Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-09 Thread Tim Roberts
David Mainzer wrote:

All your comments helped me and now i know how it works in python !

This has nothing to do with Python.  What you're seeing is the way IEEE-754
floating point arithmetic works.  You'd see these same results in any
programming language, including assembly language (assuming it hasn't
changed the rounding mode).
Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-09 Thread Aahz
In article,
Chris Rebert wrote:
On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Giacomo Boffi wrote:
 Zooko O'Whielacronx writes:

 I'm starting to think that one should use Decimals by default and
 reserve floats for special cases.

 would you kindly lend me your Decimals ruler? i need to measure the
 sides of the triangle whose area i have to compute

If your ruler doesn't have a [second] set of marks for centimeters and
millimeters, that's really one cheap/cruddy ruler you're using.

Unless I'm badly mistaken, Giacomo was making a funny about Greek
Aahz (   *

Normal is what cuts off your sixth finger and your tail...  --Siobhan

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 06:04:33 +0200, David Cournapeau wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Zooko O'Whielacronx
 I'm starting to think that one should use Decimals by default and
 reserve floats for special cases.

 This is somewhat analogous to the way that Python provides
 arbitrarily-big integers by default and Python programmers only use
 old-fashioned fixed-size integers for special cases, such as
 interoperation with external systems or highly optimized pieces (in
 numpy or in native extension modules, for example).
 I don't think it is analogous at all. Arbitrary-bit integers have a
 simple tradeoff: you are willing to lose performance and memory for
 bigger integer. If you leave performance aside, there is no downside
 that I know of for using big int instead of machine int.

Well, sure, but that's like saying that if you leave performance aside, 
there's no downside to Bubblesort instead of Quicksort.

However, I believe that in Python at least, the performance cost of 
arbitrary-sized longs is quite minimal compared to the benefit, at least 
for reasonable sized ints, and so the actual real-world cost of 
unifying the int and long types is minimal.

On the other hand, until Decimal is re-written in C, it will always be 
*significantly* slower than float.

$ python -m timeit 2.0/3.0
100 loops, best of 3: 0.139 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s from decimal import Decimal as D D(2)/D(3)
1000 loops, best of 3: 549 usec per loop

That's three orders of magnitude difference in speed. That's HUGE, and 
*alone* is enough to disqualify changing to Decimal as the default 
floating point data type.

Perhaps in the future, if and when Decimal has a fast C implementation, 
this can be re-thought.

 Since you are
 using python, you already bought this kind of tradeoff anyway.
 Decimal vs float is a different matter altogether: decimal has downsides
 compared to float. First, there is this irreconcilable fact that no
 matter how small your range is, it is impossible to represent exactly
 all (even most) numbers exactly with finite memory - float and decimal
 are two different solutions to this issue, with different tradeoffs.

Yes, but how is this a downside *compared* to float? In what way does 
Decimal have downsides that float doesn't? Neither can represent 
arbitrary real numbers exactly, but if anything float is *worse* compared 
to Decimal for two reasons:

* Python floats are fixed to a single number of bits, while the size of 
Decimals can be configured by the user;

* floats can represent sums of powers of two exactly, while Decimals can 
represent sums of powers of ten exactly. Not only does that mean that any 
number exactly representable as a float can also be exactly represented 
as a Decimal, but Decimals can *additionally* represent exactly many 
numbers of human interest that floats cannot.

 Decimal are more intuitive than float for numbers that can be
 represented as decimal - but most numbers cannot be represented as
 (finite) decimal.

True, but any number that can't be, also can't be exactly represented as 
a float either, so how does using float help?

 And most of the time (in my experience) the inputs and outputs to your
 system and the literals in your code are actually decimal, so
 converting them to float immediately introduces a lossy data conversion
 before you've even done any computation. Decimal doesn't have that
 That's not true anymore once you start doing any computation, if by
 decimal you mean finite decimal. And that will be never true once you
 start using non trivial computation (i.e. transcendental functions like
 log, exp, etc...).

But none of those complications are *inputs*, and, again, floats suffer 
from exactly the same problem.


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jul 8, 12:53 am, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
 I don't understand. I described two different problems: problem one is
 that the inputs, outputs and literals of your program might be in a
 different encoding (in my experience they have most commonly been in
 decimal). Problem two is that your computations may be lossy. If the
 inputs, outputs and literals of your program are decimal (as they have
 been for most of my programs) then using decimal is better than using
 float because of problem one. Neither has a strict advantage over the
 other in terms of problem two.

I can't think of any program I've ever written where the inputs are
actually intended to be decimal.  Consider a simple video editing
program, and the user specifies a frame rate 23.976 fps.  Is that what
they really wanted?  No, they wanted 24000/1001 but didn't feel like
typing that.  It should be instructive and telling that mplayer now
strongly prefers the rational expressions over the decimal ones.  Just
because you haven't rounded your input in parsing it doesn't change
the fact your input may have be rounded before it was presented to the
program, which is the reality of the matter more often than not.

Even in fields where the numbers are decimal, like finance, the rules
are considerably more complicated than what you were taught in the
schoolbook.  This is one of the reasons IBM can still make a killing
selling mainframes, they got all of those rules right decades ago.

  And that will be never true once you
  start using non trivial computation (i.e. transcendental functions
  like log, exp, etc...).

 I'm sorry, what will never be true? Are you saying that decimals have
 a disadvantage compared to floats? If so, what is their disadvantage?

He's saying that once you get past elementary operations, you quickly
run into irrational numbers, which you will not be representing
accurately.  Moreover, in general, it's impossible to even round
operations involving transcendental functions to an arbitrary fixed-
precision, you may need effectively infinite precision in order to the
computation.  In practice, this means the error induced by a lossy
input conversion (assuming you hadn't already lost information) is
entirely negligible compared to inherent inability to do the necessary

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread David Mainzer
On 07/07/2010 08:08 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 On Jul 7, 5:55 am, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 On Jul 7, 1:05 pm, david mainzer wrote:

 Dear Python-User,

 today i create some slides about floating point arithmetic. I used an
 example from

 so i start the python shell on my linux machine:

 d...@maxwell $ python
 Python 2.6.5 (release26-maint, May 25 2010, 12:37:06)
 [GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information. 
  sum = 0.0
 for i in range(10):

 ... sum += 0.1
 ...  sum

 But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number greater
 then 1.0 because 0.1 = 
 in python ... if i print it.
 [Mark Dickinson]
 So you've identified one source of error here, namely that 0.1 isn't
 exactly representable (and you're correct that the value stored
 internally is actually a little greater than 0.1).  But you're
 forgetting about the other source of error in your example: when you
 do 'sum += 0.1', the result typically isn't exactly representable, so
 there's another rounding step going on.  That rounding step might
 produce a number that's smaller than the actual exact sum, and if
 enough of your 'sum += 0.1' results are rounded down instead of up,
 that would easily explain why the total is still less than 1.0.
 One key for understanding floating point mysteries is to look at the
 actual binary sums rather that their approximate representation as a
 decimal string.  The hex() method can make it easier to visualize
 Mark's explanation:
 s = 0.0
 for i in range(10):
 ... s += 0.1
 ... print s.hex(), repr(s)
 0x1.ap-4 0.10001
 0x1.ap-3 0.20001
 0x1.4p-2 0.30004
 0x1.ap-2 0.40002
 0x1.0p-1 0.5
 0x1.3p-1 0.59998
 0x1.6p-1 0.69996
 0x1.9p-1 0.79993
 0x1.cp-1 0.89991
 0x1.fp-1 0.99989
 Having used hex() to understand representation error (how the binary
 partial sums are displayed), you can use the Fractions module to gain
 a better understanding of rounding error introduced by each addition:
 s = 0.0
 for i in range(10):
   exact = Fraction.from_float(s) + Fraction.from_float(0.1)
   s += 0.1
   actual = Fraction.from_float(s)
   error = actual - exact
   print '%-35s%-35s\t%s' % (actual, exact, error)
 3602879701896397/36028797018963968 3602879701896397/36028797018963968
 3602879701896397/18014398509481984 3602879701896397/18014398509481984
 1351079888211149/4503599627370496  10808639105689191/36028797018963968
 14411518807585589/36028797018963968   -1/36028797018963968
 18014398509481985/36028797018963968   -1/36028797018963968
 21617278211378381/36028797018963968   -1/36028797018963968
 25220157913274777/36028797018963968   -1/36028797018963968
 28823037615171173/36028797018963968   -1/36028797018963968
 32425917317067569/36028797018963968   -1/36028797018963968
 36028797018963965/36028797018963968   -1/36028797018963968
 Hope this helps your slides,

Thanks to all for your help :)

All your comments helped me and now i know how it works in python !


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jul 8, 7:23 am, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 On Jul 8, 11:58 am, Adam Skutt wrote:

  accurately.  Moreover, in general, it's impossible to even round
  operations involving transcendental functions to an arbitrary fixed-
  precision, you may need effectively infinite precision in order to the

 Impossible?  Can you explain what you mean by this?  Doesn't the
 decimal module do exactly that, giving correctly-rounded exp() and
 log() results to arbitrary precision?
You run into the table-maker's dilemma: there's no way to know in
advance how many digits you need in order to have n bits of precision
in the result.  For some computations, the number of bits required to
get the desired precision can quickly overwhelm the finite limitations
of your machine (e.g., you run out of RAM first or the time to compute
the answer is simply unacceptable).


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Ethan Furman

Wolfram Hinderer wrote:

On 7 Jul., 19:32, Ethan Furman wrote:

Nobody wrote:

On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:08:07 +0200, Thomas Jollans wrote:

you should never rely on a floating-point number to have exactly a
certain value.

Never is an overstatement. There are situations where you can rely
upon a floating-point number having exactly a certain value.

It's not much of an overstatement.  How many areas are there where you
need the number

If I'm looking for 0.1, I will *never* (except by accident ;) say

if var == 0.1:

it'll either be = or =.

The following is an implementation of a well-known algorithm.
Why would you want to replace the floating point comparisons? With

snip code

Interesting.  I knew when I posted my above comment that I was ignoring 
such situations.  I cannot comment on the code itself as I am unaware of 
the algorithm, and haven't studied numbers extensively (although I do 
find them very interesting).

So while you've made your point, I believe mine still stands -- 
comparing floats using == to absolute numbers is almost always a mistake.


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Jul 8, 2:00 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:
 On Jul 8, 7:23 am, Mark Dickinson wrote: On Jul 8, 
 11:58 am, Adam Skutt wrote:

   accurately.  Moreover, in general, it's impossible to even round
   operations involving transcendental functions to an arbitrary fixed-
   precision, you may need effectively infinite precision in order to the

  Impossible?  Can you explain what you mean by this?  Doesn't the
  decimal module do exactly that, giving correctly-rounded exp() and
  log() results to arbitrary precision?

 You run into the table-maker's dilemma: there's no way to know in
 advance how many digits you need in order to have n bits of precision
 in the result.

Sure.  But it's a bit of a stretch to go from not knowing what
resources you'll need in advance to calling something 'impossible'. :)

 For some computations, the number of bits required to
 get the desired precision can quickly overwhelm the finite limitations
 of your machine (e.g., you run out of RAM first or the time to compute
 the answer is simply unacceptable).

Perhaps in theory.  In practice, though, it's very rare to need to
increase precision more than once or twice beyond an initial first
guesstimate, and the amount of extra precision needed is small.  That
increase is unlikely to cause problems unless you were operating right
up against your machine's limits in the first place.


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Stefan Krah
Adam Skutt wrote:
 On Jul 8, 7:23 am, Mark Dickinson wrote:
  On Jul 8, 11:58 am, Adam Skutt wrote:
   accurately.  Moreover, in general, it's impossible to even round
   operations involving transcendental functions to an arbitrary fixed-
   precision, you may need effectively infinite precision in order to the
  Impossible?  Can you explain what you mean by this?  Doesn't the
  decimal module do exactly that, giving correctly-rounded exp() and
  log() results to arbitrary precision?

 You run into the table-maker's dilemma: there's no way to know in
 advance how many digits you need in order to have n bits of precision
 in the result.  For some computations, the number of bits required to
 get the desired precision can quickly overwhelm the finite limitations
 of your machine (e.g., you run out of RAM first or the time to compute
 the answer is simply unacceptable).

Yes, this appears to be unsolved yet, see also:

Is it time to quit yet?  That's the  Table-Maker's Dilemma.  No general
 way exists to predict how many extra digits will have to be carried to
 compute a transcendental expression and round it  _correctly_  to some
 preassigned number of digits.  Even the fact  (if true)  that a finite
 number of extra digits will ultimately suffice may be a deep theorem.

However, in practice, mpfr rounds correctly and seems to be doing fine.

In addition to this, I've been running at least 6 months of continuous
tests comparing cdecimal and decimal, and neither log() nor exp() poses
a problem.

pow() is trickier. Exact results have to be weeded out before
attempting the correction loop for correct rounding, and this is

For example, in decimal this expression takes a long time (in cdecimal
the power function is not correctly rounded):

Decimal('100.0') ** Decimal('-557.71e-74288')

Stefan Krah


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jul 8, 9:22 am, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 On Jul 8, 2:00 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:

  On Jul 8, 7:23 am, Mark Dickinson wrote: On Jul 8, 
  11:58 am, Adam Skutt wrote:

accurately.  Moreover, in general, it's impossible to even round
operations involving transcendental functions to an arbitrary fixed-
precision, you may need effectively infinite precision in order to the

   Impossible?  Can you explain what you mean by this?  Doesn't the
   decimal module do exactly that, giving correctly-rounded exp() and
   log() results to arbitrary precision?

  You run into the table-maker's dilemma: there's no way to know in
  advance how many digits you need in order to have n bits of precision
  in the result.

 Sure.  But it's a bit of a stretch to go from not knowing what
 resources you'll need in advance to calling something 'impossible'. :)

  For some computations, the number of bits required to
  get the desired precision can quickly overwhelm the finite limitations
  of your machine (e.g., you run out of RAM first or the time to compute
  the answer is simply unacceptable).

 Perhaps in theory.  In practice, though, it's very rare to need to
 increase precision more than once or twice beyond an initial first
 guesstimate, and the amount of extra precision needed is small.  That
 increase is unlikely to cause problems unless you were operating right
 up against your machine's limits in the first place.
I suspect your platitude isn't especially comforting for those who
need more computing capability than we can currently construct.
However, I wouldn't call the amount of extra needed precision small
for most transcendental functions, as it's frequently more than double
in the worse-case situations and increases non-linearly as the number
of desired digits increases.

Which almost brings us full circle to where I was originally pointing:
the rounding problem is inherent in the finite nature of a physical
computer, so you cannot make the rounding problem go away.  As such,
talking about differences in rounding between decimal and binary
representations is somewhat of a corner case.  Replacing float with
decimal won't get rid of the problems that floating-point brings to
the table in the first place.  The issues that come up all have to do
with lack of human understanding of what the computer is doing.  Take
even as something as innocent as equality between two floating-point
numbers: even exact rounding of all operations doesn't solve this
entirely common problem.  Accordingly, once we explain why this
doesn't work, we frequently don't need the enhanced functionality
decimal provides and hopefully can make the determination on our own.

If you want to make elementary arithmetic (add, subtract, multiple,
divide) behave intuitively then you (arguably) want an arbitrary-
precision fractional/rational number class.  After that, the right
solution is education.


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Victor Eijkhout
Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

 I'm starting to think that one should use Decimals by default and
 reserve floats for special cases.

Only if one has  Power6 (or 7) which has hardware support for BCD.
Otherwise you will have slow applications.

Victor Eijkhout -- eijkhout at tacc utexas edu

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Jul 8, 3:29 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:
 On Jul 8, 9:22 am, Mark Dickinson wrote:
  On Jul 8, 2:00 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:
   For some computations, the number of bits required to
   get the desired precision can quickly overwhelm the finite limitations
   of your machine (e.g., you run out of RAM first or the time to compute
   the answer is simply unacceptable).

  Perhaps in theory.  In practice, though, it's very rare to need to
  increase precision more than once or twice beyond an initial first
  guesstimate, and the amount of extra precision needed is small.  That
  increase is unlikely to cause problems unless you were operating right
  up against your machine's limits in the first place.

 I suspect your platitude isn't especially comforting for those who
 need more computing capability than we can currently construct.
 However, I wouldn't call the amount of extra needed precision small

I think that's because we're talking at cross-purposes.

To clarify, suppose you want to compute some value (pi;  log(2);
AGM(1, sqrt(2)); whatever...) to 1000 significant decimal places.
Then typically the algorithm (sometimes known as Ziv's onion-peeling
method) looks like:

(1) Compute an initial approximation to 1002 digits (say), with known
absolute error (given by a suitable error analysis); for the sake of
argument, let's say that you use enough intermediate precision to
guarantee an absolute error of  0.6 ulps.

(2) Check to see whether that approximation unambiguously gives you
the correctly-rounded 1000 digits that you need.

(3) If not, increase the target precision (say by 3 digits) and try

It's the precision increase in (3) that I was calling small, and
similarly it's step (3) that isn't usually needed more than once or
twice.  (In general, for most functions and input values;  I dare say
there are exceptions.)

Step (1) will often involve using significantly more than the target
precision for intermediate computations, depending very much on what
you happen to be trying to compute.  IIUC, it's the extra precision in
step (1) that you don't want to call 'small', and I agree.

IOW, I'm saying that the extra precision required *due to the table-
maker's dilemma* generally isn't a concern.

I actually agree with much of what you've said.  It was just the
impossible claim that went over the top (IMO).  The MPFR library
amply demonstrates that computing many transcendental functions to
arbitrary precision, with correctly rounded results, is indeed


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Zooko O'Whielacronx writes:

 I'm starting to think that one should use Decimals by default and
 reserve floats for special cases.

would you kindly lend me your Decimals ruler? i need to measure the
sides of the triangle whose area i have to compute

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Chris Rebert
On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Giacomo Boffi wrote:
 Zooko O'Whielacronx writes:
 I'm starting to think that one should use Decimals by default and
 reserve floats for special cases.

 would you kindly lend me your Decimals ruler? i need to measure the
 sides of the triangle whose area i have to compute

If your ruler doesn't have a [second] set of marks for centimeters and
millimeters, that's really one cheap/cruddy ruler you're using.


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Zooko O'Whielacronx
On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Adam Skutt wrote:

 I can't think of any program I've ever written where the inputs are
 actually intended to be decimal.  Consider a simple video editing
 program, and the user specifies a frame rate 23.976 fps.  Is that what
 they really wanted?  No, they wanted 24000/1001 but didn't feel like
 typing that.

Okay, so there was a lossy conversion from the user's intention
(24000/1001) to what they typed in (23.976).

 instr = '23.976'

Now as a programmer you have two choices:

1. accept what they typed in and losslessly store it in a decimal:

 from decimal import Decimal as D
 x = D(instr)
 print x

2. accept what they typed in and lossily convert it to a float:

 x = float(instr)
 print %.60f % (x,)

option 2 introduces further error between what you have stored in
your program and what the user originally wanted and offers no
advantages except for speed, right?

 I'm sorry, what will never be true? Are you saying that decimals have
 a disadvantage compared to floats? If so, what is their disadvantage?

 He's saying that once you get past elementary operations, you quickly
 run into irrational numbers, which you will not be representing
 accurately.  Moreover, in general, it's impossible to even round
 operations involving transcendental functions to an arbitrary fixed-
 precision, you may need effectively infinite precision in order to the
 computation.  In practice, this means the error induced by a lossy
 input conversion (assuming you hadn't already lost information) is
 entirely negligible compared to inherent inability to do the necessary

But this is not a disadvantage of decimal compared to float is it?
These problems affect both representations. Although perhaps they
affect them differently, I'm not sure.

I think sometimes people conflate the fact that decimals can easily
have higher and more variable precision than floats with the fact that
decimals are capable of losslessly storing decimal values but floats



Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jul 8, 11:36 am, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 I think that's because we're talking at cross-purposes.

 To clarify, suppose you want to compute some value (pi;  log(2);
 AGM(1, sqrt(2)); whatever...) to 1000 significant decimal places.
 Then typically the algorithm (sometimes known as Ziv's onion-peeling
 method) looks like:

 (1) Compute an initial approximation to 1002 digits (say), with known
 absolute error (given by a suitable error analysis); for the sake of
 argument, let's say that you use enough intermediate precision to
 guarantee an absolute error of  0.6 ulps.

 (2) Check to see whether that approximation unambiguously gives you
 the correctly-rounded 1000 digits that you need.

 (3) If not, increase the target precision (say by 3 digits) and try

 It's the precision increase in (3) that I was calling small, and
 similarly it's step (3) that isn't usually needed more than once or
 twice.  (In general, for most functions and input values;  I dare say
 there are exceptions.)

 Step (1) will often involve using significantly more than the target
 precision for intermediate computations, depending very much on what
 you happen to be trying to compute.  IIUC, it's the extra precision in
 step (1) that you don't want to call 'small', and I agree.

 IOW, I'm saying that the extra precision required *due to the table-
 maker's dilemma* generally isn't a concern.
Yes, though I think attributing only the precision added in step 3 to
the table-maker's dilemma isn't entirely correct.  While it'd be
certainly less of a dilemma if we could precompute the necessary
precision, it doesn't' help us if the precision is generally
unbounded.  As such, I think it's really two dilemmas for the price of

  I actually agree with much of what you've said.  It was just the
 impossible claim that went over the top (IMO).  The MPFR library
 amply demonstrates that computing many transcendental functions to
 arbitrary precision, with correctly rounded results, is indeed
That's because you're latching onto that word instead of the whole
sentence in context and making a much bigger deal out of than is
appropriate.  The fact that I may not be able to complete a given
calculation for an arbitrary precision is not something that can be
ignored.  It's the same notional problem with arbitrary-precision
integers: is it better to run out of memory or overflow the
calculation?  The answer, of course, is a trick question.



Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Jul 8, 2:59 pm, Stefan Krah wrote:
 pow() is trickier. Exact results have to be weeded out before
 attempting the correction loop for correct rounding, and this is

 For example, in decimal this expression takes a long time (in cdecimal
 the power function is not correctly rounded):

 Decimal('100.0') ** Decimal('-557.71e-74288')

Hmm.  So it does.  Luckily, this particular problem is easy to deal
with.  Though I dare say that you have more up your sleeve. :)?


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jul 8, 12:38 pm, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Adam Skutt wrote:

  I can't think of any program I've ever written where the inputs are
  actually intended to be decimal.  Consider a simple video editing
  program, and the user specifies a frame rate 23.976 fps.  Is that what
  they really wanted?  No, they wanted 24000/1001 but didn't feel like
  typing that.

 Okay, so there was a lossy conversion from the user's intention
 (24000/1001) to what they typed in (23.976).

  instr = '23.976'

 Now as a programmer you have two choices:

 1. accept what they typed in and losslessly store it in a decimal:

  from decimal import Decimal as D
  x = D(instr)
  print x


 2. accept what they typed in and lossily convert it to a float:

  x = float(instr)
  print %.60f % (x,)


 option 2 introduces further error between what you have stored in
 your program and what the user originally wanted and offers no
 advantages except for speed, right?

No, you have a third choice, and it's the only right choice:
3. Convert the input to user's desired behavior and behave
accordingly.  Anything else, here, will result in A/V sync issues.
Which is really my point, just because we write '23.976' on the
command-line doesn't necessarily mean that's what we meant.  Humans
are pretty lazy, and we write rational numbers as incomplete decimals
all of the time.

 But this is not a disadvantage of decimal compared to float is it?
 These problems affect both representations. Although perhaps they
 affect them differently, I'm not sure.

 I think sometimes people conflate the fact that decimals can easily
 have higher and more variable precision than floats with the fact that
 decimals are capable of losslessly storing decimal values but floats

No, it's not a specific disadvantage of decimal compared to float.
I'm not sure why David C. choose to phrase it in those specific terms,
though I'm not sure it matters all that much.  What I believe is one
must understand that the underlying issues are fundamental, and the
only way to solve the issues is to educate programmers so they can
write code that behaves correctly in the face of rounding.  And I do
believe you're correct that programmers frequently see one desirable
behavior of decimal FP over binary FP and therefore assume all the
badness must have gone away.



Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Stefan Krah
Adam Skutt wrote:
   I actually agree with much of what you've said.  It was just the
  impossible claim that went over the top (IMO).  The MPFR library
  amply demonstrates that computing many transcendental functions to
  arbitrary precision, with correctly rounded results, is indeed
 That's because you're latching onto that word instead of the whole
 sentence in context and making a much bigger deal out of than is
 appropriate.  The fact that I may not be able to complete a given
 calculation for an arbitrary precision is not something that can be
 ignored.  It's the same notional problem with arbitrary-precision
 integers: is it better to run out of memory or overflow the
 calculation?  The answer, of course, is a trick question.

In the paper describing his strategy for correct rounding Ziv gives an
estimate for abnormal cases, which is very low.

This whole argument is a misunderstanding. Mark and I argue that correct
rounding is quite feasible in practice, you argue that you want guaranteed
execution times and memory usage. This is clear now, but was not so apparent
in the impossible paragraph that Mark responded to.

I think asking for strictly bounded resource usage is reasonable. In cdecimal
there is a switch to turn off correct rounding for exp() and log().

Stefan Krah


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Stefan Krah
Mark Dickinson wrote:
 On Jul 8, 2:59 pm, Stefan Krah wrote:
  pow() is trickier. Exact results have to be weeded out before
  attempting the correction loop for correct rounding, and this is
  For example, in decimal this expression takes a long time (in cdecimal
  the power function is not correctly rounded):
  Decimal('100.0') ** Decimal('-557.71e-74288')
 Hmm.  So it does.  Luckily, this particular problem is easy to deal
 with.  Though I dare say that you have more up your sleeve. :)?

Not at the moment, but I'll keep trying. :)

Stefan Krah


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Zooko O'Whielacronx
On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Adam Skutt wrote:
 On Jul 8, 12:38 pm, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
 Now as a programmer you have two choices:
 1. accept what they typed in and losslessly store it in a decimal:
 2. accept what they typed in and lossily convert it to a float:

 No, you have a third choice, and it's the only right choice:
 3. Convert the input to user's desired behavior and behave
 accordingly.  Anything else, here, will result in A/V sync issues.

Okay, please tell me about how this is done. I've never dealt with
this sort of issue directly.

As far as I can imagine, any way to implement option 3 will involve
accepting the user's input and storing it in memory somehow and then
computing on it. As far as I can tell, doing so with a decimal instead
of a float will never be worse for your outcome and will often be
better. But, please explain in more detail how this works.




Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jul 8, 2:00 pm, Stefan Krah wrote:

 This whole argument is a misunderstanding. Mark and I argue that correct
 rounding is quite feasible in practice, you argue that you want guaranteed
 execution times and memory usage. This is clear now, but was not so apparent
 in the impossible paragraph that Mark responded to.
No, that's what I'm arguing for, though such a feature is important.
I'm pointing out that the feasibility of correct rounding is entirely
dependent on what you're doing.  For IEEE-754 double, it's feasible
for the elementary functions if you can tolerate intermediate
calculations that are more than twice as large as your double in the
corner cases.  Certainly, for a single calculation, this is
acceptable, but at how many calculations is it no longer acceptable?


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Wolfram Hinderer
On 8 Jul., 15:10, Ethan Furman wrote:

 Interesting.  I knew when I posted my above comment that I was ignoring
 such situations.  I cannot comment on the code itself as I am unaware of
 the algorithm, and haven't studied numbers extensively (although I do
 find them very interesting).

 So while you've made your point, I believe mine still stands --
 comparing floats using == to absolute numbers is almost always a mistake.

JFTR, it works because a+b == a+b (while I don't think that a+b == b+a
holds for all a and b).

In general, I totally agree with you.

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Paul Rubin
Wolfram Hinderer writes:
 JFTR, it works because a+b == a+b (while I don't think that a+b == b+a
 holds for all a and b).

I'm pretty sure IEEE 754 addition is always commutative (except maybe in
the presence of infinity or NaN and maybe not even then).  It differs from 
rational or real-number arithmetic in that it is not always associative.
You can have (a+b)+c != a+(b+c).  

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Jul 8, 9:52 pm, Wolfram Hinderer
 JFTR, it works because a+b == a+b (while I don't think that a+b == b+a
 holds for all a and b).

Actually, that's one of the few identities that's safe.  Well, for non-
NaN IEEE 754 floating-point, at any rate.  And assuming that there's
no use of extended precision to compute intermediate results (in which
case one side could conceivably be computed with different precision
from the other;  but that applies to a+b == a+b, too).  And assuming
that no FPE signals occur and halt the program... (e.g., for overflow,
or from doing -inf + inf).  Okay, maybe not that safe, then.  :)

For NaNs, there are two problems:  first, if exactly one of a and b is
a NaN then a+b and b+a will both be NaNs, so a + b == b + a will be
false, even though they're identical.  Second, if a and b are *both*
NaNs, and you're feeling really fussy and care about signs and
payloads, then a + b and b + a won't even necessarily be bitwise
identical:  a + b will have the sign and payload of a, while b + a has
the sign and payload of b.  You can see something similar with the
Decimal module:

 Decimal('NaN123') + Decimal('-NaN456')
 Decimal('-NaN456') + Decimal('NaN123')

Or more directly (just for fun), using the struct module to create
particular nans:

 import struct
 x = struct.unpack('d', '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff')[0]
 y = struct.unpack('d', '\xfe\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff')[0]
 struct.pack('d', x+y)   # identical to x
 struct.pack('d', y+x)   # identical to y

Isn't floating-point a wonderful thing.  :)



Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread david mainzer

Dear Python-User,

today i create some slides about floating point arithmetic. I used an
example from

so i start the python shell on my linux machine:

d...@maxwell $ python
Python 2.6.5 (release26-maint, May 25 2010, 12:37:06)
[GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  sum = 0.0
  for i in range(10):
... sum += 0.1
But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number greater
then 1.0 because 0.1 = 
in python ... if i print it.

So i create an example program:

sum = 0.0
n = 10
d = 1.0 / n
print %.60f % ( d )
for i in range(n):
print %.60f % ( sum )
sum += d

print sum
print %.60f % ( sum )


and the jump from 0.50*** to 0.5999* looks wrong
for me ... do i a mistake or is there something wrong in the
representation of the floating points in python?

my next question, why could i run

print %.66f % ( sum )

but not

print %.67f % ( sum )

can anybody tell me how python internal represent a float number??

Best and many thanks in advanced,


Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread david mainzer
Hash: SHA384

Dear Python-User,

today i create some slides about floating point arithmetic. I used an
example from

so i start the python shell on my linux machine:

d...@maxwell $ python
Python 2.6.5 (release26-maint, May 25 2010, 12:37:06)
[GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 sum = 0.0
 for i in range(10):
... sum += 0.1

But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number greater
then 1.0 because 0.1 = 
in python ... if i print it.

So i create an example program:

sum = 0.0
n = 10
d = 1.0 / n
print %.60f % ( d )
for i in range(n):
print %.60f % ( sum )
sum += d

print sum
print %.60f % ( sum )

-  RESULTs --

and the jump from 0.50*** to 0.5999* looks wrong
for me ... do i a mistake or is there something wrong in the
representation of the floating points in python?

my next question, why could i run

print %.66f % ( sum )

but not

print %.67f % ( sum )

can anybody tell me how python internal represent a float number??

Best and many thanks in advanced,
Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Jul 7, 1:05 pm, david mainzer wrote:
 Dear Python-User,

 today i create some slides about floating point arithmetic. I used an
 example from

 so i start the python shell on my linux machine:

 d...@maxwell $ python
 Python 2.6.5 (release26-maint, May 25 2010, 12:37:06)
 [GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.  
 sum = 0.0
   for i in range(10):

 ...     sum += 0.1
 ...  sum

 But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number greater
 then 1.0 because 0.1 = 
 in python ... if i print it.

So you've identified one source of error here, namely that 0.1 isn't
exactly representable (and you're correct that the value stored
internally is actually a little greater than 0.1).  But you're
forgetting about the other source of error in your example: when you
do 'sum += 0.1', the result typically isn't exactly representable, so
there's another rounding step going on.  That rounding step might
produce a number that's smaller than the actual exact sum, and if
enough of your 'sum += 0.1' results are rounded down instead of up,
that would easily explain why the total is still less than 1.0.

 So i create an example program:

 sum = 0.0
 n = 10
 d = 1.0 / n
 print %.60f % ( d )
 for i in range(n):
     print %.60f % ( sum )
     sum += d

 print sum
 print %.60f % ( sum )

  RESULTs --

 and the jump from 0.50*** to 0.5999* looks wrong
 for me ... do i a mistake or is there something wrong in the
 representation of the floating points in python?

Look at this more closely:  you're adding




The *exact* result is, of course


However, that's not a number that can be exactly represented as a C
double (which is how Python stores floats internally).  This value
falls between the two (consecutive) representable values:




But of these two, the first is closer to the exact value than the
second, so that's the result that you get.

You can convince yourself of these results by using the fractions
module to do exact arithmetic:

 from fractions import Fraction
 tenth = Fraction.from_float(0.1)
 half = Fraction.from_float(0.5)
 point_six = Fraction.from_float(0.6)   # 0.5999
 point_six_plus = Fraction.from_float(0.6 + 2**-53)  # next float up, 
 sum = tenth + half # exact value of the sum
 point_six  sum  point_six_plus# lies between point_six and 
 sum - point_six  point_six_plus - sum  # but it's closer to point_six

 my next question, why could i run

 print %.66f % ( sum )

 but not

 print %.67f % ( sum )

That's a historical artefact resulting from use of a fixed-length
buffer somewhere deep in Python's internals.  This restriction is
removed in Python 2.7 and Python 3.x.

 can anybody tell me how python internal represent a float number??

In CPython, it's stored as a C double, which typically means in IEEE
754 binary64 format.  (Of course, since it's a Python object, it's not
just storing the C double itself;  it also has fields for the object
type and the reference count, so a Python float typically takes 16
bytes of memory on a 32-bit machine, and 24 bytes on a 64-bit


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 07/07/2010 02:05 PM, david mainzer wrote:
 today i create some slides about floating point arithmetic. I used an
 example from
 so i start the python shell on my linux machine:
 d...@maxwell $ python
 Python 2.6.5 (release26-maint, May 25 2010, 12:37:06)
 [GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 sum = 0.0
 for i in range(10):
 ... sum += 0.1

 But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number greater
 then 1.0 because 0.1 = 
 in python ... if i print it.

The simple fact of the matter is: floating point arithmetic isn't
accurate. This has nothing to do with Python, it's the fault of your
processor's floating point handling. It's good enough in most cases, but
you should never rely on a floating-point number to have exactly a
certain value. It won't work. To generalize your example a bit:

 def test_floating_product(a, b):
... sum = 0
... for _ in range(int(b)):
... sum += a
... return sum, a * int(b), sum == a * b
 test_floating_product(0.1, 1)
(0.1, 0.1, True)
 test_floating_product(0.1, 10)
(0., 1.0, False)
 test_floating_product(0.2, 4)
(0.8, 0.8, True)
 test_floating_product(0.2, 5)
(1.0, 1.0, True)
 test_floating_product(0.2, 6)
(1.2, 1.2002, False)

  RESULTs --
 and the jump from 0.50*** to 0.5999* looks wrong
 for me ... do i a mistake or is there something wrong in the
 representation of the floating points in python?

the difference is almost exactly 0.1, so that looks okay

 my next question, why could i run
 print %.66f % ( sum )
 but not
 print %.67f % ( sum )

I can run either... with Python 3.1. Using 2.6, I get a nice error message:

 %.129f % 0.1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
OverflowError: formatted float is too long (precision too large?)

There just isn't anything like 67 decimals of information available.
Having that information wouldn't help you a bit.

basically, floating point number are stored in the format

N * (2 ** E)

And use a lot of guesswork. as E gets larger, the precision decreases.
Rounding errors occur at the last few decimals, in either direction,
depending on the numbers.

 can anybody tell me how python internal represent a float number??

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Christian Heimes
 can anybody tell me how python internal represent a float number??

It's an IEEE 754 double precision float on all hardware platforms that
support IEEE 754 semantics. Python follows the C99 standards for double
and complex numbers.



Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Jul 7, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Thomas Jollans wrote:

On 07/07/2010 02:05 PM, david mainzer wrote:

today i create some slides about floating point arithmetic. I used an
example from

so i start the python shell on my linux machine:

d...@maxwell $ python
Python 2.6.5 (release26-maint, May 25 2010, 12:37:06)
[GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more  

sum = 0.0
for i in range(10):

... sum += 0.1



But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number  
then 1.0 because 0.1 =  

in python ... if i print it.

The simple fact of the matter is: floating point arithmetic isn't
accurate. This has nothing to do with Python, it's the fault of your
processor's floating point handling. It's good enough in most cases,  

you should never rely on a floating-point number to have exactly a
certain value. It won't work.

Yes, this might be a good time to review the dense but interesting  
document, What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating- 
Point Arithmetic:



Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread bart.c

david mainzer wrote:

sum = 0.0
for i in range(10):

... sum += 0.1



But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number
then 1.0 because 0.1 =
in python ... if i print it.

So i create an example program:

sum = 0.0
n = 10
d = 1.0 / n
print %.60f % ( d )
for i in range(n):
   print %.60f % ( sum )
   sum += d

print sum
print %.60f % ( sum )

-  RESULTs --

and the jump from 0.50*** to 0.5999* looks wrong
for me ... do i a mistake or is there something wrong in the
representation of the floating points in python?

I think the main problem is, as sum gets bigger, the less significant bits 
of the 0.1 representation fall off the end (enough to make it effectively 
just under 0.1 you're adding instead of just over).

can anybody tell me how python internal represent a float number??

Try google ieee floating point. The problems aren't specific to Python.



Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread bart.c

david mainzer wrote:

sum = 0.0
for i in range(10):

... sum += 0.1



But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number
then 1.0 because 0.1 =
in python ... if i print it.

So i create an example program:

sum = 0.0
n = 10
d = 1.0 / n
print %.60f % ( d )
for i in range(n):
   print %.60f % ( sum )
   sum += d

print sum
print %.60f % ( sum )

-  RESULTs --

and the jump from 0.50*** to 0.5999* looks wrong
for me ... do i a mistake or is there something wrong in the
representation of the floating points in python?

I think the main problem is, as sum gets bigger, the less significant bits 
of the 0.1 representation fall off the end (enough to make it effectively 
just under 0.1 you're adding instead of just over).

can anybody tell me how python internal represent a float number??

Try google ieee floating point. The problems aren't specific to Python.



Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:08:07 +0200, Thomas Jollans wrote:

 you should never rely on a floating-point number to have exactly a
 certain value.

Never is an overstatement. There are situations where you can rely
upon a floating-point number having exactly a certain value.

First, floating-point values are exact. They may be an approximation
to some other value, but they are still exact values, not some kind of
indeterminate quantum state. Specifically, a floating-point value is a
rational number whose denominator is a power of two.

Second, if the result of performing a primitive arithmetic operation
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, remainder) or the
square-root function on the equivalent rational values is exactly
representable as a floating-point number, then the result will be exactly
that value.

Third, if the result of performing a primitive arithmetic operation or the
square-root function on the equivalent rational values *isn't* exactly
representable as a floating-point number, then the floating-point result
will be obtained by rounding the exact value according to the FPU's
current rounding mode.

All of this is entirely deterministic, and follows relatively simple
rules. Even if the CPU has a built-in random number generator, it will
*not* be used to generate the least-significant bits of a floating-point
arithmetic result.

The second and third cases above assume that floating-point arithmetic
follows IEEE-754 (the second case is likely to be true even for systems
which don't strictly adhere to IEEE-754). This is true for most modern
architectures, provided that:

1. You aren't using Borland C, which forcibly optimises x/y to x*(1/y),
so 12/3 isn't exactly equal to 4, as 1/3 isn't exactly representable. Real
compilers won't use this sort of approximation unless specifically
instructed (e.g. -funsafe-math-optimizations for gcc).

2. You aren't using one of the early Pentium chips.

In spite of this, there are some gotchas. E.g. on x86, results are
computed to 80-bit (long double) precision internally. These will be
truncated to 64 bits if stored in memory. Whether the truncation occurs is
largely up to the compiler, although it can be forced with -ffloat-store
with gcc.

More complex functions (trigonometric, etc) are only accurate to within a
given relative error (e.g. +/- the value of the least significant bit), as
it isn't always possible to determine the correct value for the least
significant bit for a given rounding mode (and even if it is theoretically
possible, there is no limit to the number of bits of precision which would
be required).


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Ethan Furman

Nobody wrote:

On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:08:07 +0200, Thomas Jollans wrote:

you should never rely on a floating-point number to have exactly a
certain value.

Never is an overstatement. There are situations where you can rely
upon a floating-point number having exactly a certain value.

It's not much of an overstatement.  How many areas are there where you 
need the number 

If I'm looking for 0.1, I will *never* (except by accident ;) say

if var == 0.1:

it'll either be = or =.

By contrast, if I'm dealing with integers I can say if var == 4 because 
I *know* that there are values that var can hold that are *exactly* 4. 
Not 3.9817263 or 4.19726.


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On Jul 7, 5:55 am, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 On Jul 7, 1:05 pm, david mainzer wrote:

  Dear Python-User,

  today i create some slides about floating point arithmetic. I used an
  example from

  so i start the python shell on my linux machine:

  d...@maxwell $ python
  Python 2.6.5 (release26-maint, May 25 2010, 12:37:06)
  [GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information. 
   sum = 0.0
for i in range(10):

  ...     sum += 0.1
  ...  sum

  But thats looks a little bit wrong for me ... i must be a number greater
  then 1.0 because 0.1 = 
  in python ... if i print it.

[Mark Dickinson]
 So you've identified one source of error here, namely that 0.1 isn't
 exactly representable (and you're correct that the value stored
 internally is actually a little greater than 0.1).  But you're
 forgetting about the other source of error in your example: when you
 do 'sum += 0.1', the result typically isn't exactly representable, so
 there's another rounding step going on.  That rounding step might
 produce a number that's smaller than the actual exact sum, and if
 enough of your 'sum += 0.1' results are rounded down instead of up,
 that would easily explain why the total is still less than 1.0.

One key for understanding floating point mysteries is to look at the
actual binary sums rather that their approximate representation as a
decimal string.  The hex() method can make it easier to visualize
Mark's explanation:

 s = 0.0
 for i in range(10):
... s += 0.1
... print s.hex(), repr(s)

0x1.ap-4 0.10001
0x1.ap-3 0.20001
0x1.4p-2 0.30004
0x1.ap-2 0.40002
0x1.0p-1 0.5
0x1.3p-1 0.59998
0x1.6p-1 0.69996
0x1.9p-1 0.79993
0x1.cp-1 0.89991
0x1.fp-1 0.99989

Having used hex() to understand representation error (how the binary
partial sums are displayed), you can use the Fractions module to gain
a better understanding of rounding error introduced by each addition:

 s = 0.0
 for i in range(10):
exact = Fraction.from_float(s) + Fraction.from_float(0.1)
s += 0.1
actual = Fraction.from_float(s)
error = actual - exact
print '%-35s%-35s\t%s' % (actual, exact, error)

3602879701896397/36028797018963968 3602879701896397/36028797018963968
3602879701896397/18014398509481984 3602879701896397/18014398509481984
1351079888211149/4503599627370496  10808639105689191/36028797018963968
14411518807585589/36028797018963968 -1/36028797018963968
18014398509481985/36028797018963968 -1/36028797018963968
21617278211378381/36028797018963968 -1/36028797018963968
25220157913274777/36028797018963968 -1/36028797018963968
28823037615171173/36028797018963968 -1/36028797018963968
32425917317067569/36028797018963968 -1/36028797018963968
36028797018963965/36028797018963968 -1/36028797018963968

Hope this helps your slides,


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Wolfram Hinderer
On 7 Jul., 19:32, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Nobody wrote:
  On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:08:07 +0200, Thomas Jollans wrote:

  you should never rely on a floating-point number to have exactly a
  certain value.

  Never is an overstatement. There are situations where you can rely
  upon a floating-point number having exactly a certain value.

 It's not much of an overstatement.  How many areas are there where you
 need the number

 If I'm looking for 0.1, I will *never* (except by accident ;) say

 if var == 0.1:

 it'll either be = or =.

The following is an implementation of a well-known algorithm.
Why would you want to replace the floating point comparisons? With

(This is toy-code.)

from random import random

def min_cost_path(cost_right, cost_up):
 return minimal cost and its path in a rectangle - going up and
right only 
cost = dict()
size_x, size_y = max(cost_right)

#compute minimal cost
cost[0, 0] = 0.0
for x in range(size_x):
cost[x + 1, 0] = cost[x, 0] + cost_right[x, 0]
for y in range(size_y):
cost[0, y + 1] = cost[0, y] + cost_up[0, y]
for x in range(size_x):
cost[x + 1, y + 1] = min(cost[x, y + 1] + cost_right[x, y
+ 1],
 cost[x + 1, y] + cost_up[x + 1,

#compute path (reversed)
x = size_x
y = size_y
path = []
while x != 0 and y != 0:
if x == 0:
y -= 1
elif y == 0:
x -= 1
elif cost[x - 1, y] + cost_right[x - 1, y] == cost[x, y]: # fp
x -= 1
elif cost[x, y - 1] + cost_up[x, y - 1] == cost[x, y]: # fp
y -= 1
raise ValueError

return cost[size_x, size_y], .join(reversed(path))

if __name__ == __main__:
size = 100
cost_right = dict(((x, y), random()) for x in range(size) for y in
cost_up = dict(((x, y), random()) for x in range(size) for y in
print min_cost_path(cost_right, cost_up)

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Zooko O'Whielacronx
I'm starting to think that one should use Decimals by default and
reserve floats for special cases.

This is somewhat analogous to the way that Python provides
arbitrarily-big integers by default and Python programmers only use
old-fashioned fixed-size integers for special cases, such as
interoperation with external systems or highly optimized pieces (in
numpy or in native extension modules, for example).

Floats are confusing. I've studied them more than once over the years
but I still can't really predict confidently what floats will do in
various situations.

And most of the time (in my experience) the inputs and outputs to your
system and the literals in your code are actually decimal, so
converting them to float immediately introduces a lossy data
conversion before you've even done any computation. Decimal doesn't
have that problem.

From now on I'll probably try to use Decimals exclusively in all my
new Python code and switch to floats only if I need to interoperate
with an external system that requires floats or I have some tight
inner loop that needs to be highly optimized.



Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread David Cournapeau
On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
 I'm starting to think that one should use Decimals by default and
 reserve floats for special cases.

 This is somewhat analogous to the way that Python provides
 arbitrarily-big integers by default and Python programmers only use
 old-fashioned fixed-size integers for special cases, such as
 interoperation with external systems or highly optimized pieces (in
 numpy or in native extension modules, for example).

I don't think it is analogous at all. Arbitrary-bit integers have a
simple tradeoff: you are willing to lose performance and memory for
bigger integer. If you leave performance aside, there is no downside
that I know of for using big int instead of machine int. Since you
are using python, you already bought this kind of tradeoff anyway.

Decimal vs float is a different matter altogether: decimal has
downsides compared to float. First, there is this irreconcilable fact
that no matter how small your range is, it is impossible to represent
exactly all (even most) numbers exactly with finite memory - float and
decimal are two different solutions to this issue, with different
tradeoffs. Decimal are more intuitive than float for numbers that
can be represented as decimal - but most numbers cannot be represented
as (finite) decimal.

Except for some special usecases, you cannot expect to exactly
represent real numbers. Once you accept that fact, you can make a
decision on decimal, fraction, float or whatever format you see fit.

 And most of the time (in my experience) the inputs and outputs to your
 system and the literals in your code are actually decimal, so
 converting them to float immediately introduces a lossy data
 conversion before you've even done any computation. Decimal doesn't
 have that problem.

That's not true anymore once you start doing any computation, if by
decimal you mean finite decimal. And that will be never true once you
start using non trivial computation (i.e. transcendental functions
like log, exp, etc...).


Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-07 Thread Zooko O'Whielacronx
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 10:04 PM, David Cournapeau wrote:

 Decimal vs float is a different matter altogether: decimal has
 downsides compared to float. First, there is this irreconcilable fact
 that no matter how small your range is, it is impossible to represent
 exactly all (even most) numbers exactly with finite memory - float and
 decimal are two different solutions to this issue, with different
 tradeoffs. Decimal are more intuitive than float for numbers that
 can be represented as decimal - but most numbers cannot be represented
 as (finite) decimal.

This is not a downside of decimal as compared to float, since most
numbers also cannot be represented as float.

 And most of the time (in my experience) the inputs and outputs to your
 system and the literals in your code are actually decimal, so
 converting them to float immediately introduces a lossy data
 conversion before you've even done any computation. Decimal doesn't
 have that problem.

 That's not true anymore once you start doing any computation, if by
 decimal you mean finite decimal.

I don't understand. I described two different problems: problem one is
that the inputs, outputs and literals of your program might be in a
different encoding (in my experience they have most commonly been in
decimal). Problem two is that your computations may be lossy. If the
inputs, outputs and literals of your program are decimal (as they have
been for most of my programs) then using decimal is better than using
float because of problem one. Neither has a strict advantage over the
other in terms of problem two.

(There is also problem zero, which is that floats more confusing,
which is how this thread got started. Problem zero is probably the
most important problem for many cases.)

 And that will be never true once you
 start using non trivial computation (i.e. transcendental functions
 like log, exp, etc...).

I'm sorry, what will never be true? Are you saying that decimals have
a disadvantage compared to floats? If so, what is their disadvantage?

(And do math libraries like help ?)

