Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-29 Thread yy0127
Thanks for your help! I am already fix it!!

Many thanks!


Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-24 Thread bruno modulix
I am sorry that i forgot to see the working example. Base on your
example, i can show the value without missing but got the other
problem. I would like to culmulate the value by users. 
This is (almost) exactly the same.
I was rewrite
your example but cannot not work.
import sys
import pprint
f = open('data.txt', 'r')
except IOError, e:
print  sys.stderr, Cannot open file data.txt for reading : %s
users = {}
cumdata2 = 0
cumdata3 = 0
for line in f:
user, data1, data2 = line.strip().split('\t')
except ValueError:
print  sys.stderr, wrong file format
users[user].append(%s : %s % (data1, data2))
cumdata2 = int(data2) + cumdata2
Q1 : What do you think this will do ?
except KeyError:
users[user] = [%s : %s % (data1, data2)]
cumdata3 = int(data2) + cumdata3
Q2 : What do you think this will do ?
print collected data:;
print cumdata2
print cumdata3
The above example can run but the total num are wrong. 
First, please post your test data set, the expected result and the 
actual result. Saying 'the total num is wrong' doesn't give a clue.

Would you mind
to figure out where is my problem?
I may be wrong (pun intended), but I think you don't really understand 
what this code is doing, specially this part :

except KeyError:
  users[user] = [something]
In fact I think your problem is that you still have not read the fine 
manual, specially the part about dicts.

Read the manual, understand the above snippet - which is a pretty common 
idiom in Python -, try to answer Q1 and Q2, and you should be able to 
work it out by yourself.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for 
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-23 Thread yy0127
Thanks for your advice.^^

I find out something special (because i don't know). I would like to
retrieve data from source file into array. The data will be omited if
the value is duplicated. For example, there is 3 values - 1,2,1. It
will only display 1,2 after i ran the script.

value = (1,2,1)
while 1:
users = {}
byteDict = {}

byteDict = users[value]

users[value] = byteDict
print users

I think the above code cannot run properly. Any ppl knows why the value
omited when it was duplicated.

Many of thanks for all!!!


Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-23 Thread bruno modulix
Thanks for your advice.^^
It would be more useful to follow them than to thank me.
I find out something special (because i don't know). I would like to
retrieve data from source file into array. The data will be omited if
the value is duplicated. For example, there is 3 values - 1,2,1. It
will only display 1,2 after i ran the script.
value = (1,2,1)
while 1:
users = {}
byteDict = {}
byteDict = users[value]
users[value] = byteDict
print users
I think the above code cannot run properly. 
Don't think. Be sure. Verify. Try to find out why it cannot run at 
all[1]. Fix this problem first. *Then* we'll happily read your next 
posts and try to help you fix the other problems if there are...

[1] It's pretty obvious for anyone having read any python beginner 
tutorial, I already explained you why, and gave you a working example.

If you don't read answers, don't post questions :-/
bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for 
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-23 Thread yy0127
I am sorry that i forgot to see the working example. Base on your
example, i can show the value without missing but got the other
problem. I would like to culmulate the value by users. I was rewrite
your example but cannot not work.

import sys
import pprint

f = open('data.txt', 'r')
except IOError, e:
print  sys.stderr, Cannot open file data.txt for reading : %s

users = {}
cumdata2 = 0
cumdata3 = 0
for line in f:

user, data1, data2 = line.strip().split('\t')
except ValueError:
print  sys.stderr, wrong file format
users[user].append(%s : %s % (data1, data2))
cumdata2 = int(data2) + cumdata2
except KeyError:
users[user] = [%s : %s % (data1, data2)]
cumdata3 = int(data2) + cumdata3

print collected data:;
print cumdata2
print cumdata3

The above example can run but the total num are wrong. Would you mind
to figure out where is my problem?

Thanks for your prompt help!!!


Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-22 Thread bruno modulix
The PRINT code is for my testing. My problem is bytemsg will be omitted
some records. For example, my text file have 53 records about username.
After byteDict = users1[user1], 
Which, from your previous snippet, should raise a KeyError... If it 
does, then first understand why and fix it. If it does not, then the 
code you posted is absolutely useless for us to help you.

it remains 50 records in the output
There is nothing about reading and parsing file in the code you posted.
I'm afraid you did not follow Diez's advice, nor mine. Please re-read my 
previous post, take appropriate action, and re-post with the minimum 
*working* snippet that exhibit your problem.

I would like to know how to culmulate some data by users.
import sys
import pprint
  f = open('data.txt', 'r')
except IOError, e:
  print  sys.stderr, Cannot open file data.txt for reading : %s % e
users = {}
for line in f:
 user, data1, data2 = line.strip().split(';')
  except ValueError:
 print  sys.stderr, wrong file format
users[user].append(%s : %s % (data1, data2))
  except KeyError:
users[user] = [%s : %s % (data1, data2)]
print collected data:;
bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for 
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-22 Thread M.E.Farmer
 This was posted from google groups, can you see the indents?
# code snippet
convertpage = 0
form = None
for o, a in opts:
if o in [-h, --help]:
if o in [-o, --output, --out]:
output = a
if o in [-i, --input, --in]:
input = a
if input in [., cwd]:
input = os.getcwd()

Notice the 'fixed font / proportional font' link in the top right
I think they have fixed the problem.

Terry Reedy wrote:
 This is what I see (minus the ' '):

  while 1:
  user, serviceType, msgType, inOut, date, time, numBytes =

 Advice: use spaces, not tabs, to indent posted code (some readers
 tabs).  Don't use google groups to post code (it deletes initial
spaces and
 won't, apparently, fix this bug).  Use group
 gmane.comp.python.genral instead (I believe they also have web
interface in
 addition to newsreader interface).  If you really, really must post
 google, prefix lines with char such as '|', even tho this kill cut
 Terry J. Reedy


Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-22 Thread Terry Reedy

M.E.Farmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 This was posted from google groups, can you see the indents?

Yes, looks good

 # code snippet
convertpage = 0
form = None
for o, a in opts:
if o in [-h, --help]:
if o in [-o, --output, --out]:
output = a
if o in [-i, --input, --in]:
input = a
if input in [., cwd]:
input = os.getcwd()

 Notice the 'fixed font / proportional font' link in the top right

I presume this is on the Google page.

 I think they have fixed the problem.

Great.  Now people have to learn to use the fixed font choice.



Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-22 Thread M.E.Farmer
Hello again,
For some strange reason Google isn't showing this so I got this from
gmane sorry if I missed something.
The fixed/proportional link is located on the google groups
I wasn't clear at all sorry for the ambiguity.
Google groups for seems to be fixed by default, so no need to
click it.
Proportional still retains spaces but is less tidy.
 This was posted from google groups, can you see the indents?

Yes, looks good

 # code snippet
convertpage = 0
form = None
for o, a in opts:
if o in [-h, --help]:
if o in [-o, --output, --out]:
output = a
if o in [-i, --input, --in]:
input = a
if input in [., cwd]:
input = os.getcwd()

 Notice the 'fixed font / proportional font' link in the top right

I presume this is on the Google page.

 I think they have fixed the problem.

Great.  Now people have to learn to use the fixed font choice.



Please help for Python programming

2005-03-21 Thread yy0127
I don't know why i entered the below code and it will miss some
Anyone can help me???

users = {}
users1 = {}

while 1:
user, serviceType, msgType, inOut, date, time, numBytes =
fullmsg = serviceType + | + msgType + | + inOut
bytemsg = user +   + serviceType +   + msgType +   + inOut +  
+ numBytes

user1 = user

msgDict = {}
byteDict = {}

print bytemsg   # 53 records in source file
msgDict = users[user]   # get the cum statistics for this user
byteDict = users1[user1]
print bytemsg   # 50 records in source file


Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 I don't know why i entered the below code and it will miss some
 Anyone can help me???

Sorry, my mindreading brain extension is at the service right now, so I
can't guess what that piece of syntactically incorrect code is supposed to
do and what error message it produces.

Until you come up with a more detailed error description, I'll have a good
read at

Which I suggest you read too.


Diez B. Roggisch

Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-21 Thread bruno modulix
I don't know why i entered the below code 
And we don't know either !-)
and it will miss some
Anyone can help me???
If you hope to get some useful help, it would be a good idea to follow 
Diez's advice (see other post in this thread)

users = {}
users1 = {} 

while 1:
Unless there is a break somewhere in the following code (I can't find 
one...), this is an endless loop. But you know this, don't you ?

user, serviceType, msgType, inOut, date, time, numBytes =
fullmsg = serviceType + | + msgType + | + inOut
tip : use string formating instead (string concatenations are to be 
avoided in Python), ie:
fullmsg = %s | %s | %s % (serviceType, msgType, inOut)

bytemsg = user +   + serviceType +   + msgType +   + inOut +  
+ numBytes
user1 = user
msgDict = {}
byteDict = {}
This re-initialises both dicts on each iteration. Is this really what 
you want ?
		print bytemsg		# 53 records in source file
Here you have an obvious indentation problem. This code *cannot* run.
Take care of not mixing tabs and spaces (tip: configure you editor to 
only use spaces)

		msgDict = users[user]	# get the cum statistics for this user
Given the above binding of 'users' as an empty dict, this should raise a 
KeyError. It's also overwriting the previous binding of msgDict.

		byteDict = users1[user1]
idem. Also, you don't need to bind 2 different names to the same value 
to use this value as key in 2 different dicts. Here you could as well 
use user for both dicts, since user and user1 are bound to the same value.

print bytemsg   # 50 records in source file
In addition to Diez's reading advice, here are some that are more 
specific to code-related questions:

1/ paste code, dont re-type it
... this avoid stupid typos
2/ post running code
... if the code is so obviously broked that it cannot even compile|run, 
readers will have to fix it first - which they'll probably won't do. 
Even if they do, they may not fix it the right way. Everyone's losing 
its time...

3/ post the smallest possible bit of code that exhibit your problem
... no one's going to [read 3000 lines of code | install 30 gigabytes of 
third part libs | etc...] just to help you. Moreover, quite often, one 
finds the bug while reducing the problematic code to it's smallest possible.

And one last: don't forget to put your bullet-proof jacket on before 
reading the answers !-) (well, is probably one of the friendliest 
groups on usenet, but still, this is usenet).

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for 
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-21 Thread Terry Reedy
This is what I see (minus the ' '):

 while 1:
 user, serviceType, msgType, inOut, date, time, numBytes =

Advice: use spaces, not tabs, to indent posted code (some readers discard 
tabs).  Don't use google groups to post code (it deletes initial spaces and 
won't, apparently, fix this bug).  Use group 
gmane.comp.python.genral instead (I believe they also have web interface in 
addition to newsreader interface).  If you really, really must post thru 
google, prefix lines with char such as '|', even tho this kill cut and 

Terry J. Reedy


Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-21 Thread yy0127
Actually, this script will open a text file which is seperated by tabs.

The PRINT code is for my testing. My problem is bytemsg will be omitted
some records. For example, my text file have 53 records about username.
After byteDict = users1[user1], it remains 50 records in the output

I would like to know how to culmulate some data by users.

