Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-26 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 26, 2:50 pm, Chris Angelico  wrote:

> Hmm, I wonder how you go about adopting that policy... oh! I know! By
> fighting each bully on a case-by-case basis! Funny though, you just
> said that won't work.

It's a two-pronged solution Chris. Compound.

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 7:35 AM, Rick Johnson
>  1. you could fight each bully on a case by case bases.
>  2. you could empower people to fight bullies as a united group.
> Adopt a public policy that bullying will NOT be
> allowed and the perp WILL be punished, and bulling disappears
> forever.

Hmm, I wonder how you go about adopting that policy... oh! I know! By
fighting each bully on a case-by-case basis! Funny though, you just
said that won't work.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-26 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 26, 6:44 am, Albert van der Horst 
> I don't blame them for the attitude of "live to fight another day"
> or even for plain survival. If the Jews hadn't allow themselves
> to be subjected, there would be no Jews.

And may i borrow your time machine now that you are finished
researching what "may have happened" to the Jews had they adopted the
"live free or die" mentality? I always wondered what it would feel
like to be god.

> >Slaves only exist because they allow themselves to exist. When people
> Never been a slave, were you? Try to imagine what it is to be
> born a slave.

Don't try to cast me as siding with the slave-master. I detest them as
much as anyone. But my point is still valid; empower the people and
subjection is a thing of the past.

Bullying is a microcosm of slavery. You could take two distinct
defensive methods to fighting bullies:

 1. you could fight each bully on a case by case bases.
 2. you could empower people to fight bullies as a united group.

Method one will always fail. Sure, you may defeat the bully that
exists today, but tomorrow a new bully will be born.

Whereas method 2 will always prevail. Bullies need to exist in the
shadows, behind a veil of secrecy and fear. Remove the veil and they
will be exposed. Adopt a public policy that bullying will NOT be
allowed and the perp WILL be punished, and bulling disappears

History has shown that mob behavior can be both detrimentally sadistic
AND masochistic.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-26 Thread Albert van der Horst
In article <>,
Rick Johnson   wrote:
>Because the Jews allowed themselves to be subjected. Sad, but true.

Actually Jew stands for (relative) coward. Let me explain.
Jew comes from Juda, one of the 12 tribes. At some time Israel
was subjected and 11 tribes resisted to the death and are eradicated
since. Only the Juda tribe gave in and their land was called Judea since.
(So the name Israel for the current state is a propagandistic lie,
to claim the land once occupied by the 12 tribes.)

I don't blame them for the attitude of "live to fight another day"
or even for plain survival. If the Jews hadn't allow themselves
to be subjected, there would be no Jews.

>Slaves only exist because they allow themselves to exist. When people

Never been a slave, were you? Try to imagine what it is to be
born a slave.

>"Live free, or die!"
>"From my cold dead hand!"
>"Over my dead body!"
>"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be
>demanded by the oppressed."
>"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves."
>"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be."
>"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will
>not have, nor do they deserve, either one."

Black Panther comes to mind. The USA just killed them.

Groetjes Albert

Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert@spe&ar& &=n


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-26 Thread Albert van der Horst
In article ,
Rick Johnson   wrote:
>On Feb 18, 1:28=A0am, Ian Kelly  wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Rick Johnson
>> If I were to [sum my tax burden], it would
>> probably come to around 30%, which still doesn't bother me, in part
>> because I know that it comes back to benefit the society I live in,
>> and by extension me, in one way or another..
>But do you think you'll get a higher return for your investment? Is it
>possible to get a higher return on your investment in this type of
>system? NO! You better off just paying for your own damn healthcare.
>Well actually, there is a way to get a higher return by taking more
>than your "fair share". Any intelligent person would realize that
>public healthcare is advocated by degenerates or the bleeding heart
>"degenerate eugenics" supporters. Fine, YOU want to subsidize
>degeneracy? Then give to charity. The more you give the better you'll
>feel. BTW: How much money do you give to charity?

This is technically wrong. It is much cheaper for you to pay a few euro's
to combat TBC, then live in a TBC-infected society where you must
take great care not to be infected yourself.
Paying to rid the society of TBC is not charity, it is is common sense.
Your ideas only work for the anti-social few, in an otherwise social
Education is another case in point. It is in you best interest to
allow a getto-genius into Harvard. Otherwise they will become
the master-minds of crime. And you will be too stupid to beat them.

Groetjes Albert

Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert@spe&ar& &=n


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-18 Thread random joe
On Feb 18, 12:34 pm, Rick Johnson 

> Louie-the-loose-screw Said: "I'll give you $15 if you'll give me $15!"

$15 dolla too beau coup! 5 dolla each!


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-18 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 18, 10:15 am, Mark Lawrence  wrote:
> On 18/02/2012 15:02, Rick Johnson wrote:
> > But do you think you'll get a higher return for your investment? Is it
> > possible to get a higher return on your investment in this type of
> > system? NO! You better off just paying for your own damn healthcare.
> I guess you'd better get wikipedia to correct its incorrect data then.

Sure. I'll do that as soon as you show me mathematical evidence of how
N people put X dollars each into a pot and then the same N people pull
out MORE than X dollars each. If you can create a proof that creates
money from nothing then we may find ourselves in the 1% tomorrow!

Louie-the-loose-screw Said: "I'll give you $15 if you'll give me $15!"

Okay Louie, but what is the point of that exercise besides money

X + 0 = 0

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-18 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 18/02/2012 15:02, Rick Johnson wrote:

But do you think you'll get a higher return for your investment? Is it
possible to get a higher return on your investment in this type of
system? NO! You better off just paying for your own damn healthcare.

I guess you'd better get wikipedia to correct its incorrect data then.



Mark Lawrence.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-18 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 18, 1:28 am, Ian Kelly  wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Rick Johnson

> If I were to [sum my tax burden], it would
> probably come to around 30%, which still doesn't bother me, in part
> because I know that it comes back to benefit the society I live in,
> and by extension me, in one way or another..

But do you think you'll get a higher return for your investment? Is it
possible to get a higher return on your investment in this type of
system? NO! You better off just paying for your own damn healthcare.

Well actually, there is a way to get a higher return by taking more
than your "fair share". Any intelligent person would realize that
public healthcare is advocated by degenerates or the bleeding heart
"degenerate eugenics" supporters. Fine, YOU want to subsidize
degeneracy? Then give to charity. The more you give the better you'll
feel. BTW: How much money do you give to charity?

Also, you mentioned Mitt paying 4 million dollars in taxes; that's
more tax than you'll pay in a lifetime!

> > I guess you never purchase
> > ANYTHING or live under the tyranny of local jurisdictions ON TOP of
> > the federal jurisdiction?
> Paying taxes to fund public schools, police departments, fire
> departments, and road maintenance is "tyranny"?

Read my comments and you will know that i support LIMITED
infrastructure. Enough with the spin!

> > Here is a list of taxes most everyone else will encounter:
> This list is awesome.  I love how you include inflation and fines
> imposed for breaking the law as "taxes".

Do you think that ALL traffic tickets are based on reality? You don't
think traffic cops are forced to meet ticket quotas? You don't believe
that some people are wrongly accused? You don't think some police
abuse their power? Have you heard of the many cases of death row
inmates being proven innocent by DNA evidence? You are a FOOL to
believe the justice system is perfect!

> Also how you state that
> "most everyone" will have to pay taxes for fishing licenses, hunting
> licenses, CDL licenses, and even corporate income.

Maybe you live in Amish country, but I have driven on many US highways
and i know for a fact that there are many, MANY, large trucks. All
those truck drivers require a CDL license. Maybe you just ignore the
people you consider to be "beneath you"?

>  Marriage license
> tax?  Yeah, I remember paying that fee.  Once.  I believe it was
> somewhere around $50.

And why do we need the state involved in our love lives?

>  And cigarette tax?  Correct me if I'm wrong,
> but isn't that one mostly paid by those "degenerates" you keep whining
> about, the ones who aren't pulling their own weight?  I hope you can
> understand that I find it a bit ironic that you're now complaining
> about cigarette tax.

It IS a tax nonetheless. Of course the sales pitch for cigarette tax
is that the profit will help offset the medical expenses of cancers
due to smoking, BUT, do you REALLY believe all that money is going
towards healthcare. HA! That's just more money in some politicians

> > Actually i think 10% income tax is a fair amount although i believe
> > taxing income silly. If the government cannot provide national
> > security, domestic security, and LIMITED infratructure on 10% of what
> > we make, they are wasting too much of OUR money.
> Here's a neat table: government spending as a percentage of GDP, by country.

Don't trust polls. Heck, some polls even show Python rising in

> > People, THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH! Every product that is made and every
> > service rendered was a result of someone's hard labor. Sleep on that
> > you degenerates!
> No shit.  I pay those taxes too, you know.  I have no delusions about
> where the money comes from.

Great. Thanks for being a productive member of society. But why do you
support measures that will increase your tax burden? You'll never get
back what you put in unless you're a degenerate. Also, you are
empowering the government with more money. They can't even manage the
money they have now! Has history taught you NOTHING! How many
revolutions is it going to take? How many billions of lives is is
going to take? When are you going to realize that taxation is tyranny?
When are you going to realize that degenerates deserve what they get?

> I fail to see any connection whatsoever.  Animal lovers who only care
> about mammals are stealing money from taxpayers?

Public healthcare is YOU robbing someone else so YOU can get a service
that you don't deserve! That's the hypocrisy!

> Yes, I am so selfish and immoral that I believe everybody should have
> access to health care.  Instead I should be more like you, and label
> people who can't afford their own health care as "degenerates",

I NEVER labeled people who can't afford healthcare degenerates. Enough
with the spin cycle already.

> > Because of people like YOU, we don't deserve the right to evolve!
> What does that even mean?  Evolution is a natural process.

Not for long m

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/18/2012 2:28 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:

Here's a neat table: government spending as a percentage of GDP, by

The table is for "national government spending". That means spending by 
the national government. The US has a lot of spending by state, county, 
city, school, and special districts that is not included. Total 
government spending in the US is about 40% of measured GDP. I *suspect* 
that the US has a higher percentage of non-national government spending 
than most other countries. For instance, government education spending 
is about 6% of GDP and that is mostly non-national here but, I believe, 
more national in some other countries.

There are also issues with the denominator. In the US, if someone works 
at home without pay other than from a spouse, the value of the work is 
*not* included in GDP. If the same person goes to work elsewhere and 
hires someone to do the the same work around the home, that same work 
*is* counted. So the movement of house-spouses into the paid workforce 
has artificially inflated US GDP relative to, say, 50 years ago.

There are also issues of measuring and including the unofficial, 
off-government books, 'underground' economy. That is relatively larger 
in many countries than in the US. I have the strong impression that the 
US IRS is much more diligent about ferreting out taxable income than the 
equivalent in many other countries.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-17 Thread Ian Kelly
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Rick Johnson
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 7:23 PM, Ian Kelly 
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Rick Johnson
>> I make a middle-class income and do not feel that I am anywhere near
>> being "enslaved" by my income taxes, which amount to less than 10% of
>> my gross income after deductions and credits.
> Ten percent?!?! You pay less income tax by percentage than most rich
> folks, including Mitt Romney! I envy you since you must be one of the
> lucky folks who ONLY pay income tax.

Yes, I feel terribly sorry for Mitt Romney.  I can't imagine what it
must be like to earn $27 million and only be allowed to keep $23
million of it.  Why, that's barely enough to buy a private island in
Dubai!  I think it says a lot about how far we've come as a nation,
though, that somebody who's practically a slave to the IRS can be a
front-runner to be elected President.

The 10% figure included Medicare, but not Social Security or other
taxes.  That's because health care coverage (you know, what we've been
talking about) is primarily funded by income tax, Medicare, and excise
taxes on certain kinds of treatments.  Most other taxes go to fund
specific unrelated programs.  If I were to add everything up, it would
probably come to around 30%, which still doesn't bother me, in part
because I know that it comes back to benefit the society I live in,
and by extension me, in one way or another..

> I guess you never purchase
> ANYTHING or live under the tyranny of local jurisdictions ON TOP of
> the federal jurisdiction?

Paying taxes to fund public schools, police departments, fire
departments, and road maintenance is "tyranny"?

> Here is a list of taxes most everyone else will encounter:

This list is awesome.  I love how you include inflation and fines
imposed for breaking the law as "taxes".  Also how you state that
"most everyone" will have to pay taxes for fishing licenses, hunting
licenses, CDL licenses, and even corporate income.  Marriage license
tax?  Yeah, I remember paying that fee.  Once.  I believe it was
somewhere around $50.  And cigarette tax?  Correct me if I'm wrong,
but isn't that one mostly paid by those "degenerates" you keep whining
about, the ones who aren't pulling their own weight?  I hope you can
understand that I find it a bit ironic that you're now complaining
about cigarette tax.

>> Say what you want about the income tax system, but at least net income
>> still basically increases monotonically.  If you make more gross than
>> me, chances are that you're going to make more net than me as well.
> So you support a flat tax system? A system where everybody pays the
> same percentage?

No, what makes you think that?  The statement I made is true under
either a flat tax or the progressive system we currently have.

> Actually i think 10% income tax is a fair amount although i believe
> taxing income silly. If the government cannot provide national
> security, domestic security, and LIMITED infratructure on 10% of what
> we make, they are wasting too much of OUR money.

Here's a neat table: government spending as a percentage of GDP, by country.

In 2008, the United States spent 19.9% of its GDP in government
spending (it's gone up a few percent since then).  The only countries
on the chart that spent less than 10% were Turkmenistan and
Afghanistan.  Draw your own conclusions.

> People, THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH! Every product that is made and every
> service rendered was a result of someone's hard labor. Sleep on that
> you degenerates!

No shit.  I pay those taxes too, you know.  I have no delusions about
where the money comes from.

> Hypocrisy! It's no different than the idiots who whine for the fair
> treatment of fluffy mammals but them declare chemical warfare on
> insects and reptiles. To them ONLY fluffy mammals deserve fair
> treatment because they are so cuddly (and cute BTW) PUKE!.

I fail to see any connection whatsoever.  Animal lovers who only care
about mammals are stealing money from taxpayers?

> But you want to know the REAL reason? It's because mammals return love
> and reptiles and insects don't. It's because people are selfish. If
> another being will no reciprocate their love, then they murder that
> being with extreme prejudice, and not feel one bit guilty about it! Do
> you understand how backward you are? Do you understand how selfish and
> immoral you are? Do you understand how incredibly dense you are?

Yes, I am so selfish and immoral that I believe everybody should have
access to health care.  Instead I should be more like you, and label
people who can't afford their own health care as "degenerates", and
dismiss their health needs as being unimportant compared to my own
completely selfless desire that none of my personal income be used to
support the society that I live in and derive benefit from, without my
full and specific consent.

> Because 

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-17 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 18/02/2012 02:13, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Rick Johnson

Here is a list of taxes most everyone else will encounter:

You forgot the Microsoft Tax and the Stupid Tax.


This is what I call a tax, some two miles from my home.


Mark Lawrence.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-17 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Rick Johnson
> Here is a list of taxes most everyone else will encounter:

You forgot the Microsoft Tax and the Stupid Tax.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-17 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 13, 7:37 pm, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Rick Johnson
>  wrote:
> > # Py>=3.0
> > py> sum(earner.get_income(2012) for earner in earners2012) /
> > len(earners2012)
> > average_income
> > Once you exceed that amount you are robbing your fellow man. How can
> > you justify making more than your fair share UNLESS someone offers
> > their work load to YOU? You can't. You are living in excess. And for
> > those who think the average_income is too small, well then, it's time
> > to implement population control!
> My equation looks something like this:
> # Brain >= 0,1
> brain> Your contribution to society / Society's contribution to you
> This value should be able to exceed 1.0 across the board. In fact, if
> it doesn't, then as a society we're moving backward.

Are we talking about money or deeds? If deeds then i agree, if money
then i disagree.

A society is NOT made better by contributing money. Who does the money
go to? History has shown that money ends up being wasted, that money
ends up being squandered, and that money ends up empowering tyranny!


A society IS improved when good deeds and good wills are injected by
the individual. We should ALWAYS invest more good deeds and expect
less. So in this case we should ALWAYS exceed 1.0.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-17 Thread Rick Johnson

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 7:23 PM, Ian Kelly 
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Rick Johnson
> I make a middle-class income and do not feel that I am anywhere near
> being "enslaved" by my income taxes, which amount to less than 10% of
> my gross income after deductions and credits.

Ten percent?!?! You pay less income tax by percentage than most rich
folks, including Mitt Romney! I envy you since you must be one of the
lucky folks who ONLY pay income tax. I guess you never purchase
ANYTHING or live under the tyranny of local jurisdictions ON TOP of
the federal jurisdiction?

Here is a list of taxes most everyone else will encounter:

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Deficit spending
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax
Gift Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

... and don't forget for declare those pennys on your eyes!

> Heck, there are poorer
> people than I who voluntarily donate that much to religious
> organizations on top of their taxes.

Again, lucky you! MOST middle class people pay 30-50% of their income
in taxes!

> Say what you want about the income tax system, but at least net income
> still basically increases monotonically.  If you make more gross than
> me, chances are that you're going to make more net than me as well.

So you support a flat tax system? A system where everybody pays the
same percentage?

Actually i think 10% income tax is a fair amount although i believe
taxing income silly. If the government cannot provide national
security, domestic security, and LIMITED infratructure on 10% of what
we make, they are wasting too much of OUR money.

> > HOWEVER, healthcare is not a concern of the greater society, but only
> > the individual -- with the exception of contagious disease of course,
> > which effects us all!
> I disagree, and here's why.  Let's say I'm a billionaire, and I'm
> diagnosed with cancer.  Do you think I can just round up a bunch of
> scientists and tell them "Here's a billion dollars.  Now go find a
> cure my cancer"?  Of course not, it doesn't work that way.  If the
> necessary research hasn't already been done, then it's unlikely that
> it will be finished in the few years or months that I have before the
> cancer kills me, no matter how much of my own money I throw at it.

I agree that keeping R&D "alive" is very important for our collective
advancement. I do not fear technology like some people. Futhermore, i
don't have any problem funding R&D for ANY of the sciences, beit
medical or otherwise. But let me assure you, under a private
healthcare system (psst: the kind where people pay they own way!)
there will ALWAYS be enough people to keep R&D alive. Besides, the
degenerates are only seeking care for self induced heath issues.

> Real medical research is primarily driven by medical treatment.

Yes, but that does not mean we should hand degenerates a meal ticket.

> -- if I
> as a wealthy private investor am going to invest in such a highly
> speculative and risky venture as drug research, I will be more willing
> to invest a large sum of money if the potential recipients (i.e.
> consumers) number in the hundreds of thousands, not just the few
> thousand who will be able to pay for the drug out of pocket.
> Likewise, much of the money the drug companies make off of sales goes
> back into research so that they can be ready with a newer, better drug
> by the time their patents expire.
> Distributing health care coverage expands the market for treatments
> and so allows the state of the art to advance faster.  Yes, with
> socialized health care, some of our tax money goes into that pool, and
> a lot of that ta

RE: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-17 Thread Prasad, Ramit
>> They also don't need to put up with people who aren't seriously ill - I
>> don't know how long your private appointments are, but here in the UK a
>> standard doctor's appointment is 5-10 minutes. If they decide you're
>> actually ill they may extend that.

>Five to ten minutes? Is the doctor an a-hole or a machine? Can a
>doctor REALLY diagnose an illness in five to ten minutes? Are you
>joking? And if not, do you ACTUALLY want the experience to be
>synonymous with an assembly line? You don't fear misdiagnosis? I envy
>your bravery!

Actually, I find that (5-10 minutes of doctor time) completely true even in 
America. The difference is that I spend 30-60minutes waiting to be called,
then another 5min with a nurse for pre-doctor stuff (blood pressure,
why I am there, etc), finally another 5 minutes with the nurse for
any necessary post-doctor work (drawing blood, shots, etc.). My total
doctor talking time is really 5-10 minutes. Of course, if I was sick in an 
way then the doctor would see me for longer, but the average doctor 
tends to see the same couple dozen things over and over.

This is true for every doctor I can remember, but YMMV.


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423


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Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-16 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Rick Johnson
> I have PROVEN that when people FIGHT back, they will NOT be subjects
> to tyranny; race has NOTHING to do with it. I gave one example in
> history where people would rather die than be subjected to tyranny,
> there are many more. "GIVE ME FREEDOM FOR GIVE ME DEATH!"
> The world is full of evil people who seek to force their fellow man
> into slavery. Those who refuse to fight for freedom will be victims,
> on the other hand, those who are willing to sacrifice ALL in the name
> of freedom will be free men.
> 300: "Go now! Run along and tell your Xerxes he faces free men here,
> not slaves! Do it quickly, before we decide to make our wall just a
> little bit bigger."

If you get all your history from Hollywood, then no wonder you are so
badly misinformed.  Braveheart and 300 are inspiring movies to be
sure, but they are also highly fictionalized.  In the real world, the
execution of William Wallace actually succeeded in quelling the
Scottish rebellion for a time -- when Robert the Bruce started it up
again half a year later, his motives were entirely political in nature
(he had murdered a rival in a church and been excommunicated; his
options were to place himself on the throne or become a fugitive), not
out of some noble sense of guilt or duty to Wallace or desire for
freedom as depicted in the film.

Your statement that the Africans brought to America allowed themselves
to be enslaved is simply false.  There were dozens of slave rebellions
in the United States prior to the Civil War.  Most of them failed and
ended in the executions of the rebels.  You won't see Hollywood making
too many movies about those, which is probably why you don't know
anything about them.

Re: Kill files [was Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]]

2012-02-15 Thread Ethan Furman

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 10:04:34 +, Duncan Booth wrote:

Actually, I thought it was a bit weird that I saw ChrisA's comment but
not the message he was commenting on until I went and looked for it. I
read this group on a couple of machines and it looks like Rick's
killfile entry had expired on the other but not this one. Next time I'm
back on the other machine I'll try to remember to sort out the killfile.

Yes, I have this problem too. I'm reluctant to killfile people forever, 
call me a sucker if you like, but I'm willing to give people second 
chances (and apparently third and fourth and fifth chances). Methinks 
it's time for Monsieur Johnson to go back in the killfile.

Luckily for me there are enough folks that still reply to the trolls in 
my killfile that I can see if it's time to take them off or not.  ;)

(This one is a resounding NOT)


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-15 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 15/02/2012 16:27, Rick Johnson wrote:

On Feb 15, 9:18 am, Mark Lawrence  wrote:

As you didn't answer my question from some days back I'll ask it agin.
Please explain why previously healthy people get struck down with Common
Fatigue Syndrome amongst other things.

Why do you seek my counsel regarding medical ailments? Do you believe
i have special knowledge in the field? But more importantly: how is
your question germane to the "destruction of healthcare" and
"expansion of tyranny" by the degenerates of society; or by those who
support degeneracy by engaging in "degenerate eugenics"?

Was your question meant as rhetorical? Or merely yet ANOTHER crude
attempt to employ sophistry in hopes of coercing the less astute folks
among us to hop in your "clown car of delirium" and head-off down
ANOTHER path to that leads to logical fallacy?

Stay on subject!

I don't seek your counsel on anything.  You set the ball rolling and I 
quote "If you can't afford healthcare, then you die." and "You want to 
solve the healthcare problem then STOP TREATING PEOPLE WHO


You later went on to say and I again quote
"Healthy people do not need healthcare very often, and in the rare
cases when they do, they don't bog down the system because their
bodies are strong. Why are their bodies strong? Because healthy people
eat correctly, healthy people exercise, therefore, healthy people have
correctly functioning immune systems -- of course quality genes always

The question was originally put in response to that, so you've resorted 
to your usual tactics of spewing ad hominem attacks on anybody who dares 
to challenge you in any way, shape or form.

If I were you I'd stick to things that you understand, like downloading 
workable help files.  But oh dear, you can't even manage that, you 
simply moan like hell because the help file you had didn't work 
correctly. Or IDLE is crap.  Or ...


Mark Lawrence.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-15 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 15, 9:18 am, Mark Lawrence  wrote:
> As you didn't answer my question from some days back I'll ask it agin.
> Please explain why previously healthy people get struck down with Common
> Fatigue Syndrome amongst other things.

Why do you seek my counsel regarding medical ailments? Do you believe
i have special knowledge in the field? But more importantly: how is
your question germane to the "destruction of healthcare" and
"expansion of tyranny" by the degenerates of society; or by those who
support degeneracy by engaging in "degenerate eugenics"?

Was your question meant as rhetorical? Or merely yet ANOTHER crude
attempt to employ sophistry in hopes of coercing the less astute folks
among us to hop in your "clown car of delirium" and head-off down
ANOTHER path to that leads to logical fallacy?

Stay on subject!

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-15 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 15/02/2012 15:04, Rick Johnson wrote:

On Feb 15, 2:56 am, John O'Hagan  wrote:

John, I have grown weary of educating you. Go back to your day job
writing op-eds for the National Inquirer and News of the World; they
love this vile sensationalist crap! Goodnight "John boy".

The News of the Screws closed months ago.

As you didn't answer my question from some days back I'll ask it agin.

Please explain why previously healthy people get struck down with Common 
Fatigue Syndrome amongst other things.


Mark Lawrence.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-15 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 15, 2:56 am, John O'Hagan  wrote:

> You have just demonstrated that you are the worst kind of racist. Not only 
> have
> you blamed the victim on a truly monstrous scale, you have assigned blame not 
> to
> individuals, but to entire "races".

Your tabloid sensationalism is the worst i've seen. You'll jump at any
chance to tag someone a racist, homophobic, sexist, or any other kind
of hate group you can muster in a weak attempt to win an argument you
cannot win by spewing ad hominem attacks.

You cannot stay on subject because your argument is baseless and mine
is the backed by truth. Just in case you have forgotten, here is the
main point: "degenerates are a drain on healthcare/society". Can you
counter that argument with a fact and prove they are not? The only
winning argument is that "degenerates pay their own medical bills"...
but as you and i know, most degenerates DON'T pay their own medical
bills. They expect US to pay them.

> You are saying that something inherent in
> each race caused them to "allow" their own subjugation.

I have PROVEN that when people FIGHT back, they will NOT be subjects
to tyranny; race has NOTHING to do with it. I gave one example in
history where people would rather die than be subjected to tyranny,
there are many more. "GIVE ME FREEDOM FOR GIVE ME DEATH!"

The world is full of evil people who seek to force their fellow man
into slavery. Those who refuse to fight for freedom will be victims,
on the other hand, those who are willing to sacrifice ALL in the name
of freedom will be free men.

300: "Go now! Run along and tell your Xerxes he faces free men here,
not slaves! Do it quickly, before we decide to make our wall just a
little bit bigger."

John, I have grown weary of educating you. Go back to your day job
writing op-eds for the National Inquirer and News of the World; they
love this vile sensationalist crap! Goodnight "John boy".

Kill files [was Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]]

2012-02-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 10:04:34 +, Duncan Booth wrote:

> Actually, I thought it was a bit weird that I saw ChrisA's comment but
> not the message he was commenting on until I went and looked for it. I
> read this group on a couple of machines and it looks like Rick's
> killfile entry had expired on the other but not this one. Next time I'm
> back on the other machine I'll try to remember to sort out the killfile.

Yes, I have this problem too. I'm reluctant to killfile people forever, 
call me a sucker if you like, but I'm willing to give people second 
chances (and apparently third and fourth and fifth chances). Methinks 
it's time for Monsieur Johnson to go back in the killfile.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-15 Thread Duncan Booth
Arnaud Delobelle  wrote:

> On 15 February 2012 09:47, Duncan Booth 
> wrote: 
>> Rick Johnson  wrote:
> [...]
> Perhaps it's a bit presumptuous of me but...
> It's tempting to react to his inflammatory posts, but after all Rick
> is a troll and experience shows that trolls are best left alone.
> Also, please spare a thought for all of us who have him in our
> killfiles.
Yes, sorry about that.

Actually, I thought it was a bit weird that I saw ChrisA's comment but not 
the message he was commenting on until I went and looked for it. I read 
this group on a couple of machines and it looks like Rick's killfile entry 
had expired on the other but not this one. Next time I'm back on the other 
machine I'll try to remember to sort out the killfile.

Duncan Booth

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-15 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 15 February 2012 09:47, Duncan Booth  wrote:
> Rick Johnson  wrote:

Perhaps it's a bit presumptuous of me but...

It's tempting to react to his inflammatory posts, but after all Rick
is a troll and experience shows that trolls are best left alone.
Also, please spare a thought for all of us who have him in our


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-15 Thread Duncan Booth
Rick Johnson  wrote:

> On Feb 14, 5:31 am, Duncan Booth  wrote:
>> Rick Johnson  wrote:
>> > BS! With free healthcare, those who would have allowed their immune
>> > system fight off the flu, now take off from work, visit a local
>> > clinic, and get pumped full of antibiotics so they can create a new
>> > strain of antibiotic resistant flu virus! Thanks free healthcare!
>> Anyone who can write 'antibiotic resistant flu virus' as though they
>> believe it really needs to read some elementary books about disease.
>> Here's a clue: No flu viruses are treatable with antibiotics. In some
>> cas 
> es
>> antibiotics may be useful for flu patients to treat secondary
>> bacterial infections, but they are not effective against viruses.
> Duncan, your reading and comprehension skills are atrocious. Please
> re- read the paragraph you quoted, then spend some time
> "comprehending" it, then show me where i stated that "antibiotics cure
> viral infections". psst: i NEVER said any such thing!

Rick, your reading and comprehension skills are atrocious. Please re-read 
the paragraph you quoted, then spend some time "comprehending" it, then 
show me where I stated that you '''stated that "antibiotics cure viral 
infections"'''. I never said any such thing.

Duncan Booth

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-15 Thread John O'Hagan
On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 17:26:36 -0800 (PST)
Rick Johnson  wrote:

> On Feb 14, 6:44 pm, Chris Angelico  wrote:

> But WE are the fittest! Because we are INTELLIGENT!

And the whales say: But WE are the fittest! Because we are BIG!
And the rabbits say: But WE are the fittest! Because we are FERTILE!
And the snakes say: But WE are the fittest! Because we are VENOMOUS!

(Apologies to all animals mentioned for ascribing to them gratuitous
capitalisation and exclamation marks.)

Please read Darwin. He explicitly defined "fittest", in the context of
evolutionary science, to mean sufficiently well-adapted to immediate local
conditions to be able to reproduce. There is nothing generalisable about this.
Intelligence is only useful in human ecological niches; and if the world were
underwater you would gladly swap it for gills.

But I don't think you'll read Darwin, or any real science on the subject.
You'll cling to your popular-science cartoon version of evolution because you
need it to support your false, odious worldview, which finally emerges from the

> > Why were Negros treated as slaves in the US?
> Because they allowed themselves to be subjected. Sad, but true.
> > Why were
> > Australian Aboriginals treated like animals?
> Because they allowed them selves to be subjected. Sad, but true.
> > And the one I hinted at
> > above.
> Because the Jews allowed themselves to be subjected. Sad, but true.

You have just demonstrated that you are the worst kind of racist. Not only have
you blamed the victim on a truly monstrous scale, you have assigned blame not to
individuals, but to entire "races". You are saying that something inherent in
each race caused them to "allow" their own subjugation. 

Calling it "sad" does not get you off the hook. Your cover was always
thin but now it's blown.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 14, 6:44 pm, Chris Angelico  wrote:

> If you truly believe that only the best should be allowed to survive
> and that you are not of the best, then the logical thing to do is to
> immediately destroy yourself. Oddly enough, though, I don't see many
> eugenics proponents committing mass suicide for the benefit of the
> gene pool.

I don't need to destroy myself Chris. Likewise i don't need to destroy
anyone else. You are trying to cast me as an evil blood thirsty
person, and i can assure you, i am not.

All i need to do is NOT reproduce and i've done my part. Likewise all
WE need to do is keep the rest "of us" from reproducing.

I am not a degenerate, but my genes are flawed. All i can hope to do
is make an intellectual contribution to our evolution as a species.
Just because you're flawed in one area, does not mean you cannot make
contributions in other areas. You can still be part of the whole -- AS

> > There is nothing wrong with denying degenerates the right to
> > reproduce.
> Actually there is; I'm fairly sure that I wouldn't have been born if
> such policies had been in place, and I strongly suspect that you
> wouldn't have either.

So what's the problem with that?

> There was a country in the 20th century that
> adopted a lot of the sorts of policies you're talking about, and it's
> such a sensitive topic with MANY people that I'm not going to touch
> it. Suffice it to say that the world does not appreciate such things.

Of course people don't want to admit that they don't belong, or that
they are flawed, or that they are inferior. We are "wired" with egos
so that we don't purposely destroy ourselves; which is vital to our
"collective" evolution, but NOT our individual evolution.

However, like all software, the definitions don't always cover the
corner cases. Only WE, as intelligent beings, can compensate for the
missing code in our own software. Evolution is just a system. A very
dumb system. We are the only hope for evolution beyond what this base
system can create. We must take the reigns and drive our own

> >> If some featureless fungus, toxic to all other living things, engulfed the
> >> globe, would that make it "superior"? Of course, not, it merely survived.
> > I love when people contradict themselves in the same sentence -- makes
> > my job much easier!
> No, he did not contradict himself - he drew a distinction between
> "superior" and "survived". You might argue that your definition of
> "superior" *is* the ability to survive, but that's a matter for
> logical argument, not for pointing and laughing.

"If" a fungus did in fact "engulf the earth", THEN it MUST be

> > It is our destiny to use our intelligence to
> > drive our own evolution at an ever accelerating rate. To NOT use that
> > power would be to spit in the face of evolution itself!
> Evolution is driven by the survival of the fittest, not by us using
> our intelligence to influence it.

But WE are the fittest! Because we are INTELLIGENT!

> God created us, roughly 6000-1 years ago, and since then, many
> things have happened (both good and bad), but never has there been the
> emergence of any form of "next-species human". Look at history (just
> recent history if you like - the last few hundred years) and find the
> times when one group of people deemed themselves "more evolved" than
> another group. Why were Negros treated as slaves in the US?

Because they allowed themselves to be subjected. Sad, but true.

> Why were
> Australian Aboriginals treated like animals?

Because they allowed them selves to be subjected. Sad, but true.

> And the one I hinted at
> above.

Because the Jews allowed themselves to be subjected. Sad, but true.

Slaves only exist because they allow themselves to exist. When people
fight back against tyranny, tyranny fails. When people subject
themselves to tyranny, tyranny prospers. There have been many
instances in history where people did not allow themselves to be
subjected; William Wallace comes to mind.

"Live free, or die!"
"From my cold dead hand!"
"Over my dead body!"
"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be
demanded by the oppressed."
"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves."
"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be."
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will
not have, nor do they deserve, either one."

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:48 AM, Rick Johnson
> Duncan, your reading and comprehension skills are atrocious. Please re-
> read the paragraph you quoted, then spend some time "comprehending"
> it, then show me where i stated that "antibiotics cure viral
> infections". psst: i NEVER said any such thing!

I'm not sure how you'd go about creating a new strain of a virus
that's resistant to antibiotics, unless the previous strain was NOT
resistant. Viruses are _immune_ to antibiotics, and as we know from
Angband, immunity equals resistance times ten.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 14, 5:31 am, Duncan Booth  wrote:
> Rick Johnson  wrote:
> > BS! With free healthcare, those who would have allowed their immune
> > system fight off the flu, now take off from work, visit a local
> > clinic, and get pumped full of antibiotics so they can create a new
> > strain of antibiotic resistant flu virus! Thanks free healthcare!
> Anyone who can write 'antibiotic resistant flu virus' as though they
> believe it really needs to read some elementary books about disease.
> Here's a clue: No flu viruses are treatable with antibiotics. In some cases
> antibiotics may be useful for flu patients to treat secondary bacterial
> infections, but they are not effective against viruses.

Duncan, your reading and comprehension skills are atrocious. Please re-
read the paragraph you quoted, then spend some time "comprehending"
it, then show me where i stated that "antibiotics cure viral
infections". psst: i NEVER said any such thing!

My point is: these "quacks" are prescribing antibiotics when people
don't even need them! Such disregard for immunity is frightening.
Penicillin was a gift from the gods, and we have squandered it! Thanks
free healthcare!


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 13, 10:41 am, Tim Wintle  wrote:

> Imagine you go to a doctor and say "I've got the flu, can you give me
> antibiotics".
> In a Private healthcare system:
>  * The doctor gets paid for retaining a client.
>  * He is incentivised to do what you request.
> ... so he gives you the antibiotics.
> In a Public healthcare system:
>  * The doctor is paid no matter what.
>  * His job is to stop the population becoming ill.
>  * By reducing illnesses he reduces his workload, without reducing his
> wage
> ... so he'll only give you antibiotics if he feels you are at serious
> risk, and giving you antibiotics carries less risk for the population
> than the risk of the population getting immunities.

Of all the great arguments i have presented you choose the minor
"antibiotic comment" and run with it? But you take NO position on
"supporting the degenerates of society"? Would you mind making your
position known?

You see, you can have all the healthcare and healthcare dollars in the
world. But if your patient keeps eating greasy hamburgers, salty/oily
french fries, and blood-sugar spiking soda-pops, he is going to die a
nasty death! Sadly however, he will live for many years in a state of
poor heath before finally "kicking the bucket". All the while draining
the system of resources and money.

> [...]
> you can use that same argument for everything that taxes pay for - the
> only logical conclusion of that argument is anarchy (i.e. no taxes, and
> no government).
> If you are an anarchist then that's a different argument all together
> (not saying it doesn't have intellectual validity).

I am not an anarchist. Stop trying to label me.

> > Healthcare is expensive. Do you want a minimum wage doctor curing your
> > ills? And the frivolous lawsuits are not bringing the costs down
> > either.
> It's so expensive because of the marketing, and because of all the
> middle-men.

You're thinking of pharmaceuticals NOT healthcare. And while marketing
is a large expense for pharmaceutical companies; R&D, lawsuits, and
brown-nosing are the main cost of doing buisness.

> They also don't need to put up with people who aren't seriously ill - I
> don't know how long your private appointments are, but here in the UK a
> standard doctor's appointment is 5-10 minutes. If they decide you're
> actually ill they may extend that.

Five to ten minutes? Is the doctor an a-hole or a machine? Can a
doctor REALLY diagnose an illness in five to ten minutes? Are you
joking? And if not, do you ACTUALLY want the experience to be
synonymous with an assembly line? You don't fear misdiagnosis? I envy
your bravery!

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Rick Johnson
> On Feb 14, 2:41 am, John O'Hagan  wrote:
>> This is a failure to acknowledge the is/ought problem, and is usually
>> compounded (Rick is no exception) by the equally mistaken view that there 
>> exist
>> "superior" individuals whose possession of a "quality gene-pool" entitles 
>> them
>> to survival - an entitlement that is encroached upon by inferior sorts who 
>> take
>> up space by insisting on not dying. Can you guess in which group those who 
>> hold
>> this view place themselves?
> You'd be surprised which group i reside in. I know my place; but do
> you know yours?

If you truly believe that only the best should be allowed to survive
and that you are not of the best, then the logical thing to do is to
immediately destroy yourself. Oddly enough, though, I don't see many
eugenics proponents committing mass suicide for the benefit of the
gene pool.

> There is nothing wrong with denying degenerates the right to
> reproduce.

Actually there is; I'm fairly sure that I wouldn't have been born if
such policies had been in place, and I strongly suspect that you
wouldn't have either. There was a country in the 20th century that
adopted a lot of the sorts of policies you're talking about, and it's
such a sensitive topic with MANY people that I'm not going to touch
it. Suffice it to say that the world does not appreciate such things.

>> If some featureless fungus, toxic to all other living things, engulfed the
>> globe, would that make it "superior"? Of course, not, it merely survived.
> I love when people contradict themselves in the same sentence -- makes
> my job much easier!

No, he did not contradict himself - he drew a distinction between
"superior" and "survived". You might argue that your definition of
"superior" *is* the ability to survive, but that's a matter for
logical argument, not for pointing and laughing.

> It is our destiny to use our intelligence to
> drive our own evolution at an ever accelerating rate. To NOT use that
> power would be to spit in the face of evolution itself!

Evolution is driven by the survival of the fittest, not by us using
our intelligence to influence it.

It's high time I stood up for who I am. I *do* spit in the face of
evolution. I do not believe that we came here because we evolved from
some lesser life-form, and I do not believe that the world is best
served by such philosophies.

God created us, roughly 6000-1 years ago, and since then, many
things have happened (both good and bad), but never has there been the
emergence of any form of "next-species human". Look at history (just
recent history if you like - the last few hundred years) and find the
times when one group of people deemed themselves "more evolved" than
another group. Why were Negros treated as slaves in the US? Why were
Australian Aboriginals treated like animals? And the one I hinted at
above. If you truly believe that evolution is the way forward, then go
find some of the lobbyists for these groups, and say to their faces
that you believe that some humans are lesser than others.

If you come out of that alive, report back. Preferably with video. It
should be interesting.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 14, 2:41 am, John O'Hagan  wrote:
> 1. Publicly-funded healthcare is both cheaper and more effective than
> privatised systems. It's also the right thing to do (i.e. you don't have
> to stand by while someone dies because their illness is "their fault").

So you have no problem paying the medical bills of people who overeat
sugar, salt, and fat; refuse to put down the ho-ho's; and get a little
exercise? If so, then give to charity. Why do you need to FORCE me
(and others) to pay for your experiment of "degenerate eugenics"?

> 2. The recent economic problems were not triggered by "degenerates" (are you
> actually talking about homosexuals here, or just in the more general,
> McCathyist sense?)

WTF does homosexuality have to do with this conversation? I am talking
about lazy/slothful, drug/alcohol abusing, junk food eating, self-
induced illiterates, techno-phobic Luddite loving lemmings. Look, i
don't care how you want to live YOUR life, just leave me and my money
the hell out of it!

>, but in fact by the operations of the same unregulated
> markets you are advocating.

I am well aware of the sins of wall street and the ruling "corporate
class" ( That is half the problem, yes. However, you cannot
ignore the fact that we are spending trillions around the globe
supporting degenerates.

Look at Detroit MI. People like to blame GM for the state of the city
but GM is only a very small part of the problem. The REAL problem is
sleazy politicians and infections entitlements/welfare. When you crush
the tax payers with more and more tyrannical taxation to pay for your
entitlement programs, the taxpayers leave town; but the welfare
recipients stay! Why the heck would they quit a good thing? However,
now you find yourself in a major pickle. With the taxpayers gone,
who's going to fund the entitlement programs? NOBODY! The whole house
of cards comes crumbling down!

Of course i'm probably just wasting my time trying to educate you.
You'll just blab on and on about how evil i am for not paying other
people's bills so they can watch there hero degenerates on Jersey

> 3. The central fallacy of social Darwinism is the misapprehension that because
> natural selection occurs in nature, human society _should_ also work this
> way.

I NEVER said we should adopt such a society. That is anarchy. And
anarchy will NEVER move us forward as a species.

> This is a failure to acknowledge the is/ought problem, and is usually
> compounded (Rick is no exception) by the equally mistaken view that there 
> exist
> "superior" individuals whose possession of a "quality gene-pool" entitles them
> to survival - an entitlement that is encroached upon by inferior sorts who 
> take
> up space by insisting on not dying. Can you guess in which group those who 
> hold
> this view place themselves?

You'd be surprised which group i reside in. I know my place; but do
you know yours?

> Genetics is complicated. Switching one gene on switches others off in
> unpredictable ways, people choose mates by unfathomable processes, 
> good-looking
> geniuses have dumb, ugly children and vice-versa. This is why eugenics 
> projects
> are doomed to failure. They are also morally wrong, which is another win-win.

There is nothing wrong with denying degenerates the right to
reproduce. Would you allow a crack head to reproduce? How about
someone who carries a virus/illness/deadly defect for which there is
no cure and the virus/illness/deadly defect will be passed on to the
child? What if you knew without a doubt the baby would be born with
two heads, or mentally incapacitated, or brain dead, or etc...? Would
you allow the procreation anyway simply because people have a right to
be selfish?

What if the couple was healthy but had poor parenting skills, or
cannot feed the child, or cannot cloth the child, or etc...? Would you
allow the procreation anyway simply because people have a right to be

What abut people who go around making babies but refuse to care for
them at all? I mean, birth control has been around for some time, but
we can't force degenerates to use it! Would you allow the procreation
anyway simply because people have a right to be selfish?

> If some featureless fungus, toxic to all other living things, engulfed the
> globe, would that make it "superior"? Of course, not, it merely survived.

I love when people contradict themselves in the same sentence -- makes
my job much easier!

> Considerations of what _should_ happen, of superiority and quality, are human,
> social concerns. We are humans, so they are important to us. But they have
> nothing to do with genetics or evolution.

Really??? I think you need to spend more time ruminating on the
subject. You can stick your head in the sand if you like, but
technology will advance with or without you. Humans will be cloned.
Humans will be genetically engineered. Humans will employ eugenics to
sculpt the gene pool. It is our destiny to use our intelligence to
drive o

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread rusi
On Feb 13, 9:01 pm, Rick Johnson  wrote:
> And just how much healthcare dollars are you entitled to exactly? Can
> you put your entitlement into some form of monetary value?

Rick hats off to you man -- you are damn good! Did you study at a top-

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 6:31 AM, Duncan Booth
> Here's a clue: No flu viruses are treatable with antibiotics.

Oh my god we're too late! Now they're ALL resistant!

-- Devin

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread Duncan Booth
Rick Johnson  wrote:

> BS! With free healthcare, those who would have allowed their immune
> system fight off the flu, now take off from work, visit a local
> clinic, and get pumped full of antibiotics so they can create a new
> strain of antibiotic resistant flu virus! Thanks free healthcare!

Anyone who can write 'antibiotic resistant flu virus' as though they 
believe it really needs to read some elementary books about disease.

Here's a clue: No flu viruses are treatable with antibiotics. In some cases 
antibiotics may be useful for flu patients to treat secondary bacterial 
infections, but they are not effective against viruses.

Duncan Booth

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread Tim Wintle
(Sorry for top-posting this bit, but I think it's required before the
rest of my response)

At the risk of wading into this from a UK citizen's perspective:

You're imagining a public healthcare system as if it were private.

Imagine you go to a doctor and say "I've got the flu, can you give me

In a Private healthcare system:

 * The doctor gets paid for retaining a client.
 * He is incentivised to do what you request.
... so he gives you the antibiotics.

In a Public healthcare system:
 * The doctor is paid no matter what.
 * His job is to stop the population becoming ill.
 * By reducing illnesses he reduces his workload, without reducing his

... so he'll only give you antibiotics if he feels you are at serious
risk, and giving you antibiotics carries less risk for the population
than the risk of the population getting immunities.

Same goes for surgery etc.

On Mon, 2012-02-13 at 08:01 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:
> And just how much healthcare dollars are you entitled to exactly? Can
> you put your entitlement into some form of monetary value?
> And how can we ever make a system like this fair? If someone works for
> 30 years and pays a 30% tax rate and another works for 2 years and
> pays 15%, then how do we delegate the fair share?

If your children are educated privately then should you still be paying
taxes for education?

If you work for/bank with a company that doesn't need to be bailed out,
then should you still pay tax for that?

If you never need benefits (welfare) then should your taxes be paying
for that?

you can use that same argument for everything that taxes pay for - the
only logical conclusion of that argument is anarchy (i.e. no taxes, and
no government).

If you are an anarchist then that's a different argument all together
(not saying it doesn't have intellectual validity).

> Healthcare is expensive. Do you want a minimum wage doctor curing your
> ills? And the frivolous lawsuits are not bringing the costs down
> either.

It's so expensive because of the marketing, and because of all the

A public health system doesn't need to do that marketing.

They also don't need to put up with people who aren't seriously ill - I
don't know how long your private appointments are, but here in the UK a
standard doctor's appointment is 5-10 minutes. If they decide you're
actually ill they may extend that.

> > - bosses win, because they have reduced absenteeism, lower training costs
> > to replace workers who die, and fewer epidemics that threaten their own
> > families
> BS! With free healthcare, those who would have allowed their immune
> system fight off the flu, now take off from work, visit a local
> clinic, and get pumped full of antibiotics so they can create a new
> strain of antibiotic resistant flu virus! Thanks free healthcare!

See my comments at the top.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-14 Thread John O'Hagan
On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 13:01:05 -0800 (PST)
Rick Johnson  wrote:

> On Feb 13, 12:38 pm, Ian Kelly  wrote:
> > I hate being suckered in by trolls, but this paragraph demands a response.


> > On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Rick Johnson
> >
> >  wrote:
> > > You are born with rights. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
> > > Healthcare care is NOT a right, healthcare is a privileged.
> HOWEVER, healthcare is not a concern of the greater society, but only
> the individual -- with the exception of contagious disease of course,

[...snip half-baked, social-Darwinist, "there-is-no-such-thing-as-society", 
naive U.S.-capitalist-libertarian drivel...]

> > > Procreation should be a
> > > privilege, however sadly for our collective evolution, it's seems to
> > > be a right :(
> >
> > There is a word for the philosophy that procreation should be a
> > privilege reserved for those with good genes: eugenics.
> No, the word is evolution; which means: "survival of the fittest".

Don't try to hijack real science to bolster a repugnant ideology.
Neither Herbert Spencer nor Darwin meant that phrase the way you do.
[...snip egregious, self-serving display of ignorance on the subjects of
evolution and genetics...] 

> > Welcome to fascism, Rick.
> Don't try to append me onto a specific ideology structure just because
> that group happens to support ONE of my beliefs. I carry no political
[...blah blah...]

It's called duck-typing.

I somewhat optimistically implore you, Rick, to do some basic research on your
chosen subjects. Failing that (almost certainly), here are three simple points
which debunk your agenda (and that of the U.S. Republican Right):

1. Publicly-funded healthcare is both cheaper and more effective than
privatised systems. It's also the right thing to do (i.e. you don't have
to stand by while someone dies because their illness is "their fault").
Which makes it a win-win-win.

2. The recent economic problems were not triggered by "degenerates" (are you
actually talking about homosexuals here, or just in the more general,
McCathyist sense?), but in fact by the operations of the same unregulated
markets you are advocating.

3. The central fallacy of social Darwinism is the misapprehension that because
natural selection occurs in nature, human society _should_ also work this
way. This is a failure to acknowledge the is/ought problem, and is usually
compounded (Rick is no exception) by the equally mistaken view that there exist
"superior" individuals whose possession of a "quality gene-pool" entitles them
to survival - an entitlement that is encroached upon by inferior sorts who take
up space by insisting on not dying. Can you guess in which group those who hold
this view place themselves?

In fact, a gene pool is held by a species, not an individual, and the
maintenance of its diversity is essential for long term-survival. And to the
great disappointment of those looking for a justification of dog-eat-dog, one
of the main drivers of evolution is not competition, but adapting to new
environments to _avoid_ competition. I'm told the Spanish have a saying
which translates as "dogs don't eat dogs".

Genetics is complicated. Switching one gene on switches others off in
unpredictable ways, people choose mates by unfathomable processes, good-looking
geniuses have dumb, ugly children and vice-versa. This is why eugenics projects
are doomed to failure. They are also morally wrong, which is another win-win.

If some featureless fungus, toxic to all other living things, engulfed the
globe, would that make it "superior"? Of course, not, it merely survived.

Considerations of what _should_ happen, of superiority and quality, are human,
social concerns. We are humans, so they are important to us. But they have
nothing to do with genetics or evolution. 

Social Darwinism is merely a psuedo-scientific attempt to justify inequity and
class divides. Furthermore, it is completely dead outside the U.S. - ironically
the only developed nation where real Darwinism is still seriously questioned.


> Go on believing that humans will be inhabiting this rock in
> the next 1000 years, or this universe in the next 10,000 -- because
> the enlightened few will have transcended into the mind hive and your @
> $$ will be glued to Terra firma forever!

Now that is some crazy shit! Maybe L. Ron _is_ still alive...




Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Rick Johnson
> # Py>=3.0
> py> sum(earner.get_income(2012) for earner in earners2012) /
> len(earners2012)
> average_income
> Once you exceed that amount you are robbing your fellow man. How can
> you justify making more than your fair share UNLESS someone offers
> their work load to YOU? You can't. You are living in excess. And for
> those who think the average_income is too small, well then, it's time
> to implement population control!

My equation looks something like this:

# Brain >= 0,1
brain> Your contribution to society / Society's contribution to you

This value should be able to exceed 1.0 across the board. In fact, if
it doesn't, then as a society we're moving backward.

Rick, what's YOUR ratio?

Oh wait, you mightn't be able to run that code. You may need to
download an upgraded brain.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Michael Torrie
On 02/13/2012 05:39 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
> Why? Do you need the services of a professional software developer?

Do you have some to offer?

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Ian Kelly
[Reply sent off-list, partly because this is way off-topic, but also
because python-list rejected my response as spam]

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 13, 3:46 pm, Michael Torrie  wrote:
> On 02/13/2012 09:01 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:
> > Look, i hate super rich, arrogant people just as much i hate selfish
> > people.
> But wait, Rick.  You are a man of contradictions.  We all are, but you
> seem to bluster on and on more about it than most.  Firstly, to *hate*
> anyone, super-rich, arrogant, or not, _is_ selfish by definition.

Not necessarily. But i will admit that i did not choose my words

I don't "hate" people simply BECAUSE they are rich. Just like i don't
hate people simply because they are poor. However i DO hate what the
super rich people BECOME. They become blind to their own position in
the universe and instead start to believe the universe revolves around
them. When their daily lives are consumed with vanity, and they lose
all appreciation for the value of money. Yes, they have become
something NOT to aspire to.

But how much is too much?

Good question, and the answer is ALWAYS subjective isn't it? A child
might think $20 dollars is a lot of money. A homeless person might
think someone who has a new model car is rich and not struggling. Same
goes in the opposite direction. A rich man might choose suicide over
life if confronted with the possibility of surviving on $40,000 a
year. However, as we know, many folks survive on much less than that
-- some even pretend to be happy!

Can there be a specific amount wherein if you exceed that amount THEN
you are living in excess? I believe there is a specific amount,
however it is constantly changing depending on the current state of
employment and wages. My equation looks like:

# Py>=3.0
py> sum(earner.get_income(2012) for earner in earners2012) /

Once you exceed that amount you are robbing your fellow man. How can
you justify making more than your fair share UNLESS someone offers
their work load to YOU? You can't. You are living in excess. And for
those who think the average_income is too small, well then, it's time
to implement population control!

The fact is, we have far too many people living beyond their needs. We
have people buying houses they can't afford and then blaming the bank
for some how "tricking" them. They don't have the scruples to accept
the blame!

Take a look around man. The world is in death throes. World wide
economic collapse is upon us. And how did we get here? Entitlements:
which is just another manifestation of selfishness. Look at Greece.
Look at Europe. America YOU are next!

> Put in another way, health care should only go to those
> that can afford to pay for the insurance or care, and not the
> free-loaders.

Yes. Healthcare is a luxury available only to those who can afford it.
If you can't afford healthcare, then visit a REAL charity hospital
(not one subsidized by taxpayers!). A real charity is subsidized by
caring folks who want to help their fellow man -- even if to only
extend his suffering a few more days, months, or years.

> Thus a "super rich" person
> should be commended as he will be able to afford health care without
> burdening anyone else in society.

"commend" is a strong word. I don't think paying your debts requires a
pat on the back. If you have children, then you are required to raise
them, you don't get brownie points for raising your children, it's
your job! Same for debts.

> Does your hatred for super-rich,
> arrogant, people mean that you believe there is an acceptable dollar
> value for the wealth a person should morally be able to amass?

see above equation for enlightenment ^^^

> What do you do for your career?  Are you a professional
> software developer?

Why? Do you need the services of a professional software developer?


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 13:01:05 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

> Healthy people do not need healthcare very often

Healthy people don't need healthcase AT ALL.

By definition, once you need healthcare, you are no longer healthy.

Your faith in the magic of "immune system" is touching, but one wonders 
how "immune system" will save people who have been hit by a car.

Rick, isn't it time for you to go back to forking Python so that the 
adoring silent majority who agrees with you can abandon this cesspool of 
inefficient Python code and use your awesome new version? Please don't 
disappoint your millions of fans!


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Michael Torrie
On 02/13/2012 09:01 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:
> Look, i hate super rich, arrogant people just as much i hate selfish
> people. 

But wait, Rick.  You are a man of contradictions.  We all are, but you
seem to bluster on and on more about it than most.  Firstly, to *hate*
anyone, super-rich, arrogant, or not, _is_ selfish by definition.  Also,
while I accept that you do not see yourself as arrogant, there are
others on this list, who are not particularly arrogant, who read your
posts as occasionally being extremely arrogant.  For example, your post
mocking people for using English in ways that you do not personally
approve.  Maybe this is just an artifact of the limitations of the
written word.

Now to the second contradiction.  You said that one way to fix health
care costs would be to deny it to anyone who could not afford health
care insurance.  Put in another way, health care should only go to those
that can afford to pay for the insurance or care, and not the
free-loaders.  Is that not what you said?  Thus a "super rich" person
should be commended as he will be able to afford health care without
burdening anyone else in society.  Does your hatred for super-rich,
arrogant, people mean that you believe there is an acceptable dollar
value for the wealth a person should morally be able to amass?

All of this reminds me that I've always wanted to ask you something.
After reading your many posts over the last couple of years, I am
curious.  What do you do for your career?  Are you a professional
software developer?


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/02/2012 21:01, Rick Johnson wrote:

Healthy people do not need healthcare very often, and in the rare
cases when they do, they don't bog down the system because their
bodies are strong. Why are their bodies strong? Because healthy people
eat correctly, healthy people exercise, therefore, healthy people have
correctly functioning immune systems -- of course quality genes always

Please explain why previously healthy people get struck down with Common 
Fatigue Syndrome amongst other things.


Mark Lawrence.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Chris Angelico
Rick, you are either...

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 8:01 AM, Rick Johnson
> I can however tell you that what DOES matter is the continued
> improvement of the base gene pool. Yes, this improvement comes at a
> cost; the cost of the individual. Those with quality genes will reap
> the rewards, likewise, those with crap genes will not.

... a Nazi/Fascist/Commie mutant traitor, or...

> But go on falsely believing your little puny life matters. Go on
> believing in your worn out traditions and selfish languages and
> cultures. Go on believing that humans will be inhabiting this rock in
> the next 1000 years, or this universe in the next 10,000 -- because
> the enlightened few will have transcended into the mind hive and your @
> $$ will be glued to Terra firma forever!

... the Borg. I'm not sure which is worse.

Hmm, I think I just godwinned this thread. But at least I could couple
it with a Paranoia reference.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 13, 12:38 pm, Ian Kelly  wrote:
> I hate being suckered in by trolls, but this paragraph demands a response.
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Rick Johnson
>  wrote:
> > You are born with rights. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
> > Healthcare care is NOT a right, healthcare is a privileged.
> If you deprive a person of access to healthcare, and they die, then
> you have deprived them of life and thus violated the very rights that
> you just stated they had. And finally the "pursuit of happiness". Notice the 
> wording here: "pursuit". You have a right to PURSUE happiness, not a right to 
> steal it. Also, you are guaranteed happiness, only the right to purse your 
> version of happiness -- so long as that version does not interfere with 
> others rights.

You have a right to life, NOT a right to unnaturally extend your
lifetime by stealing the fruits of other people's labor (in this case:
money). You have a right to be free, but NOT to quell the freedom of
others so that YOU may benefit (in this case: taxation).

Healthy people do not need healthcare very often, and in the rare
cases when they do, they don't bog down the system because their
bodies are strong. Why are their bodies strong? Because healthy people
eat correctly, healthy people exercise, therefore, healthy people have
correctly functioning immune systems -- of course quality genes always

> In any case, taking that phrase from the Declaration of Independence
> and holding it out as an exhaustive list of rights is moronic.  First,
> because it's not even a legal document -- it's only a statement of
> high-minded classical liberalism, albeit a historically important and
> influential one.  Second, because it actually states "We hold these
> truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
> are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
> **AMONG** these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  The
> phrasing obviously implies that there are other human rights besides
> the three examples listed.  After all, the purpose of the document was
> not to enumerate all human rights, but to air a list of grievances
> against King George and assert the right to revolt against him.

> Incidentally, "not being required to pay taxes" is not something that
> the founding fathers would have considered a human right, taxation
> being necessary to support government and representative government
> (at least according to the Declaration of Independence) being
> necessary to secure those rights.

I never stated that taxation violated anyone's "human rights". And i
personally believe that "some" amount of taxation is a necessary in a
democratic society. How else would the government pay the bills? Rule
of law, infrastructure, national security (just to name a few) are all
subjects that the government must handle for the sake of society as a

HOWEVER, healthcare is not a concern of the greater society, but only
the individual -- with the exception of contagious disease of course,
which effects us all! Cardiovascular diseases, cancers, cirrhosis,
kidney failure, stroke, diabetes, etc..., are NOT contagious but
continue to be a drain on healthcare costs. In fact, most of these
problems are the results of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Listen, I have no objection to folks living an unhealthy lifestyle. I
say, if that's what makes you happy, GO FOR IT!. However, i'll be
damned if i am going to subsidize their healthcare because now they
are dying and can't afford the medical bills.

Likewise if someone gets hit by a bus... was the person j-walking? If
so, too bad. Ride a motorcycle without a helmet and get a concussion,
too bad. Drink and drive and then end up in a coma, too bad! You play
with fire and you get burned! You kick a bear in the ass and you get
eaten. You stick your head in a crocodiles mouth and you suffer the
consequences! You are not fit to survive in this universe. You were
given fear for a reason. You were given pain for a reason. Those who
refuse to learn are culled from the herd.

> > Procreation should be a
> > privilege, however sadly for our collective evolution, it's seems to
> > be a right :(
> There is a word for the philosophy that procreation should be a
> privilege reserved for those with good genes: eugenics.

No, the word is evolution; which means: "survival of the fittest".

Listen, i will be the first to admit that evolution is VERY unfair to
those among us who have a poor gene pool. Poor genes are not our
fault. We did not get to CHOOSE our genes, or our parents, or our
country of origin, or etc, etc, etc! But these ARE the cards we were
dealt as individuals of a species. That last sentence is VERY
important: "individuals of a species". We like to think that our
individual lives matter in the greater scheme of things, but i can
assure you we don't matter.

Anyone who has studied animal behavior knows that only the strongest
males are allowed to mate. 

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 5:38 AM, Ian Kelly  wrote:
> "... Rights, that
> **AMONG** these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

AMONG our rights are such elements as Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of
Happiness, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Founding
Fathers I'll come in again.

(Does that drag this back on topic? Almost? Vain attempt to at least
look like it's on topic?)


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Ian Kelly
I hate being suckered in by trolls, but this paragraph demands a response.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Rick Johnson
> You are born with rights. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
> Healthcare care is NOT a right, healthcare is a privileged.

If you deprive a person of access to healthcare, and they die, then
you have deprived them of life and thus violated the very rights that
you just stated they had.

In any case, taking that phrase from the Declaration of Independence
and holding it out as an exhaustive list of rights is moronic.  First,
because it's not even a legal document -- it's only a statement of
high-minded classical liberalism, albeit a historically important and
influential one.  Second, because it actually states "We hold these
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
**AMONG** these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  The
phrasing obviously implies that there are other human rights besides
the three examples listed.  After all, the purpose of the document was
not to enumerate all human rights, but to air a list of grievances
against King George and assert the right to revolt against him.

Incidentally, "not being required to pay taxes" is not something that
the founding fathers would have considered a human right, taxation
being necessary to support government and representative government
(at least according to the Declaration of Independence) being
necessary to secure those rights.

> Procreation should be a
> privilege, however sadly for our collective evolution, it's seems to
> be a right :(

There is a word for the philosophy that procreation should be a
privilege reserved for those with good genes: eugenics.  Welcome to
fascism, Rick.

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 13, 10:12 am, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 08:01:59 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:
> > Evolution knows how to handle degenerates.
> And yet here you still are.

Embrace the perfection of evolution, and both our needs shall be met!

Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 08:01:59 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

> Evolution knows how to handle degenerates.

And yet here you still are.


Re: OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Rick Johnson
On Feb 13, 2:05 am, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2012 20:48:54 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:
> > Do you think that cost of healthcare is the problem? Do you think the
> > cost of healthcare insurance is the problem? NO! The problem is people
> > expect entitlements.
> Entitlements? I work hard and pay my taxes. I *earned* that healthcare
> that [gentlemen] like you call an entitlement. Damn straight it's an
> entitlement -- I paid for it, I earned it, I'm entitled to it,

And just how much healthcare dollars are you entitled to exactly? Can
you put your entitlement into some form of monetary value?

And how can we ever make a system like this fair? If someone works for
30 years and pays a 30% tax rate and another works for 2 years and
pays 15%, then how do we delegate the fair share? The answer is you
can't delegate fairness in a system like this. The system of "i pay
taxes therfore i deserve a free heart transplant" is broken!

And don't forget, your tax dollars are not just for coving the cost of
healthcare. What about infrastructure, social security, welfare,
military, government bail-outs, bribe money to rouge states, earmarks,
bridges to nowhere, and and even planting trees on the main highways?
These things cost money you know!

How about instead of enriching the government by increasing taxes YOU
just live within your means? If you can afford healthcare, great! If
not, too bad.

>  and if you
> try to steal if from me, expect a fight.

Steal what from you... you're stealing from everyone else! You're
expecting ME to cover YOUR healthcare. What's next? I should
supplement your income so you can you buy a summer home?

What about folks who gorge on sugar, saturated fats, and salt all
their lives with no regard for their own health? What happens when
they develop diabetes, heart disease, and cancer? Do you think the
measly little amount of taxes they payed (IF THEY PAYED AT ALL!) will
cover a heart transplant or cancer treatments? Who will pay when they

What about the idiots who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and/or
abuse drugs (prescription or otherwise). Should your tax dollars cover
these medical expenses? Who will pay when they cannot?

What about people who are too lazy to cook their children healthy
meals and instead rely on fast food and soda? What happens when those
same kids become morbidly obese? Why are we not charging these idiots
with child abuse? Who will pay when they cannot?

*Selfish Sam blubbers:* "I pay taxes, so the government needs to
subsidize my unhealthy lifestyle!"

But where does the "government money" come from Sam?
Sam: Taxes?
Very good Sam, and WHO pays taxes?
Sam: Citizens?
You're very smart Sam. And what do think will happen when the
government needs more money?
Sam: They will increase taxes?
Good boy Sam! Here is a treat. Now run along and fetch the newspaper.

Taxes are tranny. And you WANT to give them an excuse to increase
taxes! We are doomed!

> Socialised healthcare is a win-win system:

Sure, for the degenerates!

> - the working class wins, because they get healthcare at a much cheaper
> rate than they could otherwise afford

Healthcare is expensive. Do you want a minimum wage doctor curing your
ills? And the frivolous lawsuits are not bringing the costs down

> - bosses win, because they have reduced absenteeism, lower training costs
> to replace workers who die, and fewer epidemics that threaten their own
> families

BS! With free healthcare, those who would have allowed their immune
system fight off the flu, now take off from work, visit a local
clinic, and get pumped full of antibiotics so they can create a new
strain of antibiotic resistant flu virus! Thanks free healthcare!

> - Wall Street wins, because productivity is increased due to better health

Oh yes, and wall street is the hope of the future. Thank god they are
winning. Thank god they are healthy enough to rob us for another day.
Thank god!

> - pharmaceutical companies win, because even though their profits on
> individual items are reduced, their increased sales more than make up for
> it

This is the same thing that happened to the funiture industry. They
call it the "Assembly Line". I don't know how you feel, but i think
mass produced furniture sucks a big fat Python!

> - doctors win, because they spend more time getting paid to deal with
> patients and less unproductive time on dealing with insurance companies

Doctors have minions for those tasks. Do you actually believe doctors
are on the phone with insurance companies? They are at the freaking
golf course!

> - the economy wins, because fewer people are bankrupted by simple medical
> procedures

It sucks that medical can be so expensive, and i am all for reducing
the costs. However, we cannot implement a system that rewards the
slothful degenerates of society on the backs of the hard working.
Evolution knows how to handle degenerates.

> The only loss is for the insurers, who have to get an honest job. So why

OT: Entitlements [was Re: Python usage numbers]

2012-02-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 12 Feb 2012 20:48:54 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

> Do you think that cost of healthcare is the problem? Do you think the
> cost of healthcare insurance is the problem? NO! The problem is people
> expect entitlements.

Entitlements? I work hard and pay my taxes. I *earned* that healthcare 
that trolls like you call an entitlement. Damn straight it's an 
entitlement -- I paid for it, I earned it, I'm entitled to it, and if you 
try to steal if from me, expect a fight.

Socialised healthcare is a win-win system:

- the working class wins, because they get healthcare at a much cheaper 
rate than they could otherwise afford

- bosses win, because they have reduced absenteeism, lower training costs 
to replace workers who die, and fewer epidemics that threaten their own 

- Wall Street wins, because productivity is increased due to better health

- pharmaceutical companies win, because even though their profits on 
individual items are reduced, their increased sales more than make up for 

- doctors win, because they spend more time getting paid to deal with 
patients and less unproductive time on dealing with insurance companies

- the economy wins, because fewer people are bankrupted by simple medical 

The only loss is for the insurers, who have to get an honest job. So why 
on earth is anyone against socialised healthcare when it provably works 
better than the US system?

Simple. To a certain mind, "win-win" is not a good thing, it is a bad 
thing. "Win-win" implies that you might have to share the pie instead of 
eating it all yourself, and to that sort of person, anything less than 
ALL the pie might as well be nothing at all. What's the point of being 
wealthy and powerful without having hungry, sick peons to lord over? How 
will you know you have won unless others lose?

The inefficiencies (economic and moral) of the US private healthcare 
system are not a bug, they are a feature. It is part of the war the 1% of 
the 1% have been waging on the rest of society for the last 40 years.

> You are only born with one
> guarantee; you will die, guaranteed! Any questions?

Yes. Why haven't you moved to a libertarian paradise like Somalia yet? 
You'd like it there. There are two sorts of people: those who can afford 
their own private militia, and victims.
