Re: [Qgis-user] copy and paste very slow in qgis

2022-07-04 Per discussione Alexandre Neto via Qgis-user

Were you doing the copy-paste with the target attributes table open? Don't.

Do it in the map canvas.

Alexandre Neto

A segunda, 4/07/2022, 17:30, Michael.Dodd via Qgis-user <> escreveu:

> Thanks that “Export->Save Features, ticking Save Only Selected Features”
> worked fine, took just a few seconds.
> Have not tried the other suggestion from someone else about the spatial
> index but the file I was pasting into was empty so I am not sure it had a
> spatial index to start with.
> *From:* David Strip 
> *Sent:* Monday, July 4, 2022 5:15 PM
> *To:* Michael.Dodd ; ''
> *Subject:* Re: [Qgis-user] copy and paste very slow in qgis
> CAUTION: This mail comes from outside the University. Please consider this
> before opening attachments, clicking links, or acting on the content.
> On 7/4/2022 9:03 AM, Michael.Dodd via Qgis-user wrote:
> I am trying to copy points with their attributes from one layer to another
> (actually one geopackage file to another), the select is quick, couple of
> mins, bearing in mind there are 800,000 points but when pasting into the
> new empty geopackage file it is extremely slow. Less than 10% of the points
> need to be pasted but it was taking 40mins before I stopped it and I had no
> idea how much longer it would take. There was a hint that it may have done
> about 30,000 in 40mins.
> Is there another way to do this, I have also tried switching the selection
> and deleting the other 90% but this too is very slow and don’t see the end.
> Have you tried selecting the features, then Export->Save Features, ticking
> Save Only Selected Features?
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> List info:
> Unsubscribe:
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Re: [Qgis-user] trouble adding a basemap from a WMTS source

2022-07-04 Per discussione Patrick Dunford via Qgis-user
If you are getting blank results there is a reasonable prospect of a 
problem with the service provider. This may include geographic 
limitations on the data access. Certainly from where I am, the page that 
is supposed to display the WMTS layers comes up blank, and a connection 
error results from attempting the steps below.

On 5/07/22 12:17, Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user wrote:
My project CRS is EPSG:2263;  all 21 layers were created in this 
project with CRS   EPSG:2263  , which seems appropriate for a public 
park in Brooklyn, NY.  If I use Google Satellite Hybrid as basemap, 
everything looks to be in the right  place.  I would like to replace 
the Google basemap with one of many maps available from the New York 
City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications (DOITT But after many 
tries, all I get is a totally blank layer.

   Here, in detail, is what I  have done:
Qgis-user mailing list
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[Qgis-user] trouble adding a basemap from a WMTS source

2022-07-04 Per discussione Stephen Sacks via Qgis-user
My project CRS is EPSG:2263;  all 21 layers were created in this project 
with CRS   EPSG:2263  , which seems appropriate for a public park in 
Brooklyn, NY.  If I use Google Satellite Hybrid as basemap, everything 
looks to be in the right place.  I would like to replace the Google 
basemap with one of many maps available from the New York City 
Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications (DOITT   But after many 
tries, all I get is a totally blank layer.

   Here, in detail, is what I  have done:

1. right-click on WMS/WMTS in browser and choose New Connection
2. name box:  DOITT Monday
3. URL:
4. leave configuration default:  No Authentication
    leave HTTP and options blank
5. click OK
6. "DOITT Monday" appears as a new item in browser under WMS/WMTS
7.  there are 15 sub-items under  DOITT Monday.  The CRS for each of 
them is EPSG:900913 , although the DOITT web  page led me to expect 
4326  or 3857
8. I drag one of them ("basemap") onto the map canvas; right-click on it 
and set its CRS to EPSG:2263.  The project CRS remains 2263.
9. I see a msg at the top of the canvas:  "Used a ballpark transform 
from EPSG:2263 to EPSG:900913"  , which seems to me to be the opposite 
of what I asked for
10.  the added layer appears totally blank.  Toggling its checkmark in 
the layer panel has no effect.  Zoom-to-layer makes the scale go to a 
nine-digit number.  Zoom to 1:100 has no effect.
11. I tried again, with a new, blank project, with project CRS set to 
EPSG:900913.  I added one layer by dragging "basemap" from "DOITT 
Monday" onto the canvas.  The canvas remained blank.  I added one small 
layer from my real project, transformed it to 900613, and "zoomed  to 
layer" so as to focus on part of my park. My  layer appeared but still 
no visible basemap.

 What am I doing wrong?   Thanks for any advice.

Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [QGIS-it-user] Messaggio di errore su OSGeo4W64 v2 network installer a partire dal rilascio di QGIS 3.26

2022-07-04 Per discussione Totò Fiandaca
Ciao Andrea,
io uso OSGeo4W v2 proprio per evitare che io debba aggiornare manualmente,
credo che gli aggiornamenti dovrebbero essere proposti dall'applicazione
stessa, e se non lo facesse allora c'è altro problema da risolvere.

io aggiorno tutto quello che c'è da aggiornare ogni giorno, ma la dev non
va (e non sono l'unico); non è la prima volta che succede e non sarà
neanche l'ultima,
secondo me c'è ancora qualcosa da sistemare e lo faranno pian piano, io non
ho fretta.

Ma ho deciso di tagliare la testa al toro, reinstallo tutto da zero e
vediamo cosa accade (riscarico nuovamente il piccolo file
osgeo4w-setup.exe) e installo la 3.22, 3.26 e la dev-full
il risultato è il seguente: la 3.22.8 e la 3.26.0 e dev-full FUNZIONANO!!!


Il giorno lun 4 lug 2022 alle ore 14:39 Stefano Campus 
ha scritto:

> io ho aggiornato poco e non ho nessun errore nè in installazione nè in
> esecuzione (Win10).
> s.
> Il giorno lun 4 lug 2022 alle ore 14:33 Andrea Giudiceandrea <
>> ha scritto:
>> Il 04/07/2022 11:52, Totò Fiandaca ha scritto:
>> Ciao Andrea,
>> no, non sono riuscito a risolvere il problema della dev anche
>> disintallando gdal-dev305-runtime.
>> Se hai aggiornato tutti i pacchetti in OSGeo4W all'ultima versione
>> disponibile (essendo stati aggiornati vari pacchetti proprio per risolvere
>> alcune delle problematiche che si sono verificate recentemente), allora
>> l'unico modo per capire effettivamente qual è il problema nella tua
>> installazione è quello di creare un log delle librerie caricate da QGIS
>> come indicato nel bug report.
>> Finora sembrerebbe che tutti i recenti problemi per i quali è stato
>> fornito tale log o per i quali è stato fornito il testo dell'errore
>> presente nel Visualizzatore di Eventi di Windows, sono stati risolti.
>> A presto.
>> Andrea
>> ___
>> QGIS-it-user mailing list
> ___
> QGIS-it-user mailing list

*Ing. Salvatore Fiandaca*
*mobile*.:+39 327.493.8955
*m*: * *
*C.F*.: FNDSVT71E29Z103G
*P.IVA*: 06597870820
*membro QGIS Italia - *
*socio - *
*  FB: Co-admin
- **
*TW:  **

43°51'0.54"N  10°34'27.62"E - EPSG:4326

“Se la conoscenza deve essere aperta a tutti,
perchè mai limitarne l’accesso?”
R. Stallman

Questo documento, allegati inclusi, contiene informazioni di proprietà di
FIANDACA SALVATORE e deve essere utilizzato esclusivamente dal destinatario
in relazione alle finalità per le quali è stato ricevuto. E' vietata
qualsiasi forma di riproduzione o divulgazione senza l'esplicito consenso
di FIANDACA SALVATORE. Qualora fosse stato ricevuto per errore si prega di
informare tempestivamente il mittente e distruggere la copia in proprio
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Raster map generation problem

2022-07-04 Per discussione Andrea Giudiceandrea via Qgis-user
*Juan Rafael Suárez*juanrsuarez267 at 

/Mon Jul 4 09:23:27 PDT 2022/

I got this error description:

does not exist in the file system, and is not recognized as a supported
dataset name.

Hi Juan Rafael,
as said in the error message, such kind of data source is not supported 
by the GDAL Rasterize algorithm (and by any other GDAL algorithm). See

So you need to convert the layer in a supported one. You can do it in 
various way: for example you can just right click on the layer, then 
Export->Save Features As, and then use the new  layer as input for the 
GDAL Rasterize algorithm.

Best regards.

Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] copy and paste very slow in qgis

2022-07-04 Per discussione Michael.Dodd via Qgis-user
Thanks that “Export->Save Features, ticking Save Only Selected Features” worked 
fine, took just a few seconds.

Have not tried the other suggestion from someone else about the spatial index 
but the file I was pasting into was empty so I am not sure it had a spatial 
index to start with.

From: David Strip 
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2022 5:15 PM
To: Michael.Dodd ; '' 

Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] copy and paste very slow in qgis

CAUTION: This mail comes from outside the University. Please consider this 
before opening attachments, clicking links, or acting on the content.
On 7/4/2022 9:03 AM, Michael.Dodd via Qgis-user wrote:
I am trying to copy points with their attributes from one layer to another 
(actually one geopackage file to another), the select is quick, couple of mins, 
bearing in mind there are 800,000 points but when pasting into the new empty 
geopackage file it is extremely slow. Less than 10% of the points need to be 
pasted but it was taking 40mins before I stopped it and I had no idea how much 
longer it would take. There was a hint that it may have done about 30,000 in 
Is there another way to do this, I have also tried switching the selection and 
deleting the other 90% but this too is very slow and don’t see the end.
Have you tried selecting the features, then Export->Save Features, ticking Save 
Only Selected Features?
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] Raster map generation problem

2022-07-04 Per discussione Juan Rafael Suárez via Qgis-user
Thanks Andrea for your kind explanation, now I understand this point.
However I made the corrections, and I dont get´the raster conversion yet.

I got this error description:

QGIS version: 3.16.16-Hannover

QGIS code revision: f5778a89

Qt version: 5.15.2

GDAL version: 3.4.1

GEOS version: 3.10.0-CAPI-1.16.0

PROJ version: Rel. 8.2.1, January 1st, 2022

Processing algorithm…

Algorithm 'Rasterize (vector to raster)' starting…

Input parameters:

{ 'BURN' : None, 'DATA_TYPE' : 5, 'EXTENT' :
'-74.804116000,-74.792987000,6.568172000,6.604061000 [EPSG:4326]', 'EXTRA'
: '', 'FIELD' : 'SiO2', 'HEIGHT' : 800, 'INIT' : None, 'INPUT' :
'INVERT' : False, 'NODATA' : 0, 'OPTIONS' : '', 'OUTPUT' :

GDAL command:

gdal_rasterize -l None -a SiO2 -ts 200.0 800.0 -a_nodata 0.0 -te -74.804116
6.568172 -74.792987 6.604061 -ot Float32 -of GTiff

GDAL command output:

does not exist in the file system, and is not recognized as a supported
dataset name.

Execution completed in 0.73 seconds



I guess I have some problems with my file, but I am not sure, what could
they be.

Best regards.
Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] copy and paste very slow in qgis

2022-07-04 Per discussione David Strip via Qgis-user

On 7/4/2022 9:03 AM, Michael.Dodd via
  Qgis-user wrote:

  I am trying to copy points with their
attributes from one layer to another (actually one geopackage
file to another), the select is quick, couple of mins, bearing
in mind there are 800,000 points but when pasting into the new
empty geopackage file it is extremely slow. Less than 10% of the
points need to be pasted but it was taking 40mins before I
stopped it and I had no idea how much longer it would take.
There was a hint that it may have done about 30,000 in 40mins.
  Is there another way to do this, I have also
tried switching the selection and deleting the other 90% but
this too is very slow and don’t see the end.

Have you tried selecting the features, then Export->Save
Features, ticking Save Only Selected Features?

Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] copy and paste very slow in qgis

2022-07-04 Per discussione Michael.Dodd via Qgis-user
I am trying to copy points with their attributes from one layer to another 
(actually one geopackage file to another), the select is quick, couple of mins, 
bearing in mind there are 800,000 points but when pasting into the new empty 
geopackage file it is extremely slow. Less than 10% of the points need to be 
pasted but it was taking 40mins before I stopped it and I had no idea how much 
longer it would take. There was a hint that it may have done about 30,000 in 
Is there another way to do this, I have also tried switching the selection and 
deleting the other 90% but this too is very slow and don’t see the end.

Dr Michael Dodd (iSpot Curator)

Faculty of Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),
The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
+44 (0) 1908 652501 | |

Research groups:
Citizen Science and AI:
Environment, Earth & Ecosystem Sciences:
Floodplain meadows partnership

Selected examples of public engagement / citizen science  / teaching activity / 
Article: iSpot’s 12 years old! Find out what we are doing to celebrate here:
Free Course: Citizen Science and Global Biodiversity:

Project Websites:
iSpot - your place to share nature:
Treezilla – the Monster Map of trees:

Cos4Cloud – Co-designed Citizen Observatories Services for the European Open 
Science Cloud):
DECIDE – Delivering Enhanced Biodiversity Information with Adaptive Citizen 
Science and Intelligent Digital Engagements:
X:Pollination – cross pollinating ideas, methods and technologies for 
pollinator citizen science:

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Re: [QGIS-it-user] Messaggio di errore su OSGeo4W64 v2 network installer a partire dal rilascio di QGIS 3.26

2022-07-04 Per discussione Stefano Campus
io ho aggiornato poco e non ho nessun errore nè in installazione nè in
esecuzione (Win10).


Il giorno lun 4 lug 2022 alle ore 14:33 Andrea Giudiceandrea <> ha scritto:

> Il 04/07/2022 11:52, Totò Fiandaca ha scritto:
> Ciao Andrea,
> no, non sono riuscito a risolvere il problema della dev anche
> disintallando gdal-dev305-runtime.
> Se hai aggiornato tutti i pacchetti in OSGeo4W all'ultima versione
> disponibile (essendo stati aggiornati vari pacchetti proprio per risolvere
> alcune delle problematiche che si sono verificate recentemente), allora
> l'unico modo per capire effettivamente qual è il problema nella tua
> installazione è quello di creare un log delle librerie caricate da QGIS
> come indicato nel bug report.
> Finora sembrerebbe che tutti i recenti problemi per i quali è stato
> fornito tale log o per i quali è stato fornito il testo dell'errore
> presente nel Visualizzatore di Eventi di Windows, sono stati risolti.
> A presto.
> Andrea
> ___
> QGIS-it-user mailing list
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Messaggio di errore su OSGeo4W64 v2 network installer a partire dal rilascio di QGIS 3.26

2022-07-04 Per discussione Totò Fiandaca
Ciao Andrea,
no, non sono riuscito a risolvere il problema della dev anche
disintallando gdal-dev305-runtime.

Appena posso provo a eliminare la cartella OSGeo4W e rifare tutto da zero.



Il giorno lun 4 lug 2022 alle ore 07:17 Andrea Giudiceandrea <> ha scritto:

> Ciao Salvatore,
> sei riuscito alla fine a risolvere anche il problema di qgis-dev?
> A presto.
> Andrea

*Ing. Salvatore Fiandaca*
*mobile*.:+39 327.493.8955
*m*: * *
*C.F*.: FNDSVT71E29Z103G
*P.IVA*: 06597870820
*membro QGIS Italia - *
*socio - *
*  FB: Co-admin
- **
*TW:  **

43°51'0.54"N  10°34'27.62"E - EPSG:4326

“Se la conoscenza deve essere aperta a tutti,
perchè mai limitarne l’accesso?”
R. Stallman

Questo documento, allegati inclusi, contiene informazioni di proprietà di
FIANDACA SALVATORE e deve essere utilizzato esclusivamente dal destinatario
in relazione alle finalità per le quali è stato ricevuto. E' vietata
qualsiasi forma di riproduzione o divulgazione senza l'esplicito consenso
di FIANDACA SALVATORE. Qualora fosse stato ricevuto per errore si prega di
informare tempestivamente il mittente e distruggere la copia in proprio
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Online Course Now Open for Registration - An Introduction To Using GIS/QGIS In Biological Research, 8th - 11th August 2022

2022-07-04 Per discussione Saber Razmjooei via Qgis-user
Hi Colin

Just to make sure I read correctly...are you asking the attendees to
install QGIS 2.8.x from 7 years ago?

Kind regards

On Mon, 4 Jul 2022 at 11:03, Colin D. MacLeod via Qgis-user <> wrote:

> *GIS In Ecology* will be holding a new online training course on using
> GIS in biological research between the 8th and 11th of August 2022. It will
> be held using the Zoom video-conferencing platform, and will consist of
> four three-hour sessions. One session will need to be completed each day.
> However, you will have a choice of completing it between 10:00 and 13:00 UK
> Time (primarily for those living in Europe, Asia and Africa) or 19:00 to
> 22:00 UK Time (primarily for those living in North and South America). This
> choice of time slots for each session allows participants from as wide a
> range of time zones to participate in the course.
> Attendance will be limited to a maximum of 24 people per session. The fees
> for this course are GBP 295 per person (with a discounted rate of GBP 245
> for students, the unwaged and those working for registered charities). To
> book a place on it, or for more information, visit  the course's dedicated
> webpage at
> Alternatively, you can email with the subject line 
> *Introductory
> Online GIS Course August 2022*.
> This course will be taught by Dr Colin D. MacLeod, the author of * GIS
> For Biologists: A Practical Introduction For Undergraduates*
> (Pictish Beast Publications), and will provide an introduction to using GIS
> in a wide variety of biological research situations ranging from the basics
> of making maps through to studying the spread of diseases and creating maps
> of species biodiversity. It will consist of a series of background sessions
> on using GIS mixed in with practical sessions where you will work directly
> with GIS software to complete various tasks which biological researchers
> commonly need to be able to do.
> Each three-hour session will consist of a background talk covering a
> specific topic, followed by practical exercises based on instructions from
> one of our workbooks. While you are encouraged to remain online during the
> practical sessions, you can choose to go off-line as you work though the
> exercises (or if you need to take a break). However, if you have any
> questions, the course instructor will be available for you to ask any
> questions you wish at any point.
> This course will primarily be based around QGIS (also known as Quantum
> GIS), which provides a user-friendly, open-source, free alternative to
> commercial GIS software packages, and it is becoming increasingly widely
> used in both academic and commercial organisations As a result, it is aimed
> at both those with no GIS experience, but wish to learn how to to do GIS
> with QGIS, and also those who are familiar with using commercial GIS
> software, such as ArcGIS, but who wish to learn how to use QGIS as an
> alternative. However, this course is taught using software-independent
> approach, and it is also open to those who wish to learn how to use ArcGIS
> to do biological GIS.
> When you attend this course you will receive a free copy of *GIS For
> Biologists: A Practical Introduction for Undergraduates
> *as
> the practical exercises in that course are based on the ones contained in
> that book.
> At the end of the course, all attendees will receive a certificate of
> attendance and completion. Each certificate is embossed with the GIS In
> Ecology official stamp to prevent its fraudulent reproduction. In addition,
> each certificate has its own unique identification number that we will
> record, along with your name, meaning that we can verify the authenticity
> of the certificates we issue (and the course you have completed) on request.
> To attend this course, you must have your own laptop computer with an
> appropriate GIS software package installed on it. Our recommended GIS
> software for this course is the freely available QGIS software. For those
> wishing to use QGIS, you will need to download and install QGIS 2.8.3 (for
> those using Windows computers) or 2.8.4 (for those using Macs) rather than
> the latest version. The best way to download the correct version of QGIS
> for this course is to use the links on our GIS For Biologists webpage,
> which can be found here . If
> you would prefer to use ESRI's ArcGIS software instead of GIS, this can be
> accommodated, but please let us know at the time of booking that this is
> the option you would like to use.---
> ==
> GIS 

[Qgis-user] Online Course Now Open for Registration - An Introduction To Using GIS/QGIS In Biological Research, 8th - 11th August 2022

2022-07-04 Per discussione Colin D. MacLeod via Qgis-user
_GIS In Ecology_ will be holding a new online training course on using 
GIS in biological research between the 8th and 11th of August 2022. It 
will be held using the Zoom video-conferencing platform, and will 
consist of four three-hour sessions. One session will need to be 
completed each day. However, you will have a choice of completing it 
between 10:00 and 13:00 UK Time (primarily for those living in Europe, 
Asia and Africa) or 19:00 to 22:00 UK Time (primarily for those living 
in North and South America). This choice of time slots for each session 
allows participants from as wide a range of time zones to participate in 
the course.

Attendance will be limited to a maximum of 24 people per session. The 
fees for this course are GBP 295 per person (with a discounted rate of 
GBP 245 for students, the unwaged and those working for registered 
charities). To book a place on it, or for more information, visit  the 
course's dedicated webpage at, 
 Alternatively, you can email with the subject 
line _Introductory Online GIS Course August 2022_.

This course will be taught by Dr Colin D. MacLeod, the author of _ GIS 
For Biologists: A Practical Introduction For Undergraduates_ [1] 
(Pictish Beast Publications), and will provide an introduction to using 
GIS in a wide variety of biological research situations ranging from the 
basics of making maps through to studying the spread of diseases and 
creating maps of species biodiversity. It will consist of a series of 
background sessions on using GIS mixed in with practical sessions where 
you will work directly with GIS software to complete various tasks which 
biological researchers commonly need to be able to do.

Each three-hour session will consist of a background talk covering a 
specific topic, followed by practical exercises based on instructions 
from one of our workbooks. While you are encouraged to remain online 
during the practical sessions, you can choose to go off-line as you work 
though the exercises (or if you need to take a break). However, if you 
have any questions, the course instructor will be available for you to 
ask any questions you wish at any point.

This course will primarily be based around QGIS (also known as Quantum 
GIS), which provides a user-friendly, open-source, free alternative to 
commercial GIS software packages, and it is becoming increasingly widely 
used in both academic and commercial organisations As a result, it is 
aimed at both those with no GIS experience, but wish to learn how to to 
do GIS with QGIS, and also those who are familiar with using commercial 
GIS software, such as ArcGIS, but who wish to learn how to use QGIS as 
an alternative. However, this course is taught using 
software-independent approach, and it is also open to those who wish to 
learn how to use ArcGIS to do biological GIS.

When you attend this course you will receive a free copy of _GIS For 
Biologists: A Practical Introduction for Undergraduates [1]_as the 
practical exercises in that course are based on the ones contained in 
that book.

At the end of the course, all attendees will receive a certificate of 
attendance and completion. Each certificate is embossed with the GIS In 
Ecology official stamp to prevent its fraudulent reproduction. In 
addition, each certificate has its own unique identification number that 
we will record, along with your name, meaning that we can verify the 
authenticity of the certificates we issue (and the course you have 
completed) on request.

To attend this course, you must have your own laptop computer with an 
appropriate GIS software package installed on it. Our recommended GIS 
software for this course is the freely available QGIS software. For 
those wishing to use QGIS, you will need to download and install QGIS 
2.8.3 (for those using Windows computers) or 2.8.4 (for those using 
Macs) rather than the latest version. The best way to download the 
correct version of QGIS for this course is to use the links on our GIS 
For Biologists webpage, which can be found here [2]. If you would prefer 
to use ESRI's ArcGIS software instead of GIS, this can be accommodated, 
but please let us know at the time of booking that this is the option 
you would like to use.---

GIS IN ECOLOGY - Providing Training, Advice And Consultancy On The Use 
Of GIS In Ecology

Web: [3] Email:

Need to ask a question about using GIS? Try the GIS In Ecology Forum: [4]

Books From GIS In Ecology Staff:

GIS For Biologists: A Practical Introduction For Undergraduates; RRP: 
An Introduction To Integrating QGIS And R For Spatial Analysis; RRP: 
An Introduction To Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) Using QGIS And 

Re: [Qgis-user] Udate QGIS 3.26.0

2022-07-04 Per discussione Andrea Giudiceandrea via Qgis-user

Hi Leonardo,
have you updated all the installed OSGeo4W packages to the latest 
versions using the OSGeo4W Setup?
Some issues that could lead to the "Could not load qgis_App.dll" error 
in particular systems have been recently fixed in the latest version of 
some packages.

Otherwise, in this cases checking what's wrong with the DLLs is needed 
as described in and

Best regards.

Andrea Giudiceandrea

Il 04/07/2022 09:31, Leonardo Donnini ha scritto:

Hi  Andrea,
after manually installed the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 
Package (Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019 e 2022) the error message 
loading QGIS was changed in :

/Could not load qgis_App.dll /
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [QGIS-it-user] [Qgis-user] Udate QGIS 3.26.0

2022-07-04 Per discussione Leonardo Donnini

Hi  Andrea,
after manually installed the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 
Package (Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019 e 2022) the error message 
loading QGIS was changed in :

/Could not load qgis_App.dll
Windows error: runtime di inizializzazione della libreria di 
collegamento dinamico (DLL) non riuscita./

/Chek C:\OSGeo4W\bin\qgis-bin.env for correct enviroment path/

are there others suggestion ?



Il 30/06/2022 11:39, Andrea Giudiceandrea ha scritto:
*Leonardo Donnini*ldonnini at 

/Wed Jun 29 04:15:41 PDT 2022/

update to 3.26.0 failed :
VCRUNTIME140_1.dll not found

Hi Leonardo,
I've never seen such issue and it seems to me it was never previously 
reported in nor in

This issue is specific to the OSGeo4W installation, so it would be 
very useful if you could create a new detailed ticket in

The VCRUNTIME140_1.dll is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ 
Redistributable Package and usually it is installed by the OSGeo4W 
installer if missing (the "msvcrt2019" package).

As a workaround I think you can try to manually install the Microsoft 
Visual C++ Redistributable Package (Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019 e 
2022) from 
(I think both x86 and x64 are needed).

Best regards.


QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Scrolling using the mouse wheel in a layout >-- CRASH

2022-07-04 Per discussione Richard Duivenvoorde via Qgis-user

On 7/4/22 01:32, Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ) via Qgis-user wrote:


Is anybody else having issues when using a mouse scroll wheel for zooming in a 
layout window that QGIS continually crashes?  This has only started happening 
since upgrading to 3.26

Hi Tony,

Can you please first confirm that this also happens when you start a new 
profile without ANY plugin in it?

Because experience tells us that this most of the time is a rogue plugin... 
(which 'listens' to events, doing something and maybe the scrollwheel is too 
much for it)...

Thanks & Regards,

Richard Duivenvoorde
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