Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Discussion of Python IDE's: strengths andweaknesses (long)

2005-07-07 Thread Henning.Ramm
Thank you very much for this overview!
I tried several IDEs about a month ago to find the suiting one
for my little projects and made partly the same, partly different

Several apps showed the same problem on my german Tiger:

The text in interpreter windows is not readable (only top part of
characters is shown); if I had an option to enable antialiasing,
it showed up, but not every app provided that.
(Perhaps an issue with some system preference?)

Another common problem is non-working (or even crashing) drag-and-drop
of files to the IDE's windows or dock icon.

Several IDE's I didn't get to use Python 2.4.1 (and the new wxPython),
AFAIR it was Boa and PyOxide.

And I don't like how most Python editors (even if they use Scintilla)
handle (or mostly not-handle) non-Python files - be it config, HTML,
text or other-language files.

2. Spe, which also includes wxGlade and other tools.

I like SPE on WinXP, even if it tends to run into exceptions after
that you seem to be able to work, but you can't save anymore - very
dangerous! Other non-options like printing behave the same.

On OSX I don't like how SPE's windows are split (notebook tabs, but
separate windows, focus change doesn't really work).

There were a lot of development for a while, but lately Stani
stays quiet - perhaps he choked on his debugger-integration plans.

3. Eric3

Again I didn't manage to let it use Python 2.4.1
Strangely the app starts only every second time.

Some more:

7. Eclipse
is a mighty Java IDE, or more an application framework that ships
with a Java IDE, but there are also two or three Python modules
(PyDev, TruStudio).
Eclipse's interface has nothing to do with any OS's standards, but I
think one will get used to it. But at least on my G4/400 it's just
too slow (esp. startup), and I can't wrap my mind around it's concepts.
Perhaps that's why I got lost in the preferences and didn't find
source browser, code completion etc.

8. DrPython
a rather nice little light-weight (wx)Python IDE, extensible with
plugins (i.e. a lot of important features are outsourced to plugins),
but most plugins are outdated, have bugs or don't work for other
I think it would be suited to replace IDLE more than most other
candidates, but needs a bit of work for all the nice features to
actually work.
There's no Mac bundle yet, you must run it from Terminal.

Best regards,
Henning Hraban Ramm
Südkurier Medienhaus / MediaPro
Support/Admin/Development Dept.
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Discussion of Python IDE's: strengths andweaknesses (long)

2005-07-07 Thread Derek Lee-Wo
I'll add my 2 centsEclipse and PyDev is the ONLY solution I've
found that I can work with.  I can edit my files and debug them
without crashing anything.  It is robust and I have yet to find any
stability problems.

I have tried all the other IDEs that have been mentioned in this
thread and they fall into 2 categories:

- Disorganized:  They are a mess with regards to how windows and
displays are organized or just look just horrible.  Maybe this is my
bias in coming from a Windows background

- Unstable: Several would constantly crash, some more than others, but
to me, if I get just one crash a day, that's unacceptable.  Who know
what I can potentially lose.

The most common complaint I hear about Eclipse is the size and
complexity, but I guess I have an advantage there as I've been doing
Java development with Eclipse and IBM's WSAD which is based on Eclipse
for a number of years, so I'm VERY comfortable in the Eclipse
environment.  It does take a while to start, but I'm accustomed to the
wait and once it's started, it runs fine.  I do agree though that it
takes a bit of effort to understand the conceptsworkspaces,
perspectives, etc

 7. Eclipse
 is a mighty Java IDE, or more an application framework that ships
 with a Java IDE, but there are also two or three Python modules
 (PyDev, TruStudio).
 Eclipse's interface has nothing to do with any OS's standards, but I
 think one will get used to it. But at least on my G4/400 it's just
 too slow (esp. startup), and I can't wrap my mind around it's concepts.
 Perhaps that's why I got lost in the preferences and didn't find
 source browser, code completion etc.


Derek M. A. Lee-Wo
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Stability of (I)DEs, particularly WingIDE? (Re: [Boa Constr] Re: ANN: Boa Constructor for OS X available)

2005-07-07 Thread Riaan Booysen
Hi Wolfgang,

Wolfgang Keller wrote:
I have yet to encounter a Python editor on the Mac that does this
gracefully. Eric3, Spe, PyOxide,and now Boa--they all crash at times,
and sometimes all the time, when trying to eval/debug scripts.
To be perfectly honest, when it comes to the eval/debug cycle, Emacs +
terminal is about the only thing that works for me.
 Any  opinions  on  how  WingIDE compares to the others concerning this

Kevin's comments here relate to an incorrect way in which subprocesses
were launced under OS X for those IDEs.

That problem has been addressed and the comment no longer applies.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

[Pythonmac-SIG] Did anyone play with TransformProcessType yet?

2005-07-07 Thread Jack Jansen
No, I've not come out of hiding just yet (still far too busy with  
Ambulant to do any Python work), but I came across  
TransformProcessType just tonight, so I did a quick experiment and it  
seems to work.

What it does is turn any process into a full-fledged windowing  
application, with a dock icon, the possibility of a menu bar, etc. So  
this may be the way to get rid of pythonw. I quickly added a method  
MacOS.SetWMAvailable(), and it seems good enough for running the IDE  
with python in stead of pythonw. The icon is ugly (a terminal- 
style script), and the application menu title is python in stead of  
whatever script you're running, but that can all be fixed.

Did anyone else have a look at this call? Is it worth it to invest  
some time into it? If it is I'll check it in and people who build  
Python from CVS can play around with it.

Please reply also to me personally, I still have 847 pythonmac-sig  
mails waiting for me so if you reply only to the list it'll be a long  
time before I see it...
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

[Pythonmac-SIG] Fredericksburg, VA ZPUG Meeting July 13: PyObjC presentation

2005-07-07 Thread Gary Poster
Won't normally bother the PythonMac SIG with these announcements, but  
the main event this time is a PyObjC presentation... :-)


Please join us July 13, 7:30-9:00 PM, for the second meeting of the  
Fredericksburg, VA Zope and Python User Group (ZPUG). Zac Bir, Zope  
Corporation Senior Software Engineer, will present on PyObjC. Further  
meetings are planned for the second Wednesday of every month.  
Location will be at the Zope Corporation offices.

More information 
fxbgzpug_announce_2 and below.

Hope to see you there!


General ZPUG information

When: second Wednesday of every month, 7:30-9:00.

Where: Zope Corporation offices. 513 Prince Edward Street;  
Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (tinyurl for map is

Parking: Zope Corporation parking lot; entrance on Prince Edward Street.

Topics: As desired (and offered) by participants, within the  
constraints of having to do with Python.

Contact: Gary Poster ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Second meeting information
When: July 13, 7:30.

Speaker: Zac Bir, Zope Corporation Senior Software Engineer.

Topic: Python applications on Mac OS X with PyObjC (http://

Lightning talk: Benji York, Zope Corporation Senior Software Engineer  
will present a lightning talk on reading parallel ports in Python,  
using a Super Nintendo game controller as an example.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] [Pyobjc-dev] another tableview question

2005-07-07 Thread Dethe Elza

On 7-Jul-05, at 7:29 PM, Phil Christensen wrote:

 # class defined in MainMenu.nib
 class ContentsTreeViewDelegate(NibClassBuilder.AutoBaseClass):
 # the actual base class is NSObject
 # The following outlets are added to the class:
 # controller
 # tableView

 def init(self):
 self.contents = []
 return self

You should call your superclass init() here.  Bob Ippolito wrote  
about proper use of super on this list a few days ago, so I'm  
paraphrasing from him:

 def init(self):
  self = super(ontentsTreeViewDelegate, self).init()
  self.contents = []
  return self

 def awakeFromNib(self):

You can (and perhaps should) set the data source in your nib using  

 def numberOfRowsInTableView_(self, sender):
 return (len(self.contents))
 numberOfRowsInTableView_ = objc.selector(numberOfRowsInTableView_,

I have never needed to use objc.selector.  I think this method should  
be OK without it.

 def tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row_(self, sender,  
 tableColumn, row):
 if (len(self.contents)  row):
 tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row_ = objc.selector 

I think this may be the problem, you're not returning a value from  
this method.  Also, the value you return should inherit from  
NSObject, and you should keep a reference to it, because the  
tableView doesn't, IIRC.


 but when I run the application I get:

 2005-07-07 22:19:30.911 controller[7740] *** Illegal NSTableView  
 data source (ContentsTreeViewDelegate: 0x11ac760).  Must  
 implement numberOfRowsInTableView: and  

I think this is due to you not returning a value from the method  
above.  Try it and see.

 Which I thought I had! Incidentally, I've also tried defining the  
 selector with and without the 'selector' argument, and I've also  
 tried using the 'signature' argument instead of the argumentTypes/ 
 returnType keywords.

You shouldn't need these, the PyObjC does a great job of hiding these  

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Thanks in advance,

 -phil christensen


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for changes to take effect.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] [Pyobjc-dev] another tableview question

2005-07-07 Thread Bob Ippolito

On Jul 7, 2005, at 6:10 PM, Dethe Elza wrote:

 On 7-Jul-05, at 7:29 PM, Phil Christensen wrote:

 def numberOfRowsInTableView_(self, sender):
 return (len(self.contents))
 numberOfRowsInTableView_ = objc.selector 

 I have never needed to use objc.selector.  I think this method should
 be OK without it.

Since the types are specified by an existing class in the runtime,  
you definitely don't need or want to specify something else.  The  
objc.selector(...) is actually breaking things, because you can't  
just pull type codes out of your ass and expect it to do the right  
thing.  'O' doesn't mean object, '@' does.


 but when I run the application I get:

 2005-07-07 22:19:30.911 controller[7740] *** Illegal NSTableView
 data source (ContentsTreeViewDelegate: 0x11ac760).  Must
 implement numberOfRowsInTableView: and

I think this is because you're using bogus type codes.  Don't use  
objc.selector unless you need to AND know what you're doing ;)


Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] [Pyobjc-dev] another tableview question

2005-07-07 Thread Dethe Elza
 One thing I'm not sure about is making the class a dataSource in  
 InterfaceBuilder. I made the connection (and obviously defined the  
 methods in the source), but I couldn't define the appropriate  
 actions on the class I created in IB. When I tried to create an  
 action for 'tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:', IB told me  
 it was not a valid action name. I guess that would make sense  
 anyways, since these aren't actions at all.

You don't have to tell IB about actions unless you want to bind  
them.  In this case, all you need to do is tell it you have this  
custom class, and an instance of your class is the dataSource for  
your table.  The rest should happen at runtime.


Thought is an infection.  In certain cases it becomes an epidemic. -- 
Wallace Stevens

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -