Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-10 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-07, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Well, that exactly is the point where we make the transition from this
 is how things work to pure speculation.

Everything starts with pure speculation. I had no intention of
introducing the big type system here. I just think people who
oppose type systems, limit themselves too much to how things
currently work and from there oppose anything that resembles
a type system instead of thinking of what they would like
a type system to do even if it is not implemtable now.

 Can't say that there won't be
 a solution someday - but certainly it requires much more, and from
 above nobody can say that this would solve _any_ problem.

 What you propose above is what JAVA does - plus more dynamicity.

So it isn't exactly JAVA afterall.

 given that even the  non-dynamic, everything has to be annotated JAVA
 fails to deal with ANY (called Object there),

So please explain how my system fails with the ANY.

 I can't see how a more
 dynamic environment will do _better_ in that respect.

You first argued that a type system had to limit the coder and you
gave the example of the homegeneous list. I suggested an ANY type
and asked how a homegeneous list of ANY's would limit the coder.
Your respons was that this was like a JAVA Object or C void* hack,
that can be used to circumvent the type system and cause all kinds
of problems, presumebly python was not vulnerable to.

So I would either like you to explain how my idea can be used to
circumvent the type system and cause problems, which don't
concern python or explain how this system will limit the coder
with respect what can be done in python.

 So unless you lay
 out some more detailed ideas how that works, this surely won't do much
 if any better than JAVA does today - and JAVA sucks _precisely_ because
 of the half-static-half-dynamic nature. It gives you both troubles -
 runtime errors like in python, together with compile-time limitations.

I have no need to convince you. It was you who made this claim how
a type system had to limit the coder. That you can't see how it
could be done is not an argument. Surely if a typesystem *must* limit
the user or else cause all kinds of problems as more general argument
can be given that doesn't depend on the specific implementation.

 Let's face it: you don't know much about type-systems. I do know a bit
 more - but don't claim to possess the holy grail. And I don't say that
 more powerful analyzing isn't possible. However, all you do so far is
 fantasizing and fail to see why not. Well, that failure might be
 because of limited sight on your side - not necessarily on our, which
 you constantly claim.

Well, I could accept that if you would have explained what the problem
would be with my system instead of just saying you couldn't see how
it would be more usefull than JAVA Objects.

 Visions are a nice thing - but actually, in the scientific domain not
 so much a vision, but proofs are what is needed.

Well you made the claim that a type system had to limit the coder.
Now prove your claim. Untill this is done I see no problem thinking
about type systems that don't limit the coder.

 And if you consider it
 hostile that nobody buys your ideas because so far they aren't more
 than marketing/whishful thinking, I'm sorry that I can't help you.

I don't consider it hostile that nobody buys my ideas. I considered
the environment here hostile to type systems long before I brought
my two cents to the discussions about this subject here.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-08 Thread Alex Martelli
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes: No global (test) found Local variable (ego1d) not used
  Helen:/tmp alex$ 
  If you're so typo-prone and averse to unittests that you consider this
  kind of issue to be a serious problem, just use pychecker and get
  informed about any such typo, just as above.
 That's very helpful, but why isn't it built into Python?

Because some users will prefer to use a different approach to checking,
for example, such as pylint (much more thorough in enforcing coding
rules and checking for all sort of things) or nothing (much faster than
pychecker, which in turn is faster than pylint).  Just as for other
programming tools, such as, say, an editor, I think it's wise to avoid
excessive and premature standardization on one specific tool to the
detriment of others.  (IDLE is bundled with Python, but not _built
into_ it -- indeed some would claim that the bundling was too much).

Not all tools need evolve at the same speed as the core language, which
currently follows a wise policy of major releases (2.3, 2.4, etc)
about 18 to 24 months apart, and NO feature changes for point release
(2.4.2 has exactly the same features as 2.4.1 -- it just fixes more
bugs).  Any tool which gets built into python (or, less strictly but
still problematically, is separate but bundled with it) must get on
exactly the same schedule and policy as Python itself, and that is
definitely not something that's necessarily appropriate.

If you're worried about the end-users which can't be bothered to
download tools (and, for that matter, libraries) separately from the
main language, the solution is sumo releases -- Enthought Python (from
Enthought) being an extreme example, but Active Python (from
ActiveState) comes with quite a few bundled add-ons, too.  I believe
that Linux has proven the validity of this general model: having the
core (mostly the kernel, in Linux's case; the language and standard
library, in Python's) evolve and get released as its own speed, and
having _distributions_ bundling the core with different set of tools and
add-ons get released on THEIR preferred schedules, independently.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-06, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Suppose we have a typesystem which has the type ANY, which would mean
 such an object could be any type. You could then have homogenous lists
 in the sense that all elements should be of the same declared type and
 at the same time mix all kind of type in a particular list, just
 as python does.

 The you have JAVA Object or C void*. Which cause all kinds of runtime 
 troubles because they essentially circumvene the typechecking!

Why do you call this a JAVA Object or C void*? Why don't you call
it a PYTHON object. It is this kind of reaction that IMO tells most
opponents can't think outside the typesystems they have already
seen and project the problems with those type systems on what
would happen with python should it acquire a type system.

 So how would this limit python.

 The limitation is that in static languages I must _know_ what type to 
 cast such an ANY, before calling anything on it. Otherwise its useless.

even though ususally the contents of a list 
share some common behaviour. And that exactly is the key point here: in 
a statically typed world, that common behaviour must have been extracted 
and made explicit.
 Would my suggestion be classified as a statically typed world?

 See above.

Your answer tells more about you then about my suggestion.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Steve Holden
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-10-06, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Suppose we have a typesystem which has the type ANY, which would mean
such an object could be any type. You could then have homogenous lists
in the sense that all elements should be of the same declared type and
at the same time mix all kind of type in a particular list, just
as python does.

The you have JAVA Object or C void*. Which cause all kinds of runtime 
troubles because they essentially circumvene the typechecking!
 Why do you call this a JAVA Object or C void*? Why don't you call
 it a PYTHON object. It is this kind of reaction that IMO tells most
 opponents can't think outside the typesystems they have already
 seen and project the problems with those type systems on what
 would happen with python should it acquire a type system.
[sigh]. No, it's just you being you. Diez' intention seemed fairly clear 
to me: he is pointing out that strongly-typed systems invariably fall 
back on generic declarations when they want to allow objects of any type 
(which, it seems to me, is what you were proposing as well).

In other words, you want Python to be strongly-typed, but sometimes you 
want to allow a reference to be to any object whatsoever. In which case 
you can't possibly do any sensible type-checking on it, so this new 
Python+ or whatever you want to call it will suffer from the same 
shortcomings that C++ and java do, which is to say type checking can't 
possibly do anything useful when the acceptable type of a reference is 
specified as ANY.

So how would this limit python.

The limitation is that in static languages I must _know_ what type to 
cast such an ANY, before calling anything on it. Otherwise its useless.

even though ususally the contents of a list 
share some common behaviour. And that exactly is the key point here: in 
a statically typed world, that common behaviour must have been extracted 
and made explicit.

Would my suggestion be classified as a statically typed world?

See above.
 Your answer tells more about you then about my suggestion.
Damn, I've been keeping away from this thread lest my exasperation lead 
me to inappropriate behaviour.

Is there any statement that you *won't* argue about?

leaving-the-(hopefully)-last-word-to-you-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 In other words, you want Python to be strongly-typed, but sometimes
 you want to allow a reference to be to any object whatsoever. In which
 case you can't possibly do any sensible type-checking on it, so this
 new Python+ or whatever you want to call it will suffer from the same
 shortcomings that C++ and java do, which is to say type checking can't
 possibly do anything useful when the acceptable type of a reference is
 specified as ANY.

Let's see if I understand what you're saying:

C and Java: you get useful type checking except when you declare
a reference as type ANY.  This is a shortcoming compared to:

Python: where you get no useful type checking at all.

That is not very convincing logic.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Without a clear idea of the nature of the proposal, it is impossible
to assess it's costs and benefits. So could a proponent of optional
declarations please provide a more clear proposal?
 There is no proposal on the table.  There's a discussion of how this
 stuff can work, and whether it's useful.  As for how the compiler
 deals with imported modules, see for example Common Lisp or Haskell or
 ML--how do they do it?

Except that you are providing neither useful input on how it could work 
nor on whether it would be useful. All you are doing is telling people 
to do research on other languages (that resumably do things in a way 
more to your liking).

In conclusion, this thread is unlikely to make any useful progress.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Steve Holden
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In other words, you want Python to be strongly-typed, but sometimes
you want to allow a reference to be to any object whatsoever. In which
case you can't possibly do any sensible type-checking on it, so this
new Python+ or whatever you want to call it will suffer from the same
shortcomings that C++ and java do, which is to say type checking can't
possibly do anything useful when the acceptable type of a reference is
specified as ANY.
 Let's see if I understand what you're saying:
 C and Java: you get useful type checking except when you declare
 a reference as type ANY.  This is a shortcoming compared to:
 Python: where you get no useful type checking at all.
 That is not very convincing logic.

As we say in Yorkshire, There's none as thick as them that wants to 
be. Let's try to get this in context.

 Suppose we have a typesystem which has the type ANY, which would mean
 such an object could be any type. You could then have homogenous lists
 in the sense that all elements should be of the same declared type and
 at the same time mix all kind of type in a particular list, just
 as python does.

 The you have JAVA Object or C void*. Which cause all kinds of runtime 
 troubles because they essentially circumvene the typechecking!

 Why do you call this a JAVA Object or C void*? Why don't you call
 it a PYTHON object. It is this kind of reaction that IMO tells most
 opponents can't think outside the typesystems they have already
 seen and project the problems with those type systems on what
 would happen with python should it acquire a type system.

 Diez' intention seemed fairly clear 
 to me: he is pointing out that strongly-typed systems invariably fall 
 back on generic declarations when they want to allow objects of any type 
 (which, it seems to me, is what you were proposing as well).

 C and Java: you get useful type checking except when you declare
 a reference as type ANY.  This is a shortcoming compared to:
 Python: where you get no useful type checking at all.
The points that have repeatedly been made are:

1. That even the strict typings required by languages like Java and C++ 
actually end up getting in the way when the pragmatic requirements of 
real-world problems have to be taken into account.

2. That the benefits of declarations are overstated by many of their 

3. That Python as it is today allows the dynamic creation of names, 
which are therefore inherently not available for declaration.

On existing evidence it's extremely unlikely that this post will end the 
thread, but I certainly wish *something* would. Unfortunately I seem to 
have become part of the problem in that respect :-)

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  There is no proposal on the table.  There's a discussion of how this
  stuff can work, and whether it's useful.  As for how the compiler
  deals with imported modules, see for example Common Lisp or Haskell or
  ML--how do they do it?
 Except that you are providing neither useful input on how it could
 work nor on whether it would be useful. All you are doing is telling
 people to do research on other languages (that resumably do things in
 a way more to your liking).

Nah.  I just see the import statement as a solved problem.  Do it the
same way those other languages do.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Why do you call this a JAVA Object or C void*? Why don't you call
 it a PYTHON object. It is this kind of reaction that IMO tells most
 opponents can't think outside the typesystems they have already
 seen and project the problems with those type systems on what
 would happen with python should it acquire a type system.

Well, because maybe I wanted you to give you an example of languages 
that are statically typed and have such an any construct - that, by the 
way, is not a piece of inguine imagination of yours, but has been 
thought of before, e.g. CORBA (and called there any, too)? It makes no 
sense putting python into that context - as it is _not_ statically 
typed. Which you should know, after discussing this very subject way too 

Would my suggestion be classified as a statically typed world?

See above.
 Your answer tells more about you then about my suggestion.

Your answer tells us something too: Just because you don't know anything 
about typechecking does not mean that you are in the position to make 
assumptions on how things could work if the people who know stuff 
wouldn't be so stupid. That's like saying cars can't fly because the 
stupid engineers lack my sense of imagination.

Just blathering about the possibility of some super-duper-typechecker 
and countering criticism or being told about problems in that domain by 
making bold statements that this sure could work - provide us with an 

Or maybe - just maybe - you could sit back and think about the fact that 
lots of people who are way cleverer than you and me have been working on 
this subject, and so far haven't found a way. Which doesn't necessarily 
mean that there is no way - but certainly its hard, theory-laden work 
and won't emerge in a NG discussion by some snide remarks of either you 
or anybody else.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In other words, you want Python to be strongly-typed, but sometimes
you want to allow a reference to be to any object whatsoever. In which
case you can't possibly do any sensible type-checking on it, so this
new Python+ or whatever you want to call it will suffer from the same
shortcomings that C++ and java do, which is to say type checking can't
possibly do anything useful when the acceptable type of a reference is
specified as ANY.
 Let's see if I understand what you're saying:
 C and Java: you get useful type checking except when you declare
 a reference as type ANY.  This is a shortcoming compared to:
 Python: where you get no useful type checking at all.
 That is not very convincing logic.

No, he said that this typechecking wouldn't make sense in the case of 
ANY being used. And the plethorea of ClassCastExceptions and Segfault 
proves the point :)


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Ben Sizer

Paul Rubin wrote:

 Let's see if I understand what you're saying:

 C and Java: you get useful type checking except when you declare
 a reference as type ANY.  This is a shortcoming compared to:

 Python: where you get no useful type checking at all.

 That is not very convincing logic.

It's started to get very misleading - Python gives you plenty of
type-checking, as we all know, just not at compile-time. Also comparing
Python to C/Java as you have done is not very appropriate unless you
want Python to have the same sort of compile times as C and Java do.

I think you're doing a small disservice to respond to Steve when not
acknowledging the context of the thread, where Diez was explaining that
the system used in ML would not work in Python, then Antoon made a
suggestion that would fix that particular problem but make others

I'm not convinced that the Java route - where you type out lengthy type
declarations to get some compile-time typechecking which you usually
end up having to bypass later anyway - is at all beneficial, at least
not in the context of Python. I can't ever remember a time when I
thought type checking really saved me from a bug there when using
C/C++/Java, but I _can_ remember many times where I've had to consider
which cast or conversion to use, or had to write another overloaded
function to accommodate a similar-but-different type, or debug a
complex template message, or add a superfluous base class or interface,
all just to get the kind of genericity that Python gives for free. And
it's no good saying that variable declarations will be optional,
because as soon as these statically-typed variables enter the standard
library, every Python programmer will have to take these considerations
on board when writing their code, whether we want to use them or not.

Ben Sizer


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Roy Smith
Ben Sizer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's started to get very misleading - Python gives you plenty of
 type-checking, as we all know, just not at compile-time.

There's more to it than just that.  Python's type checking is not just not 
done at compile time, it's done as late in run time as possible.  One might 
call it just-in-time type checking.

It's not hard to imagine a Python-like language which included (perhaps 
optional) variable declarations.  A declaration would essentially be an 
assertion which was checked after each assignment to that name.  So, you 
could write:

int i = 5
i = 5.6

and the second statement would throw TypeError.  This would give you 
C++/Java style type safety, but it still wouldn't be compile time.

Perhaps a better way to describe it is that the checking isn't an is-a 
assertion, but an acts-like assertion (sort of like Java's interfaces).  To 
take an example, in the function:

def first3(y):
if len(y)  3:
 return y
return y[0:3]

all I really need from the argument is that I can call len() on it and it 
can be sliced.  An easy way to describe this would be to say that y must be 
a sequence, but that's not strictly accurate, since I can easily declare my 
own class which meets those requirements without being a subclass of 
sequence (even ignoring for the moment that 'sequence', while talked about 
in the documentation, doesn't actually exist as something you can subclass).

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-07, Steve Holden schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-10-06, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Suppose we have a typesystem which has the type ANY, which would mean
such an object could be any type. You could then have homogenous lists
in the sense that all elements should be of the same declared type and
at the same time mix all kind of type in a particular list, just
as python does.

The you have JAVA Object or C void*. Which cause all kinds of runtime 
troubles because they essentially circumvene the typechecking!
 Why do you call this a JAVA Object or C void*? Why don't you call
 it a PYTHON object. It is this kind of reaction that IMO tells most
 opponents can't think outside the typesystems they have already
 seen and project the problems with those type systems on what
 would happen with python should it acquire a type system.
 [sigh]. No, it's just you being you. Diez' intention seemed fairly clear 
 to me: he is pointing out that strongly-typed systems invariably fall 
 back on generic declarations when they want to allow objects of any type 
 (which, it seems to me, is what you were proposing as well).

It is not about falling back on generic declarartion, it is about
how such object will be treated. Diez seems to think that
strongly-typed language can only deal with generic declarations
by using something that allows circumventing the type system.

 In other words, you want Python to be strongly-typed, but sometimes you 
 want to allow a reference to be to any object whatsoever. In which case 
 you can't possibly do any sensible type-checking on it, so this new 
 Python+ or whatever you want to call it will suffer from the same 
 shortcomings that C++ and java do, which is to say type checking can't 
 possibly do anything useful when the acceptable type of a reference is 
 specified as ANY.

And you are wrong. The problem with the C void* construct (I'm not that
familiar with java) is that all type information is lost. When you
use such a parameter in a function you have no idea what you are
working with.

But that doesn't need to be if you have a typesystem with an ANY type.
Such a type declaration would mean that object of any type could be
used here. However that doesn't imply that the type information
of the actual objects used, has to be lost. That type information
may still be available and usefull for further type checking.

That you and Diez can only think about C, C++ or java constructs
when I mention an ANY type, is your limitation. It doesn't
need to be the limitation of a specific type system.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 07 Oct 2005 06:01:00 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

 There's more to it than just that.  Python's type checking is not just not 
 done at compile time, it's done as late in run time as possible.  One might 
 call it just-in-time type checking.

Well there you go then. Instead of pulling our hair out that Python has no
type checking (that's a bug in the language design, woe woe woe!!!) we
can just say that Python does JIT type checking, which not only is a
feature, but also satisfies the Pointy Haired Bosses who demand buzzwords
they can't understand.



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Christophe
Roy Smith a écrit :
 There's more to it than just that.  Python's type checking is not just not 
 done at compile time, it's done as late in run time as possible.  One might 
 call it just-in-time type checking.

It's more of a Nearly too late type checking I would say. Not that I 
complain but it would be great if there were also some automatic type 
checking to catch a few errors as soon as possible.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Christophe wrote:

 It's more of a Nearly too late type checking I would say. Not that I
 complain but it would be great if there were also some automatic type
 checking to catch a few errors as soon as possible.

use assert as the soonest possible point.  implementing type gates is
trivial, if you think you need them.



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-07, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Why do you call this a JAVA Object or C void*? Why don't you call
 it a PYTHON object. It is this kind of reaction that IMO tells most
 opponents can't think outside the typesystems they have already
 seen and project the problems with those type systems on what
 would happen with python should it acquire a type system.

 Well, because maybe I wanted you to give you an example of languages 
 that are statically typed and have such an any construct

But since I have no such type system in mind, such an example is useless.

 - that, by the 
 way, is not a piece of inguine imagination of yours, but has been 
 thought of before, e.g. CORBA (and called there any, too)? It makes no 
 sense putting python into that context - as it is _not_ statically 
 typed. Which you should know, after discussing this very subject way too 

The fact that something else uses the same name, for something
doesn't mean it has to be implemented the same way.

Would my suggestion be classified as a statically typed world?

See above.
 Your answer tells more about you then about my suggestion.

 Your answer tells us something too: Just because you don't know anything 
 about typechecking does not mean that you are in the position to make 
 assumptions on how things could work if the people who know stuff 
 wouldn't be so stupid. That's like saying cars can't fly because the 
 stupid engineers lack my sense of imagination.

Then argue against my ideas, and not your makings of it.

If I just use 'ANY' and you fill that in with C void* like
implementation and argue against that, then you are arguing
against your own ghosts, but not against what I have in mind.

It may very well turn out that my idea is useless, but I will
only accept that when someone comes with arguments against
my actual idea, and not with arguements against their projection
of it.

 Just blathering about the possibility of some super-duper-typechecker 
 and countering criticism or being told about problems in that domain by 
 making bold statements that this sure could work - provide us with an 

You have not counterd my idea with criticism. You have decorated my
idea with how you think it would be implemented (C void*) and argued
against that. I don't need to give an implementation to notice, that
you jumped to a particular implementation and basicly just countered
that implementation, not the idea in general.

 Or maybe - just maybe - you could sit back and think about the fact that 
 lots of people who are way cleverer than you and me have been working on 
 this subject, and so far haven't found a way. Which doesn't necessarily 
 mean that there is no way - but certainly its hard, theory-laden work 
 and won't emerge in a NG discussion by some snide remarks of either you 
 or anybody else.

As far as I'm concerned that was just meant as a matter of fact remark,
with no snide intentions.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Christophe
Fredrik Lundh a écrit :
 Christophe wrote:
It's more of a Nearly too late type checking I would say. Not that I
complain but it would be great if there were also some automatic type
checking to catch a few errors as soon as possible.
 use assert as the soonest possible point.  implementing type gates is
 trivial, if you think you need them.

Still, it would be great if there were also some automatic type checking 
  in place. Using assert is hardly automatic and non intrusive.

I mean, why not ? Why does the compiler let me do that when you know 
perfectly that that code is incorrect :
def f():
  return a + 5

Of course the system can't be perfect but it doesn't need to be. It 
doesn't need to constrain us in any way but if it can detect some errors 
early, then it is worth it.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 use assert as the soonest possible point.  implementing type gates is
 trivial, if you think you need them.

What this is about (to me at least) is the edit-debug cycle.  Let's
say I write some Python code, using assert to validate datatypes.
Maybe I've made 4 errors.  I then write a test function and run it.
Boom, the first assert fails.  I fix the first error, run again.
Boom, the next assert fails.  Fix the next error, run again, boom,
fix, etc.  Four edit-debug cycles.

With static typing, I run the compiler, get 4 error messages, fix all
4, and can get on with the next phase of testing with three fewer edit
cycles.  That's a definite benefit of languages like Java.  It's not
imaginary.  Unit tests on Python code don't make it go away.  I have
less Java experience than Python experience by now, but I still find
that Java programs take me fewer iterations to get working than Python
programs.  The trouble is that Java has a thousand deficiencies that
outweigh that particular benefit, so overall I like Python a lot
better anyway.

Now some of the Python-is-perfect crowd seems to suffer from a Blub
paradox (  They see annoying,
static typed languages like C and Java, and they see pleasant,
dynamically typed languages like Python, and conclude that static
types = annoying, when in fact they can be orthogonal.  So, can there
be a language that's both statically typed, and pleasant?  I haven't
used one yet, but lately I've been reading about Haskell and want to
give it a try.  I keep finding statements like:

To me, Haskell is what Python should have evolved to. As a long-time
Python programmer, I have been very, very pleased with Haskell and am
currently working on porting my code to it (and write new code in
Haskell at every opportunity).


Using Haskell to develop OpenAFP.hs led to programs that eat constant
2MB memory, scale linearly, and are generally 2OOM faster than my Perl

Oh, and the code size is 1/10.
   ( -
Autrijus also raves about how great the book Types and
Programming Languages supposedly is--I'm trying to borrow
a copy.  Yeah, this is a Perl comparison, but I think of
Perl as being roughly equivalent to Python except a lot uglier).


Haskell is the least-broken programming language available today. C,
C++, Perl, Python, Java, and all the other languages you've heard of
are all much more broken, so debating their merits is pointless. :-)
Unfortunately Real Life involves dealing with brokenness.


In conducting the independent design review at Intermetrics, there
was a significant sense of disbelief.  We quote from [CHJ93]: It
is significant that Mr. Domanski, Mr. Banowetz and Dr. Brosgol
were all surprised and suspicious when we told them that Haskell
prototype P1 (see appendix B) is a complete tested executable
program.  We provided them with a copy of P1 without explaining
that it was a program, and based on preconceptions from their past
experience, they had studied P1 under the assumption that it was a
mixture of requirements specification and top level design.  They
were convinced it was incomplete because it did not address issues
such as data structure design and execution order.
   ( - this was from a bake-off
   for a military application where the Haskell solution had 85 lines
   of code to Ada's 767, C++'s 1105, and Relational Lisp's 274). 

Obviously I'm in the usual rose-colored-glasses phase of finding out
about something new and interesting, but I can't help thinking these
guys are onto something.  Quite a few of the Haskell Cafe mailing list
members seem to have come to Haskell from Python.  (Haskell tutorial: - I've read most of this and it looks
pretty cool--definitely a steeper learning curve than Python but the
result looks a lot more powerful).

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Then argue against my ideas, and not your makings of it.

 If I just use 'ANY' and you fill that in with C void* like
 implementation and argue against that, then you are arguing
 against your own ghosts, but not against what I have in mind.

Well, you didn't tell us what you had in mind. You just said let's
introduce something like any. I showed you existing implementations of
such a concept that have problems. You say thats not what _I_ have in
mind, so your criticism doesn't apply. Guess what, I can't read your
mind. But you did not tell me in what your idea is different from
existing concepts.

 You have not counterd my idea with criticism. You have decorated my
 idea with how you think it would be implemented (C void*) and argued
 against that. I don't need to give an implementation to notice, that
 you jumped to a particular implementation and basicly just countered
 that implementation, not the idea in general.

Again - where is your idea layed out in (more) detail, so that one can
discuss them? That was all that I'm asking - which of course you
carefully avoided...

 As far as I'm concerned that was just meant as a matter of fact remark,
 with no snide intentions.

Where exactly come the facts? All I see is some vague there should be
something better, by introducing ANY. But no details how typechecking
then would work. I showed you that existing type systems can't properly
cope with ANY so far and allow for much errors. Just saying but mine
won't is a little bit thin, don't you think?l



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 It is not about falling back on generic declarartion, it is about
 how such object will be treated. Diez seems to think that
 strongly-typed language can only deal with generic declarations
 by using something that allows circumventing the type system.

No, I don't - now it's you who makes assumptions about what I think. ML
and other FPs show that genericity can be done without circumvening.
Templates and generics in C++ partially do so.

  In other words, you want Python to be strongly-typed, but sometimes you
  want to allow a reference to be to any object whatsoever. In which case
  you can't possibly do any sensible type-checking on it, so this new
  Python+ or whatever you want to call it will suffer from the same
  shortcomings that C++ and java do, which is to say type checking can't
  possibly do anything useful when the acceptable type of a reference is
  specified as ANY.

 And you are wrong. The problem with the C void* construct (I'm not that
 familiar with java) is that all type information is lost. When you
 use such a parameter in a function you have no idea what you are
 working with.

You don't know JAVA - I do. And nobody said that it lost that
type-information. It doesn't. Still, errors occur - namely

That indicates that going back and forth via ANY doesn't necessarily
lose any type information, but the capability of today's type-systems
to keep that information across such a transition. This won't work:

Object foo = A();
B bar = (B) foo;

And please, pretty please don't argue with the simplicity of that
example - think of a bazillion statements between these two, possibly
done with run-time-instantiated classes that weren't known at

 But that doesn't need to be if you have a typesystem with an ANY type.
 Such a type declaration would mean that object of any type could be
 used here. However that doesn't imply that the type information
 of the actual objects used, has to be lost. That type information
 may still be available and usefull for further type checking.

JAVA has that.

 That you and Diez can only think about C, C++ or java constructs
 when I mention an ANY type, is your limitation. It doesn't
 need to be the limitation of a specific type system.

Again: where are the specifics of this system? In your head? Tell us
the gory detail, please.



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Roy Smith
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What this is about (to me at least) is the edit-debug cycle.  Let's
 say I write some Python code, using assert to validate datatypes.
 Maybe I've made 4 errors.  I then write a test function and run it.
 Boom, the first assert fails.  I fix the first error, run again.
 Boom, the next assert fails.  Fix the next error, run again, boom,
 fix, etc.  Four edit-debug cycles.
 With static typing, I run the compiler, get 4 error messages, fix all
 4, and can get on with the next phase of testing with three fewer edit

That's certainly the plan, but my experience is that it's not the whole 
story, for a few reasons.

1) I can often run 4 Python edit-debug cycles in the time it takes me to 
run a single C++ cycle, especially if there's a whole pile of build system 
gunk layered on top of the raw compile step.

2) When I get a bunch of compile errors, I know that many of them are just 
cascaded from a single problem.  Thus, I tend to fix the first one and only 
take a quick look at all the others.  If it's obvious what the problem is, 
I'll fix it, but as often as not, I'll just recompile and see what pops out 
the next time.

3) Many times, I'll spend more time making the compiler happy than the 
protection it affords me is worth.  C++ is such a complex language, it's 
really hard to write a compiler which follows every detail of the spec, and 
the details are what kills you.  We had a case the other day where a 
const_cast of a reference returned by a function worked just fine on 
Solaris, but failed on HPUX.  We ended up with three guys digging through 
reference manuals trying to figure out how const_cast and references are 
supposed to interact.  We ended up deciding what we were doing was legal, 
but we still had to devise a work-around so it compiled on all platforms.  
It's actually a little more complex than that, because we don't even write 
raw const_cast's, we use a CONST_CAST macro to work around older compilers 
that don't support modern casting, so we burned a little more time 
double-checking that our macro expansion wasn't at fault.  We could have 
done a lot of Python edit-debug cycles in the time it took to sort that one 

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Now some of the Python-is-perfect crowd seems to suffer from a Blub
 paradox (  They see annoying,
 static typed languages like C and Java, and they see pleasant,
 dynamically typed languages like Python, and conclude that static
 types = annoying, when in fact they can be orthogonal.  So, can there
 be a language that's both statically typed, and pleasant?  I haven't
 used one yet, but lately I've been reading about Haskell and want to
 give it a try.

Nobody says that there can't be possibly better languages like python
overall, or for specific tasks. However, this discussion is about
introducing type-checking to python. And as someone who has done his
fair share of FP programming let me assure you that

 - all declarations are fully type annotated. The inference only comes
into play on _expressions_. The result in python would be that you'd
have to write

def foo(x:int):int :
 return 10

but then could use

x = foo()

which made the inference possible. But it _doesn't figure out that foo
returns an int because there is one returned, and misses the :int in
the declaration! Genericity is reached through solving somewhat more
complicated type equations - but these still require declarations:

def bar(l:list[whatever]):whatever :
 return head(l)

x = bar([10])

can be resolved as [] will me a list-constructor that gets passed an
int literal - wich in turn means that whatever as type-variable is
bound to int, and thus x is an int, as that is the return type of bar.

 - FPs share their own set of problems - try writing a server. The have
inherent troubles with event-driven programs. Then you need monads, and
that makes things a little bit more ugly...

Still, FP is cool. But python too. And just attaching some
type-inference to python won't work.



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  - FPs share their own set of problems - try writing a server. The
 have inherent troubles with event-driven programs.


 Still, FP is cool. But python too. And just attaching some
 type-inference to python won't work.

Yeah, I've figured declarations in Python would be more like Common
Lisp's, i.e. optional, enforced at compile time only when the compiler
can easily figure it out, and at runtime otherwise.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Paul Rubin wrote:
 Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   - FPs share their own set of problems - try writing a server. The
  have inherent troubles with event-driven programs.


Guess what, worked with that, too :) And let me assure you - it does
have pretty much runtime type error issues. It's interpreted. I'm not
sure what the compiler/parser gets at loading a source file. And the
Mnesia distributed database lets you easily query the wrong values...
It's interesting, and it's concurrent programming paradigms are great.
But it's far from being perfect, and needs thourough testing before
deploying new code.

  Still, FP is cool. But python too. And just attaching some
  type-inference to python won't work.

 Yeah, I've figured declarations in Python would be more like Common
 Lisp's, i.e. optional, enforced at compile time only when the compiler
 can easily figure it out, and at runtime otherwise.

Easy cases are easy... The thing is: I'm all for typechecking as long
as it doesn't burden me. In FP it doesn't, as the expressional power is
way better. But in JAVA, it does. And just doing wishful-thinking about
that Python should do better that won't help... :)



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Steve Holden
Christophe wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh a écrit :
Christophe wrote:

It's more of a Nearly too late type checking I would say. Not that I
complain but it would be great if there were also some automatic type
checking to catch a few errors as soon as possible.

use assert as the soonest possible point.  implementing type gates is
trivial, if you think you need them.
 Still, it would be great if there were also some automatic type checking 
   in place. Using assert is hardly automatic and non intrusive.
 I mean, why not ? Why does the compiler let me do that when you know 
 perfectly that that code is incorrect :
 def f():
   return a + 5
 Of course the system can't be perfect but it doesn't need to be. It 
 doesn't need to constrain us in any way but if it can detect some errors 
 early, then it is worth it.

While this is a perfectly acceptable feature request, we should remember 
that Python is developed and maintained by a volunteer team. Do we 
*really* want them spending their time adding features like this?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-07, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Then argue against my ideas, and not your makings of it.

 If I just use 'ANY' and you fill that in with C void* like
 implementation and argue against that, then you are arguing
 against your own ghosts, but not against what I have in mind.

 Well, you didn't tell us what you had in mind.

Indeed I hadn't. It wasn't needed for the question I posed then.

 You just said let's
 introduce something like any. I showed you existing implementations of
 such a concept that have problems.

But as far as I can see that is a problem of the implementation
not necessarily of the concept.

 You say thats not what _I_ have in
 mind, so your criticism doesn't apply. Guess what, I can't read your
 mind. But you did not tell me in what your idea is different from
 existing concepts.

Indeed you can't read my mind, but what pops up in your mind shows
your preconceptions. You could have just answered the question
as it was posed, instead of filling in the details yourself, maybe
remarking that you didn't see how it would work with current
type systems you know off.

 You have not counterd my idea with criticism. You have decorated my
 idea with how you think it would be implemented (C void*) and argued
 against that. I don't need to give an implementation to notice, that
 you jumped to a particular implementation and basicly just countered
 that implementation, not the idea in general.

 Again - where is your idea layed out in (more) detail, so that one can
 discuss them? That was all that I'm asking - which of course you
 carefully avoided...

Sure I'm reluctant to give details. I consider this a hostile
environment, for this kind of proposals. I'm sure people will
be able to come up with all kind of problems my idea won't solve
and will see this as a reason to think the idea is useless.

Since I have no intention to 

 As far as I'm concerned that was just meant as a matter of fact remark,
 with no snide intentions.

 Where exactly come the facts?

About how you filled in the details yourself when all I mentioned
was a type system with an ANY type.

 All I see is some vague there should be
 something better, by introducing ANY. But no details how typechecking
 then would work. I showed you that existing type systems can't properly
 cope with ANY so far and allow for much errors. Just saying but mine
 won't is a little bit thin, don't you think?l

The main idea is that type information would be available at two places.

1) The names, which carry the declared type.

2) The objects which carry the type/class they belong too.

When an object is bound to a name, a check is made that the type of the
object is compatible with the declared type of the name.

A name with type ANY, would be just like any python variable or
instance now. Python could implement this by instead of storing its
variables in dictionaries as (name, value) tuples, by storing them
as (name, declaration, value) tuples and making the necesarry checks
at (re)bind time. Variables that are not declared would get the
ANY declaration so that current scripts would just remain working
as they do now. But as the compiler got more sophisticated some
of these checks might be doable at compile time instead of at
run time.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Guess what, worked with that, too :) And let me assure you - it does
 have pretty much runtime type error issues. It's interpreted.

Yes, it makes no attempt at being statically typed.  It's like Python
that way, AFAIK.

 Easy cases are easy... The thing is: I'm all for typechecking as long
 as it doesn't burden me. In FP it doesn't, as the expressional power is
 way better. But in JAVA, it does. And just doing wishful-thinking about
 that Python should do better that won't help... :)

How about Lisp?  It seems to do some good there, without getting in
the way.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

  You just said let's
  introduce something like any. I showed you existing implementations of
  such a concept that have problems.

 But as far as I can see that is a problem of the implementation
 not necessarily of the concept.

Without any concept, sure there can't be problems with that concept.

  You say thats not what _I_ have in
  mind, so your criticism doesn't apply. Guess what, I can't read your
  mind. But you did not tell me in what your idea is different from
  existing concepts.

 Indeed you can't read my mind, but what pops up in your mind shows
 your preconceptions. You could have just answered the question
 as it was posed, instead of filling in the details yourself, maybe
 remarking that you didn't see how it would work with current
 type systems you know off.

How can one answer a question without what he knows? Sure I fill in the
context. If I wouldn't know that this whole NG is about python, I
wouldn't know how to answer most of the questions that arise here.
Which is a general thing about communication.

But I certainly have had more contact with type systems than you had -
so my filling-out was by no means unreasonable - as you imply.
Without further details, one can only guess. And debuking guesswork by
saying but _that_ wasn't what I meant as you permanently do is easy -
but doesn't make _your_ point valid.

 Sure I'm reluctant to give details. I consider this a hostile
 environment, for this kind of proposals. I'm sure people will
 be able to come up with all kind of problems my idea won't solve
 and will see this as a reason to think the idea is useless.

Why hostile? Because people will possibly destroy your wishful thinking
by providing counter examples - if they exist? I doubt that a serious
proposal would get suppressed here - as the static compilers that have
shown up recently prove, as they have been greeted and met with
reasonable criticism where it was in order.

You didn't come up with an Idea so far, as I'm concerned. Just some
random thoughts.

But then again, here we go:

 The main idea is that type information would be available at two places.

 1) The names, which carry the declared type.


 2) The objects which carry the type/class they belong too.

That already is the case.

 When an object is bound to a name, a check is made that the type of the
 object is compatible with the declared type of the name.

JAVA exactly does that.

 A name with type ANY, would be just like any python variable or
 instance now. Python could implement this by instead of storing its
 variables in dictionaries as (name, value) tuples, by storing them
 as (name, declaration, value) tuples and making the necesarry checks
 at (re)bind time. Variables that are not declared would get the
 ANY declaration so that current scripts would just remain working
 as they do now.

So far, this is exactly what java does - plus a more dynamic approach
to method/function invocation on ANY. So it seems my assumptions about
what you had in mind weren't so false after all, eh?

But as the compiler got more sophisticated some
 of these checks might be doable at compile time instead of at
 run time.

Well, that exactly is the point where we make the transition from this
is how things work to pure speculation. Can't say that there won't be
a solution someday - but certainly it requires much more, and from
above nobody can say that this would solve _any_ problem.

What you propose above is what JAVA does - plus more dynamicity. Well,
given that even the  non-dynamic, everything has to be annotated JAVA
fails to deal with ANY (called Object there), I can't see how a more
dynamic environment will do _better_ in that respect. So unless you lay
out some more detailed ideas how that works, this surely won't do much
if any better than JAVA does today - and JAVA sucks _precisely_ because
of the half-static-half-dynamic nature. It gives you both troubles -
runtime errors like in python, together with compile-time limitations.

Let's face it: you don't know much about type-systems. I do know a bit
more - but don't claim to possess the holy grail. And I don't say that
more powerful analyzing isn't possible. However, all you do so far is
fantasizing and fail to see why not. Well, that failure might be
because of limited sight on your side - not necessarily on our, which
you constantly claim.

Visions are a nice thing - but actually, in the scientific domain not
so much a vision, but proofs are what is needed. And if you consider it
hostile that nobody buys your ideas because so far they aren't more
than marketing/whishful thinking, I'm sorry that I can't help you.



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Christophe wrote:

 I mean, why not ? Why does the compiler let me do that when you know
 perfectly that that code is incorrect :

 def f():
   return a + 5

probably because the following set is rather small:

bugs caused by invalid operations involving only literals, that are not
discovered during initial testing



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  When you want local variable in lisp you do :
  (let ((a 3)) (+ a 1))
 Excep that's not a decleration, that's a binding. That's identical to
 the Python fragment:
a = 3
return a + 1
 except for the creation of the new scope. Not a variable decleration
 in site.

Really not though, the scope is what makes it a declaration.  In
Python you can say:

   for i in 1,2:
 if i == 2: print x   # x is unbound the first time through the loop
 x = 9# but bound the second time 

and the print doesn't raise an error.  Further, 'x' is still in scope
even after the loop exits.  Scheme lets you say something like

  (define (counter)
(let ((k 0))
  (define (f)
 (set! k (+ 1 k))

Yeah, I know you'd write it a bit more concisely in Scheme, but I
wanted to make it look like the Python equivalent:

  def counter():
 k = 0
 def f():
k += 1
return k
 return f

The trouble is, in f, k is neither local nor global, so Python throws
up its hands and raises an error.  There's no way to tell it where to
find k.  This could be solved with a declaration, if Python understood it.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 How about Lisp?  It seems to do some good there, without getting in
 the way.

I don't know much about lisp. But the thing is that one of the most
important data structures in python (and basically the only one in
LISP), lists, are a big problem to type-checking if they aren't
homogenous. So I guess one can write a compiler that generates
specialized code for lists of a certain homogenous kind, like lists of
int, float and maybe string - and as long as you ensure that code is
called with such a list, you're ok. But I think that is what psyco
does, too (no idea how these two compare)

Basically, all type-inferencing boils down to collecting constraints on
variable values. Like in this expression

z  = x + y

It will be internall represented by this:

z:C = x:A + y:B

which introduces type-variables A,Band C. That tells us that all
operations __plus__ and their respective types could be meant, thus A B
C are constrained by these types. Which, in an overloading-allowing
language, can get pretty much. The trick is to find a  solution for the
variables that satisfy all the constraints. And a solution are actual
types, not ad-hoc sets of types - otherwise, you can't create any
specialized code, and the compiler will puke on you.


z += 10

now creates a constraint that binds C to int, and subsequently A and B.

Now the problem is someting like this:

if x is None:
   x = 10
   x = x * 10

Lets assume A as type-var for x. Then we have the two contstraints A -
int and A - None. Now - is there a type that satisfies both
constraints? No.  And even worse, A shall be int by x = 10 - but that
collides with A-None. So the only thing you can do is resort to A=ANY
- and interpret that code above :)



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Alex Martelli
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
egold = 0:
while egold  10:
  if test():
ego1d = egold + 1
  Oh come on. That is a completely contrived example,
 No it is not. You may not have had any use for this
 kind of code, but unfamiliary with certain types
 of problems, doesn't make something contrived.

It's so contrived it will raise a SyntaxError due to the spurious extra
colon on the first line;-).

Or, consider, once the stray extra colon is fixed:

Helen:/tmp alex$ cat
def ap():
   egold = 0
   while egold  10:
 if test():
   ego1d = egold + 1

Helen:/tmp alex$ pychecker
Processing ap...

Warnings... No global (test) found Local variable (ego1d) not used
Helen:/tmp alex$ 

If you're so typo-prone and averse to unittests that you consider this
kind of issue to be a serious problem, just use pychecker and get
informed about any such typo, just as above.

Incessant whining about the non-existent advantages of declarations,
rather than the simple use of tools that can diagnose such spelling
mistakes without any need for declarations, would qualify you as a troll
even if you didn't have a long history of trolling this group...

 Names do get misspelled and sometimes that misspelling is hard to spot.

It's totally trivial, of course, as shown above, and there is no need to
pervert and distort the language for the purpose, as you, troll, have
kept whining about for years.  I'm partial to pychecker -- that's what
we use at Google, and we also, incidentally, recently had the good
fortune to hire Neal Norwitz, pychecker's author; but there are several
other free tools that perform similar tasks, albeit with very different
philosophy, such as Logilab's pylint...:

Helen:/tmp alex$ pylint
No config file found, using default configuration
* Module ap
W:  2: Bad indentation. Found 3 spaces, expected 4
W:  3: Bad indentation. Found 3 spaces, expected 4
W:  4: Bad indentation. Found 5 spaces, expected 8
W:  5: Bad indentation. Found 7 spaces, expected 12
C:  0: Too short name ap
W:  0: Missing docstring
W:  0: Missing required attribute __revision__
C:  1:ap: Too short name ap
W:  1:ap: Missing docstring
E:  4:ap: Undefined variable 'test'
W:  5:ap: Unused variable 'ego1d'

  [rest of long critique of snipped]

Again, unused variables (typos...) get easily diagnosed without any need
for declarations.  (Similar tools, of course, apply to languages
requiring declaration, to diagnose a variable that's declared but
unused, which is a very bad code smell typical of such languages).  Of
course, pylint is about enforcing all sort of code rules, such as, by
default, indentation by multiples of 4 spaces, name length, docstrings,
and so on; while pychecker is much simpler and more narrowly aimed at
diagnosing likely mistakes and serious code smells.

But, with either tool or any of many others, there is no need at all for
declarations in order to catch typos (of course, unittests are still a
VERY good idea -- catching all typos and even coding rules violations is
NO guarantee that your code is any good, testing is A MUST).

  It would give the 
  programmer a false sense of security since they 'know' all their 
  misspellings are caught by the compiler. It would not be a substitute for
  run-time testing.
 I don't think anyone with a little bit of experience will be so naive.

Heh, right.  After all, _I_, for example, cannot have even a little bit
of experience -- after all, I've been programming for just 30 years
(starting with my freshman year in university), and anyway all I have to
show for that is a couple of best-selling books, and a stellar career
culminating (so far) with my present job as Uber Technical Lead for
Google, Inc, right here in Silicon Valley... no doubt Google's reaching
over the Atlantic to come hire me from Italy, and the US government's
decision to grant me a visa under the O-1 category (for Aliens with
Outstanding Skills), were mere oversights on their part that,
obviously, I cannot have even a little bit of experience, given that I
(like great authors such as Bruce Eckel and Robert Martin) entirely
agree with the opinion you deem so naive... that any automatic
catching of misspellings can never be a substitute for unit-testing!

Ah well -- my good old iBook's settings had killfiles for newsreaders,
with not many entries, but yours, Antoon, quite prominent and permanent;
unfortunately, that beautiful little iBook was stolen
(, so I got
myself a brand new one (I would deem it incorrect to use for personal
purposes the nice 15 Powerbook that Google assigned me), and it takes
some time to reconstruct all the settings.  But, I gotta get started
sometime -- so, welcome, o troll, as the very first entry in my
brand-new killfile.

In other words: *PLONK*, troll!-)


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-07 Thread Paul Rubin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes: No global (test) found Local variable (ego1d) not used
 Helen:/tmp alex$ 
 If you're so typo-prone and averse to unittests that you consider this
 kind of issue to be a serious problem, just use pychecker and get
 informed about any such typo, just as above.

That's very helpful, but why isn't it built into Python?

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Bengt Richter
On 5 Oct 2005 09:27:04 GMT, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Antoon Pardon wrote:

 It also is one possibility to implement writable closures.
 One could for instace have a 'declare' have the effect that
 if on a more inner scope such a declared variable is (re)bound it
 will rebind the declared variable instead of binding a local name.

That is one possibility, but I think that it would be better to use a 
keyword at the point of the assigment to indicate assignment to an outer 
scope. This fits with the way 'global' works: you declare at (or near) the 
assignment that it is going to a global variable, not in some far away part 
of the code, so the global nature of the assignment is clearly visible. The 
'global' keyword itself would be much improved if it appeared on the same 
line as the assignment rather than as a separate declaration.

e.g. something like:

var1 = 0

def f():
  var2 = 0

  def g():
 outer var2 = 1 # Assign to outer variable
 global var1 = 1 # Assign to global

IMO you don't really need all that cruft most of the time. E.g., what if ':='
meant 'assign to variable wherever it is (and it must exist), searching 
to normal variable resolution order (fresh coinage, vro for short ;-), starting 
local, then lexically enclosing and so forth out to module global (but not to 

If you wanted to assign/rebind past a local var shadowing an enclosing variable 
var, you'd have
to use e.g. vro(1).var = expr instead of var := expr.  Sort of analogous to
type(self).mro()[1].method(self, ...)   Hm, vro(1).__dict__['var'] = expr could 
force binding at the vro(1) scope specifically, and not search outwards. But 
for that there
would be optimization issues I think, since allowing an arbitrary binding would 
force a real
dict creation on the fly to hold the the new name slot.

BTW, if/when we can push a new namespace on top of the vro stack with a 'with 
namespace: ...' or such,
vro(0) would still be at the top, and vro(1) will be the local before the with, 
and := can still
be sugar for find-and-rebind.

Using := and not finding something to rebind would be a NameError. Ditto for
vro(n).nonexistent_name_at_level_n_or_outwards. vro(-1) could refer global 
module scope
and vro(-2) go inwards towards local scope at vro(0). So vro(-1).gvar=expr would
give you the effect of globals()['gvar']=expr with a pre-existence check.

The pre-existence requirement would effectively be a kind of declaration 
requirement for
the var := expr usage, and an initialization to a particular type could enhance 
Especially if you could have a decorator for statements in general, not just 
def's, and
you could then have a sticky-types decoration that would say certain bindings 
may be inferred
to stick to their initial binding's object's type.

Rambling uncontrollably ;-)
My .02USD ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-06, Bengt Richter schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On 5 Oct 2005 09:27:04 GMT, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Antoon Pardon wrote:

 It also is one possibility to implement writable closures.
 One could for instace have a 'declare' have the effect that
 if on a more inner scope such a declared variable is (re)bound it
 will rebind the declared variable instead of binding a local name.

That is one possibility, but I think that it would be better to use a 
keyword at the point of the assigment to indicate assignment to an outer 
scope. This fits with the way 'global' works: you declare at (or near) the 
assignment that it is going to a global variable, not in some far away part 
of the code, so the global nature of the assignment is clearly visible. The 
'global' keyword itself would be much improved if it appeared on the same 
line as the assignment rather than as a separate declaration.

e.g. something like:

var1 = 0

def f():
  var2 = 0

  def g():
 outer var2 = 1 # Assign to outer variable
 global var1 = 1 # Assign to global

 IMO you don't really need all that cruft most of the time. E.g., what if ':='
 meant 'assign to variable wherever it is (and it must exist), searching 
 to normal variable resolution order (fresh coinage, vro for short ;-), 
 starting with
 local, then lexically enclosing and so forth out to module global (but not to 

Just some ideas about this

1) Would it be usefull to make ':=' an expression instead if a

I think the most important reason that the assignment is a statement
and not an expression would apply less here because '==' is less easy
to turn into ':=' by mistake than into =

Even if people though that kind of bug was still too easy

2) What if we reversed the operation. Instead of var := expression,
   we write expression =: var.

IMO this would make it almost impossible to write an assignment
by mistake in a conditional when you meant to test for equality.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Brian Quinlan schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Paul Rubin wrote:
 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in
Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding
them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any
language with required declarations could even remotely resemble
 Python already has a global declaration;

 Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global 
 variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if not 
 actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your proposal 

 how does it de-Pythonize the language if there's also a local
 declaration and an option to flag any variable that's not declared as
 one or the other?

 Your making this feature optional contradicts the subject of this 
 thread i.e. declarations being necessary. But, continuing with your 
 declaration thought experiment, how are you planning on actually adding 
 optional useful type declarations to Python e.g. could you please 
 rewrite this (trivial) snippet using your proposed syntax/semantics?

 from xml.dom import *

 def do_add(x, y):
  return '%s://%s' % (x, y)

 def do_something(node):
  if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
  return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
  elif node.namespace == ...

IMO your variable are already mostly declared. The x and y in
the do_add is kind of a declarartion for the parameters x and

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Bengt Richter
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 11:10:58 GMT, Ron Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-10-04, Ron Adam schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Antoon Pardon wrote:

Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

And lo, one multi-billion dollar Mars lander starts braking either too
early or too late. Result: a new crater on Mars, named after the NASA
employee who thought the compiler would catch errors.

Using (unit)tests will not guarantee that your programs is error free.

So if sooner or later a (unit)tested program causes a problem, will you
then argue that we should abondon tests, because tests won't catch
all errors.

Maybe you need to specify what kind of errors you want to catch. 
Different types of errors require different approaches.
 I want to catch all errors of course.

Yes, of course, and so do other programmers.  What I mean is to try and 
break it down into specific instances and then see what the best 
approach is for each one is.

When I first started leaning Python I looked for these features as well, 
but after a while my programming style changed and I don't depend on 
types and names to check my data near as much now.  But instead write 
better organized code and data structures with more explicit value 
checks where I need them.

My concern now is having reusable code and modules I can depend on.  And 
also separating my data and data management operations from the user 
interface.  Having functions and names that don't care what type the 
objects are, makes doing this separation easier.

Another situation where typeless names are useful is routines that 
explicitly check the type, then depending on the type does different 
things.  For example if you have a list with a lot of different type 
objects stored in it, you can sort the contents into sublists by type.

Looking at it from a different direction, how about adding a keyword to 
say,  from this point on, in this local name space, disallow new 
names.  Then you can do...

def few(x,y):
a = 'a'
b = 'b'
i = j = k = l = None
# raise an error after here if a new name is used.
for I in range(10):   --  error

This is more suitable to Pythons style than declaring types or variables 
I think.  Add to this explicit name-object locking to implement 
constants and I think you would have most of the features you want.

You can do that now with a decorator, if you are willing to assign something
to no_new_names (so it won't give you a name error if it doesn't exist). E.g.,

  def nnn(f):
 ... names = f.func_code.co_names
 ... assert 'no_new_names' not in names or names[-1]=='no_new_names', 'Bad 
 ... return f
 ... def few(x,y):
 ... a = 'a'
 ... b = 'b'
 ... i = j = k = l = None
 ... no_new_names=None
 ... for i in range(10): print i,
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File stdin, line 3, in nnn
 AssertionError: Bad name:'range'
 ... def few(x,y):
 ... a = 'a'
 ... b = 'b'
 ... i = j = k = l = None
 ... no_new_names=None
 ... return a,b,i,j,k,l
 ('a', 'b', None, None, None, None)

No guarantees, since this depends on the unguaranteed order of 
f.func_code.co_names ;-)


 no_new_names # limit any new names
 lock_name name   # lock a name to it's current object
That last one you could probably do with a decorator that imports dis and
checks the disassembly (or does the equivalent check of the byte code) of f
for STORE_FASTs directed to particular names after the lock_name name 
which you would have to spell as a legal dummy statement like
lock_name = 'name'

or perhaps better, indicating a locked assignment e.g. to x by

x = lock_name = expr  # lock_name is dummy target to notice in disassembly, 
to lock x from there on

Since names are stored in dictionaries,  a dictionary attribute to 
disallow/allow new keys, and a way to set individual elements in a 
dictionary to read only would be needed.  Once you can do that and it 
proves useful, then maybe you can propose it as a language feature.
I would want to explore how to compose functionality with existing elements
before introducing either new elements or new syntax. E.g., the dictionaries
used for instance attribute names and values already exist, and you can already
build all kinds of restrictions on the use of attribute names via properties
and descriptors of other kinds and via __getattribute__ etc.

These might also be checked for in the compile stage and would probably 
be better as it wouldn't cause any slow down in the code or need a new 
dictionary type.
Although note that the nnn decorator above does its checking at run time,
when the decorator is executed just after the _def_ is anonymously _executed_
to create the function nnn gets handed to check or modify before what it
returns is bound to the def function name. ;-)


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Mike Meyer schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 They also relieve a burden from the run-time, since all variables
 are declared, the runtime doesn't has to check whether or not
 a variable is accesible, it knows it is.
 Not in a dynamic language. Python lets you delete variables at run
 time, so the only way to know if a variable exists at a specific
 point during the execution of an arbitrary program is to execute the
 program to that point.
 It is not perfect, that doesn't mean it can't help. How much code
 deletes variables.

 It's not perfect means it may not help. Depends on the cost of being
 wrong - which means we need to see how things would be different if
 the code was assuming that a variable existed, and then turned out to
 be wrong.

 Actually, I'd be interested in knowing how you would improve the
 current CPython implementation with knowledge about whether or not a
 variable existed. The current implementation just does a dictionary
 lookup on the name. The lookup fails if the variable doesn't exist. So
 checking on the existence of the variable is a byproduct of finding
 the value of the variable. So even if it was perfect, it wouldn't

Yes it would. A function with a declare statement could work
as the __slots__ attribute in a class. AFAIU each variable
would then internally be associated with a number and the
dictionary would be replace by a list. Finding the value
of the variable would just be indexing this table.

 And if you provide type information with the declaration, more
 efficient code can be produced.
 Only in a few cases. Type inferencing is a well-understood
 technology, and will produce code as efficient as a statically type
 language in most cases.
 I thought it was more than in a few. Without some type information
 from the coder, I don't see how you can infer type from library

 There's nothing special about library code. It can be anaylyzed just
 like any other code.

Not necessarily, library code may not come with source, so there
is little to be analyzed then.

 Except declarations don't add functionality to the language. They
 effect the programing process.
 It would be one way to get writable closures in the language.
 That is added functionality.

 Except just adding declerations doesn't give you that. You have to
 change the language so that undeclared variables are looked for up the

They already are. The only exception being when the variable is
(re)bound. This can give you 'surprising' results like the

a = []
b = []
def f():
  a[:] = range(10)
  b = range(10)

print a
print b

which will gibe the following result.

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

 And we have conflicting claims about
 whether that's a good effect or not, all apparently based on nothing
 solider than personal experience. Which means the arguments are just
 personal preferences.
 Whether the good effect is good enough is certainly open for debate.
 But the opponents seem to argue that since it is no absolute guarantee,
 it is next to useless. Well I can't agree with that kind of argument
 and will argue against it.

 You're not reading the opponents arguments carefully enough. The
 argument is that the benefit from type declerations is overstated, and
 in reality doesn't outweigh the cost of declerations.

That may be there intend, but often enough I see arguments that boil
down to the fact that declarations won't solve a particular problem
completely as if that settles it.

 Dynamic languages tend to express a much wider range of programming
 paradigms than languages that are designed to be statically
 compiled. Some of these paradigms do away with - or relegate to the
 level of ugly performance hack - features that someone only
 experienced with something like Pascal would consider
 essential. Assignment statements are a good example of that.
 I think we should get rid of thinking about a language as
 static or dynamic. It is not the language which should determine
 a static or dynamic approach, it is the problem you are trying
 to solve. And if the coder thinks that a static approach is
 best for his problem, why shouldn't he solve it that way.

 Except that languages *are* static or dynamic.

Not in the way a lot of people seem to think here. Adding declarations
doesn't need to take away any dynamism from the language.

 They have different
 features, and different behaviors. Rather than tilting at the windmill
 of making a dynamic language suitable for static approaches, it's
 better to simply use the appropriate tool for the job. Especially if
 those changes make the tool *less* suitable for a dynamic approach.

They don't. That seems to be the big fear after a lot of resistance
but IMO it is unfounded.

If I write a module that only makes sense with floating point numbers,
declaring those variables as floats and allowing the compiler to
generate code optimised for floating point numbers, will in no

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 This is naive. Testing doesn't guarantee anything. If this is what you
 think about testing, then testing gives you a false impression of
 security. Maybe we should drop testing.

 Typechecking is done by a reduced lamda calculus (System F, which is 
 ML-Style), whereas testing has the full power of a turing complete 
 language. So _if_ one has to be dropped, it would certainly be 

Sure, But allow me this silly analogy.

Going out on a full test-drive will also reveal your tires are flat.
So if you one has to be dropped, a full test drive or a tire check
it would certainly be the tired check. But IMO the tire check
is still usefull.

 Additionally, testing gives you the added benefit of actually using your 
 decelared APIs - which serves documentation  purposes as well as 
 securing your design decisions, as you might discover bad design while 
 actually writing testcases.

Hey, I'm all for testing. I never suggested testing should be dropped
for declarations

 Besides that, the false warm feeling of security a successful 
 compilation run has given many developers made them check untested and 
 actually broken code into the VCS. I've seen that _very_ often! And the 
 _only_ thinng that prevents us from doing so is to enforce tests.

I wonder how experienced are these programmers? I know I had this
feeling when I started at the univeristy, but before I left I
already wrote my programs in rather small pieces that were tested
before moving on.

 these are more naturally done in python (or similar languages) as every 
 programmer knows unless the program run sucsessfully, I can't say 
 anything about it than in a statically typed language where the 
 programmer argues hey, it compiled, it should work!

Again I do have to wonder about how experienced these programmers are.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Duncan Booth
Antoon Pardon wrote:

 from xml.dom import *

 def do_add(x, y):
  return '%s://%s' % (x, y)

 def do_something(node):
  if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
  return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
  elif node.namespace == ...

 IMO your variable are already mostly declared. The x and y in
 the do_add is kind of a declarartion for the parameters x and

I think you missed his point, though I'm not surprised since unless you 
are familiar with the internals of the xml package it isn't obvious just 
how complex this situation is.

The value XML_NAMESPACE was imported from xml.dom, but the xml package is 
kind of weird. XML_NAMESPACE defined both in xml.dom and in the 
_xmlplus.dom package. The _xmlplus package is conditionally imported by the 
xml package, and completely replaces it, but only if _xmlplus is present 
and at least version 0.8.4 (older versions are ignored).

This is precisely the kind of flexibility which gives Python a lot of its 
power, but it means that you cannot tell without running the code which 
package actually provides xml.dom.

Of course, I would expect that if you enforced strict variable declarations 
you would also disallow 'from x import *', but you still cannot tell until 
runtime whether an particular module will supply a particular variable, not 
what type it is.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
OK. The Python compiler would check that the name is declared but it
would not check that it is defined before use? So this would be

def foo():
 local x
 return x
 Come on, you are asking silly questions.  Any reasonable C compiler
 would flag something like that and Python (with the flag set) should
 do the same.  If you want to ask substantive questions, that's fine,
 but stop wasting our time with silly stuff.

I'm not trying to be silly. I am trying to get a handle on the semantics 
that you are proposing. So we now have two requirements for the new 
declaration syntax (please let me know if I'm wrong):

o the variable must be declared
o the variable must be assigned

I would assume that you would make it so that assignment and delaration 
happen as part of the same statement?

 If type checking is implemented then the stdlib should be updated to
 add declarations for public symbols.  If not, the compiler would flag
 the undeclared symbol.  You could always declare it to be of type 'object'.

Fair enough.

 except NameError:
  XML_NAMESPACEstr = ...
  XML_NAMESPACEunicode = u...
 This wouldn't be allowed.

OK, that sucks.

2. the compiler does not have access to the names in other modules anyway
 You're being silly again.  The compiler would examine the other module
 when it processes the import statement, just like it does now.

Right now, the compiler DOES NOT examine the contents of the other 
modules. All it does is generate an IMPORT_NAME instruction which is 
evaluation during runtime. So are you proposing that the compiler now 
scan other modules during compilation?

How would you find the class definition for the Node object at
 By processing the xml.dom module when it's imported.

Import happens at runtime (see above). But you seem to want compile-time 
type checking.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Paul Rubin
Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The value XML_NAMESPACE was imported from xml.dom, but the xml package is 
 kind of weird. XML_NAMESPACE defined both in xml.dom and in the 
 _xmlplus.dom package. The _xmlplus package is conditionally imported by the 
 xml package, and completely replaces it, but only if _xmlplus is present 
 and at least version 0.8.4 (older versions are ignored).
 This is precisely the kind of flexibility which gives Python a lot of its 
 power, but it means that you cannot tell without running the code which 
 package actually provides xml.dom.

This sounds like the socket module, which is a total mess.  Library
code should not be written like that.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Paul Rubin
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'm not trying to be silly. I am trying to get a handle on the
 semantics that you are proposing. So we now have two requirements for
 the new declaration syntax (please let me know if I'm wrong):
 o the variable must be declared
 o the variable must be assigned

These would both be errors that the compiler could and should check
for, if declaration checking is enabled.  However, they would not be
syntax errors.

 I would assume that you would make it so that assignment and
 delaration happen as part of the same statement?

Sure, why not.

 Right now, the compiler DOES NOT examine the contents of the other
 modules. All it does is generate an IMPORT_NAME instruction which is
 evaluation during runtime. 

In that case the other module gets compiled when the IMPORT_NAME
instruction is executed.  That says that compile time and runtime are
really the same thing in the current system.

 So are you proposing that the compiler now scan other modules during

Yeah, maybe some optimization is possible.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Sure, But allow me this silly analogy.
 Going out on a full test-drive will also reveal your tires are flat.
 So if you one has to be dropped, a full test drive or a tire check
 it would certainly be the tired check. But IMO the tire check
 is still usefull.

But you could write it as test - including not only a look (which 
resembles the limited capabilities of typechecking), but testing the air 
pressure, looking at the tyre type and see that it won't match the rainy 

 Hey, I'm all for testing. I never suggested testing should be dropped
 for declarations

The testing is IMHO more valuable than typechecking. The latter one 
actually _limits_ me. See e.g. the java IO-Api for a very bloated way of 
what comes very naturally with python. Duck-typing at it's best. The 
only reason I see typechecking is good for is optimization. But that is 
not the problem with JAVA/.NET anyway. And could possibly be done with 

 I wonder how experienced are these programmers? I know I had this
 feeling when I started at the univeristy, but before I left I
 already wrote my programs in rather small pieces that were tested
 before moving on.


 Again I do have to wonder about how experienced these programmers are.

Well - surely they aren't. But that is beyond your control - you can't 
just stomp into a company and declare your own superiority and force 
others your way. I was astonished to  hear that even MS just recently 
adopted test-driven development for their upcoming windows vista. And 
they are commonly seen as sort of whiz-kid hiring hi-class company, 
certified CMM Levelo 6 and so on

The discussion is somewhat moot - typechecking is not nonsense. But 
matter of factly, _no_ programm runs without testing. And developing a 
good testing culture is cruicial. Where OTH a lot of large and 
successful projects exist (namely the python ones, amongst others..) 
that show that testing alone without typechecking seems to be good enough.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-06, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Sure, But allow me this silly analogy.
 Going out on a full test-drive will also reveal your tires are flat.
 So if you one has to be dropped, a full test drive or a tire check
 it would certainly be the tired check. But IMO the tire check
 is still usefull.

 But you could write it as test - including not only a look (which 
 resembles the limited capabilities of typechecking), but testing the air 
 pressure, looking at the tyre type and see that it won't match the rainy 

 Hey, I'm all for testing. I never suggested testing should be dropped
 for declarations

 The testing is IMHO more valuable than typechecking. The latter one 
 actually _limits_ me. See e.g. the java IO-Api for a very bloated way of 
 what comes very naturally with python. Duck-typing at it's best.

But typechecking doesn't has to be java like.

I can't help but feel that a lot of people have specific typechecking
systems in mind and then conclude that the limits of such a symtem
are inherent in typechecking itself.

IMO a good type system doesn't need to limit python in any way.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:

  Right now, the compiler DOES NOT examine the contents of the other
  modules. All it does is generate an IMPORT_NAME instruction which is
  evaluation during runtime.
  In that case the other module gets compiled when the IMPORT_NAME
  instruction is executed.

If compilation is required to complete the import (i.e. the module has 
not already been imported and the module does not already have a 
compiled byte-code file) then that is the same.

  That says that compile time and runtime are
  really the same thing in the current system.

I would say that they are separate systems but that the compilation 
system is available to the runtime (but not vise-versa). In any case, 
the important thing is that the operation of these systems has an impact 
on the optional declaration proposal being discussed.

The thing that I'm trying to understand is how the proponents of such a 
system would change Python to accomodate it. No one has been able to 
articulate that with any decree of specifity (Just do what Perl does). 
Also, these (poorly-defined) proposals have revealed a lack of 
understanding of Python's existing workings (The compiler would examine 
the other module when it processes the import statement, just like it 
does now.).

Without a clear idea of the nature of the proposal, it is impossible to 
assess it's costs and benefits. So could a proponent of optional 
declarations please provide a more clear proposal?



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 I can't help but feel that a lot of people have specific typechecking
 systems in mind and then conclude that the limits of such a symtem
 are inherent in typechecking itself.

I've been writing a type-checker for my diploma thesis for a functionnal 
programmming language. And it _is_ limited. The very subject of my work 
was to explore extended type-checking methods (so called 
multi-level-specifications),, which can be shwon to be NP-hard problems. 
Which naturally limits the domains they can be used to.

 IMO a good type system doesn't need to limit python in any way.

It has to. certainly. Take alone the list implementation - while 
typesystems as ML allow for generics (with much less typing overhead 
than JAVA), the list is always homogenous. Which python's aren't - and 
that a great thing(tm), even though ususally the contents of a list 
share some common behaviour. And that exactly is the key point here: in 
a statically typed world, that common behaviour must have been extracted 
and made explicit. Which is the cause for that notorious java io API. 
And, to extend the argument to ML-type type-checking, there you need a 
disjoint union of the possible types - _beforehand_, and the code 
dealing with it has to be aware of it.

In python OTH, I just pass objects I like into the list - if they 
behave, fine.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-06, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I can't help but feel that a lot of people have specific typechecking
 systems in mind and then conclude that the limits of such a symtem
 are inherent in typechecking itself.

 I've been writing a type-checker for my diploma thesis for a functionnal 
 programmming language. And it _is_ limited. The very subject of my work 
 was to explore extended type-checking methods (so called 
 multi-level-specifications),, which can be shwon to be NP-hard problems. 
 Which naturally limits the domains they can be used to.

 IMO a good type system doesn't need to limit python in any way.

 It has to. certainly. Take alone the list implementation - while 
 typesystems as ML allow for generics (with much less typing overhead 
 than JAVA), the list is always homogenous. Which python's aren't - and 
 that a great thing(tm),

Suppose we have a typesystem which has the type ANY, which would mean
such an object could be any type. You could then have homogenous lists
in the sense that all elements should be of the same declared type and
at the same time mix all kind of type in a particular list, just
as python does.

So how would this limit python.

 even though ususally the contents of a list 
 share some common behaviour. And that exactly is the key point here: in 
 a statically typed world, that common behaviour must have been extracted 
 and made explicit.

Would my suggestion be classified as a statically typed world?

 Which is the cause for that notorious java io API. 
 And, to extend the argument to ML-type type-checking, there you need a 
 disjoint union of the possible types - _beforehand_, and the code 
 dealing with it has to be aware of it.

 In python OTH, I just pass objects I like into the list - if they 
 behave, fine.

But now we are no longer talking about how typechecking would limit
the language but about convenience for the user.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Suppose we have a typesystem which has the type ANY, which would mean
 such an object could be any type. You could then have homogenous lists
 in the sense that all elements should be of the same declared type and
 at the same time mix all kind of type in a particular list, just
 as python does.

The you have JAVA Object or C void*. Which cause all kinds of runtime 
troubles because they essentially circumvene the typechecking!

 So how would this limit python.

The limitation is that in static languages I must _know_ what type to 
cast such an ANY, before calling anything on it. Otherwise its useless.

even though ususally the contents of a list 
share some common behaviour. And that exactly is the key point here: in 
a statically typed world, that common behaviour must have been extracted 
and made explicit.
 Would my suggestion be classified as a statically typed world?

See above.

Which is the cause for that notorious java io API. 
And, to extend the argument to ML-type type-checking, there you need a 
disjoint union of the possible types - _beforehand_, and the code 
dealing with it has to be aware of it.

In python OTH, I just pass objects I like into the list - if they 
behave, fine.
 But now we are no longer talking about how typechecking would limit
 the language but about convenience for the user.

That's dialectics. Limits in the language limit the user and make things 


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Pierre Barbier de Reuille
Mike Meyer a écrit :
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 13:58:33 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

Declarations also allow easier writable closures. Since the declaration
happens at a certain scope, the run time can easily find the correct
scope when a variable is rebound.
 If it happens at runtime, then you can do it without declarations:
 they're gone by then. Come to think of it, most functional languages -
 which are the languages that make the heaviest use of closures - don't
 require variable declarations.

Well, can you give a single example of such language ? Because all the
functionnal language I know but one do need variable declaration : lisp,
scheme, ocaml, haskell do need variable declaration ! Erlang do not ...

 Only in a few cases. Type inferencing is a well-understood
 technology, and will produce code as efficient as a statically type
 language in most cases.

Type inferencing only works for statically typed languages AFAIK ! In a
dynamically typed languages, typing a variable is simply impossible as
any function may return a value of any type !

I think language matters shouldn't be setlled by personal preferences.
 I have to agree with that. For whether or not a feature should be
 included, there should either be a solid reason dealing with the
 functionality of the language - meaning you should have a set of use
 cases showing what a feature enables in the language that couldn't be
 done at all, or could only be done clumsily, without the feature.

Wrong argument ... with that kind of things, you would just stick with
plain Turing machine ... every single computation can be done with it !

 Except declarations don't add functionality to the language. They
 effect the programing process. And we have conflicting claims about
 whether that's a good effect or not, all apparently based on nothing
 solider than personal experience. Which means the arguments are just
 personal preferences.

Well, so why not *allow* for variable declaration ? Languages like Perl
does that successfully ... you don't like : you don't do ! you like :
you do ! A simple option at the beginning of the file tell the compilor
if variable declaration is mandatory or not !

 Until someone does the research to provide hard evidence one way or
 another, that's all we've got to work with. Which means that languages
 should exist both with and with those features, and if one sides
 experiences generalize to the population at large, they alternative
 languages will die out. Which hasn't happened yet.
But we should decide what language features are usefull and which are
not by what some individual can or can't live without.
 Um - that's just personal preference (though I may have misparsed your
 sentence). What one person can't live without, another may not be able
 to live with. All that means is that they aren't likely to be happy
 with the same programming language. Which is fine - just as no
 programming language can do everything, no programming language can
 please everyone.
 Antoon, at a guess I'd say that Python is the first time you've
 encountered a dynamnic language. Being horrified at not having
 variable declarations, which is a standard feature of such languages
 dating back to the 1950s, is one such indication.

Dynamic language and variable declaration are non-related issues ! You
can have statically-typed language without variable declaration (i.e.
BASIC) and dynamically-typed language with (i.e. Lisp) ! Please, when
you says something about languages, at least give 1 name of language
asserting what you're saying !

 Dynamic languages tend to express a much wider range of programming
 paradigms than languages that are designed to be statically
 compiled. Some of these paradigms do away with - or relegate to the
 level of ugly performance hack - features that someone only
 experienced with something like Pascal would consider
 essential. Assignment statements are a good example of that.

Well, could you be more specific once more ? I can't that many paradigm
only available on dynamically typed languages ... beside duck-typing
(which is basically a synonym for dynamically-typed)

 Given these kinds of differences, prior experience is *not* a valid
 reason for thinking that some difference must be wrong. Until you have
 experience with the language in question, you can't really decide that
 some feature being missing is intolerable. You're in the same position
 as the guy who told me that a language without a goto would be
 unusable based on his experience with old BASIC, FORTRAN IV and

After more than two years of Python programming, I still fill the need
for variable declarations. It would remove tons of bugs for little works
and would also clarify the scope of any single variable.

 Pick one of the many languages that don't require declarations. Try
 writing a code in them, 

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Mike Meyer
Pierre Barbier de Reuille [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mike Meyer a écrit :
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 13:58:33 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

Declarations also allow easier writable closures. Since the declaration
happens at a certain scope, the run time can easily find the correct
scope when a variable is rebound.
 If it happens at runtime, then you can do it without declarations:
 they're gone by then. Come to think of it, most functional languages -
 which are the languages that make the heaviest use of closures - don't
 require variable declarations.
 Well, can you give a single example of such language ? Because all the
 functionnal language I know but one do need variable declaration : lisp,
 scheme, ocaml, haskell do need variable declaration ! Erlang do not ...

Scheme and lisp don't need variable declerations. Last time I looked,
Schemd didn't even *allow* variable declerations.

 Only in a few cases. Type inferencing is a well-understood
 technology, and will produce code as efficient as a statically type
 language in most cases.
 Type inferencing only works for statically typed languages AFAIK ! In a
 dynamically typed languages, typing a variable is simply impossible as
 any function may return a value of any type !

I think we're using different definitions of statically typed
here. A language that is statically typed doesn't *need* type
inferencing - the types are all declared! Type determines the thypes
by inferenceing them from an examination of the program. So, for
instance, it can determine that this function:

def foo():
return 1

Won't ever return anything but an integer.

I think language matters shouldn't be setlled by personal preferences.
 I have to agree with that. For whether or not a feature should be
 included, there should either be a solid reason dealing with the
 functionality of the language - meaning you should have a set of use
 cases showing what a feature enables in the language that couldn't be
 done at all, or could only be done clumsily, without the feature.
 Wrong argument ... with that kind of things, you would just stick with
 plain Turing machine ... every single computation can be done with it !

Computation is is not the same thing as Functionality. If you
think otherwise, show me how to declare an object with a Turing

And there's also the issue of clumsily. Turing machines are clumsy
to program in.

 Except declarations don't add functionality to the language. They
 effect the programing process. And we have conflicting claims about
 whether that's a good effect or not, all apparently based on nothing
 solider than personal experience. Which means the arguments are just
 personal preferences.
 Well, so why not *allow* for variable declaration ? Languages like Perl
 does that successfully ... you don't like : you don't do ! you like :
 you do ! A simple option at the beginning of the file tell the compilor
 if variable declaration is mandatory or not !

Perl is a red herring. Unless it's changed radically since I last
looked, undeclared variables in Perl have dynamic scope, not lexical
scope. While dynamically scoped variables are a powerful feature, and
there have been proposals to add them to Python, having them be the
default is just *wrong*. If I were writing in Perl, I'd want
everything declared just to avoid that. Of course, if Python behaved
that way, I'd do what I did with Perl, and change languages.

 Antoon, at a guess I'd say that Python is the first time you've
 encountered a dynamnic language. Being horrified at not having
 variable declarations, which is a standard feature of such languages
 dating back to the 1950s, is one such indication.
 Dynamic language and variable declaration are non-related issues ! You
 can have statically-typed language without variable declaration (i.e.
 BASIC) and dynamically-typed language with (i.e. Lisp) ! Please, when
 you says something about languages, at least give 1 name of language
 asserting what you're saying !

Declerations and typing are *also* non-related issues. See Perl. Also
see the subject line.

 Dynamic languages tend to express a much wider range of programming
 paradigms than languages that are designed to be statically
 compiled. Some of these paradigms do away with - or relegate to the
 level of ugly performance hack - features that someone only
 experienced with something like Pascal would consider
 essential. Assignment statements are a good example of that.
 Well, could you be more specific once more ? I can't that many paradigm
 only available on dynamically typed languages ... beside duck-typing
 (which is basically a synonym for dynamically-typed)

I said dynamic languages, *not* dynamically typed languages. They
aren't the same thing. Dynamic languages let you create new functions,
variables and attributes at run time. Python lets you delete them as
well.  This means that simle 

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Ron Adam
Bengt Richter wrote:
 On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 11:10:58 GMT, Ron Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Looking at it from a different direction, how about adding a keyword to 
say,  from this point on, in this local name space, disallow new 
names.  Then you can do...

def few(x,y):
   a = 'a'
   b = 'b'
   i = j = k = l = None
   # raise an error after here if a new name is used.
   for I in range(10):   --  error

This is more suitable to Pythons style than declaring types or variables 
I think.  Add to this explicit name-object locking to implement 
constants and I think you would have most of the features you want.

 You can do that now with a decorator, if you are willing to assign something
 to no_new_names (so it won't give you a name error if it doesn't exist). E.g.,

Works for me.

__lock_names__ = True

It's not too different than __name__ == '__main__'...

   def nnn(f):
  ... names = f.func_code.co_names
  ... assert 'no_new_names' not in names or names[-1]=='no_new_names', 
 'Bad name:%r'%names[-1]
  ... return f
  ... def few(x,y):
  ... a = 'a'
  ... b = 'b'
  ... i = j = k = l = None
  ... no_new_names=None
  ... for i in range(10): print i,
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
File stdin, line 3, in nnn
  AssertionError: Bad name:'range'

Hmm... To make it work this way, the globals and arguments need to have 
local references.

def few(x,y):
 global range
 range = range
 x,y = x,y
 a = 'a'
 b = 'b'
 i = j = k = l = None
 L = 1
 __no_new_names__ = True
 L += 1
 for i in range(x,y):
 print I

  ... def few(x,y):
  ... a = 'a'
  ... b = 'b'
  ... i = j = k = l = None
  ... no_new_names=None
  ... return a,b,i,j,k,l
  ('a', 'b', None, None, None, None)
 No guarantees, since this depends on the unguaranteed order of 
 f.func_code.co_names ;-)

I had the thought that collecting the names from the 'STORE FAST' lines 
of dis.dis(f) would work nicely, but...  dis.dis() doesn't return a 
string like I expected, but prints the output as it goes.  This seems 
like it would be easy to fix and it would make the dis module more 
useful.  I'd like to be able to do...

D = dis.dis(f)

An alternate option to output the disassembly to a list of of tuples. 
That would make analyzing the output really easy.  ;-)

Something like...

good_names = []
nnnames = False
for line in dis.dislist(f):
if line[2] = 'SAVE_FAST':
if not nnnames:
if line[-1] = '(__no_new_names__)':
 assert line[-1]in good_names, 'Bad name:%r'% line[-1] 

So, I wonder what kind of errors can be found by analyzing the disassembly?


no_new_names # limit any new names
lock_name name   # lock a name to it's current object
 That last one you could probably do with a decorator that imports dis and
 checks the disassembly (or does the equivalent check of the byte code) of f
 for STORE_FASTs directed to particular names after the lock_name name 
 which you would have to spell as a legal dummy statement like
 lock_name = 'name'
 or perhaps better, indicating a locked assignment e.g. to x by
 x = lock_name = expr  # lock_name is dummy target to notice in 
 disassembly, to lock x from there on

Using dis.dis it becomes two sequential 'STORE_FAST' operations.  So add 
(x) to the don't change list, and catch it on the next 'STORE_FAST' for 
(x).  ;-)

  28  12 LOAD_GLOBAL  2 (True)
  15 DUP_TOP
  16 STORE_FAST   0 (x)
  19 STORE_FAST   8 (__lock_name__)

Since names are stored in dictionaries,  a dictionary attribute to 
disallow/allow new keys, and a way to set individual elements in a 
dictionary to read only would be needed.  Once you can do that and it 
proves useful, then maybe you can propose it as a language feature.
 I would want to explore how to compose functionality with existing elements
 before introducing either new elements or new syntax. E.g., the dictionaries
 used for instance attribute names and values already exist, and you can 
 build all kinds of restrictions on the use of attribute names via properties
 and descriptors of other kinds and via __getattribute__ etc.

That was more or less what I had in mind, but I think keeping things as 
passive as possible is what is needed.  One thought is to use this type 
of thing along with __debug__.

if __debug__: __nnn__ = True

Wouldn't a debug block or suite be better than an if __debug__:?  Just a 
thought.  Even if the -0 option is given the if __debug__: check is 
still there.  Which means you still need to comment it out if it's in an 

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Paul Rubin
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Without a clear idea of the nature of the proposal, it is impossible
 to assess it's costs and benefits. So could a proponent of optional
 declarations please provide a more clear proposal?

There is no proposal on the table.  There's a discussion of how this
stuff can work, and whether it's useful.  As for how the compiler
deals with imported modules, see for example Common Lisp or Haskell or
ML--how do they do it?

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Ron Adam wrote:

 Is there a way to conditionally decorate?  For example if __debug__ is
 True, but not if it's False?  I think I've asked this question before. (?)

the decorator is a callable, so you can simply do, say

from somewhere import debugdecorator

if not __debug__:
debugdecorator = lambda x: x


def debugdecorator(func):
if __debug__:
return func




Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Paul Rubin
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I think we're using different definitions of statically typed
 here. A language that is statically typed doesn't *need* type
 inferencing - the types are all declared! Type determines the thypes
 by inferenceing them from an examination of the program. 

I thought static typing simply means the compiler knows the types of
all the expressions (whether through declarations or inference) so it
can do type checking at compile time:

 So, for instance, it can determine that this function:
 def foo():
 return 1
 Won't ever return anything but an integer.

Static typing in this case would mean that re.match('a.*b$', foo())
would get a compile time error, not a runtime error, since re.match
expects two string arguments.  This can happen through type inference
w/o declarations.

Note apropos the private variable discussion that CPython can't
guarantee that foo() always returns an integer.  Something might
change foo.func_code.co_code or something like that.

 Maybe you're still writing code for a language with declerations? I
 never felt that need. Then again, I came to Python from a language
 that didn't require declerations: Scheme.

I've done a fair amount of Lisp programming and have found the lack of
compile-time type checking to cause about the same nuisance as in
Python.  I also notice that the successors to the old-time Lisp/Scheme
communities seem to now be using languages like Haskell.

  Well, in the end, I would really like an *option* at the beginning of a
  module file requiring variable declaration for the module. It would
  satisfy both the ones who want and the ones who don't want that ...
 Nope. It would just change the argument from Python should have ...
 to You should always use ... or Module foo should use 

Perl has a feature like that right now, and it doesn't lead to many such

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Mike Meyer
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I think we're using different definitions of statically typed
 here. A language that is statically typed doesn't *need* type
 inferencing - the types are all declared! Type determines the thypes
 by inferenceing them from an examination of the program. 

 I thought static typing simply means the compiler knows the types of
 all the expressions (whether through declarations or inference) so it
 can do type checking at compile time:

 So, for instance, it can determine that this function:
 def foo():
 return 1
 Won't ever return anything but an integer.

 Static typing in this case would mean that re.match('a.*b$', foo())
 would get a compile time error, not a runtime error, since re.match
 expects two string arguments.  This can happen through type inference
 w/o declarations.

Except for two problems:

One you noted:

 Note apropos the private variable discussion that CPython can't
 guarantee that foo() always returns an integer.  Something might
 change foo.func_code.co_code or something like that.

Two is that dynamic binding means that foo may not refer to the above
function when you get there at run time.

 Maybe you're still writing code for a language with declerations? I
 never felt that need. Then again, I came to Python from a language
 that didn't require declerations: Scheme.
 I've done a fair amount of Lisp programming and have found the lack of
 compile-time type checking to cause about the same nuisance as in

So have I - basically none at all.

  Well, in the end, I would really like an *option* at the beginning of a
  module file requiring variable declaration for the module. It would
  satisfy both the ones who want and the ones who don't want that ...
 Nope. It would just change the argument from Python should have ...
 to You should always use ... or Module foo should use 
 Perl has a feature like that right now, and it doesn't lead to many such

As noted elsewhere, Perl isn't a good comparison. You don't simply say
This variable exists, you say this variable is local to this
function. Undeclared variables are dynamically bound, which means you
can get lots of non-obvious, nasty bugs that won't be caught by unit
testing. Making all your variables lexically bound (unless you really
need a dynamically bound variable) is a good idea. But that's already
true in Python.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Ron Adam
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 Ron Adam wrote:
Is there a way to conditionally decorate?  For example if __debug__ is
True, but not if it's False?  I think I've asked this question before. (?)
 the decorator is a callable, so you can simply do, say
 from somewhere import debugdecorator
 if not __debug__:
 debugdecorator = lambda x: x

Ah... thanks.

I suppose after(if) lambda is removed it would need to be.

def nulldecorator(f):
return f

if not __debug__:
   debugdecorator = nulldecorator

 def debugdecorator(func):
 if __debug__:
 return func

This one came to mind right after I posted.  :-)



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Barbier de Reuille
Dans l'article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike Meyer a écrit :
 Pierre Barbier de Reuille [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mike Meyer a écrit :
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 13:58:33 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

Declarations also allow easier writable closures. Since the declaration
happens at a certain scope, the run time can easily find the correct
scope when a variable is rebound.
 If it happens at runtime, then you can do it without declarations:
 they're gone by then. Come to think of it, most functional languages -
 which are the languages that make the heaviest use of closures - don't
 require variable declarations.
 Well, can you give a single example of such language ? Because all the
 functionnal language I know but one do need variable declaration : lisp,
 scheme, ocaml, haskell do need variable declaration ! Erlang do not ...
 Scheme and lisp don't need variable declerations. Last time I looked,
 Schemd didn't even *allow* variable declerations.

When you want local variable in lisp you do :

(let ((a 3)) (+ a 1))

For global variable you may do:

(defparameter *a* 4)


(defvar *a* 4)

However, either way, variable assignment is done via :

(setf *a* 5)
(setf a 10)

This is what I call variable declaration as you have different way
to declare global variables and to assign them ... So the
two operations are well defined and different. And here there is a
difference between static language and declarative ones ... Lisp is a
dynamic language that needs variable declarations.

 Only in a few cases. Type inferencing is a well-understood
 technology, and will produce code as efficient as a statically type
 language in most cases.
 Type inferencing only works for statically typed languages AFAIK ! In a
 dynamically typed languages, typing a variable is simply impossible as
 any function may return a value of any type !
 I think we're using different definitions of statically typed
 here. A language that is statically typed doesn't *need* type
 inferencing - the types are all declared! Type determines the thypes
 by inferenceing them from an examination of the program. So, for
 instance, it can determine that this function:

Well, indeed ... statically typed means only one thing : each *variable*
has a *static* type, i.e. a type determined at compile time. Once again,
OCaml and Haskell *are* statically typed but as they have type inference
you don't *need* to explicitely type your functions / variables. However
you *may* if you want ...

 def foo():
 return 1
 Won't ever return anything but an integer.
I think language matters shouldn't be setlled by personal preferences.
 I have to agree with that. For whether or not a feature should be
 included, there should either be a solid reason dealing with the
 functionality of the language - meaning you should have a set of use
 cases showing what a feature enables in the language that couldn't be
 done at all, or could only be done clumsily, without the feature.
 Wrong argument ... with that kind of things, you would just stick with
 plain Turing machine ... every single computation can be done with it !
 Computation is is not the same thing as Functionality. If you
 think otherwise, show me how to declare an object with a Turing

Well, that was bad spirit from me ;) My argument here wasn't serious
in any mean ...

 And there's also the issue of clumsily. Turing machines are clumsy
 to program in.
 Except declarations don't add functionality to the language. They
 effect the programing process. And we have conflicting claims about
 whether that's a good effect or not, all apparently based on nothing
 solider than personal experience. Which means the arguments are just
 personal preferences.
 Well, so why not *allow* for variable declaration ? Languages like Perl
 does that successfully ... you don't like : you don't do ! you like :
 you do ! A simple option at the beginning of the file tell the compilor
 if variable declaration is mandatory or not !
 Perl is a red herring. Unless it's changed radically since I last
 looked, undeclared variables in Perl have dynamic scope, not lexical
 scope. While dynamically scoped variables are a powerful feature, and
 there have been proposals to add them to Python, having them be the
 default is just *wrong*. If I were writing in Perl, I'd want
 everything declared just to avoid that. Of course, if Python behaved
 that way, I'd do what I did with Perl, and change languages.

I never said to adopt the whole Perl variable semantic. I just pointed
what I think is a good idea in Perl and that help (IMHO) precising what
I intended ...

 Antoon, at a guess I'd say that Python is the first time you've
 encountered a dynamnic language. Being horrified at not having
 variable declarations, which is a standard feature of such languages
 dating back to the 1950s, is one such indication.
 Dynamic language and 

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Steve Holden
Ron Adam wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Ron Adam wrote:

Is there a way to conditionally decorate?  For example if __debug__ is
True, but not if it's False?  I think I've asked this question before. (?)

the decorator is a callable, so you can simply do, say

from somewhere import debugdecorator

if not __debug__:
debugdecorator = lambda x: x
 Ah... thanks.
 I suppose after(if) lambda is removed it would need to be.
 def nulldecorator(f):
 return f
 if not __debug__:
debugdecorator = nulldecorator
It would be easier to write

 if not __debug__:
 def debugdecorator(f):
 return f

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Mike Meyer
Barbier de Reuille [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dans l'article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike Meyer a écrit :
 Pierre Barbier de Reuille [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mike Meyer a écrit :
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 13:58:33 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

Declarations also allow easier writable closures. Since the declaration
happens at a certain scope, the run time can easily find the correct
scope when a variable is rebound.
 If it happens at runtime, then you can do it without declarations:
 they're gone by then. Come to think of it, most functional languages -
 which are the languages that make the heaviest use of closures - don't
 require variable declarations.
 Well, can you give a single example of such language ? Because all the
 functionnal language I know but one do need variable declaration : lisp,
 scheme, ocaml, haskell do need variable declaration ! Erlang do not ...
 Scheme and lisp don't need variable declerations. Last time I looked,
 Schemd didn't even *allow* variable declerations.

 When you want local variable in lisp you do :

 (let ((a 3)) (+ a 1))

Excep that's not a decleration, that's a binding. That's identical to
the Python fragment:

   a = 3
   return a + 1

except for the creation of the new scope. Not a variable decleration
in site.

 For global variable you may do:

 (defparameter *a* 4)


 (defvar *a* 4)

That's not Scheme. When I was writing LISP, those weren't
required. Which is what I said: variable declarations aren't required,
and aren't allowedd in Scheme.

 However, either way, variable assignment is done via :

 (setf *a* 5)
 (setf a 10)

 This is what I call variable declaration as you have different way
 to declare global variables and to assign them ... So the
 two operations are well defined and different.

Python uses global foo to declare global variables.

 And here there is a difference between static language and
 declarative ones ... Lisp is a dynamic language that needs variable

LISP doesn't need variable declarations. I certainly never wrote any
when I was writing it.

 Except declarations don't add functionality to the language. They
 effect the programing process. And we have conflicting claims about
 whether that's a good effect or not, all apparently based on nothing
 solider than personal experience. Which means the arguments are just
 personal preferences.
 Well, so why not *allow* for variable declaration ? Languages like Perl
 does that successfully ... you don't like : you don't do ! you like :
 you do ! A simple option at the beginning of the file tell the compilor
 if variable declaration is mandatory or not !
 Perl is a red herring. Unless it's changed radically since I last
 looked, undeclared variables in Perl have dynamic scope, not lexical
 scope. While dynamically scoped variables are a powerful feature, and
 there have been proposals to add them to Python, having them be the
 default is just *wrong*. If I were writing in Perl, I'd want
 everything declared just to avoid that. Of course, if Python behaved
 that way, I'd do what I did with Perl, and change languages.

 I never said to adopt the whole Perl variable semantic. I just pointed
 what I think is a good idea in Perl and that help (IMHO) precising what
 I intended ...

And I pointed out that it's a good idea in Perl because it does
something that it doesn't need doing in Python.

 Dynamic languages tend to express a much wider range of programming
 paradigms than languages that are designed to be statically
 compiled. Some of these paradigms do away with - or relegate to the
 level of ugly performance hack - features that someone only
 experienced with something like Pascal would consider
 essential. Assignment statements are a good example of that.
 Well, could you be more specific once more ? I can't that many paradigm
 only available on dynamically typed languages ... beside duck-typing
 (which is basically a synonym for dynamically-typed)
 I said dynamic languages, *not* dynamically typed languages. They
 aren't the same thing. Dynamic languages let you create new functions,
 variables and attributes at run time. Python lets you delete them as
 well.  This means that simle declarations can't tell you whether or
 not a variable will exist at runtime, because it may have been added
 at run time.
 Ok, I misunderstood ... however, can you still point some *usefull*
 paradigm available to dynamic languages that you cannot use with static
 ones ? As there are so many, it shouldn't be hard for you to show us
 some !

I find the ability to add attributes to an object or class at run time

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-06 Thread Bengt Richter
On 6 Oct 2005 06:44:41 GMT, Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Op 2005-10-06, Bengt Richter schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On 5 Oct 2005 09:27:04 GMT, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Antoon Pardon wrote:

 It also is one possibility to implement writable closures.
 One could for instace have a 'declare' have the effect that
 if on a more inner scope such a declared variable is (re)bound it
 will rebind the declared variable instead of binding a local name.

That is one possibility, but I think that it would be better to use a 
keyword at the point of the assigment to indicate assignment to an outer 
scope. This fits with the way 'global' works: you declare at (or near) the 
assignment that it is going to a global variable, not in some far away part 
of the code, so the global nature of the assignment is clearly visible. The 
'global' keyword itself would be much improved if it appeared on the same 
line as the assignment rather than as a separate declaration.

e.g. something like:

var1 = 0

def f():
  var2 = 0

  def g():
 outer var2 = 1 # Assign to outer variable
 global var1 = 1 # Assign to global

 IMO you don't really need all that cruft most of the time. E.g., what if ':='
 meant 'assign to variable wherever it is (and it must exist), searching 
 to normal variable resolution order (fresh coinage, vro for short ;-), 
 starting with
 local, then lexically enclosing and so forth out to module global (but not 
 to builtins).'

Just some ideas about this

1) Would it be usefull to make ':=' an expression instead if a
Some people would think so, but some would think that would be tempting the 
weak ;-)

I think the most important reason that the assignment is a statement
and not an expression would apply less here because '==' is less easy
to turn into ':=' by mistake than into =

Even if people though that kind of bug was still too easy

2) What if we reversed the operation. Instead of var := expression,
   we write expression =: var.

IMO this would make it almost impossible to write an assignment
by mistake in a conditional when you meant to test for equality.
It's an idea. You could also have both, and use it to differentiate
pre- and post-operation augassign variants. E.g.,

alist[i+:=2] # add and assign first, index value is value after adding

alist[i=:+2] # index value is value before adding and assigning

Some people might think that useful too ;-)

Hm, I wonder if any of these variations would combine usefully with the new
short-circuiting expr_true if cond_expr else expr_false ...

Sorry I'll miss the flames, I'll be off line a while ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-04, Mike Meyer schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 13:58:33 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Declarations also allow easier writable closures. Since the declaration
 happens at a certain scope, the run time can easily find the correct
 scope when a variable is rebound.

 If it happens at runtime, then you can do it without declarations:
 they're gone by then.

That depends on how they are implemented. declarations can be
executable statements.

It is not about can we do without or not. It is about are they
helpfull or not. Python would be a whole different language
if it never adapted something it could do without.

 Come to think of it, most functional languages -
 which are the languages that make the heaviest use of closures - don't
 require variable declarations.

But AFAIK they don't work like python which makes any variable
that is assigned to in a function, local. Which is a problem
if you want a writable closure.

 They also relieve a burden from the run-time, since all variables
 are declared, the runtime doesn't has to check whether or not
 a variable is accesible, it knows it is.

 Not in a dynamic language. Python lets you delete variables at run
 time, so the only way to know if a variable exists at a specific
 point during the execution of an arbitrary program is to execute the
 program to that point.

It is not perfect, that doesn't mean it can't help. How much code
deletes variables.

 And if you provide type information with the declaration, more
 efficient code can be produced.

 Only in a few cases. Type inferencing is a well-understood
 technology, and will produce code as efficient as a statically type
 language in most cases.

I thought it was more than in a few. Without some type information
from the coder, I don't see how you can infer type from library

 I think language matters shouldn't be setlled by personal preferences.

 I have to agree with that. For whether or not a feature should be
 included, there should either be a solid reason dealing with the
 functionality of the language - meaning you should have a set of use
 cases showing what a feature enables in the language that couldn't be
 done at all, or could only be done clumsily, without the feature.

I think this is too strict. Decorators would IMO never made it.
The old way to do it, was certainly not clumsy IME.

I think that a feature that could be helpfull in reduction
errors, should be a candidate even if it has no other merrits.

 Except declarations don't add functionality to the language. They
 effect the programing process.

It would be one way to get writable closures in the language.
That is added functionality.

 And we have conflicting claims about
 whether that's a good effect or not, all apparently based on nothing
 solider than personal experience. Which means the arguments are just
 personal preferences.

Whether the good effect is good enough is certainly open for debate.
But the opponents seem to argue that since it is no absolute guarantee,
it is next to useless. Well I can't agree with that kind of argument
and will argue against it.

 Antoon, at a guess I'd say that Python is the first time you've
 encountered a dynamnic language. Being horrified at not having
 variable declarations, which is a standard feature of such languages
 dating back to the 1950s, is one such indication.

No I'm not horrified at not having variable declarations. I'm in
general very practical with regard to programming, and use what
features a language offers me. However that doesn't stop me from
thinking: Hey if language X would have feature F from language Y,
that could be helpfull.

Now if the developers think such a feature is not important enough
fine, by me. It is however something different if people start
arguing that feature F is totally useless. Now my impression is
that a number of people regard python or at least some aspects
of it as holy and that suggesting that some specific features
could be usefull is considered sacriledge. 

 Dynamic languages tend to express a much wider range of programming
 paradigms than languages that are designed to be statically
 compiled. Some of these paradigms do away with - or relegate to the
 level of ugly performance hack - features that someone only
 experienced with something like Pascal would consider
 essential. Assignment statements are a good example of that.

I think we should get rid of thinking about a language as
static or dynamic. It is not the language which should determine
a static or dynamic approach, it is the problem you are trying
to solve. And if the coder thinks that a static approach is
best for his problem, why shouldn't he solve it that way.

That a language allows a static approach too, doesn't contradict
that it can work dynamically. Everytime a static feature is
suggested, some dynamic folks react as if the dynamic aspect

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Duncan Booth
Paul Rubin wrote:

 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in
 Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding
 them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any
 language with required declarations could even remotely resemble
 What's the big deal?  Perl has an option for flagging undeclared
 variables with warnings (perl -w) or errors (use strict) and Perl
 docs I've seen advise using at least perl -w routinely.  Those
 didn't have much impact.  Python already has a global declaration;
 how does it de-Pythonize the language if there's also a local
 declaration and an option to flag any variable that's not declared as
 one or the other?

The difference is that perl actually needs 'use strict' to be useful for 
anything more than trivial scripts. Without 'use strict' you can reference 
any variable name without getting an error. Python takes a stricter 
approach to begin with by throwing an exception if you reference an 
undefined variable.

This only leaves the 'assigning to a different name than the one we 
intended' problem which seems to worry some people here, and as has been 
explained in great detail it incurs a cost to anyone reading the code for 
what most Python users consider to be a very small benefit.

If you think variable declarations should be required, then you presumably 
want that to cover class attributes as well as local and global 
variables. After all assigning to 'x.i' when you meant 'x.j' is at least as 
bad as assigning to 'i' instead of 'j'. But unless you know the type of 
'x', how do you know whether it has attributes 'i' or 'j'? So do we need 
type declarations, or perhaps we need a different syntax for 'create a new 
attribute' vs 'update an existing attribute', both of which would throw an 
exception if used in the wrong situation, and would therefore require lots 
of hasattr calls for the cases where we don't care.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-04, Ron Adam schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

And lo, one multi-billion dollar Mars lander starts braking either too
early or too late. Result: a new crater on Mars, named after the NASA
employee who thought the compiler would catch errors.
 Using (unit)tests will not guarantee that your programs is error free.
 So if sooner or later a (unit)tested program causes a problem, will you
 then argue that we should abondon tests, because tests won't catch
 all errors.

 Maybe you need to specify what kind of errors you want to catch. 
 Different types of errors require different approaches.

I want to catch all errors of course.

I know that nothing will ever guarantee me this result, but some things
may help in getting close. So if a language provides a feature that can
help, I generally think that is positive. That such a feature won't
solve all problems shouldn't be considered fatal as some counter arguments
seem to suggest.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Magnus Lycka
 Some people just don't get the simple fact that declarations are
 essentially kind of unit test you get for free (almost), and the compiler
 is a testing framework for them.

It seems you've missed the entire point of using a dynamically
typed language. It's not just about saving typing time and making
your methods take up fewer lines of code. It's about writing generic
code. Just look at C++ with all that mess with complex templates,
silly casting and dangerous void pointers etc that are needed to
achieve a fraction of the genericity that Python provides with no
effort from the programmer.

With properly written tests, you can be reasonably that the program
does what you want. Type declarations are extremely limited in this
aspect, and they often give programmers a false sense of security.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If you think variable declarations should be required,

I don't think they should be required.  I think there should optional
declarations along with a compiler flag that checks for them if the
user asks for it, like Perl has.

 then you presumably want that to cover class attributes as well as
 local and global variables. After all assigning to 'x.i' when you
 meant 'x.j' is at least as bad as assigning to 'i'

Yes, lots of people mistakenly use __slots__ for exactly that purpose.
Maybe the function they think __slots__ is supposed to implement is a
legitimate one, and having a correct way to do it is a good idea.

 But unless you know the type of 'x', how do you know whether it
 has attributes 'i' or 'j'? 

If the compiler knows (through declarations, type inference, or
whatever) that x is a certain type of class instance, then it knows
what attributes x has.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It seems you've missed the entire point of using a dynamically
 typed language. It's not just about saving typing time and making
 your methods take up fewer lines of code. It's about writing generic
 code. Just look at C++ with all that mess with complex templates,
 silly casting and dangerous void pointers etc that are needed to
 achieve a fraction of the genericity that Python provides with no
 effort from the programmer.

So where are the complex templates and dangerous void pointers in ML?

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Duncan Booth schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Paul Rubin wrote:

 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in
 Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding
 them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any
 language with required declarations could even remotely resemble
 What's the big deal?  Perl has an option for flagging undeclared
 variables with warnings (perl -w) or errors (use strict) and Perl
 docs I've seen advise using at least perl -w routinely.  Those
 didn't have much impact.  Python already has a global declaration;
 how does it de-Pythonize the language if there's also a local
 declaration and an option to flag any variable that's not declared as
 one or the other?

 The difference is that perl actually needs 'use strict' to be useful for 
 anything more than trivial scripts. Without 'use strict' you can reference 
 any variable name without getting an error. Python takes a stricter 
 approach to begin with by throwing an exception if you reference an 
 undefined variable.

 This only leaves the 'assigning to a different name than the one we 
 intended' problem which seems to worry some people here, and as has been 
 explained in great detail it incurs a cost to anyone reading the code for 
 what most Python users consider to be a very small benefit.

It also is one possibility to implement writable closures.

One could for instace have a 'declare' have the effect that
if on a more inner scope such a declared variable is (re)bound it
will rebind the declared variable instead of binding a local name.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Magnus Lycka
James A. Donald wrote:
 What can one do to swiftly detect this type of bug?

Unit tests. In my experience the edit - test cycle in
Python is typically roughly as fast as the edit - compile
cycle in e.g. C++, and much faster than the full edit -
compile - link - test cycle in C++.

You do use automated tests for your programs don't you?
Otherwise I think you are sifting out gnats while you
are are swallowing camels.

There are also lint-like tools such as pylint and
pychecker if you think static tests are useful for you.

Here at Carmen, we've actually skipped the unit test
step, and run functional tests at once, using the
Texttest framework--and that fits well with our type
of apps. See

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Duncan Booth
Antoon Pardon wrote:

 It also is one possibility to implement writable closures.
 One could for instace have a 'declare' have the effect that
 if on a more inner scope such a declared variable is (re)bound it
 will rebind the declared variable instead of binding a local name.

That is one possibility, but I think that it would be better to use a 
keyword at the point of the assigment to indicate assignment to an outer 
scope. This fits with the way 'global' works: you declare at (or near) the 
assignment that it is going to a global variable, not in some far away part 
of the code, so the global nature of the assignment is clearly visible. The 
'global' keyword itself would be much improved if it appeared on the same 
line as the assignment rather than as a separate declaration.

e.g. something like:

var1 = 0

def f():
  var2 = 0

  def g():
 outer var2 = 1 # Assign to outer variable
 global var1 = 1 # Assign to global

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Python already has a global declaration;
 Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global
 variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if
 not actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your
 proposal semantics.

Different how?

 Your making this feature optional contradicts the subject of this
 thread i.e. declarations being necessary.  

They're necessary if you enable the option.

 But, continuing with your declaration thought experiment, how are
 you planning on actually adding optional useful type declarations to
 Python e.g. could you please rewrite this (trivial) snippet using
 your proposed syntax/semantics?

def do_add(x-str, y-str):
  return '%s://%s' % (x, y)

def do_something(node-Node):
  if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
  return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
  elif node.namespace == ...

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in
Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding
them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any
language with required declarations could even remotely resemble
 Python already has a global declaration;

Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global 
variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if not 
actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your proposal 

 how does it de-Pythonize the language if there's also a local
 declaration and an option to flag any variable that's not declared as
 one or the other?

Your making this feature optional contradicts the subject of this 
thread i.e. declarations being necessary. But, continuing with your 
declaration thought experiment, how are you planning on actually adding 
optional useful type declarations to Python e.g. could you please 
rewrite this (trivial) snippet using your proposed syntax/semantics?

from xml.dom import *

def do_add(x, y):
 return '%s://%s' % (x, y)

def do_something(node):
 if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
 return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
 elif node.namespace == ...

 There's been a proposal from none other than GvR to add optional
 static declarations to Python:

A few points:
1. making it work in a reasonable way is an acknowledged hard problem
2. it will still probably not involve doing type checking at
3. it would only generate a warning, not an error


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Holden
Brian Quinlan wrote:
 Paul Rubin wrote:
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in
Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding
them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any
language with required declarations could even remotely resemble

Python already has a global declaration;
 Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global 
 variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if not 
 actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your proposal 
I believe that global is the one Python statement that isn't actually 
executable, and simply conditions the code generated during compilation 
(to bytecode).

Hard to see why someone would want to use a global declaration unless 
they were intending to assign to it, given the sematnics of access.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Duncan Booth schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 It also is one possibility to implement writable closures.
 One could for instace have a 'declare' have the effect that
 if on a more inner scope such a declared variable is (re)bound it
 will rebind the declared variable instead of binding a local name.

 That is one possibility, but I think that it would be better to use a 
 keyword at the point of the assigment to indicate assignment to an outer 
 scope. This fits with the way 'global' works: you declare at (or near) the 
 assignment that it is going to a global variable, not in some far away part 
 of the code, so the global nature of the assignment is clearly visible.

As far as I understand people don't like global very much so I don't
expect that a second keyword with the same kind of behaviour has
any chance.

 'global' keyword itself would be much improved if it appeared on the same 
 line as the assignment rather than as a separate declaration.

 e.g. something like:

 var1 = 0

 def f():
   var2 = 0

   def g():
  outer var2 = 1 # Assign to outer variable
  global var1 = 1 # Assign to global

And what would the following do:

def f():

  var = 0

  def g():

var = 1

def h():

  outer var = 2 * var + 1

print var

  print var


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Ron Adam
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-10-04, Ron Adam schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Antoon Pardon wrote:

Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

And lo, one multi-billion dollar Mars lander starts braking either too
early or too late. Result: a new crater on Mars, named after the NASA
employee who thought the compiler would catch errors.

Using (unit)tests will not guarantee that your programs is error free.

So if sooner or later a (unit)tested program causes a problem, will you
then argue that we should abondon tests, because tests won't catch
all errors.

Maybe you need to specify what kind of errors you want to catch. 
Different types of errors require different approaches.
 I want to catch all errors of course.

Yes, of course, and so do other programmers.  What I mean is to try and 
break it down into specific instances and then see what the best 
approach is for each one is.

When I first started leaning Python I looked for these features as well, 
but after a while my programming style changed and I don't depend on 
types and names to check my data near as much now.  But instead write 
better organized code and data structures with more explicit value 
checks where I need them.

My concern now is having reusable code and modules I can depend on.  And 
also separating my data and data management operations from the user 
interface.  Having functions and names that don't care what type the 
objects are, makes doing this separation easier.

Another situation where typeless names are useful is routines that 
explicitly check the type, then depending on the type does different 
things.  For example if you have a list with a lot of different type 
objects stored in it, you can sort the contents into sublists by type.

Looking at it from a different direction, how about adding a keyword to 
say,  from this point on, in this local name space, disallow new 
names.  Then you can do...

def few(x,y):
a = 'a'
b = 'b'
i = j = k = l = None
# raise an error after here if a new name is used.
for I in range(10):   --  error

This is more suitable to Pythons style than declaring types or variables 
I think.  Add to this explicit name-object locking to implement 
constants and I think you would have most of the features you want.


 no_new_names # limit any new names
 lock_name name   # lock a name to it's current object

Since names are stored in dictionaries,  a dictionary attribute to 
disallow/allow new keys, and a way to set individual elements in a 
dictionary to read only would be needed.  Once you can do that and it 
proves useful, then maybe you can propose it as a language feature.

These might also be checked for in the compile stage and would probably 
be better as it wouldn't cause any slow down in the code or need a new 
dictionary type.

An external checker could possibly work as well if a suitable marker is 
used such as a bare string.

 x = y = z = None
 No_New_Names# checker looks for this
 X = y/z   # and reports this as an error
 return x,y


 Author = Fred
 Name_Lock Author# checker sees this...
 Author = John   # then checker catches this

So there are a number of ways to possibly add these features.

Finding common use cases where these would make a real difference would 
also help.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Duncan Booth
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 As far as I understand people don't like global very much so I don't
 expect that a second keyword with the same kind of behaviour has
 any chance.

That's why the behaviour I suggest is different than the current behaviour 
of global. Arguments against global (it is the only non-executable 
statement in Python  it is confusing because people don't understand the 
declaration goes inside the function instead of at global scope) don't 

 'global' keyword itself would be much improved if it appeared on the
 same line as the assignment rather than as a separate declaration.

 e.g. something like:

 var1 = 0

 def f():
   var2 = 0

   def g():
  outer var2 = 1 # Assign to outer variable
  global var1 = 1 # Assign to global
 And what would the following do:
 def f():
   var = 0
   def g():
 var = 1
 def h():
   outer var = 2 * var + 1
 print var
   print var
It would follow the principle of least surprise and set the value of var in 
g() of course. The variable in f is hidden, and if you didn't mean to hide 
it you didn't need to give the two variables the same name.

So the output would be:

(output verified by using my hack for setting scoped variables:)
from hack import *
def f():
  var = 0

  def g():
var = 1

def h():
  assign(lambda: var, 2 * var + 1)

print var

  print var


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global
variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if
not actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your
proposal semantics.
 Different how?

Aren't you looking for some of compile-time checking that ensures that 
only declared variables are actually used? If so, how does global help?

Your making this feature optional contradicts the subject of this
thread i.e. declarations being necessary.  
 They're necessary if you enable the option.

OK. Would it work on a per-module basis or globally?

 def do_add(x-str, y-str):
   return '%s://%s' % (x, y)
 def do_something(node-Node):
   if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
   return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
   elif node.namespace == ...

Wouldn't an error be generated because XML_NAMESPACE is not declared?

And I notice that you are not doing any checking that namespace is a 
valid attribute of the node object. Aren't the typos class of error that 
you are looking to catch just as likely to occur for attributes as 



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread bruno modulix
Mike Meyer wrote:
 Antoon, at a guess I'd say that Python is the first time you've
 encountered a dynamnic language. Being horrified at not having
 variable declarations, 

Mike, being horrified by the (perceived as...) lack of variable
declaration was the OP's reaction, not Antoon's.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Aren't you looking for some of compile-time checking that ensures that
 only declared variables are actually used? If so, how does global help?

You'd have to declare any variable global, or declare it local, or it
could be a function name (defined with def) or a function arg (in the
function scope), or maybe you could also declare things like loop
indices.  If it wasn't one of the above, the compiler would flag it.

 Your making this feature optional contradicts the subject of this
  thread i.e. declarations being necessary.
  They're necessary if you enable the option.
 OK. Would it work on a per-module basis or globally?

Whatever perl does.  I think that means per-module where the option is
given as use strict inside the module.

  def do_add(x-str, y-str):
return '%s://%s' % (x, y)
  def do_something(node-Node):
if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
elif node.namespace == ...
 Wouldn't an error be generated because XML_NAMESPACE is not declared?

XML_NAMESPACE would be declared in the xml.dom module and the type
info would carry over through the import.

 And I notice that you are not doing any checking that namespace is a
 valid attribute of the node object. Aren't the typos class of error
 that you are looking to catch just as likely to occur for attributes
 as variables?

The node object is declared to be a Node instance and if the Node
class definition declares a fixed list of slots, then the compiler
would know the slot names and check them.  If the Node class doesn't
declare fixed slots, then they're dynamic and are looked up at runtime
in the usual way.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
 You'd have to declare any variable global, or declare it local, or it
 could be a function name (defined with def) or a function arg (in the
 function scope), or maybe you could also declare things like loop
 indices.  If it wasn't one of the above, the compiler would flag it.

OK. The Python compiler would check that the name is declared but it 
would not check that it is defined before use? So this would be acceptable:

def foo():
 local x
 return x

OK. Would it work on a per-module basis or globally?
 Whatever perl does.  I think that means per-module where the option is
 given as use strict inside the module.

def do_add(x-str, y-str):
  return '%s://%s' % (x, y)
def do_something(node-Node):
  if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
  return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
  elif node.namespace == ...

Wouldn't an error be generated because XML_NAMESPACE is not declared?
 XML_NAMESPACE would be declared in the xml.dom module and the type
 info would carry over through the import.

1. your type checking system is optional and xml.dom does not use it
1a. even if xml.dom did declare the type, what if the type were declared
 conditionally e.g.

 except NameError:
  XML_NAMESPACEstr = ...
  XML_NAMESPACEunicode = u...

2. the compiler does not have access to the names in other modules

And I notice that you are not doing any checking that namespace is a
valid attribute of the node object. Aren't the typos class of error
that you are looking to catch just as likely to occur for attributes
as variables?
 The node object is declared to be a Node instance and if the Node
 class definition declares a fixed list of slots, then the compiler
 would know the slot names and check them.

How would you find the class definition for the Node object at 
compile-time? And by slots do you mean the existing Python slots 
concept or something new?

 If the Node class doesn't
 declare fixed slots, then they're dynamic and are looked up at runtime
 in the usual way.

So only pre-defined slotted attributes would be accessable (if the 
object uses slots). So the following would not work:

foo = Foo() # slots defined
foo.my_attribute = 'bar'
print foo.my_attribute


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Magnus Lycka
Paul Rubin wrote:
 So where are the complex templates and dangerous void pointers in ML?

You're right about that of course. There aren't any templates or
pointers in COBOL either as far as I know, and COBOL has been used
for lots of real world code (which ML hasn't).

I don't know what your point is though.

Sure, Python could have Perl-like declarations, where you just state
that you intend to use a particular name, but don't declare its type.
I don't see any harm in that.

Type declarations or inferred types would, on the other hand, make
Python considerably less dynamic, and would probably bring the need of
additional featurs such as function overloading etc.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Mike Meyer
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 They also relieve a burden from the run-time, since all variables
 are declared, the runtime doesn't has to check whether or not
 a variable is accesible, it knows it is.
 Not in a dynamic language. Python lets you delete variables at run
 time, so the only way to know if a variable exists at a specific
 point during the execution of an arbitrary program is to execute the
 program to that point.
 It is not perfect, that doesn't mean it can't help. How much code
 deletes variables.

It's not perfect means it may not help. Depends on the cost of being
wrong - which means we need to see how things would be different if
the code was assuming that a variable existed, and then turned out to
be wrong.

Actually, I'd be interested in knowing how you would improve the
current CPython implementation with knowledge about whether or not a
variable existed. The current implementation just does a dictionary
lookup on the name. The lookup fails if the variable doesn't exist. So
checking on the existence of the variable is a byproduct of finding
the value of the variable. So even if it was perfect, it wouldn't

 And if you provide type information with the declaration, more
 efficient code can be produced.
 Only in a few cases. Type inferencing is a well-understood
 technology, and will produce code as efficient as a statically type
 language in most cases.
 I thought it was more than in a few. Without some type information
 from the coder, I don't see how you can infer type from library

There's nothing special about library code. It can be anaylyzed just
like any other code.

 I think language matters shouldn't be setlled by personal preferences.
 I have to agree with that. For whether or not a feature should be
 included, there should either be a solid reason dealing with the
 functionality of the language - meaning you should have a set of use
 cases showing what a feature enables in the language that couldn't be
 done at all, or could only be done clumsily, without the feature.
 I think this is too strict. Decorators would IMO never made it.

From the impressions I get here, a lot of people would have been happy
with that result.

 I think that a feature that could be helpfull in reduction
 errors, should be a candidate even if it has no other merrits.

Yes, but that doesn't mean it should be accepted. Otherwise, every
language would be Eiffel. You have to weigh the cost of a feature
against the benefit you get from it - and different people come to
different conclusions. Which is why different languages provide
different levels of bondage.

 Except declarations don't add functionality to the language. They
 effect the programing process.
 It would be one way to get writable closures in the language.
 That is added functionality.

Except just adding declerations doesn't give you that. You have to
change the language so that undeclared variables are looked for up the
scope. And that's the only change you need to get writable variables -
some way to indicate that a variable should be checked for up the
scope. There are more lightweight ways to do that than tagging every
*other* variable. Those have been proposed - and rejected.

 And we have conflicting claims about
 whether that's a good effect or not, all apparently based on nothing
 solider than personal experience. Which means the arguments are just
 personal preferences.
 Whether the good effect is good enough is certainly open for debate.
 But the opponents seem to argue that since it is no absolute guarantee,
 it is next to useless. Well I can't agree with that kind of argument
 and will argue against it.

You're not reading the opponents arguments carefully enough. The
argument is that the benefit from type declerations is overstated, and
in reality doesn't outweigh the cost of declerations.

 Antoon, at a guess I'd say that Python is the first time you've
 encountered a dynamnic language. Being horrified at not having
 variable declarations, which is a standard feature of such languages
 dating back to the 1950s, is one such indication.
 No I'm not horrified at not having variable declarations. I'm in
 general very practical with regard to programming, and use what
 features a language offers me. However that doesn't stop me from
 thinking: Hey if language X would have feature F from language Y,
 that could be helpfull.

I'm sorry - I thought you were the OP, who said he was horrified by
that lack.

 Dynamic languages tend to express a much wider range of programming
 paradigms than languages that are designed to be statically
 compiled. Some of these paradigms do away with - or relegate to the
 level of ugly performance hack - features that someone only
 experienced with something like Pascal would consider
 essential. Assignment statements are a good example of that.
 I think we should get rid of thinking about a language as
 static or dynamic. It is not the language which should determine
 a static or 

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 This is naive. Testing doesn't guarantee anything. If this is what you
 think about testing, then testing gives you a false impression of
 security. Maybe we should drop testing.

Typechecking is done by a reduced lamda calculus (System F, which is 
ML-Style), whereas testing has the full power of a turing complete 
language. So _if_ one has to be dropped, it would certainly be 

Additionally, testing gives you the added benefit of actually using your 
decelared APIs - which serves documentation  purposes as well as 
securing your design decisions, as you might discover bad design while 
actually writing testcases.

Besides that, the false warm feeling of security a successful 
compilation run has given many developers made them check untested and 
actually broken code into the VCS. I've seen that _very_ often! And the 
_only_ thinng that prevents us from doing so is to enforce tests. But 
these are more naturally done in python (or similar languages) as every 
programmer knows unless the program run sucsessfully, I can't say 
anything about it than in a statically typed language where the 
programmer argues hey, it compiled, it should work!



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 OK. The Python compiler would check that the name is declared but it
 would not check that it is defined before use? So this would be
 def foo():
  local x
  return x

Come on, you are asking silly questions.  Any reasonable C compiler
would flag something like that and Python (with the flag set) should
do the same.  If you want to ask substantive questions, that's fine,
but stop wasting our time with silly stuff.

  XML_NAMESPACE would be declared in the xml.dom module and the type
  info would carry over through the import.
 1. your type checking system is optional and xml.dom does not use it

If type checking is implemented then the stdlib should be updated to
add declarations for public symbols.  If not, the compiler would flag
the undeclared symbol.  You could always declare it to be of type 'object'.

  except NameError:
   XML_NAMESPACEstr = ...
   XML_NAMESPACEunicode = u...

This wouldn't be allowed.

 2. the compiler does not have access to the names in other modules anyway

You're being silly again.  The compiler would examine the other module
when it processes the import statement, just like it does now.

 How would you find the class definition for the Node object at

By processing the xml.dom module when it's imported.

 And by slots do you mean the existing Python slots concept or
 something new?

Probably something new, if the existing concept is incompatible in some way.

 So only pre-defined slotted attributes would be accessable (if the
 object uses slots). So the following would not work:
 foo = Foo() # slots defined
 foo.my_attribute = 'bar'
 print foo.my_attribute

Yes, correct, many people already think the existing __slots__
variable is intended for precisely that purpose and try to use it that
way.  Note you can get the same effect with a suitable __setattr__
method that's activated after __init__ returns, so all we're
discussing is a way to make the equivalent more convenient.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 13:58:33 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Op 2005-10-03, Duncan Booth schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 A language where variable have to be declared before use, would allow
 to give all misspelled (undeclared) variables in on go, instead of
 just crashing each time one is encounterd.

 Wrong. It would catch at compile-time those misspellings which do not 
 happen to coincide with another declared variable.
 Fine, it is still better than python which will crash each time
 one of these is encountered.

 Python doesn't crash when it meets an undeclared variable. It raises an

Your nit-picking. For the sake of finding misspelled variables the
difference is irrelevant.

 Moreover, it adds a burden on the programmer who has to write all those 
 So? He has to write all those lines of code too.
 People often promote unittesting here. Writing all those unittest is
 an added burden too. But people think this burden is worth it.

 Yes, but there is no evidence that pre-declaration of variables is a
 burden worth carrying. It doesn't catch any errors that your testing
 wouldn't catch anyway.

Maybe not, but it may catch them earlier and may make them easier
to recognize.

Declarations also allow easier writable closures. Since the declaration
happens at a certain scope, the run time can easily find the correct
scope when a variable is rebound.

They also relieve a burden from the run-time, since all variables
are declared, the runtime doesn't has to check whether or not
a variable is accesible, it knows it is.

And if you provide type information with the declaration, more
efficient code can be produced.

 I think writing declaration is also worth it. The gain is not as
 much as with unittesting but neither is the burden, so that
 balances out IMO

 Speaking as somebody who spent a long time programming in Pascal, I got
 heartedly sick and tired of having to jump backwards and forwards from
 where I was coding to the start of the function to define variables.

I have programmed a lot in Pascal too and Modula II and other languages.
I never found declarations that much a burden. That you got heartedly sick
of having to use declarations says very little about declarations and
says more about you.

I think language matters shouldn't be setlled by personal preferences.

 It got to the stage that sometimes I'd pre-define variables I thought I
 might need, intending to go back afterwards and delete the ones I didn't
 need. When the programmer is having to to jump through hoops to satisfy
 the compiler, there is something wrong.

Maybe it was your way of working. I never thought I had to go through
hoops to satisfy the compiler. You have to satisfy that compilor anyway,
for the moment I have more problems with colons that have to be put
after an if, else etc than I ever had with declarations.

 and worse it adds a burden on everyone reading the code who 
 has more lines to read before understanding the code.
 Well maybe we should remove all those comments from code too,
 because all it does is add more lines for people to read.

 Well-written comments should give the reader information which is not in
 the code. If the comment gives you nothing that wasn't obvious from the
 code, it is pointless and should be removed.

 Variable declarations give the reader nothing that isn't in the code. If I
 write x = 15, then both I and the compiler knows that there is a variable
 called x. It is blindingly obvious. Why do I need to say define x first?

Because it isn't at all obvious at which scope that x is. Sure you can
define your language that rebinding is always at local scope, but that
you need to define it so, means it isn't that obvious.

Also the question is not whether or not there is a variable x, the
quesntions whether or not there should be a variable x. That is not
at all that obvious when you write x = 15.

 Pre-defining x protects me from one class of error, where I typed x
 instead of (say) n. That's fine as far as it goes, but that's not
 necessarily an _error_. If the typo causes an error, e.g.:

 def spam(n):
 return spam  * x  # oops, typo

 then testing will catch it, and many other errors as well. Declaring the
 variable doesn't get me anything I wouldn't already get.

Yes it would have caught this error even before you had to begin

 But if it doesn't cause an error, e.g.:

 def spam(n):
 if n:
 return spam  * n
 x = 0  # oops, typo
 return spam  * n
 This may never cause a failure, since n is always an integer. Since my
 other testing guarantees that n is always an integer,

This is naive. Testing doesn't guarantee anything. If this is what you
think about testing, then testing gives you a false impression of
security. Maybe we should drop testing.

 it doesn't matter
 that I've created a variable x that doesn't get used. Yes, 

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 06:59:04 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Well I'm a bit getting sick of those references to standard idioms.
 There are moments those standard idioms don't work, while the
 gist of the OP's remark still stands like:
   egold = 0:
   while egold  10:
 if test():
   ego1d = egold + 1

 for item in [x for x in xrange(10) if test()]:

 But it isn't about the idioms. It is about the trade-offs. Python allows
 you to do things that you can't do in other languages because you
 have much more flexibility than is possible with languages that
 require you to declare variables before using them. The cost is, some
 tiny subset of possible errors will not be caught by the compiler. But
 since the compiler can't catch all errors anyway, you need to test for
 errors and not rely on the compiler. No compiler will catch this error:

 x = 12.0 # feet
 # three pages of code
 y = 15.0 # metres
 # three more pages of code
 distance = x + y
 if distance  27:

 And lo, one multi-billion dollar Mars lander starts braking either too
 early or too late. Result: a new crater on Mars, named after the NASA
 employee who thought the compiler would catch errors.

Using (unit)tests will not guarantee that your programs is error free.

So if sooner or later a (unit)tested program causes a problem, will you
then argue that we should abondon tests, because tests won't catch
all errors.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Mike Meyer wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Declared variables have considerable labour costs, and only marginal
gains. Since the steps you take to protect against other errors will also
protect against mistyping variables, declarations of variables is of
little practical benefit.
 As far as I can tell, this is as much hearsay and personal experience
 as the alternate claim that not having them costs you lots of
 debugging time and errors. If anyone has pointers to real research
 into this area (I've heard the TRAK folks did some, but haven't been
 able to turn any up), I'd love to hear it.

Sorry, I have no hard research to point to. If I did, I 
would have referenced it.

 My gut reaction is that it's a wash. The time taken to declare
 variables in well-written code in a well-designed language - meaning
 the declarations and use will be close together - isn't all that
 great, but neither are the savings.

It isn't the typing time to declare variables, it is 
the context switching. You're focused on implementing 
an algorithm, realise you need to declare another 
variable, your brain does a mini-context switch, you 
scroll up to the declaration section, you declare it, 
you scroll back to where you were, and now you have to 
context switch again.

You've gone from thinking about the implementation of 
the algorithm to thinking about how to satisfy the 
requirements of the compiler. As context switches go, 
it isn't as big as the edit-compile-make-run method of 
testing, but it is still a context switch.

Or you just code without declaring, intending to go 
back and do it later, and invariably forget.


 If I'm going to get compiler support for semantic checking like this,
 I want it to serious levels. I want function pre/post conditions
 checked. I want loop and class invariant checked. I want subsumption
 in my inheritance tree. Nuts - I want a complete, well-designed
 inheritance tree. Duck typing is great stuff, but if I'm going to be
 doing the work to declare everything, I want *everything* that can be
 checked checked.

We like to think of programming as a branch of 
engineering. It isn't, not yet.

I've worked for architects who were involved in some 
major engineering projects. One of the things I learnt 
is that there are times when you need to specify 
objects strictly. When only a 5% titanium stainless 
steel alloy will do, then *only* a 5% titanium 
stainless steel alloy will do. That's when you want 
strict type-checking.

But the rest of the time, just about any stainless 
steel will do, and sometimes you don't even care if it 
is steel -- iron will do the job just as well. If the 
nail is hard enough to be hammered into the wood, and 
long enough to hold it in place, it is good enough for 
the job. That's the real-world equivalent of duck typing.

Static typed languages that do all those checks are the 
equivalent of building the space shuttle, where 
everything must be specified in advance to the nth 
degree: it must not just be a three inch screw, but a 
three inch Phillips head anti-spark non-magnetic 
corrosion-resistant screw rated to a torque of 
such-and-such and capable of resisting vaccuum welding, 
extreme temperatures in both directions, and exposure 
to UV radiation. For that, you need a compiler that 
will do what Mike asks for: check *everything*.

I don't know whether there are languages that will 
check everything in that way. If there aren't, then 
perhaps there should be. But Python shouldn't be one of 
them. Specifying every last detail about the objects 
making up the space shuttle is one of the reasons why 
it costs umpty-bazillion dollars to build one, and 
almost as much to maintain it -- and it still has a 
safety record worse than most $10,000 cars.

That level of specification is overkill for most 
engineering projects, and it's overkill for most 
programming projects too. It is all well and good to 
tear your hair and rip your clothes over the 
possibility of the language allowing some hidden bug in 
the program, but get over it: there is always a trade 
off to be made between cost, time and risk of bugs. 
Python is a language that makes the trade off one way 
(fast development, low cost, high flexibility, moderate 
risk) rather than another (slow development, high cost, 
low flexibility, low risk).

We make the same trade offs in the real world too: the 
chair you sit on is not built to the same level of 
quality as the space shuttle, otherwise it would cost 
$100,000 instead of $100. Consequently, sometimes 
chairs break. Deal with it.



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Frithiof Andreas Jensen

bruno modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 James A. Donald wrote:
  I am contemplating getting into Python, which is used by engineers I
  admire - google and Bram Cohen, but was horrified

 horrified ???

 Ok, so I'll give you more reasons to be 'horrified':
 - no private/protected/public access restriction - it's just a matter of
 conventions ('_myvar' - protected, '__myvar' - private)
 - no constants (here again just a convention : a name in all uppercase
 is considered a constant - but nothing will prevent anyone to modify it)
 - possibility to add/delete attributes to an object at runtime
 - possibility to modify a class at runtime
 - possibility to change the class of an object at runtime
 - possibility to rebind a function name at runtime

 If you find all this horrifying too, then hi-level dynamic languages are
 not for you !-)

Not to mention that since the O.P. seem to assume that the compiler will
protect against deliberate subversion by evil programmers then he must be
further horrified to learn that, although it is harder to do the above in
f.ex. C++, it is not at all impossible, a carefully crafted pointer or a
little devious sub-classing goes a long way.

If all else fails, The humble Linker holds the Word of Power!

Tampering with linking is both the easiest way to subvert code reviews,
language checks and boundaries and also the hardest to discover because the
tampering will be buried somewhere deep inside the build process, the part
that never, ever gets reviewed because it is automated anyway and too
complex entirely so nobody sane will actually mess with it once it works
i.e. produces runnable code!.

Finally, given proper  permissions, one can of course re-link the binary
executable, should the occasion merit. Like when one needs HIP in Telnet
which is an absolute brd to build on a modern Linux box. (Somebody build
that *once* in maybe 1978, I think ;-) One can replace classes in Jar
archives too - possibly one can even get the Java runtime to load the new
version of a jar archive in preference to the shipped one ...


Superficially, the compile-time checks of Java and C++ provides some checks
 boundaries but it comes at the expense of much more machinery with many
more intricate movable parts than *also* can be interfered with (or broken).

Python is simple and self-contained, thus it is pretty obvious - or at least
not too difficult, to check what *actually* goes on with an application.

If there is no trust, nothing can be done safely. If there is trust, then
most of the percieved safety just get in the way of work.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-04, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Mike Meyer wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Declared variables have considerable labour costs, and only marginal
gains. Since the steps you take to protect against other errors will also
protect against mistyping variables, declarations of variables is of
little practical benefit.
 As far as I can tell, this is as much hearsay and personal experience
 as the alternate claim that not having them costs you lots of
 debugging time and errors. If anyone has pointers to real research
 into this area (I've heard the TRAK folks did some, but haven't been
 able to turn any up), I'd love to hear it.

 Sorry, I have no hard research to point to. If I did, I 
 would have referenced it.

 My gut reaction is that it's a wash. The time taken to declare
 variables in well-written code in a well-designed language - meaning
 the declarations and use will be close together - isn't all that
 great, but neither are the savings.

 It isn't the typing time to declare variables, it is 
 the context switching. You're focused on implementing 
 an algorithm, realise you need to declare another 
 variable, your brain does a mini-context switch, you 
 scroll up to the declaration section, you declare it, 
 you scroll back to where you were, and now you have to 
 context switch again.

 You've gone from thinking about the implementation of 
 the algorithm to thinking about how to satisfy the 
 requirements of the compiler. As context switches go, 
 it isn't as big as the edit-compile-make-run method of 
 testing, but it is still a context switch.

Nobody forces you to work this way. You can just finish
your algorithm and declare your variables afterwards.

Besides likewise things can happen in python. If you
suddenly realise your class needs an instance variable,
chances are you will have to add initialisation code
for that instance variable in the __init__ method.
So either you do a context switch from implementing
whatever method you were working on to the initialisation
in __init__ and back or you just code without 
initialisation, intending to go back an do it later.

 Or you just code without declaring, intending to go 
 back and do it later, and invariably forget.

What's the problem, the compilor will allert you
to your forgetfullness and you can then correct
them all at once.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Paul Rubin
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Or you just code without declaring, intending to go 
  back and do it later, and invariably forget.
 What's the problem, the compilor will allert you
 to your forgetfullness and you can then correct
 them all at once.

Thiat in fact happens to me all the time and is an annoying aspect of
Python.  If I forget to declare several variables in C, the compiler
gives me several warning messages and I fix them in one edit.  If I
forget to initialize several variables in Python, I need a separate
test-edit cycle to hit the runtime error for each one.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Steve Holden
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Or you just code without declaring, intending to go 
back and do it later, and invariably forget.

What's the problem, the compilor will allert you
to your forgetfullness and you can then correct
them all at once.
 Thiat in fact happens to me all the time and is an annoying aspect of
 Python.  If I forget to declare several variables in C, the compiler
 gives me several warning messages and I fix them in one edit.  If I
 forget to initialize several variables in Python, I need a separate
 test-edit cycle to hit the runtime error for each one.

Well I hope you aren't suggesting that declaring variables makes it 
impossible to forget to initalise them. So I don;t really see the 
relevance of this remark, since you simply add an extra run to fix up 
the forgot to declare problem. After that you get precisely one 
runtime error per forgot to initialize.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-04, Steve Holden schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Paul Rubin wrote:
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Or you just code without declaring, intending to go 
back and do it later, and invariably forget.

What's the problem, the compilor will allert you
to your forgetfullness and you can then correct
them all at once.
 Thiat in fact happens to me all the time and is an annoying aspect of
 Python.  If I forget to declare several variables in C, the compiler
 gives me several warning messages and I fix them in one edit.  If I
 forget to initialize several variables in Python, I need a separate
 test-edit cycle to hit the runtime error for each one.

 Well I hope you aren't suggesting that declaring variables makes it 
 impossible to forget to initalise them. So I don;t really see the 
 relevance of this remark, since you simply add an extra run to fix up 
 the forgot to declare problem. After that you get precisely one 
 runtime error per forgot to initialize.

Declaration and initialisation often go together. So the fixup
to declare is often enough a fixup for the initialisation too.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Istvan Albert
 What can one do to swiftly detect this type of bug?

While I can only speak from my own experience I can't  remember a
single instance where this type of bug caused any kind of serious
problem.  IMHO these are very trivial errors, that get caught
immediately and I would not  even qualify them as bugs, more like
typos, spelling mistakes, etc.

Real bugs are a lot more insidious than that, and they might even occur
more frequently  if there was type checking ...  since it might even
lead to longer code

just my $0.01



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Brian Quinlan
Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in 
Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding 
them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any 
language with required declarations could even remotely resemble Python.

And if you want to use such a different language, wouldn't a different 
existing language better fit your needs...?


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Mike Meyer
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 13:58:33 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Declarations also allow easier writable closures. Since the declaration
 happens at a certain scope, the run time can easily find the correct
 scope when a variable is rebound.

If it happens at runtime, then you can do it without declarations:
they're gone by then. Come to think of it, most functional languages -
which are the languages that make the heaviest use of closures - don't
require variable declarations.

 They also relieve a burden from the run-time, since all variables
 are declared, the runtime doesn't has to check whether or not
 a variable is accesible, it knows it is.

Not in a dynamic language. Python lets you delete variables at run
time, so the only way to know if a variable exists at a specific
point during the execution of an arbitrary program is to execute the
program to that point.

 And if you provide type information with the declaration, more
 efficient code can be produced.

Only in a few cases. Type inferencing is a well-understood
technology, and will produce code as efficient as a statically type
language in most cases.

 I think language matters shouldn't be setlled by personal preferences.

I have to agree with that. For whether or not a feature should be
included, there should either be a solid reason dealing with the
functionality of the language - meaning you should have a set of use
cases showing what a feature enables in the language that couldn't be
done at all, or could only be done clumsily, without the feature.

Except declarations don't add functionality to the language. They
effect the programing process. And we have conflicting claims about
whether that's a good effect or not, all apparently based on nothing
solider than personal experience. Which means the arguments are just
personal preferences.

Until someone does the research to provide hard evidence one way or
another, that's all we've got to work with. Which means that languages
should exist both with and with those features, and if one sides
experiences generalize to the population at large, they alternative
languages will die out. Which hasn't happened yet.

 But we should decide what language features are usefull and which are
 not by what some individual can or can't live without.

Um - that's just personal preference (though I may have misparsed your
sentence). What one person can't live without, another may not be able
to live with. All that means is that they aren't likely to be happy
with the same programming language. Which is fine - just as no
programming language can do everything, no programming language can
please everyone.

Antoon, at a guess I'd say that Python is the first time you've
encountered a dynamnic language. Being horrified at not having
variable declarations, which is a standard feature of such languages
dating back to the 1950s, is one such indication.

Dynamic languages tend to express a much wider range of programming
paradigms than languages that are designed to be statically
compiled. Some of these paradigms do away with - or relegate to the
level of ugly performance hack - features that someone only
experienced with something like Pascal would consider
essential. Assignment statements are a good example of that.

Given these kinds of differences, prior experience is *not* a valid
reason for thinking that some difference must be wrong. Until you have
experience with the language in question, you can't really decide that
some feature being missing is intolerable. You're in the same position
as the guy who told me that a language without a goto would be
unusable based on his experience with old BASIC, FORTRAN IV and

Pick one of the many languages that don't require declarations. Try
writing a code in them, and see how much of a problem it really is in
practice, rather than trying to predict that without any
information. Be warned that there are *lots* of variations on how
undeclared variables are treated when referenced. Python raises
exceptions. Rexx gives them their print name as a value. Other
languages do other things.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Mike Meyer
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 My gut reaction is that it's a wash. The time taken to declare
 variables in well-written code in a well-designed language - meaning
 the declarations and use will be close together - isn't all that
 great, but neither are the savings.
 You've gone from thinking about the implementation of the algorithm to
 thinking about how to satisfy the requirements of the compiler. As
 context switches go, it isn't as big as the edit-compile-make-run
 method of testing, but it is still a context switch.

I'm making context switches all the time when programming. I go from
thinking about the problem in terms of the problem, to thinking about
in terms of programming language objects, to thinking about the syntax
for expressing those objects. Adding another one does have a cost -
but it's no big deal.

 I don't know whether there are languages that will check everything in
 that way. If there aren't, then perhaps there should be. But Python
 shouldn't be one of them.

Right. You're doing different things when you program in a language
like Python, vs. Eiffel (which is where I drew most of my checks
from). Each does what it does well - but they don't do the same

 Specifying every last detail about the objects making up the space
 shuttle is one of the reasons why it costs umpty-bazillion dollars
 to build one, and almost as much to maintain it -- and it still has
 a safety record worse than most $10,000 cars.

As if a something that's designed to literally blow you off the face
of the earth could reasonably be compared with an internal combustion
engine that never leaves the ground for safety. The shuttle has one of
the best safety records around for vehicles that share it's
purpose. It's doing something that's inherently very dangerous, that
we are still learning how to do. Overengineering is the only way to
get any measure of safety.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Donn Cave
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Paul Rubin wrote:
  Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Or you just code without declaring, intending to go 
 back and do it later, and invariably forget.
 What's the problem, the compilor will allert you
 to your forgetfullness and you can then correct
 them all at once.
  Thiat in fact happens to me all the time and is an annoying aspect of
  Python.  If I forget to declare several variables in C, the compiler
  gives me several warning messages and I fix them in one edit.  If I
  forget to initialize several variables in Python, I need a separate
  test-edit cycle to hit the runtime error for each one.
 Well I hope you aren't suggesting that declaring variables makes it 
 impossible to forget to initalise them. So I don;t really see the 
 relevance of this remark, since you simply add an extra run to fix up 
 the forgot to declare problem. After that you get precisely one 
 runtime error per forgot to initialize.

It's hard to say what anyone's suggesting, unless some recent
utterance from GvR has hinted at a possible declaration syntax
in future Pythons.  Short of that, it's ... a universe of
possibilities, none of them likely enough to be very interesting.

In the functional language approach I'm familiar with, you
introduce a variable into a scope with a bind -

   let a = expr in
   ... do something with a

and initialization is part of the package.  Type is usually
inferred.  The kicker though is that the variable is never
reassigned. In the ideal case it's essentially an alias for
the initializing expression.  That's one possibility we can
probably not find in Python's universe.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Bengt Richter
On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 10:18:24 -0700, Donn Cave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In the functional language approach I'm familiar with, you
introduce a variable into a scope with a bind -

   let a = expr in
   ... do something with a

and initialization is part of the package.  Type is usually
inferred.  The kicker though is that the variable is never
reassigned. In the ideal case it's essentially an alias for
the initializing expression.  That's one possibility we can
probably not find in Python's universe.

how would you compare that with
lambda a=expr: ... do something (limited to expression) with a

Bengt Richter

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-04 Thread Donn Cave
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bengt Richter) wrote:

 On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 10:18:24 -0700, Donn Cave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In the functional language approach I'm familiar with, you
 introduce a variable into a scope with a bind -
let a = expr in
... do something with a
 and initialization is part of the package.  Type is usually
 inferred.  The kicker though is that the variable is never
 reassigned. In the ideal case it's essentially an alias for
 the initializing expression.  That's one possibility we can
 probably not find in Python's universe.
 how would you compare that with
 lambda a=expr: ... do something (limited to expression) with a

OK, the limitations of a Python lambda body do have this effect.

But compare programming in a language like that, to programming
with Python lambdas?  Maybe it would be like living in a Zen
Monastery, vs. living in your car.


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