Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-14 Thread abcd
I am using Python to create a process on another computer.  Both
computers are on the same domain with admin privileges.

On computer B I have a batch script which starts a python script.  From
computer A I am doing the following:

import wmi
w = wmi.WMI("")
p ="Win32_Process")
pid, retVal = p.Create(CommandLine="C:\\a_script.bat")
print pid, retVal

The output I get is, 1218 0  0 = "Successful Completion"
however the python script that is called from the batch script
never seems to run or at least only for a split second.  Sometimes I
see python.exe appear in the task manager on computer B for a split
second then it goes away.  So I went to computer B and double clicked
on the batch script, and sure enough a command opened up and the python
script was running...and stayed problem.   I should
mention, that sometimes it will execute the batch script and the Python
script will run and stay running.  That has only happened after trying
to do "p.Create(CommandLine)" more than once, but not every time I

Any ideas why its not working for me remotelyor why its random?
These are win xp machines with no firewalls running.


RE: Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-14 Thread Tim Golden

| I am using Python to create a process on another computer.  Both
| computers are on the same domain with admin privileges.
| On computer B I have a batch script which starts a python 
| script.  From computer A I am doing the following:
| import wmi
| w = wmi.WMI("")
| p ="Win32_Process")
| pid, retVal = p.Create(CommandLine="C:\\a_script.bat")
| print pid, retVal
| The output I get is, 1218 0  0 = "Successful Completion"

| however the python script that is called from the batch script
| never seems to run or at least only for a split second.  Sometimes I
| see python.exe appear in the task manager on computer B for a split
| second then it goes away.  So I went to computer B and double clicked
| on the batch script, and sure enough a command opened up and 
| the python script was running...and stayed problem.   
| I should mention, that sometimes it will execute the batch script and 
| the Python script will run and stay running.  That has only happened 
| after trying to do "p.Create(CommandLine)" more than once, but not

| every time I try.
| Any ideas why its not working for me remotelyor why its random?
| These are win xp machines with no firewalls running.

OK, let me say up front: there's nothing terribly obvious. Just in 
case you haven't, it's probably worth your running the latest 
wmi module -- 1.0rc6 at time of writing -- which makes slightly
cleaner the interface to WMI classes. However, that's not the
problem here, as the syntax you're using above works in 0.6b
and in 1.0rc6 (I just tried both).

I *think* that what you're seeing is that the script isn't running
in the environment you're expecting, and is then swallowing the
problem. Can you confirm whether or not the simplest possible
Python script does indeed run and produce the expected result?
You may well have to specify an explicit path for Python,
give explicit paths for output files and so on.

My test case, for example, which ran consistently, was: 

## on the remote machine

c:\python23\python c:\temp\wmi-test\

import os
f = open ("c:\\temp\\wmi-test\\test.txt", "w")
f.write ("%s\n" % os.getcwd ())
for k, v in os.environ.items ():
  f.write ("%s => %s\n" % (k, v))
f.close ()

## on my machine

import wmi
c = wmi.WMI ("vogbp364") # obviously your remote machine name
# Slightly cleaner syntax new to wmi 1.0
c.Win32_Process.Create (CommandLine=r"c:\temp\wmi-test\test.cmd")

Obviously the extent to which you'll need to
specify things will be affected by the system-level
as opposed to user-level info on each machine.

Hope that helps. Feel free to get back if it doesn't.


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Re: Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-15 Thread abcd
   Ok, well I verified that my python script and batch script are
working properly.  In fact, if I double click on the batch script (when
its on Computer B), it starts the python script and the script runs
fine with no problem.
However when I try to execute the batch script from computer A
using WMI it doesnt start.  I say that because the python script that
gets executed writes a status message to a file, and that does not
occur as well as Python.exe does not show up in the task manager, even
though Win32_Process.Create returns a PID and a 0 for the return code.
So, if I try the same process a second works.  python.exe is
running, status message is written to a file, etc.  Is there some sort
of initialization that needs to be done?



RE: Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-15 Thread Tim Golden

|Ok, well I verified that my python script and batch script are
| working properly.  In fact, if I double click on the batch 
| script (when its on Computer B), it starts the python script and the
script runs
| fine with no problem.

That's all very well, and it does confirm that there's no
obvious error in the file, but by running the batch script
*on* the computer it's on, you're running it in a particular
environment / context etc. That environment isn't (necessarily)
the same when you're running it across WMI.

All I'm saying is that remotely executed jobs tend to be
sensitive to environment issues which one is usually
unconcerned about. This is as true for cron jobs or
ssh-initiated execution on Unix as it is for WMI or
service-driven execution under Windows.

| However when I try to execute the batch script from computer A
| using WMI it doesnt start.  I say that because the python script that
| gets executed writes a status message to a file, and that does not
| occur as well as Python.exe does not show up in the task manager, even
| though Win32_Process.Create returns a PID and a 0 for the return code.
| So, if I try the same process a second works.  python.exe is
| running, status message is written to a file, etc.  Is there some sort
| of initialization that needs to be done?

Ok. That's certainly peculiar. I assume that the pid / zero-return
is because the batch script itself is run; it's only the python
script which isn't. Which doesn't explain why it runs the second

Some obvious test cases:

1) If you have the batch script write something out to file by itself,
does that happen? (eg SET > c:\temp.txt). Note - make sure the log
file destination is absolute, ie c:\temp.txt, not just temp.txt.

SET > c:\temp\test.txt

2) If you bypass the batch altogether, does that work, eg

import wmi
c = wmi.WMI ()
c.Win32_Process.Create (CommandLine=r"c:\python24\python

If this isn't getting you anywhere, could you post up
or send me privately your batch and python scripts?


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Re: Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-15 Thread abcd
so far i tried adding

SET > c:\tmp.txt
SET > c:\tmp2.txt

...and I saw both tmp files created but no python running.  I still
have to try skipping the batch file...i'll let u know.



Re: Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-15 Thread Matt
"abcd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>.however the python script that is called from the batch script

One thing I have learned about launching programs from batch files like this 
is that if the launched program tries to prompt the user for imput at the 
command line, everthing goes haywire since it has no shell to communicate 
with. It may crash, go into a loop, etc.

Good luck,


Re: Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-16 Thread abcd
I am skipping using the batch file and only executing the python
script directly...and so far it works fine.

So now I have:
pid, retVal =

Thanks again...not sure why when using the batch file to start it
wouldnt always work, but as long is it works now!


RE: Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-17 Thread Tim Golden

| Tim,
| I am skipping using the batch file and only executing the python
| script directly...and so far it works fine.
| So now I have:
| pid, retVal =
| wmi.WMI("").new("Win32_Process").Create(CommandLine="c:
| \python\python.exe
| c:\")
| Thanks again...not sure why when using the batch file to start it
| wouldnt always work, but as long is it works now!

Thanks for letting me know. Hope it continues to work
for you.

BTW, I would recommend you either to use a raw string
for that command line (r"c:\python\python.exe c:\") or
to double up your slashes ("c:\\python\\python.exe c:\\").
As it happens \p has no special meaning that I'm
aware of, but better safe than sorry...


This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star. The
service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive
anti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit:


Re: Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-17 Thread abcd
Tim Golden wrote:
> BTW, I would recommend you either to use a raw string
> for that command line (r"c:\python\python.exe c:\") or
> to double up your slashes ("c:\\python\\python.exe c:\\").
> As it happens \p has no special meaning that I'm
> aware of, but better safe than sorry...

i used double slashes, i guess i didn't type it correctly here.
Thanks for the reminder though.


Re: Win32_Process.Create -- not starting process

2006-02-17 Thread EShames
On 2/14/2006 11:25 AM, abcd wrote:
> I am using Python to create a process on another computer.  Both
> computers are on the same domain with admin privileges.
> On computer B I have a batch script which starts a python script.  From
> computer A I am doing the following:
> import wmi
> w = wmi.WMI("")
> p ="Win32_Process")
> pid, retVal = p.Create(CommandLine="C:\\a_script.bat")
> print pid, retVal
> The output I get is, 1218 0  0 = "Successful Completion"
> .however the python script that is called from the batch script
> never seems to run or at least only for a split second.  Sometimes I
> see python.exe appear in the task manager on computer B for a split
> second then it goes away.  So I went to computer B and double clicked
> on the batch script, and sure enough a command opened up and the python
> script was running...and stayed problem.   I should
> mention, that sometimes it will execute the batch script and the Python
> script will run and stay running.  That has only happened after trying
> to do "p.Create(CommandLine)" more than once, but not every time I
> try.
> Any ideas why its not working for me remotelyor why its random?
> These are win xp machines with no firewalls running.

Troubleshooting context issues seems the right track. Consider:

  -Start a_script.bat using %windir%\system32\runas.exe ([/noprofile | 
/profile] [/env] [/netonly] Play with parameters to set and explore 
context issues.

  -Use the (well respected) psexec.exe from Sysinternals to confirm 
remote execution using another means.

  -Also from Sysinternals get and use ProcessExplorer, FileMon, TDIMon 
and TCPMon

Other (possibly insulting to mention, please forgive) win batch 
troubleshooting steps:
  -REM out "@echo off" if any.

  -Place a strategic "pause" in the batch to hold the command window open.

  -Direct output from commands in the bat to a file "set > 
c:\temp\bat_out1.txt" then look at the creator, owner, etc.

Prophylactic measures & things that effect the user context behavior:
  -Check "launch folder windows in a seperate process" in 
Explorer/Tools/Folder Options/View or you will not be able to run 
explorer.exe as an alternate user.
  -Uncheck "use simple file sharing" in same as above.

FWIW Getting runas to to fire cmd.exe, then a .bat can be tricky, I use 
this to wrap runas, maybe it will help:

:: Wrapper for runas.exe
:: If called with a parameter use it as target, otherwise start cmd.exe
:: !Note: /savecred is is convenient, but not very secure!
:: LAST EDIT EBS 2006-02-10

::@echo off

:: !Change _USER to domain and user to run as!
set _USER=domain\user

if %1! == ! (
 %SYSTEMROOT%/system32/runas.exe /savecred /noprofile /user:%_USER% 
"cmd.exe cd /D c:\\\_utils\"
 goto END
) else (
 %SYSTEMROOT%/system32/runas.exe /savecred /user:%_USER% "%~f1"

