Re: [QGIS-Developer] Qgis 3.34.4 LTR ?

2024-02-27 Thread Nick Bearman via QGIS-Developer

Hi Régis, Luca, list,

I think some of the confusion might be over the term of "Release". I 
read this as release of the binaries, i.e. something we can download and 
install from the QGIS website as a user. From what you said Luca, it 
seems you view "Release" as release of the source code before packaging 
into binaries. Do I understand this correctly?

I've always found the Road Map page slightly confusing. Is there space 
on the website for a "simpler" explanation of this process somewhere? 
Yes, I am happy to have a go at writing a first draft!

Also - I think the release process is complicated by OSGeo4W Network 
installer. I used this to install both LTR and current versions of QGIS 
yesterday (26th Feb) and got 3.36.0 (branded as Release Candidate) and 
3.34.3 (branded at LTR) which I think is a bit ahead of the game.

I think Kurt's post on LinkedIn 
may have also made some people this 3.36 is available when it is not.

Hope this is useful!

Best wishes,

On 27/02/2024 08:58, Régis Haubourg via QGIS-Developer wrote:
Hi Luca, as always, there is a delay between source code releases 
events, and the packaging can only start, as per

QGIS website indicates that packaging is on its way.

Official communication including the changelog and binaries are on 
their way.

How do you think we could improve our communication to clarify this ? 
You are not the only one asking, so I think we still have work to 

Le mar. 27 févr. 2024 à 09:40, Luca Manganelli via QGIS-Developer 
 a écrit :

Good morning,

according to the QGIS roadmap, I see that the 3.34 LTR release is
on 23th february, but on the site I see that the latest LTR is
still 3.28

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Dropping "render" checkbox from status bar

2023-10-16 Thread Nick Bearman via QGIS-Developer

Hi Nyall / all,

You might be interested that the Ordnance Survey documentation for OS 
Features API makes use of the "render" check box in the setup when 
pulling data from their API. See under QGIS and search 
for "render".

Whether or not this is a good idea or is needed I don't know but I 
thought you might be interested that it is used here.

For the record - I am not linked with Ordnance Survey and didn't write 
the instructions, I just used them a couple of times!

Best wishes,

On 16/10/2023 07:47, Régis Haubourg via QGIS-Developer wrote:

Same here. I use this when playing with huge datasets.

Le dim. 15 oct. 2023, 23:39, Nicolas Cadieux via QGIS-Developer 
 a écrit :


Still useful on my side when rendering very heavy stuff and then
decide to zoom to another part of the map…

Nicolas Cadieux

> Le 15 oct. 2023 à 15:30, Nyall Dawson via QGIS-Developer
 a écrit :
> Hi list,
> Question: are there still any valid use cases for the "render"
> checkbox in the status bar? It's been around forever, and DID have a
> strong use case when map rendering used to block the QGIS interface.
> But is there any reason to keep this around in modern QGIS versions?
> Nyall
> ___
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Download troubles? Download in the background?

2023-10-02 Thread Nick Bearman via QGIS-Developer

Thanks everyone, and thanks Harrissou for making those changes.

In terms of how we explain support, perhaps Selma might have some 
thoughts (with her work on documentation).

Selma - see thread below, but briefly some people are getting very poor 
download speeds. They are then donating and asking 'why are the download 
speeds slow even though I have donated?'. There are various things to 
unpack here, but would be really interested in your thoughts on the 
changes to the text we have made on the download page and what we are 
proposing on the 'donate' page.

Feel free to email if you have questions and/or contact me off list.

Best wishes,

On 21/09/2023 2:18 pm, Bourdon, Jean-François (DIF) via QGIS-Developer 

Intranet logo

To continue on the topic of donation and support, although I find it 
strange that someone doing a donation is expecting at the same time to 
receive special support (donation != license), maybe a precision 
should be made on the donation page ( like:

“Please note that making a donation doesn’t grant any additional 
support than what can be found at the support page 
( For any specific 
need, you might contact one of the numerous companies offering 
commercial support 

Maybe this same text could be add to the section “What is your benefit 
supporting the QGIS Development?” for the Sustaining Membership Program.

*Jean-François Bourdon, ing.f.*

*Analyste en télédétection*
*Direction des inventaires forestiers*
*Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts*
5700, 4^e Avenue Ouest, local A-108
Québec (Québec) G1H 6R1
Téléphone : 418 627-8669, poste 704304
** <>

*De :*QGIS-Developer  *De la 
part de* Emma Hain via QGIS-Developer

*Envoyé :* 20 septembre 2023 20:57
*À :* Nick Bearman 
*Cc :*
*Objet :* Re: [QGIS-Developer] Download troubles? Download in the 

I think this looks good Nick, could we also put in a link to the QGIS 
hub page and to where our links to the users groups are so that sorta 
provides some 'support'.

Sorta off topic:

I recently got contacted by someone letting me know they donated so 
they could get support - they thought I was the help desk for 
QGIS...Maybe this is an indication of some UX/UI is required to send 
people to our support pages???



On Thu, 21 Sept 2023 at 01:07, Nick Bearman via QGIS-Developer 

Thanks for highlighting this Andreas.

If I might suggest a tweak to the popup layout:

Thank you!

Your freshly baked copy of QGIS is downloading. (Make this line
bold and add a paragraph before the next bit)

QGIS is free of charge, and will always be free of charge if
downloaded from (and another break here)

If you can afford to support the project and people making this
software, please consider making a small donation to support our
efforts. Whether you choose to donate or not, we hope that you
enjoy using our labour of love and encourage you to share and
spread your downloaded copy far and wide so that others may enjoy
it too. Our very best regards!

The QGIS Team

This might make it a bit more obvious. What do you think?

(I will leave those who are more technical than me to discuss
download speed issues).

Best wishes,

On 9/20/23 08:19, Johannes Kröger (WhereGroup) via QGIS-Developer

Hi Andreas,


Javascript is not required for the download. If it is
disabled, all OS options are expanded and the big green
buttons directly point to the files anyways. The "donate"
popup is only triggered in addition to the normal link click
(if javascript is enabled).

If the users really just not realise that a download has
started, maybe making the text that says that QGIS is being
downloaded bold on the "donate" popup might help? The popup
might just be too intrusive and distracting even.

Some sites use images to point their users towards the
browser's download manager, maybe there is a freely available
library that does this for all kinds of browsers and screens?

Downloads are often painfully slow though and might even time
out in bad cases I guess. Having some more/faster download
mirrors might help. The <> mirror
is often unusable (I think it is that mirror that most often
causes issues, <> usually seems
fine for me - from Germany though...). Here is one story of a
user in South Korea:

Re: [QGIS-Developer] Download troubles? Download in the background?

2023-09-20 Thread Nick Bearman via QGIS-Developer

Thanks for highlighting this Andreas.

If I might suggest a tweak to the popup layout:

Thank you!

Your freshly baked copy of QGIS is downloading. (Make this line bold and 
add a paragraph before the next bit)

QGIS is free of charge, and will always be free of charge if downloaded 
from (and another break here)

If you can afford to support the project and people making this 
software, please consider making a small donation to support our 
efforts. Whether you choose to donate or not, we hope that you enjoy 
using our labour of love and encourage you to share and spread your 
downloaded copy far and wide so that others may enjoy it too. Our very 
best regards!

The QGIS Team

This might make it a bit more obvious. What do you think?

(I will leave those who are more technical than me to discuss download 
speed issues).

Best wishes,

On 9/20/23 08:19, Johannes Kröger (WhereGroup) via QGIS-Developer wrote:

Hi Andreas,


Javascript is not required for the download. If it is disabled, all OS 
options are expanded and the big green buttons directly point to the 
files anyways. The "donate" popup is only triggered in addition to the 
normal link click (if javascript is enabled).

If the users really just not realise that a download has started, 
maybe making the text that says that QGIS is being downloaded bold on 
the "donate" popup might help? The popup might just be too intrusive 
and distracting even.

Some sites use images to point their users towards the browser's 
download manager, maybe there is a freely available library that does 
this for all kinds of browsers and screens?

Downloads are often painfully slow though and might even time out in 
bad cases I guess. Having some more/faster download mirrors might 
help. The mirror is often unusable (I think it is that 
mirror that most often causes issues, usually seems fine for 
me - from Germany though...). Here is one story of a user in South 

Maybe users see super slow or failing downloads and think that it is a 
matter of donation.

I am aware of and mirrors, are there 
more? It would probably be a good idea to have one in Asia and maybe 
one in Africa, depending on the routing. At least for Asia OVH has 
cheap offers that might just be good enough.

PS, if a CDN (probably overkill) would be considered: I am strongly 
against using Cloudflare as they are a global surveillance opportunity 
for the US and we would all be stupid not to assume that any traffic 
going through them is logged by three letter agencies. We should not 
participate in that kind of centralisation. There are alternatives 
like . I 
would happily research a good choice.

Could you try to find out more details about why they get so confused?

Cheers, Hannes

Am 20.09.23 um 08:50 schrieb Andreas Neumann via QGIS-Developer:

Hi all,

Recently (past 1-4 months) I get a lot of emails at 
from people who say that they donated but then could not download 
QGIS. I think I got at least 40-50 such emails until now.

Sometimes they ask: how many times do I have to donate until I can 
download QGIS?

I then explain them that donations are optional, often direct them to 
the direct download page - and I tell them that downloads may take 

I believe that many users aren't aware that QGIS is downloading "in 
the background". Because the QGIS downloads are rather large this can 
take several minutes ...
Or may there be other problems with downloads? Does it require 
Javascript to be enabled?

I wonder if we can display some hint that QGIS is downloaded "in the 
background" and can take a while to download 

I believe this is because many users don't know how their browsers 
work with the downloads of large files ...

Is there anything we can do to inform users and enhance the download 
experience - so that I don't get that many emails?

Thank you for your replies,

Andreas Neumann
QGIS.ORG  board member (treasurer)

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Re-add Georeferencer action to raster menu?

2022-09-27 Thread Nick Bearman via QGIS-Developer

Hi Nyall,

I'd agree with Andreas here, so a -1 from me.

Given that many people have mentioned it, would an alternative be to 
post a message in the news feed that appears when people open QGIS?

And/or are 'tips' still a thing in QGIS? I can't remember now, but a 
while ago you had the tips appear when QGIS was opened - although this 
may be long gone now!

Best wishes,

On 27/09/2022 08:35, Werner Macho via QGIS-Developer wrote:

Hi Nyall, Andreas,

I fully agree with Andreas here.
Having the same functions in different locations usually only confuses 
the user ("is this function doing the same as the other one?").
So -1 from me as well. The Layer menu makes complete sense with the 
newly added functionality.


On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 9:02 AM Andreas Neumann via QGIS-Developer 

Hi Nyall,

Thanks for raising this. Initially I was also confused, but the
new menu position makes more sense.

I would be -1 on adding it also to the raster menu. If we do add
it to the "Raster" menu, as a consequence, it would also have to
be added to the "Vector" menu ...

It just needs a bit of time for people to get used to the new menu
position in the "Layers" menu, I think.


On 2022-09-27 08:40, Nyall Dawson via QGIS-Developer wrote:

Hi devs!

I'm after some wider feedback -- in 3.26 I moved the "Georeferencer"
action from the Raster menu to the "Layers" menu, as the
was expanded to support more than just raster layers and it no longer
seemed a logical place to put this action.

But we've seen a lot of confusion and bug reports about the missing
action since this move.

I'm pondering whether we should add a second shortcut to the
georeferncer back into the Raster menu, so that this tool will be
available through either location.

Is this a good idea and helps avoid user confusion? Or a bad one
causes more UI bloat?

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Nick Bearman
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Due to my own life/work balance, you may get emails from me outside of normal 
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS and WebAssembly

2022-09-11 Thread Nick Bearman via QGIS-Developer

Hi Martin,

Thanks for sharing this initial version - it's great to see some of the 

Is this something you would like to / be able to develop? I'd be 
interested in exploring the possibility of developing this, and am happy 
to put some money in towards this if you (or anyone else) is interested.

Please do let me know your thoughts.

Best wishes,

On 3/22/22 12:31, Martin Dobias via QGIS-Developer wrote:

Hi Andreas!

On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 9:49 AM Andreas Neumann  

Would any part of the current QGIS Desktop part be re-usable in a
"web assembly" QGIS? Or would the GUI part have to be re-developed?

In theory, we could try to run QGIS Desktop as it is in WebAssembly 
environment in the browser, Qt generally supports that. There are many 
question marks though, among some I can think of:
- dealing with files / data sources - this would need many changes to 
accept the fact that we are not dealing with a local file system and 
that access to raw data over network will be generally much slower. 
Also persistence of data - you will probably want to have some server 
backend anyway to store the data.
- Qt Widgets-based apps can be run on WebAssembly, but I have a 
feeling that the performance would not be great, due to the way how 
the get rendered on screen (all work done on CPU) - I would expect 
that an optimized OpenGL / WebGL based GUI would have much better 
performance in browsers - probably based on Qt Quick module (like 
Input / QField)

I would also assume that access to local files would be very
restricted - right? Network based resources (DB access and web
services) would probably work fine?

Indeed, access to local files from browser would not be possible at 
all - data would need to come from the server. Network based resources 
would work fine, but with various limitations - for example, you are 
normally not allowed to request resources from other servers unless 
the servers allow that [1], and you can't directly access services 
like PostgreSQL that are not HTTP servers (although of course this 
could be handled by tunneling through WebSockets, or using HTTP-based 
protocols like Postgrest).



QGIS-Developer mailing list
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Nick Bearman
+44 (0) 7717745715

Due to my own life/work balance, you may get emails from me outside of normal 
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