Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-12 Thread Ethan Furman

On 11/11/2013 06:05 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

On Mon, 11 Nov 2013 09:01:07 -0500, Roy Smith  declaimed the

"Ugh, what's this close paren?  Does it terminate the get(), or the
print()?  I need to go back and count open parens to make sure"

No... You need to use an editor/IDE that will highlight the matching
parens for you...

I have one of those, and I still sometimes miss one.  :/


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Joshua Landau
On 11 November 2013 22:21, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 7:50 AM, Joshua Landau  wrote:
>> The obvious way to me is a binary search:
> Which makes an O(log n) search where I have an O(1) lookup. The
> startup cost of denormalization doesn't scale, so when the server
> keeps running for two years or more, it's definitely worth processing
> it that way.

log 4 is tiny so I'd expect constant factors to be far more
significant here. Then you add on the better asymptotic behaviours for
large n, space wise, and the simplicity of implementation. This just
seems like a premature optimisation to me, I guess.

I agree that your way is faster; I just don't see a single case in
which I'd care. I do see several circumstances (large or floating
numbers) in which I'd probably prefer my way.

Feel free to disagree, I'm not really trying to convince you.

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Mark Janssen
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 3:32 AM, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 10:17 PM, Steven D'Aprano
>  wrote:
>> On Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:39:27 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> denormalizes it into a lookup table by creating 70 entries quoting the
>>> first string, 15 quoting the second, 5, and 10, respectively.
>> Ewww :-(
>> Imagine having to print out the dict looking for an error in the lookup
>> table. Or imagine the case where you have:
>> 0...2: do this
>> 20001...890001: do that
>> 890001...890003: do something else
>> Don't get me wrong, it's a clever and reasonable solution for your
>> specific use-case. But I'd much rather have a lookup table variant that
>> matches on intervals.
> Of course it's "Ewww" in isolation :) But just imagine there are piles
> and piles of these tables, themselves keyed by keyword, and I want to
> be able to let untrusted people create tables (which means they
> basically have to be data, not code). Also, bear in mind, all the
> tables are based around dice that can be physically rolled, so none
> has more than 100 entries after denormalization. Quite a lot of the
> tables actually have unique entries per value (eg it's a d10 roll,
> with ten unique outputs), so it's simplest to just turn all the tables
> into that format; that way, the main code needs worry about one type
> only, and the preprocessor handles the denormalization.

Hmm, I automatically think of creating a hash function, but then
that's how Python implements keys in dicts, so a dict is fine

Tacoma, Washington

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 7:50 AM, Joshua Landau  wrote:
> The obvious way to me is a binary search:

Which makes an O(log n) search where I have an O(1) lookup. The
startup cost of denormalization doesn't scale, so when the server
keeps running for two years or more, it's definitely worth processing
it that way.


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Joshua Landau
On 11 November 2013 10:39, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 9:09 PM,   wrote:
>> Regarding the "select" statement, I think the most "Pythonic" approach is 
>> using dictionaries rather than nested ifs.
>> Supposing we want to decode abbreviated day names ("mon") to full names 
>> ("Monday"):
> You can't [normally], for instance, build up a
> dictionary that handles inequalities, but you can do that with elif.
> [...] Consider the following logic:
> A 'minor weapon' is based on a roll of a 100-sided dice. If it's 01 to
> 70, "+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]"; if it's 71 to 85, "+2 weapon:
> 8,000gp [weapon]"; if 86 to 90, "Specific weapon [minor specific
> weapon]"; and if 91 to 100, "Special ability [minor special weapon]
> and roll again".
> My code to handle that starts out with this array:
> "minor weapon":({
> 70,"+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]",
> 85,"+2 weapon: 8,000gp [weapon]",
> 90,"Specific weapon [minor specific weapon]",
> 100,"Special ability [minor special weapon] and roll again",
> }),
> (that's Pike; in Python it'd be a list, or maybe a tuple of tuples),
> and denormalizes it into a lookup table by creating 70 entries quoting
> the first string, 15 quoting the second, 5, and 10, respectively. So,
> with a bit of preprocessing, a lookup table (which in this case is an
> array (list), but could just as easily be a dict) can be used to
> handle inequalities.

The obvious way to me is a binary search:

from bisect import bisect_left

class FloorMap:
def __init__(self, dct):
self.indexes = sorted(list(dct))
self.dct = dct

def __getitem__(self, itm):
index = self.indexes[bisect_left(self.indexes, itm)]
return self.dct[index]

minor_weapon = FloorMap({
70:  "+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]",
85:  "+2 weapon: 8,000gp [weapon]",
90:  "Specific weapon [minor specific weapon]",
100: "Special ability [minor special weapon] and roll again"

#>>> '+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]'

The precise details of the wrapper class here are just to make
initialisation pretty; it could be done straight from a pair of lists

from bisect import bisect_left

minor_weapon_indexes = 70, 85, 90, 100
minor_weapon_descriptions = (
"+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]",
"+2 weapon: 8,000gp [weapon]",
"Specific weapon [minor specific weapon]",
"Special ability [minor special weapon] and roll again"

minor_weapon_descriptions[bisect_left(minor_weapon_indexes, 80)]
#>>> '+2 weapon: 8,000gp [weapon]'

Compare to

if 80 <= 70:
res = "+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]"

elif 80 <= 85:
res = "+2 weapon: 8,000gp [weapon]"

elif 80 <= 90:
res = "Specific weapon [minor specific weapon]"

elif 80 <= 100:
res = "Special ability [minor special weapon] and roll again"

which although shorter¹ is a lot less data-driven and much less reusable.

¹ Longer if you ignore the import and class declaration.

Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-11 Thread 88888 Dihedral
On Sunday, November 10, 2013 4:56:38 PM UTC+8, Jorgen Grahn wrote:
> On Sun, 2013-11-10, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Roy Smith  wrote:
> >> On 09/11/2013 22:58, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> > * Some languages are just fundamentally bad. I do not recommend ever
> >>> > writing production code in Whitespace, Ook, or Piet.
> >>
> >> One of the worst coding experiences I ever had was trying to build an
> >> app for a Roku media player.  They have a home-grown language called
> >> BrightScript.  Barf.
> >
> > And this is exactly why I was so strongly against the notion of
> > developing an in-house scripting language. It may be a lot of work to
> > evaluate Lua, Python, JavaScript, and whatever others we wanted to
> > try, but it's a *lot* less work than making a new language that
> > actually is worth using.
> Yes.  I am baffled that people insist on doing the latter. Designing a
> limited /data/ language is often a good idea; designing something
> which eventually will need to become Turing-complete is not.

Python is designed with the VM 
interpreter to execute compiled 
byte codes.

Of course, C/C++/JAVA are lower 
level languages not designed in 
this way.

To remedy the efficient part, 
cython and C-extensions are available
in Python. 


Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-11 Thread Ethan Furman

On 11/11/2013 01:28 AM, wrote:

* Some languages are just fundamentally bad.

The flexible string representation is a perfect exemple.

Argh!  He escaped!  *chase* *scuffle* *stuff* *stuff* *stuff*

Whew.  Safely back in the troll bin.

Okay, back to my day.


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Neil Cerutti
> On Saturday, November 9, 2013 8:27:02 AM UTC-5, Joshua Landau wrote:
> The C switch statement is very limited.  The select statement
> in the dialect of BASIC I regularly use is more flexible.
> It's more concise on long if chains because it elides the "end
> if"s.  But the use of indentation for blocks and the "in"
> operator certainly reduce the need for it in Python.

It's say the C switch isn't limited enough to be a Python
resident. The default fallthrough, labels, jumps and breaks make
it a poor Python construct.

K&R have this to say: "Falling through from one case to another
is not robust, being prone to disintegration when the program is

So Python would need something simler. Once you winnow it down to
a robust feature, it provide virtually nothing you don't get with
an if/elif/else. At best it would save a temporary.

> The switch statement in (the language) go is similar, except
> that  defaults to true and it doesn't elide
>  in the case statements.

Go makes interesting use of switch statements. In addition to
what you might expect, you can also do type switches. A type
switch lets you provide a different execution path depending on
the underlying object represented by an interface.

Thus, Go carved out a useful niche for a robust switch statement.
Python used duck-typing instead of interfaces and generally
doesn't need any special syntax for type checks, hence Go's
version of switch doesn't make sense for Python, either.

Go's cases must be constants, and allows optional fallthrough
with the 'fallthrough' keyword. This forces them to provide break
semantics to break out of a switch, which makes using them to
break of an immediately outer loop messy.

> Dictionaries can't handle the uses where expression0 is
> constant and the case expressions are not. Function variables
> beg the question.  How did you decide what to assign to the
> variable?

A Python generator might take the place of that application, but
I haven't tried it for that.

> I'd use this select if it was in Python, but I don't see much
> need for it.

Same here. Perhaps the real value of a switch is that it seems to
be a more natural way of thinking about execution. The caveat to
that is most *actual* switch implementations are a mess.

Neil Cerutti

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread rusi
On Monday, November 11, 2013 7:31:07 PM UTC+5:30, Roy Smith wrote:
> > On Saturday, November 9, 2013 10:30:26 AM UTC-6, rusi wrote:

> > > print ( {"mon":"mondays suck",
> > >  "tue":"at least it's not monday",
> > >  "wed":"humpday"
> > > }.get(day_of_week,"its some other day")
> > >   )

>  Rick Johnson  wrote:
> > Proper code formatting can do WONDERS for readability!
> > d = {
> > "mon":"mondays suck",
> > "tue":"at least it's not monday",
> > "wed":"humpday"
> > }
> > default = "some other day"
> > target = "tue"
> > print d.get(target, default)
> > target = "blah"
> > print d.get(target, default)

> I agree that Rick's version is better than rusi's version, but possibly 
> not for the the reason Rick thinks it is :-)  rusi's version has a 
> "parsing surprise" in it.  As a human scans the code, the thought 
> process goes something like this:

Yes I did not like my own version for similar reason: I expect the
switch order (classic C) to be
1. expression
2. body
3. default

The following does not quite do it but is it better?

def switch(val, default, body_dict):
return body_dict.get(val,default)

switch(day,  "something else",
 {"mon"  : "mondays suck",
  "tue"  : "at least it's not monday",
  "wed"  : "humpday"

Of course one can flip the body and the default but I find that looks more 

Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-11 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 11/11/2013 09:28, wrote:

* Some languages are just fundamentally bad.

The flexible string representation is a perfect exemple.

Again, a short explanation:

This FSR splits unicode in chunks. Two immediate consequences:
- It's necessary to keep track of "each individual internal pieces of text".
- It's necessary to waste time in switching between the internal coding

Bad memory and bad performance at the same time.

In fact, with such a mechanism, it is even impossible to write an editor.


For the benefit of newbies, lurkers or whatever please ignore the 
rubbish written by "Joseph McCarthy" Faust regarding PEP 393 and the 
Flexible String Representation.  He keeps making these false claims in 
double spaced google crap despite having been shot down in this thread!topic/comp.lang.python/JkVQT0Wbq1A[1-25-false], 
where he was asked to provide evidence to support his claims.  he didn't 
do so then, he's been asked repeatedly since to do so but hasn't because 
he can't, hence his newly aquired nickname.

Python is the second best programming language in the world.
But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Roy Smith
> On Saturday, November 9, 2013 10:30:26 AM UTC-6, rusi wrote:

> > print ( {"mon":"mondays suck",
> >  "tue":"at least it's not monday",
> >  "wed":"humpday"
> > }.get(day_of_week,"its some other day")
> >   )

In article <>,
 Rick Johnson  wrote:
> Proper code formatting can do WONDERS for readability!
> d = {
> "mon":"mondays suck",
> "tue":"at least it's not monday",
> "wed":"humpday"
> }
> default = "some other day"
> target = "tue"
> print d.get(target, default)
> target = "blah"
> print d.get(target, default)

I agree that Rick's version is better than rusi's version, but possibly 
not for the the reason Rick thinks it is :-)  rusi's version has a 
"parsing surprise" in it.  As a human scans the code, the thought 
process goes something like this:

> > print ( {"mon":"mondays suck",

"OK, I'm going to print a dictionary"

> >  "tue":"at least it's not monday",

"Yeah, still looks like I'm printing a dictionary"

> >  "wed":"humpday"

"Yeah, more dictionary, this still makes sense, I'm just waiting to get 
to the and of the dictionary so I can print it"

> > }.get(day_of_week,"its some other day")

"Oh, my!  I'm not printing a dictionary after all!  I'm doing a get() on 

> >   )

"Ugh, what's this close paren?  Does it terminate the get(), or the 
print()?  I need to go back and count open parens to make sure"

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 10:53 PM, Robert Kern  wrote:
> Heh. I've done pretty much exactly the same thing to implement an engine[1]
> to draw from the random tables on Abulafia[2] which have nearly the same
> structure. It scales up reasonably well beyond d100s. It's certainly not a
> technique I would pull out to replace one-off if-elif chains that you
> literally write, but it works well when you write the generic code once to
> apply to many tables.

I'd trust my current code for several orders of magnitude beyond where
I'm currently using it, but as Steven said, you really don't want to
be manually looking at the denormalized tables. Since all the strings
are referenced anyway, having a lookup array of (say) 1,000,000 object
pointers is fairly cheap.

>>> lst = ["Low" if i<50 else "High" for i in range(100)]
>>> sys.getsizeof(lst)

That's pretty close to four bytes per entry, which would be the
cheapest you could hope for on a 32-bit system. 10% overhead is quite
acceptable. And this is a fairly extreme example :)


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Robert Kern

On 2013-11-11 10:39, Chris Angelico wrote:

A 'minor weapon' is based on a roll of a 100-sided dice. If it's 01 to
70, "+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]"; if it's 71 to 85, "+2 weapon:
8,000gp [weapon]"; if 86 to 90, "Specific weapon [minor specific
weapon]"; and if 91 to 100, "Special ability [minor special weapon]
and roll again".

My code to handle that starts out with this array:

"minor weapon":({
 70,"+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]",
 85,"+2 weapon: 8,000gp [weapon]",
 90,"Specific weapon [minor specific weapon]",
 100,"Special ability [minor special weapon] and roll again",

(that's Pike; in Python it'd be a list, or maybe a tuple of tuples),
and denormalizes it into a lookup table by creating 70 entries quoting
the first string, 15 quoting the second, 5, and 10, respectively. So,
with a bit of preprocessing, a lookup table (which in this case is an
array (list), but could just as easily be a dict) can be used to
handle inequalities. But this is because lookup tables can be treated
as data, where if/elif/else blocks have to be code; there are roughly
42 million such lookup tables in the code I snagged that from, and
having code for each one would work out far less manageable. Normally,
you'll want to render inequalities with code as if/elif.

Heh. I've done pretty much exactly the same thing to implement an engine[1] to 
draw from the random tables on Abulafia[2] which have nearly the same structure. 
It scales up reasonably well beyond d100s. It's certainly not a technique I 
would pull out to replace one-off if-elif chains that you literally write, but 
it works well when you write the generic code once to apply to many tables.


Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 10:17 PM, Steven D'Aprano
> On Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:39:27 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> denormalizes it into a lookup table by creating 70 entries quoting the
>> first string, 15 quoting the second, 5, and 10, respectively.
> Ewww :-(
> Imagine having to print out the dict looking for an error in the lookup
> table. Or imagine the case where you have:
> 0...2: do this
> 20001...890001: do that
> 890001...890003: do something else
> Don't get me wrong, it's a clever and reasonable solution for your
> specific use-case. But I'd much rather have a lookup table variant that
> matches on intervals.

Of course it's "Ewww" in isolation :) But just imagine there are piles
and piles of these tables, themselves keyed by keyword, and I want to
be able to let untrusted people create tables (which means they
basically have to be data, not code). Also, bear in mind, all the
tables are based around dice that can be physically rolled, so none
has more than 100 entries after denormalization. Quite a lot of the
tables actually have unique entries per value (eg it's a d10 roll,
with ten unique outputs), so it's simplest to just turn all the tables
into that format; that way, the main code needs worry about one type
only, and the preprocessor handles the denormalization.

And if there's an error in the lookup table, well, you look at the
normalized version, not at the one that actually gets parsed :) That's
basically like looking back at the Python source code rather than the
disassembled byte-code; apart from actually debugging the preprocessor
itself (which can be done with a ten-entry table that's easily
eyeballed), the denormalized version needn't be looked at by a human.

But this is a very VERY specific situation. Normally it's best to just
use an if/elif block. That's why this looks so "Ewww". :)


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:39:27 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

> My code to handle that starts out with this array:
> "minor weapon":({
> 70,"+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]",
> 85,"+2 weapon: 8,000gp [weapon]",
> 90,"Specific weapon [minor specific weapon]", 100,"Special ability
> [minor special weapon] and roll again",
> }),
> (that's Pike; in Python it'd be a list, or maybe a tuple of tuples), and
> denormalizes it into a lookup table by creating 70 entries quoting the
> first string, 15 quoting the second, 5, and 10, respectively.

Ewww :-(

Imagine having to print out the dict looking for an error in the lookup 
table. Or imagine the case where you have:

0...2: do this
20001...890001: do that
890001...890003: do something else

Don't get me wrong, it's a clever and reasonable solution for your 
specific use-case. But I'd much rather have a lookup table variant that 
matches on intervals.

Hmmm... if you had an interval data type, which was hashable, that would 
probably be trivial... what am I missing? Ah, of course, what I'm missing 
is that although you're storing intervals as the keys, you're matching 
regular ints.

I wonder if this would be a good use-case for Antoine Pitrou's 


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 9:09 PM,   wrote:
> Regarding the "select" statement, I think the most "Pythonic" approach is 
> using dictionaries rather than nested ifs.
> Supposing we want to decode abbreviated day names ("mon") to full names 
> ("Monday"):

That's an obvious mapping, though. If you're using a select/switch
statement to handle straight-forward one-to-one mappings, then yes,
obviously the better way to do it is to use a dictionary. In the more
general sense, a switch/case block is much more directly translated
into if/elif/else statements. You can't, for instance, build up a
dictionary that handles inequalities, but you can do that with elif.

That is, normally you can't. I have occasionally built up mappings
that handle inequalities - it's a form of denormalization. Consider
the following logic:

A 'minor weapon' is based on a roll of a 100-sided dice. If it's 01 to
70, "+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]"; if it's 71 to 85, "+2 weapon:
8,000gp [weapon]"; if 86 to 90, "Specific weapon [minor specific
weapon]"; and if 91 to 100, "Special ability [minor special weapon]
and roll again".

My code to handle that starts out with this array:

"minor weapon":({
70,"+1 weapon: 2,000gp [weapon]",
85,"+2 weapon: 8,000gp [weapon]",
90,"Specific weapon [minor specific weapon]",
100,"Special ability [minor special weapon] and roll again",

(that's Pike; in Python it'd be a list, or maybe a tuple of tuples),
and denormalizes it into a lookup table by creating 70 entries quoting
the first string, 15 quoting the second, 5, and 10, respectively. So,
with a bit of preprocessing, a lookup table (which in this case is an
array (list), but could just as easily be a dict) can be used to
handle inequalities. But this is because lookup tables can be treated
as data, where if/elif/else blocks have to be code; there are roughly
42 million such lookup tables in the code I snagged that from, and
having code for each one would work out far less manageable. Normally,
you'll want to render inequalities with code as if/elif.


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-11 Thread lorenzo . gatti
Regarding the "select" statement, I think the most "Pythonic" approach is using 
dictionaries rather than nested ifs. 
Supposing we want to decode abbreviated day names ("mon") to full names 

except KeyError:
raise GoodLuckFixingItException('We don't have "'+day_abbr+'" in our week')

This style is more compact (usually one line per case) and more meaningful 
(generic processing driven by separate data) than a pile of if statement, and 
more flexible: 

day_names={x.casefold()[0:3] : x for x in full_day_names}

A dict can also contain tuples, lists, and nested dicts, consolidating multiple 
switches over the same keys and organizing nested switches and other more 
complex control structures.

Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-11 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 8:28 PM,   wrote:
>> * Some languages are just fundamentally bad.
> The flexible string representation is a perfect exemple.

Wow. A new low for you, jmf... comparing PEP 393 to Ook?!?

> In fact, with such a mechanism, it is even impossible to write an editor.

And somehow a performance tradeoff makes Python no longer Turing complete.


Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-11 Thread wxjmfauth
> * Some languages are just fundamentally bad. 

The flexible string representation is a perfect exemple.

Again, a short explanation:

This FSR splits unicode in chunks. Two immediate consequences:
- It's necessary to keep track of "each individual internal pieces of text".
- It's necessary to waste time in switching between the internal coding

Bad memory and bad performance at the same time.

In fact, with such a mechanism, it is even impossible to write an editor.


I do not recommend ever
> writing production code in Whitespace, Ook, or Piet.
> * Some languages force you to do a lot of bookkeeping, memory
> management, etc. These are inferior unless their corresponding
> advantages (usually performance or memory use) justify it.
> * Some situations specifically demand one language. If you're writing
> code to be deployed on cheap web servers, it's probably going to have
> to be in PHP. If it's to run inside a web browser, it pretty much has
> to be JavaScript, ActionScript, or maybe something that compiles to
> one of those.
> But that would still leave you with a good few choices. When it comes
> down to it, how do you choose between Ruby, Python, Perl, Pike,
> JavaScript, , etcetera? I can think of
> a few considerations that may or may not be important... and I'm sure
> you can add more.
> - Library support. For web work, it might be useful to be able to
> create a PNG image on the fly (live graphs and such), or to have a
> simple one-liner that handles cookies and persistence.
> - Familiarity with the language. Why learn another one when you
> already know this one?
> - *Un*familiarity with the language. If you're going to have to learn,
> may as well charge your boss for it!
> - Proper Unicode support. For manipulating text, helps to be able to
> work with it as text.
> - Lack of proper Unicode support. Maybe it's easier to just work with
> bytes everywhere? :)
> - Ease/atomicity of deployment of new versions (maybe even while it's running)
> - Buzzwordiness? If your boss asks you to choose a language and you
> can say either "Ruby on Rails" or "CherryPy", are you more likely to
> get approval for the former?
> Something to throw open there. Citations from actual choices made a bonus. :)
> ChrisA


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-10 Thread Rick Johnson
On Saturday, November 9, 2013 10:30:26 AM UTC-6, rusi wrote:
> [...]
> Well
> print ( {"mon":"mondays suck",
>  "tue":"at least it's not monday",
>  "wed":"humpday"
> }.get(day_of_week,"its some other day")
>   )
> may be dense
> Separate into named dictionary and its ok (I think!)

Proper code formatting can do WONDERS for readability!

d = {
"mon":"mondays suck",
"tue":"at least it's not monday",
default = "some other day"
target = "tue"
print d.get(target, default)
target = "blah"
print d.get(target, default)
## END CODE ##

Of course you could create something "reusable" and "interface-ee".

class UsageError(Exception):

class Case(object):
def __init__(self, defaultDict=None, defaultValue=None):
self.d = defaultDict or {}
self.defaultValue = defaultValue

def __str__(self):
return "Case({0})".format(self.d)

def __call__(self, key):
v = self.d[key]
except KeyError:
v = self.defaultValue
return v

def __getitem__(self, k):
raise UsageError("RTFS MAN!!!")

if __name__ == '__main__':
import calendar
d = {
"mon":"mondays suck",
"tue":"at least it's not monday",
case = Case(d, "some other day")
except UsageError:
print 'Stopped improper useage.'
print case
lst = [s.lower() for s in calendar.weekheader(3).split(' ')]
for dayName in lst:
print "Case.__call__({0!r}) -> {1!r}".format(dayName, case(dayName))
## END CODE ##


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-10 Thread Terry Reedy

On 11/10/2013 6:29 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 4:12 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber

-123 .bit_length()


 No parens needed if a space precedes the .

Heh! I would call that an inferior alternative to the parentheses
though; it's so unusual to put a space before the dot that I wouldn't
consider it something to do in normal code. Anyone coming through and
editing would see it as a mistake to be fixed.

I have only used int methods in interactive exploration, and have always 
used space. I have never used (), but agree that they are better for 
permanent code. The -7 is really nasty (unless one were to actually want 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 4:12 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber
 -123 .bit_length()
> -7
> No parens needed if a space precedes the .

Heh! I would call that an inferior alternative to the parentheses
though; it's so unusual to put a space before the dot that I wouldn't
consider it something to do in normal code. Anyone coming through and
editing would see it as a mistake to be fixed.


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-10 Thread Thomas Rachel

Am 09.11.2013 14:27 schrieb Joshua Landau:

`select` is quite an odd statement, in that in most cases it's just a
weaker variant of `if`. By the time you're at the point where a
`select` is actually more readable you're also at the point where a
different control flow is probably a better idea. Things like
dictionaries or a variables pointing to functions are really useful
and can be encapsulated in a class quite well. This is a bit more
advanced but largely more rigorous.

class Switch(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.called = False
def case(self, other):
def wr(func):
if not self.called and self.value == other:
self.called = True
return func(self.value)
return wr
def default(self, func):
if not self.called:
self.called = True
return func(self.value)

if __name__ == '__main__':
import random

while 1:
n = random.randrange(0, 5)
sw = Switch (n)
def _(n): print n, "is one"
def _(n): print n, "is two"

def _(n): print n, "is something else"


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 10:39 PM, Ian Kelly  wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 2:22 AM, Chris Angelico  wrote:
>> JavaScript has magic around the dot and function-call operators, as I
>> mentioned earlier. Lots of other languages have some little quirk
>> somewhere that breaks this rule; some have a LOT of quirks that break
>> this rule. Does Python have any? Aside from parsing oddities like
>> attribute access on a literal integer[1], are there any cases where
>> two expressions yielding the same object are in any way different?
> I can think of one:
> class Spam:
> def __init__(self):
> super().__init__()  # This works.
> sup = super
> class Eggs:
> def __init__(self):
> sup().__init__()  # This doesn't.

Ah, yes, super() is magical. In that particular instance, I think the
magic is better than the alternative, but let's face it: Multiple
inheritance is an inherently hard problem, so a solution that has so
little magic and manages to achieve the goal is doing well. The only
thing that would have been better than this would be making it a piece
of special syntax rather than something that looks like a function
call, but it's too late to change now.


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-10 Thread Ian Kelly
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 2:22 AM, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> JavaScript has magic around the dot and function-call operators, as I
> mentioned earlier. Lots of other languages have some little quirk
> somewhere that breaks this rule; some have a LOT of quirks that break
> this rule. Does Python have any? Aside from parsing oddities like
> attribute access on a literal integer[1], are there any cases where
> two expressions yielding the same object are in any way different?

I can think of one:

class Spam:
def __init__(self):
super().__init__()  # This works.

sup = super

class Eggs:
def __init__(self):
sup().__init__()  # This doesn't.

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 7:47 PM, Jorgen Grahn  wrote:
> On Sat, 2013-11-09, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:08 AM, John von Horn  wrote:
> ...
>>> * Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float
>>> (int1)/float(int2)?
>>> Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in the
>>> brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself (unless I
>>> want to)
>> As others have said, what you're asking for is actually magic. One of
>> the rules of Python - one for which I'm not aware of any exceptions -
>> is that you can always take a subexpression out and give it a new
>> name:
> And it's not just Python: programming languages have been designed
> that way since at least the 1960s.  People are used to analysing
> expressions inside and out according to rules common for almost all
> languages.

That's true to at least some extent, but quite a few languages have
differences here and there. In C, there's no such thing as an array
literal, only an initializer list, so:

/* This works: */
int month_days[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
int this_month_days = month_days[this_month];

/* This doesn't: */
int three = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}[2];

PHP had similar issues up until a *very* recent version (5.3 or 5.4 or
something), where you couldn't dereference an array returned by a

$arr = func();
$val = $arr[5];

//Didn't work until recently, and therefore can't be trusted for
//deployment to random systems across the internet:
$val = func()[5];

JavaScript has magic around the dot and function-call operators, as I
mentioned earlier. Lots of other languages have some little quirk
somewhere that breaks this rule; some have a LOT of quirks that break
this rule. Does Python have any? Aside from parsing oddities like
attribute access on a literal integer[1], are there any cases where
two expressions yielding the same object are in any way different?

[1] You can write "(1234).to_bytes(2,'big')" but omitting the parens
gives a SyntaxError because it looks like the start of a float

Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-10 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Sun, 2013-11-10, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Roy Smith  wrote:
>> On 09/11/2013 22:58, Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> >
>>> > * Some languages are just fundamentally bad. I do not recommend ever
>>> > writing production code in Whitespace, Ook, or Piet.
>> One of the worst coding experiences I ever had was trying to build an
>> app for a Roku media player.  They have a home-grown language called
>> BrightScript.  Barf.
> And this is exactly why I was so strongly against the notion of
> developing an in-house scripting language. It may be a lot of work to
> evaluate Lua, Python, JavaScript, and whatever others we wanted to
> try, but it's a *lot* less work than making a new language that
> actually is worth using.

Yes.  I am baffled that people insist on doing the latter. Designing a
limited /data/ language is often a good idea; designing something
which eventually will need to become Turing-complete is not.


  // Jorgen GrahnO  o   .

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-10 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Sat, 2013-11-09, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:08 AM, John von Horn  wrote:
>> * Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float
>> (int1)/float(int2)?
>> Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in the
>> brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself (unless I
>> want to)
> As others have said, what you're asking for is actually magic. One of
> the rules of Python - one for which I'm not aware of any exceptions -
> is that you can always take a subexpression out and give it a new
> name:

And it's not just Python: programming languages have been designed
that way since at least the 1960s.  People are used to analysing
expressions inside and out according to rules common for almost all


  // Jorgen GrahnO  o   .

Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-09 Thread Mark Janssen
On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> So, on what basis _would_ you choose a language for some purpose?
> Without speaking specifically of web development here, how do you
> choose a language?

Most generally, you choose a language informed by the language
designer's intentions of the language, usually stated explicitly.  Of
course, if you're in a constrained environment, then that is going to
dictate your decision.   After that, you're left with your own level
of expertise regarding language design (which for many is not much)
and the breadth of the field to examine (usually larger than most are
familiar).  This is an arena where PhD's are made.

Obviously, languages just designed to [brain]f*ck with you, despite
being theoretically complete, aren't much of a candidate for

> But that would still leave you with a good few choices. When it comes
> down to it, how do you choose between Ruby, Python, Perl, Pike,
> JavaScript, , etcetera? I can think of
> a few considerations that may or may not be important... and I'm sure
> you can add more.

Among general purpose languages that pretty much offer the same
benefits, the community often informs the decision.

Tacoma, Washington

Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Mark Lawrence  wrote:
> I'd forgotten I'd used Monk back around 1999/2000.  I couldn't remember much
> about it so just looked it up here
>, not sure if
> it's double or triple yuck.

>From the contents page in that PDF:

Chapter 1
- Introduction 16
- Document Purpose and Scope 16
- Intended Audience 16
- Organization of Information 17
- Writing Conventions 18
- For information on how to use a specific add-on product (for example, an e*Way
Intelligent Adapter), see the user’s guide for that product. 19
- SeeBeyond Web Site 20

Page 19. Lolwut?


Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-09 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 09/11/2013 23:24, Mark Lawrence wrote:

On 09/11/2013 22:58, Chris Angelico wrote:

* Some languages are just fundamentally bad. I do not recommend ever
writing production code in Whitespace, Ook, or Piet.

In my last job I was forced into using Apple(42 not so obvious ways to
do it)Script.  Yuck.

I'd forgotten I'd used Monk back around 1999/2000.  I couldn't remember 
much about it so just looked it up here, not sure 
if it's double or triple yuck.

Still, when you've been spoiled by Python for 10 years I guess anything 
else looks bad by definition :)

Python is the second best programming language in the world.
But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 11:50 AM, MRAB  wrote:
> On 09/11/2013 22:44, Jonathan wrote:
>> In pythonic syntax:
>> select :
>>case ,[],:
>>case else:
> [snip]
> It's more likely that the cases would be indented the same amount as
> the 'select', and you wouldn't need 'case else', just 'else'.

To fully bike-shed something that's not even a proposal, much less one
that's likely to happen: I would agree with Jonathan, the 'select'
block ends with a colon and gets indented.


Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Roy Smith  wrote:
> On 09/11/2013 22:58, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> >
>> > * Some languages are just fundamentally bad. I do not recommend ever
>> > writing production code in Whitespace, Ook, or Piet.
> One of the worst coding experiences I ever had was trying to build an
> app for a Roku media player.  They have a home-grown language called
> BrightScript.  Barf.

And this is exactly why I was so strongly against the notion of
developing an in-house scripting language. It may be a lot of work to
evaluate Lua, Python, JavaScript, and whatever others we wanted to
try, but it's a *lot* less work than making a new language that
actually is worth using.


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread MRAB

On 09/11/2013 22:44, Jonathan wrote:

On Saturday, November 9, 2013 8:27:02 AM UTC-5, Joshua Landau wrote:

`select` is quite an odd statement, in that in most cases it's just a
weaker variant of `if`. By the time you're at the point where a
`select` is actually more readable you're also at the point where a
different control flow is probably a better idea. Things like
dictionaries or a variables pointing to functions are really useful
and can be encapsulated in a class quite well. This is a bit more
advanced but largely more rigorous.

But most of the time the idea is just that an `if` is more explicit,
and it's not like a `case` statement can be optimised as it can in
lower-level languages with simpler datatypes.

The C switch statement is very limited.  The select statement in the dialect of BASIC I regularly 
use is more flexible.   It's more concise on long if chains because it elides the "end 
if"s.  But the use of indentation for blocks and the "in" operator certainly reduce 
the need for it in Python.

In pythonic syntax:

select :
   case ,[],:
   case else:


It's more likely that the cases would be indented the same amount as
the 'select', and you wouldn't need 'case else', just 'else'.


Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-09 Thread Roy Smith
On 09/11/2013 22:58, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >
> > * Some languages are just fundamentally bad. I do not recommend ever
> > writing production code in Whitespace, Ook, or Piet.

One of the worst coding experiences I ever had was trying to build an 
app for a Roku media player.  They have a home-grown language called 
BrightScript.  Barf.

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 9:44 AM, Jonathan  wrote:
> In pythonic syntax:
> select :
>   case ,[],:
> which is equivalent to:   elif  = :
> which is equivalent to:   elif  

Small clarification: It's more akin to assigning  to a
temporary, and then comparing that temporary against everything. It's
only evaluated once. Otherwise, yes, as you describe.


Re: Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-09 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 09/11/2013 22:58, Chris Angelico wrote:

* Some languages are just fundamentally bad. I do not recommend ever
writing production code in Whitespace, Ook, or Piet.

In my last job I was forced into using Apple(42 not so obvious ways to 
do it)Script.  Yuck.

Python is the second best programming language in the world.
But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence


Languages for different purposes (was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python)

2013-11-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 8:21 AM, Mark Janssen  wrote:
>> I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on where the field of computer 
>> languages is heading, and how that affects the choice of languages for 
>> building web sites.
> Well, there aren't that many groupings towards which languages
> specialize for (not including embedded or other application-specific
> domains).  There's OS scripting, Web scripting, and then the otherwise
> general-purpose "normative" languages in the middle of those two
> extremes.  But this view presumes a model of computation which hasn't
> settled into wide agreement.

So, on what basis _would_ you choose a language for some purpose?
Without speaking specifically of web development here, how do you
choose a language?

* Some languages are just fundamentally bad. I do not recommend ever
writing production code in Whitespace, Ook, or Piet.

* Some languages force you to do a lot of bookkeeping, memory
management, etc. These are inferior unless their corresponding
advantages (usually performance or memory use) justify it.

* Some situations specifically demand one language. If you're writing
code to be deployed on cheap web servers, it's probably going to have
to be in PHP. If it's to run inside a web browser, it pretty much has
to be JavaScript, ActionScript, or maybe something that compiles to
one of those.

But that would still leave you with a good few choices. When it comes
down to it, how do you choose between Ruby, Python, Perl, Pike,
JavaScript, , etcetera? I can think of
a few considerations that may or may not be important... and I'm sure
you can add more.

- Library support. For web work, it might be useful to be able to
create a PNG image on the fly (live graphs and such), or to have a
simple one-liner that handles cookies and persistence.

- Familiarity with the language. Why learn another one when you
already know this one?

- *Un*familiarity with the language. If you're going to have to learn,
may as well charge your boss for it!

- Proper Unicode support. For manipulating text, helps to be able to
work with it as text.

- Lack of proper Unicode support. Maybe it's easier to just work with
bytes everywhere? :)

- Ease/atomicity of deployment of new versions (maybe even while it's running)

- Buzzwordiness? If your boss asks you to choose a language and you
can say either "Ruby on Rails" or "CherryPy", are you more likely to
get approval for the former?

Something to throw open there. Citations from actual choices made a bonus. :)


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Jonathan
On Saturday, November 9, 2013 8:27:02 AM UTC-5, Joshua Landau wrote:

> `select` is quite an odd statement, in that in most cases it's just a
> weaker variant of `if`. By the time you're at the point where a
> `select` is actually more readable you're also at the point where a
> different control flow is probably a better idea. Things like
> dictionaries or a variables pointing to functions are really useful
> and can be encapsulated in a class quite well. This is a bit more
> advanced but largely more rigorous.
> But most of the time the idea is just that an `if` is more explicit,
> and it's not like a `case` statement can be optimised as it can in
> lower-level languages with simpler datatypes.

The C switch statement is very limited.  The select statement in the dialect of 
BASIC I regularly use is more flexible.   It's more concise on long if chains 
because it elides the "end if"s.  But the use of indentation for blocks and the 
"in" operator certainly reduce the need for it in Python.

In pythonic syntax:

select :
  case ,[],:
  case else:

where  is one of


which is equivalent to:   elif  = :


which is equivalent to:   elif  

Note that:
 "elif" is actually "if" for the first case in the select.
 control exits at next case, no need for breaks.
 expression0 is only evaluated once and stored in an anonymous temporary 

The switch statement in (the language) go is similar, except that  
defaults to true and it doesn't elide  in the case statements.

Dictionaries can't handle the uses where expression0 is constant and the case 
expressions are not.
Function variables beg the question.  How did you decide what to assign to the 

I'd use this select if it was in Python, but I don't see much need for it.


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Mark Janssen
> I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on where the field of computer 
> languages is heading, and how that affects the choice of languages for 
> building web sites.

Well, there aren't that many groupings towards which languages
specialize for (not including embedded or other application-specific
domains).  There's OS scripting, Web scripting, and then the otherwise
general-purpose "normative" languages in the middle of those two
extremes.  But this view presumes a model of computation which hasn't
settled into wide agreement.
Tacoma, Washington

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Tim Chase
On 2013-11-09 21:01, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> no comma is needed but a comma  will be accepted. 

I find the optional trailing comma particularly useful (and painful in
languages that don't accept it) for doing inline lists to produce
cleaner version-control diffs.  I write most of my code like this
(with a trailing comma):

  lst = [

so when I go to add something, the diff looks much more readable like


instead of


which makes me look at all of the modified lines to validate exactly
what did (and didn't) change.



Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 09/11/2013 20:33, Mark Janssen wrote:

* Call me pedantic by why do we need a trailing comma for a list of one
item? Keep it intuitive and allow lstShopping=[] or ["Bread"] or
["Bread", "Milk","Hot Chocolate"] I don't like ["Bread",]. It bugs me.

This one got answered, it has to do with the parser when dealing with parens.

It got answered and was simply mistaken, no comma is needed but a comma 
will be accepted.  How did the parser enter into this, or are you also 
thinking about tuples?

>>> mylist=['Bread']
>>> mylist
>>> mylist=['Butter',]
>>> mylist

Python is the second best programming language in the world.
But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Ned Batchelder
On Saturday, November 9, 2013 3:33:30 PM UTC-5, zipher wrote:
> Personally, I wouldn't recommend Python for web scripts.  But I'm
> biased and am speaking from where I see the field of computer
> languages heading.
> MarkJ
> Tacoma, Washington

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on where the field of computer 
languages is heading, and how that affects the choice of languages for building 
web sites.


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Mark Janssen
A little late, but a couple of cents worth more data:

> I've just got a few thoughts I'd like to share and ask about:
> * Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float
> (int1)/float(int2)?

This has to do with evaluation order, the stuff inside the parens gets
evaluated first, resulting in an integer for versions of python less
than v3.

> Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in the
> brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself (unless I
> want to)

You only have to give one float value:  int1/float(int2).  The
environment converts it to a floating point operation when either of
the two is a float value.  (try:  1/2.0, for example)

> * No sign of a select .. case statement
> Another useful tool in the programmer's toolbox

I agree on this one, though I prefer C's syntax of switch/case.  The
if/then/elif "ladder" of python is a bit cumbersome, but was chosen to
reduce language size -- a value with mixed reviews.

> * Call me pedantic by why do we need a trailing comma for a list of one
> item? Keep it intuitive and allow lstShopping=[] or ["Bread"] or
> ["Bread", "Milk","Hot Chocolate"] I don't like ["Bread",]. It bugs me.

This one got answered, it has to do with the parser when dealing with parens.

> Is everyone happy with the way things are?

No, but Python is still the best language.

> Could anyone recommend a good,
> high level language for CGI work? Not sure if I'm going to be happy with
> Perl (ahhh, get him, he's mentioned Perl and is a heretic!) or Python.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend Python for web scripts.  But I'm
biased and am speaking from where I see the field of computer
languages heading.

Tacoma, Washington

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Tim Chase
On 2013-11-10 01:27, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > Is everyone happy with the way things are? Could anyone recommend
> > a good, high level language for CGI work? Not sure if I'm going
> > to be happy with Perl (ahhh, get him, he's mentioned Perl and is
> > a heretic!) or Python. I would very much value any constructive
> > criticism or insights.  
> If by CGI you actually literally mean CGI, then most of us don't
> have any experience with it.

While there might be some die-hards in the group that would accuse
you (the OP) of heresy, most folks here are pragmatics that will shrug
and reply "if {Perl,PHP,Ruby,Pike,JavaScript,...} solves your problem,
go for it.  We just can't help you much unless it's Python".  Much
like I'm a vi/vim guy, but if emacs/Sublime/notepad/nano/ed/edlin/cat
works for you, then go for it.

Most of the major frameworks *can* be run as CGI (rather than FastCGI
or WSGI), but performance is usually abysmal because the entire
program is restarted for each request (whereas FCGI/WSGI have
long-running processes that exact the spin-up cost once).  It's more
of a party trick or proof-of-concept than anything you'd want to put
into high-traffic production. Django[1], CherryPy[2], Flask[3],[4], web2py[5] all support deploying in a CGI environment (it
looks like Pylons/Pyramid might too, but I couldn't scare up a link
for explicit directions).

I'm personally partial to Django because it offers so much out of
the box, but I've done work in a couple of the others too (doing some
CherryPy contract work currently).








Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread John von Horn
On Sat, 09 Nov 2013 07:08:25 -0600, John von Horn wrote:

Thanks so much for the replies. I'll get my head down and keep on going. 
Sometimes it's great to be wrong. I have a good feeling about this 
language. It's also nice that I can tap into this pool of knowledge that 
is comp.lang.python - I'll be heading down to that watering hole on a 
regular basis. *Help, Help - the python's got me, I've been ambushed*

And a "thank you" [guys] - alright!

My next program:

print 'And a '"thank you"' [guys] to the screen, expanding the list of 
guys to their individual names that have replied to my opening comment.
displayed as a comma delimited list.

Time to say "goodbye" to "Hello World" and take it to the next level. 
First floor, here I come.

We are on a mission! I'm lovin' it.



Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread rusi
On Saturday, November 9, 2013 9:26:02 PM UTC+5:30, Roy Smith wrote:
> In article rusi wrote:

> > On Saturday, November 9, 2013 6:38:25 PM UTC+5:30, John von Horn wrote:
> > > Another useful tool in the programmer's toolbox
> > > Select DayofWeek
> > >   case "mon"
> > >   ...
> > > end select
> > You can typically write this in python as a dictionary
> > cases = {"mon": do_mon-action, 
> >  "tue", do_tue_action,
> > :
> > :
> > }
> > combined with an 'interpreter'
> > cases[DayofWeek]()
> > Some variants:
> > Need a default?
> > cases.get(DayofWeek, do_default_action)()
> > Sometimes nicer to pass some parameters:
> > cases[DayofWeek](some_relevant_context)

> All of the above is true, but a more straight-forward way to emulate a 
> switch/case is with a series of elifs:

> if day_of_week == "mon":
>print "mondays suck"
> elif day_of_week == "tue":
>print "at least it's not monday"
> elif day_of_week == "wed":
>print "humpday!"
> else:
>print "it's some other day"

> I've done both.  Both are reasonable translations of switch/case logic 
> from other languages.

> The elif chain is more straight-forward to understand, especially for 
> somebody new to the language.  It also can support more complicated 
> selection logic:


print ( {"mon":"mondays suck",
 "tue":"at least it's not monday",
}.get(day_of_week,"its some other day")

may be dense

Separate into named dictionary and its ok (I think!)

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Roy Smith
In article ,
 rusi  wrote:

> On Saturday, November 9, 2013 6:38:25 PM UTC+5:30, John von Horn wrote:
> > Another useful tool in the programmer's toolbox
> > Select DayofWeek
> > case "mon"
> > ...
> > end select
> You can typically write this in python as a dictionary
> cases = {"mon": do_mon-action, 
>  "tue", do_tue_action,
> :
> :
> }
> combined with an 'interpreter'
> cases[DayofWeek]()
> Some variants:
> Need a default?
> cases.get(DayofWeek, do_default_action)()
> Sometimes nicer to pass some parameters:
> cases[DayofWeek](some_relevant_context)

All of the above is true, but a more straight-forward way to emulate a 
switch/case is with a series of elifs:

if day_of_week == "mon":
   print "mondays suck"
elif day_of_week == "tue":
   print "at least it's not monday"
elif day_of_week == "wed":
   print "humpday!"
   print "it's some other day"

I've done both.  Both are reasonable translations of switch/case logic 
from other languages.

The elif chain is more straight-forward to understand, especially for 
somebody new to the language.  It also can support more complicated 
selection logic:

elif day_of_week in ['sat', 'sun']:
   print "it's the weekend"

John's version is more modular, and lends itself to doing more dynamic 
things like passing around sets of actions as function arguments.

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread rusi
On Saturday, November 9, 2013 6:38:25 PM UTC+5:30, John von Horn wrote:
> Another useful tool in the programmer's toolbox

> Select DayofWeek

>   case "mon"

>   ...

> end select

You can typically write this in python as a dictionary

cases = {"mon": do_mon-action, 
 "tue", do_tue_action,
combined with an 'interpreter'

Some variants:
Need a default?
cases.get(DayofWeek, do_default_action)()

Sometimes nicer to pass some parameters:

Re: Sandboxing Python [was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python]

2013-11-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 2:25 AM, Steven D'Aprano
> On Sun, 10 Nov 2013 01:27:11 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> I was trying to sandbox CPython and run untrusted scripts while stopping
>> them from accessing the OS or file system. It's basically impossible
> PyPy is supposed to come with a proper sandbox. Although even in that
> case, I think it is recommended to use a chroot jail to lock access down
> to some subset of the file system.

Yeah, which means that even that wouldn't be sufficient for our
purposes (since part of the spec is that there should be fast and
efficient data transfer between the untrusted code and the main
engine, which has full FS access). That's why we switched away from
Python altogether. Though I think my boss would have benefited from
being forced to learn Python.


Sandboxing Python [was Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python]

2013-11-09 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 10 Nov 2013 01:27:11 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

> I was trying to sandbox CPython and run untrusted scripts while stopping
> them from accessing the OS or file system. It's basically impossible

PyPy is supposed to come with a proper sandbox. Although even in that 
case, I think it is recommended to use a chroot jail to lock access down 
to some subset of the file system.


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:08 AM, John von Horn  wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm Mr. Noobie here, I've just started easing into Python (2.7.4) and am
> enjoying working along to some youtube tutorials. I've done a little
> programming in the past.

Hi! For myself, I've come from a background writing code in many other
languages (most notably C family), and I actually joined this list to
ask how to do something that turned out to be impossible[1]. Ended up
staying because the community's awesome. (Apart from a few. You know
who you are. :) )

> I've just got a few thoughts I'd like to share and ask about:
> * Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float
> (int1)/float(int2)?
> Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in the
> brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself (unless I
> want to)

As others have said, what you're asking for is actually magic. One of
the rules of Python - one for which I'm not aware of any exceptions -
is that you can always take a subexpression out and give it a new

floater = float(int1/int2)

temporary = int1/int2
floater = float(temporary

will do the exact same thing (modulo the retention of an
intermediate). This helps *HUGELY* with debugging, and it's part of a
general "no magic" policy. Sometimes there are other handy cases,
too... like that literals are nothing special, and that methods on
objects carry all the information they need:

>>> formatter = "Foo {} bar {} quux".format
>>> formatter("Asdf","Qwer")
'Foo Asdf bar Qwer quux'
>>> formatter("Hello","World")
'Foo Hello bar World quux'

I just created a function that's actually a method off a literal
string. (It returns a string. I'm doing this at the interactive
interpreter (REPL [2]), so the return values are being displayed.) As
far as the rest of the code's concerned, it's a function just like any
other. JavaScript doesn't do this. You can have closures, which carry
state about with them... but for some reason that completely escapes
my comprehension, methods aren't bound to the objects that called
them, so these two do quite different things:


var func = document.getElementsByTagName;

That's magic, and IMHO not a good thing. So, getting back to your
query about floats... The only way for that to be not-magic would be
for the int-divided-by-int part to be not yet evaluated by the time
the float call happens. As others have pointed out, Python 3 has
int/int --> float, so *this specific* instance wouldn't apply. But the
same consideration applies to other types:

>>> import fractions
>>> fractions.Fraction(12345/54321)
Fraction(4093955369001953, 18014398509481984)

The division is done and results in either a float (Python 3, as shown
above) or an int (which would be 0). Either way, by the time the
Fraction constructor tries to figure out what value it's been given,
information has been lost (floats get rounded). The correct way to
create a Fraction is to pass it the numerator and denominator

>>> fractions.Fraction(12345,54321)
Fraction(4115, 18107)

This now has the exactly correct value (it cancelled the common prime
factor of 3 from both values). It's a small price to pay for a
guarantee of no-magic evaluation, and the awesome simplicity that that

> Just some initial thoughts. I just wanted to know the reasoning behind
> the above, be shown the shortcomings of my ignorance, pointed in the
> right direction. Let the High Priests of Python come forth and speak wise
> words and show me the ignorance of thy ways. Let my cup be filled to
> overflowing with your kind knowledge and wisdom.

I like that attitude: "This seems odd, so I'll ask why, because that
way I'll learn something". Some of us have worked with a large number
of different programming languages, others have a background in
mathematics (Steven D'Aprano, who'll probably post a response in this
thread before long, recently contributed a shiny new statistics module
to the Python standard library), still others have been working in
computers so long that they've become them (okay, not quite). Maybe
none of us is a High Priest of this language, but we all have our own
perspectives on what works and what doesn't, so pretty much any
question is going to get some responses. :)

> Is everyone happy with the way things are? Could anyone recommend a good,
> high level language for CGI work? Not sure if I'm going to be happy with
> Perl (ahhh, get him, he's mentioned Perl and is a heretic!) or Python. I
> would very much value any constructive criticism or insights.

No, not everyone's happy with the way things are. If we were, where
would Python 3.4 come from? :)

If by CGI you actually literally mean CGI, then most of us don't have
any experience with it. But if you mean more generally "code executed
on the fly to create a web page", there are quite a few options. Some
of us have worked with, again, a variety of languages (I jus

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Jussi Piitulainen
John von Horn writes:

> Hi Everyone,
> I'm Mr. Noobie here, I've just started easing into Python (2.7.4)
> and am enjoying working along to some youtube tutorials. I've done a
> little programming in the past.
> I've just got a few thoughts I'd like to share and ask about:
> * Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float
> (int1)/float(int2)?
> Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in
> the brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself
> (unless I want to)

The guardians of the language agree with you and have changed this in
Python 3. You can import the change to 2.7 thus:

  >>> 31/41
  >>> from __future__ import division
  >>> 31/41

> * No sign of a select .. case statement

I won't comment on that.

> * Call me pedantic by why do we need a trailing comma for a list of
> one item? Keep it intuitive and allow lstShopping=[] or ["Bread"] or
> ["Bread", "Milk","Hot Chocolate"] I don't like ["Bread",]. It bugs
> me.

Just write ["Bread"]. The comma is not needed.

Round brackets are used mainly for grouping expressions and calling
functions. Commas are used to separate function arguments and elements
of collections like lists, dictionaries, and sets, and to construct
tuples. The awkward case you have in mind is a one-element tuple that
has to be written with a trailing comma.

  >>> 3,
  >>> (3)
  >>> 3,1
  (3, 1)
  >>> (3,1)
  (3, 1)

Best get used to that. It's just the optional trailing comma, but one
doesn't want just 3 or (3) interpreted as a tuple - not in Python
anyway - so in the one-element case optional becomes mandatory.

  >>> 3,1,
  (3, 1)

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 09/11/2013 13:08, John von Horn wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I'm Mr. Noobie here, I've just started easing into Python (2.7.4) and am
enjoying working along to some youtube tutorials. I've done a little
programming in the past.

If it's possible I'd strongly recommend Python 3.3, there's lots of 
goodies in there like vastly improved unicode handling.

I've just got a few thoughts I'd like to share and ask about:

* Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float

Surely this depends on the outcome that you actually want or am I 
missing the obvious?  Also note that integer division has been changed 
in Python 3.

Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in the
brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself (unless I
want to)

You usually have to in Python, it's down to strong typing.

* No sign of a select .. case statement

Loads of recipes online for this, ranging from specialised classes to my 
favourite which is spelt "dict".

Another useful tool in the programmer's toolbox

Select DayofWeek

case "mon"


end select

* Call me pedantic by why do we need a trailing comma for a list of one
item? Keep it intuitive and allow lstShopping=[] or ["Bread"] or
["Bread", "Milk","Hot Chocolate"] I don't like ["Bread",]. It bugs me.

It should as it's not needed.  I'd guess you're confusing a tuple of one 
item with a list of one item?

Just some initial thoughts. I just wanted to know the reasoning behind
the above, be shown the shortcomings of my ignorance, pointed in the
right direction. Let the High Priests of Python come forth and speak wise
words and show me the ignorance of thy ways. Let my cup be filled to
overflowing with your kind knowledge and wisdom.

Try "import this" from the Python interactive prompt for the Zen of Python.

Is everyone happy with the way things are?

Yes thank you.

Could anyone recommend a good,
high level language for CGI work?

I can't comment as to whether or not Python is suitable for CGI work, 
I'll leave that to the experts.

Not sure if I'm going to be happy with
Perl (ahhh, get him, he's mentioned Perl and is a heretic!) or Python. I
would very much value any constructive criticism or insights.

Fair enough, Python isn't for everybody.  I love it simply because it 
suits my mind set, hence I have bookmarked as "Home Sweet 
Home".  I therefore believe it's safe to say that others hate it as it 
doesn't suit their mind sets.

And a "thank you", ["sirs","madams"] but pls, not just ["sirs",]

Reread what I wrote above :)


And check out my signature!!!

Python is the second best programming language in the world.
But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence


Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Joshua Landau
On 9 November 2013 13:08, John von Horn  wrote:
> I'm Mr. Noobie here, I've just started easing into Python (2.7.4) and am
> enjoying working along to some youtube tutorials. I've done a little
> programming in the past.
> I've just got a few thoughts I'd like to share and ask about:
> * Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float
> (int1)/float(int2)?
> Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in the
> brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself (unless I
> want to)

In Python 2, `int1/int2` does integer division. So
`float(that_result)` gives a truncated float.
`int1/float(int2)` obviously avoids this by dividing by a float.

If `float(int1/int2)` were to return the same value, `float` could not
be a normal function, and would have to be magic. Magic is bad.
Fortunately, Python 3 does the sane thing and just does floating-point
division by default. Great, eh?

> * No sign of a select .. case statement
> Another useful tool in the programmer's toolbox
> Select DayofWeek
> case "mon"
> ...
> end select

`select` is quite an odd statement, in that in most cases it's just a
weaker variant of `if`. By the time you're at the point where a
`select` is actually more readable you're also at the point where a
different control flow is probably a better idea. Things like
dictionaries or a variables pointing to functions are really useful
and can be encapsulated in a class quite well. This is a bit more
advanced but largely more rigorous.

But most of the time the idea is just that an `if` is more explicit,
and it's not like a `case` statement can be optimised as it can in
lower-level languages with simpler datatypes.

> * Call me pedantic by why do we need a trailing comma for a list of one
> item? Keep it intuitive and allow lstShopping=[] or ["Bread"] or
> ["Bread", "Milk","Hot Chocolate"] I don't like ["Bread",]. It bugs me.

You don't.

You might be confused because you need to write `("hello",)`, but
that's because the *comma* makes a *tuple*, not the brackets. Imagine
if `2 * (1/2)` gave you `(0.5, 0.5)`!

> Is everyone happy with the way things are? Could anyone recommend a good,
> high level language for CGI work? Not sure if I'm going to be happy with
> Perl (ahhh, get him, he's mentioned Perl and is a heretic!) or Python. I
> would very much value any constructive criticism or insights.

I don't know squat about CGI, but I think Python can grow on anyone
open to the idea of programming at a high level. Not "high level" as
in "expert" but as in "using higher-level constructs", if you get the
meaning. Python implements these quite well. Your first two complaints
are not new, though.

Re: New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread Ned Batchelder
On Saturday, November 9, 2013 8:08:25 AM UTC-5, John von Horn wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm Mr. Noobie here, I've just started easing into Python (2.7.4) and am 
> enjoying working along to some youtube tutorials. I've done a little 
> programming in the past.
> I've just got a few thoughts I'd like to share and ask about:
> * Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float
> (int1)/float(int2)?
> Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in the 
> brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself (unless I 
> want to)

The language has to specify what int1/int2 should evaluate to.  Python 2 says 
it is an int.  Once that computation is done, passing that int to float() can't 
bring back the lost information.  Python 3 says that int1/int2 produces a 
float, and you can get that behavior if you use "from __future__ import 
division" at the top of your Python 2.7 file.

> * No sign of a select .. case statement
> Another useful tool in the programmer's toolbox
> Select DayofWeek
>   case "mon"
>   ...
> end select

This is a bit more controversial.  Python has no select statement because it 
has very little advantage over simply using an if/elif/elif/else ladder. In 
languages like C, a switch compiles to a table lookup.  In Python, all the 
actual comparisons would have to be done anyway, so it would simply be an 
alternate syntax for a number of if statements.  In the interest of not 
cluttering the language, the switch statement doesn't exist.

> * Call me pedantic by why do we need a trailing comma for a list of one 
> item? Keep it intuitive and allow lstShopping=[] or ["Bread"] or 
> ["Bread", "Milk","Hot Chocolate"] I don't like ["Bread",]. It bugs me.

You're mistaken: One-element lists are written without a trailing comma, though 
you are allowed to include them.  One-element tuples, though, require the 
trailing comma, since ("hello") is just the same as "hello".

Welcome to Python!
> JvH


New user's initial thoughts / criticisms of Python

2013-11-09 Thread John von Horn
Hi Everyone,

I'm Mr. Noobie here, I've just started easing into Python (2.7.4) and am 
enjoying working along to some youtube tutorials. I've done a little 
programming in the past.

I've just got a few thoughts I'd like to share and ask about:

* Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float

Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in the 
brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself (unless I 
want to)

* No sign of a select .. case statement

Another useful tool in the programmer's toolbox

Select DayofWeek

case "mon"


end select

* Call me pedantic by why do we need a trailing comma for a list of one 
item? Keep it intuitive and allow lstShopping=[] or ["Bread"] or 
["Bread", "Milk","Hot Chocolate"] I don't like ["Bread",]. It bugs me.

Just some initial thoughts. I just wanted to know the reasoning behind 
the above, be shown the shortcomings of my ignorance, pointed in the 
right direction. Let the High Priests of Python come forth and speak wise 
words and show me the ignorance of thy ways. Let my cup be filled to 
overflowing with your kind knowledge and wisdom.

Is everyone happy with the way things are? Could anyone recommend a good, 
high level language for CGI work? Not sure if I'm going to be happy with 
Perl (ahhh, get him, he's mentioned Perl and is a heretic!) or Python. I 
would very much value any constructive criticism or insights.

And a "thank you", ["sirs","madams"] but pls, not just ["sirs",]
