |= termios.ISIG

c =

termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, oldsettings)
return c

It would be a bit cleaner if the termios module supported the the
cfmakeraw(3) function, then you could do it this way and save a couple
of system calls:

def getch():
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
oldsettings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
newsettings = termios.makeraw(oldsettings)
newsettings[3] |= termios.ISIG
c =
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, oldsettings)
return c

[I'm a bit surprised that after all these years using literal integers
to index into the attribute list is the right way.]

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Well, O.K.
  at   I'll compromise with my
  gmail.comprinciples because of

Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-14 Thread John McKenzie

from Tkinter import *
from blinkstick import blinkstick

led = blinkstick.find_first()

timered = 0
timeyellow = 0
timeblue = 0

colour = None

root = Tk()
root.title('eFlag 1')

def red1(event):
colour = 1

def yellow1(event):
colour = 2

def blue1(event):
colour = 3

root.bind_all('r', red1)
root.bind_all('b', blue1)
root.bind_all('y', yellow1)

while colour == None:
led.pulse(red=0, green=255, blue=0, repeats=1, duration=5000, 

while colour == 1:
led.pulse(red=255, green=0, blue=0, repeats=1, duration=3000, 
timered += 1

while colour == 2:
led.pulse(red=255, green=255, blue=0, repeats=1, duration=3000, 
timeyellow += 1

while colour == 3:
led.pulse(red=0, green=0, blue=255, repeats=1, duration=2000, 
timeblue += 1

def exit_handler():
print '\033[0;41;37mRed Team:\033[0m ', timered
print '\033[0;43;30mYellow Time:\033[0m ', timeyellow
print '\033[0;44;37mBlue Time:\033[0m ', timeblue
flog = open('flag1log.text', 'a')
flog.write(timestamp + '\n' + 'Red Team: ' + str(timered) + '\n' + 
'Yellow Team: ' + str(timeyellow) + '\n' + 'Blue Team: ' + str(timeblue) 
+ '\n')


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-14 Thread John McKenzie

 Thank to the others who joined in and posted replies.

 Michael, your assumption is correct. To quote my original post, and I 
want this working on a Raspberry Pi. Doing a superficial look at curses 
and getch it looks excessively complicated. I was under the impression it 
was not multi-platform and Linux was excluded. Searching for getch and 
raspberry pi on the web I see it is not and is available for Raspian.

 Worried about implementing it but I will consider it again. May spend 
time reading about during my treatment tomorrow as the hospital has wifi 
and Internet access and I am allowed to have my laptop there.

Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-06 Thread Laura Creighton
In a message of Sat, 06 Jun 2015 18:28:29 +, John McKenzie writes:

 Laura and Gary, thank you for your replies. I have three physical 
buttons connected to a Kade device emulating a keyboard. These buttons 
control an LED light strip. So there is no screen, so a GUI did not cross 
my mind. I thought it made sense as it is easily done by other scripting 
languages. Thank you both for pointing my in the right direction.

 It turns out Tkinter is installed on Raspian and my Pi has it. Typing 
import tkinter into the Python interpreter gave me an error, then I 
corrected my spelling. The T should be upper case. No errors with import 

 Laura, thank you for typing up example code. I had to remove one indent 
on line 9, but after that it worked on my desktop. The Pi gave an error 
about Tkinter when I tried to run your code but I will work on that. In 
the meantime I will work my basic code out on the desktop and then move 
it over to the Pi, adapting it for and fixing Pi issues then.

 In my mind the Tkinter information I read on the web contradicts the 
examples given with the text, so obviously I am not getting it at all. 
Tkinter seems very confusing to me right now, but I think I just need to 
review the conceptual stuff again and keep trying. Also, I have your 
example, which I can experiment with.


You are most welcome.  Sorry if I mangled the indent when pasting it
into my mail.
is useful.

So is

Write back if you run into trouble.  The simple code I sent is just about
binding every key press to something that announces what you pressed.
You will have to bind particular keys, or sequence of keys to what
you want to do.  Write a small example to make sure that tkinter can
talk to your Kade device ok, because if it cannot we will have to
look harder at the problem.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-06 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 4:28 AM, John McKenzie wrote:
  It turns out Tkinter is installed on Raspian and my Pi has it. Typing
 import tkinter into the Python interpreter gave me an error, then I
 corrected my spelling. The T should be upper case. No errors with import

Ah, that means your Python interpreter is the older (version 2) type,
rather than the newer (version 3). As of Python 3.0, the module is
named tkinter. Use whichever one you have; there are a few other
changes inside the module, but the functionality's mostly the same.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-06 Thread Michael Torrie
On 06/06/2015 12:28 PM, John McKenzie wrote:
  Laura and Gary, thank you for your replies. I have three physical 
 buttons connected to a Kade device emulating a keyboard. These buttons 
 control an LED light strip. So there is no screen, so a GUI did not cross 
 my mind. I thought it made sense as it is easily done by other scripting 
 languages. Thank you both for pointing my in the right direction.

I assume this is on a Linux box of some kind, perhaps an embedded computer?

Actually you can indeed do what you want from a command-line program.
The curses module supports a function called getch which grabs keys
interactively  from whatever tty or ptty you are running the program on.
 You'll have to consult the docs on curses and how to use it in this

The problem is you can't just ssh into your device and run the program
as it will fetch input from the terminal (and your remote keyboard)
which isn't what you want.  But if you can get it to run on the linux
console, it would work.  I have not idea how to do this in a
non-interactive startup fashion.

If your buttons are USB you might be able to read their status via
libusb but that gets complicated as Linux tries to grab it as a HID


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-06 Thread John McKenzie

 Laura and Gary, thank you for your replies. I have three physical 
buttons connected to a Kade device emulating a keyboard. These buttons 
control an LED light strip. So there is no screen, so a GUI did not cross 
my mind. I thought it made sense as it is easily done by other scripting 
languages. Thank you both for pointing my in the right direction.

 It turns out Tkinter is installed on Raspian and my Pi has it. Typing 
import tkinter into the Python interpreter gave me an error, then I 
corrected my spelling. The T should be upper case. No errors with import 

 Laura, thank you for typing up example code. I had to remove one indent 
on line 9, but after that it worked on my desktop. The Pi gave an error 
about Tkinter when I tried to run your code but I will work on that. In 
the meantime I will work my basic code out on the desktop and then move 
it over to the Pi, adapting it for and fixing Pi issues then.

 In my mind the Tkinter information I read on the web contradicts the 
examples given with the text, so obviously I am not getting it at all. 
Tkinter seems very confusing to me right now, but I think I just need to 
review the conceptual stuff again and keep trying. Also, I have your 
example, which I can experiment with.



Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-04 Thread Laura Creighton
In a message of Wed, 03 Jun 2015 20:59:04 +0200, Laura Creighton writes:
Tkinter runs on raspberry pi.

Get it installed, and then run this program.

from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
prompt = 'Press any key. Remember to keep your mouse in the cyan box. '
lab = Label(root, text=prompt, width=len(prompt), bg='cyan')

def key(event):
msg = 'event.char is %r and event.keysym is %r' % (event.char, 

root.bind_all('Key', key)

Now you will have to bind the various keys to do what it is you want.
You need to read online dociumentation for tkinter to learn how to do
this, as well as how to use tkinter in general.


I was in a hurry last night.  What I mean is -- Python out of the box
is not in the business of detecting key input.  You normally use a
Gui kit for that.  There are lots of them, and they all do things
sort of the same but slightly differently.  So what you need is
a gui kit that runs on Raspberry Pi.  If you are already using a
gui, then it probably will do it for you; check its documentation.
However, if you aren't using one ...

I don't have a Raspberry Pi, but I have read that tkinter runs there.
We can check.  First make sure that tkinter is installed and run that
short program I posted (also included above). If it works -- every time
you press a key char, it is supposed to tell you what you typed -- then
you are in business.  I just bound pressing every key with telling you that
it got pressed.  You will need to bind particular keys to do particular
things, which you can read about in tkinter documentation about keybinding.

Tkinter is python wrapped around tk, so this page

lists all the keys you can bind.  Not every OS provides the ability to
bind every key.  You are advised to try the keys you want to bind with
Raspberry Pi -- not having one I cannot check this for you.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-03 Thread Gary Herron

On 06/03/2015 11:22 AM, John McKenzie wrote:


  Very new to Python and looking for some basic help.

  Would like a set-up where something happens when a key is pressed. Not
propose a question, have the user type something, then hit return, then
something happens, but just the R key is pressed, something happens, then
something else happens if the B key is pressed, then a third thing
happens if the G key is pressed.

  My research only served to confuse me. Firstly, I do not understand how
it is possible for this to be a difficult thing not built into the system
for any scripting language made within the last few decades. More to the
point I am unclear on specific suggestions. Most of them seem to be for
Windows only and I want this working on a Raspberry Pi. Saw getch but I
am still confused if it is platform specific or not, or requires a module
to be installed or not. Just get errors if I try to install getch using

If you are using Python through a CLI (command line interface i.e., a 
shell), then in fact your request doesn't really make sense.  CLIs by 
their nature don't support that kind of interaction.

BUT don't despair.  Nearly every GIU framework on the planet has a 
Python interface, and they all allow for a window to be opened with 
event processing of your choice.

This are some good places to start:

Several of these (Tkinter and the curses module) are distributed with 
Python, so you should already have them installed.

Gary Herron

  Other suggestions seemed to be overkill and confused me to due to my
beginner level knowledge and the fact these suggestions have other, more
complicated elements to them.

  I just want a button press on a device connected to a Raspberry Pi to
trigger an action. If anyone can give me some guidance on this I would
appreciate it.

  Thank you.

Dr. Gary Herron
Department of Computer Science
DigiPen Institute of Technology
(425) 895-4418


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-03 Thread Laura Creighton
Tkinter runs on raspberry pi.

Get it installed, and then run this program.

from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
prompt = 'Press any key. Remember to keep your mouse in the cyan box. '
lab = Label(root, text=prompt, width=len(prompt), bg='cyan')

def key(event):
msg = 'event.char is %r and event.keysym is %r' % (event.char, event.keysym)

root.bind_all('Key', key)

Now you will have to bind the various keys to do what it is you want.
You need to read online dociumentation for tkinter to learn how to do
this, as well as how to use tkinter in general.


Re: Keypress Input

2015-06-03 Thread Gary Herron

On 06/03/2015 11:22 AM, John McKenzie wrote:


  Very new to Python and looking for some basic help.

  Would like a set-up where something happens when a key is pressed. Not
propose a question, have the user type something, then hit return, then
something happens, but just the R key is pressed, something happens, then
something else happens if the B key is pressed, then a third thing
happens if the G key is pressed.

  My research only served to confuse me. Firstly, I do not understand how
it is possible for this to be a difficult thing not built into the system
for any scripting language made within the last few decades. More to the
point I am unclear on specific suggestions. Most of them seem to be for
Windows only and I want this working on a Raspberry Pi. Saw getch but I
am still confused if it is platform specific or not, or requires a module
to be installed or not. Just get errors if I try to install getch using

If you are using Python through a CLI (command line interface i.e., a 
shell), then in fact your request doesn't really make sense.  CLIs by 
their nature don't support that kind of interaction.

BUT don't despair.  Nearly every GIU framework on the planet has a 
Python interface, and they all allow for a window to be opened with 
event processing of your choice.

This are some good places to start:

Several of these (Tkinter and the curses module) are distributed with 
Python, so you should already have them installed.

Gary Herron

  Other suggestions seemed to be overkill and confused me to due to my
beginner level knowledge and the fact these suggestions have other, more
complicated elements to them.

  I just want a button press on a device connected to a Raspberry Pi to
trigger an action. If anyone can give me some guidance on this I would
appreciate it.

  Thank you.

Dr. Gary Herron
Department of Computer Science
DigiPen Institute of Technology
(425) 895-4418


Keypress Input

2015-06-03 Thread John McKenzie


 Very new to Python and looking for some basic help.

 Would like a set-up where something happens when a key is pressed. Not 
propose a question, have the user type something, then hit return, then 
something happens, but just the R key is pressed, something happens, then 
something else happens if the B key is pressed, then a third thing 
happens if the G key is pressed.

 My research only served to confuse me. Firstly, I do not understand how 
it is possible for this to be a difficult thing not built into the system 
for any scripting language made within the last few decades. More to the 
point I am unclear on specific suggestions. Most of them seem to be for 
Windows only and I want this working on a Raspberry Pi. Saw getch but I 
am still confused if it is platform specific or not, or requires a module 
to be installed or not. Just get errors if I try to install getch using 

 Other suggestions seemed to be overkill and confused me to due to my 
beginner level knowledge and the fact these suggestions have other, more 
complicated elements to them.

 I just want a button press on a device connected to a Raspberry Pi to 
trigger an action. If anyone can give me some guidance on this I would 
appreciate it.

 Thank you.
