Re: [PythonCE] packaging app into cab's

2009-06-11 Thread Jared Forsyth
unfortunately there aren't any packages that specifically package pythonce
along side -- the best you can do (which is what i do) is just provide a
link to the pythonce cab -- that way they won't need to install pythonce
more than once if they want more than one of your packages.


On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 4:00 AM, David Goncalves david-pyc...@lestat.stwrote:


  I've been playing around with pythonce on my windows mobile phone and am
 very impressed by it. I was wondering if anyone can point me to some good
 resources for packaging pythonce and my application into one installable

 If you are using Linux you can use the 'pocketpc-cab' package that contains
 tools for creating CAB files.

 If you are using Windows system you can look at 'WinCECabManager'
 (shareware) that
 does the same thing (with a gui).

 Hope that helps.


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Re: [PythonCE] Can I execute external programs from PythonCe?

2008-09-04 Thread Jared Forsyth
I think what you want is os.startfile

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 6:29 AM, Igor Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi pythonce experts,
 [Igor Kaplan]
  Would like to ask for the suggestion, is there any way to execute the
 external process from pythonce code? There is the os.exec* functions,
 however as I understand, they will terminate the current python process and
 run the external application. I would need to start the external program
 still be able to continue with my python code.
  If it is more complicated then just calling one function, for example if I
 need to create new thread and so on,  I would so much appreciate the little
 code example.

  Many, many thanks in advance.


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Re: [PythonCE] pygame / ctypes / SDL

2008-08-29 Thread Jared Forsyth
now thats cool idea

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Adam Walley schrieb:
  Well, I have now got a small demo app working, which makes use of SDL
  LoadBMP, Surface, blit, audio (wav), keysym, and draw functions. I have
  compiled a small DLL, that allows access to these functions through
  and it works very well. The core of the application is a python script,
  which then calls the other functions as required.
  I will try to post a link shortly, for any one who would like to take a
  look. I am wondering whether this whole exercise is kind of re-inventing
  wheel, since pygame-ctypes was already attempted. However, so far
  seems to be working smoothly, and I am quite encouraged by the results.

 Cool.  But, I'm curious: what about pyglet?  Has someone tried to port that
 to WinCE?


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Re: [PythonCE] pygame / distutils

2008-08-15 Thread Jared Forsyth
i tried, but not very hard. configure worked fine, but during make it
complained about iconv.h some other includeand looking in legacy
versions of cegcc, iconv.h *was* included in the mingw32ce distbut i
dunno. Ill probs work on it some more this week, to try to get it working


On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Alexandre Delattre 

 Jared  Adam,
 Glad to hear you were able to cross compile sdl with cegcc, this opens the
 possibility to compile pygame with cegcc, which may yield better results
 than Microsoft tools :)

 Some times ago, I've sent Jared a PythonCE 2.5 import library and an scons
 script to easily compile Python modules with cegcc. I think they'll be
 useful for compiling pygame.

 (Btw, I have a working PIL port built this way that I'll be happy to put
 online soon)

 Jared, did you manage to compile SDL_Image on top of SDL ?
 I think it's the only extra dll that is needed by pygame to work.
 I remember that when compiling with embedded vc++ this dll was compiled
 almost out of the box since the low level calls were handled by SDL so no
 porting was required.
 Would be cool to have SDL_Mixer too.

 Best regards,

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Re: [PythonCE] pygame / distutils

2008-08-07 Thread Jared Forsyth
I, too came across the SCUMM files ;) and have gotten some test SDL c
programs to compile under cegcc.

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 4:47 AM, Adam Walley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My plans, exactly ;-) BTW why was pygame-ctypes abandoned? Reading some of
 the past info on it, it seemed like a great idea to use the ctypes module.

 2008/8/7 René Dudfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 nice work :)

 It can be easier to first try and get the SDL test programs compiling.
  Then try and get a really simple, minimal python extension
 compiling... and you guessed it, try and get them both compiling
 together :)

 There's a few wince folks hanging out on the libsdl mailing list if
 you have troubles there.


 On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Adam Walley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well, I have been attempting to get something working, but have been
  struggling to get the SDL compiled correctly (without SDL, there is no
  in trying to get pygame working). In my investigations, I came across
  SCUMM forum. Now the SCUMMVM appears to be a fully working product on
  various platforms including WinCE. My attempts to compile some simple
  programs using the SDL source available from the official SDL site
  (mostly because the source will not compile 'as is' and needs some
  which is probably beyond my capabilities). However, the SCUMM forum
  me to a set of libraries from 'knakos'. I quickly set up a new project,
  my simple test program, and lo! it compiled first time and tested
  on my WM5 device. I assume these SCUMM libraries have already been
  to work on WinCE, and since the SCUMM idea is to get retro graphical
  working, I think that pygame will probably get all the functionality it
  needs from them.
  Now, on to getting pygame working! I will attempt to get some of the
  source modules compiled as PYDs to see if they will import and work
  PythonCE. I have not yet attempted to get a DLL compiled using these new
  libraries so may yet hit a wall. I will report back with any news.
  Rene, thanks for your comments. It's nice to know there is interest from
  pygame side.
  If anyone else would like to provide comments/advice/code to get pygame
  working, it will be welcomed.
  On 06/08/2008, René Dudfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if anyone has any project files to build pygame on pythonce I'd love
  to have them included with pygame.  I'm an author/maintainer of pygame
  and have commit access to svn, so could add project files if someone
  makes them... I could also add a pygame download for python CE to the download page.
  Or you could add compilation instructions to the pygame wiki here:
  I have a winCE phone so would love to be able to get pygame running on
  PythonCE mailing list

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Re: [PythonCE] cegcc on Debian etch amd64

2008-07-29 Thread Jared Forsyth
Thank you very much for that walk-through ;) (even though, as you said, it
is a bit off topic).
On a more python-related note: if you want to compile python c extensions w/
cegcc, get in touch w/ Alexandre--he's got the python.lib file needed.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:20 AM, Adam Walley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello, all.

 I have not posted to the cegcc list before, but have been working on some
 pythonCE projects, where cegcc might prove a useful tool (I hope). I realise
 that the following is not really a pythonCE topic, but thought it might be
 useful to some of the list's readers given some of the recent discussions.

 This post was really just to confirm that cegcc can be compiled from source
 (from the cegcc SF download page). I thought I should mention this, because
 I did not see any amd64 packages for cegcc, and there were very few posts
 relating to using cegcc with an amd64 processor or with debian (perhaps it
 has gone so smoothly for everyone that no questions were asked?).

 The steps I followed were:

 - download the source package (platform independent)
 - extract to a convenient folder
 - I used 'su' privileges (though sudo might be ok too)
 - run the '' script located in the cegcc/src folder
 - if errors occur, just go through the output carefully to locate any
 packages, which may not be present on your machine (I had to install 'bison'
 and 'flex' using the usual 'apt-get install' command)
 - IMPORTANT! before running the build script again, remove the 'build'
 folder that was created in the 'src' folder during the initial failed build
 attempt. If you do not do this the build script will almost certainly fail
 - it can take some time to build the entire package
 - I think there were some minor warnings/errors, but the cegcc structure
 and files all appeared correctly
 - check that the files are there in /opt/cegcc
 - if you want to be able to call the compilers from a Gnome terminal window
 you need to add this folder to the $PATH variable. To do this, simply edit
 the /etc/profile file (use 'su' or 'sudo' to do this) and add the following
 line at the end of the file:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cegcc/bin
 The change will only take effect the next time you open a terminal window
 - Now you can access the cegcc compilers from any folder. Type
 'arm-wince-cegcc-gcc' to check that it works. The reply should be 'no input
 - Now I simply followed the 'getting started' steps at
 - remembering to copy across the relevant DLL files to my PDA (cegcc.dll,
 cegccthrd.dll, and libstdc++.dll)
 - these DLLs will work if you put them in the same directory as the EXE you
 want to run, but a more sensible place for them is the main Windows
 directory. These DLLs add up to about 1MB, so you don't want to be
 duplicating them too much.

 That's it. I can confirm that the 'hello' dialog appears on my WM5 pda.

 hth (especially, like me if you are still just a beginner, or you are
 looking to get started quickly).


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Re: [PythonCE] Python CE on a Intel XScale industrial device.

2008-07-28 Thread Jared Forsyth
Firstly, the Active Sync method merely automates the copy .CAB/install
process--you're not missing out in anything.
The only problem I can thing of is that of your processor: your device runs
XSale, while I believe the .CABs are compiled for ARM

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 4:27 AM, Lachezar Dobrev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  * Apologies for the resending, the first message did not go through. *

  Hello list members.
  Recently our project (Java based) grew into the mobile devices range.
  However the devices had a serious flaw (for us): the Windows CE
 operating system.
  For some time we were able to develop based in the Pocket IE
 available on the device and use an AJAX+Server-Side approach to do our

  Recently we hit some use cases where this approach would not work,
 or would need serious development in order to provide the needed
 interaction requirements.

  We could not find a Java VM to suit our needs, and development using
 Microsoft's development frame is a No-No for us.

  That is why I undertook the challenge to evaluate Python based

  Here I took my first blow... The files on the SourceForge site did
 not install on the device.
  The device is:
  It features Windows CE 5.0 on an Intel XScale PXA processor with a
 number of crucial features for our application (WLAN, WWAN, Barcode

  Since we are working with Linux/BSD workstations I was unable to try
 the Active Sync method, and was forced to download the CAB files,
 however when trying to install the application I get a 'Setup Failed'

   The application cannot run on this device type.
   Please install the application specific to this device type.

  This is with both CAB files:

  I tried also the 'Pocket PC Python' from
  That WORKS! But since it's Python 2.2 the GUI toolkits refuse to
 work (no annotations?).

  Can you please advise further?
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Re: [PythonCE] pygame / distutils

2008-07-26 Thread Jared Forsyth

For compilation have you tried CeGCC? (

Adam Walley wrote:

Christopher and Jared,
Thank you for your comments. Christopher would you agree about the 
sluggishness once pygame is running on a PDA? I suppose I am not too 
bothered at the moment. For my purposes just being able to access 
audio and drawing to screen would be fine - though I'm sure sooner or 
later speed will be needed too.
One additional obstacle I face is some extra fiddling to get the 
compiling done on PellesC (I do not own VS and I believe the free 
version does not support WinCE compilation).
Anyhow, I will attempt to get something working, and if it gives 
respectable results I will report back.
Thanks again for your input.

On 26/07/2008, *Christopher Fairbairn* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Sat 26/07/08 05:13 , Adam Walley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
 - is there already a way to get distutils working with PythonCE?

There has been recent discussions about this, but at current I
don't bieleve there is anything available.

With respect to SDL and pygame it should be fairly easy to get the
various python modules compiled. There have been a couple of
releases built for PythonCE in the past and I've personally
compiled from source a couple of times.

The SDL project has an additional ZIP file that contains Windows
CE (Pocket PC) compatible project files that will allow you to
build a suitable dll.

If you look at the distutils based installation files for the
pygame distribution you can determine which source files need to be
compiled into the various python modules (*.pyd). What I did was
then manually create project files for Visual Studio to build
these DLLs (you will need a source release of PythonCE itself for
this, as to build a module you will require the python header

Once I had all the pygame dlls compiled it was then simply a
matter of copying them to the correct folder on the PDA. There was no
registry settings etc involved.

One thing to keep in mind is that some of the sample apps within
the Pygame distribution won't work on a PDA without minor
modifications. For example they commonly request a window size
which is larger than the PDA's screen, and don't account for the
lack of current working directory support when specifying file
names for bitmap resources etc.

Hope this helps,
Christopher Fairbairn

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