Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-05 Thread Magnus Lycka
John J. Lee wrote:
 I guess the same is true of Python in some respects: it's still
 incrementally changing (more than C++, I guess), and isn't all that
 much younger than C++ (around 15 and 23 years old respectively).

But C++ is almost entirely backwards compatible with C, which
adds another dozen years or so...

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-04 Thread John J. Lee
Randall Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Also, a lot of C++'s flaws flow from the fact that it is old and grew
 in lots of increments.

That was a deliberate decision on the part of C++'s designers!-)

I guess the same is true of Python in some respects: it's still
incrementally changing (more than C++, I guess), and isn't all that
much younger than C++ (around 15 and 23 years old respectively).

 In my experience the overhead of explicitly deleting objects in C/C++
 is not the big burden that some argue here is the biggest reason to use
 Python instead of C++.

Should we be entirely surprised that from somebody from a engineering
/ numerical analysis background has that experience?  Fortran 77
didn't even *have* a standard way to do dynamic memory allocation, did
it?  I certainly do think garbage collection is useful in that
context, though...


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-04 Thread John J. Lee
Randall Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The code I'm writing in Python is a test executive to test embedded C
 code. Then tests get written in Python that the test executive
 processes. No, I'm not going to write yet another layer of tests in
 order to compensate for shortcomings in the Python language.

Yeah, despite being a fan of test-first, I don't write tests for tests
either.  That has been true when I've been testing numerical code
written in both C and Python, for example.  If I were writing any sort
of test infrastructure code, however tiny, I would write tests for
that code, regardless of the language.  For those reasons, I don't see
writing tests as compensating for shortcomings of Python.

This discussion reminds me of statistics books that claimed that, just
as a measurement without an error estimate was meaningless, so an
error estimate without its own error estimate was also meaningless.
By that logic, seems all measurement is meaningless :-) (please
everybody note this is meant as a mildly amusing aside, not a point of

  It's also a pain to write unit tests, but it's much more rewarding
  than writing type declarations. Not only does it force you to think
  through the ramifications of changes, but you also document your
  intentions through your tests.
 I do not have time to write unit tests for the Python classes. I  have
 plenty of unit tests to write in Python for the embedded C modules.
 When I run and hit a problem in Python I just  debug it and fix it.
 That's a lot faster than writing unit tests.

As somebody who has worked in both test-first and 'a smattering of
tests' styles, I'm quite sure you're right: when you don't have lots
of unit tests, writing them slows you down.  The benefit to be had
comes when making *changes* to code with *good* unit test coverage.
We all know people whose 'pragmatism' sometimes operates on, um, a
strictly local basis and neglects the impact on a wider scale.  I
think we usually fall into that trap when we fail to write unit tests.

I'm open to the idea that the benefits depend heavily on the sort of
code you're writing, though.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-02 Thread Magnus Lycka
Randall Parker wrote:
 Magnus Lycka wrote:
Randall Parker wrote:

Also, compile time errors get caught sooner. They get caught before
tests even get written.

Not if you do Test Driven Tevelopment. Then you write
the tests before you compile your target code! It's
also my experience that the write test - write code
- run test cycle in TDD with Python is often faster
than the plain edit - compile cycle in C++. More
extensive tests take longer, but so does linking of
C++ code...
 I see a problem with your argument: On the one hand you say that
 Python's lack of type declarations can be compensated for by Test
 Driven Development. But then you say Python has a bigger advantage in
 situations where requirements are not well defined. Well, when
 requirements are in flux and being explored during development it is a
 waste of time to write tests to test against nebulous requirements. TDD
 and poor requirements don't mix very well.

Not at all. Agile development methods such as XP, where TDD is
fundamental, were developed with the purpose of making to easy
to handle changes late in the project. Embrace change as
Kent Beck put it.

Unit tests aren't really used to verify that a whole program system
fulfils all requirements. They're there to verify that a small piece
of code works as the programmer intended. To be effective when the
requirements change, unit tests need to be fairly isolated, so that
one requirements change usually don't affect more than a few tests.

For each change in requirements, most existing requirements hold,
and hopefully, the vast majority of tests would still run correctly.
With a large set of automated unit tests, you can confidently change
your code to fulfill the new requirements without breaking any
existing functionality without noticing.

 As for changing argument types: But this is exactly the sort of
 situation where I find myself getting into trouble in Python. I have to
 change some type and I forget everywhere I've passed it or returned it.

Strange. I very rarely have trouble with this. What happens when you
run your tests? Surely things break in the cases where the type change
cause trouble, and you get tracebacks that tell you exactly what and
where you need to change things. The only difference compared to the
compiler, is that it won't force you to change things in places where
things still work as intended even though a type was changed.

Or...don't you have automated tests? Ouch. If you (like me) feel a
little lazy to write a lot of test scripts, you can use a test tool
such as TextTest, that compares output between test runs, rather than
forcing you to write lots of scripts with plenty of assertions. The
effort required to get started is probably bigger there though. (I
don't really know, it was all set up for me at work.)

 In C++ if I make changes the compiler is going to keep complaining and
 pointing out type clashes I've introduced due to changing a variable's
 type. Granted, it is a pain to change type declarations. But visiting
 those places often makes me think thru the ramifications of changes.

It's also a pain to write unit tests, but it's much more rewarding
than writing type declarations. Not only does it force you to think
through the ramifications of changes, but you also document your
intentions through your tests.

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-02 Thread Randall Parker

Magnus Lycka wrote:

 Or...don't you have automated tests? Ouch. If you (like me) feel a
 little lazy to write a lot of test scripts, you can use a test tool
 such as TextTest, that compares output between test runs, rather than
 forcing you to write lots of scripts with plenty of assertions. The
 effort required to get started is probably bigger there though. (I
 don't really know, it was all set up for me at work.)


The code I'm writing in Python is a test executive to test embedded C
code. Then tests get written in Python that the test executive
processes. No, I'm not going to write yet another layer of tests in
order to compensate for shortcomings in the Python language.

 It's also a pain to write unit tests, but it's much more rewarding
 than writing type declarations. Not only does it force you to think
 through the ramifications of changes, but you also document your
 intentions through your tests.

I do not have time to write unit tests for the Python classes. I  have
plenty of unit tests to write in Python for the embedded C modules.
When I run and hit a problem in Python I just  debug it and fix it.
That's a lot faster than writing unit tests.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Magnus Lycka
Randall Parker wrote:
 C++ provides ways to be type unsafe. Does that mean that C++ is type
 unsafe period? Most code in C++ is going to be type safe. Some
 programmers will never do dangerous casting. Others will do bad things
 with casts.

Sure, but on the other hand, you are really on your own when you
avoid the compile time type safety in C++. While you might get an
exception in Python, which you can handle in your code, or at least
get a traceback from, anything can happen in C++, from data
corruption to core dumps.

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Magnus Lycka
Randall Parker wrote:
 I return objects in Python and in C++. In C++ I can see what their
 types are right on the m method signature. In Python I've got to write
 a comment on the line above it. 

Ouch! Don't do that! As you've noticed, it's not very maintainable.

First of all, if you want to use Python well, embrace it's dynamic
nature, don't try to restrain it! It takes some time to let go of
the static thinking if one is used to it, but try. Just as lots of
programming guidelines (e.g. Parna's Principle and The Law of
Demeter) tells us that we should try to know and depend as little
as possible on the details in other pieces of code, the duck typing
behaviour in Python extends this one step further, to types.

Without proper tests, this might cause more problems than it solves,
but there is no excuse for not having proper automated tests for
software you develop in the 21st century!!!

You *don't* write an unmaintainable comment about what return
type to expect, you write unit tests that shows you how to use
each API that you implement. You run these tests often, fix them
as soon as they break, and you encourage their use as
documentation which describes through examples how to use you
APIs. (Sorry about the imperative tone. It's your life after
all, but don't blame Python for not fitting your style of

You should do that for statically typed languages as well. Knowing
that you got the correct type back gives you no assurance that
you got the right value!

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Magnus Lycka
Randall Parker wrote:
 Also, compile time errors get caught sooner. They get caught before
 tests even get written.

Not if you do Test Driven Tevelopment. Then you write
the tests before you compile your target code! It's
also my experience that the write test - write code
- run test cycle in TDD with Python is often faster
than the plain edit - compile cycle in C++. More
extensive tests take longer, but so does linking of
C++ code...

There is obviously not one way of development which
is optimal in all situations. I've done development
for space equipment as well as business software. In
my experience, software requirements in e.g. aerospace
industry are much more stable. The people responsible
for requirements and specifications are engineers, not
accountants, and they understand systems development.

In typical application development, I'd say that the
effort required to get a finished, reasonably reliable
product is much smaller with Python than with C++. You
might need more tests, but the effort spent on that is
easily outweighed by the time saved by coding in Python
instead of C++, Java etc.

If the requirements are very stable, there is less need
for the kind of flexibility and agility that Python
provides. One of the big advantages with the dynamic
typing in Python is that you get less tight coupling.

For instance, if you have some kind of layered approach
in e.g. C++, and a number of parameters are passed from
one layer to the next in several steps, changing the type
of one parameter will cause changes everywhere in the
communication chain. In Python on the other hand, it's
typically only in the end-points that type changes will
have an impact.

In many development projects, the appropriate requirements
aren't clear from the outset of the project. The problem
in the project is not to implement a number of well defined
protocols in an optimal way, but to provide a solution that
will support the business in an efficient way. Initially,
the problem domain experts and the software developers are
probably far away from each other in their view of the
system, and while the customer knows the business purpose
of the system, it's not at all clear how this will be achieved.

With tools and methods that are rigid and don't support a
flexible and experimental approach, discovering problems
with requirements or analysis in the middle of the project,
might lead to costly and disruptive rewrites or that the
project sticks with a clearly bad solution to avoid the
risks that a rewrite leads to in terms of cost, time and

Sure, big requirements changes late in a software project
will hamper the development whatever tools you use, but
how much these changes costs can probably vary tenfold
depending on tools and methods. With Python and an agile
approach, a late change is usually much cheaper, so it's
not as unreasonable to make this late change that makes
the product much better.

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Magnus Lycka
Jay Parlar wrote:
 Well guess what: The *only* code you'll have to change is inside the 
 function returning the object, none of the callers would have to change. 
 That's completely different from C++, where you'll have to change not 
 only the return type and the function, but you'll also have to change 
 every single calling function to be aware of this new db object. And not 
 just how the callers store the returned object, but also how they use 
 that object. That's a LOT of work, for really no gain.

Part of the problem is that both standard Python and C++ lacks the
concept of defining an interface. Whether we deal with C++ or Python,
we need to understand what we can do with a return value, or what kind
of interface a parameter we send to a function needs to provide. In
Python, this is implicit. The compiler doesn't force us to do the right
thing, and a programmer can make a mess by doing it wrong. In C++ it's
the opposite. By demanding a particular type, we restrain ourself to
using a set of values which is much smaller than the logic calls for,
or we can throw away all type checks by e.g. casting to void pointers.

I don't have enough experience with languages that provide interfaces,
such as Java, to understand how useful they are, but it's my impression
that they are too cumbersome to use fully. As far as I understand, most
Java APIs use types more than interfaces for parameters and return
values. (I browsed the Java API docs at, and as far as I
see, it seems the APIs always require parameters of distinct classes
or types, and return values of particular types or classes.)

I know that there have been attempts to provide interfaces in Python,
and it seems Zope Interfaces are getting a decent following, but
I don't think anyting like that will ever take the place that type
declarations of all function and class declarations have in e.g.
C++. It's too difficult to make interfaces so convenient and
flexible that they could be used generally in Python without taking
away a lot of power.

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Magnus Lycka
Jens Theisen wrote:
 Jay wrote:
 How much time in your C/C++ code is spent casting and trying to
trick the compiler into doing something that it thinks you shouldn't be
 Not much frankly. Though I have no doubt that there is a lot of code that  
 does, but more so in older C++ code.

I think the real difference between Python and C++ code in this
respect is rather how easy it is to adapt the code to a change in
requirements. How many lines of code of C++ or Python needs to be
changed when you get a particular change request. There are some
cases where the Python programmer will simply smile and say, that
already works (well, he should probably write a test case and run
that first), where the C++ programmer gets to do a lot of changes
to his code. Usually, the difference is probably smaller than that,
but the Python coder is probably less nervous about change requests
(provided that he has proper automated tests)...

There is probably more logical duplication in the C++ code, with
different code snippets handling different cases where one set of
Python code works with several differnt types. Changes in the
semantics of these functions lead to changes in one place for the
Python coder, and several changes for the C++ coder, which means
a risk that a fix is partially implemented, and works in some cases
but fails in others.

Because in all of my own industry experience, it's been MUCH easier to
jump into someone else's Python code than someone else's C++ code (and
at my last job, I had to do a lot of both). I find Python to be much
more self-documenting, because there's not so much scaffolding all over
the place obfuscating the true intention of the code.

I'm sure this depends a lot on what people are used to.
I had to provide source code for inspection for a job
interview, and the reviewers (who write both C++ and
Python) said that they felt that my code was more difficult
to understand than the other code samples (which were in
C++ or Java). (I still got a job though.)

This might be because I'm a crappy programmer, or because
the other people typically handed in some university project
they had been fully in charge of and written for the purpose
of examination, while my code had been changed over a few
years based on the whim of a fairly non-technical customer,
and only ever read by me. It might be because my code dealt
with a more complex problem, or at least something that was
difficult for the reviewers to grasp. It could also be because
the reviewers were more used to C++. They said that they felt
that the lack of .h-files made it difficult for them to get
an overview of the code, but it didn't seem that they used
anything like pydoc to get a picture of the API. In other
words, your milage might vary, and the choice of programming
language is just one among many factors that influence how
easy it is to read code.

Having said that, I agree: It's typically easier to get into
someone else's Python code. Particularly when so-called C++
code is really C with lots of globals, no classes and 63
pages of functions (many of which are several pages long,
the longest being 13 pages) which often modify the global
variables. (Yes, I have such a nice thing on my table now.
Happily, I don't have to maintain it. I'm writing a Python
program that partially does the same thing, but I doubt this
program will help me understand the problems involved, or
help me find optimal solutions...)

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Randall Parker
Magnus Lycka wrote:
 Randall Parker wrote:
  Also, compile time errors get caught sooner. They get caught before
  tests even get written.

 Not if you do Test Driven Tevelopment. Then you write
 the tests before you compile your target code! It's
 also my experience that the write test - write code
 - run test cycle in TDD with Python is often faster
 than the plain edit - compile cycle in C++. More
 extensive tests take longer, but so does linking of
 C++ code...


I see a problem with your argument: On the one hand you say that
Python's lack of type declarations can be compensated for by Test
Driven Development. But then you say Python has a bigger advantage in
situations where requirements are not well defined. Well, when
requirements are in flux and being explored during development it is a
waste of time to write tests to test against nebulous requirements. TDD
and poor requirements don't mix very well.

As for changing argument types: But this is exactly the sort of
situation where I find myself getting into trouble in Python. I have to
change some type and I forget everywhere I've passed it or returned it.
In C++ if I make changes the compiler is going to keep complaining and
pointing out type clashes I've introduced due to changing a variable's
type. Granted, it is a pain to change type declarations. But visiting
those places often makes me think thru the ramifications of changes.

Also, I've been on projects where the whole purpose of my code has been
to test equations and control laws (this was for space probes to places
like Eros and Saturn btw). We were certainly doing test driven
development in one sense. But the assumption the systems engineers
wanted to make was that the algorithms were written correctly in code
and that if the system didn't behave correctly then the problem was in
the algorithms, not in the code. We therefore were not in a position to
do test drive development on the code itself.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Donn Cave
 Granted, it is a pain to change type declarations.

I see it is time for the bi-monthly reminder that C++ is not
the ideal example of strong static typing, unless you just
want to make it look bad.  Cf. Hindley-Milner type inference.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Paul Boddie
Magnus Lycka wrote:
 In C++ it's the opposite. By demanding a particular type, we restrain
 ourself to using a set of values which is much smaller than the logic
 calls for, or we can throw away all type checks by e.g. casting to void

The main reason for evading the type system in such a severe fashion in
C++ is to break out of class hierarchies (noting that downcasting is
achievable in a slightly safer fashion). Ideally, one would design
class hierarchies in such a way that such break-outs are avoided, but
this can involve a lot of argument/discussion about design/architecture
that is mostly unnecessary with Python.

 I don't have enough experience with languages that provide interfaces,
 such as Java, to understand how useful they are, but it's my impression
 that they are too cumbersome to use fully.

My experience is the opposite: if one follows the recommended practices
with Java, the flavour of object-orientation employed is more
interface-oriented than anything else. Ages ago, there was a trend
towards describing class relationships using conformance rather than
inheritance; that there's still an incentive to rely more on
inheritance in Python-based systems has a lot to do with Python's
arguably better support for inheritance than Java, that doing away with
multiple inheritance in Java forced people to look at other ways to
model their information, and that conformance is typically dynamic and
implicit in Python anyway.

 As far as I understand, most Java APIs use types more than interfaces
 for parameters and return values. (I browsed the Java API docs at,
 and as far as I see, it seems the APIs always require parameters of distinct
 classes or types, and return values of particular types or classes.)

I can't comment on most Java APIs, but if you look at established
packages like and java.util, both are heavy on interface usage.

 I know that there have been attempts to provide interfaces in Python,
 and it seems Zope Interfaces are getting a decent following, but
 I don't think anyting like that will ever take the place that type
 declarations of all function and class declarations have in e.g.
 C++. It's too difficult to make interfaces so convenient and
 flexible that they could be used generally in Python without taking
 away a lot of power.

Generally, interfaces provide a fairly convenient means of expressing
the capabilities of objects whilst providing information that can be
useful, in conjunction with a suitably designed runtime environment, in
the generation of fairly well-optimised code. In a sense, what you say
about taking away a lot of power is highly appropriate: by imposing
an interface system on Python, it's quite likely that one could gain
performance and a certain measure of predictability whilst losing
certain dynamic aspects of the language. I personally wonder whether
it's worth speculatively imposing such prescriptive measures whose
burden is on the programmer and where the programmer is likely to spend
a lot of time trying to work around them.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Randall Parker

More generally: One must keep in mind that advantages and disadvantages
of specific implementations of language concepts are not always
indications of flaws in those concepts. Real languages have real flaws
from bad design choices which cause them to fall short of what those
languages could achieve.

My own experience with Python and C++ is that C++ could be improved to
gain it at least some of Python's advantages. After programming in
Python for a while and then switching back to C++ my reaction is that
C++ needs some features added to its syntax and to its RTL to make it
easier to do some of the things that are much easier to do in Python.

Also, a lot of C++'s flaws flow from the fact that it is old and grew
in lots of increments.

In my experience the overhead of explicitly deleting objects in C/C++
is not the big burden that some argue here is the biggest reason to use
Python instead of C++. I find Python easier to use more for how it
implements lists, dictionaries, standard libs for things like sockets,
and other areas which require more work and less portability in C++.

C++ needs a new standard toolbox and some new keywords to make loops
and other things easier to do.

Donn Cave wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Granted, it is a pain to change type declarations.

 I see it is time for the bi-monthly reminder that C++ is not
 the ideal example of strong static typing, unless you just
 want to make it look bad.  Cf. Hindley-Milner type inference.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Donn Cave
 Randall Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 More generally: One must keep in mind that advantages and disadvantages
 of specific implementations of language concepts are not always
 indications of flaws in those concepts.

Sure.  And of course, the nominal topic wasn't really the
concepts, but more about two actual languages, so in that
respect my point was a little off base - it's only germane
to the little religious war that usually comes along at
this point.  The endlessly rehashed arguments in that context
should be about whether you can test everything, whether
types convey semantics, etc.  Let us forget about whether
explicit typing is too much overhead, since it isn't required
in principle.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-02-01 Thread Paul Rubin
Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sure, but on the other hand, you are really on your own when you
 avoid the compile time type safety in C++.

But it's almost impossible to avoid.  Does *p point to a valid object,
or to unallocated memory?  C++ has no way to tell this at compile

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-31 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2006-01-30, Magnus Lycka schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Donn Cave wrote:
 If we give him credit for having some idea of what he's talking about,
 then we could perhaps read his encourages as makes trivially easy.
 These two languages are in such different levels with introspection
 that it seems kind of disingenuous to me to make this argument, frankly.

 My impression when I compare Python with e.g. Java is this:
 Java is designed to make to difficult to do the wrong thing.
 Python is designed to make it easy to do the right thing.

That seems to depend on which part of the community you are
talking to. Some do argue that some features shouldn't be
included in the language because the risk of bugs by those
who don't understand how to use it properly, is too high.

That even seems to be the way the BDFL feels about things.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-31 Thread Randall Parker
Alex Martelli wrote:

 The but without declaration it can't be self-documenting issue is a
 red herring.  Reading, e.g.:

 int zappolop(int frep) { ...

 gives me no _useful_ self-documenting information about the role and
 meaning of frep, or zappolop's result.  The code's author must obviously
 add a little comment here to clarify -- and in that little comment,
 adding the information about type, if at all relevant, is an obvious

Yes, one can use such simple types that the types do not tell you that
much. They do tell you something though. The arg and return types are
not list structures for example. They aren't floats either.

However, C/C++ at least provide a way to make types tell you far more.
For example, one could declare enum types:

typedef enum MyArgType
   // a bunch of enum const names here
} MyArgType;
typedef enum MyResultType
   // another bunch of enum const names
} MyResultType;

Then your example above becomes

MyResultType zappolop(MyArgType frep) { ...

 and that's a lot more insightful.

I return objects in Python and in C++. In C++ I can see what their
types are right on the m method signature. In Python I've got to write
a comment on the line above it. If I change what type I return and
forget to change the comment then the code isn't correctly documented
anymore. I've done recently and found out with a runtime error while
testing the Python. In C++ if I'd changed the return type the compiler
would have told me if I didn't use it that way somewhere else.

There are a lot of stages at which to reduce the chance of bugs. While
coding an editor can give you more help with code completion if you
have more static typing. At compile time the compiler can tell you
about errors if it knows the types you are using.

I use PyChecker and PyLint and while they are incredibly helpful (and
I'm grateful to their authors just as I am to Python's developers) they
do not tell me as much as Borland's C++ compiler does. I get more
runtime errors with my Python code than with my C++ code.

Still, I find Python useful and better than C++ in some situations.
But I wish it provided better options for allowing me to indicate types
so that more errors could get caught sooner and so that editor code
completion could be smarter.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-31 Thread Randall Parker

The point of doing compile time and test time checking is the same
reason militaries use layered defenses: More problems get caught. I've
written tons of software tests and architected a testing system for an
entire aircraft. I've also watched lots of errors get by tests.

Also, compile time errors get caught sooner. They get caught before
tests even get written.

Plus, tests become just another layer that needs testing. They also
become another layer that can get out of synch with the rest of the

As for casting away type safety: Sure, you can make C/C++ type unsafe.
But that's optional. You can use the type safety if you want to. Most
peope use the compiler's type checking because it is more effort to
cast away type checking than it is to use it.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-31 Thread Peter Hansen
Randall Parker wrote:
 The point of doing compile time and test time checking is the same
 reason militaries use layered defenses: More problems get caught. I've
 written tons of software tests and architected a testing system for an
 entire aircraft. I've also watched lots of errors get by tests.

Hmm... with that analogy, I would have to say that most people who 
strongly advocate static typing and compiler tests are really relying 
solely on their perimeter guards.  They seem to think that provides 
sufficient defense, and forget to finish the fortress walls.  That is, 
they often don't do adequate tests.

Those of us who have really strong fortress walls might sometimes be 
willing to forego the perimeter guard, perhaps unwisely, but at least we 
know immediately when we're under attack.

 Plus, tests become just another layer that needs testing. They also
 become another layer that can get out of synch with the rest of the

Not if you are doing test-driven development, at least.  In that case by 
definition if you're out of sync, it's the code which is failing the 
test because the test defines what the code should be doing.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-31 Thread Jay Parlar

Randall Parker wrote:
 Alex Martelli wrote:

 The but without declaration it can't be self-documenting issue is a
 red herring.  Reading, e.g.:

 int zappolop(int frep) { ...

 gives me no _useful_ self-documenting information about the role and
 meaning of frep, or zappolop's result.  The code's author must 
 add a little comment here to clarify -- and in that little comment,
 adding the information about type, if at all relevant, is an obvious

 Yes, one can use such simple types that the types do not tell you that
 much. They do tell you something though. The arg and return types are
 not list structures for example. They aren't floats either.

 However, C/C++ at least provide a way to make types tell you far more.
 For example, one could declare enum types:

 typedef enum MyArgType
// a bunch of enum const names here
 } MyArgType;
 typedef enum MyResultType
// another bunch of enum const names
 } MyResultType;

 Then your example above becomes

 MyResultType zappolop(MyArgType frep) { ...

  and that's a lot more insightful.

Except once a type starts to get a little bit complicated, you're not 
going to be able to keep it in your head, and you'll have to go back 
to the C++ definition of the type anyway when you want to know what it 
does. Much like you'd have to go back to the Python source of a class. 
(This is of course assuming that you put a comment in your Python code 
saying that a certain kind of class is expected. I find it's obvious 
about 80% of the time what's expected).

 I return objects in Python and in C++. In C++ I can see what their
 types are right on the m method signature. In Python I've got to write
 a comment on the line above it. If I change what type I return and
 forget to change the comment then the code isn't correctly documented
 anymore. I've done recently and found out with a runtime error while
 testing the Python. In C++ if I'd changed the return type the compiler
 would have told me if I didn't use it that way somewhere else.

Yeah, but you can't *just* change the type you're returning, and expect 
to be done. You'll also have to change the source code of the function 
to actually return something of that type. And you'll have to change 
all the places where the function is called, to make sure that the 
caller is storing the result in an appropriately typed variable.

Often times in Python, the thing you're returning is useful because of 
duck-typing, not because it's actually of a particular class. Maybe in 
some piece of code, you're returning a file() object, and all the 
callers really care about is the ability to do a read() and write() on 
that object.

Maybe later in the lifecycle of your program, you no longer store 
things in the filesystem directly, but in a database. You'd have to 
change your function such that it no longer returns a file() object, 
but some object that instead is connecting to a database. But you still 
only need to call read() and write() on it.

Well guess what: The *only* code you'll have to change is inside the 
function returning the object, none of the callers would have to 
change. That's completely different from C++, where you'll have to 
change not only the return type and the function, but you'll also have 
to change every single calling function to be aware of this new db 
object. And not just how the callers store the returned object, but 
also how they use that object. That's a LOT of work, for really no 

And that's the ENTIRE point (as I see it) of the Python typing system. 
Usually you know what you want to do, and you shouldn't have to fight 
to do it.

If you haven't heard the term duck typing before, Wikipedia has a 
decent page on it, and a simple Google search will return many more 

 There are a lot of stages at which to reduce the chance of bugs. While
 coding an editor can give you more help with code completion if you
 have more static typing. At compile time the compiler can tell you
 about errors if it knows the types you are using.

Yeah, but it can only tell you about type errors, and those aren't 
really critical. They're the kind of error that takes a second to fix 
when found. Yet *how much* time is often spent fighting with a compiler 
to make it accept the types you actually want to use?

 I use PyChecker and PyLint and while they are incredibly helpful (and
 I'm grateful to their authors just as I am to Python's developers) they
 do not tell me as much as Borland's C++ compiler does. I get more
 runtime errors with my Python code than with my C++ code.

That's to be expected, but the time needed to get to a runtime error is 
so much less in Python (especially if you've got good unit/integration 
tests). I recommend you bring IPython into your development tools, so 
you can easily import small parts of your code and hand test them in 

 Still, I find Python useful and better than C++ in some situations.
 But I wish it provided better options 

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-31 Thread Jens Theisen
Jay wrote:

 You can do both, but why? *Especially* in a language like C++, where
 thanks to pointers and casting, there really isn't any type safety
 anyway. How much time in your C/C++ code is spent casting and trying to
 trick the compiler into doing something that it thinks you shouldn't be

Not much frankly. Though I have no doubt that there is a lot of code that  
does, but more so in older C++ code.

 How does type safety tell you anything about the current usage of your

Quite a bit; of course, it's doesn't cover everything and clearly testing  
the semantics is still needed, but a lot of what code is used in what way  
is described by the type system. And I admit that I'm used to use the type  
system as documentation of what's going on.

 And unit tests *might* not tell about the current usage, but
 integration tests certainly do.

Of course tests will cover a lot what static typing does and more. I'm  
just claiming that they can support each other.

 I don't think I've ever seen anyone advocating calling a function like
 getattr(obj foo + bar)(). You can do some very powerful things with
 getattr, thanks to Python's dynamic nature, but I don't think anyone is
 recommending calling a function like that.

A lot of people got me wrong on that, please see Paul's postings. I really  
didn't mean that literally.

 And is that fear based simply on feeling, or on actual experience.

The former, that's why I did start this branch of the thread, though I'm  
already regretting it.

 Because in all of my own industry experience, it's been MUCH easier to
 jump into someone else's Python code than someone else's C++ code (and
 at my last job, I had to do a lot of both). I find Python to be much
 more self-documenting, because there's not so much scaffolding all over
 the place obfuscating the true intention of the code.

That really depends on who's code you're looking at, as in any language. I  
can believe there are more C++ obfuscaters out there than ones for Python.

I usually have little problems jumping into C++ code of other people but  
the principle reason for that will be that the people I'm working with  
have a very clean and expressive coding style.

 You need to look at doctest:
 With doctest, tests are EXACTLY where the code is. I've used doctest
 with incredibly successful results, in industry.

That's indeed a good point for Python.

 Reference counting by itself is not necessarily sufficient (because of
 circular references). That's why even Python, with its reference
 counting based system, has additional capabilities for finding circular

Whenever I encountered the need for circular references it was because an  
object, that was in some sense owned by another, needed a pointer back to  
it's owner. That solved easily with non-owning C-style pointers or weak  

If you have an example where this is not sufficient, I'd be *very* keen on  
hearing it (it may be easy, I don't know).

 I believe that Alex's official job title at Google is Uber Technical
 Lead. I'm sure I'll quickly be corrected if that's wrong, but trust me
 (and everyone else who's spent significant time reading c.l.p.) that
 Alex Martelli knows what he's talking about.

You seem to be thinking that I was ironic. That was certainly not my  
intention. I was just trying to minimise the amount of flames I'll be  

 A lot of your arguments are the very typical arguments that people levy
 against Python, when they're first around it. And that's fine, most
 people go through that. They are taught programming in C++ or Java, and
 that that *that* is the way you're supposed to program. Then they see
 that Python does things in different ways, and automatically assume
 that Python is doing it wrong.

I'm sorry to hear this, and whilst I'm certainly lacking experience in  
Python, I'm not one of those people.

 All I can say is that if you spend time with Python (and more
 importantly, read quality, well-established Python code that's already
 out there), you'll see and understand the Python way of doing things.

I will.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-31 Thread Jens Theisen
Paul wrote:

 Or should I be looking for some other context here?

Three people were looking at the wrong one, thanks for putting this right.

I really should not have given my point that briefly.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-31 Thread Randall Parker
But languages that share some weakness typically do not share it
equally. Three languages can have some way to do X (which some might
find undesirable while others find it great) but two of the languages
might make it easy to solve problems without ever doing X while the
third language might make it impossible or at least very difficult to
solve problems without doing X.

C++ provides ways to be type unsafe. Does that mean that C++ is type
unsafe period? Most code in C++ is going to be type safe. Some
programmers will never do dangerous casting. Others will do bad things
with casts.

I really think one has to factor in probabilities rather than state
comparisons between languages in simpler terms.

I also think that the number of ways problem domains differ that affect
language choice varry in a lot more ways than, say, whether they have
garbage collection built in. Maybe in Google where the coding is
primarily for servers the need or lack thereof for explicit control
over memory allocation is by itself reason enough to say yes or no to
C++. But in other companies solving very different sets of problems
(e.g. embedded devices with no operating system or embedded devices
with limited RAM or limited CPU or an OS with few languages available)
a lot of other factors play in the equation.

Alex Martelli wrote:

 The context is: can any other language be different in this respect?
 Only by not allowing *any* way to get symbols dynamically, and therefore
 by substantially reducing the real-world cases in which it's usable.
 C++ (with dlopen/dlsym and equivalent libraries on other platforms, with
 dynamic_cast, ...) and Java (with 'reflection' etc) do afford this
 functionality, albeit in more cumbersome ways than Python.  Therefore,
 if the inability to verify that a function named 'foobar' is in fact
 never called anywhere is a weakness, it's a weakness shared by all of
 these languages.  The originator of this thread appeared to assume that
 it was a weakness of Python and not of C++...


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Volker Grabsch wrote:

 Any programming language allows you to do strange/stupid stuff. But none
 of them encourages it. 

One word: Intercal.




Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-30 Thread Magnus Lycka
Donn Cave wrote:
 If we give him credit for having some idea of what he's talking about,
 then we could perhaps read his encourages as makes trivially easy.
 These two languages are in such different levels with introspection
 that it seems kind of disingenuous to me to make this argument, frankly.

My impression when I compare Python with e.g. Java is this:
Java is designed to make to difficult to do the wrong thing.
Python is designed to make it easy to do the right thing.

Designing the language so that potentially problematic
constructs are obscure and difficult to do is not considered
a virtue in the Python community. If something is difficult
to use, people will make more mistakes trying to use it. The
right design choices should be actively encouraged by making
them easy and accessible, not by making the alternatives hard.

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Dan Lowe enlightened us with:
 I'm on my second major mail system deployment built around Exim, and
 would recommend it to anybody needing a robust, flexible mail

Same here. I used Sendmail, QMail, Exim 3 and Exim 4, and out of
those, Exim 4 came out winner.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Jens Theisen
Nicolas wrote:

 My two latest problems with coding in C++ are due to the environments :
 libraries using different string types and the whole problem with the
 building system. I love the language, but I get a much better leverage
 through Python and Java due to the quality and ease of use of their
 built-in and third party libraries. I use C++ only for my core data
 structure (namely a tuned version of a ternary search tree which I use
 to build full text indices).

Those points are all valid. I'm using Python for that reason. And there is  
another point that there are good Python bindings for the the more  
important C libraries, but usually no decent C++ wrapper for it.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Jens Theisen
Alex wrote:

 Since Robert Martin and Bruce Eckel (the authors of the two documents
 linked above) are both acknowledged gurus of statically typechecked
 languages such as C++, the convergence of their thinking and experience
 indicated by those documents is interesting.

Indeed, especially Eckels article shed some light about testing as an  
alternative to static typing. I still can't quite understand why you can't  
do both. Clearly unit tests should be part of any software, not only  
Python software.

Test failures, however, don't tell you anything about the current usage of  
your program - just about the inteded usage at the point where the test  
was writte. Clearly you can't test _anything_? And clearly you can never  
be sure that all you collegues did so as well? This not only about type  
safety, but simply name safety.

What do you do when you want to no if a certain method or function is  
actually used from somewhere, say foobar, it a language which allows  
(and even encourages) that it could be called by:

getattr(obj, foo + bar)()


There is no systematic way to find this call.

In C++, just commend out the definition and the compiler will tell you.

I'm pretty sure I red a PEP about static type safety in Python at some  
point. It was even thinking about generics I think.

 The but without declaration it can't be self-documenting issue is a
 red herring.  Reading, e.g.:

 int zappolop(int frep) { ...

 gives me no _useful_ self-documenting information

That's true. If the programmer wants to obfuscate his intention, I'm sure  
neither Python nor C++ can stop him. The question is how much more work is  
to write comprehensible code in one language or the other. I'm a bit  
afraid about Python on that matter.

Python provides ways to easy literal documentation. But I'd really like to  
have a way of indicating what I'm talking about in a way that's ensured to  
be in-sync with the code. Tests are not where the code is. I have  
difficulties remembering the type of a lot of symbols, and looking at  
testing code to fresh up usage is more difficult that just jumping to the  
definition (which the development envirnment is likely to be able to).

 [smart pointers and GC]

As you say, smart pointers are not full-blown garbage collection, which is  
usually what you want, isn't it? I my (admittedly short) life as a  
professional developer I have not yet come accross a situation where  
reference counting was not sufficient to model the memory management.

As for the locking: Apart from locking your whatever you need to lock in  
your user code, I don't think any special locking is necessary for the  
memory management. Smart pointer can increment and decrement their ref  
counts atomically as far as I know.

We use boost::shared_ptr in multi-threaded code just out of the box. We  
also use a reference counted string implementation in multi threaded code.

 At Google, we collectively have rather a lot of experience in these
 issues, since we use three general-purpose languages: Python, Java, C++.

I have no doubt that goolge know what they're doing, and if you're working  
there then you're likely to know what you're talking about.

I found it especially astonishing what you had to say against the use of  
smart pointers.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Jay Parlar
 Indeed, especially Eckels article shed some light about testing as an
 alternative to static typing. I still can't quite understand why you 
 do both. Clearly unit tests should be part of any software, not only
 Python software.

You can do both, but why? *Especially* in a language like C++, where 
thanks to pointers and casting, there really isn't any type safety 
anyway. How much time in your C/C++ code is spent casting and trying to 
trick the compiler into doing something that it thinks you shouldn't be 

 Test failures, however, don't tell you anything about the current 
 usage of
 your program - just about the inteded usage at the point where the test
 was writte. Clearly you can't test _anything_? And clearly you can 
 be sure that all you collegues did so as well? This not only about type
 safety, but simply name safety.

How does type safety tell you anything about the current usage of your 
program? All static types can tell you is what the input/output types 
should be, and in no way show any semantic relationship between actual 
output and the input. Tests can do that.

And unit tests *might* not tell about the current usage, but 
integration tests certainly do.

 What do you do when you want to no if a certain method or function is
 actually used from somewhere, say foobar, it a language which allows
 (and even encourages) that it could be called by:

 getattr(obj, foo + bar)()


 There is no systematic way to find this call.

 In C++, just commend out the definition and the compiler will tell you.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone advocating calling a function like 
getattr(obj foo + bar)(). You can do some very powerful things with 
getattr, thanks to Python's dynamic nature, but I don't think anyone is 
recommending calling a function like that.

 That's true. If the programmer wants to obfuscate his intention, I'm 
 neither Python nor C++ can stop him. The question is how much more 
 work is
 to write comprehensible code in one language or the other. I'm a bit
 afraid about Python on that matter.

And is that fear based simply on feeling, or on actual experience. 
Because in all of my own industry experience, it's been MUCH easier to 
jump into someone else's Python code than someone else's C++ code (and 
at my last job, I had to do a lot of both). I find Python to be much 
more self-documenting, because there's not so much scaffolding all over 
the place obfuscating the true intention of the code.

 Python provides ways to easy literal documentation. But I'd really 
 like to
 have a way of indicating what I'm talking about in a way that's 
 ensured to
 be in-sync with the code. Tests are not where the code is. I have
 difficulties remembering the type of a lot of symbols, and looking at
 testing code to fresh up usage is more difficult that just jumping to 
 definition (which the development envirnment is likely to be able to).

You need to look at doctest:
With doctest, tests are EXACTLY where the code is. I've used doctest 
with incredibly successful results, in industry.

 [smart pointers and GC]

 As you say, smart pointers are not full-blown garbage collection, 
 which is
 usually what you want, isn't it? I my (admittedly short) life as a
 professional developer I have not yet come accross a situation where
 reference counting was not sufficient to model the memory management.

Reference counting by itself is not necessarily sufficient (because of 
circular references). That's why even Python, with its reference 
counting based system, has additional capabilities for finding circular 

 At Google, we collectively have rather a lot of experience in these
 issues, since we use three general-purpose languages: Python, Java, 

 I have no doubt that goolge know what they're doing, and if you're 
 there then you're likely to know what you're talking about.

I believe that Alex's official job title at Google is Uber Technical 
Lead. I'm sure I'll quickly be corrected if that's wrong, but trust me 
(and everyone else who's spent significant time reading c.l.p.) that 
Alex Martelli knows what he's talking about.

A lot of your arguments are the very typical arguments that people levy 
against Python, when they're first around it. And that's fine, most 
people go through that. They are taught programming in C++ or Java, and 
that that *that* is the way you're supposed to program. Then they see 
that Python does things in different ways, and automatically assume 
that Python is doing it wrong.

All I can say is that if you spend time with Python (and more 
importantly, read quality, well-established Python code that's already 
out there), you'll see and understand the Python way of doing things.

Jay P.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Peter Hansen
Jens Theisen wrote:
 Test failures, however, don't tell you anything about the current usage of  
 your program - just about the inteded usage at the point where the test  
 was writte. Clearly you can't test _anything_? And clearly you can never  
 be sure that all you collegues did so as well? This not only about type  
 safety, but simply name safety.
 What do you do when you want to no if a certain method or function is  
 actually used from somewhere, say foobar, it a language which allows  
 (and even encourages) that it could be called by:
 getattr(obj, foo + bar)()
 There is no systematic way to find this call.

While this isn't really a test, as you are really asking about 
something to do with managing your code base, it is quite possible to 
write a test which *does* check whether foobar() is called, and even to 
pinpoint all places from which it is called, if that's really what you 
want to do.  Believing you can't do that suggests you have no real 
experience with writing tests for code, so it might be best not to argue 
so strenuously against them.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Jens Theisen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Indeed, especially Eckels article shed some light about testing as an
 alternative to static typing. I still can't quite understand why you can't
 do both. Clearly unit tests should be part of any software, not only
 Python software.

Clearly.  Given this, adding static typing as well still has all the
costs in terms of productivity, but much diminished benefits.  So it's
not a question of can't, but of not worth the cost.

 Test failures, however, don't tell you anything about the current usage of
 your program - just about the inteded usage at the point where the test
 was writte. Clearly you can't test _anything_? And clearly you can never
 be sure that all you collegues did so as well? This not only about type
 safety, but simply name safety.

So you are now arguing against any kind of introspection abilities?  Do
dlopen and dlsym sap the power you attribute to C++, then?

 What do you do when you want to no if a certain method or function is
 actually used from somewhere, say foobar, it a language which allows
 (and even encourages) that it could be called by:
 getattr(obj, foo + bar)()

Encourages?  What a silly assertion.  Python makes introspection
easier than Java's Reflection, C#'s similar capabilities, and C/C++'s
primitive dlopen/dlsym, but the existence of similar dynamic name
resolution abilities in each of these languages reflects similar
underlying real needs.  The functionality is there for those cases in
which it's needed, but it's silly to use it when not needed.

 There is no systematic way to find this call.
 In C++, just commend out the definition and the compiler will tell you.

You're too optimistic re C++: given its complex rules, the compiler
might well find a different 'foobar' once you comment out that one.

But more: if that function is called via dlopen and dlsym, or similar
functionalities on Windows etc, what can the compiler tell you?  It will
tell you nothing, and if you take that as meaning the function is not
called, you're in for a surprise.

So, in C++ like in any of the other languages offering handier
introspection facilities, Python included, you need integration tests
(harder than unit tests) or heuristics based on source analysis (which
won't catch the cases in which the namestrings are constructed

If you're arguing against introspection and dynamic libraries, then
you're not arguing against Python per se, but rather against the whole
grain of modern component-oriented development; since C++, as much as
Java, Python and C#, is most often used for such kind of development,
you should take the debate to a more general forum.

 I'm pretty sure I red a PEP about static type safety in Python at some
 point. It was even thinking about generics I think.

You're probably thinking of Guido's musings in his blog, never actually
formalized to the point of being a PEP.  Of course, he soon realized
that there was nothing static about the typechecking functionality he
was (and is) thinking of introducing in Python 3000 -- it's entirely
dynamic, just like a Java cast or a C++ dynamic_cast.  Just like
decorators are just syntax sugar over existing higher-order-function
possibilities, so the typing checks will be syntax sugar over either
existing or propoposed (my PEP246) dynamic adaptation ones.

E.g., you may (in a few years when Python3000 comes) write:

def f(x: Foo): ...

just like you may write (in fewer years if and when PEP246 is accepted):

def f(x):
   x = adapt(x, Foo)

or perhaps (if PEP246 is rejected) the semantics will be

def f(x):
   assert isinstance(x, Foo)

Syntax sugar matters: people will be vastly more likely to use
adaptation or typechecking if a nice syntax is provided, just like they
now use HOFs more freely thanks to decorator syntax.  But it does not in
any way change the abilities of the language, there's nothing static
about it, and it doesn't really address any of the criticisms such as
yours -- although it may reduce the volume of complaints if it takes
good understanding of the language to realize the functionality is
indeed dynamic, but that's just like saying that Java's goofy:

  zap = (Zapper) gup;

is better than C++'s more explicit:

  zap = dynamic_castZapper(gup);

because the latter immediately ADMITS it's dynamic, while the former
LOOKS (confusingly;-) more static (even though its semantics isn't).

I prefer truth in advertising: call dynamic what's dynamic, let the
critics criticize (just like they criticize dynamic_cast), and ignore
them (except when you're looking for excuses not to work, just like I'm
doing now since I should be slaving over the 2nd edition of my Nutshell

  The but without declaration it can't be self-documenting issue is a
  red herring.  Reading, e.g.:
  int zappolop(int frep) { ...
  gives me no _useful_ self-documenting information
 That's true. If the programmer wants to obfuscate his intention, I'm sure

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Jay Parlar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Because in all of my own industry experience, it's been MUCH easier to
 jump into someone else's Python code than someone else's C++ code (and
 at my last job, I had to do a lot of both). I find Python to be much 
 more self-documenting, because there's not so much scaffolding all over
 the place obfuscating the true intention of the code.

In the average, you're right.  However, if you can rely on ALL the code
in question being brilliantly well designed, written by programmers of
unbelievably high quality, in full and strict adherence to rigorous
coding-style guides (which absolutely forbid the use of LARGE slices of
each language) and a reasonably thorough process (mandatory code reviews
before anything is committed, mandatory testing, the works), the issue
is substantially ameliorated.  It does remain true that the amount of
Python code needed to implement any given functionality X is smaller
than the amount of C++ code needed for the same purpose, of course; the
amount of effort to understand a codebase of uniformly high quality
being roughly proportional to the size of that codebase, Python will
still be advantageous.  But by, oh, some small factor (maybe a factor of
2? surely not as high as 5), NOT orders of magnitude.

If the design, the programmers, the coding-style, and-or the process are
of lesser quality, then you're in trouble either way, and I will concede
that the situation degrades faster for C++ -- not only does it offer
people more ways to get themselves into trouble, but unless you can
count on uniformly high quality the effort is not just linearly
proportional to the size of the codebase, it grows much faster than
that, so the lack of scaffolding and other factors making Python more
expressive do matter more.

Still, if I was back to working as a freelance consultant and got hired
to fix a problem situation, I wouldn't _start_ by recommending a switch
from Java or C++ to Python as the highest-urgency issue: I would first
focus on people (both as individual and teams), process, design, and
tack language (including style) and other technological issues
(including choice of tools, frameworks, libraries, etc) as being, while
undoubtedly important, of slightly lesser urgency.  Don't get me wrong:
using the most appropriate technologies does make a big difference; but
it's too easy a temptation to focus on technological silver bullets
and assume they can just fix things if ``softer'' but at least as
crucial problems are left to keep festering in the background.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Jim Segrave
abhinav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
ya its supposed to be some stupid 6 month project which my friend has
to do.I am just helping him out.he may not be implementing a full
fledged rfc compliance mail server but may support some of the major basically its an extra ordinary need.I just wanted
to know which language would be better for implementation and has
faster development cycle.I have heard a lot about python and its ease
of use.My point is it should be worth a 6 month project and speedy
development since he is already proficient in C/C++ socket programming
and taking the pain of learning python should be worth the effort.

In that case, you'll come closer to having a working mail server in
Python. I just hope that it's understood you won't have a mail server
which is ready to be used on the Internet for any but very limited

Jim Segrave   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Jim Segrave
Dan Lowe  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jan 28, 2006, at 8:39 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 18:03:56 +1100, Steven D'Aprano said:

 Google is your friend. The first four mail servers listed are, in  

 Microsoft Exchange

  Dig a bit deeper, and exim might be a candidate for the list. I'm
 pretty sure O'Reilly has books for sendmail, postfix, and exim; don't
 know about qmail.

O'Reilly does have an Exim book, but it is out of date. It covers the  
3.x family, while 4.x has been out for quite a while now. The 4.x  
family is very different from 3.x, so the book isn't worth a whole  
lot these days.

I'm on my second major mail system deployment built around Exim, and  
would recommend it to anybody needing a robust, flexible mail server.

There is an exim 4 book out, but not via O'Reilly - I gather sales
were insufficient to persuade O'Reilly to do an update. As we use Exim
heavily, we have both the 3 and 4 books in our NOC, as well as sending
almost all new staff to Phil Hazel's excellent courses in Cambridge.

Jim Segrave   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Paul Boddie
Jay Parlar wrote:
 I don't think I've ever seen anyone advocating calling a function like
 getattr(obj foo + bar)().

From Lib/compiler/

meth = getattr(self.visitor, 'visit' + className, 0)

Later on:

meth(node, *args)

Of course, you can drop the visit prefix and make the mechanism more
predictable, but a search on the standard library for getattr produces
a lot of evidence against your assertion.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Paul Boddie wrote:

  I don't think I've ever seen anyone advocating calling a function like
  getattr(obj foo + bar)().

 From Lib/compiler/

 meth = getattr(self.visitor, 'visit' + className, 0)

 Later on:

 meth(node, *args)

 Of course, you can drop the visit prefix and make the mechanism more
 predictable, but a search on the standard library for getattr produces
 a lot of evidence against your assertion.

if you read Jay's assertion in context, your refutation strikes me as
somewhat silly.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Volker Grabsch
Jens Theisen wrote:
 What do you do when you want to no if a certain method or function is  
 actually used from somewhere, say foobar, it a language which allows  
 (and even encourages) that it could be called by:

 getattr(obj, foo + bar)()

No. The recommended way to do it is:


 There is no systematic way to find this call.

 In C++, just commend out the definition and the compiler will tell you.

In such a case I normally just grep for foobar. I did so (and I'll do so)
in C/C++, Python, and any other language.

Any programming language allows you to do strange/stupid stuff. But none
of them encourages it. So I can't see your point in any way.



Volker Grabsch

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Jay Parlar
 Paul Boddie wrote:

 I don't think I've ever seen anyone advocating calling a function like
 getattr(obj foo + bar)().

 From Lib/compiler/

 meth = getattr(self.visitor, 'visit' + className, 0)

 Later on:

 meth(node, *args)

 Of course, you can drop the visit prefix and make the mechanism more
 predictable, but a search on the standard library for getattr produces
 a lot of evidence against your assertion.

I don't think you understood my assertion, then. The example that the 
original poster gave was using getattr() with a simple string (foo + 
bar) for the 'name' argument, and without a default return value (as 
opposed to throwing a variable in there, or a string plus a variable 
like you did, or a default retval).

I even said you can do some very powerful things with getattr, by 
which I meant something exactly like you did. What did you think I 
meant by that?

Jay P.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Jay Parlar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From Lib/compiler/
  meth = getattr(self.visitor, 'visit' + className, 0)
 I even said you can do some very powerful things with getattr, by 
 which I meant something exactly like you did. What did you think I 
 meant by that?

getattr is very nice, but Acyclic Visitor (aka Dynamic Visitor,
essentially the same design pattern) can be implemented in C++, and
indeed I believe it was first published by Robert Martin exactly for C++
(at PLOP3 in '97).  Cfr for an updated
and wider treatment.

Python is handier, but, with more effort, you can get similar dynamic
effects in C++ (and with an intermediate amount of effort in Java),
which is part of what amuses me when I see Java or C++ people making
claims that Python's dynamic abilities must cause problems...;-).


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Paul Boddie
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:

[Quoting Jay Parlar...]

   I don't think I've ever seen anyone advocating calling a function like
   getattr(obj foo + bar)().
  From Lib/compiler/
  meth = getattr(self.visitor, 'visit' + className, 0)
  Later on:
  meth(node, *args)


 if you read Jay's assertion in context, your refutation strikes me as
 somewhat silly.

The context was whether you can know before running the program whether
the function you're attempting to call exists, along with where it is
defined. Obviously, it's a struggle to think of cases where one would
do this for the sake of it (especially with hard-coded string
literals), but where one wants to take some value (eg. a class name)
and dispatch to some callable (eg. some visitor handler method) based
on that dynamic information, it's a useful technique. Whether
widespread usage of such a technique counts as advocacy is a matter I
don't find particularly interesting to discuss.

Or should I be looking for some other context here?



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The context was whether you can know before running the program whether
 the function you're attempting to call exists, along with where it is
 defined. Obviously, it's a struggle to think of cases where one would
 do this for the sake of it (especially with hard-coded string
 literals), but where one wants to take some value (eg. a class name)
 and dispatch to some callable (eg. some visitor handler method) based
 on that dynamic information, it's a useful technique. Whether
 widespread usage of such a technique counts as advocacy is a matter I
 don't find particularly interesting to discuss.
 Or should I be looking for some other context here?

The context is: can any other language be different in this respect?
Only by not allowing *any* way to get symbols dynamically, and therefore
by substantially reducing the real-world cases in which it's usable.
C++ (with dlopen/dlsym and equivalent libraries on other platforms, with
dynamic_cast, ...) and Java (with 'reflection' etc) do afford this
functionality, albeit in more cumbersome ways than Python.  Therefore,
if the inability to verify that a function named 'foobar' is in fact
never called anywhere is a weakness, it's a weakness shared by all of
these languages.  The originator of this thread appeared to assume that
it was a weakness of Python and not of C++...


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Paul Boddie
Jay Parlar wrote:


  getattr(obj foo + bar)().


  meth = getattr(self.visitor, 'visit' + className, 0)


 I don't think you understood my assertion, then. The example that the
 original poster gave was using getattr() with a simple string (foo +
 bar) for the 'name' argument, and without a default return value (as
 opposed to throwing a variable in there, or a string plus a variable
 like you did, or a default retval).

Whether you evaluate the attribute lookup and immediately call the
value returned, or whether you instead hold on to that value and invoke
it later, is fairly unimportant when considering the behaviour of the
program, but such distinctions are important if you wish to acknowledge
the extent to which dynamic behaviour permeates running Python
programs, especially if you're interested in analysing their behaviour
at compile time.

 I even said you can do some very powerful things with getattr, by
 which I meant something exactly like you did. What did you think I
 meant by that?

Exactly what I gave as an example. The original example was just badly
formulated: two string literals glued together doesn't really capture
the imagination. I doubt that many compiler writers and IDE makers
seeking to improve their respective code generation and tooltip-popping
experiences would make the handling of such contrived examples a
priority - the possibilities presented by the general underlying
mechanisms would be far more worrying.



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli):
| Jens Theisen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| What do you do when you want to no if a certain method or function is
| actually used from somewhere, say foobar, it a language which allows
| (and even encourages) that it could be called by:
| getattr(obj, foo + bar)()
| ?
| Encourages?  What a silly assertion.  Python makes introspection
| easier than Java's Reflection, C#'s similar capabilities, and C/C++'s
| primitive dlopen/dlsym, but the existence of similar dynamic name
| resolution abilities in each of these languages reflects similar
| underlying real needs.  The functionality is there for those cases in
| which it's needed, but it's silly to use it when not needed.

Silly indeed, and why would such a thing ever be needed?  Yet it
does in fact occur in widely used Python software, in an application
where it of course wasn't really needed, rather was sort of convenient.
This is like the C enthusiast who tells you that any self-respecting
programmer won't mind accounting for storage, or the Perl enthusiast
who tells you that there's nothing about the language that encourages
hard-to-read code.  Give people a feature like this, and they will
find a need for it, to the detriment of comprehensibility.

I'm not saying that we should therefore use C++ !, but let's be
realistic about the costs of Python's benefits.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli):
| ...  Therefore,
| if the inability to verify that a function named 'foobar' is in fact
| never called anywhere is a weakness, it's a weakness shared by all of
| these languages.  The originator of this thread appeared to assume that
| it was a weakness of Python and not of C++...

If we give him credit for having some idea of what he's talking about,
then we could perhaps read his encourages as makes trivially easy.
These two languages are in such different levels with introspection
that it seems kind of disingenuous to me to make this argument, frankly.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Donn Cave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli):
 | ...  Therefore,
 | if the inability to verify that a function named 'foobar' is in fact
 | never called anywhere is a weakness, it's a weakness shared by all of
 | these languages.  The originator of this thread appeared to assume that
 | it was a weakness of Python and not of C++...
 If we give him credit for having some idea of what he's talking about,
 then we could perhaps read his encourages as makes trivially easy.
 These two languages are in such different levels with introspection
 that it seems kind of disingenuous to me to make this argument, frankly.

I disagree with you, although my disagreement may be partly due to the
fact that lately I've dealt mostly with C++ programmers who know
*perfectly well* every subtle nuance of the language, just as much as I
do it not even more -- Matt Austern and the like.  Last time I was a C++
guru (about 7 years ago) that wasn't the case, but then, I wasn't Uber
Technical Lead for Google then;-).


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread al pacino
but i am not able to choose the language.Should i go for C(socket API)

Ravi is right
(using sockets is more or less the same
from any language.)

..try JSP(java server pages), some guys in nit warangal implemented a
mail server
(foa  LAN though)for their minor project.

my contention is that using sockets(in c++) will improve your
understanding of the protocol
suite and improve your programming as well.

Ravi Teja wrote:
  Why don't you use an existing mail server?

 Probably because that was his homework assignment for a networking
 class. Not uncommon to be told to implement a server from the scratch
 from the RFC. Although that does not explain his concern about

 Abhinav, if that is the case, using sockets is more or less the same
 from any language. Python as usual will be cleaner than C. You might
 want to look at Twisted Mail. Use SocketServer module in the standard
 library to implement the RFC. Other than that it is silly to try to
 write a Mail Server unless you have some extra ordinary need.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread Jim Segrave
Ravi Teja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why don't you use an existing mail server?

Probably because that was his homework assignment for a networking
class. Not uncommon to be told to implement a server from the scratch
from the RFC. Although that does not explain his concern about

Abhinav, if that is the case, using sockets is more or less the same
from any language. Python as usual will be cleaner than C. You might
want to look at Twisted Mail. Use SocketServer module in the standard
library to implement the RFC. Other than that it is silly to try to
write a Mail Server unless you have some extra ordinary need.

Any lecturer assigning write a mail server as a class project is
doing his/her students a true dis-service. Mail server RFC compliance is a
nightmare to get right, performance issues and mail routeing are both
material for at least a full year's university study.

A student who tries to make an even vaguely RFC compliant mail server
probably won't finish their project, as student who completes such a
project might come away with the mistaken belief that they actually
have done it correctly. 

The number of software products which use eail and do so incorrectly
is astounding and depressing. There's a reason that the source for
sendmail is about 120K lines, exim is nearly 270K lines. Doing it
right is _hard_.

Jim Segrave   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread al pacino
jim you are probably right.

i have had exp. with this. i had to create a server(multipurpose such
as file sharing, games (pretty simple tho like tic tac toe..) we were
in 6th sem with learning OS and comp. n/w for the first time.

it seems like these jack ass jerks (proffs/instuctors) like to bully
obviously we cud not complete the project as most of the time was spent
learning the stuff(like TCP, multithreading..) .

i don't know how things work out in the west, but i feel the faculty
really care about their students in american contrast to
here (in inida, though things are little different in the IITs)

Jim Segrave wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Ravi Teja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why don't you use an existing mail server?
 Probably because that was his homework assignment for a networking
 class. Not uncommon to be told to implement a server from the scratch
 from the RFC. Although that does not explain his concern about
 Abhinav, if that is the case, using sockets is more or less the same
 from any language. Python as usual will be cleaner than C. You might
 want to look at Twisted Mail. Use SocketServer module in the standard
 library to implement the RFC. Other than that it is silly to try to
 write a Mail Server unless you have some extra ordinary need.

 Any lecturer assigning write a mail server as a class project is
 doing his/her students a true dis-service. Mail server RFC compliance is a
 nightmare to get right, performance issues and mail routeing are both
 material for at least a full year's university study.

 A student who tries to make an even vaguely RFC compliant mail server
 probably won't finish their project, as student who completes such a
 project might come away with the mistaken belief that they actually
 have done it correctly.

 The number of software products which use eail and do so incorrectly
 is astounding and depressing. There's a reason that the source for
 sendmail is about 120K lines, exim is nearly 270K lines. Doing it
 right is _hard_.
 Jim Segrave   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread abhinav
ya its supposed to be some stupid 6 month project which my friend has
to do.I am just helping him out.he may not be implementing a full
fledged rfc compliance mail server but may support some of the major basically its an extra ordinary need.I just wanted
to know which language would be better for implementation and has
faster development cycle.I have heard a lot about python and its ease
of use.My point is it should be worth a 6 month project and speedy
development since he is already proficient in C/C++ socket programming
and taking the pain of learning python should be worth the effort.


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread Nicolas Lehuen
If your friend is proficient in C/C++ then learning Python should not
be a pain. Quite the contrary, it should be an enlightnement. Being
good in C/C++ AND Python is a killer combination, as you can promptly
and efficiently code big chunks of your application in Python and
interface with C/C++ code where (and if) high performance is required.

Now, you should definitely check the requirements for the homework.

If the assignment is about being able to decipher an RFC and implement
it correctly with a nice software design, then I would definitely opt
for Python. Having to squish memory management, string manipulation and
character encoding bugs in C/C++ is not fun and not related to
high-level design nor RFC support.

If it's just a way to throw a programming challenge at your friend's
face, then you should check whether it's okay to use Python rather than
C/C++, otherwise he could be charged of cheating by using a more
productive language :).



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread Jens Theisen
Nicolas wrote:

 If it's just a way to throw a programming challenge at your friend's
 face, then you should check whether it's okay to use Python rather than
 C/C++, otherwise he could be charged of cheating by using a more
 productive language :).

Though this comment of mine is likely to start a religious war, it might  
also bring up some useful points.

I'm a bit relucted to swallow the common view of Python being a so- 
productive language, especially compared to C++. I value C++  
productiveness actually much higher than it's performance.

To stick to the mailserver example, I'm pretty sure I'd do it in C++. I  
got very exited about Python when I first saw it, but I've encountered  
several problems that hindered productivity dramatically.

One thing is the lack of static types. The problem is not only that the  
compiler can't tell you very basic things you're doing wrong but also that  
code isn't intrinsically documented:

def send_mail(mail):

What can I do with mail? In C++, you're looking up what type it is  
(presumably by pressing M-x in Emacs on the word before it) and have a  
look on it's type definition. In Python, it can be quite difficult to tell  
what you can do with it because the information of what will be passed in  
can be several layers up.

Also there is not even symbol-safety: self.not_defined will never rise a  
compile-time error.

And to address the memory management critisism about C++: Unless you have  
cyclic structures (you probably won't have in a mail server), just use  
smart pointers and you don't have to be concerned more about it than you'd  
have to be in Python.

I aggree on C++ libraries being weak on unicode strings though, or even  
generally weak in the libraries (you have the C libraries, but they're not  
very type safe or elegant to use).

I'm aware that C++ is a horrible monstrosity, an argument whiches weight  
depends on the OP's friends C++ experience.

Please don't be offended, but if anyone could make a point of how Python's  
disadvantages in these regards could be alleviated, I'd be very  



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Jim Segrave enlightened us with:
 Any lecturer assigning write a mail server as a class project is
 doing his/her students a true dis-service.

At one time, I got an assignment Write a robust, user friendly SMTP
client.  That was just after we learned how to user 'for' loops and
'if' statements. Talk about dis-services ;-)

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread Alex Martelli
Jens Theisen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please don't be offended, but if anyone could make a point of how Python's
 disadvantages in these regards could be alleviated, I'd be very  

Since Robert Martin and Bruce Eckel (the authors of the two documents
linked above) are both acknowledged gurus of statically typechecked
languages such as C++, the convergence of their thinking and experience
indicated by those documents is interesting.

Tools such as pychecker, pylint, etc, are also considered by some to be
a useful backstop, but unit-tests are the real answer.

The but without declaration it can't be self-documenting issue is a
red herring.  Reading, e.g.:

int zappolop(int frep) { ...

gives me no _useful_ self-documenting information about the role and
meaning of frep, or zappolop's result.  The code's author must obviously
add a little comment here to clarify -- and in that little comment,
adding the information about type, if at all relevant, is an obvious

At Google, we collectively have rather a lot of experience in these
issues, since we use three general-purpose languages: Python, Java, C++.
In this mix, the role of C++ is essentially that of allowing the
programmer to have complete control on memory allocation issues: the
only widespread modern language to do that, since all others, including
both Java and Python, have garbage-collection.  In the internal style
guide for C++, we forbid the use of so-called ``smart'' pointers which
would basically amount to a hacked-up garbage collection system (which
can never be as solid and thorough as those built into the virtual
machines used in Java or Python -- a GC system that's thread-safe is a
nightmare to build and debug based only on those smart pointers, for
example, and if you start locking and mutexing all over the place for
that purpose you'll soon see performance plummet...): if you want
garbage collection you use a garbage-collected language -- the choice of
C++ for a component implies that you need complete control of memory
issues for that component, therefore choosing C++ and ``too smart for
their own good'' pointers would be mutually contradictory.  Our style
guides for all languages also impose using unit-tests, code reviews, and
standard formats for internal documentation, from naming of variables,
functions and classes to structure and form of comments.  As a result,
quality and reliability are remarkably consistent and uniform.

We could say that Python is Google's secret weapon, except it's not so
very secret, since, in order to attract and hire Python experts, we do
of course need to let it be known that Python's important to us;-).  In
a sense, I guess, we are fortunate that our competitors still appear not
to be fully aware of this -- it gives us a better chance to hire Python
luminaries and maintain a productivity edge;-).


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread Nicolas Lehuen
Jens Theisen wrote:
 Please don't be offended, but if anyone could make a point of how Python's
 disadvantages in these regards could be alleviated, I'd be very


Well, I write Java, C++ and Python code, and I have posted a few
thoughts about this on my blog :

My two latest problems with coding in C++ are due to the environments :
libraries using different string types and the whole problem with the
building system. I love the language, but I get a much better leverage
through Python and Java due to the quality and ease of use of their
built-in and third party libraries. I use C++ only for my core data
structure (namely a tuned version of a ternary search tree which I use
to build full text indices).



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-28, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am a novice in python.I have to implement a full fledged mail server

 Because that's just what the world needs, yet another mail server.


 C can be faster.

And can be is the key.  It's easy to write slow programs in C
if you don't choose the right algorithms and architecture.

 which language will be easier? 

 Python is easier to read, and write, and debug, and you will
 have fewer hard-to-debug memory issues.

And you'll have fewer security issues with Python since you
don't have to worry about buffer and stack exploits.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  There's enough money
  at   here to buy 5000 cans of

Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-28 Thread Dan Lowe

On Jan 28, 2006, at 8:39 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 18:03:56 +1100, Steven D'Aprano said:

 Google is your friend. The first four mail servers listed are, in  

 Microsoft Exchange

   Dig a bit deeper, and exim might be a candidate for the list. I'm
 pretty sure O'Reilly has books for sendmail, postfix, and exim; don't
 know about qmail.

O'Reilly does have an Exim book, but it is out of date. It covers the  
3.x family, while 4.x has been out for quite a while now. The 4.x  
family is very different from 3.x, so the book isn't worth a whole  
lot these days.

I'm on my second major mail system deployment built around Exim, and  
would recommend it to anybody needing a robust, flexible mail server.


Well sure the government lies, and the press lies, but in a democracy
they aren't the same lies.-Alexis A. Gilliland


Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-27 Thread abhinav
Hello guys,
I am a novice in python.I have to implement a full fledged mail server
.But i am not able to choose the language.Should i go for C(socket API)
or python for this project? What are the advantages of one over the
other in implementing this server.which language will be easier? What
are the performance issues?In what language are mail servers generally


Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 22:43:48 -0800, abhinav wrote:

 Hello guys,
 I am a novice in python.I have to implement a full fledged mail server

Because that's just what the world needs, yet another mail server.

Why don't you use an existing mail server?

 .But i am not able to choose the language.Should i go for C(socket API)
 or python for this project? 

If you aren't able to choose the language, what does it matter what we
say? Somebody else will choose.

 What are the advantages of one over the
 other in implementing this server.

C can be faster.

 which language will be easier? 

Python is easier to read, and write, and debug, and you will have fewer
hard-to-debug memory issues.

 What are the performance issues?

You will spend hundreds of man-hours re-inventing the wheel.

 In what language are mail servers generally written?

Google is your friend. The first four mail servers listed are, in order:

Microsoft Exchange

Of the four, source code is available free of charge for three of them.
Can you guess which is the odd man out? :-)



Re: Python vs C for a mail server

2006-01-27 Thread Ravi Teja
 Why don't you use an existing mail server?

Probably because that was his homework assignment for a networking
class. Not uncommon to be told to implement a server from the scratch
from the RFC. Although that does not explain his concern about

Abhinav, if that is the case, using sockets is more or less the same
from any language. Python as usual will be cleaner than C. You might
want to look at Twisted Mail. Use SocketServer module in the standard
library to implement the RFC. Other than that it is silly to try to
write a Mail Server unless you have some extra ordinary need.
