Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 20:59:57 -0400, Bart Willems wrote:

 Or the consultant wants to be sure that the two dimwitted nimcumpoops at 
 the office who /think/ they can write code don't screw up the script 
 when they're trying to 'fix' or 'improve' something. And blame the 
 consultant if the script all of a sudden stops working 'we did not do 
 anything. It just stopped working all of a sudden'.
 Or he doesn't want to expose the passwords needed to logon to the 
 database server. Or whatever.
 So, there are reasons enough why someone wants to render his code 
 immutable and/or unreadable *to some extent*.

And that's what I've been asking. How to protect the code depends on what
you are trying to protect it from. Why is that so hard to understand?

In the above scenarios, one solution is:

chmod a-w

If they don't have write permission, they can't improve it by adding
bugs. If they take the time and effort to give themselves write
permission, then they have accepted responsibility for breaking it.

 The OP clearly states that he does not want a discussion as to why to 
 protect the code.

The OP might not want such a discussion, but without it, any answers he
gets are sure to be bad answers except by accident.

 All he wants is something that turns 'readable, 
 changeable python' into 'unreadable, immutable python'.

chown scriptuser  # a unique user
chmod a-rwx
chmod u+rx

I believe that fully meets the functional requirements. Where shall I send
the invoice?

Steven D'Aprano 


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-22 Thread flit
I didn´t reply to the last D´Aprano reply just to avoid this kind of
social war.
And yes, I know that if I want 100% security I should not distribute
my code. And there is a better way that is not doing any code to be
more secure and bug-free (now I am using irony).
And no, I am not supporter of software patents, RIAA and DRM.

And Mr. Willems understood very well my problem and my condition. And
others too in the beginning of the post.
But look...after mr D´Aprano enters it starts this social warfare.

So where is the troll?

In fact I think the heroes series was based in this thread (Hiros read
it and come back in time)
Because there is some people who have special DNAs that give powers to
see beyond their problems and environments, so they can read the post,
understand and give technical details, understanding this is not

About trolls:

No way I will do this question only to say to others:
Look python can´t do this like  does..
Look now I will active the pet-people-living-in-welfare-trying-to-be-
political in the list and they will join and sing songs about the

if you do a search in this group for this problem you will see more
political whining than answers in this type of questions...

Just look this post!! Seriously read one by one Begining ok.. 2
ok ,3 ok , 4 ok .. and bang..!!!

Going back in the beginning I said :

 So PLEASE, don't try to convince me about the social / economical /
open source / give to all / be open / all people are honest until
prove contrary / dance with the rabbits... 

So who is failing to acknowledge the question? AND AGAIN someone will
search for protecting python code and will see the same whining and
political threads...
I think the python community is great, and I love the python language,
if you search for superflit in this group you will see that I love
python and the community, I am a newbie, but I am not imposing my
beliefs I am just saying that my reality is a little different and I
need a answer for a particular problem.
That is the reason because I always recommend people to travel out of
their CONTINENT, and stay more than 5 months living in another
I can elaborate a more intelectual answer but sorry. I have to work
at 6:00 am to pay my bills, and if I get unemployed there is no
welfare, nothing , nada, zero.
I believe in reincarnation, so next time I will aim better :)
For me this thread is closed, and I think this is the most crazy
thread in this list.
Thank you all, for the technical answers, and sorry if I insult anyone
directly or indirectly ( I am a political incorrect person)
That´s all folks..finito


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 22:59:46 -0700, flit wrote:

 Going back in the beginning I said :
  So PLEASE, don't try to convince me about the social / economical /
 open source / give to all / be open / all people are honest until
 prove contrary / dance with the rabbits... 

I have done NONE of that.

I've just pointed out, time and time again, that you haven't asked a
meaningful question.

Even after all these posts, still won't tell us what you are trying to
protect against. People copying your program? Competitors infringing your
patents? Your corrupt and bad government (your words) infringing your
moral rights as an author? Your customer editing your program and breaking
it? Who knows? I don't. I wonder whether even you do.

You keep asking for a technical solution, even if a technical solution
is not appropriate, but you won't tell us what the problem is. Tell us the
threat you want to protect against, and we'll suggest meaningful solutions.

Steven D'Aprano 


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:11:51 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Is your program valuable? Is it worth money? Then the 90% of script
 kiddies will just wait three days, and download the program off the
 Internet after the real hackers have broken your protection.
 The real hackers wouldn't be doing that.
 The crackers, however, might.

I quote Bruce Schneier:

For years I have refused to play the semantic hacker vs. cracker game.
There are good hackers and bad hackers, just as there are good
electricians and bad electricians. Hacker is a mindset and a skill set;
what you do with it is a different issue.
[end quote]

See his essay on What is a hacker here:

In addition, virtually nobody outside of the IT hacker subculture knows
what you're talking about if you talk about crackers. Out network was
brought down by a biscuit???

Steven D'Aprano 


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-22 Thread Thomas Heller
Bart Willems schrieb:
 Aaah, *now* we're getting somewhere... :-)
 All he wants is something that turns 'readable, 
 changeable python' into 'unreadable, immutable python'.
 chown scriptuser  # a unique user
 chmod a-rwx
 chmod u+rx
 I believe that fully meets the functional requirements. Where shall I send
 the invoice?
 If it works on the target machine - I am under the assumption that the 
 client is some kind of government office - more likely to run Windows 
 than it is to run unix/linux/etc.
 Who has a similar solution for windows?

python -m py_compile



Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-22 Thread Bart Willems
Aaah, *now* we're getting somewhere... :-)

 All he wants is something that turns 'readable, 
 changeable python' into 'unreadable, immutable python'.
 chown scriptuser  # a unique user
 chmod a-rwx
 chmod u+rx
 I believe that fully meets the functional requirements. Where shall I send
 the invoice?

If it works on the target machine - I am under the assumption that the 
client is some kind of government office - more likely to run Windows 
than it is to run unix/linux/etc.

Who has a similar solution for windows?

Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-22 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 22 Mar 2007 14:04:04 -0300, Bart Willems [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 chown scriptuser  # a unique user
 chmod a-rwx
 chmod u+rx

 If it works on the target machine - I am under the assumption that the
 client is some kind of government office - more likely to run Windows
 than it is to run unix/linux/etc.

 Who has a similar solution for windows?

cacls /help

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Tom Wright
flit wrote:
 1 - There is a way to make some program in python and protects it? I
 am not talking about ultra hard-core protection, just a simple one
 that will stop 90% script kiddies.

Put it in an executable? It's more hidden than protected, but it will stop a
fair few non-experts.  I use and have been happy with pyinstaller, though
there are other options.  I use it more for ease of distribution to
non-techy users, but it's also a simply way to hide your code.

 2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
 code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
 and ripping the .py files?

Configure your web-server properly and it will never serve up the .py files,
only the results generated by them.  I've not done it with Python, but I
have set up a similar thing with Apache and XSLT where it will only give
the generated data, not the code which created it.  This is true even if
there's an error in the code - it will just give HTTP 500 Internal Server
Error and dump something a bit more useful to its error log.

I'm at CAMbridge, not SPAMbridge

Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
flit wrote:

 Hello All,
 I have a hard question, every time I look for this answer its get out
 from the technical domain and goes on in the moral/social domain.
 First, I live in third world with bad gov., bad education, bad police
 and a lot of taxes and bills to pay, and yes I live in a democratic
 state (corrupt, but democratic).
 So please, don't try to convince me about the social / economical /
 open source / give to all / be open / all people are honest until
 prove contrary / dance with the rabbits...
 Remember I need to pay bills and security.
 Now the technical question:

Most of these discussions aren't about open source or moral, but exactly
about what you ask - technicalities. A friend of mine is so f**ing fluent
with a disassembler, he immediately has whatever amount of credits he wants
in your usual simulation style game. 

It's just a question of if the hurdles you put up are high enough for you
intended audience - and for some reason people feel that compiled code
would be much more safe. It's not. Unless very special measures are taken
(e.g. skype), but that then is also beyond the common C-compiler run.

And what almost always is not a point is that you've programmed something
that would be interesting for outher to rip apart and use in pieces. Sorry,
but 99% of all code is just a bit of glue logic - and the reluctance of
developers to even use explicitly bought and well-documented libraries
instead of rolling out their own, customized solution illustrates that
adjusting your mindset to that of somebody else is much more of a problem
than actually writing amounts of - mostly trivial - code.

The only _real_ interesting thing is copy-protection. But that's a problem
for all, also the compiler-camp-buddies.

 1 - There is a way to make some program in python and protects it? I
 am not talking about ultra hard-core protection, just a simple one
 that will stop 90% script kiddies.

If you can, just deliver the pyc-files. Should be hard enough for most

 2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
 code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
 and ripping the .py files?

A service doesn't expose those files, unless you somehow instruct it to do


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Bart Ogryczak
On Mar 21, 2:36 pm, flit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now the technical question:

 1 - There is a way to make some program in python and protects it? I
 am not talking about ultra hard-core protection, just a simple one
 that will stop 90% script kiddies.

Freeze. That should be hard enough for 99% of users.

 2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
 code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
 and ripping the .py files?

That's more of a question about the security of that particular
server. Normally if the server is well set up, there is no way that
unauthorized user could access source code form outside.


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Carsten Haese
On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 06:36 -0700, flit wrote:
 Hello All,
 I have a hard question, every time I look for this answer its get out
 from the technical domain and goes on in the moral/social domain.
 First, I live in third world with bad gov., bad education, bad police
 and a lot of taxes and bills to pay, and yes I live in a democratic
 state (corrupt, but democratic).
 So please, don't try to convince me about the social / economical /
 open source / give to all / be open / all people are honest until
 prove contrary / dance with the rabbits...
 Remember I need to pay bills and security.

Developing open-source code and getting paid are not necessarily
mutually exclusive, but I digress...

 Now the technical question:
 1 - There is a way to make some program in python and protects it? I
 am not talking about ultra hard-core protection, just a simple one
 that will stop 90% script kiddies.

Not providing .py files and instead only providing .pyc files is
perfectly viable, really easy to do, and provides adequate protection
against casual/accidental code inspection.

A sufficiently determined person will be able to retrieve the source
code, but that is also true for any other imaginable protection scheme.
In order for the user's computer to execute your code, you have to give
the user's computer your code. Once that happens it's only a question of
how determined you are to obfuscate the code and how determined they are
to break your obfuscation.

 2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
 code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
 and ripping the .py files?

Providing the code as a service instead means that you don't have to
give the user your code, since the code runs on your hardware. As long
as the server is properly configured, it will never serve the source
code. You would still have to worry about malicious users trying to gain
unauthorized root access to your server, and then they can do whatever
they want, including looking at your super secret and super valuable

It all comes back down to the question of how determined you are to
protect your code and how determined your users are to break into it. 



Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:36:16 -0700, flit wrote:

 1 - There is a way to make some program in python and protects it? I
 am not talking about ultra hard-core protection, just a simple one
 that will stop 90% script kiddies.

Protect it from what? Viruses? Terrorists? The corrupt government? Your
ex-wife cutting it up with scissors? People who want to copy it? People
who will look at your code and laugh at you for being a bad programmer?

Until you tell us what you are trying to protect against, your question
is meaningless.

Is your program valuable? Is it worth money? Then the 90% of script
kiddies will just wait three days, and download the program off the
Internet after the real hackers have broken your protection.

If it is NOT valuable, then why on earth do you think people will put up
with whatever protection you use? Why won't they just use another

 2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
 code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
 and ripping the .py files?

Don't make the .py files available on the web server.

[penny drops]

Hang on, you want us to believe that you're a serious computer programmer
with a seriously valuable program that's worth protecting, and you don't
know that? I smell a troll.



Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread flit
First I wanna thanks the all people who gives good contribution to
this thread, thank you all..
Now I have something more to say:

OK, that kind of answer is what I was trying to avoid..

On Mar 21, 1:23 pm, Steven D'Aprano
 On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:36:16 -0700, flit wrote:
  1 - There is a way to make some program in python and protects it? I
  am not talking about ultra hard-core protection, just a simple one
  that will stop 90% script kiddies.

 Protect it from what? Viruses? Terrorists? The corrupt government? Your
 ex-wife cutting it up with scissors? People who want to copy it? People
 who will look at your code and laugh at you for being a bad programmer?

 Until you tell us what you are trying to protect against, your question
 is meaningless.

In this time I supposed someone took too much coffee..But will

 Is your program valuable? Is it worth money? Then the 90% of script
 kiddies will just wait three days, and download the program off the
 Internet after the real hackers have broken your protection.

 If it is NOT valuable, then why on earth do you think people will put up
 with whatever protection you use? Why won't they just use another

It´s doesn´t matter if it is the next BIG HIT Ultra-fast-next-google
thing or a programm to take control of my pet-people-living-in-
It´s a technical question, If you can´t answer it ok, I will not
suppose that you are it or that, it´s not a personal question or

  2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
  code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
  and ripping the .py files?

 Don't make the .py files available on the web server.

Now we have a real contribution to the thread. Thank You

 [penny drops]

 Hang on, you want us to believe that you're a serious computer programmer
 with a seriously valuable program that's worth protecting, and you don't
 know that? I smell a troll.


Again, you don´t have to believe, suppose or think anything about me,
are you capable to make any contribution? Technical one? Are you
sooo good and serious programmer that you did not develop your
personal skills, and thinks that winning an argument in internet is
the best thing in the world?

Thanks all,
the-money-from all)


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:56:12 -0700, flit wrote:

 First I wanna thanks the all people who gives good contribution to
 this thread, thank you all..

But they haven't. They've given answers to an ill-posed question. How can
anyone tell you how to protect code when you haven't told us what you
want to protect against?

 Until you tell us what you are trying to protect against, your question
 is meaningless.
 In this time I supposed someone took too much coffee..But will

That is the absolute core of the problem. What are you trying to protect
against? If you can't even answer that question, then how do you expect to
find a solution?

If a customer came to you and offered you money to protect this data,
what would you do? 

Surely the FIRST thing you would need to do is find out, protect it from
what? What problem does the customer want you to solve?

Does the customer want error correction codes so he can transmit it
over a noisy data channel? Does the customer just want an off-site backup
he can take home? Does he want it encrypted? Or does he just want it
copyrighted, so it is legally protected? Or does he want you to go out and
hire a big strong man with a club to stand over the disk and hit people on
the head if they get too close?

 Is your program valuable? Is it worth money? Then the 90% of script
 kiddies will just wait three days, and download the program off the
 Internet after the real hackers have broken your protection.

 If it is NOT valuable, then why on earth do you think people will put up
 with whatever protection you use? Why won't they just use another
 It´s doesn´t matter if it is the next BIG HIT Ultra-fast-next-google
 thing or a programm to take control of my pet-people-living-in-
 It´s a technical question, 

No it isn't. You only think it is a technical question. 

You said it yourself: you have to make money. How much money are you going
to make if you spend all your time solving the technical question of
protecting your software, if nobody wants your software? What is the
value of the protection? Should you spend a thousand hours protecting it,
or a hundred hours, or ten, or one, or one minute, or nothing at all?

What's your business model for making money? That is far more important
than whether you can send out a .pyc file or how many people know how to
use the Python disassembler.

Maybe you'll make MORE money by giving the software away for free and
charging for services. Would you rather sell ten copies of your software
at $20 each, or give away ten thousand copies and charge five hours of
consulting services at $100 an hour?

The technical problem is the LEAST important part of the real problem,
which is how do I make money from this?.



Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread gtb
On Mar 21, 8:36 am, flit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello All,

 I have a hard question, every time I look for this answer its get out
 from the technical domain and goes on in the moral/social domain.
 First, I live in third world with bad gov., bad education, bad police
 and a lot of taxes and bills to pay, and yes I live in a democratic
 state (corrupt, but democratic).
 So please, don't try to convince me about the social / economical /
 open source / give to all / be open / all people are honest until
 prove contrary / dance with the rabbits...
 Remember I need to pay bills and security.
 Now the technical question:

 1 - There is a way to make some program in python and protects it? I
 am not talking about ultra hard-core protection, just a simple one
 that will stop 90% script kiddies.

 2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
 code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
 and ripping the .py files?

 Thanks and sorry for the introduction

Maybe an application for php. Then any html visible is not source but
result of execution of php.


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Carsten Haese
On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 11:33 -0700, gtb wrote:
 On Mar 21, 8:36 am, flit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
  code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
  and ripping the .py files?

 Maybe an application for php. Then any html visible is not source but
 result of execution of php.

How is that different from HTML output that's generated by a Python



Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
gtb a écrit :
 On Mar 21, 8:36 am, flit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
and ripping the .py files?

Thanks and sorry for the introduction
 Maybe an application for php. Then any html visible is not source but
 result of execution of php.

Why would you want to use php ??? Python is far better for web 
development than php will ever be.

Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
flit a écrit :
 First I wanna thanks the all people who gives good contribution to
 this thread, thank you all..
 Now I have something more to say:
 OK, that kind of answer is what I was trying to avoid..
(snip half-angry answers to Steven)

Flit, whether you like the way Steven expresses itself or not, I think 
you should get over the tone and pay attention to *what* he actually says.

As a side note, and from a purely technical POV, the most reliable 
protection is to *not* distribute the code. IOW, make your app (or the 
critical parts of it) a web service. This is not an absolute protection, 
but that's the best you can get AFAICT.

Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Ben Finney
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is your program valuable? Is it worth money? Then the 90% of script
 kiddies will just wait three days, and download the program off the
 Internet after the real hackers have broken your protection.

The real hackers wouldn't be doing that.

The crackers, however, might.

 \ Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a |
  `\man of value.  -- Albert Einstein |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney


Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Paul Boddie
flit wrote:

 OK, that kind of answer is what I was trying to avoid..

Perhaps, but it's possible that people get tired of answering the same
questions over and over again. A search in comp.lang.python for
protect source code will provide lots of answers, some as purely
technical as you desire.

 On Mar 21, 1:23 pm, Steven D'Aprano
  On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:36:16 -0700, flit wrote:
   1 - There is a way to make some program in python and protects it? I
   am not talking about ultra hard-core protection, just a simple one
   that will stop 90% script kiddies.
  Protect it from what? Viruses? Terrorists? The corrupt government? Your
  ex-wife cutting it up with scissors? People who want to copy it? People
  who will look at your code and laugh at you for being a bad programmer?
  Until you tell us what you are trying to protect against, your question
  is meaningless.

 In this time I supposed someone took too much coffee..But will

I think Mr D'Aprano seeks too much clarification for what would appear
to be a question that would be satisfied by a fire and forget
response, in that people telling you the usual things (distribute
bytecode, make an executable, deploy a Web service) and leaving you to
figure it out yourself would be sufficient, especially from my
perspective since I view binary-only software rather dimly having had
to work with it (or mostly around it) fairly often in previous
corporate environments. However, in choosing to ignore what he has to
say (although you've made a bad job of actually ignoring it) you lose
out on some good insights.

  Is your program valuable? Is it worth money? Then the 90% of script
  kiddies will just wait three days, and download the program off the
  Internet after the real hackers have broken your protection.
  If it is NOT valuable, then why on earth do you think people will put up
  with whatever protection you use? Why won't they just use another

 It´s doesn´t matter if it is the next BIG HIT Ultra-fast-next-google
 thing or a programm to take control of my pet-people-living-in-
 It´s a technical question, If you can´t answer it ok, I will not
 suppose that you are it or that, it´s not a personal question or

No, but as was pointed out, if you make something valuable enough and
apply complicated enough technology to protect it, you spend your way
into becoming a top ten target for people who will unprotect it in
every sense. So it's a social and an economic matter as well as an
ethical and a technical one. Don't agree? You should read the paper
about reverse engineering Skype - the effort used Python, by the way -
and that was done ostensibly for network management purposes, although
lots of people would quite happily leverage that kind of work for
other purposes. Sure, most people won't care about your program enough
to do anything more than run a decompiler on it (either a Python
bytecode one or a machine code one), and that might be too
sophisticated for your users, but it's a tradeoff defined in terms of
who your users are and what the reward might be for them in getting
access to your secrets.

   2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
   code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
   and ripping the .py files?
  Don't make the .py files available on the web server.

 Now we have a real contribution to the thread. Thank You

It was surely the answer all along. Software as a service, you know?

  [penny drops]
  Hang on, you want us to believe that you're a serious computer programmer
  with a seriously valuable program that's worth protecting, and you don't
  know that? I smell a troll.


 Again, you don´t have to believe, suppose or think anything about me,
 are you capable to make any contribution? Technical one? Are you
 sooo good and serious programmer that you did not develop your
 personal skills, and thinks that winning an argument in internet is
 the best thing in the world?

If the advice to not distribute your code - instead offering the
software as a service - was genuinely enlightening to you then I think
Mr D'Aprano has made quite a contribution that you fail to
acknowledge. If the enlightenment is merely for show, expressing shock
that Python programs can't be protected when they're distributed, then
stopping short of using the T word (as in the word used by Mr D'Aprano
above) I'd say that you should acquaint yourself with copy
protection and DRM mechanisms as well as the phenomenon that is
Trusted (a.k.a. Treacherous) Computing, then apply that knowledge to
any other favourite platforms and tools you may have.


P.S. I suppose sarcasm is a natural response when someone feels like
they're being lectured to, but you could pay good money and not get
advice as comprehensive as this. Still, I suppose it beats people
thinking that software patents are somehow cool tools of 

Re: Technical Answer - Protecting code in python

2007-03-21 Thread Bart Willems
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Protect it from what? Viruses? Terrorists? The corrupt government? Your
 ex-wife cutting it up with scissors? People who want to copy it? People
 who will look at your code and laugh at you for being a bad programmer?
 Until you tell us what you are trying to protect against, your question
 is meaningless.
 Is your program valuable? Is it worth money? Then the 90% of script
 kiddies will just wait three days, and download the program off the
 Internet after the real hackers have broken your protection.
 If it is NOT valuable, then why on earth do you think people will put up
 with whatever protection you use? Why won't they just use another

Some of us live in a world where consultants get paid for the work they 
do /by clients/. That work might be delivering the solution to some kind 
of problem. Whatever that problem is, a Python script can apparently 
solve it. Just to give a few ideas: grabbing data from a web server, 
converting output from system x in such a way that it can be used by 
system y, etc.

Now - and I know this will take a enormous leap of imagination, but try! 
try! - imagine that whatever the original problem was, it has changed. 
Maybe server x has changed into server z. Maybe the web page that we're 
pulling data from has a different format now. We don't know.

The consultant will leave a program that is of course highly 
configurable so that the client can make simple changes him/herself. He 
has to, as his clients will stop doing business if they have to call him 
for every fart they let out.

However, there can also be more complex cases. What the consultant wants 
is that the client will call HIM to fix the problem, not the director's 
nephew who took two weeks of classes.
Or the consultant wants to be sure that the two dimwitted nimcumpoops at 
the office who /think/ they can write code don't screw up the script 
when they're trying to 'fix' or 'improve' something. And blame the 
consultant if the script all of a sudden stops working 'we did not do 
anything. It just stopped working all of a sudden'.
Or he doesn't want to expose the passwords needed to logon to the 
database server. Or whatever.

So, there are reasons enough why someone wants to render his code 
immutable and/or unreadable *to some extent*. He doesn't have to fear 
reverse engineering by decompiling assembly code. If the 'hacker' can do 
that, he can probably put the whole script together. The consultant's 
problem are the people who shouldn't be touching or reading the script 
because they have no clue what they are doing and want to 'help' anyway. 
The OP clearly states that he does not want a discussion as to why to 
protect the code. All he wants is something that turns 'readable, 
changeable python' into 'unreadable, immutable python'. Yes, there are 
ways to get around it, but that is not his 'target audience' for the 

Yes, I do smell a troll, but not in the original mail.