Re: PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces

2009-04-29 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 29Apr2009 23:41, Barry Scott  wrote:
> On 22 Apr 2009, at 07:50, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>> If the locale's encoding is UTF-8, the file system encoding is set to
>> a new encoding "utf-8b". The UTF-8b codec decodes non-decodable bytes
>> (which must be >= 0x80) into half surrogate codes U+DC80..U+DCFF.
> Forgive me if this has been covered. I've been reading this thread for a 
> long time and still have a 100 odd replies to go...
> How do get a printable unicode version of these path strings if they  
> contain none unicode data?

Personally, I'd use repr(). One might ask, what would you expect to see
if you were printing such a string?

> I'm guessing that an app has to understand that filenames come in two  
> forms unicode and bytes if its not utf-8 data. Why not simply return string 
> if 
> its valid utf-8 otherwise return bytes? Then in the app you check for the 
> type for 
> the object, string or byte and deal with reporting errors appropriately.

Because it complicates the app enormously, for every app.

It would be _nice_ to just call os.listdir() et al with strings, get
strings, and not worry.

With strings becoming unicode in Python3, on POSIX you have an issue of
deciding how to get its filenames-are-bytes into a string and the
reverse. One could naively map the byte values to the same Unicode code
points, but that results in strings that do not contain the same
characters as the user/app expects for byte values above 127.

Since POSIX does not really have a filesystem level character encoding,
just a user environment setting that says how the current user encodes
characters into bytes (UTF-8 is increasingly common and useful, but
it is not universal), it is more useful to decode filenames on the
assumption that they represent characters in the user's (current) encoding
convention; that way when things are displayed they are meaningful,
and they interoperate well with strings made by the user/app. If all
the filenames were actually encoded that way when made, that works. But
different users may adopt different conventions, and indeed a user may
have used ACII or and ISO8859-* coding in the past and be transitioning
to something else now, so they will have a bunch of files in different

The PEP uses the user's current encoding with a handler for byte
sequences that don't decode to valid Unicode scaler values in
a fashion that is reversible. That is, you get "strings" out of
listdir() and those strings will go back in (eg to open()) perfectly

Previous approaches would either silently hide non-decodable names in
listdir() results or throw exceptions when the decode failed or mangle
things no reversably. I believe Python3 went with the first option

The PEP at least lets programs naively access all files that exist,
and create a filename from any well-formed unicode string provided that
the filesystem encoding permits the name to be encoded.

The lengthy discussion mostly revolves around:

  - Glenn points out that strings that came _not_ from listdir, and that are
_not_ well-formed unicode (== "have bare surrogates in them") but that
were intended for use as filenames will conflict with the PEP's scheme -
programs must know that these strings came from outside and must be
translated into the PEP's funny-encoding before use in the os.*
functions. Previous to the PEP they would get used directly and
encode differently after the PEP, thus producing different POSIX
filenames. Breakage.

  - Glenn would like the encoding to use Unicode scalar values only,
using a rare-in-filenames character.
That would avoid the issue with "outside' strings that contain
surrogates. To my mind it just moves the punning from rare illegal
strings to merely uncommon but legal characters.

  - Some parties think it would be better to not return strings from
os.listdir but a subclass of string (or at least a duck-type of
string) that knows where it came from and is also handily
recognisable as not-really-a-string for purposes of deciding
whether is it PEP-funny-encoded by direct inspection.

Cameron Simpson  DoD#743

The peever can look at the best day in his life and sneer at it.
- Jim Hill, JennyGfest '95

Re: PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces

2009-04-25 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 25Apr2009 14:07, "Martin v. Löwis"  wrote:
| Cameron Simpson wrote:
| > On 22Apr2009 08:50, Martin v. Löwis  wrote:
| > | File names, environment variables, and command line arguments are
| > | defined as being character data in POSIX;
| > 
| > Specific citation please? I'd like to check the specifics of this.
| For example, on environment variables:


| > So you're proposing that all POSIX OS interfaces (which use byte strings)
| > interpret those byte strings into Python3 str objects, with a codec
| > that will accept arbitrary byte sequences losslessly and is totally
| > reversible, yes?
| Correct.
| > And, I hope, that the os.* interfaces silently use it by default.
| Correct.

Ok, then I'm probably good with the PEP. Though I have a quite strong
desire to be able to work in bytes at need without doing multiple
encode/decode steps.

| > | Applications that need to process the original byte
| > | strings can obtain them by encoding the character strings with the
| > | file system encoding, passing "python-escape" as the error handler
| > | name.
| > 
| > -1
| > This last sentence kills the idea for me, unless I'm missing something.
| > Which I may be, of course.
| > POSIX filesystems _do_not_ have a file system encoding.
| Why is that a problem for the PEP?

Because you said above "by encoding the character strings with the file
system encoding", which is a fiction.

| > If I'm writing a general purpose UNIX tool like chmod or find, I expect
| > it to work reliably on _any_ UNIX pathname. It must be totally encoding
| > blind. If I speak to the os.* interface to open a file, I expect to hand
| > it bytes and have it behave.
| See the other messages. If you want to do that, you can continue to.
| > I'm very much in favour of being able to work in strings for most
| > purposes, but if I use the os.* interfaces on a UNIX system it is
| > necessary to be _able_ to work in bytes, because UNIX file pathnames
| > are bytes.
| Please re-read the PEP. It provides a way of being able to access any
| POSIX file name correctly, and still pass strings.
| > If there isn't a byte-safe os.* facility in Python3, it will simply be
| > unsuitable for writing low level UNIX tools.
| Why is that? The mechanism in the PEP is precisely defined to allow
| writing low level UNIX tools.

Then implicitly it's byte safe. Clearly I'm being unclear; I mean
original OS-level byte strings must be obtainable undamaged, and it must
be possible to create/work on OS objects starting with a byte string as
the pathname.

| > Finally, I have a small python program whose whole purpose in life
| > is to transcode UNIX filenames before transfer to a MacOSX HFS
| > directory, because of HFS's enforced particular encoding. What approach
| > should a Python app take to transcode UNIX pathnames under your scheme?
| Compute the corresponding character strings, and use them.

In Python2 I've been going (ignoring checks for unchanged names):

  - Obtain the old name and interpret it into a str() "correctly".
I mean here that I go:
  unicode_name = unicode(name, srcencoding)
in old Python2 speak. name is a bytes string obtained from listdir()
and srcencoding is the encoding known to have been used when the old name
was constructed. Eg iso8859-1.
  - Compute the new name in the desired encoding. For MacOSX HFS,
  utf8_name = unicodedata.normalize('NFD',unicode_name).encode('utf8')
Still in Python2 speak, that's a byte string.
  - os.rename(name, utf8_name)

Under your scheme I imagine this is amended. I would change your
listdir_b() function as follows:

  def listdir_b(bytestring, fse=None):
   if fse is None:
   fse = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
   string = bytestring.decode(fse, "python-escape")
   for fn in os.listdir(string):
   yield fn.encoded(fse, "python-escape")

So, internally, os.listdir() takes a string and encodes it to an
_unspecified_ encoding in bytes, and opens the directory with that
byte string using POSIX opendir(3).

How does listdir() ensure that the byte string it passes to the underlying
opendir(3) is identical to 'bytestring' as passed to listdir_b()?

It seems from the PEP that "On POSIX systems, Python currently applies the
locale's encoding to convert the byte data to Unicode". Your extension
is to augument that by expressing the non-decodable byte sequences in a
non-conflicting way for reversal later, yes?

That seems to double the complexity of my example application, since
it wants to interpret the original bytes in a caller-specified fashion,
not using the locale defaults.

So I must go:

  def macify(dirname, srcencoding):
# I need this to reverse your encoding scheme
fse = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
# I'll pretend dirname is ready for use
# it possibly has had to un

Re: PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces

2009-04-25 Thread Zooko O'Whielacronx
Thanks for writing this PEP 383, MvL.  I recently ran into this  
problem in Python 2.x in the Tahoe project [1].  The Tahoe project  
should be considered a good use case showing what some people need.   
For example, the assumption that a file will later be written back  
into the same local filesystem (and thus luckily use the same  
encoding) from which it originally came doesn't hold for us, because  
Tahoe is used for file-sharing as well as for backup-and-restore.

One of my first conclusions in pursuing this issue is that we can  
never use the Python 2.x unicode APIs on Linux, just as we can never  
use the Python 2.x str APIs on Windows [2].  (You mentioned this  
ugliness in your PEP.)  My next conclusion was that the Linux way of  
doing encoding of filenames really sucks compared to, for example,  
the Mac OS X way.  I'm heartened to see what David Wheeler is trying  
to persuade the maintainers of Linux filesystems to improve some of  
this: [3].

My final conclusion was that we needed to have two kinds of  
workaround for the Linux suckage: first, if decoding using the  
suggested filesystem encoding fails, then we fall back to mojibake  
[4] by decoding with iso-8859-1 (or else with windows-1252 -- I'm not  
sure if it matters and I haven't yet understood if utf-8b offers  
another alternative for this case).  Second, if decoding succeeds  
using the suggested filesystem encoding on Linux, then write down the  
encoding that we used and include that with the filename.  This  
expands the size of our filenames significantly, but it is the only  
way to allow some future programmer to undo the damage of a falsely- 
successful decoding.  Here's our whole plan: [5].



[2] #  
see the footnote of this message


Re: PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces

2009-04-23 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 24Apr2009 09:27, I wrote:
| If I'm writing a general purpose UNIX tool like chmod or find, I expect
| it to work reliably on _any_ UNIX pathname. It must be totally encoding
| blind. If I speak to the os.* interface to open a file, I expect to hand
| it bytes and have it behave. As an explicit example, I would be just fine
| with python's open(filename, "w") to take a string and encode it for use,
| but _not_ ok for to require me to supply a string and cross
| my fingers and hope something sane happens when it is turned into bytes
| for the UNIX system call.
| I'm very much in favour of being able to work in strings for most
| purposes, but if I use the os.* interfaces on a UNIX system it is
| necessary to be _able_ to work in bytes, because UNIX file pathnames
| are bytes.

Just to follow up to my own words here, I would be ok for all the
pure-byte stuff to be off in the "posix" module if os.* goes pure
character instead of bytes or bytes+strings.
Cameron Simpson  DoD#743

... that, in a few years, all great physical constants will have been
approximately estimated, and that the only occupation which will be
left to men of science will be to carry these measurements to another
place of decimals.  - James Clerk Maxwell (1813-1879)
  Scientific Papers 2, 244, October 1871

Re: PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces

2009-04-23 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 22Apr2009 08:50, Martin v. L�wis  wrote:
| File names, environment variables, and command line arguments are
| defined as being character data in POSIX;

Specific citation please? I'd like to check the specifics of this.

| the C APIs however allow
| passing arbitrary bytes - whether these conform to a certain encoding
| or not.


| This PEP proposes a means of dealing with such irregularities
| by embedding the bytes in character strings in such a way that allows
| recreation of the original byte string.

So you're proposing that all POSIX OS interfaces (which use byte strings)
interpret those byte strings into Python3 str objects, with a codec
that will accept arbitrary byte sequences losslessly and is totally
reversible, yes?

And, I hope, that the os.* interfaces silently use it by default.

| For most applications, we assume that they eventually pass data
| received from a system interface back into the same system
| interfaces. For example, and application invoking os.listdir() will
| likely pass the result strings back into APIs like os.stat() or
| open(), which then encodes them back into their original byte
| representation. Applications that need to process the original byte
| strings can obtain them by encoding the character strings with the
| file system encoding, passing "python-escape" as the error handler
| name.


This last sentence kills the idea for me, unless I'm missing something.
Which I may be, of course.

POSIX filesystems _do_not_ have a file system encoding.

The user's environment suggests a preferred encoding via the locale
stuff, and apps honouring that will make nice looking byte strings as
filenames for that user. (Some platforms, like MacOSX' HFS filesystems,
_do_ enforce an encoding, and a quite specific variety of UTF-8 it is;
I would say they're not a full UNIX filesystem _precisely_ because they
reject certain byte strings that are valid on other UNIX filesystems.
What will your proposal do here? I can imagine it might cope with
existing names, but what happens when the user creates a new name?)

Further, different users can use different locales and encodings.
If they do it in different work areas they'll be perfectly happy;
if they do it in a shared area doubtless confusion will reign,
but only in the users' minds, not in the filesystem.

If I'm writing a general purpose UNIX tool like chmod or find, I expect
it to work reliably on _any_ UNIX pathname. It must be totally encoding
blind. If I speak to the os.* interface to open a file, I expect to hand
it bytes and have it behave. As an explicit example, I would be just fine
with python's open(filename, "w") to take a string and encode it for use,
but _not_ ok for to require me to supply a string and cross
my fingers and hope something sane happens when it is turned into bytes
for the UNIX system call.

I'm very much in favour of being able to work in strings for most
purposes, but if I use the os.* interfaces on a UNIX system it is
necessary to be _able_ to work in bytes, because UNIX file pathnames
are bytes.

If there isn't a byte-safe os.* facility in Python3, it will simply be
unsuitable for writing low level UNIX tools. And I very much like using
Python2 for that.

Finally, I have a small python program whose whole purpose in life
is to transcode UNIX filenames before transfer to a MacOSX HFS
directory, because of HFS's enforced particular encoding. What approach
should a Python app take to transcode UNIX pathnames under your scheme?

Cameron Simpson  DoD#743

The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from;
furthermore, if you do not like any of them, you can just wait for next
year's model.   - Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Re: PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces

2009-04-22 Thread v+python
On Apr 21, 11:50 pm, "Martin v. Löwis"  wrote:
> I'm proposing the following PEP for inclusion into Python 3.1.
> Please comment.

Basically the scheme doesn't work.  Aside from that, it is very close.

There are tons of encoding schemes that could work... they don't have
to include half-surrogates or bytes.  What they have to do, is make
sure that they are uniformly applied to all appropriate strings.

The problem with this, and other preceding schemes that have been
discussed here, is that there is no means of ascertaining whether a
particular file name str was obtained from a str API, or was funny-
decoded from a bytes API... and thus, there is no means of reliably
ascertaining whether a particular filename str should be passed to a
str API, or funny-encoded back to bytes.

The assumption in the 2nd Discussion paragraph may hold for a large
percentage of cases, maybe even including some number of 9s, but it is
not guaranteed, and cannot be enforced, therefore there are cases that
could fail.  Whether those failure cases are a concern or not is an
open question.  Picking a character (I don't find U+F01xx in the
Unicode standard, so I don't know what it is) that is obscure, and
unlikely to be used in "real" file names, might help the heuristic
nature of the encoding and decoding avoid most conflicts, but provides
no guarantee that data puns will not occur in practice.  Today's
obscure character is tomorrows commonly used character, perhaps.
Someone not on this list may be happily using that character for their
own nefarious, incompatible purpose.

As I realized in the email-sig, in talking about decoding corrupted
headers, there is only one way to guarantee this... to encode _all_
character sequences, from _all_ interfaces.  Basically it requires
reserving an escape character (I'll use ? in these examples -- yes, an
ASCII question mark -- happens to be illegal in Windows filenames so
all the better on that platform, but the specific character doesn't
matter... avoiding / \ and . is probably good, though).

So the rules would be, when obtaining a file name from the bytes OS
interface, that doesn't properly decode according to UTF-8, decode it
by placing a ? at the beginning, then for each decodable UTF-8
sequence, add a Unicode character -- unless the character is ?, in
which case you add two ??, and for each non-decodable byte sequence,
place a ? and two hex digits, or a ? and a half surrogate code, or a ?
and whatever gibberish you like.  Two hex digits are fine by me, and
will serve for this discussion.

ALSO, when obtaining a file name from the str OS interfaces, encode it
too... if it contains  a ? at the front, it must be replaced by ???
and then any other ? in the name doubled.

Then you have a string that can/must be encoded to be used on either
str or bytes OS interfaces... or any other interfaces that want str or
bytes... but whichever they want, you can do a decode, or determine
that you can't, into that form.  The encode and decode functions
should be available for coders to use, that code to external
interfaces, either OS or 3rd party packages, that do not use this
encoding scheme.  This encoding scheme would be used throughout all
Python APIs (most of which would need very little change to
accommodate it).  However, programs would have to keep track of
whether they were dealing with encoded or unencoded strings, if they
use both types in their program (an example, is hard-coded file names
or file name parts).

The initial ? is not strictly necessary for this scheme to work, but I
think it would be a good flag to the user that this name has been

This scheme does not depend on assumptions about the use of file

This scheme would be enhanced if the file name APIs returned a subtype
of str for the encoded names, but that should be considered only a
hint, not a requirement.

When encoding file name strings to pass to bytes APIs, the ? followed
by two hex digits would be converted to a byte.  Leading ? would be
dropped, and ?? would convert to ?.  I don't believe failures are
possible when encoding to bytes.

When encoding file name strings to pass to str APIs, the discovery
of ? followed by two hex digits would raise an exception, the file
name is not acceptable to a str API.  However, leading ? would be
dropped, and ?? would convert to ?, and if no ? followed by two hex
digits were found, the file name would be successfully converted for
use on the str API.

Note that not even on Unix/Posix is it particularly easy nor useful to
place a ? into file names from command lines due to shell escapes,
etc.  The use of ? in file names also interferes with easy ability to
specifically match them in globs, etc.

Anything short of such an encoding of both types of interfaces, such
that it is known that all python-manipulated filenames will be
encoded, will have data puns that provide a potential for failure in
edge cases.

Note that in this scheme, no file names that are fully Unicode and d

Re: PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces

2009-04-22 Thread MRAB

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

To convert non-decodable bytes, a new error handler "python-escape" is
introduced, which decodes non-decodable bytes using into a private-use
character U+F01xx, which is believed to not conflict with private-use
characters that currently exist in Python codecs.

The error handler interface is extended to allow the encode error
handler to return byte strings immediately, in addition to returning
Unicode strings which then get encoded again.

If the locale's encoding is UTF-8, the file system encoding is set to
a new encoding "utf-8b". The UTF-8b codec decodes non-decodable bytes
(which must be >= 0x80) into half surrogate codes U+DC80..U+DCFF.

If the byte stream happens to include a sequence which decodes to
U+F01xx, shouldn't that raise an exception?