Re: [Qgis-user] Shifting a Geotiff image

2023-08-12 Per discussione Martin Weis via QGIS-User

Dear Perth,

On 11/08/2023 09:14, Grant Boxer via QGIS-User wrote:

I have a GeoTIFF image created using Web ODM and is mis-aligned by 1 to 1.5
m and I would like to move the image to register with the surveyed ground
control points. I can see vector tools to do this, but no raster tools.
Anyone have any suggestions.

If it just a bit off, then the plugin "Freehand raster georeferencer"
can be quick to shift it, otherwise use georeferencer from core (Layer -
georeferencer), which is especially more flexible and the right tool if
you have GCPs that you can use.
Be careful, sometimes crashes can occur with certain transformation
types, so better save beforehand (autoSaver and MemoryLayerSaver are
your friends).

Image created in WGS84 z51S.

Sound like UTM (good, metric CRS), though WGS84 might be geographic CRS
(worse, pixel size undefined/different in x,y).


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Re: [Qgis-user] Non-standard map layout ("projection")

2023-04-23 Per discussione Martin Weis via QGIS-User

Hello Lester,

On 19/04/2023 08:49, Lester Anderson via QGIS-User wrote:> A quick
question. Is it possible to project or convert vector data into:> (1)
Dymaxion (Fuller Projection)> (2) Watermans Butterfly Projection> (3)
Peirce Quincuncial Projection
Hormann held a (german) talk and implemented (3) a while ago:

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Re: [Qgis-user] A few question

2020-07-03 Per discussione Martin Weis
On 02.07.20 19:22, blubee blubeeme wrote:
> I have some aerial images;

Are they georeferenced already?

> Warning 4: Failed to open /usr/share/qgis/resources/data/world_map.gpkg:
> Permission denied
> then one of the below messages for each picture that's being imported.
> proj_concatoperation_get_step_count: Object is not a ConcatenatedOperation

No issues, no need to act.

> Is this just an issue with the images or something wrong my steps to create
> orthomosaic from a series of photos.

If these are raw photos you need a bundle adjustment/SfM step to
generate an orthophoto. This cannot be done 'directly' with gdal.
There are some commercial systems and clouds, or you try ODM (Open Drone
You may also need ground control points etc.

The resulting (georeferenced) orthophoto can be handled in QGIS.

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Re: [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone

2020-05-25 Per discussione Martin Weis
Dear list,

I would like to add some things here, since I am trying to use RTK GPS
in the field with mobile devices.

> 1) Accuracy of GPS Devices

RTK GPS or any more precice GPS technology will be external, you cannot
get around the missing measurements and lack of algorithms in consumer
grade chips.

Then it depends on the capabilities of the device to receive satellites
of all systems (one or multiple frequencies/signals) and be able to
apply correction data (a question of algorithms). For better equipment
the prices rise quickly.

There are some low cost devices evolving, a new chip was recently
announced: Skytraq PX1122R for about $100. Could be tested with a break
out board and antenna, e.g. see board at navspark shop. The module even
supports PPP, which might be especially interesting where mobile network
is not available.

Other low cost solution were mentioned (emlid/REACH, Catalyst, etc).

Am 23.05.20 um 21:51 schrieb Michael.Dodd:
> One app that claims to do a lot of what high precions gps does is> Mobile 
> Topographer Free – Apps on Google Play

> 2) Software

On Android I was able to get the external signal into the system, you
need the app "Bluetoth GPS" (or similar) or a USB2serial + app (better
avoid tiny plugs and large cables during field work). Additionally you
need to override the internal GPS position with the Blue GPS App in the
developer settings (mock provider).

My impression was, that most Android applications target the accuracy of
the device only, so e.g.

* you cannot zoom to cm-levels, only ~100m
* not many proper GIS Apps are available, most are expensive
* Tracking usually does not rely on cm-grade positions, so the apps are
not made for it

One particular thing is, that with high accuracy of the signal, an
internal computation in single precision float will not suffice (all
computations must be in double precision), and you may end up with a cut
off of the last position digits, e.g. if you have 8 digits, 4 before and
4 after the decimal separator (e.g. in DDMM. format), then you end
up with coordinates cut down to 2-3 decimeters in the real world
(typical GPS mouse output, not so uncommon).

So, looking into that aspect may be required, and only few Apps may
implement that (e.g. expensive "surveyor" apps for professionals? did
not test).
BTW, sponsoring the double accuracy implementation for QField is
welcome, as mentioned ot the webpage. It is already a very usable and
FLOSS GIS solution for the field, especially useful if you have a QGIS
workflow already ;)

Finding proper solutions and recommendations still required...

> *From:* Qgis-user  on behalf of
> *Sent:* 23 May 2020 20:35
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* Re: [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from
> a cell phone
> Hi Steve,
> I think there are two different aspects to your question:
> 1) Accuracy of GPS Devices
> I agree with others that you can't expect a better accuracy than the 10
> to 30 feet you observed with a smartphone or a simple handheld GPS. This
> might improve by averaging, but this takes time. Survey grade GPS
> devices are very expensive. It is possible to get good modules and
> antennas as components, but building a complete GNSS system requires
> time and skill. This would reduce cost, but only to several hundred
> instead of several thousand dollars, so this is no option in your case.
> Besides, you will still need a correction data service (usually costly)
> or use two receivers (rover and base).
> So you probably have to stick with your phone, which is more flexible
> regarding the software than a handheld GPS.
> 2) Software
> The accuracy of the recorded position should not depend on where you tap
> the screen - a good app should allow to record the current GPS position.
> I am using Locus Map (Asamm Software) for a while now, it works quite
> well, although it does not allow position averaging. There is a free
> version, you could try that first.
> Regards,
> Jochen
> Am 22.05.20 um 20:54 schrieb Stephen Sacks:
>> In order to make widely available some wise advice, I'm sending to
>> this list a message I received from Neil B.  In addition to Neil's
>> message below, I want to mention that Nicolas Cadieux also provided
>> similar information, saying I'd have to pay around $1,000 for
>> equipment that gives consistently accurate location coordinates.  And
>> thanks, also to Falk Huettmann and Bernd Vogelgesang for their replies. 
>> Message from Neil B:
>> Hello Stephen.
>> Glad that you're having success. I would like to start off by saying
>> that it is best to always reply to the mailing list and not directly
>> to the person who submitted the email. Mailing lists work really well
>> in that there is a pool of people out there 

Re: [Qgis-user] About plant count

2019-09-04 Per discussione Martin Weis

Am 02.09.19 um 02:56 schrieb carlos h:
> Hello, thank you very much, of course, I have examples, they are images of
> Drones in RGB.
> I will attach some images (not the orthomosaic since they are very heavy)
> in banana, palm oil and pineapple:

If you have RGB images, you could use EGI=2*G-B-R and a threshold to
segment plants (if they dont overlap in the image), then count it.

But since the plants in your images overlap and other areas are green,
too, this might be difficult (you need to find something to segment
trees based on other features, e.g. to segment the "star"
structure/centers of the trees).

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Re: [Qgis-user] [ubuntu] Error when starting QGIS

2018-11-22 Per discussione Martin Weis
Am 22.11.18 um 09:47 schrieb psantana:
> I installed via apt-get the latest version of QGIS following this
> documentation:
> qgis=1:3.4.1+28bionic
> ubuntu version: 18.04
> When starting to start the app I get this exception:
> $ qgis
> /usr/bin/qgis.bin: relocation error:
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol
> _ZTI20QOpenGLShaderProgram version Qt_5 not defined in file
> with link time referenc>
> I have installed these packages: qgis python-qgis qgis-plugin-grass
> Do you guys know where is the problem?

Not exactly, but did you add the ubuntu-gis non-ltr ppa?

Below is my qgis.list with all entries to quickly change between LTR and
3.4 versions by switching
deb xenial main
deb xenial main

You need also to change xenial to bionic everywhere.

After changing the following should remove the deps properly and
reinstall the new version:

apt update
apt remove qgis-common python-qgis qgis-providers-common
python-qgis-common qgis-provid
apt autoremove
apt install qgis python-qgis qgis-provider-grass qgis-providers

more /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qgis.list

# ubuntugis unstable
deb xenial main
xenial main

# Nightly build for Debian and Ubuntu [5]
# deb xenial main
# Nächtliche Paket mit UbuntuGIS Abhängigkeiten
# deb xenial main

# Long Term Release Repository  2.18.x Las Palmas LTR
# Freigabe für Debian und Ubuntu
# Release with ubuntugis-unstable dependencies
# deb xenial main
# Nächtliches Paket des zukünftigen Pointreleases für Debian und Ubuntu
# Nightly build of upcoming point release with ubuntugis-unstable

# Latest Release3.2.x Bonn
# Freigabe für Debian und Ubuntu
# deb
# Release with ubuntugis-unstable dependencies
deb xenial main
# Nächtliches Paket des zukünftigen Pointreleases für Debian und Ubuntu
# Nightly build of upcoming point release with ubuntugis-unstable
# deb xenial main
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Re: [Qgis-user] Measurement tool

2018-11-02 Per discussione Martin Weis
Am 02.11.18 um 13:36 schrieb Josh Hull:
> inaccurate measurement when I am measuring both area and straight line 

> and its using WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator. I primarily use the software for 
> maps in north central United States.

Pseudo-mercator might be your issue here, it might have large
distortions, since your region is far away from equator.
Consider using UTM for metric units and measurements.

And have a look for the CRS of your project,according to:
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS Project

2018-04-14 Per discussione Martin Weis
Hello Marco!

Am 12.04.2018 um 08:31 schrieb Marco Dinges:
> What my question is now about, is that I want to receive position
> data (coordinates) from another program (not a GPS) on the raspberry
> and track that position on my map. Even better with a visualization
> on my desktop. Another thing I want to do is something like a
> navigation system, where I can give coordinates to the map and get a
> live navigation back from it.
> Is something like pushing your own Position data on the map while
> being online generally possible?
> How should I start working on it and where might I find more
> Information about that?

Sounds like you should look into a gpsd, which usually provides
(network) APIs for GPS data, but you should be able to push your own
data through it (maybe only geographical coordinates), included tools
like gpsfake come to my mind for a quick start.

Then you can use the standard GPS input in QGIS (or one of the many
other tools able to listen to gpsd).

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Re: [Qgis-user] Help in Field Calculator

2018-04-05 Per discussione Martin Weis

Am 04.04.2018 um 14:27 schrieb Daniel Alejandro Montecinos Rubilar:
> What I try to do is then updated columns in a data layer with
> another layer. For example , I have two layers A = Poligono , B =
> Points . The layer B contains real values. Then would do two things.
> 1. Count how many points of the layers B are within the layer A. 2.
> From the points of the layer B that are within the polygon layer A, I
> need the sum of their values ​​and paste this sum in a column of
> created layer

"Count points in polygon" (Vector->analysis tools) and "Join attributes
by location" (Processing toolbox->vector general tools) are the
operations you seem to be looking for.

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Re: [Qgis-user] Can't install / use NTv2 grid file.

2018-03-26 Per discussione Martin Weis

Am 26.03.2018 um 12:09 schrieb Jürgen E. Fischer:
> On Sat, 24. Mar 2018 at 15:20:01 -0700, tomi_w wrote:
>> (,
>> which I have extracted and copied to /usr/share/proj/oberfranken.gsb.
> The GSBs are not automatically picked up.  You'll have to add a row (similar 
> to
> the ones with BETA2007.gsb) to the tbl_datum_transform table in
> resources/srs.db or simply rename your grid to BETA2007.gsb.

Hm, often you need both transformations,  since BETA is for whole
Germany, the others locally (often per federal state).

I checked in visualisations of differences for the new BWTA2017 of
Baden-Württemberg here:

I sent the following accidentially via PM, just some additional pointers

See (in German)
for details, you need to add it to qgis' sqlite database of

More related stuff:

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Re: [Qgis-user] Why does this message keeps occuring in QGIS? GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry.

2018-01-17 Per discussione Martin Weis
Am 16.01.2018 um 21:05 schrieb David Shi:
> It is not merge.  I am trying to intersect two vector ShapeFiles.
> Each contains a collection of polygons.  Each collection of polygons
> cover the same geography, but has different boundaries. Can I do
> that?

Sounds like a classic intersect, did you try that already?
You get the combination of the two layers, if you have overlapping
polygons with different geometries, then all boundaries are kept and the
new polygons are bound by them (likely to be more than in each layer due
to combinations).
Attributes of both layers are appended.

If you get errors due to invalid geometries, well, then correct that

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Re: [Qgis-user] Areal Interpolation in QGIS

2018-01-16 Per discussione Martin Weis

Am 16.01.2018 um 12:53 schrieb David Shi:
> Is there any Areal Interpolation code in QGIS?

Yes, but it depends on what you have. Activate interpolation plugin and
use it. If you have points and want areas from them, try voronoi, if you
have two layers you want to combine, there are interpolation or
attribute related functions.

You see, you need to be more specific or look if the above tool already

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Re: [Qgis-user] txt to shp

2010-09-06 Per discussione Martin Weis
Hello John,

Am 04.09.2010 20:58, schrieb john:
 Hello Gerardo, After seeing how long it takes to load and view a
 large file in qgis 1.5.0  I see the advantage of using smaller excel
 files of one or two degrees lon and lat. Do you know of a quick and
 easy way to join points with attributes of similar values of a txt
 file into polygons?

I do not exactly know what you want:
You simply cannot store polygons in a table. One thing you could think
about: use WKT for the polygon geometry.
Even if you have a bunch of point coordinates with the same attribute
(identifying the polygon) in the table, the order of them would be
important, and each polygon has to start and end within the same point.

Or do you have *corresponding* points for polygons (one point within
polygon)? Intersection/join attributes by location are your friends.

If you want to join a plain table based on corresponding attributes, you
can use join attributes (works only with a layer or dbf so far - you
could create it from your data).

 Is it easier to do it as a cvs text file in excel
 or once loaded into qgis. Any suggestions will of course be much
 appreciated. thanks, J.R.


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