Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-24 Thread Matthew_WARREN

:) I knew it was too simple to be true

and appropriately slows down when corrected, dang.






   Sent by: 
pairs from a list   
   23/01/2008 18:32 

Matthew_WARREN wrote:

 I'm just fiddling with this, am no great expert, but I added

 def pairs5(x):
 for n in zip(x[::2],x[1:2]):

The second argument should be x[1::2].

 return o

 I dont know if that breaks any constraints placed on the problem, but I

It breaks the constraints unless the above is not cut-n-paste ;)
Also note that your pairs5() offers no advantage over

def pairs6(x):
return zip(x[::2], x[1::2])


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Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:33:00 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:

 As I mentioned already, I consider the seeking of the most efficient
 solution a legitimate question, regardless of whether a dumb solution
 is fast enough for an application. Call it a don't be sloppy principle
 if you wish.

Sure, by why do you limit efficient and don't be sloppy to mean 
write the fastest executing code you can, regardless of every other 

Because there are trade-offs:

* execution time
* compilation time
* memory use at run-time
* size of source code on disk
* size of compiled code on disk
* ease of writing it in the first place
* ease of maintenance
* correctness
* fragility in the face of malformed data
* readability and ease of comprehension
* elegance (however you judge that!)
* making sure the usage of various resources never exceed some set of 
upper bounds

Some of these are relatively unimportant (e.g. the size of the source 
code), but others are extremely important and far too often ignored (e.g. 
readability and even correctness).

In fact, fastest isn't even a meaningful attribute. Does it mean:

* the worst-case is fastest
* the best-case is fastest
* the average-case is fastest
* fastest on typical data
* all of the above

What counts as typical data? How do you average all the cases?

Asking what's the fastest without considering these issues is a good 
sign that the person asking is being sloppy, something you should be 

 It's the same reason I always use xrange() instead of
 range() for a loop, although in practice the difference is rarely

Well, that's (now) a no-brainer. Once upon a time, range() used to be 
faster for small enough lists, and whatever difference there is in 
readability is insignificant except for utter newbies, so there's no real 
trade-off to make unless you care about the extra x.

But... do you write list.__len__() instead of len(list) to save a few 

If you do, you're guilty of pessimization instead of optimization: for 
built-in lists, len() is actually faster, by a lot. It's only an 
optimization -- and a significant one -- for custom classes.

So, do you write this:

if isinstance(alist, list):
value = len(alist)  # optimize for lists
value = alist.__len__()  # optimize for classes

every time you want the length of an arbitrary sequence?

If you did, you'd be pessimizing again. That code runs nearly twice as 
slowly as just calling the built-in len(). Optimizing the parts doesn't 
mean you have optimized the whole.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Alan G Isaac
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 In fact, fastest isn't even a meaningful attribute. Does it mean:
 * the worst-case is fastest
 * the best-case is fastest
 * the average-case is fastest
 * fastest on typical data
 * all of the above

I confess that it did not occur to me that there
might be an interesting distinction among these
cases for the question of how to get sequential
pairs from a list.  How would one draw these
distinctions in this case?

Alan Isaac

PS Just for context, the sequential pairs were
needed in a simulation, but my question was
primarily prompted by my surprise that the
approaches I looked at differed as much as they did.

Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Matthew_WARREN

I'm just fiddling with this, am no great expert, but I added

def pairs5(x):
for n in zip(x[::2],x[1:2]):
return o

I dont know if that breaks any constraints placed on the problem, but I get
the following output

0.07158942896 0.266009705575 0.21342143313 0.0537146193457 0.0107680502972

does that make it faster than pairs(4) or am I breaking some constraints on
the problem?





   Sent by: 
pairs from a list   
   22/01/2008 18:09 

Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
 pairs4 wins.

Oops. I see a smaller difference,
but yes, pairs4 wins.

Alan Isaac

import time
from itertools import islice, izip

x = range(51)

def pairs1(x):
return izip(islice(x,0,None,2),islice(x,1,None,2))

def pairs2(x):
xiter = iter(x)
while True:

def pairs3(x):
for i in range( len(x)//2 ):
yield x[2*i], x[2*i+1],

def pairs4(x):
xiter = iter(x)
return izip(xiter,xiter)

t = time.clock()
for x1, x2 in pairs1(x):
t1 = time.clock() - t

t = time.clock()
for x1, x2 in pairs2(x):
t2 = time.clock() - t

t = time.clock()
for x1, x2 in pairs3(x):
t3 = time.clock() - t

t = time.clock()
for x1, x2 in pairs4(x):
t4 = time.clock() - t

print t1, t2, t3, t4

0.317524154606 1.13436847421 1.07100930426 0.262926712753

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Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Paddy
On Jan 23, 2:32 am, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 22, 1:34 pm, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Jan 22, 5:34 am, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Jan 22, 12:15 am, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jan 22, 3:20 am, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I want to 
generate sequential pairs from a list.
 What is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)

1) How fast is the method you have?
2) How much faster does it need to be for your application?
3) Are their any other bottlenecks in your application?
4) Is this the routine whose smallest % speed-up would give the
largest overall speed up of your application?

   I believe the what is the fastest way question for such small well-
   defined tasks is worth asking on its own, regardless of whether it
   makes a difference in the application (or even if there is no
   application to begin with).

  Hi George,
  You need to 'get it right' first.

 For such trivial problems, getting it right alone isn't a particularly
 high expectation.

Hi George, not 'alone' but 'first'. And it is the ultimate
expectation. Who wants to recieve wrong software?

  Micro optimizations for speed
  without thought of the wider context is a bad habit to form and a time

 The OP didn't mention anything about the context; for all we know,
 this might be a homework problem or the body of a tight inner loop.

Thats why I thought to ask about the context.

 There is this tendency on to assume that every optimization
 question is about a tiny subproblem of a 100 KLOC application. Without
 further context, we just don't know.

Again, I did not assume; I asked about the wider context. I too don't
believe your statement about c.l.p.

  If the routine is all that needs to be delivered and it does not
  perform at an acceptable speed then find out what is acceptable
  and optimise towards that goal. My questions were set to get
  posters to think more about the need for speed optimizations and
  where they should be applied, (if at all).

 I don't agree with this logic in general.
But you don't defend yourself well by such a far-fetched example.

I've heard quality expressed as meeting requirements, which I think
is apt. Falling short of requirements everyone knows doesn't give a
quality result, but equally 'exceeding' requirements also detracts
from quality (as does not knowing your requirements).
It is good to learn optimization techniques, which may be part of what
you are saying, but part of that is learning when it pays to apply
them and/or search for them; and when it does not.

- Paddy.

 Just because one can solve a
 problem by throwing a quick and dirty hack with quadratic complexity
 that happens to do well enough on current typical input, it doesn't
 mean he shouldn't spend ten or thirty minutes more to write a proper
 linear time solution, all else being equal or at least comparable
 (elegance, conciseness, readability, etc.). Of course it's a tradeoff;
 spending a week to save a few milliseconds on average is usually a
 waste for most applications, but being a lazy keyboard banger writing
 the first thing that pops into mind is not that good either.



Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Peter Otten
Matthew_WARREN wrote:

 I'm just fiddling with this, am no great expert, but I added
 def pairs5(x):
 for n in zip(x[::2],x[1:2]):

The second argument should be x[1::2].

 return o
 I dont know if that breaks any constraints placed on the problem, but I

It breaks the constraints unless the above is not cut-n-paste ;)
Also note that your pairs5() offers no advantage over

def pairs6(x):
return zip(x[::2], x[1::2])


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread George Sakkis
On Jan 23, 4:37 am, Steven D'Aprano
 On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:33:00 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:
  As I mentioned already, I consider the seeking of the most efficient
  solution a legitimate question, regardless of whether a dumb solution
  is fast enough for an application. Call it a don't be sloppy principle
  if you wish.

 Sure, by why do you limit efficient and don't be sloppy to mean
 write the fastest executing code you can, regardless of every other

I explicitly didn't limit sloppiness to inefficiency and mentioned
it's a tradeoff:

... all else being equal or at least comparable (elegance,
conciseness, readability, etc.). Of course it's a tradeoff;
spending a week to save a few milliseconds on average is usually a
waste for most applications, but being a lazy keyboard banger writing
the first thing that pops into mind is not that good either.

 But... do you write list.__len__() instead of len(list) to save a few

No, of course not, it's not worth it, but that doesn't mean that being
curious about what's faster and using timeit to find out is totally

Another example: avoiding attribute lookups within a loop. I rarely
bar =
for i in big_list: bar(i)

but it's valuable to know that it can make a difference when I really
need it. Always writing the first thing that just works prevents one
from even considering that there might be faster (or more elegant,
more general, etc.) alternatives.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread George Sakkis
On Jan 23, 1:30 pm, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've heard quality expressed as meeting requirements, which I think
 is apt. Falling short of requirements everyone knows doesn't give a
 quality result, but equally 'exceeding' requirements also detracts
 from quality (as does not knowing your requirements).
 It is good to learn optimization techniques, which may be part of what
 you are saying, but part of that is learning when it pays to apply
 them and/or search for them; and when it does not.

The OP wanted an answer to a simple question, not a lecture on good
software engineering principles. This whole subthread reminds of a
movie (can't remember which) where someone asks his buddy in the
stadium what do you want?. His buddy gets it wrong and embarks in a
long diatribe of what he wants in life now, what he wanted as a child,
what's the meaning of one's life and so on. After a couple of minutes
the guy cuts him and asks again:
- Man, what do you want, burger or hot dog?
- Oh, a hot dog.

Sometimes you want to see the tree right in front of you, not the
whole damn forest.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Jan 23, 7:06 pm, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The OP wanted an answer to a simple question, not a lecture on good
 software engineering principles.

I wholeheartedly agree.



Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 10:39:25 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:

 On Jan 23, 4:37 am, Steven D'Aprano
 On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:33:00 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:
  As I mentioned already, I consider the seeking of the most efficient
  solution a legitimate question, regardless of whether a dumb
  solution is fast enough for an application. Call it a don't be
  sloppy principle if you wish.

 Sure, by why do you limit efficient and don't be sloppy to mean
 write the fastest executing code you can, regardless of every other
 I explicitly didn't limit sloppiness to inefficiency and mentioned it's
 a tradeoff:

Of course you did, and I was being sloppy. The you was meant more as a 
generic you than you yourself. Sorry for the confusion.

As for your other points, I think we're actually very much in agreement, 
except for your tolerance of random posters asking what I believe is an 
incoherent question: what's the fastest way to do ...?. It seems to me 
you're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they've done 
their profiling and considered their trade-offs, or at the very worst are 
asking from purely intellectual curiosity. Call me cynical if you like, 
but I think that in the absence of any direct evidence supporting those 
things, the most likely possibility is the opposite.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:57:05 -0500, Alan G Isaac wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 In fact, fastest isn't even a meaningful attribute. Does it mean:
 * the worst-case is fastest
 * the best-case is fastest
 * the average-case is fastest
 * fastest on typical data
 * all of the above
 I confess that it did not occur to me that there might be an interesting
 distinction among these cases for the question of how to get sequential
 pairs from a list.  How would one draw these distinctions in this case?

Well, in this *specific* case I don't think they're terribly interesting 
because your problem is so simple. Best-case will, presumably, occur when 
the list is empty. Worst-case will occur if somebody passes a non-
terminating iterator to your code (although that depends on the nature of 
your solution and how you are using it).

But in the broader context of optimizing, these distinctions are very 
important. For example, Quicksort is very fast on randomly ordered data, 
but terribly slow on data which is already sorted: about as slow as 
Bubblesort. Mergesort's best-case isn't as fast as Quicksort's best-case, 
but it's worst-case behaviour is much, much better. And both Quicksort 
and Mergesort are complex enough that a simpler, slower algorithm like 
Shell Sort will be significantly faster for small data sets.

But I'm sure you already know all this, I'm just mentioning it for the 
benefit of anybody else reading who still thinks that a generic what's 
the fastest way type question is meaningful.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:06:44 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:

 On Jan 23, 1:30 pm, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've heard quality expressed as meeting requirements, which I think
 is apt. Falling short of requirements everyone knows doesn't give a
 quality result, but equally 'exceeding' requirements also detracts from
 quality (as does not knowing your requirements). It is good to learn
 optimization techniques, which may be part of what you are saying, but
 part of that is learning when it pays to apply them and/or search for
 them; and when it does not.
 The OP wanted an answer to a simple question, not a lecture on good
 software engineering principles.

(1) It isn't a simple question. There were at least five alternatives, 
one of which would have been fastest except it failed the correctness 
test. The OP went on to ask:

I suppose my question should have been, is there an obviously faster way?
Anyway, of the four ways below, the first is substantially fastest. 
[Note: actually it wasn't.]  Is there an obvious reason why?

Asking *why* something is faster is very different from asking *which* is 
faster. I don't believe anyone actually answered that why question.

So, for the record, here's my attempt at an answer:

No, there is no obvious reason why one solution should be faster than 
another. But perhaps the two most general rules of thumb are:

* the more work you can push into built-ins written in C, and the least 
in slow code written in Python, the faster;

* lazy iterators are often (but not always) faster than building the 
entire list all at once.

Other than that, the details of why one particular technique is faster 
than another depends on the implementation of each, and that's not 

(2) What the OP wanted and what he needed are not necessarily the same. 
Answering the OP's direct question is like giving him a fish -- he'll be 
hungry tomorrow. Teaching him good engineering principles is like 
teaching him to fish.

(3) This is Usenet, and the advice is free. Sometimes you get more than 
you expected, sometimes less. Regardless of what the OP wanted, the 
thread will go where the thread will go. The discussions of software 
engineering were mostly in response to you, not the OP.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread George Sakkis
On Jan 23, 4:48 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As for your other points, I think we're actually very much in agreement,
 except for your tolerance of random posters asking what I believe is an
 incoherent question: what's the fastest way to do ...?. It seems to me
 you're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they've done
 their profiling and considered their trade-offs, or at the very worst are
 asking from purely intellectual curiosity.

It depends on the specific problem and the context. For small well-
defined algorithmic type problems, I just assume it's intellectual
curiosity or that performance really matters. If the same question was
asked in the context of, say, a typical web application fetching data
from a database and rendering dynamic pages, I might have dismissed it


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-23 Thread Paddy
On 23 Jan, 22:39, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 23, 4:48 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As for your other points, I think we're actually very much in agreement,
  except for your tolerance of random posters asking what I believe is an
  incoherent question: what's the fastest way to do ...?. It seems to me
  you're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they've done
  their profiling and considered their trade-offs, or at the very worst are
  asking from purely intellectual curiosity.

 It depends on the specific problem and the context. For small well-
 defined algorithmic type problems, I just assume it's intellectual
 curiosity or that performance really matters. If the same question was
 asked in the context of, say, a typical web application fetching data
 from a database and rendering dynamic pages, I might have dismissed it
 as YAGNI.


George, I tend to think that the more context an OP gives, the more
thought they have given their problem. Often, to get a better answer
you need to help the OP divulge context.

I too like the intellectual challenge of exploring small problem, and
from lurking on c.l.p I thought there would be lots of answers of that
ilk, but this time I thought why not contribute in a different way?

Reading c.l.p I am often reminded of good software practice memes in
answers and think its part of what makes c.l.p. a rewarding
experience. It may be hubris to think that a random reader might read
my post and then follow my points before making a routine faster; but
there you go :-)

- Paddy.

Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Alan Isaac
I suppose my question should have been,
is there an obviously faster way?
Anyway, of the four ways below, the
first is substantially fastest.  Is
there an obvious reason why?

Alan Isaac

PS My understanding is that the behavior
of the last is implementation dependent
and not guaranteed.

def pairs1(x):
for x12 in izip(islice(x,0,None,2),islice(x,1,None,2)):
yield x12

def pairs2(x):
xiter = iter(x)
while True:

def pairs3(x):
for i in range( len(x)//2 ):
yield x[2*i], x[2*i+1],

def pairs4(x):
xiter = iter(x)
for x12 in izip(xiter,xiter):
yield x12

Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Jan 22, 1:19 pm, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 PS My understanding is that the behavior
 of the last is implementation dependent
 and not guaranteed.
 def pairs4(x):
     xiter = iter(x)
     for x12 in izip(xiter,xiter):
         yield x12

According to the docs [1], izip is defined to be equivalent to:

 def izip(*iterables):
 iterables = map(iter, iterables)
 while iterables:
 result = [ for it in iterables]
 yield tuple(result)

This guarantees that will be performed from left to right,
so there is no risk that e.g. pairs4([1, 2, 3, 4]) returns [(2, 1),
(4, 3)].

Is there anything else that I am overlooking?



Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread bearophileHUGS
Alan IsaacWhat is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)

Maybe someday someone will realize such stuff belongs to the python
STD lib...

If you need a lazy generator without padding, that splits starting
from the start, then this is the faster to me if n is close to 2:

def xpartition(seq, n=2):
return izip( *(iter(seq),)*n )

If you need the faster greedy version without padding then there are
two answers, one for Psyco and one for Python without... :-)
If you need padding or to start from the end then there are more


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Alan Isaac
Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
 According to the docs [1], izip is defined to be equivalent to:
  def izip(*iterables):
  iterables = map(iter, iterables)
  while iterables:
  result = [ for it in iterables]
  yield tuple(result)
 This guarantees that will be performed from left to right,
 so there is no risk that e.g. pairs4([1, 2, 3, 4]) returns [(2, 1),
 (4, 3)].
 Is there anything else that I am overlooking?


Alan Isaac

Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Jan 22, 1:19 pm, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I suppose my question should have been,
 is there an obviously faster way?
 Anyway, of the four ways below, the
 first is substantially fastest.  Is
 there an obvious reason why?

Can you post your results?

I get different ones (pairs1 and pairs2 rewritten slightly to avoid
unnecessary indirection).

== ===
from itertools import *

def pairs1(x):
return izip(islice(x,0,None,2),islice(x,1,None,2))

def pairs2(x):
xiter = iter(x)
while True:

def pairs3(x):
for i in range( len(x)//2 ):
yield x[2*i], x[2*i+1],

def pairs4(x):
xiter = iter(x)
return izip(xiter,xiter)

def compare():
import timeit
for i in '1234':
t = timeit.Timer('list(pairs.pairs%s(l))' % i,
 'import pairs; l=range(1000)')
print 'pairs%s: %s' % (i, t.timeit(1))

if __name__ == '__main__':

marigold:python arno$ python
pairs1: 0.789824962616
pairs2: 4.08462786674
pairs3: 2.90438890457
pairs4: 0.536775827408

pairs4 wins.



Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Jan 22, 4:10 pm, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Alan Isaac

Thanks.  So I guess I shouldn't take the code snippet I quoted as a
specification of izip but rather as an illustration.



Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Alan Isaac
Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
 pairs4 wins.

Oops. I see a smaller difference,
but yes, pairs4 wins.

Alan Isaac

import time
from itertools import islice, izip

x = range(51)

def pairs1(x):
return izip(islice(x,0,None,2),islice(x,1,None,2))

def pairs2(x):
xiter = iter(x)
while True:

def pairs3(x):
for i in range( len(x)//2 ):
yield x[2*i], x[2*i+1],

def pairs4(x):
xiter = iter(x)
return izip(xiter,xiter)

t = time.clock()
for x1, x2 in pairs1(x):
t1 = time.clock() - t

t = time.clock()
for x1, x2 in pairs2(x):
t2 = time.clock() - t

t = time.clock()
for x1, x2 in pairs3(x):
t3 = time.clock() - t

t = time.clock()
for x1, x2 in pairs4(x):
t4 = time.clock() - t

print t1, t2, t3, t4

0.317524154606 1.13436847421 1.07100930426 0.262926712753

Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Jan 22, 6:34 pm, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi George,
 You need to 'get it right' first. Micro optimizations for speed
 without thought of the wider context is a bad habit to form and a time
 If the routine is all that needs to be delivered and it does not
 perform at an acceptable speed then find out what is acceptable and
 optimise towards that goal. My questions were set to get posters to
 think more about the need for speed optimizations and where they
 should be applied, (if at all).

 A bit of forethought might justify leaving the routine alone, or
 optimising for readability instead.

But it's fun!

Some-of-us-can't-help-it'ly yours


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Paddy
On Jan 22, 5:34 am, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 22, 12:15 am, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Jan 22, 3:20 am, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I want to 
  generate sequential pairs from a list.
   What is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)

  1) How fast is the method you have?
  2) How much faster does it need to be for your application?
  3) Are their any other bottlenecks in your application?
  4) Is this the routine whose smallest % speed-up would give the
  largest overall speed up of your application?

 I believe the what is the fastest way question for such small well-
 defined tasks is worth asking on its own, regardless of whether it
 makes a difference in the application (or even if there is no
 application to begin with).

Hi George,
You need to 'get it right' first. Micro optimizations for speed
without thought of the wider context is a bad habit to form and a time
If the routine is all that needs to be delivered and it does not
perform at an acceptable speed then find out what is acceptable and
optimise towards that goal. My questions were set to get posters to
think more about the need for speed optimizations and where they
should be applied, (if at all).

A bit of forethought might justify leaving the routine alone, or
optimising for readability instead.

- Paddy.

Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Peter Otten
Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

 On Jan 22, 4:10 pm, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alan Isaac
 Thanks.  So I guess I shouldn't take the code snippet I quoted as a
 specification of izip but rather as an illustration.

You can be bolder here as the izip() docs explicitly state

Note, the left-to-right evaluation order of the iterables is
guaranteed. This makes possible an idiom for clustering a data series into
n-length groups using izip(*[iter(s)]*n).

and the bug report with Raymond Hettinger saying

Left the evaluation order as an unspecified, implementation
specific detail.

is about zip(), not izip().


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Peter Otten]
 You can be bolder here as the izip() docs explicitly state

 Note, the left-to-right evaluation order of the iterables is
 guaranteed. This makes possible an idiom for clustering a data series into
 n-length groups using izip(*[iter(s)]*n).
 . . .
 is about zip(), not izip().

FWIW, I just added a similar guarantee for zip().



Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread George Sakkis
On Jan 22, 1:34 pm, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 22, 5:34 am, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Jan 22, 12:15 am, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Jan 22, 3:20 am, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I want to 
   generate sequential pairs from a list.
What is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)

   1) How fast is the method you have?
   2) How much faster does it need to be for your application?
   3) Are their any other bottlenecks in your application?
   4) Is this the routine whose smallest % speed-up would give the
   largest overall speed up of your application?

  I believe the what is the fastest way question for such small well-
  defined tasks is worth asking on its own, regardless of whether it
  makes a difference in the application (or even if there is no
  application to begin with).

 Hi George,
 You need to 'get it right' first.

For such trivial problems, getting it right alone isn't a particularly
high expectation.

 Micro optimizations for speed
 without thought of the wider context is a bad habit to form and a time

The OP didn't mention anything about the context; for all we know,
this might be a homework problem or the body of a tight inner loop.
There is this tendency on to assume that every optimization
question is about a tiny subproblem of a 100 KLOC application. Without
further context, we just don't know.

 If the routine is all that needs to be delivered and it does not
 perform at an acceptable speed then find out what is acceptable
 and optimise towards that goal. My questions were set to get
 posters to think more about the need for speed optimizations and
 where they should be applied, (if at all).

I don't agree with this logic in general. Just because one can solve a
problem by throwing a quick and dirty hack with quadratic complexity
that happens to do well enough on current typical input, it doesn't
mean he shouldn't spend ten or thirty minutes more to write a proper
linear time solution, all else being equal or at least comparable
(elegance, conciseness, readability, etc.). Of course it's a tradeoff;
spending a week to save a few milliseconds on average is usually a
waste for most applications, but being a lazy keyboard banger writing
the first thing that pops into mind is not that good either.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 18:32:22 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:

 The OP didn't mention anything about the context; for all we know, this
 might be a homework problem or the body of a tight inner loop. There is
 this tendency on to assume that every optimization question is
 about a tiny subproblem of a 100 KLOC application. Without further
 context, we just don't know.

Funny. As far as I can tell, the usual assumption on is that every 
tiny two-line piece of code is the absolute most critically important 
heart of an application which gets called billions of times on petabytes 
of data daily.

Given the human psychology displayed involved, in the absence of 
definitive evidence one way or another it is a far safer bet to assume 
that people are unnecessarily asking for the fastest out of a misguided 
and often ignorant belief that they need it, rather than the opposite. 
People who actually need a faster solution usually know enough to preface 
their comments with an explanation of why their existing solution is too 
slow rather than just a context-free demand for the fastest solution.

Fast code is like fast cars. There *are* people who really genuinely need 
to have the fastest car available, but that number is dwarfed by the vast 
legions of tossers trying to make up for their lack of self-esteem by 
buying a car with a spoiler. Yeah, you're going to be traveling SO FAST 
on the way to the mall that the car is at risk of getting airborne, sure, 
we believe you.

(The above sarcasm naturally doesn't apply to those who actually do need 
to travel at 200mph in a school zone, like police, taxi drivers and stock 


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-22 Thread George Sakkis
On Jan 23, 1:39 am, Steven D'Aprano

 Given the human psychology displayed involved, in the absence of
 definitive evidence one way or another it is a far safer bet to assume
 that people are unnecessarily asking for the fastest out of a misguided
 and often ignorant belief that they need it, rather than the opposite.
 People who actually need a faster solution usually know enough to preface
 their comments with an explanation of why their existing solution is too
 slow rather than just a context-free demand for the fastest solution.

As I mentioned already, I consider the seeking of the most efficient
solution a legitimate question, regardless of whether a dumb
solution is fast enough for an application. Call it a don't be
sloppy principle if you wish. It's the same reason I always use
xrange() instead of range() for a loop, although in practice the
difference is rarely measurable.

 Fast code is like fast cars. There *are* people who really genuinely need
 to have the fastest car available, but that number is dwarfed by the vast
 legions of tossers trying to make up for their lack of self-esteem by
 buying a car with a spoiler. Yeah, you're going to be traveling SO FAST
 on the way to the mall that the car is at risk of getting airborne, sure,
 we believe you.

 (The above sarcasm naturally doesn't apply to those who actually do need
 to travel at 200mph in a school zone, like police, taxi drivers and stock

Good example; it shows that there's more than the utilitarian point of
view. People don't buy these cars because of an actual need but rather
because of the brand, the (perceived) social value and other reasons.

And since you like metaphors, here's another one: caring about
efficient code only when you need it is like keeping notes for a
course only for the material to be included in the final exams,
skipping the more encyclopedic, general knowledge lectures. Sure, you
may pass the class, even with a good grade, but for some people a
class is more than a final grade.


pairs from a list

2008-01-21 Thread Alan Isaac
I want to generate sequential pairs from a list.
Here is a way::

from itertools import izip, islice
for x12 in izip(islice(x,0,None,2),islice(x,1,None,2)):
print x12

(Of course the print statement is just illustrative.)
What is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)

Alan Isaac

Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-21 Thread Paul Rubin
Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 (Of course the print statement is just illustrative.)
 What is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)

You have to try a bunch of different ways and time them.  One
idea (untested):

def pairs(seq):
   while True:
   yield (,

Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-21 Thread George Sakkis
On Jan 21, 10:20 pm, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to generate sequential pairs from a list.
 Here is a way::

 from itertools import izip, islice
 for x12 in izip(islice(x,0,None,2),islice(x,1,None,2)):
 print x12

 (Of course the print statement is just illustrative.)
 What is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)

Look up the timeit module and test yourself the various alternatives;
that's the most reliable way to tell for sure.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-21 Thread Paddy
On Jan 22, 3:20 am, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to generate sequential pairs from a list.
 What is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)
1) How fast is the method you have?
2) How much faster does it need to be for your application?
3) Are their any other bottlenecks in your application?
4) Is this the routine whose smallest % speed-up would give the
largest overall speed up of your application?

- Paddy.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-21 Thread George Sakkis
On Jan 22, 12:15 am, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 22, 3:20 am, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I want to generate 
 sequential pairs from a list.
  What is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)

 1) How fast is the method you have?
 2) How much faster does it need to be for your application?
 3) Are their any other bottlenecks in your application?
 4) Is this the routine whose smallest % speed-up would give the
 largest overall speed up of your application?

I believe the what is the fastest way question for such small well-
defined tasks is worth asking on its own, regardless of whether it
makes a difference in the application (or even if there is no
application to begin with). Just because cpu cycles are cheap these
days is not a good reason to be sloppy. Moreover, often the fastest
pure Python version happens to be among the most elegant and concise,
unlike other languages where optimization usually implies obfuscation.


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 21:34:28 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:

 I believe the what is the fastest way question for such small well-
 defined tasks is worth asking on its own, regardless of whether it makes
 a difference in the application (or even if there is no application to
 begin with). Just because cpu cycles are cheap these days is not a good
 reason to be sloppy. Moreover, often the fastest pure Python version
 happens to be among the most elegant and concise, unlike other languages
 where optimization usually implies obfuscation.

I wonder why it is that people automatically assume that optimization 
means optimize the time taken, and not the developer effort to write it 
in the first place, the effort required to maintain it over time, or the 
memory used at runtime, let alone some combination of all four factors.

Memory is cheap, but applications are hungry.

CPUs are fast, and for most applications the difference between 3ms and 
30ms is undetectable by the user. Why do we care so little about saving 
memory and so much about ever-decreasing time savings?


Re: pairs from a list

2008-01-21 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Jan 22, 3:20 am, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to generate sequential pairs from a list.
 Here is a way::

     from itertools import izip, islice
     for x12 in izip(islice(x,0,None,2),islice(x,1,None,2)):
         print x12

 (Of course the print statement is just illustrative.)
 What is the fastest way? (Ignore the import time.)

 Alan Isaac

Don't know the fastest, but here's a very concise way:

from itertools import izip

def ipairs(seq):
it = iter(seq)
return izip(it, it)

[(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), (8, 9)]
[('h', 'e'), ('l', 'l')]

