Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-17 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-05-11, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Neil Cerutti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>| Every node is a tuple of its letter, a list of its children, and
>| a list of its words. So the two 'pelin' nodes would be (with 'e'
>| referenced in the 'h' node):
>| ('h', [('e', [], ['pelin'])], ['pelin'])
>| That would in turn be "stored" in the t, n, i and s nodes.
> [snip]
> At the outer level, I would use a list in order to build the
> structure in pieces, one for each letter, and then add them in.
> At the top level, the letters do not need explicit storage.
> The first subtree is for words starting with 'a', etc.  In
> other words, the position of each subtree indicates its
> starting letter.  For most letters, this can be carried on
> another level.

Here's a proof of concept prototype of the dictionary searching
algorithm. The dictionary I found to test with has roughly 5,000
words, and I didn't attempt any optimizations at all.  I'm
guessing it can't be sped up very much, even though I wrote the
simplest possible implementation. Lookup in the worst case is
O(N), where N is the number of letters in your prefix.

First, a sample of input/output.

lookup: pe
people: la gente[Noun]
pepper: pepe[Noun]
peppercorn: grano di pepe[Noun]
peppermint: menta peperita[Noun]
peppery: pepato, acre, pungente[Adjective]
pepsin: pepsina[Noun]
permutation: permutazione[Noun]
permutations: permutazioni[Noun]
permute: permutare[Verb]
perorate: perorare
perpendicular: perpendicolare[Adjective]
perpendicularly: perpendicolarmente[Adverb]
perpendiculars: perpendicolari[Noun]
perpetrate: perpetrare[Verb]
perpetrated: perpetrato[Verb]
perpetual: perpetuo[Adjective]
petard: petardo[Noun]
petroleum: petrolio[Noun]

Now the source.

# Each node is a tuple of (letter, node list, word list). A word
# list is just a list of strings.
root = ('', [], [])

def insert(node, key, value):
if len(key) == 0:
first = key[0]
rest = key[1:]
for n in node[1]:
if n[0] == first:
insert(n, rest, value)
node[1].append((first, [], []))
insert(node, key, value)

def lookup(node, key):
if len(key) == 0:
return node
first = key[0]
rest = key[1:]
for v in node[1]:
if v[0] == first:
return lookup(v, rest)
return None

def word_list(node, word):
for v in node[2]:
print '%s: %s' % (word, v)
for n in node[1]:
word_list(n, word+n[0])

# Italian.txt from
source = open('Italian.txt', 'r')

# Build tree
for line in source:
line = line.strip()
if line[0] == '#': continue
key, value = line.split('\t')
insert(root, key, value)

# Look up a prefix
x = raw_input("lookup: ")

tree = lookup(root, x)
if tree:
word_list(tree, x)
print "Not found."

Neil Cerutti

Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-12 Thread aaronwmail-usenet
On May 10, 1:26 pm, Gigs_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have text file (english-croatian dictionary) with words in it in 
> alphabetical
> order.
> This file contains 17 words in this format:
> english word: croatian word

Let's assume it's okay to have all the data in memory.
In my experience the very fastest way to do what you
want is to store the strings in a sorted list and use
the binary search library module bisect.  I once compared this
with doing something similar with tries and it was
much faster.  It's also the most simple way to do it, which
is nice too :).
  -- Aaron Watters

never eat anything bigger than your head -- kliban


Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-11 Thread Michael Bentley

On May 11, 2007, at 3:50 AM, Michael Bentley wrote:
> Here's an idea:  use a rats' nest of dictionaries and do all the
> lookup work up front when you build the rats' nest.  Maybe something
> like this:

Oops!  This is better :-)

#! /usr/bin/env python
import pprint

dictionary = """absinth:pelin
absolute:apsolutni kod
absolute coordinates:apsolutne koordinate
absolute frequency:apsolutna učestalost
absolute gap:apsolutni jaz
absolute line spacing:apsolutni međurazmak linija
absolute majority:apsolutna većina
absolute pointing device:apsolutni pokazivački uređaj
absolute quantity:apsolutni udio
absolute value:apsolutna vrijednost
absolute zero:apsolutna nula

lookup = {'words':{}, 'letters':{}}

for translation in dictionary.split('\n'):
 english, croatian = translation.split(':')
 if english in lookup['words']:
 lookup['words'][english] = [english, croatian]

 for position, letter in enumerate(english):
 if position == 0:
 youAreHere = lookup['letters']

 if letter not in youAreHere:
 youAreHere[letter] = {'words':[]}

if lookup['words'][english] not in youAreHere[letter]['words']:
 youAreHere = youAreHere[letter]

def tryit(partial):
 youAreHere = lookup['letters']
 for letter in partial:
 youAreHere = youAreHere[letter]
 return youAreHere['words']

if __name__ == '__main__':
 print '=' * 50


Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-11 Thread Alex Martelli
Michael Bentley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > Call me dense, but how does one do this in Python - which doesn't have
> > pointers? Dictionaries with dictionaries within dictionaries... (with
> > each letter as the key and the its children as values) is going to be
> > extremely space inefficient, right?
> Isn't *everything* in python essentially a pointer?  Dictionaries  
> with dictionaries within dictionaries...  My gut feeling (which means
> I have not measured it, so I don't actually know) is that it would  
> not be space inefficient.  Perhaps someone who knows more about this
> will speak up?

Dicts are hash tables, and therefore, for performance, always keep some
"extra" space (so that the table won't be too full).


Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-11 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-05-11, ciju <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By the way, both data structures could be implemented as tuple
> in python, for I suppose, if only lookup is needed tuple gives
> better performance than list.

I used a list instead of a tuple where I thought a list would be
convenient while building the data structure. But you could
convert everything to tuples in the end, it's true.

Neil Cerutti

Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-11 Thread Michael Bentley

On May 10, 2007, at 12:26 PM, Gigs_ wrote:

> Hi all!
> I have text file (english-croatian dictionary) with words in it in  
> alphabetical
> order.
> This file contains 17 words in this format:
> english word: croatian word
> I want to make instant search for my gui
> Instant search, i mean that my program search words and show words  
> to user as
> user type letters.
> yes, it needs to be fast
> Can someone give me some points (approaches) how to make this
> Should i make indexes and go with
> or should breake dictionary in peaces and put words that start with  
> a in one and
> with b in another...
> ?
> So if i have this words
> ...
> if user type: "abs" program should list all words above in english  
> and in croatian
> if user type: "absorb" than program should list last 3 words in  
> english and in
> croatian
> any help would be appreciate!
> my apologies for bad english

Here's an idea:  use a rats' nest of dictionaries and do all the  
lookup work up front when you build the rats' nest.  Maybe something  
like this:

#! /usr/bin/env python
import pprint

dictionary = """absinth:pelin
absolute:apsolutni kod
absolute coordinates:apsolutne koordinate
absolute frequency:apsolutna učestalost
absolute gap:apsolutni jaz
absolute line spacing:apsolutni međurazmak linija
absolute majority:apsolutna većina
absolute pointing device:apsolutni pokazivački uređaj
absolute quantity:apsolutni udio
absolute value:apsolutna vrijednost
absolute zero:apsolutna nula

lookup = {'words':{}, 'letters':{}}

for translation in dictionary.split('\n'):
 english, croatian = translation.split(':')
 if english in lookup['words']:
 lookup['words'][english] = [croatian]

 for position, letter in enumerate(english):
 if position == 0:
 youAreHere = lookup['letters']

 if letter not in youAreHere:
 youAreHere[letter] = {'words':[]}
 youAreHere = youAreHere[letter]

def tryit(partial):
 youAreHere = lookup['letters']
 for letter in partial:
 youAreHere = youAreHere[letter]
 return youAreHere['words']

if __name__ == '__main__':

Hope this helps,
The Rules of Optimization are simple.
Rule 1: Don't do it.
Rule 2 (for experts only): Don't do it yet.
-- Michael A. Jackson , "Principles of
Program Design", 1975.


Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-11 Thread Michael Bentley
> Call me dense, but how does one do this in Python - which doesn't have
> pointers? Dictionaries with dictionaries within dictionaries... (with
> each letter as the key and the its children as values) is going to be
> extremely space inefficient, right?

Isn't *everything* in python essentially a pointer?  Dictionaries  
with dictionaries within dictionaries...  My gut feeling (which means  
I have not measured it, so I don't actually know) is that it would  
not be space inefficient.  Perhaps someone who knows more about this  
will speak up?


Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-10 Thread ciju
On May 11, 3:12 am, Neil Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2007-05-10, Gordon Airporte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> For the above (abrideged) dictionary, you would generate (use a
> >> fixed-width "programmers" font so the tree looks good):
> >>  a
> >>  |
> >>  b
> >>  |
> >>  s
> >> / \
> >>i   o
> >>   /   / \
> >>  n   l   r
> >> /   / \   \
> >>t   u   v   b->(absorbirati, crpisti)
> >>   /|   |
> >> (pelin)<-h t   e->(odrije?iti, osloboditi)
> >>  | |
> >> (pelin)<-e e->(apsolutan, apsolutni kod)
> >> As the user enter letters, you just march down the tree, printing
> >> all the words held in leaf nodes held in the current node.
> > Call me dense, but how does one do this in Python - which
> > doesn't have pointers? Dictionaries with dictionaries within
> > dictionaries... (with each letter as the key and the its
> > children as values) is going to be extremely space inefficient,
> > right?
> Unfortunately, I don't know the space tradeoffs in Python
> offhand. Lists and tuples make excellent trees.
> The above might be stored as follows:
> Every node is a tuple of its letter, a list of its children, and
> a list of its words. So the two 'pelin' nodes would be (with 'e'
> referenced in the 'h' node):
> ('h', [('e', [], ['pelin'])], ['pelin'])
> That would in turn be "stored" in the t, n, i and s nodes.
> ('s',
>  [('i',
>   [('n',
> [('h', [('e', [], ['pelin'])], ['pelin'])
>  [])]
> [])]
>[]), ('o' trie (thanks Terry) omitted for my sanity)])
> It's a lot harder to write by hand than it would be to use.
> My intuition says it shouldn't be terribly hard on resources for
> for a 180K dictionary, but I could be wrong. I'm too lazy to
> measure. ;)
> If it does turn out to be unreasonably huge, then you'd fall back
> on solving the problem completely with a binary search returning
> a range (I'm not sure of the name), which would be more expensive
> at run time, but might be fast enough, and would use a minimal
> amount of 'resources'.
> --
> Neil Cerutti

The problem that I see here is that each time user types a letter, all
the leaf nodes in the subtree would have to be traversed again. This
computation was already done for all the letters user typed before the
last one.

My suggestion would be to have two data structures. The first one
similar to the tree mentioned above, but leaf nodes need not have
Croatian translations, and each node should also have total number of
leafs in both left siblings and right siblings of that node. The
second data structure would be list of English:Croatian word pairs.

As the user types a new letter, we just have to remove(not show), the
number of leaf elements in the left and/or right siblings, from left
and/or right of the second data structure. So we just have to keep
track of the node we r currently at(in the tree) and the start, end
index for the second data structure(basically the list to be shown to
the user).

By the way, both data structures could be implemented as tuple in
python, for I suppose, if only lookup is needed tuple gives better
performance than list.



Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-10 Thread Terry Reedy

"Neil Cerutti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
| Every node is a tuple of its letter, a list of its children, and
| a list of its words. So the two 'pelin' nodes would be (with 'e'
| referenced in the 'h' node):
| ('h', [('e', [], ['pelin'])], ['pelin'])
| That would in turn be "stored" in the t, n, i and s nodes.

At the outer level, I would use a list in order to build the structure in 
pieces, one for each letter, and then add them in.

At the top level, the letters do not need explicit storage.  The first 
subtree is for words starting with 'a', etc.  In other words, the position 
of each subtree indicates its starting letter.  For most letters, this can 
be carried on another level.



Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-10 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-05-10, Gordon Airporte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> For the above (abrideged) dictionary, you would generate (use a
>> fixed-width "programmers" font so the tree looks good):
>>  a
>>  |
>>  b
>>  |
>>  s
>> / \
>>i   o
>>   /   / \
>>  n   l   r
>> /   / \   \
>>t   u   v   b->(absorbirati, crpisti)
>>   /|   |
>> (pelin)<-h t   e->(odrije?iti, osloboditi)
>>  | |
>> (pelin)<-e e->(apsolutan, apsolutni kod)
>> As the user enter letters, you just march down the tree, printing
>> all the words held in leaf nodes held in the current node.
> Call me dense, but how does one do this in Python - which
> doesn't have pointers? Dictionaries with dictionaries within
> dictionaries... (with each letter as the key and the its
> children as values) is going to be extremely space inefficient,
> right?

Unfortunately, I don't know the space tradeoffs in Python
offhand. Lists and tuples make excellent trees.

The above might be stored as follows:

Every node is a tuple of its letter, a list of its children, and
a list of its words. So the two 'pelin' nodes would be (with 'e'
referenced in the 'h' node):

('h', [('e', [], ['pelin'])], ['pelin'])

That would in turn be "stored" in the t, n, i and s nodes.

[('h', [('e', [], ['pelin'])], ['pelin'])
   []), ('o' trie (thanks Terry) omitted for my sanity)])

It's a lot harder to write by hand than it would be to use.

My intuition says it shouldn't be terribly hard on resources for
for a 180K dictionary, but I could be wrong. I'm too lazy to
measure. ;)

If it does turn out to be unreasonably huge, then you'd fall back
on solving the problem completely with a binary search returning
a range (I'm not sure of the name), which would be more expensive
at run time, but might be fast enough, and would use a minimal
amount of 'resources'.

Neil Cerutti

Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-10 Thread James Stroud
Gordon Airporte wrote:
>> For the above (abrideged) dictionary, you would generate (use a
>> fixed-width "programmers" font so the tree looks good):
>>  a
>>  |
>>  b
>>  |
>>  s
>> / \
>>i   o
>>   /   / \
>>  n   l   r
>> /   / \   \
>>t   u   v   b->(absorbirati, crpisti)
>>   /|   |
>> (pelin)<-h t   e->(odrije?iti, osloboditi)
>>  | |
>> (pelin)<-e e->(apsolutan, apsolutni kod)
>> As the user enter letters, you just march down the tree, printing
>> all the words held in leaf nodes held in the current node.
> Call me dense, but how does one do this in Python - which doesn't have 
> pointers? Dictionaries with dictionaries within dictionaries... (with 
> each letter as the key and the its children as values) is going to be 
> extremely space inefficient, right?

How would this be significantly more space inefficient than "pointers"? 
The implementation of the dict would, in fact, itself be pointers, where 
each key (same memory requirement if using pointers) is mapped to a 
pointer to a dict node or a pointer to a leaf, same as with a more "low 
level" construction. A printout of the graph as a dict might look a 
little ugly, though.

I could be wrong, however.


Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-10 Thread Gordon Airporte

> For the above (abrideged) dictionary, you would generate (use a
> fixed-width "programmers" font so the tree looks good):
>  a
>  |
>  b
>  |
>  s
> / \
>i   o
>   /   / \
>  n   l   r
> /   / \   \
>t   u   v   b->(absorbirati, crpisti)
>   /|   |
> (pelin)<-h t   e->(odrije?iti, osloboditi)
>  | |
> (pelin)<-e e->(apsolutan, apsolutni kod)
> As the user enter letters, you just march down the tree, printing
> all the words held in leaf nodes held in the current node.

Call me dense, but how does one do this in Python - which doesn't have 
pointers? Dictionaries with dictionaries within dictionaries... (with 
each letter as the key and the its children as values) is going to be 
extremely space inefficient, right?

Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-10 Thread Terry Reedy

"Neil Cerutti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
| On 2007-05-10, Gigs_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > if user type: "abs" program should list all words above in
| > english and in croatian if user type: "absorb" than program
| > should list last 3 words in english and in croatian
| A solution that solves the problem with a data structure might be
| a multi-tree.

Specific computer science terms are prefix tree or trie (from reTRIEval).
gives an introduction.

| Each node points at a set of following letters, and a set of
| croatian translations, either of which might be empty, making the
| node a leaf.
| For the above (abrideged) dictionary, you would generate (use a
| fixed-width "programmers" font so the tree looks good):
| a
| |
| b
| |
| s
|/ \
|   i   o
|  /   / \
| n   l   r
|/   / \   \
|   t   u   v   b->(absorbirati, crpisti)
|  /|   |
| (pelin)<-h t   e->(odrije?iti, osloboditi)
| | |
| (pelin)<-e e->(apsolutan, apsolutni kod)
| As the user enter letters, you just march down the tree, printing
| all the words held in leaf nodes held in the current node.



Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-10 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-05-10, Gigs_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have text file (english-croatian dictionary) with words in it
> in alphabetical order. This file contains 17 words in this
> format: english word: croatian word
> I want to make instant search for my gui Instant search, i mean
> that my program search words and show words to user as user
> type letters. yes, it needs to be fast
> Can someone give me some points (approaches) how to make this
> Should i make indexes and go with
> or should breake dictionary in peaces and put words that start
> with a in one and with b in another...
> So if i have this words
> [abridged dictionary below]
> absinth:pelin
> absinthe:pelin
> absolute:apsolutan
> absolute:apsolutni kod
> absolve:odrije?iti
> absolve:osloboditi
> absorb:absorbirati
> absorb:apsorbirati
> absorb:crpsti
> if user type: "abs" program should list all words above in
> english and in croatian if user type: "absorb" than program
> should list last 3 words in english and in croatian

A solution that solves the problem with a data structure might be
a multi-tree.

Each node points at a set of following letters, and a set of
croatian translations, either of which might be empty, making the
node a leaf.

For the above (abrideged) dictionary, you would generate (use a
fixed-width "programmers" font so the tree looks good):

/ \
   i   o
  /   / \
 n   l   r
/   / \   \
   t   u   v   b->(absorbirati, crpisti)
  /|   |
(pelin)<-h t   e->(odrije?iti, osloboditi)
 | |
(pelin)<-e e->(apsolutan, apsolutni kod)

As the user enter letters, you just march down the tree, printing
all the words held in leaf nodes held in the current node.

Neil Cerutti
We shall reach greater and greater platitudes of achievement. --Richard J.

Re: searching algorithm

2007-05-10 Thread Sébastien Ramage
I have made a script that search anagram based on the ODS file ( call
OSW in english, Official Scrabble Words)
it load a file that contain 369085 words (one word per line)

I create a dictionnary and store word into using the length of the
word as key
example : mydict[2] contain a list of word with length = 2

first I select the correct dict entry and in a second time I scan this
list searching correct word

my file contains 369085 and it's pretty fast



searching algorithm

2007-05-10 Thread Gigs_
Hi all!

I have text file (english-croatian dictionary) with words in it in alphabetical 
This file contains 17 words in this format:
english word: croatian word

I want to make instant search for my gui
Instant search, i mean that my program search words and show words to user as 
user type letters.
yes, it needs to be fast

Can someone give me some points (approaches) how to make this
Should i make indexes and go with

or should breake dictionary in peaces and put words that start with a in one 
with b in another...

So if i have this words
absolute:apsolutni kod
absolute coordinates:apsolutne koordinate
absolute frequency:apsolutna učestalost
absolute gap:apsolutni jaz
absolute line spacing:apsolutni međurazmak linija
absolute majority:apsolutna većina
absolute pointing device:apsolutni pokazivački uređaj
absolute quantity:apsolutni udio
absolute value:apsolutna vrijednost
absolute zero:apsolutna nula

if user type: "abs" program should list all words above in english and in 
if user type: "absorb" than program should list last 3 words in english and in 

any help would be appreciate!
my apologies for bad english