[python-win32] path to START MENU folder

2005-09-09 Thread Peter Jessop
Hola Freddy

Another way of doing it would be to use the WScript.Shell object:

import win32com.client
objShell = win32com.client.Dispatch(WScript.Shell)
allUserDocs = objShell.SpecialFolders(AllUsersDesktop)
print allUserDocs

similarly you can use the following to obtain access to other special folders:
AllUsersDesktop,AllUsersStartMenu,AllUsersPrograms,AllUsersStartupDesktop,Favorites,Fonts,MyDocuments,NetHood,PrintHood,Recent,SendToStartMenu,Startup  Templates

Peter Jessop

Python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] detecting windows type

2005-09-08 Thread Peter Jessop

On 9/8/05, le dahut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 How is it possible to detect which kind of windows a python script is
 running on ? (9x, Me, 2k, XP, 2k3)

 from win32api import *

 An other question:
 I've a script using
 win32com.client.Dispatch(WbemScripting.SWbemLocator) but it doesn't
 seem to function on win 9x. This script is intended to detect the
 computer's network configuration (gateway, dns, ip addr, subnet mask).
 Does someone know how to obtain those informations on a win 9x ?

Windows 9x came without support for WMI. You can download WMI Core from

although the implementation is quite limited


Peter Jessop
Python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Null provokes unicode error.

2005-08-23 Thread Peter Jessop
Good day all:

I have a trivial problem that I would be grateful for help with.
I am running python 2.4.1 withPython for Windows extensions build 204.When I run the following script after returning some lines correctly I find the following error. 'Traceback (most recent call last):
File C:\Scripts\Script2.py, line 4, in ?print objChild.Name + '\t' + objChild.DescriptionTypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found'This happens when the description value is null.
How do I avoid this problem?Code
import win32com.client
objContainer = win32com.client.GetObject(LDAP://cn=users,dc=agri,dc=local)
for objChild in objContainer:
 print objChild.Name + '\t' + objChild.Description


Peter Jessop

Python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Null provokes unicode error.

2005-08-23 Thread Peter Jessop
Amit, Simon

Thanks for the help

Python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Ugh...native Windows interactive Python 2.4 in Cygwin termin

2005-08-07 Thread Peter Jessop
-- Forwarded message --From: Peter Jessop [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Aug 7, 2005 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: [python-win32] Ugh...native Windows interactive Python 2.4 in Cygwin terminalTo: Matthew Bogosian [EMAIL PROTECTED]I have Cygwin installed here although I confess that I don't use it
much and can probably be of little help and apologise if this is the
However I tried the following

bash-2.05b$ d:/Python24/python.exe
Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win3
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 print Works here2
 File stdin, line 1
 print Works here2
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
 print Works here
Works here

I don't know if this is of any help to you but it may just be a problem of your installation.


Peter Jessop

Python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Excel automation

2005-06-15 Thread Peter Jessop
Hi Tim
Thanks for your quick response.
I had determined that putting none zero values did not provoke the
error, but did not realise the reason.
However c.Offset (2, 2) should change the active cell  (1 down and 1
right, if it is 1-based), but it doesn't


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