Re: [Qgis-developer] DB connection credentials on tooltips

2013-10-17 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi, I agree showing password is dangerous, but showing  login is usefull as
it helps knowing what user is connected (and then understand rights, and so
easily debug problems with access right management)

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Re: [Qgis-developer] QgsHtmlAnnotation: cannot set html source directly?

2013-10-16 Thread Régis Haubourg
+1 ! And GUI should offer th

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Select all elements in the view ...

2013-10-16 Thread Régis Haubourg
selectAll did that, I did not check if it was updated to 2.0. 
 I added CTRL+A shortcut to it. 
We should probably consider it has a core feature in fact! 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 2 64bits, is it stable ?

2013-10-04 Thread Régis Haubourg
I must say my opinion is somewhere between Jonathan's and Paolo's. 
QGIS is getting fast with new feature, and this is needed to stick and go
beyond to proprietary softs. QGIS is the only one with such mapping and
redering capabilities, but it still lacks some critical basic features
(proportionnal object legend, totally solid joins, relates, label callouts..
) . 
So, we need to still be opened to new features.
 In the same time, regressions do cost ressources also, both for developpers
and users. 

What about starting the infrastructure for unit test and commit validation
and testing it now? 
I must say I could be very interested in a commercial support for this, if
this is sticking to community version and not a separate branch. The only
offer I saw was Sourcepole, in Switzerland, so out of Europe market rules
(yes), maybe I missed some others.  


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Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 2 64bits, is it stable ?

2013-10-03 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi Matthias. agreed. 
How to fund, this is the question. I have budget (at least at the moment). 
I haven't been able to spend it completly in 2.0 release sprint because all
goes too fast for classical contract, where I'm constrained to pay for a
specific work (debug or feature). 
Please be warned to public finances are not good in europe, and every
unconsumed budget can be erased. 
Sponsoring should be a way to finance infrastructure consolidation, but in
current rules, sponsoring can't be oriented. 

I need help from the community to have a serious real use case unit test
suite. I'm ready to fund a part if PSC gives an infrastructure and a
manager. If no work canvas is given, I'm sure I won't have any successfull
commercial proposal to such a funding. 

I also kindly ask other funders to systematically include unit test
developpement for every new feature. 

Again today, I found 3 regressions, hard to find. I thought once 2.0 was
out, I could spend less time testing, and more time working. It's still not
the case. 

Again, you gave a lot unpaid work, when I was struggling to find a way to
spend some.. 
Hope we'll find a way. 

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[Qgis-developer] Oracle connection dialog broken in 64 bit 2.0.1-2 ?

2013-10-02 Thread Régis Haubourg
Oracle connection dialog does not show in 64 bits version (revision d94c044,
gdal 1.10), installed with OSGEO4W here. 
I get a error message Impossible to obtain Oracle selection dialog from
32 bits versions does well (revision 341139bc, gdal 1.9.2). 

Something wrong only on my system? If someone can reproduce, I will open a

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Re: [Qgis-developer] The case for bugfix releases

2013-09-28 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi all, 
I just kept silent seing how 2.0 release went out, and I must say I totally
agree with Jonathan. I have been funding bugfixing for 2.0 release, and
found that this is completly inadapted to commercial contracts, all goes to
fast in last months before the release. By contract, I mean fix bug#235,
and 789 and so on. 
I would love to be able to donate blindly, but this is forbidden by public
market rules.  
Having a bug fix release every 3 or 6 months is necessary to me. And having
a release candidate for major versions changes is also absolutly needed. 

PSC says there is no bugfix by lack of ressources. Please consider I have
not been able to spend all my budget because of the very fast developpement
speed and the lack of visibility for contributors in last release. All my
time was burned in testing- bug tracking, not passing contracts. When I
finally launch a contract, 2/3 of the bugs were already solved when the work
I'm also aware of commercial support offered by some corps on QGIS, but they
are not affordable to us with the current diplayed prices. 
I also tried to contribute to clarify 2.1 roadmap a few months ago. We had
really interesting discussions on this. I would really have liked to see a
public roadmap indicating wih features or bugfix were accepted or consider
high or low priority in future versions. Even if this roadmap is often
modified, that is a need for funders and contributors. 

So.. any hope for us to see this happen? All the great stuff in 2.0 deserve
that we put some quality in that process. If funding or sponsoring can solve
this, please tell. At the moment, I don't think money is the first thing


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[Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.01 - 2.1 64 bits. Could not find matplotlib module

2013-09-20 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi all, 
When trying to install statist plugin, I have a Error could not find the
matplotlib module. 

very similar problem was found in MacOsX [0], and on my OSG4W install, 64
bit. 32 bit install is fine. 
I compared 32 bits and 64
C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python27\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib directories. 
64 bit is missing some files (55), including pyparsing stuff. 

Should I raise a Osgeo4w ticket? 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.01 - 2.1 64 bits. Could not find matplotlib module

2013-09-20 Thread Régis Haubourg
I reinstalled OSGEO4W 64 bits, and found that pyparsing was not installed.
Installing it solved the problem. 
Anyway, I did the same with OSGEO4W 32 bit setup, and pyparsing is not
appearing in lib's list.. but is installed. 
Is my package manager corrupted or could this be a bug?

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Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.01 - 2.1 64 bits. Could not find matplotlib module

2013-09-20 Thread Régis Haubourg
Just to keep track of a statist related bug, 
statist 1.1 seems to have trouble in QGIS 2.x, see ticket here


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Re: [Qgis-developer] storing and reading WKT geom in non spatial Datasource

2013-09-18 Thread Régis Haubourg
Yes VRT is a good point, 
but it behaves like another datasource, so geomatic guys will know it, but
common user won't. 
I think having a transparent provider, detecting, reading and writing WKT
could not be a solution. 

Real life example: 

 - an external enterprise has developped a whole Access DB + VBA macors +
forms for my administration. They come to see my at the end of the project,
we would like to map querys results, but we would like to change the data
on the fly with the macros... and regenerate the maps.. . 
  Mapinfo answer... possible but dangerous, and we're dropping MI, just
  QGIS answer.. ouch... export all in shp, ah no, your field names will
be truncated, use excel.. ah, clean it up well, no encoding nowhere, .xls
2003, then import, join to your layer, export again in shp (1.8
limitations)... and... CSV could be nice in fact.. NO, access can't export
correctly carriage returns, damn! , so ODBC .. Oh non, my sys admin have cut
it off for security reasons, $^*ùù!! .. So I say, Why didn't you come at
start, we would have been working in spatialite environnement... and no map
If I'm not free for the work. BAD.
 I dream I could answer: OK, let's add just a new attribute layer with
WKT field, and makes queries, the open those table in QGIS, check detect
spatial WKT column, and I have very slow but dynamic maps. 
I Know spatial index in extremely important, but that would always be better
than actual workflow.

On a technical point of view, maybe we could lay on VRT GDAL format.. but my
concern is to let common user have a simple and clear tool, with no XML
input needed. 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] storing and reading WKT geom in non spatial Datasource

2013-09-18 Thread Régis Haubourg
Yes VRT is a good point, 
but it behaves like another datasource, so geomatic guys will know it, but
common user won't. 
I think having a transparent provider, detecting, reading and writing WKT
could be a solution. 

Real life example: 

 - an external enterprise has developped a whole Access DB + VBA macors +
forms for my administration. They come to see my at the end of the project,
we would like to map querys results, but we would like to change the data
on the fly with the macros... and regenerate the maps.. . 
   Mapinfo answer... possible but dangerous, and we're dropping MI,
just forget
   QGIS answer.. ouch... export all in shp, ah no, your field names
will be truncated, use excel.. ah, clean it up well, no encoding nowhere,
.xls 2003, then import, join to your layer, export again in shp (1.8
limitations)... and... CSV could be nice in fact.. NO, access can't export
correctly carriage returns, damn! , so ODBC .. Oh no, my sys admin have cut
it off for security reasons, $^*ùù!! .. So I say, Why didn't you come at
start, we would have been working in spatialite environnement... and no map
If I'm not free for the work or a good old FME day..  BAD.
 I dream I could answer: OK, let's add just a new attribute layer with
WKT field, and makes queries, the open those table in QGIS, check detect
spatial WKT column, and I have very slow but dynamic maps. 
I Know spatial index in extremely important, but that would always be better
than actual workflow.

On a technical point of view, maybe we could lay on VRT GDAL format.. but my
concern is to let common user have a simple and clear tool, with no XML
input needed. 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] storing and reading WKT geom in non spatial Datasource

2013-09-18 Thread Régis Haubourg
About Spatial indexes, why not creating them on the fly in memory? 
The more I think of it, the more I like the idea. Am I alone?

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Re: [Qgis-developer] storing and reading WKT geom in non spatial Datasource

2013-09-18 Thread Régis Haubourg

Jeremy Palmer-2 wrote
 Question: if you can't use ODBC because of security problems (?) then how
 are you going to read the MS Access data into QGIS?

First, I will try to convince my sys admin ;-), and second, I will keep on
looking if funding direct gdal access / xlsx is expensive. That would be
nicer, since declaring a odbc connection is not very.. user friendly.

I'm aware of csv improvements, in fact, I asked a lot to Chris Crook.. But I
realize this is still deconnected to source data. 

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[Qgis-developer] storing and reading WKT geom in non spatial Datasource

2013-09-17 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi all, 
a good question has been raised on Stackexchange [0]

How do I import WKT text data back into QGIS, and how useful could Base or
Access be in storing the data using WKT rather than spatially enabling it
within a proper GIS database, like Spatialite?

The good point beyond that, is that adding a WKT field to a database is
often more simple than converting it to spatial DB, since a complete
workflow often exists (forms to create datas, macros.. ). For simple
mapping, without special performance required (no metadata, no spatial
index, no spatial function embeded), that would save me lots of days.  More
precisely, I often have to downgrade to basic shp exports just to map simple
things, when reading directly the datasource could keep it all dynamic.


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Suppress rendering of small features

2013-09-13 Thread Régis Haubourg
I have been following Vincent's solution since I funded #4819 resolution.
Pruning all vertexes under screen resolution is really a nice idea. I wasn't
sure that pruning vertex was less cpu consuming than rendering them, and now
it's proved. just use a very large object, and do a identify on it to see.. 

I think that on the fly vertex pruning is a better definition than
simplification process, since the rendering must be the same when viewed on
screen or on a paper output. 

That bug #4819 occured to be a blocker to us in since new hydro-geological
datasets have a crazy vertex density , and anticipates even more precise
resolutions. All datasets will be derived from high resolution data, but we
always need to render them with small scales.  

I'm wondering if we could something close to raster resampling, with
zoom-out/zoom-in factor and resampling methods (nearest neighbour, bicubic,
average). User could choose the rendering fuzziness factor when zoomed out.
Zoom in is probably something user do not wish (this could lead to bad

Another possible direction I'm thinking of, is having the possibility to
have scale dependent, or better rule based, geometry field. Ie, use full
geometry field when zoomed in, and let user calibrate if other geometry
fields could be used when zoomed out. This is far less generic and elegant
than vertex pruning, but could be usefull with spatialDB, and particular

Let us know what strategic direction you choose, and we can be there to
support you then.

Have good times you all in Brighton. 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] help menu - link to new documentation site always to english version

2013-09-03 Thread Régis Haubourg
+ 1 with Anita. Users do choose their language in QGIS, but not always in the

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Splash screen for 2.0

2013-09-02 Thread Régis Haubourg
I really like the new splashscreen submitted by Anita.. 

PS: a good site to compare old dufour / new swiss map:

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[Qgis-developer] help menu - link to new documentation site always to english version

2013-09-02 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi , 
in latest master, when launching general help, user is directed to the
english versino of the new doc site [0]. 
Second trouble, the url shows a error message, and it seems the right url
should be [1]
Anyone confirms? Any hope to have this fixed before tomorrow night?



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Re: [Qgis-developer] help menu - link to new documentation site always to english version

2013-09-02 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi Richard, 
yes, there is a bit of javascript needed to autodetect client language, for
all people coming from internet. 
For those coming from QGIS help menu, maybe we could use qgis langage to set
langage url, without having to let web client try to do the laguage
Anyway, this is not a big issue, but you've all been doing so much
documentation work, that it would be very nice to have it well advertised.

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Re: [Qgis-developer] September 1 branch for release

2013-08-31 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi there, 
We seem to have some work pending for important gui translations, and our
translation manager seems out of office. 
Until when can I send pull request for french translations? tomorrow night?
(I'm not totally easy yet with git.. hope we'll make it)
Cheers, Régis

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Re: [Qgis-developer] September 1 branch for release

2013-08-31 Thread Régis Haubourg
Sorry, time is missing for me, I must ask for some help. 

here are to commits made on i18/qgis_fr.ts in my fork:

I was using Jean-Roc's fork as upstream, but the fork is a week old, and
pull request is too far away now from qgis master. 

Can anyone merge only commits to these files? I must leave nom until sunday

That would be really kind of you. 
Régis (poor lonesome git learner) 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Call for fixes: French and South Africans, raise up

2013-08-27 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi #7941 was a OSGEO4W problem. bug filed there...

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Reducing the blockers queue

2013-08-26 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi Paolo, 
I will see what I can do, but this is really late due to our capacity to
quickly fund work, and as we already funded bugfixing. I hope some other can
go for it now. 
Not having that bug solved is not an option here since Lambert 93 is the
mandatory CRS. That would lead to a funding of a bugfix release only for
france here. Paying all the repackaging only for one bugfix that didn't make
it in time will be overexpensive, unless a bugfix release 2.0.1 is planned
for the end of 2013. I would then consider public 2.0 as a release candidate
then. My guess is that testing was not sufficient for french users because
of.. summer holidays.. and maybe lack of contributors (we have many users,
but inside corps using 1.8 mainly)

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Bug 7941 : workaround ?

2013-08-26 Thread Régis Haubourg
Compared to 1.8 for the same crs, we didn't have nadgrids parameter where we
now have +nadgrids=@null

I tried to change srs definition in srs.db in \apps\qgis-dev\resources. 
LAMB93 (srs_id = 10089), trying to have a 1.8 like def but it didn't do the

I also checked the grid, and Checksum for the file is the same between 1.8
and master. 

Any idea why the grid is not loaded correctly?

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[Qgis-developer] new plugin OSM place search - nominatim

2013-08-09 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi all, 
Xavier Culos here coded a public plugin published today :

It makes a dockable panel to help find osm places, zoom on it, quickly fly
over results to have them confirmed by a rubberband on canvas, and generate
memory layers of objets, or a mask from that object.

We have the same tools linked on a postgis database (or any spatial db in
fact)  in our intranet, linked on our specific datasets.. So if this gives
you ideas, please spread the word and give us some feedback on it! 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Untranslated Qt Close and Help buttons

2013-08-08 Thread Régis Haubourg
You are right, it's an old issue. 
Any idea why ts files have been removed ? 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Untranslated Qt Close and Help buttons

2013-08-08 Thread Régis Haubourg
And could we find a way to translates those buttons? This doesn't look quite

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[Qgis-developer] JP2 jpeg2000 crashes qgis master

2013-08-02 Thread Régis Haubourg
I just tried opening jpeg 2000 sample images from pleiade sat (see fro samples) and get a
I installed ecw support following faunalia's instructions.  
Shall I file a bug or is this a known issue of the temporary patch to bring
ecw in master ? 
can I do something playing with gdal drivers? 

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[Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?

2013-08-01 Thread Régis Haubourg
I have two browser panels available here , is that related to my install or
They are named Browser and Browser (2).

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?

2013-08-01 Thread HAUBOURG
Oh, I hadn't seen that , sorry for the noise. 
I think, we maybe will have to describe it in docs, and why not add a startup 
tooltip. Not sure users will guess that alone. 
Drag 'n Drop inside the same browser would be convenient for the future (with a 
drodown menu asking if user want to copy or move files after drag and drop 
Nothing urgent anyway.


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Nathan Woodrow []
 Envoyé : jeudi 1 août 2013 12:36
 À : Stott James; HAUBOURG;
 Objet : RE: [Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?
 This was added as a feature so you can you drag and drop between them.
 Sent from some fancy phone looking thingo
 From: Stott James
 Sent: 1/08/2013 8:18 PM
 To: Régis Haubourg;
 Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?
 I have this as well. Installed via OSGeo4W.
 -Opprinnelig melding-
 [] På vegne av Régis
 Sendt: 1. august 2013 12:10
 Emne: [Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?
 I have two browser panels available here , is that related to my install or
 They are named Browser and Browser (2).
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Re: [Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?

2013-08-01 Thread HAUBOURG

So, moving file to file and database to file is missing within one browser ? .. 
maybe interesting for 2.1 - 2.2 ..

De : Nathan Woodrow []
Envoyé : jeudi 1 août 2013 13:02
Cc : Stott James;
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?

Drag and Drop already works in the same browser for importing into the 
different database types e.g drag a shp file into postgis and it will import.

- Nathan

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 8:58 PM, HAUBOURG
Oh, I hadn't seen that , sorry for the noise.
I think, we maybe will have to describe it in docs, and why not add a startup 
tooltip. Not sure users will guess that alone.
Drag 'n Drop inside the same browser would be convenient for the future (with a 
drodown menu asking if user want to copy or move files after drag and drop 
Nothing urgent anyway.


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Nathan Woodrow []
 Envoyé : jeudi 1 août 2013 12:36
 À : Stott James; HAUBOURG;
 Objet : RE: [Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?

 This was added as a feature so you can you drag and drop between them.

 Sent from some fancy phone looking thingo
 From: Stott James
 Sent: 1/08/2013 8:18 PM
 To: Régis Haubourg;
 Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?
 I have this as well. Installed via OSGeo4W.

 -Opprinnelig melding-
  På vegne av Régis
 Sendt: 1. august 2013 12:10
 Emne: [Qgis-developer] Panel Browser is doubled?

 I have two browser panels available here , is that related to my install or
 They are named Browser and Browser (2).

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Fixing blockers high priority bugs

2013-07-31 Thread Régis Haubourg

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Fixing blockers high priority bugs

2013-07-31 Thread Régis Haubourg
Tim Sutton-4 wrote
 Otherwise we must start thinking seriously about releasing with a list of
 'known issues'. As currently stands, that list would contain*:
 The SVG marker window has several bugs related to SVG parameters
 Wrong font display in qgis server
 Polygons digitized in Postgis layer with Avoid Intersections
 WFS-T and postgis: ERROR: null value in column gid violates not-null
 constraint when adding features
 Point pattern fill: invalid scaling of displacements when printing or
 writing PDF from composer
 Symbology: Get rid of duplicate functionality line decoration
 Blocker Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
 Print as raster doesn't work
 Large memory used with map units symbology at large scales
 VRT file opens instantly in 1.8, not opened after 10 mins on Master
 QGIS does not deal with shapefiles with two fields with the same name

is this a sort of Release Candidate? 
Looking at the blocker list remaining, 'print as raster' and pdf from
composer can't be kept as know issues even for a release candidate. The
other are woraroundable (I hope that work exists !)


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Python plugins in QGIS_PLUGINPATH not appearing in Plugin Manager

2013-07-29 Thread Régis Haubourg
This seems to be urgent, 
bug filed here:  

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Re: [Qgis-developer] right-click to end the digitizing

2013-07-25 Thread Régis Haubourg
I had the same feedback here in training courses, but did not raise it here,
since we never do mass digitizing here. 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] right-click to end the digitizing

2013-07-25 Thread HAUBOURG
Double click is source of a lot of double vertex if it’s not fast enough. IMHO 
this is too prone to generate invalid geometry.
Adding a shortcut to a key would be convenient, especially if shortcut could be 
modified in option/configure shortcuts.

Régis Haubourg

Régis Haubourg

Administrateur de données Géographiques
Département des Systèmes d'Information (DCSI)
Agence de l'eau Adour Garonne
90 rue du Férétra,
31078 Toulouse Cedex4
Tél: 05 61 36 82 58

Accédez aux données sur l'eau  :

De : antoniolocandro []
Envoyé : jeudi 25 juillet 2013 15:38
À :;
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] right-click to end the digitizing

I do a lot of digitising and +1 for right clic finish only unless you add other 
actions to right clic like snap to midpoint, snap to edge, etc like other 
software then my vote would g8 to double click to finish feature or f2 if 
that's not patented

Sent from Samsung tablet

Etienne Tourigny 
I have done little digitizing, but I think it would be more intuitive to have 
right-click finish digitizing only, no need to make that opional.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 6:35 AM, Denis Rouzaud wrote:
Hi all,

I propose to add an option for this.

Here is the pull request, what do you think?

Would it be ok for QGIS 2.0???



On 07/25/2013 09:02 AM, Régis Haubourg wrote:


I had the same feedback here in training courses, but did not raise it here,

since we never do mass digitizing here.



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Re: [Qgis-developer] Poll about Windows Version

2013-07-05 Thread Régis Haubourg
I could support a part of the work for a 64 bit version if needed. 
 That would be very much usefull for 2.0 here here. Last discussions I
remember on 64 bits version said that Jef was taking charge of it. Since we
have not seen any clear call for funding, funders probably didn't show up.
Please confirm and help us estimate the needs. 

Anyway, I think that we must not abandon 32 bit packages since many users
still have old machines. QGis seems to grow as a tool used in poor
countries, for developpement projects, even if we don't have much feedback
of that. Cutting some of them because of incompatible hardware could be very
bad publicity. 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] .xls format in ogr file filter and browser?

2013-07-05 Thread Régis Haubourg
Done here:  
All the best

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[Qgis-developer] .xls format in ogr file filter and browser?

2013-07-04 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi all, 
User here are a bit lost when having to open xls files, just because ogr
file filters don't mention it, and because browser panel does not see it at
Is there any technical problem not to display that file format? If not, I
will create a feature request (for 2.1 of course now)
All the best

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Re: [Qgis-developer] New feature's needed, create geometry from attribute

2013-07-02 Thread Régis Haubourg
Nice! this will help a lot with actual 1.8 in production environnement here. 
may I suggest a more explicit title for an eventual new version? 

I would vote for adding that in core vector menu for 2.1..


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Re: [Qgis-developer] New feature's needed, create geometry from attribute

2013-07-01 Thread Régis Haubourg
Thanks Vincent, 
you are right. We already discussed that with Chris on the list. The problem
is that it is restricted to CSV again, and that it creates a separate
datasource. We could also think of extending VRT to all datatypes in OGR,
and have a GUI letting user to generate and load that VRT. That is elegant,
but what about cases with databases or read only files? Should we ask user
to write vrt somewhere (not what I want at all), or should we store vrt
definition in project file? 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] New feature's needed, create geometry from attribute

2013-07-01 Thread Régis Haubourg

Hey Regis,

I think a Layer - Create Geometry Layer menu item would be a great idea
for non geometry layers.

Wouldn't be that hard to do I don't think.

Sqlite might be the best format as it's light and flexible.  If you want
something dynamic i.e change the data, updates the points, then maybe a
plugin layer would be best. I am planning on adding the ability to define
data provider in Python for 2.1, I do have working code just can't commit
it, which I think would work well here.  It would wrap the other layers
dataprovider and just return the geometry on the fly.

We could make it 2.1.


that looks nice! SQLITE is a data duplication.. so could be hard to maintain
sync with datasource. 
Opinions about relying on a vrt ?

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Labeling issues update

2013-07-01 Thread Régis Haubourg
Congratulations Larry! 
my second little girl was born nine month ago now, try to keep some sleep! 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Deactivate raster icon generation by default

2013-06-30 Thread Régis Haubourg
+1 too. 
just a note on this. Using a 20 tiles vrt with ecw files, for a total size
of 120 Go, on 1.8 , raster icon generation takes ages. On 1.9, it was almost
instantaneous (with raster icon ON).
Since only big tiled vrt seem to slow down, and since having icon remains
pretty helpful in legend, I just created pyramids overview, only for smaller
pyramids (16 , 32). It solves the raster icon generation issue since only
pyramids are used to generate icons. 
Hope that can help someone who needs to keep raster icon generation On. 

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[Qgis-developer] New feature's needed, create geometry from attribute

2013-06-30 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi all, 
After some training courses here, a very common use case is not satisfied

The only entry to create geometry from text (XY or WKT) is the delimited
text plugin. 
It appears that having a separate fonction create point like in Mapinfo or
Arcgis would be really handy, and could avoid the need of csv import. 

I was thinking of making a plugin for this, but I'm wondering what is the
best approach. 
 1- duplicate layer into a memory layer. Easy, requires MemoryLayerSaver to
make data persistent, is not dynamic with datasource.
 2- create a pluginLayer? I'm not sure it will do what I need. I would like
the project to keep a reference to the datasource (xls, whatever ogr/
postgres/ sqlite/ spatialite) and replace or create geometry on load by
reading XY columns or WKT column. 

Is that feasable in a plugin,  as a proof of concept, or does it require
core classes modifications (C++ work , so I won't do it by myself)

Thanks for your tips, 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Print layout: rotating a rectangle makes it bigger

2013-06-21 Thread Régis Haubourg
Confirmed ! 

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[Qgis-developer] adding layers to big project very slow

2013-06-21 Thread Régis Haubourg
When working with large projects in master, adding a new layer is sometimes
very slow, and seems sometimes to never happens.
Gui is still reactive thanks to new API, so the user tends to understand
that nothing happens, and tries to add several times the data.
When autoupdate is enabled in a composer legend, layer is really added. I
guess the issue is around layer registry. 
It does with add layer and is even slower with duplicate layer (layer
properties long to apply?). I also saw that using python plugin 'layer's
menu from project' before it got broken with SIP changes. 
Anyone confirms? 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Crash for VectorUnique values

2013-06-21 Thread Régis Haubourg
I couldn't reproduce this in latest osgeo4w master - win7 64 bits.
I tested shp and postgis layers. 
Could you share a dataset? 

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[Qgis-developer] layer Filter test broken?

2013-06-21 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi there, 
layer filter test always returns 0 when testing a sql clause. The layer is
well filtered afterwards, only test is broken. 
I tested with an without use estimated metadata with no difference. I
coulnd't find a open ticket, should I fiel one (a blocker one)

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Re: [Qgis-developer] layer Filter test broken?

2013-06-21 Thread Régis Haubourg
postgres provider. Strangely, some layers are queried correctly sometimes

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Units tests for startup options?

2013-06-13 Thread Régis Haubourg
Thanks Tim. 
You confirm it's possible? I'm absolutly not able to tell if it's possible
to test it or not. 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Master today , error finding plugins..

2013-06-12 Thread Régis Haubourg

The error is missing.

I posted from nabble, it seems raw text was squized in mail list: 

Une erreur est apparue lors de l'exécution du code suivant :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File , line 1, in 
  File C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis-dev/./python\qgis\, line 151, in
for p in findPlugins(pluginpath):
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Version de Python :
2.7.4 (default, Apr  6 2013, 19:54:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

Version de QGIS :
1.9.0-Master 'Master', f8cafe8

Chemin vers Python :
'C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin\\', 'C:\\OSGeo4W\\apps\\Python27\\DLLs',
'C:\\OSGeo4W\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin',

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Units tests for startup options?

2013-06-12 Thread Régis Haubourg
I didn't find anything specific in

I will open a ticket as a reference for funding. please close it if test

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Bug working with size in data-defined properties?

2013-06-07 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi,Confirmed for me. 
It looks like size is multiplid by a factor 0.2.
6 value in data defined looks like 1,2 on screen. 1 look like 0,2. 

BTW behaviour is not clear since old advanced properties (proportion /
rotation) have not been removed AND have a different behaviour. They do not
use actual value, but act as a modifier of symbol size. New behaviour is by
far better! (still lacks options to use non linear fonctions.. but it still
is very nice)
Can anybody explains that newbehaviour and it interfers with data defined


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Bug working with size in data-defined properties?

2013-06-07 Thread Régis Haubourg
Thanks marco, that's it. 
It's not easy to understand that advanced option are applied even if no
field is selected, since it was previous behaviour. Any idea how to make gui
more consistent for 2.1? 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Dynamic classifications

2013-06-06 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi Andreas, 
what about a python script on load of your project? 
Do you need that at layer level?
I agree, that would ne nice

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Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.0 and beyond

2013-05-29 Thread Régis Haubourg
Sandro Santilli-2 wrote
 That's why maintainance releases are important.
 We're only 1 blocker away from a 1.7.5, and 10 blockers away from 1.8.1.
 Qgis-developer mailing list


I totally agree. We've been pushing many new features and changing API is a
great step. 
2.x branch will be the start for complete switch from arcgis or Mapinfo in
some administrations here. We will then need maintenance releases and
relative stability. A release every 6 months is fairly enough to me, I have
no time to publish more often. 

Are we able to plan what will justify 3.0? (multithread / data frames -
arcgis like? )

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Re: [Qgis-developer] How to enable labeling tools to move labels (since last merge of Larry's work)

2013-05-27 Thread HAUBOURG
One more tip,
Users here often don't get immediately that labeling with toolbar require to 
put layer in editing mode. Maybe could we append a comment in data defined 
options :
[..] Define attribute fields and activate editing of layer to enable labeling 
map tools. [..]

De : [] De la 
part de Larry Shaffer
Envoyé : vendredi 24 mai 2013 17:34
Cc : QGIS Developer List
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] How to enable labeling tools to move labels (since 
last merge of Larry's work)

Hi Régis,

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 5:04 AM, Régis Haubourg
Hi all,
Larry, first, congratulations for the great labeling refactoring, this is

I couldn't find a way to enable the move / rotate tools in toolbar, in edit
mode, after having defined fields for X and Y in expression. Tools that
opens a dialog to modify font, text.. is working, but I couldn't change Y X
values in it.
Is this an issue or a I missing something?

There is a short description about this below those settings:
( Define attribute fields to enable labeling map tools )
It means that only an attribute field mapping data definition can be used to 
enable the labeling map tools (e.g. Move, Rotate, Change Properties). An 
expression does not work. Since those tools directly edit the attribute table, 
access to the field needs to be established, i.e. a data defined mapped 
attribute field.
While it is possible to find out what attribute fields (aka columns) are 
referenced within an expression, there is no simple means of determining any 
one of those fields are intended to be open for writing new values. It is 
possible when there is only one field in the expression, and no other parts to 
the expression, to use it directly, but then why not just map a field?
There are use cases for allowing expressions for all of those settings (X, Y, 
Alignments, Rotation), so limiting those data definitions to only allowing 
attribute field mappings would not be a good idea.

It looks like the 1 line help description, noted above, needs more work. Maybe 
invert the logic?:
(Defining expressions will disable labeling map tools)

Also, a good and concise contextual help needs drafted to explain new labeling 
options and how they work. Then, expanded upon for inclusion in general 



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Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.0 and beyond

2013-05-27 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi Nathan, 
good top open this thread, you are right that bugfixing releases will
probably be necessary. 

Concerning new features, I just point out that I will work and try to focus
on improvements and new features  described here [0] , if that helps to
define roadmap versions:


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[Qgis-developer] How to enable labeling tools to move labels (since last merge of Larry's work)

2013-05-24 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi all, 
Larry, first, congratulations for the great labeling refactoring, this is

I couldn't find a way to enable the move / rotate tools in toolbar, in edit
mode, after having defined fields for X and Y in expression. Tools that
opens a dialog to modify font, text.. is working, but I couldn't change Y X
values in it. 
Is this an issue or a I missing something? 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Delimited text issues and ideas

2013-05-23 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi Chris, thanks for enlarging the discussion here, that's always better. I
really like the idea to interpret CSVT, but users will need a gui to create
it. That remains a good patch for 2.0 if possible. 
We could also add cvst / vrt writing in a standalone function (vector menu)
.. not urgent to me, these are workaround of a good import assistant. 

We kept on digging all import problems, and have no simple solution. MM QGIS
gives some functions, but needs to write at least two intermediate shapes
(01 for import + XY, 2 to convert text fields to real when needed) . 

Additionnal problem, almost no common tool is exporting csv correctly
according to csv specs, we then have to build good import tools, dealing
with all existing variations of txt and csv files (including BOM problems)..
Excel does good when dealing with decimal delimiters, but skips text
delimiters, so GDAL will interpret all numeric-like identifier as
identifier. My 09 is read as 9 when imported.. No possibility for me to
reinvent french administrative codes.
Libre Office is hard to use when dealing with commas/point as text

What I have in mind to let my user work: 
*1- Short term proposal for actual users :*
QGIS 1.8: 
Me (funding or coding) : developp a quick plugin to add in vector menu:
Create point / geometry from text  into a memory layer. I will advice users
to import with a clean xls 2003 format when dealing with such data sources.
GDAL works Ok (better than csv, with no csvt needed)
CSV is OK with your import tool, but will put numeric fields in string. Use
of MM qgis or add field + update in shp is mandatory

*2 -QGIS 2.0 :* well, feature freeze is her, so having the create point
plugin compatible with new API. 

3- QGIS 2.1 : 
 fund (me certainly, if a consensus is reached) what have been previously
discussed here [0] with Nathan mockups of unified data access dialog, and
migrate your importer transparently there. 
  1: Unify data access : previsualization of data / character enconding
choice / text delimiter / decimal delimiter / data type chooser assistant /
advanced options to write csvt and/or vrt for power users
  2: port to C++ create point or geometry plugin
  3: add basic ETL functions to Core : rename, reorder, change type,
change names, save through OGR or mem Layer 



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Re: [Qgis-developer] Delimited text issues and ideas

2013-05-23 Thread Régis Haubourg
I just added a mockup based on nathan's work, and actual appearance of Qgis
Browser. Forgive me for the poor image work, it's a draft to help
understanding what's in my mind sith unified data access

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[Qgis-developer] composer export fails for maps with label shadows

2013-05-07 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi, This morning I tried to export in pdf some multimaps composers. 
I encounter an error - not crashing qgis, but leaving composer blank - on
maps using new dropshadows for labels. %Maybe it's related to blending or
only shadows. I switched back to buffer, and it works OK, even A0. 
Anyone confirms?

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Re: [Qgis-developer] composer export fails for maps with label shadows

2013-05-07 Thread HAUBOURG

Well, I'm using 471dab1 revision from osgeo4w (probably Sunday night build). I 
had no message raised. 
I will update my version and make more exhaustive tests reports. 

-Message d'origine-
De : Nyall Dawson [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 mai 2013 14:19
Cc : qgis-developer
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] composer export fails for maps with label shadows

On 7 May 2013 17:40, Régis Haubourg wrote:
 Hi, This morning I tried to export in pdf some multimaps composers.
 I encounter an error - not crashing qgis, but leaving composer blank - 
 on maps using new dropshadows for labels. %Maybe it's related to 
 blending or only shadows. I switched back to buffer, and it works OK, even A0.
 Anyone confirms?

Can you give me a few more details about this? Do you get an error message, or 
just the missing elements in the pdf file? A day or so ago I added a warning 
message when pdf exporting a composer view with blend modes to prompt you to 
export as raster, did you get this warning when exporting?


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[Qgis-developer] Add layer never achieves in huge projects

2013-05-07 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi again, 
I'm working on a huge map (for map contest ;-)) : A0 printing with 3 submaps
, raster , lots of complex labels.

Adding new layers (postgis)  is often very long and often doesn't lead to
real opening in project. Nevertheless, GUI is very responsive, probably with
new API design effects. 

Anyone confirms? (If yes, this is a blocker)


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Add layer never achieves in huge projects

2013-05-07 Thread Régis Haubourg
For shp files , same problem, and I see a message in log window saying
'already active iterator on this provider was closed'.. 
any idea?

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[Qgis-developer] Transparency options for background disappeared in Composer items

2013-05-06 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi All, 
Last week, i could specify if a composer item had a transparent background
or not. 
Today, I only have a color option for background with a alpha band value.

I couldn't have it opaque . Does alpha value works? 

I think alpha tuning must be used by powerusers only. 90 % user don't know
about alpha bands. I preferred by far a checkbox and a transparency slider. 
Why did they disappear? Did I miss something? 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Transparency options for background disappeared in Composer items

2013-05-06 Thread Régis Haubourg
Just a complement. I did get transparency work with alpha band, but it needed
a full refresh of composer to start working correctly. 
Could we simply rename Alpha channel to Alpha channel (transparency) in
color picker, so that beginners know where to search for new forms of 1.8

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Transparency options for background disappeared in Composer items

2013-05-06 Thread Régis Haubourg
Paolo Cavallini wrote
 Maybe better Transparency (Alpha channel). 
 All the best. 

Agreed. ticket filed here:

if someone has some time to take it, that would save me lots of efforts in
the hotline period after 1.8 to 2.0 switch.

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Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.0 and PyQT v2 update

2013-04-28 Thread Régis Haubourg
Matthias Kuhn wrote
 We have already rendered many plugins inoperable by changing the vector 
 api (and some other API's) so lots of plugins will need some love to 
 get ready for 2.0.
 Then there is the PyQt API V2 change which will render some more 
 plugins useless.
 And I was just remembering, that I've heard, that the upgrade to PyQt 
 API V2 is done to be ready for Python 3. So it's probably also worth 
 considering, if the PyQt version changes and python upgrade should 
 happen at the same point in time. I have never upgraded code from 
 Python 2 to Python 3 myself, but there seem to be some differences 
 which require work to migrate.
 In order to be able to plan the plugin development. Is the upgrade to 
 Python 3 something which is really considered to happen in the next 
 couple of years? Would it not scare too many plugin developers and 
 users away, because it will require once more a considerable effort to 
 If Python 3 is not an option for the next couple of years, is it worth 
 upgrading the PyQt API now?
 Would it be better to upgrade to Python 3 right now! Because this will 
 require plugin developers to go over all their code now. Once only.
 I know it's quite late (with respect to the 2.0 roadmap) to bring this 
 up, but I haven't really thought of it earlier and I think it's a very 
 important decision.

+1 with Matthias, we should plan pyqt2 and python 3 for a future release. I
see major risks in migrating now when we are in feature freeze with so many
blockers to solve in 2 months. We have very few users and developpers that
did real test to migrate to pyqt2 and python 3 , so we might have major
issues hidden in there. 
We users really need 2.0 to happen this year in a stable state and I guess
this is already a great challenge. 
My two cents. 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Atlas and overview issues?

2013-04-23 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi All, +1 for the new needs
We already discussed this before, in separated topics. 

I pointed those needs in my personal roadmap for QGIS 2.1 here [0], which
means I want to fund some work:

The main issue is to find some way to label features only in a sub area or
mask. This could be done in differents maners where you devs can help us:
- add a general 'masking' feature, with option on layers to label only
inside mask. Are we able to do that with reasonable perfs? Atlas could
dynamically generate such a mask. We need some buffer options , and style
options for mask layer. My prefered option by now, if possible. 
- Add a 'labeling' layer in layer order panel, so that user can choose id
label can be draw 'under' other layers. It might not be easy to understand
for newcomers, and will always make qgsi calculate labels everywhere in
- Any other idea?

If we achieve to a common proposal, that could help me to speed up to put
some money on that. 
Cheers All

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Interaction between QGis and ArcGis

2013-04-19 Thread Régis Haubourg
could you join a shape sample and specify gdal and qgis versions? 
I tested right now with a shp generated with QGIS, and add no problem
opening  / editing it with qgis master  nightly wiht gdal 1.9.2-2

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Icon theme update

2013-04-16 Thread Régis Haubourg
Larry_S wrote
 Some time ago, devs voted to move to the 'gis' theme as the default, i.e.
 not just the one selected by default but also the only theme supported by
 the project. Even after this update, you may notice the icons are still
 hodge-podge with inconsistent ones needing work. Due to lack of developers
 to maintain multiple project-supported themes, it is best to have only
 so that a concerted effort can be made to keep it complete and cohesive.
 Does mean that we can use themes in QGIS 2.0?

 No theme support code was removed, only the gis theme condensed upon the
 current default (because many default icons are still used) and old
 themes removed. However, there has been talk of removing all theme
 but I can't speak to the state of that decision.
 I like to revive my nkids theme for QGIS 2.0 as option for Mac OS X
 QGIS, is this possible?

 I'm not entirely sure, but to use a different theme than the default, you
 will need to add it to the appropriate source directories, edit the .qrc
 files and compile the source again. For example, nkids has been in the
 source themes directory for awhile, but not choose-able in the gui because
 it is not been made part of compiled-in resource system.
 I did add some code to push any old saved theme choice over to the new
 default, so if you did add a revamped nkids theme, maybe considering
 it a new name as well.

Hi Larry, 
it's a total surprise to me, since I thought I was following list
intensivly. I remember voting against gis theme, but majority did choose as
default. That's fine, I'm OK with the vote. But I was thinking having the
choice to switch back to classic theme ! 
I submitted both themes to users and all of them in my corp wanted to keep
classical one. By myself, I really have visual difficulties with gis theme
(to much blue-grey, very few pixels to distinguish functions, overly
complicated icons..)
Moreover, I must say I've not been able to fund anything for months in QGIS
project due to the lack of visibility. Please think of us and let us see
more clearly where we can help the projects. 

Sorry for that message, but these last minute surprises really starts to be
a problem to me. 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Icon theme update

2013-04-16 Thread HAUBOURG
+ 1 for your color proposal.  I didn't get work was still in progress on gis 
theme. I'll be pleased to give feedback on changes, but I don't have time or 
skill to suggest icons. 

-Message d'origine-
De : Robert Szczepanek [] 
Envoyé : mardi 16 avril 2013 10:40
À : Nathan Woodrow
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] Icon theme update


Very reduced use of colors in gis theme was intentional.
Colors should be used in come consistent manner.
Blue-gray was just a base. Now we can start adding (with caution) colors.

Central part of icon:
yellow - select, selected object
green - object to be edited
blue - neutral (any context)

Action part of icon (right bottom):
yellow - create, select
green - add
red - delete, remove
blue - others

I know some icons are VERY similar in look, so feel free to propose what new 
color should be used where.
Use this threat if possible please.


On 16.04.2013 10:18, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
 Don't be sorry, everyone's opinion should be heard. I have mixed 
 feelings, the old theme seems to kidish but the new one is too gray.
 Now is a good time to look at which icons are causing the most issues 
 and revamp them.

 Sent from some fancy phone looking thingo
 From: Régis Haubourg
 Sent: 16/04/2013 6:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Icon theme update Larry_S wrote
 Some time ago, devs voted to move to the 'gis' theme as the default, i.e.
 not just the one selected by default but also the only theme 
 supported by the project. Even after this update, you may notice the 
 icons are still hodge-podge with inconsistent ones needing work. Due 
 to lack of developers to maintain multiple project-supported themes, 
 it is best to have only one, so that a concerted effort can be made 
 to keep it complete and cohesive.

 Does mean that we can use themes in QGIS 2.0?

 No theme support code was removed, only the gis theme condensed upon 
 the current default (because many default icons are still used) and 
 old project themes removed. However, there has been talk of removing 
 all theme support, but I can't speak to the state of that decision.

 I like to revive my nkids theme for QGIS 2.0 as option for Mac OS X
 QGIS, is this possible?

 I'm not entirely sure, but to use a different theme than the default, 
 you will need to add it to the appropriate source directories, edit 
 the .qrc files and compile the source again. For example, nkids has 
 been in the source themes directory for awhile, but not choose-able 
 in the gui because it is not been made part of compiled-in resource system.

 I did add some code to push any old saved theme choice over to the 
 new default, so if you did add a revamped nkids theme, maybe 
 considering giving it a new name as well.

 Hi Larry,
 it's a total surprise to me, since I thought I was following list 
 intensivly. I remember voting against gis theme, but majority did 
 choose as default. That's fine, I'm OK with the vote. But I was 
 thinking having the choice to switch back to classic theme !
 I submitted both themes to users and all of them in my corp wanted to 
 keep classical one. By myself, I really have visual difficulties with 
 gis theme (to much blue-grey, very few pixels to distinguish 
 functions, overly complicated icons..) Moreover, I must say I've not 
 been able to fund anything for months in QGIS project due to the lack 
 of visibility. Please think of us and let us see more clearly where we 
 can help the projects.

 Sorry for that message, but these last minute surprises really starts 
 to be a problem to me.


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Roadmap for QGIS 2.1 and after

2013-04-16 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi all, 
many thanks to your efforts to let us know what happened in Valmeria. 
Did you had any discussion on 2.1 Roadmap?
I submitted previously my personnal wishes here [0], do you have any
feedback to give on that? 

Many thanks, ( this will be my basis for next fundings, and priority will
certainly raise for issues where I'm not the only requestor) 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] [Qgis-user] [Qgis-psc] Logo

2013-04-16 Thread Régis Haubourg

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Re: [Qgis-developer] [Qgis-user] [Qgis-psc] Logo

2013-04-16 Thread Régis Haubourg
John C. Tull-2 wrote
 I like the
 entry, but I would 

+1 for #50. I like also #57, the same but with a background. Both can be
used in different contexts. 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Postgis Multipolygon :: cannot create a feature

2013-04-09 Thread Régis Haubourg
+1 with you Denis. This restriction also implies severe known bugs when using
merge or clip tools that creates POLYGON and not MULTIPOLYGON. 
Currently, I solve this by modifying postgis constraint so that it accepts
POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON. Bu this is a bad practice. 
I would really prefer that QGIS automagically propose multipolygon (or multi
point, or multilinestring)  when a multi geometry type as been declared when
loading layer. 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Postgis Multipolygon :: cannot create a feature

2013-04-09 Thread HAUBOURG
That would be a good idea, and I really think it could be a blocker because it 
leads to dead-end when editing, and sometimes leads to data loss. ( Joeren 
already solved that critical issue, because postgres provider dropped rows 
before inserting new rows, and all was lost if a constraint error was raised)

De : 3nids [via] []
Envoyé : mardi 9 avril 2013 14:12
Objet : Re: Postgis Multipolygon :: cannot create a feature

Shall I fill an issue?

On 04/09/2013 02:10 PM, Régis Haubourg wrote:

 +1 with you Denis. This restriction also implies severe known bugs when using
 merge or clip tools that creates POLYGON and not MULTIPOLYGON.
 Currently, I solve this by modifying postgis constraint so that it accepts
 POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON. Bu this is a bad practice.
 I would really prefer that QGIS automagically propose multipolygon (or multi
 point, or multilinestring)  when a multi geometry type as been declared when
 loading layer.

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[Qgis-developer] Roadmap for QGIS 2.1 and after

2013-04-05 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi dev's and contributors. 
In preparation of the next Hackfest, in which I won't be able to join you, I
would like to share my personnal priorities for new features and
consolidation of QGIS 2.0. 

Sorry for doing it now, when everybody is full time on 2.0 release, but I
think next hackfest is the right place to clarify further evolutions.
Considering that my reaction time to contract work on QGIS is too slow
compared to QGIS community speed, I need to have 2 years visibilty to be
able to fund at the right time.

*I initiated a google doc here [0]*

Any contributor is welcome to comment / edit this document as a draft effort
to contribute following a global systemic approach. 

I would be very pleased if Hackfest participants could react on this to help
us contribute. 



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Re: [Qgis-developer] Roadmap for QGIS 2.1 and after

2013-04-05 Thread Régis Haubourg
Paolo Cavallini wrote
 Hi Régis,
 could you please explain this?
 Improve DB manager with a SQL query assistant similar to Qspatialite one.
 All the best.
 - -- 
 Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia

Sure. DB Manager as a very nice SQL editor window with autocompletion.
Qspatialite embed the SQL Window with a user interface close to Mapinfo SQL
window, allowing to add table names, column names, columns values, group by,
order easily. This is one of the good features in Mapinfo, and users not
familiar with SQL still achieve doing some queries with this. 
DB manager has , in my mind the capacity to becom the main tool to interact
with Spatialite or QGIS. We still need to add user oriented features, and
also more ETL capacities (mapping structure and data types) for loading

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Memory layer saver plugin to core?

2013-04-03 Thread Régis Haubourg
+1 for including it to core. I use it every day, and users outside my
administration are lost we not having the plugin enabled. 
  But I can live until 2.1 since we have a default conf enabling that plugin
for users. IMHO PSC has to decide what is the target version, but I don't
remember a clear choix on the target here:
Shall QdataStream / sqlitedb / be embedded in QGS file or stay data along
qgs file? We need a clear position since project file structure stability is
really important for a GIS tool. Ccurrent behaviour is OK for me, but
compressed archive including QGS file + data + other ressources like svg,
images would be great and transparent from a user point of view. And user
could still uncompress it to repair broken project. 


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Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.0 Milestone: Feature freeze updated release timetable

2013-04-03 Thread Régis Haubourg
+1 to erase old symbology and labeling from UI. 
But do we keep it in code so that old projects still open? 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Behavior of the guide lines in print composer

2013-04-03 Thread Régis Haubourg
just tested this now in master. Great feature , thanks a lot. Just one small
question, how can we clean alignements lines displayed after double clin in
ruler bar?  I couldn't find anything for this. . 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Performance for selection on attribute table

2013-03-28 Thread HAUBOURG
Very nice, 
From a GUI and user point of view, how could those indexes be created? By hand 
in layer properties? From datasource indexes? 
My concern is that user don't have to manually tell to QGIS to create some 
indexes, when a data administrator already has done it in the database.

Are you working on that in relations project?  I was interested in call for 
funding made by andreas, but with a low priority. if this is a part of the 
work, I think I could justify funding from my administration. 

Please tell me, 

-Message d'origine-
De : Matthias Kuhn [] 
Envoyé : jeudi 28 mars 2013 10:01
Cc : ''
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] Performance for selection on attribute table

On Don 28 Mär 2013 09:49:17 CET, HAUBOURG wrote:
 Thanks guys,
 I also raised on list issues with redrawing triggered by selection (but also 
 bad performance for identify highlights for big objects).  On that point, 
 preventing extra refreshes ( and heading 
 towards multithreading to let renderer use another process can help.
 Anyway, we have an issue here, since datasets keep growing, and user won't 
 always know about filter in layer properties. I didn't test if select at id 
 option did change something. I didn't catch either what you describe with 
 'plugable' indexes. What could it be exactly?

Plugable indexes mean, you'll be able to have a cache on a layer (or maybe a 
data provider) later on, which can have several indexes on its features (even 
written in python hopefully) which can then answer a certain QgsFeatureRequest 
(if they're able to)

E.g. you can have an index on certain attributes and in case the index knows, 
that is has e.g. all the features with column1 = 5 ready (due to an earlier 
request), the backend will not be bothered. Or a spatial index could be 
integrated to speed up rendering (e.g. when panning around and drawing similar 
regions all the time).

Right now, the only index available is for feature ids.



 -Message d'origine-
 De : Matthias Kuhn [] Envoyé : jeudi 28 
 mars 2013 07:44 À : HAUBOURG Cc : Objet 
 : Re: [Qgis-developer] Performance for selection on attribute table

 Hi Régis

 The attribute table is not using any providers indexes. And when thinking 
 about it a couple of questions arise like stable syntax across providers 
 (different providers need different SQL which either needs to be translated 
 from QgsExpressions or written by the user). Then a request needs to also 
 include not-yet-committed features. These need to be evaluated as well. In 
 case the user directly specifies sql for the provider and not a QgsExpression 
 this will pose some more problems.

 A new caching mechanism has been merged recently, but I don't expect any 
 performance improvements yet. The new caching mechanism nevertheless supports 
 plugable indexes, which I hope can help at least in part of these situations 
 as soon as they are implemented.

 The only possibility to make use of the data providers indexes that I know of 
 right now (apart from making views et al) is to provide a subset string in 
 the layer properties, but that's most likely not what you want.

 Also, as mentioned by Denis Rouzaud, the rendering that takes when the 
 selection changes place takes its bit of the performance. I remember, that 
 somebody began a list of such unnecessarily triggered renders, but can't find 
 it right now. I hope that in this area some work will be done as well.

 Kind regards,

 On Mit 27 Mär 2013 20:57:07 CET, Régis Haubourg wrote:
 Hi dev's, I was notified some performance matters when dealing with 
 selections in attribute tables, by some users swithcing from arcgis to QGIS.
 Indexes of datasource seem to be ignored for SQL selection and search.
 This leads to very slow selections when dealing with large datasets.
 Anyone confirms?  Is it really related to indexes or another bottleneck?
 Is there any possible improvement ? Are providers working on 
 selections or is that all dealing with cache?

 Thanks for your feedback ,

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Performance for selection on attribute table

2013-03-28 Thread HAUBOURG
I filed a ticket for memory and reference purpose.


-Message d'origine-
De : Matthias Kuhn [] 
Envoyé : jeudi 28 mars 2013 10:01
Cc : ''
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] Performance for selection on attribute table

On Don 28 Mär 2013 09:49:17 CET, HAUBOURG wrote:
 Thanks guys,
 I also raised on list issues with redrawing triggered by selection (but also 
 bad performance for identify highlights for big objects).  On that point, 
 preventing extra refreshes ( and heading 
 towards multithreading to let renderer use another process can help.
 Anyway, we have an issue here, since datasets keep growing, and user won't 
 always know about filter in layer properties. I didn't test if select at id 
 option did change something. I didn't catch either what you describe with 
 'plugable' indexes. What could it be exactly?

Plugable indexes mean, you'll be able to have a cache on a layer (or maybe a 
data provider) later on, which can have several indexes on its features (even 
written in python hopefully) which can then answer a certain QgsFeatureRequest 
(if they're able to)

E.g. you can have an index on certain attributes and in case the index knows, 
that is has e.g. all the features with column1 = 5 ready (due to an earlier 
request), the backend will not be bothered. Or a spatial index could be 
integrated to speed up rendering (e.g. when panning around and drawing similar 
regions all the time).

Right now, the only index available is for feature ids.



 -Message d'origine-
 De : Matthias Kuhn [] Envoyé : jeudi 28 
 mars 2013 07:44 À : HAUBOURG Cc : Objet 
 : Re: [Qgis-developer] Performance for selection on attribute table

 Hi Régis

 The attribute table is not using any providers indexes. And when thinking 
 about it a couple of questions arise like stable syntax across providers 
 (different providers need different SQL which either needs to be translated 
 from QgsExpressions or written by the user). Then a request needs to also 
 include not-yet-committed features. These need to be evaluated as well. In 
 case the user directly specifies sql for the provider and not a QgsExpression 
 this will pose some more problems.

 A new caching mechanism has been merged recently, but I don't expect any 
 performance improvements yet. The new caching mechanism nevertheless supports 
 plugable indexes, which I hope can help at least in part of these situations 
 as soon as they are implemented.

 The only possibility to make use of the data providers indexes that I know of 
 right now (apart from making views et al) is to provide a subset string in 
 the layer properties, but that's most likely not what you want.

 Also, as mentioned by Denis Rouzaud, the rendering that takes when the 
 selection changes place takes its bit of the performance. I remember, that 
 somebody began a list of such unnecessarily triggered renders, but can't find 
 it right now. I hope that in this area some work will be done as well.

 Kind regards,

 On Mit 27 Mär 2013 20:57:07 CET, Régis Haubourg wrote:
 Hi dev's, I was notified some performance matters when dealing with 
 selections in attribute tables, by some users swithcing from arcgis to QGIS.
 Indexes of datasource seem to be ignored for SQL selection and search.
 This leads to very slow selections when dealing with large datasets.
 Anyone confirms?  Is it really related to indexes or another bottleneck?
 Is there any possible improvement ? Are providers working on 
 selections or is that all dealing with cache?

 Thanks for your feedback ,

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[Qgis-developer] Performance for selection on attribute table

2013-03-27 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi dev's, I was notified some performance matters when dealing with
selections in attribute tables, by some users swithcing from arcgis to QGIS. 
Indexes of datasource seem to be ignored for SQL selection and search. This
leads to very slow selections when dealing with large datasets. 
Anyone confirms?  Is it really related to indexes or another bottleneck? 
Is there any possible improvement ? Are providers working on selections or
is that all dealing with cache? 

Thanks for your feedback , 

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[Qgis-developer] Plugins with no metadata

2013-03-22 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi all, 
I've seen that metadata.txt is now mandatory for plugins (good thing). 
I've seen a side effect on existing installs, when plugin is installed
previously without metadata (FastSQL Layer, Import Project... ), there is no
error message. Installer displays 'installed' status, but plugin is not
Could we throw a error message on load for those plugins so that authors
modify them?

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[Qgis-developer] is down

2013-03-22 Thread Régis Haubourg
' rails failed to start' 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Database relations and nested forms in QGIS: Call for Funding

2013-03-20 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi Andreas, 
what is the target version for this? 
I sent you a private email fior fundings. 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Database relations and nested forms in QGIS: Call for Funding

2013-03-20 Thread Régis Haubourg
That sounds good to me, 
I'm reviewing current blockers, and we already have some work with current
features for 2.0. 2.1 seems good. 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] commandline startup option changed in master

2013-03-19 Thread HAUBOURG
Thanks Nathan,
I agree that current master -configpath behaviour is the right main target. I'm 
just asking for a way to move homepath, and keep settings in windows registry. 
This is very specific for enterprises I guess.
Is there any chance to have this in 2.0? I'm on the way to fund bug fixing to 
help with 2.0 release but what I ask is sort of a new feature. It's just not 
totally new since I just ask to be able to keep installing 2.0 just like I did 
for 1.8.
Thanks for your help

De : Nathan Woodrow []
Envoyé : lundi 18 mars 2013 23:33
Cc :
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] commandline startup option changed in master


Wouldn't the new behavior be better as everything is stored in one place.  This 
is not a bug pre se because before it was leaving the settings in the registry 
which makes it hard/impossible to make a sandboxed QGIS run environment.  What 
we might need to do is come up with some better command line options something 
like --homepath --settingspath etc.

- Nathan

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 6:57 AM, Régis Haubourg
Hi there,
A up to that topic since feature freeze is almost there (sorry I didn't
realize my need earlier).
My corp is using -- configpath option to move profiles to Windows Server
2008 official location (/AppData/Roaming) so that profiles can be
centralized for all servers.  We have .qgis moved, but settings store in
New behaviour in 2.0 will move profile AND registry to Qsettings files. This
will make it quite hard for us to manage all user settings as we use regedit
tools. *Is there any hope to have a startup option to move only profile for
2.0??? *
If not, I will have to pay for a custom package (which is bad , long and

We couldn't achieve the alternative option working by cheating qgis with
Symbolic links .. That would have been simpler

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Editable checkbox for field widget definitions

2013-03-18 Thread Régis Haubourg
Confirmed on 9a81fa7 osgeo4w... 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] commandline startup option changed in master

2013-03-18 Thread Régis Haubourg
Hi there, 
A up to that topic since feature freeze is almost there (sorry I didn't
realize my need earlier).
My corp is using -- configpath option to move profiles to Windows Server
2008 official location (/AppData/Roaming) so that profiles can be
centralized for all servers.  We have .qgis moved, but settings store in
New behaviour in 2.0 will move profile AND registry to Qsettings files. This
will make it quite hard for us to manage all user settings as we use regedit
tools. *Is there any hope to have a startup option to move only profile for
2.0??? *
If not, I will have to pay for a custom package (which is bad , long and
We couldn't achieve the alternative option working by cheating qgis with
Symbolic links .. That would have been simpler

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Possible improvement | Actions on right click

2013-03-15 Thread Régis Haubourg
Alister Hood wrote
 Hi guys, 
 In this case I think rather than having a context menu dedicated just to
 layer actions, it might be better eventually to have a more general
 context menu, with actions in a submenu.
 I think context menus would be good everywhere ;)
 For most people when a right-click does anything different from opening a
 context menu they are surprised - assuming they even notice what it did. 
 If the right-click function is moved into a context menu then they will
 know what it did, even if they didn't read the manual. 
 I guess getting rid of all direct right-click functions might upset some
 existing users, because an extra click will be required for the same
 function, but it will of course allow more functions to be added.
 IIRC I think there is a recent proposal for context menus in the composer
 - in a ticket or pull request for paste to original coordinates.
 Qgis-developer mailing list


+1 with you alister. We could put that global target on 2.1 roadmap maybe. 
contextual menu are generally used for differents purposes:

1- access properties of the object you click in . 
 for mapCanvas, you could have shortcuts to projection settings, project
settings, current zoom and scale, refresh content, stop redraw.  I think
some shortcuts to render global options could be nice. I often have to play
with antialiased rendering / number of objetcts to draw when displaying very
large datasets. A shortcut could be nice. Do you see anything else.

2- actions under the click location (layers actions, plugins actions, finsh
editing of a feature). 

we must precisely decide what happens for editing use case, where right
click is used today top finish an object.. Thoughts?

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Possible improvement | Actions on right click

2013-03-15 Thread HAUBOURG
+1 with you Alexandre,
Modifier key for click + access to action in contextual menu (plus a tip to 
explain the use of CTRL+Clic or SHIFT + clic) is a good solution.
We seem to reach a consensus for actions .. Anybody else?

De : Alexandre Neto []
Envoyé : vendredi 15 mars 2013 10:52
Cc :
Objet : Re: [Qgis-developer] Possible improvement | Actions on right click

+1 For giving some additional use to right-mouse-click in map canvas. Context 
menus seems coherent with most of software that I have worked with.

I'm not sure about where right-click direct actions are used, I can only 
remember the finish feature edit.

For currently actions using direct right-click, I see a few alternatives:
1 - The action is the first on the context menu ( need 2 clicks and breaks 
current usability);
2 - Assign function key for those actions (fast but breaks usability, not 
suitable for mouse position dependent actions);
3 - Change right-click direct action to Shift + Right Click ( faster, and kinda 
keeps usability);

I personally like the solution 1 + 3, direct action is detached at the top of 
the context menu and can be accessed directly (no context menu is showed) if 
one presses Shift (or Ctrl) while clicking.

Alexandre Neto
On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 8:48 AM, Régis Haubourg
Alister Hood wrote
 Hi guys,
 In this case I think rather than having a context menu dedicated just to
 layer actions, it might be better eventually to have a more general
 context menu, with actions in a submenu.

 I think context menus would be good everywhere ;)

 For most people when a right-click does anything different from opening a
 context menu they are surprised - assuming they even notice what it did.
 If the right-click function is moved into a context menu then they will
 know what it did, even if they didn't read the manual.

 I guess getting rid of all direct right-click functions might upset some
 existing users, because an extra click will be required for the same
 function, but it will of course allow more functions to be added.

 IIRC I think there is a recent proposal for context menus in the composer
 - in a ticket or pull request for paste to original coordinates.

 Qgis-developer mailing list

+1 with you alister. We could put that global target on 2.1 roadmap maybe.
contextual menu are generally used for differents purposes:

1- access properties of the object you click in .
 for mapCanvas, you could have shortcuts to projection settings, project
settings, current zoom and scale, refresh content, stop redraw.  I think
some shortcuts to render global options could be nice. I often have to play
with antialiased rendering / number of objetcts to draw when displaying very
large datasets. A shortcut could be nice. Do you see anything else.

2- actions under the click location (layers actions, plugins actions, finsh
editing of a feature).

we must precisely decide what happens for editing use case, where right
click is used today top finish an object.. Thoughts?

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Re: [Qgis-developer] ECW!!!

2013-03-15 Thread Régis Haubourg
Confirmed ! thanks a lot.. 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Possible improvement | Actions on right click

2013-03-14 Thread Régis Haubourg
+1 with Mathieu, actual action button needs to first choose an active layer
and then to choose which action to execute on click. 

Using right click might be intersting since it could be always available,
whatever the tool selected. 
Another possibility is Mapinfo 's behaviour that we copied in Hotlink Plugin
(in repository). 

User has to choose hotlink tool (a thunder icon). On flyover, a tooltip show
up with the list of all action titles located under the mouse cursor ( +
display field info), for ALL layers. 
On click, a dropdown listbox shows up allowing to choose what action to

I agree that starting having a right clic contextual menu would be better
since user do not have to change his current tool. The downside, it will
give the habits of right clicking everywhere (composer too) and we should
have a global discussion about contextual menus in QGIS, so that we have a
consistent UI behaviour everywhere.

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Multicolumn legends in print composer

2013-03-14 Thread Régis Haubourg
+1 with Radim. Such hacks do produce inconsistencies and bugs not compatible 
with collaborative coding. IMHO, we need clean coding in QGIS.
A feature already asked I remember could solve both issues. Some of us asked 
that for layers having single symbol style, symbol in legend should be drawn on 
the same line as layer’s title (like in Arcgis or mapinfo).

Using groups will then help reaching Mathieu’s goal?

I’m ready to put that in a contract if needed

De : Radim Blazek-2 [via] 
Envoyé : jeudi 14 mars 2013 09:47
Objet : Re: Multicolumn legends in print composer

IMO, using empty layer title to achieve grouping of items from
multiple layers into a single layer (group) is just a workaround. If
it was working for some reason in previous versions (probably because
there was no difference between layer and item spacing) it does not
mean that we must add new and new hacks to the code to support it

I am not convinced that removing layer space if the layer title is
is good. It is a hack to support your need but it introduces another
bug and inconsistency because other user may require hidden layer
titles (if empty) but still keeping layer spacing.

A clean solution could be to add a new group Road  Railways with
roads and railways layers inside and implement something like flatten
sublayers check box for the group, which would put items of all
sublayers directly into the group, ignoring layer titles.


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Mathieu Pellerin [hidden 
email]/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=5040281i=0 wrote:


 Thanks for fixing the width issue.

 Regarding layers with no titles and the need for treating the space like a
 layer item, see We've discussed this with
 Marco Hugentobler back then and came up with a nice compromise.

 Beyond being a regression as it stands (i.e. legends from 1.8 projects will
 have visible vertical spacing issues), here's a simple scenario in picture: (the spacing
 should be equal for all companies, as well as btween roads and railways.

 Having no layer title is a way to regroup many layers under one layer name
 (i.e. having 5 shapefile polygons representing different ago-industrial
 crops might nicely be represented under one layer title even though the
 items are in five different physical shapefiles).


 On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Radim Blazek [hidden 

 On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 4:48 AM, Mathieu Pellerin [hidden 
  Following up on your implementation of the nice legend's multicolumn
  feature. I've noticed two regression (one of which I've filed a bug
  1) The right-side box spacing is now miscalculated as it fails to add
  icon label space value. Issue 7099 ( has
  been filed with more details and a accompanying screenshot.


  2) There also was a regression in the way vertical spacing is calculate
  between layer items and layers. An old issue, 3605, highlighted a
  visual problem which was fixed in revision 08c88575
  Long story short, layers with no titles are often used as part of a
  group of
  layer items. As such, the solution found in the cited revision was to
  into account the layer item vertical spacing to the layer vertical
  The multicolumn appear to have regressed this. I can open an issue with
  screenshots if necessary.

 Layers with no titles? Is it a hack to avoid the layer title to be
 drawn in the legend for single symbol layers? Wouldn't it be better to
 modify composer legend so that single symbol layers will be drawn
 without separated layer title above symbol and the layer title text
 will be used as the symbol label?


  On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 12:10 AM, Radim Blazek [hidden 
  On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Andreas Neumann [hidden 
   Thanks to Radim we now have multi-column legends in print composer.
  Thanks to Régis and Agence de l'eau Adour as it was already mentioned
   was one of my long-time feature requests - but it never got to the
   of my requests so that we could pay for the work.
   Generally it works great, but I noticed two strange behaviors:
   * when having only one column (default) - the background rectangle is
   way too

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