Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: MacPython icon mockup

2006-04-21 Thread Donovan Preston
On Apr 21, 2006, at 5:04 AM, Brendan Simons wrote:I'm wary of using the brick logo, because as far as I can see Apple uses them extensively for OS components.  I don't want to dilute their visual meaning by co-opting the icon for something different.  I agree that the box isn't great either though since eggs aren't executable.eggs are like components. They are plugins that you drop into Python to give Python more capabilities.Probably the python logo is enough, since the file ends in .py.OK, here I have to disagree again.   I use icon view all the time, and I really appreciate having filetypes written on file icons.   It's one of the reasons I switched to the mac.  It lets me know what type of  is what without having to decode some unfamiliar icon, or look to the file extension (which is still optional on the mac, though I admit, required for python).    I'll look into the font, but I thought it was supposed to be Lucida Grande.   I'm fine with having py on the icon. I don't care because I'll never be seeing that particular icon, because my py files will be associated with another editor.dp___
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: MacPython icon mockup

2006-04-21 Thread Donovan Preston
On Apr 21, 2006, at 6:04 AM, glenn andreas wrote:Since a .egg is neither a bundle nor does it contain executable code,   it doesn't seem right to me. What? That's exactly what an egg is, a bundle (zip) of executable code.dp___
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] on a tangent from new icons

2006-04-21 Thread Donovan Preston

On Apr 21, 2006, at 1:44 PM, Jacob Rus wrote:

   1. If it doesn't already, I think Mac Python should ship with a  
  spotlight importer (I got one somewhere else, but should be  

I'm +0 on this. I got the spotlight importer someone mentioned on  
this list a while back and it worked ok, but I don't really find  
spotlight to be that useful. Since there seems to be a lot of energy  
right now towards producing a complete Python install experience on  
the mac, installing it might be good. But it might need to get  
checked into the Python mainline for that to happen, which might be  
more trouble than it is worth.

Can the person who wrote the importer pipe up? How is it licensed?  
Can someone who has Python checkin rights volunteer to get it checked  
in and built by the normal build process? If not, then I think it  
should remain a separate download.

   2. Let's export some UTI's for .pyc/.pyo files and .egg files (maybe
  public.python-bytecode and public.python-egg or something, or  
  they need to be org.python.python-bytecode, etc.)


 3. Let's make sure that python files get useful kMDItemKind names.
  Right now, if I associate one with, I get plain  
  file for .pyc, and Document for .pyo, which is not useful.


   4. Let's add some spaces in the names of things like,, and

PythonIDE and PackageManager are dead. Build Applet and Python  
Launcher seem like nice names, but I really don't care that much. +0.

 Some other questions:

* What's the difference between and  Should
  they get different icons?  Is one of them preferred to the  
 other?  I
  just use TextMate and iPython from terminal, so I don't really  
  what all they do.

IDLE is written in Tkinter and is cross-platform. It is maintained by  
the core Python developers. PythonIDE is written using the ancient  
Mac OS Python bindings (Toolbox, now Carbon) and hasn't really worked  
very well for about 5 years. It's going away in the next release.  
Continue to use TextMate and IPython, it's what every Python  
developer does anyway :-) (I use Aquamacs and regular python in  

* What exactly do python eggs do?  Are they just extra modules
  packaged up, or can you run them as standalone apps?

They are zipfiles of the kinds of things you normally see in your  
site-packages directory, either Python modules or packages. You can't  
run them.

* If the latter, how exactly do eggs differ from the applet's  

BuildApplet takes the script you drop on it and puts it inside of an  
Application bundle as the main script. When you double-click the  
resulting application, it starts python and executes your main script.

* Do we want different icons for and
  What exactly is the difference between these?

No idea. If there's a py2applet, it probably deprecates BuildApplet.  
I wasn't aware of this. I always just used py2app from the command  
line to build standalone Python applications, I don't see much value  
in offering drag-and-drop solutions, but I don't see the harm in  
offering them.

 Basically, I'm confused by the seemingly endless official or
 semi-official ways to package up python code and edit it on the Mac.
 Are any of these deprecated?

Yeah. Let's finally remove all the confusing deprecated crap.


Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: MacPython icon mockup

2006-04-20 Thread Donovan Preston
On Apr 20, 2006, at 9:56 PM, Jacob Rus wrote:  6. I've never used .egg files, but this icon makes them look like      installers.  Is that what they are?They are .zip files that contain python files and other resources used by a python package. Instead of installing source in your site-packages directory, you drop an egg in there and you can import from those packages/modules.   7. We still need a few more, like the drag-n-drop applet maker, the      icons for the associated applets themselves. How about something like the old stuffit icons used to look like: a python logo going in the top and a generic application coming out the bottom.dp___
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: MacPython icon mockup

2006-04-20 Thread Donovan Preston

On Apr 20, 2006, at 8:38 PM, Nicholas Riley wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 11:11:19PM -0400, Brendan Simons wrote:
 I've attached a few more mockups using Jacob's excellent aquified
 logo.  Have a look here:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/132185325/

Awesome. I love them. Ship it. :-)

 I don't think stealing the Apple Installer icon is a good idea for
 .egg though - double-clicking it doesn't install anything.  Perhaps
 something closer to a StuffIt archive icon (a closed box) or a Python
 logo behind Apple's zipper icon with EGG underneath.  Or an egg?
 Anyone remember Software Ventures' logo? :)

How about just the lego brick used for components with the python  
logo on the side. Look in /System/Library/Components.

 The PYTHON text appears to be in the wrong font.  By analogy with
 AppleScript, perhaps the text shouldn't be there at all (although how
 many people will recognize the Python logo anyway?)

Probably the python logo is enough, since the file ends in .py.


Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: MacPython icon mockup

2006-04-20 Thread Donovan Preston

On Apr 20, 2006, at 10:03 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:

 On Apr 21, 2006, at 12:50 AM, Daniel Lord wrote:

 I have to say: I really like these. Visually distinct, crisp, and
 clear. Great work to all of you who have put talents I wish I had in
 graphic design to work and produced an outstanding set of icons the
 Mac Python community should be proud of. I know I am. I am sure the
 tweaking will continue, but I think its 98 pct there. I'll let you
 all sort it out, but I am ready to take these now--of course I am one
 small meager vote ;-).

 To ask the inevitable dumb question... what will you do with them?
 Override the creator code icons for those types of files somehow?
 Manually attach them to things? Something else?

The document icon can be inside the IDLE application as the document  
icon. If the installer associates .py files with IDLE, then they'll  
get that icon. Of course if someone changes the association (mine are  
associated with Aquamacs or sometimes SubEthaEdit) then they'll  
change, but that's fine. Anyone who does that knows why it happened.


Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Download page on now updated

2006-03-02 Thread Donovan Preston

On Mar 2, 2006, at 9:55 AM, Bill Janssen wrote:

 Ron Oussoren writes:
 The 16 ton icon stays until someone brings a better alternative.

Stop with the 16 ton weight/snakes/apples debate. Just use the new,  
official, python logo, which is a stylized icon that isn't going to  
offend anybody, is vector so will look good at any size, and looks  
very, very professional. I don't see any reason to indicate macness/ 
appleness in the logo. It's python. You are using it on a Mac.  
Everyone already knows Apple makes macs.


Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: broken modules (was: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain)

2005-03-02 Thread Donovan Preston
On Mar 2, 2005, at 1:02 PM, has wrote:
It's already there, so it's not going anywhere in 2.4.  The 
justification is that people *did* ask for an OSA wrapper -- I 
believe you were one of the larger proponents.
No, I wanted a Python OSA component. Different thing. The only person 
I know was asking for an OSA wrapper was Donovan, and he went off to 
work on Nevow yonks ago and AFAIK never did anything with it.
I wanted an OSA module so that it would be possible to write a Python 
OSA component using a more inside out approach. Writing a Python OSA 
component is going to require accessing much of the functionality in 
OSA.h from Python, and bgen is a reasonably expedient way to expose 
Carbon headers in the Universal Headers format. Unfortunately, unless 
you try the resulting module, things do tend to be broken without 
manual tweaking.

I was able to write bgen wrappers for CarbonEvents and IBCarbon and 
tweak the bgen module by hand until the resulting modules were actually 
usable for trivial applications, but obviously nobody ever tried this 
with the OSA module.

I am still interested in producing a Python OSA component, hopefully 
with the OSA module, but unfortunately it is a lot more work than I 
have free time for at the moment. I lost my drive to work on it when it 
became clear that HAS was far more energetic in this space than I was, 
and HAS didn't seem willing to listen to what I had to say about the 
subject or collaborate with anybody.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] BuildApplet in next distro of MacPython?

2004-12-29 Thread Donovan Preston
On Dec 29, 2004, at 10:40 AM, Kevin Walzer wrote:
Perhaps I wasn't clear. I don't add *any* dependencies except those 
~ come with the application itself: i.e. I simply copy the directory
structure of the application (wxGlade, Pears, what have you) into the
app bundle. Any external libraries such as wxPython have to be 
separately by the end user.
You can just as easily do this with app bundles built by py2app.
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -