Re: broken modules (was: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain)

2005-03-03 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Mar 3, 2005, at 15:31, Martina Oefelein wrote:
Hi Bob:
Very few people care that undocumented modules don't work correctly.  
You have to look pretty hard to even notice their existence in the 
first place.  I've never heard of a broken undocumented standard 
library module becoming a deal-breaker for someone new to Python.
Looking at the Global module index
it's hard not to notice the existence of the long list of 
Carbon.something modules in the left column.

I think it would be a good idea to replace this with a single entry 
for Carbon, that explains that those modules are deprecated and one 
should use PyObjC instead.
They're not deprecated because nothing technically replaces them.  
PyObjC, via Cocoa, gives you a lot of the functionality in a different 
(and likely more sensible) way.  The CoreFoundation bits can and should 
(but are not currently) be replaced by a PyObjC implementation, but 
something like QuickTime, for example, isn't so easy.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: broken modules (was: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain)

2005-03-03 Thread Martina Oefelein
Hi Bob:
Very few people care that undocumented modules don't work correctly.  
You have to look pretty hard to even notice their existence in the 
first place.  I've never heard of a broken undocumented standard 
library module becoming a deal-breaker for someone new to Python.
Looking at the Global module index
it's hard not to notice the existence of the long list of 
Carbon.something modules in the left column.

I think it would be a good idea to replace this with a single entry for 
Carbon, that explains that those modules are deprecated and one should 
use PyObjC instead.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-03 Thread Paul Berkowitz
On 3/3/05 7:31 AM, "has" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Paul Berkowitz  wrote:
>> The type 'alias' for the Save command in the Standard Suite is a long,
>> longstanding bug in AppleScript.
> Replacing (as of 10.3) a previous long, longstanding implementation
> bug where it was specified as a POSIX path string. :p

Bo, that one was quite short-standing (OS 10.1 and 10.2) and only for
TextEdit. Only TextEdit specified a POSIX path string for 'save' - it has
now been changed to standard AppleScript colon-delimited paths to correspond
with all other apps.
> I take it 'alias' is just a documentation error then, and the
> application will also accept a file spec/file url type identifying an
> existing/not-yet-created file.

>> Fortunately there is an equally
>> longstanding coercion, performs by AppleScript itself, that allows you to
>> use a string or Unicode text there
> Presumably there's a POSIX path string-to-file object coercion
> introduced in 10.3 to maintain compatibility scripts written for
> Cocoa apps in 10.2, where '' took a POSIX path string
> instead of a file object.

No, that's broken - it was only TextEdit in OS 10.1 and 10.2 that ever did
the POSIX paths. ( 'save document 1 in "/Volumes/PB G5 HD
Panther/Users/berkowit/Desktop/TestDoc.rtf"' saves the document in a file of
that exact entire name - complete with forward slashes - on my root startup
disk!!) Only colon-delimited paths work correctly now, not POSIX paths. I
can't imagine that there are too many broken scripts since TextEdit's
scriptability is so limited in the first place that there's not much you can
do with it.

Paul Berkowitz

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-03 Thread has
Paul Berkowitz  wrote:
The type 'alias' for the Save command in the Standard Suite is a long,
longstanding bug in AppleScript.
Replacing (as of 10.3) a previous long, longstanding implementation 
bug where it was specified as a POSIX path string. :p

I take it 'alias' is just a documentation error then, and the 
application will also accept a file spec/file url type identifying an 
existing/not-yet-created file.

Fortunately there is an equally
longstanding coercion, performs by AppleScript itself, that allows you to
use a string or Unicode text there
Presumably there's a POSIX path string-to-file object coercion 
introduced in 10.3 to maintain compatibility scripts written for 
Cocoa apps in 10.2, where '' took a POSIX path string 
instead of a file object.

In aem's case at least, I'd be extremely reluctant simply to replace 
all use of Mac file objects with POSIX path strings. I've already 
tried this once and it just caused problems. I really would like an 
elegant, easy-to-use solution that respects AE file objects and 
provides user-friendly Python equivalents that hide as much of the 
underlying clumsiness without introducing any new problems. Might be 
a non-trivial task, but I think it'd be worth doing, especially if 
Python's to become a genuine replacement for AppleScript.

In OS X, the coercion is now to fileURL,
I believe. Whether this coercion takes place at a deep enough level
(AppleEvent?) that it will work also for appscript and MacPython, I don't
know. If you try it, what happens?
I've tried supplying FileURLs to Tex-Edit Plus in 10.2 and it seemed 
to work ok. If CFURL worked properly I'd probably just sling in the 
code to coerce AEDescs of typeFSSpec and typeFSRef to typeFileURL and 
spit out CFURLs, then wait and see if anyone runs into problems. 
NSURL is an alternative, though I'm still a little uncomfortable 
about coupling aem to PyObjC just for the sake of one little type; 
I'll think about this a bit more.

It would definitely be nice if the whole Mac file type muddle could 
be reduced - at least at the end-user level - to high-level, 
user-friendly FileURL and Alias classes. The only questions are: can 
we get there safely, and if so, how?

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: (was: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain)

2005-03-03 Thread has
Donovan Preston wrote:
 > No, I wanted a Python OSA component. Different thing. The only person
 > I know was asking for an OSA wrapper was Donovan, and he went off to
 > work on Nevow yonks ago and AFAIK never did anything with it.
I wanted an OSA module so that it would be possible to write a Python
OSA component using a more inside out approach.
There's basically two halves to OSA. One half is used to implement 
OSA language components. The other half allows client apps to use 
them. implements the API for the second of these, allowing Python to 
load and execute scripts written in any OSA language. The Carbon 
equivalent to Cocoa's NSAppleScript, except with a much more powerful 
and much less friendly API.

To implement a PythonOSA component, you need to write a C wrapper 
around the Python interpreter's C API [1]. That wrapper then exports 
a bunch of callbacks (UUPs to be precise) that OSA calls to 
compile/decompile/execute/load/store/etc a Python script on behalf of 
a client. I don't think there's anything in that'd help with 

I've been looking at recently as I'd like to implement 
attachability in a PyObjC-based app I'm writing and NSAppleScript is 
too limited for what I want to do. While I've occasionally given the 
PythonOSA problem a passing glance, it's not something I'm as 
interested in solving myself as I haven't had any personal need for 
it to date and my C isn't good enough anyway.

I am still interested in producing a Python OSA component, hopefully
with the OSA module, but unfortunately it is a lot more work than I
have free time for at the moment. I lost my drive to work on it when it
became clear that HAS was far more energetic in this space than I was,
and HAS didn't seem willing to listen to what I had to say about the
subject or collaborate with anybody.
I do remember being very grateful for advice when I was starting out 
on appscript. Can't recall ever being anti-collaborative or that; I 
may be abrasive and critical and behave differently to other 
programmers, but then I'm from a different background so maybe there 
was some accidental culture clash? Apologies if any offence was 
caused; it certainly wasn't intentional.

[1] It might be possible to write a smaller C wrapper that allows you 
to install Python functions as callbacks for handling the 
compile/decompile/execute/etc. stuff within Python using exec and 
friends rather than doing the whole lot in C, which might be a bit 
more convenient than doing everything in C. I don't know enough about 
how the Python interpreter works to say if this would be practical or 
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: broken modules (was: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain)

2005-03-02 Thread Donovan Preston
On Mar 2, 2005, at 1:02 PM, has wrote:
It's already there, so it's not going anywhere in 2.4.  The 
justification is that people *did* ask for an OSA wrapper -- I 
believe you were one of the larger proponents.
No, I wanted a Python OSA component. Different thing. The only person 
I know was asking for an OSA wrapper was Donovan, and he went off to 
work on Nevow yonks ago and AFAIK never did anything with it.
I wanted an OSA module so that it would be possible to write a Python 
OSA component using a more inside out approach. Writing a Python OSA 
component is going to require accessing much of the functionality in 
OSA.h from Python, and bgen is a reasonably expedient way to expose 
Carbon headers in the Universal Headers format. Unfortunately, unless 
you try the resulting module, things do tend to be broken without 
manual tweaking.

I was able to write bgen wrappers for CarbonEvents and IBCarbon and 
tweak the bgen module by hand until the resulting modules were actually 
usable for trivial applications, but obviously nobody ever tried this 
with the OSA module.

I am still interested in producing a Python OSA component, hopefully 
with the OSA module, but unfortunately it is a lot more work than I 
have free time for at the moment. I lost my drive to work on it when it 
became clear that HAS was far more energetic in this space than I was, 
and HAS didn't seem willing to listen to what I had to say about the 
subject or collaborate with anybody.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: broken modules (was: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain)

2005-03-02 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Mar 2, 2005, at 16:02, has wrote:
Bob wrote:
It can't happen until Python 2.6 at the earliest.  I don't think 
it's very likely to go away anyway.  Good luck!
Why so long? Merely refactoring the distribution doesn't break 
backwards compatibility so I don't see why the reorganisation 
couldn't be done during 2.4's tenure?
As I stated before, "MacAll" can't use the Carbon namespace, so this 
trivial reorganization is not possible.
It could if you just punted the _entire_ Carbon namespace into MacAll. 
Or are there dependencies in the core Python framework that prevent 
this? And if there is, hell, why not just deprecate the whole thing 
and create a new 'carbon' namespace in MacAll and tell folk to use 
that in future? You might never get rid of Carbon, but at least it'll 
get it sufficiently out the way for a clean new officially sanctioned 
version to set up shop.
If you punted the entire Carbon namespace into MacAll, it wouldn't be 
compatible with any current Python, which is a non-starter.
If you named it carbon, it would definitely be the cause of headaches 
and confusion due to the default case insensitivity of HFS+ and the 
similarity to the existing namespace.

Anyway, many of the things in the Carbon namespace aren't Carbon at 
all.  QuickTime, for example.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: broken modules (was: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain)

2005-03-02 Thread has
Bob wrote:
If you learn bgen and submit proper patches
Without proper documentation and tutorials? Sorry, but masochistic 
self-flagellation is not my thing. This is somebody else's house of 
cards to sort out before everyone else can seriously be expected to 
play in it.
Yet you screw around with the Carbon modules, which also have no 
documentation or tutorials?
No more than I can help. And there is documentation if you're willing 
to work through docstrings and Apple docs to extract the relevant 
info. It's not much fun, but it's doable.

Besides, what's the point in me going to the trouble of properly 
patching something if the fix won't percolate into the main 
distribution for another year when I need it now?
If the fix didn't consist of adding new features
With specific regard to, of course it would consist of adding 
new features: half the damn OSA API is missing from the stupid thing.

In the case of and any other new MacPython 2.4 additions 
that haven't been tested, until Jack posts a final MacPython 2.4 
distribution then it ought to be safe to revoke their inclusion.
The extension(s) are part of Python 2.4, and follow the same policy 
as anything else in there.  The lack of a binary release doesn't 
really mean anything.
Whatever; if it's too late to change then write it off; leave it in 
the standard library but expunge all mention of it and maybe add a 
warning to let the unwary know it's duff.

Anyway, let's not lose site of the big picture: what really matters 
is to change the rules so this kind of nonsense doesn't happen again. 
Do you agree with that?

It's already there, so it's not going anywhere in 2.4.  The 
justification is that people *did* ask for an OSA wrapper -- I 
believe you were one of the larger proponents.
No, I wanted a Python OSA component. Different thing. The only person 
I know was asking for an OSA wrapper was Donovan, and he went off to 
work on Nevow yonks ago and AFAIK never did anything with it.

It's partially your fault for not testing it *before* final release.
No, don't you try dumping this on me. It's _entirely_ the fault of 
whoever decided to include an untested module in the standard 
library. Doesn't matter if there's a hundred or a thousand or a 
million people screaming for it; doesn't matter how loud they scream, 
throw tantrums or turn blue in the face. As I already said, it's 
really simple: if nobody cares about it enough to test it then don't 
put it in. No exceptions.

Look, if I submitted a completely unused, untested and potentially 
broken module for inclusion in the standard library I'd be told to 
get lost and not come back until I'd fully addressed that, and quite 
right too. Please tell me the justification for the apparent double 
standard here. In addition, I believe submission rules for the 
standard Python distribution require modules not only to work but 
also be in widespread usage before it'll even get looked at. Why 
should MacPython not be following this rule too?

This is not personal: I'm not looking for blood, to cause 
embarassment, assign guilt, score petty points, etc. I am simply 
trying to show there is an ongoing problem here that folk should 
acknowlege and try to address.

It can't happen until Python 2.6 at the earliest.  I don't think 
it's very likely to go away anyway.  Good luck!
Why so long? Merely refactoring the distribution doesn't break 
backwards compatibility so I don't see why the reorganisation 
couldn't be done during 2.4's tenure?
As I stated before, "MacAll" can't use the Carbon namespace, so this 
trivial reorganization is not possible.
It could if you just punted the _entire_ Carbon namespace into 
MacAll. Or are there dependencies in the core Python framework that 
prevent this? And if there is, hell, why not just deprecate the whole 
thing and create a new 'carbon' namespace in MacAll and tell folk to 
use that in future? You might never get rid of Carbon, but at least 
it'll get it sufficiently out the way for a clean new officially 
sanctioned version to set up shop.

My point? Doing a job badly is the _worst_ thing possible. If you 
can't or won't do it properly, you shouldn't to do it at all.
Very few people care that undocumented modules don't work correctly. 
You have to look pretty hard to even notice their existence in the 
first place.  I've never heard of a broken undocumented standard 
library module becoming a deal-breaker for someone new to Python.
"MacPython: We've all this great Mac-specific stuff, but we won't 
tell you how to use any of it. Also, quite a bit of it is broken 
because we couldn't be bothered to do do a decent job of it." This is 
not the way to make a great impression with users. And really, what 
is the point of wasting valuable time and effort doing a half-assed 
job? It could be spent much more profitably elsewhere doing something 
more productive: writing modules you actually care about yourself, 
providing better documentation for existing mo

Re: broken modules (was: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain)

2005-03-02 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Mar 2, 2005, at 9:51, has wrote:
Bob wrote:
If you learn bgen and submit proper patches
Without proper documentation and tutorials? Sorry, but masochistic 
self-flagellation is not my thing. This is somebody else's house of 
cards to sort out before everyone else can seriously be expected to 
play in it.
Yet you screw around with the Carbon modules, which also have no 
documentation or tutorials?

Besides, what's the point in me going to the trouble of properly 
patching something if the fix won't percolate into the main 
distribution for another year when I need it now?
If the fix didn't consist of adding new features, and you submitted it 
today, it could be in 2.4.1 in less than two weeks.

You're confusing issues here.  The problem is that you need OSA 
functionality.  Removing something from the standard library does 
nothing to solve that problem.
No, I'm using as an illustrative example because I'm already 
familiar with it. The point is that potentially broken modules should 
not be going into standard library. And until they've been tested, all 
modules should be considered potentially broken. is a prime 
example: I _know_ it hasn't been tested, because it took me five 
minutes to discover the first deal-killer bug. Other modules may be 
just as untested, but I can't speak for them as I've not tried them 

In the case of and any other new MacPython 2.4 additions that 
haven't been tested, until Jack posts a final MacPython 2.4 
distribution then it ought to be safe to revoke their inclusion.
The extension(s) are part of Python 2.4, and follow the same policy as 
anything else in there.  The lack of a binary release doesn't really 
mean anything.

Removing the extension may or may not be a good idea.  If /some/ of 
it works, it might be worth keeping.
In's case the breakage is pretty fundamental, e.g. not being 
able to compile scripts from source is pretty much a deal-breaker by 
itself, never mind the other bugs and huge chunk of missing API. I 
hear no great clamour from the gallery to use this module, broken or 
otherwise, so just punt the bastard out. It's virtually worthless as 
it is, and sticking it in will only make it harder to clean up the 
mess later on.

Other modules I can't speak for, other than to say that if nobody's 
tested them yet then it would be better to keep them out than until 
they are. If folk really care about them, they'll whip together and 
run some tests quickly enough. And if they don't care about them, it 
means those modules aren't worth including in the standard library in 
the first place. (Seriously, what are the justifications for putting 
stuff nobody needs or wants into the standard library?)
It's already there, so it's not going anywhere in 2.4.  The 
justification is that people *did* ask for an OSA wrapper -- I believe 
you were one of the larger proponents.  It's partially your fault for 
not testing it *before* final release.

Kicking a lot of this stuff back out the standard library would be 
a good start, because it's clearly not qualified to be there. Push 
it into 'MacAll', and take it from there.
Well obviously that's not an option,
Why? All it means users have to do two installs instead of one to 
get set up which is no huge effort, and in practice the MacPython 
installer could bundle and run a recent copy of the MacAll installer 
for convenience. And once all this stuff is out the standard library 
it's free to be working on without the onerous scheduling 
restrictions and personnel bottleneck that comes from being locked 
up in the standard library. Have I missed something?
It can't happen until Python 2.6 at the earliest.  I don't think it's 
very likely to go away anyway.  Good luck!
Why so long? Merely refactoring the distribution doesn't break 
backwards compatibility so I don't see why the reorganisation couldn't 
be done during 2.4's tenure?
As I stated before, "MacAll" can't use the Carbon namespace, so this 
trivial reorganization is not possible.

My point is that it's perfectly fine to IGNORE THE STANDARD LIBRARY.
It's fine for users to avoid the standard library. But that doesn't 
excuse filling it up with crap and then saying we shouldn't be 
concerned by this behaviour because users can always go elsewhere if 
they don't like it. Different issue. If you can't see any problems in 
having two parallel libraries: one an officially sanctioned and 
bundled broken-ass POS and the other a giant third-party band-aid, 
then you really need to start looking harder. The damage it could 
cause MacPython's public image and credibility alone should be of 
significant concern. It's like letting your house get covered in three 
feet of rotting unwashed dishes and cat poop and then wondering why 
nobody wants to come round and visit any more. It does a disservice to 
Python's reputation, its developers and its end-users, and it's the 
sort of behaviour that'll eventually turn folk off Python and onto 

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-02 Thread Paul Berkowitz
On 3/2/05 6:00 AM, "has" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>  In this case, the API *asks* for an Alias.  So, yeah, you do
>> actually want an Alias.
> No, the TextEdit dictionary says 'alias', but the dictionary is
> merely documentation, not the API itself, and dictionaries are
> regularly incorrect. It should almost certainly read 'file'. IIRC,
> the sdef format doesn't even list 'alias' as one of the standard
> primitive types, so I've no idea where TextEdit gets it from.
> Probably a blow on the head or something.

The type 'alias' for the Save command in the Standard Suite is a long,
longstanding bug in AppleScript. It should say 'file specification', or
'file', I guess.  There's a special problem in AppleScript applications
which have their own 'file' keywords meaning something else (like Outlook
Express and Entourage), as you can imagine. Fortunately there is an equally
longstanding coercion, performs by AppleScript itself, that allows you to
use a string or Unicode text there. In OS X, the coercion is now to fileURL,
I believe. Whether this coercion takes place at a deep enough level
(AppleEvent?) that it will work also for appscript and MacPython, I don't
know. If you try it, what happens? In _any_ AppleScriptable application, you
can always just use the text file path for 'save' in AppleScript, and it

Paul Berkowitz

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: broken modules (was: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain)

2005-03-02 Thread has
Bob wrote:
Absolutely. I have no problem with mistakes being made. It's 
setting them in stone that's the trouble.
Not stone, just molasses.
Near enough as makes no practical difference. It's a situation that 
should not occur in the first place. These molasses are entirely 

If you learn bgen and submit proper patches
Without proper documentation and tutorials? Sorry, but masochistic 
self-flagellation is not my thing. This is somebody else's house of 
cards to sort out before everyone else can seriously be expected to 
play in it.

Besides, what's the point in me going to the trouble of properly 
patching something if the fix won't percolate into the main 
distribution for another year when I need it now?

You're confusing issues here.  The problem is that you need OSA 
functionality.  Removing something from the standard library does 
nothing to solve that problem.
No, I'm using as an illustrative example because I'm already 
familiar with it. The point is that potentially broken modules should 
not be going into standard library. And until they've been tested, 
all modules should be considered potentially broken. is a 
prime example: I _know_ it hasn't been tested, because it took me 
five minutes to discover the first deal-killer bug. Other modules may 
be just as untested, but I can't speak for them as I've not tried 
them myself.

In the case of and any other new MacPython 2.4 additions that 
haven't been tested, until Jack posts a final MacPython 2.4 
distribution then it ought to be safe to revoke their inclusion.

Removing the extension may or may not be a good idea.  If /some/ of 
it works, it might be worth keeping.
In's case the breakage is pretty fundamental, e.g. not being 
able to compile scripts from source is pretty much a deal-breaker by 
itself, never mind the other bugs and huge chunk of missing API. I 
hear no great clamour from the gallery to use this module, broken or 
otherwise, so just punt the bastard out. It's virtually worthless as 
it is, and sticking it in will only make it harder to clean up the 
mess later on.

Other modules I can't speak for, other than to say that if nobody's 
tested them yet then it would be better to keep them out than until 
they are. If folk really care about them, they'll whip together and 
run some tests quickly enough. And if they don't care about them, it 
means those modules aren't worth including in the standard library in 
the first place. (Seriously, what are the justifications for putting 
stuff nobody needs or wants into the standard library?)

Kicking a lot of this stuff back out the standard library would 
be a good start, because it's clearly not qualified to be there. 
Push it into 'MacAll', and take it from there.
Well obviously that's not an option,
Why? All it means users have to do two installs instead of one to 
get set up which is no huge effort, and in practice the MacPython 
installer could bundle and run a recent copy of the MacAll 
installer for convenience. And once all this stuff is out the 
standard library it's free to be working on without the onerous 
scheduling restrictions and personnel bottleneck that comes from 
being locked up in the standard library. Have I missed something?
It can't happen until Python 2.6 at the earliest.  I don't think 
it's very likely to go away anyway.  Good luck!
Why so long? Merely refactoring the distribution doesn't break 
backwards compatibility so I don't see why the reorganisation 
couldn't be done during 2.4's tenure?

My point is that it's perfectly fine to IGNORE THE STANDARD LIBRARY.
It's fine for users to avoid the standard library. But that doesn't 
excuse filling it up with crap and then saying we shouldn't be 
concerned by this behaviour because users can always go elsewhere if 
they don't like it. Different issue. If you can't see any problems in 
having two parallel libraries: one an officially sanctioned and 
bundled broken-ass POS and the other a giant third-party band-aid, 
then you really need to start looking harder. The damage it could 
cause MacPython's public image and credibility alone should be of 
significant concern. It's like letting your house get covered in 
three feet of rotting unwashed dishes and cat poop and then wondering 
why nobody wants to come round and visit any more. It does a 
disservice to Python's reputation, its developers and its end-users, 
and it's the sort of behaviour that'll eventually turn folk off 
Python and onto something else.

My point? Doing a job badly is the _worst_ thing possible. If you 
can't or won't do it properly, you shouldn't to do it at all.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-02 Thread has
Bob wrote:
FSSpec is legacy.  It should not ever be used in any code except to 
reference nonexistent files or to deal with legacy APIs.  You 
shouldn't use them if the API will take an FSRef or an Alias.
Neither FSRef or Alias can be used to refer to non-existent files. 
FileURL does, but I'm not sure it can yet be used safely in place of 
FSSpecs in all cases, plus their standard Carbon.CF implementation is 
busted. FSSpecs suck, but I'm not sure they can be completely ignored 
just yet - any time I've tried to streamline aem/appscript to save 
the user from dealing with crap like this I've ended up having to 
re-expose it again in all its ugliness after something else ralphed 
on the 'clean and elegant' version. Rock, hard place.

What's really needed is for MacPython to provide a standard 
high-level File class that abstracts over all this mess so module 
authors can have a solid and reliable API to implement against and 
end users don't normally need to futz directly with this stuff. No 
doubt an interesting and challenging problem for anyone that wanted 
to tackle it.

 In this case, the API *asks* for an Alias.  So, yeah, you do 
actually want an Alias.
No, the TextEdit dictionary says 'alias', but the dictionary is 
merely documentation, not the API itself, and dictionaries are 
regularly incorrect. It should almost certainly read 'file'. IIRC, 
the sdef format doesn't even list 'alias' as one of the standard 
primitive types, so I've no idea where TextEdit gets it from. 
Probably a blow on the head or something.

Cocoa Scripting APIs are _also_ frequently buggy and ill-designed, 
and specifying files was one of its classic blunders in earlier 
incarnations which they've been trying to rectify ever since. So it 
is possible that they've buggered things up differently in 10.3 such 
that you do have to specify an existing file in a 'save' command; I 
don't have 10.3 so can't check offhand. If they have, I'm sure 
there's bugs filed on that as well, but I can't recall hearing 
anything about it.

Nevertheless, 'save' commands have always traditionally accepted a 
file handle specifying an as-yet non-existent file for saving 
documents to a new file, and ignoring periodic Apple incompetence I 
don't believe this policy has formally changed for one moment. Apply 
one dose of healthy skepticism and a large dollop of plain common 
sense - both absolutely essential when it comes to Mac application 
scripting - and this should be obvious.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-01 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Mar 1, 2005, at 3:08 PM, has wrote:
Bob wrote:
1. What's the point of adding a new extension to the standard  
library when that extension is not only untested but _already known_  
to be broken?
They're automatically generated, these things happen.
Absolutely. I have no problem with mistakes being made. It's setting  
them in stone that's the trouble.
Not stone, just molasses.  If you learn bgen and submit proper patches,  
you can fix existing modules in the 2.4 maintenance branch and add/or  
features to the 2.5 branch.

2. What's the point of me going to the effort of writing a brand new  
fully functioning extension if it has to play perpetual third  
fiddle to some  
library-neener-neener version?
Ok, there are three options:
(1) Fix the current implementation
(2) Write another, outside the standard library (unless you only care  
about Python 2.5+)
(3) Live with a broken implementation

Pick one.
The only person in a position to do (1) is Jack, which is unfair on  
both Jack and any third-party who might otherwise fix it themselves,  
(2) is just ducking the issue and (3) is obviously a non-option.

(4) Remove the current implementation from the standard library.
In's case this could be done completely painlessly as it's not  
like anyone's actually using it. Older material may require more  
delicate extraction and a proper repackaging to allow separate  
installation, but it's still perfectly doable.
You can learn bgen and fix it the correct way, and submit a patch.   
Jack doesn't need to commit the patch.  I did this once or twice, it's  
possible for someone other than Jack to do it.

You're confusing issues here.  The problem is that you need OSA  
functionality.  Removing something from the standard library does  
nothing to solve that problem.

Removing the extension may or may not be a good idea.  If /some/ of it  
works, it might be worth keeping.

Does that FSSpec bug really effect you?  When do you need to pass  
FSSpecs to files that do not exist across processes?
Most commonly when saving new documents to file, as in:
What you *actually* want is a Finder alias anyway.
Umm, no, I don't. I've been using file specs to refer to non-existent  
files for years. It was the standard solution in OS9, and while  
fileURL is supposed to supercede it in OS X it persists for legacy  
reasons and because fileURL support still isn't quite what it should  
be. And I've really no desire to start kludging up Python; I've  
already endured enough kludges in AppleScript to last a lifetime and  
the whole point of shifting to Python was to get away from all that  
FSSpec is legacy.  It should not ever be used in any code except to  
reference nonexistent files or to deal with legacy APIs.  You shouldn't  
use them if the API will take an FSRef or an Alias.  In this case, the  
API *asks* for an Alias.  So, yeah, you do actually want an Alias.

Kicking a lot of this stuff back out the standard library would be a  
good start, because it's clearly not qualified to be there. Push it  
into 'MacAll', and take it from there.
Well obviously that's not an option,
Why? All it means users have to do two installs instead of one to get  
set up which is no huge effort, and in practice the MacPython  
installer could bundle and run a recent copy of the MacAll installer  
for convenience. And once all this stuff is out the standard library  
it's free to be working on without the onerous scheduling restrictions  
and personnel bottleneck that comes from being locked up in the  
standard library. Have I missed something?
It can't happen until Python 2.6 at the earliest.  I don't think it's  
very likely to go away anyway.  Good luck!

My point is that it's perfectly fine to IGNORE THE STANDARD LIBRARY.   
Whether or not the Carbon package exists in the standard library has no  
effect whatsoever on a "MacAll" package!  The only harm it's doing is  
taking up the name 'Carbon' in the sys.modules namespace.  For  
compatibility reasons, the MacAll package can't use the name Carbon  

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-01 Thread has
Bob wrote:
1. What's the point of adding a new extension to the standard 
library when that extension is not only untested but _already 
known_ to be broken?
They're automatically generated, these things happen.
Absolutely. I have no problem with mistakes being made. It's setting 
them in stone that's the trouble.

2. What's the point of me going to the effort of writing a brand 
new fully functioning extension if it has to play perpetual 
third fiddle to some 
Ok, there are three options:
(1) Fix the current implementation
(2) Write another, outside the standard library (unless you only 
care about Python 2.5+)
(3) Live with a broken implementation

Pick one.
The only person in a position to do (1) is Jack, which is unfair on 
both Jack and any third-party who might otherwise fix it themselves, 
(2) is just ducking the issue and (3) is obviously a non-option.

(4) Remove the current implementation from the standard library.
In's case this could be done completely painlessly as it's not 
like anyone's actually using it. Older material may require more 
delicate extraction and a proper repackaging to allow separate 
installation, but it's still perfectly doable.

Does that FSSpec bug really effect you?  When do you need to pass 
FSSpecs to files that do not exist across processes?
Most commonly when saving new documents to file, as in:

What you *actually* want is a Finder alias anyway.
Umm, no, I don't. I've been using file specs to refer to non-existent 
files for years. It was the standard solution in OS9, and while 
fileURL is supposed to supercede it in OS X it persists for legacy 
reasons and because fileURL support still isn't quite what it should 
be. And I've really no desire to start kludging up Python; I've 
already endured enough kludges in AppleScript to last a lifetime and 
the whole point of shifting to Python was to get away from all that 

Kicking a lot of this stuff back out the standard library would be 
a good start, because it's clearly not qualified to be there. Push 
it into 'MacAll', and take it from there.
Well obviously that's not an option,
Why? All it means users have to do two installs instead of one to get 
set up which is no huge effort, and in practice the MacPython 
installer could bundle and run a recent copy of the MacAll installer 
for convenience. And once all this stuff is out the standard library 
it's free to be working on without the onerous scheduling 
restrictions and personnel bottleneck that comes from being locked up 
in the standard library. Have I missed something?

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-01 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Mar 1, 2005, at 1:21 PM, has wrote:
Bob wrote:
Instead of fixing OSA, you can write an alternative that isn't bgen  
If I do that, will the current be thrown out (preferably  
right now) and replaced with my version once it's done?
Unlikely, but what does it matter?
1. What's the point of adding a new extension to the standard library  
when that extension is not only untested but _already known_ to be  
They're automatically generated, these things happen.
2. What's the point of me going to the effort of writing a brand new  
fully functioning extension if it has to play perpetual third  
fiddle to some  
neener-neener version?
Ok, there are three options:
(1) Fix the current implementation
(2) Write another, outside the standard library (unless you only care  
about Python 2.5+)
(3) Live with a broken implementation

Pick one.
It's not hard to usurp something from the Carbon namespace because most  
of the stuff in there isn't documented anyway.  The third fiddle  
problem is only relevant to people like you who like to complain about  
dependencies and try to do things the hard way for very little benefit.

*What* FSSpec problem with Carbon.File? 
Ah, right.  I ran into that problem once with QuickTime, but it  
turned out that there was another way.
Do tell!
This was specific to QuickTime, not a general solution.  I don't  
remember what it was specifically.

Does that FSSpec bug really effect you?  When do you need to pass  
FSSpecs to files that do not exist across processes?
Most commonly when saving new documents to file, as in:
What you *actually* want is a Finder alias anyway.
Something like this will probably work:
import Carbon.File
import MacOS
import os
def alias(path):
return Carbon.File.FSRef(path).FSNewAliasMinimal()
except MacOS.Error:
file(path, 'w').close()
rval = Carbon.File.FSRef(path).FSNewAliasMinimal()
return rval
Just tell people to stop using standard library stuff and use the  
more robust alternatives.
What when there's overlap, e.g. the 'robust alternative' is a  
modified version of the original - say, a partially rewritten  
I don't see what its origins have to do with anything..  You  
obviously can't give it the same __name__ as something in the  
standard library.
That would be my point. Python users don't want, need or deserve to  
thrash through a dozen different first- and third-party  
implementations of the same module to find one that works. There  
should be one way to do it, and that solution should NOT be in the  
standard library unless it can swear, hand on heart, that it's the  
Right One. Kicking a lot of this stuff back out the standard library  
would be a good start, because it's clearly not qualified to be there.  
Push it into 'MacAll', and take it from there.
Well obviously that's not an option, so pretend that the Carbon  
namespace doesn't exist, except for the modules that work as you expect  
them to.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-01 Thread has
Bob wrote:
Instead of fixing OSA, you can write an alternative that isn't bgen based.
If I do that, will the current be thrown out (preferably 
right now) and replaced with my version once it's done?
Unlikely, but what does it matter?
1. What's the point of adding a new extension to the standard library 
when that extension is not only untested but _already known_ to be 

2. What's the point of me going to the effort of writing a brand new 
fully functioning extension if it has to play perpetual third 
fiddle to some 

Aside from the self-evident foolishness of loading the standard 
library full of worthless crap, it's also rather insulting to folk 
who spend the time and effort to write and thoroughly field-test code 
before even thinking of submitting it for possible future inclusion, 
only to see rubbish getting fast-tracked right past them. Come to 
think of it, it's somewhat insulting to MacPython users in general: 
"Sure the quality sucks ass, but just feel the quantity!" If bulk's 
all you want, just pack line noise into modules and release that; 
it'll work just as well and be even easier to produce.

I may not know much about programming, but I know what a bullethole 
in the foot looks like. If nobody cares enough about using these new 
wrappers to test and debug them thoroughly before inclusion, they 
should not go in, period. Simple as that. All it does is create a 
mess that then can't be cleaned up properly, because throwing out a 
busted-ass module that _nobody can actually use_ will somehow - oh 
noes!!1!1! - 'break compatibility'.

*What* FSSpec problem with Carbon.File?
Ah, right.  I ran into that problem once with QuickTime, but it 
turned out that there was another way.
Do tell!

Does that FSSpec bug really effect you?  When do you need to pass 
FSSpecs to files that do not exist across processes?
Most commonly when saving new documents to file, as in:

Just tell people to stop using standard library stuff and use the 
more robust alternatives.
What when there's overlap, e.g. the 'robust alternative' is a 
modified version of the original - say, a partially rewritten extension?
I don't see what its origins have to do with anything..  You 
obviously can't give it the same __name__ as something in the 
standard library.
That would be my point. Python users don't want, need or deserve to 
thrash through a dozen different first- and third-party 
implementations of the same module to find one that works. There 
should be one way to do it, and that solution should NOT be in the 
standard library unless it can swear, hand on heart, that it's the 
Right One. Kicking a lot of this stuff back out the standard library 
would be a good start, because it's clearly not qualified to be 
there. Push it into 'MacAll', and take it from there.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-01 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Mar 1, 2005, at 11:58 AM, has wrote:
Bob wrote:
This still leaves Carbon APIs to deal with, however.
It's unlikely that anyone is going to ever bother doing a better job  
wrapping Carbon than is already done, because it's a hell of a lot of  
work and Carbon isn't really the best way to do most things anyway.
True and semi-true (there's still functionality in Carbon that's not  
in Cocoa). However, it's not a case of wrapping all of Carbon simply  
as a point of principle, but rather individuals wrapping the bits they  
need themselves as needed and that code ultimately making it into the  
official distribution.

Instead of fixing OSA, you can write an alternative that isn't bgen  
If I do that, will the current be thrown out (preferably right  
now) and replaced with my version once it's done?
Unlikely, but what does it matter?  We're talking about making a  
package separate from the standard library.  Even if it did happen  
"right now", that would mean Python 2.5, which really means "probably  
next year".

*What* FSSpec problem with Carbon.File? 
Ah, right.  I ran into that problem once with QuickTime, but it turned  
out that there was another way.

Although there is generally not a very good reason to use FSSpec or  
Legacy mostly, e.g. when dealing with Carbon APIs that use them. In my  
case, because they're still heavily used by scriptable apps and  
Apple's built-in coercions aren't sufficiently up to snuff to let me  
ignore them outright (which is damned annoying, especially when  
they're the ones telling us we should now be ignoring these and using  
their shiny new types instead).
Does that FSSpec bug really effect you?  When do you need to pass  
FSSpecs to files that do not exist across processes?

So what would it take to get MacPython from its current state into  
that position?
Just tell people to stop using standard library stuff and use the  
more robust alternatives.
What when there's overlap, e.g. the 'robust alternative' is a modified  
version of the original - say, a partially rewritten extension?
I don't see what its origins have to do with anything..  You obviously  
can't give it the same __name__ as something in the standard library.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-01 Thread has
Bob wrote:
Maybe that's the way to go for CF stuff then: delegate the problem 
to PyObjC and get rid of the Carbon.CF extension completely (no 
sense in keeping broken modules if they're not worth fixing).
Unfortunately getting rid of an extension is a lot harder than it 
sounds.  Better is to just stop using it, and possibly deprecate it.
Getting rid of junky crap takes time, but adding a warning and 
deprecating it at the nearest opportunity is a good start.

  I don't think anyone is really using that module anyway.
All the more reason to deprecate it before they start to. :)

This still leaves Carbon APIs to deal with, however.
It's unlikely that anyone is going to ever bother doing a better job 
wrapping Carbon than is already done, because it's a hell of a lot 
of work and Carbon isn't really the best way to do most things 
True and semi-true (there's still functionality in Carbon that's not 
in Cocoa). However, it's not a case of wrapping all of Carbon simply 
as a point of principle, but rather individuals wrapping the bits 
they need themselves as needed and that code ultimately making it 
into the official distribution.

Instead of fixing OSA, you can write an alternative that isn't bgen based.
If I do that, will the current be thrown out (preferably right 
now) and replaced with my version once it's done?

*What* FSSpec problem with Carbon.File?

Although there is generally not a very good reason to use FSSpec or FSRef,
Legacy mostly, e.g. when dealing with Carbon APIs that use them. In 
my case, because they're still heavily used by scriptable apps and 
Apple's built-in coercions aren't sufficiently up to snuff to let me 
ignore them outright (which is damned annoying, especially when 
they're the ones telling us we should now be ignoring these and using 
their shiny new types instead).

So what would it take to get MacPython from its current state into 
that position?
Just tell people to stop using standard library stuff and use the 
more robust alternatives.
What when there's overlap, e.g. the 'robust alternative' is a 
modified version of the original - say, a partially rewritten 

The standard library bits can't disappear, because that would break 
Add warnings to these modules and deprecate them now. Strip all their 
documentation out of the main Python docs and leave it in a separate 
'Deprecated Docs' package preserved for legacy use only. Get all the 
crap well away from ordinary decent users as quickly as possible.

Depending on how much a deprecated item is used it could be removed 
completely in the following major release, moved to 'MacAll' at some 
point or left in the core library indefinitely. There's quite a bit 
of obsolete stuff in the standard library that's been broken or 
non-functional since OS9. With 2.4 finally throwing off OS9 
commitments it seems the ideal time to get brutal with the useless 
baggage and strike a red marker through everything that doesn't 
measure up. You'll inevitably be leaving folks behind anyway, so make 
the most of the opportunity.

Even if modules don't go completely, scrubbing the code to get rid of 
the cruft leaving only warnings and non-functional stubs might be a 
good idea. It's not worth twisting oneself into religious knots to 
preserve some perceived 100% backwards-compatibility over code that 
probably hasn't worked or been used in years. Future health, vitality 
and growth are much more important, and worth an occasional minor 
break with the ancient past.

Of course, this is assuming that more robust alternatives to the 
standard library's exists.
Even if there isn't, leaving broken stuff in the core library isn't 
doing any favours. If it's recoverable, why not punt it into MacAll 
where its failings can be addressed more easily? If it's terminal, 
put it on the road to disposal. I don't have a problem throwing out 
stuff that's definitely had it: you may see this as leaving a void, 
but I see it as creating a fresh new opportunity.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-01 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Mar 1, 2005, at 9:55 AM, has wrote:
Bob wrote:
I wonder if it'd be easier just to hand-code wrappers
Actually, the easiest way is to just use PyObjC!
Maybe that's the way to go for CF stuff then: delegate the problem to 
PyObjC and get rid of the Carbon.CF extension completely (no sense in 
keeping broken modules if they're not worth fixing).
Unfortunately getting rid of an extension is a lot harder than it 
sounds.  Better is to just stop using it, and possibly deprecate it.  I 
don't think anyone is really using that module anyway.

This still leaves Carbon APIs to deal with, however. For example, is currently pretty broken, and I would happily go in and fix 
it myself but there's little point in doing so if all my changes have 
to be rewritten for bgen before they'll be accepted into the standard 
library. Plus Jack's very busy these days, so who knows when that 
would happen? And then there's stuff like Carbon.File, which could do 
with both bug fixes (the FSSpec problem) plus a new layer on top that 
abstracts away all the various and frequently crusty file types under 
one or two standard wrapper classes (might be possible to turn most of 
them into NSURLs, for example). How should these sorts of problems be 
It's unlikely that anyone is going to ever bother doing a better job 
wrapping Carbon than is already done, because it's a hell of a lot of 
work and Carbon isn't really the best way to do most things anyway.

Instead of fixing OSA, you can write an alternative that isn't bgen 

*What* FSSpec problem with Carbon.File?  Although there is generally 
not a very good reason to use FSSpec or FSRef, unless you're working 
with resource forks or Aliases, I haven't had problems with Carbon.File 
at all.  This is probably the most robust module in the bgen Carbon 
wrappers, as it's the one that actually gets used.

Additionally, since PyObjC wraps the functions with the signature 
they actually have, it's obvious (given Apple documentation or 
headers) how to use them.  The way bgen wraps them attempts to 
objectify them, which tends to cause more problems than it solves -- 
at least for me.
I don't mind that so much as I object to the lack of documentation to 
tell you what's actually there and where to find it. These 
undocumented APIs are a serious PITA to grok. I end up generating my 
own erstaz docs by scraping an extension's type/method/function names 
and minimal docstrings into a text file and then cutting and pasting 
from Apple's original API docs or header file comments until I've got 
something that's at least minimally readable.
Well the problem I have is that even if you know the C API then you 
will stumble with the Pythonized version of it (with bgen generated 

I do recall Jack saying something about maybe having a smaller core 
library and moving a lot of the non-essential stuff to an external 
package that could be managed independently
The Windows guys seem to get along just fine with this approach (re: 
win32all).  There are a select few Win32-specific modules in the 
core, but most of the things you actually need are elsewhere.
So what would it take to get MacPython from its current state into 
that position?
Just tell people to stop using standard library stuff and use the more 
robust alternatives.  The standard library bits can't disappear, 
because that would break compatibility.  Of course, this is assuming 
that more robust alternatives to the standard library's exists.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-03-01 Thread has
Bob wrote:
I wonder if it'd be easier just to hand-code wrappers
Actually, the easiest way is to just use PyObjC!
Maybe that's the way to go for CF stuff then: delegate the problem to 
PyObjC and get rid of the Carbon.CF extension completely (no sense in 
keeping broken modules if they're not worth fixing).

This still leaves Carbon APIs to deal with, however. For example, is currently pretty broken, and I would happily go in and fix 
it myself but there's little point in doing so if all my changes have 
to be rewritten for bgen before they'll be accepted into the standard 
library. Plus Jack's very busy these days, so who knows when that 
would happen? And then there's stuff like Carbon.File, which could do 
with both bug fixes (the FSSpec problem) plus a new layer on top that 
abstracts away all the various and frequently crusty file types under 
one or two standard wrapper classes (might be possible to turn most 
of them into NSURLs, for example). How should these sorts of problems 
be tackled?

Additionally, since PyObjC wraps the functions with the signature 
they actually have, it's obvious (given Apple documentation or 
headers) how to use them.  The way bgen wraps them attempts to 
objectify them, which tends to cause more problems than it solves -- 
at least for me.
I don't mind that so much as I object to the lack of documentation to 
tell you what's actually there and where to find it. These 
undocumented APIs are a serious PITA to grok. I end up generating my 
own erstaz docs by scraping an extension's type/method/function names 
and minimal docstrings into a text file and then cutting and pasting 
from Apple's original API docs or header file comments until I've got 
something that's at least minimally readable.

I do recall Jack saying something about maybe having a smaller core 
library and moving a lot of the non-essential stuff to an external 
package that could be managed independently
The Windows guys seem to get along just fine with this approach (re: 
win32all).  There are a select few Win32-specific modules in the 
core, but most of the things you actually need are elsewhere.
So what would it take to get MacPython from its current state into 
that position?

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-02-28 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Feb 28, 2005, at 6:16 PM, has wrote:
Bob wrote:
Well I can verify that there definitely are serious problems with 
CFURL after screwing around with it a bit.
Figures. Yuck. Must be bgen's revenge for all the nasty things we 
ever said about it.
All the nasty things I ever said about it are because of things like 
this :)
But it's so quick! As long as you're Jack and know how to use it. If 
you're not Jack, I guess you're screwed. On second thoughts, given 
Jack's existing To-Do list is probably the size of K2 he's probably 
screwed too. :p

I wonder if it'd be easier just to hand-code wrappers using Pyrex, 
perhaps with a very basic macro system that automates only the 
simplest of tasks. A lower level automation that works well might 
ultimately be more productive than total automation that tends towards 
flakiness. While a single person wouldn't be able to wrap nearly as 
many APIs, the wrappers that did get done would probably be more 
reliable due to the extra attention; maybe a bit nicer to use too. 
Plus it'd make it easier for more folk to write these wrappers, taking 
some pressure off Jack.
Actually, the easiest way is to just use PyObjC!  It is extremely well 
suited to tackle wrapping CoreFoundation functions and types since they 
conform to the NSObject protocol.  Many of them have toll-free bridges 
into their Objective-C types, which have a richer interface, and PyObjC 
understands this too.

Additionally, since PyObjC wraps the functions with the signature they 
actually have, it's obvious (given Apple documentation or headers) how 
to use them.  The way bgen wraps them attempts to objectify them, which 
tends to cause more problems than it solves -- at least for me.  I 
wouldn't think to look for a method of CFStringRef to create a CFURL!

Too bad :)  If you're writing Mac OS X specific code you **really** 
should have PyObjC anyway.
Oh, I have. It's all the casual users who don't that present the 
problem. If PyObjC is going to be so essential to all aspects of 
MacPython usage then it's really time for it to join the standard 
So let's offer a package that includes appscript, PyObjC, and py2app 
in one installer.
I do recall Jack saying something about maybe having a smaller core 
library and moving a lot of the non-essential stuff to an external 
package that could be managed independently; kind of a 'second tier'. 
Perhaps that would be the way to do it: more flexibility for 
individual package developers since they're not tied to the official 
Python upgrade cycle while still providing a quick and simple one-stop 
installation for users. Even modules that are destined for the core 
library would benefit from spending some time at this halfway house 
first while all the kinks are worked out (e.g. Might be worth 
exploring to see what sort of infrastructure it would require to run.
The Windows guys seem to get along just fine with this approach (re: 
win32all).  There are a select few Win32-specific modules in the core, 
but most of the things you actually need are elsewhere.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-02-28 Thread has
Bob wrote:
Well I can verify that there definitely are serious problems with 
CFURL after screwing around with it a bit.
Figures. Yuck. Must be bgen's revenge for all the nasty things we 
ever said about it.
All the nasty things I ever said about it are because of things like this :)
But it's so quick! As long as you're Jack and know how to use it. If 
you're not Jack, I guess you're screwed. On second thoughts, given 
Jack's existing To-Do list is probably the size of K2 he's probably 
screwed too. :p

I wonder if it'd be easier just to hand-code wrappers using Pyrex, 
perhaps with a very basic macro system that automates only the 
simplest of tasks. A lower level automation that works well might 
ultimately be more productive than total automation that tends 
towards flakiness. While a single person wouldn't be able to wrap 
nearly as many APIs, the wrappers that did get done would probably be 
more reliable due to the extra attention; maybe a bit nicer to use 
too. Plus it'd make it easier for more folk to write these wrappers, 
taking some pressure off Jack.

Too bad :)  If you're writing Mac OS X specific code you 
**really** should have PyObjC anyway.
Oh, I have. It's all the casual users who don't that present the 
problem. If PyObjC is going to be so essential to all aspects of 
MacPython usage then it's really time for it to join the standard 
So let's offer a package that includes appscript, PyObjC, and py2app 
in one installer.
I do recall Jack saying something about maybe having a smaller core 
library and moving a lot of the non-essential stuff to an external 
package that could be managed independently; kind of a 'second tier'. 
Perhaps that would be the way to do it: more flexibility for 
individual package developers since they're not tied to the official 
Python upgrade cycle while still providing a quick and simple 
one-stop installation for users. Even modules that are destined for 
the core library would benefit from spending some time at this 
halfway house first while all the kinks are worked out (e.g. 
Might be worth exploring to see what sort of infrastructure it would 
require to run.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-02-28 Thread Nicholas Riley
On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 06:41:47PM +, has wrote:
> import Carbon.CF as CF
> f = 
> CF.CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation('file://localhost/Users/has/', 
> True)

That's not a filesystem representation (code for "UTF-8 encoded path").

> u'./file://localhost/Users/has' (Where did './' come from?)
> print f.toPython() # MacOS.Error: (-192, 'Resource not found')
> print f.CFURLGetFSRef() # crashes
> print f.CFURLGetFSRef()[1].as_pathname() # MacOS.Error: (-35, 'no such 
> volume')

When CF stuff crashes, you can often get more information by using the
debug version of frameworks:

% DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX="_debug" ipython
2005-02-28 15:34:18.928 python[16198] CFLog (0): Assertions enabled 
In [1]: import Carbon.CF as CF

In [2]: f = CF.CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation('/Users/nicholas', True)

In [3]: f.CFURLGetString().toPython()
2005-02-28 15:34:29.168 python[16198] CFLog (15): CFStringGetCharacters(): 
string range 0,32 out of bounds (length 31)
Out[3]: u'file://localhost/Users/nicholas'

In [4]: f.CFURLGetFSRef()
zsh: 16198 bus error  DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX="_debug" ipython

In [3]: f.CFURLGetFSRef()[1].as_pathname() 
DebugAssert: Third Party Client: err == 0  [-43] 
FSPathMakeRef_GetObjectInfoFailed [line 1670, file Files/HighLevelCalls.c]
DebugAssert: Third Party Client: volume != NULL FSMakePath_VolNotFound [line 
848, file Files/FilePathUtils.c]
DebugAssert: Third Party Client: (tempMapOffset <= (fileLength - 
kNullMapLength)) exit CheckMapHeaderCommon(), Resource Manager: EOF truncates 
resource map.[line 195, file Resources/Source/ResourceUtils.c]
Error Traceback (most recent call last)


Error: (-35, 'no such volume')

In [4]: f.CFURLGetFSRef()[1]  
DebugAssert: Third Party Client: err == 0  [-43] 
FSPathMakeRef_GetObjectInfoFailed [line 1670, file Files/HighLevelCalls.c]

In [5]: f = CF.CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation('/Users/nicholas/', True)
In [6]: f.CFURLGetFSRef()[1].as_pathname()
Out[6]: '/Users/nicholas'

It's hard to say if the crash is Python's fault or CF's fault, but
there's definitely a wrapper bug in there.  And it looks like you need
the trailing slash; didn't bother to check if that is by design or

Nicholas Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | 
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-02-28 Thread has
Bob wrote:
I'm not really up on these APIs nor their Python wrappers, but I 
suspect this stuff is broke:
Anyone want to confirm/correct me? (OS10.2.8, MacPython 2.3.3)
I wouldn't be surprised if it's broken,
Mmmm... encouraging.
(Hey: if bgen is so great, why won't it generate some damn test 
suites to prove it?;p)

use PyObjC and NSURL instead, those work.
Introduces a big fat third-party dependency though, something I'm 
trying to avoid here.

Why haven't you upgraded to 2.3.5 (not that I think it would help)?
I'm sure it's on my ToDo list somewhere .
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-02-28 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Feb 28, 2005, at 3:41 PM, has wrote:
Bob wrote:
I'm not really up on these APIs nor their Python wrappers, but I 
suspect this stuff is broke:
Anyone want to confirm/correct me? (OS10.2.8, MacPython 2.3.3)
I wouldn't be surprised if it's broken,
Mmmm... encouraging.
(Hey: if bgen is so great, why won't it generate some damn test suites 
to prove it?;p)
Well I can verify that there definitely are serious problems with CFURL 
after screwing around with it a bit.  I don't have time to chase bugs, 

use PyObjC and NSURL instead, those work.
Introduces a big fat third-party dependency though, something I'm 
trying to avoid here.
Too bad :)  If you're writing Mac OS X specific code you **really** 
should have PyObjC anyway.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] CFURL Pain

2005-02-28 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Feb 28, 2005, at 1:41 PM, has wrote:
I'm not really up on these APIs nor their Python wrappers, but I  
suspect this stuff is broke:

First try:
import Carbon.CF as CF
f =  
has/', True)
print f # 
print `f.CFURLGetString().toPython()` #  
u'./file://localhost/Users/has' (Where did './' come from?)
print f.toPython() # MacOS.Error: (-192, 'Resource not found')
print f.CFURLGetFSRef() # crashes
print f.CFURLGetFSRef()[1].as_pathname() # MacOS.Error: (-35, 'no such  

Second try:
import Carbon.CF as CF
f = CF.toCF('file://localhost/Users/has/').CFURLCreateWithString(None)
print f # 
print `f.CFURLGetString().toPython()` # u'file://localhost/Users/has/'
print f.toPython() # MacOS.Error: (-192, 'Resource not found')
print f.CFURLGetFSRef() # crashes
print f.CFURLGetFSRef()[1].as_pathname() # crashes
Anyone want to confirm/correct me? (OS10.2.8, MacPython 2.3.3)
I wouldn't be surprised if it's broken, use PyObjC and NSURL instead,  
those work.  Why haven't you upgraded to 2.3.5 (not that I think it  
would help)?

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -