[Qgis-user] Nagging error when clipping with mask

2017-04-08 Thread Luciano La Sala

Dear friends,

I am using QGIS 2.18.4 Las Palmas on Windows 10 (32 bits).
I need to clip raster (TIF) 1 km resolution imagery files downloaded 
from MODIS (http://worldgrids.org/doku.php/wiki:layers#modis_products) 
using a shapefile mask of Argentina. To achieve my goal, I tried to use 
the Clipper tool in the GDAL plugin. After doing Raster >> Extraction >> 
Clipper >> Clipping mode: mask layer, I get the following error message:

"Output driver `AAIGrid' not recognised or does not support
direct output file creation. The following format drivers are configured
and support direct output: ... " followed by a list of 45 supported 

After a thorough online search of related problems and potential 
solutions, I think I have exhausted all possibilities. No matter what I 
do, I keep getting this anoying message. Could someone point me in the 
right direction please?

Thank you so much.


Dr. Luciano F. La Sala
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia
Universidad Nacional del Sur
San Juan 670
Bahía Blanca (8000)

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[Qgis-user] Correct data source encoding for labels

2016-08-24 Thread Luciano La Sala

Hello QGIS users,

I am using QGIS 2.14.0 Essen. I have a shapefile for which I need to 
display labels. All seems ok except that accents are displayed as a 
question a mark inside a diamond. I understand this is a data source 
encoding issue. Is there a practical way to solve it?

Thank you.

Dr. Luciano F. La Sala
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia
Universidad Nacional del Sur
San Juan 670
Bahía Blanca (8000)

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[Qgis-user] Too many points to cope with one simple operation?

2016-08-22 Thread Luciano La Sala

Dear QGIS users,

I am using QGIS Essen (2.14.0) on Windows 10. I have two shapefiles, one 
representing Argentina (single polygon) and the other one containing 
97,921 points. I need to identify all the points that somehow fall 
outside the coutry limits and save them as a new shapefile to correct 
their coordinates. In doing so, I used the Spatial Query tool in the 
Vector option of the menue. There, under the "Select source features 
from" menue I select my points file, for the "Where the feature" 
drop-down option I select "Within", and for the "Reference features of" 
option, I pick my polygon file. I choose "Create new selection" and hit 
"Apply", but nothing happens. The operation process box shows 
"Processing 2/2 - 0%" and stays like that forever until I must close the 

Is this because of the large amount of points that I am having QGIS 
handle at once? Potential solutions will be much appreciated!!!

Dr. Luciano F. La Sala
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia
Universidad Nacional del Sur
San Juan 670
Bahía Blanca (8000)

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Re: [Qgis-user] Why does clipping a raster alters cell size? (Luciano La Sala)

2015-05-20 Thread Luciano La Sala
Thank you very much Nicolas for your response. I have no idea how to use 
use the -tr xres yres switch in gdalwarp.
However, I solved the problem using GDAL's algorithm "Clip raster by 
mask layer" and by seting the option "Keep resolution of output raster" 
to "Yes". That produced a .tif file with equal pixel size (200, -200).

Following, I convert this GeoTIFF to .ASC format using: "Raster > 
Conversion > Translate (Convert format)" and the setting the Output file 
to [GDAL] Arc/Info ASCII Grid (*.asc *.ASC).

The result is three files: the auxiliary file .aux, the coordinate 
system file .prj, and one more filename of File type FILE that can be 
opened with Notepad. Disappointingly, no .asc file was created. What am 
I doing wrong? I need .asc files of my environmental variables to be 
later processed using other software.


El 5/20/2015 a las 6:02 AM, qgis-user-requ...@lists.osgeo.org escribió:

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
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Today's Topics:

1. Re: Error installing QGIS 2.8.2-1 on Mac (Jacopo Tonetti)
2. Draw square or line and see meters (elmalle)
3. Re: Error installing QGIS 2.8.2-1 on Mac (Jes?s)
4. Re: Error installing QGIS 2.8.2-1 on Mac (William Kyngesburye)
5. Why does clipping a raster alters cell size? (Luciano La Sala)
6. Re: Why does clipping a raster alters cell size? (Nicolas Cadieux)
7. How I create web gis through Qgis (Debajyoti Ghosh)
8. Re: new issue with raster calculator (Bernd Vogelgesang)
9. Re: How I create web gis through Qgis (McDonaldR)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 22:23:33 +0200
From: Jacopo Tonetti 
To: Jes?s 
Cc: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Error installing QGIS 2.8.2-1 on Mac

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi, seems that you have an older version of PROJ library. Did you download
the package or install via homebrew? I recommend the latter (but you should
use command line), I followed this
guide and everything is fine, same OS and version of QGIS.

2015-05-19 19:38 GMT+02:00 Jes?s :

Trying to install 2.8.2-1 on a Mac (10.9.5) I find this error:

Dyld Error Message:
   Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/Versions/4/PROJ
   Referenced from: /Applications/QGIS.app/Contents/MacOS/QGIS
   Reason: Incompatible library version: QGIS requires version 10.0.0 or
later, but PROJ provides version 8.0.0

Binary Images:
 0x7fff6810f000 - 0x7fff68142817  dyld (239.4)
<7AD43B9B-5CEA-3C7E-9836-A06909F9CA56> /usr/lib/dyld
 0x7fff8bc7f000 - 0x7fff8bc7  com.apple.ApplicationServices (48
48) <3E3F01A8-314D-378F-835E-9CC4F8820031>

 0x7fff8bc9f000 - 0x7fff8bd0bfff  com.apple.framework.IOKit (2.0.1 -
907.100.14) <10932113-9F7E-38A0-A158-A019A555CAC3>
 0x7fff8dd59000 - 0x7fff8df3efff  com.apple.CoreFoundation (6.9 -
855.17) <729BD6DA-1F63-3E72-A148-26F21EBF52BB>


I delete old version first but I can't open new version when finishing the
installation. I got this message: Qgis can't be open due to a problem.

Any idea? Thanks

Qgis-user mailing list

Luciano F. La Sala
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Cátedra de Epidemiología
Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia
Universidad Nacional del Sur
San Juan 670
Bahía Blanca (8000)
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Why does clipping a raster alters cell size?

2015-05-19 Thread Luciano La Sala

Dear QGIS users,

I am using QGIS V 2.2.0 (OS-Windows 8), and need to prepare raster files 
(ESRI ArcInfo Grids) to be later used in a species distribucion model 
using MaxEnt. Each of the original raster files (environmental variables 
for Guadalquivir, Spain) has a different spatial extension (but all 
share the same pixel size of 200, -200). However, to be able to use 
these layers in MaxEnt, all of them need to have the exact same spatial 
extent. Therefore, I clipped every raster using a polygon of 
Guadalquivir. After clipping, I save as GeoTIFF but the new rasters have 
their original pixel size (200,-200) slightly altered 
(200.001,-199.942). I wouldn't bother too much about this menial 
difference in cell size if it weren't for the warning message that I get 
(see below) when trying to convert the GeoTIFF rasters to ASCII (a 
requirement for MaxEnt to work):

Warning 1: Producing a Golden Surfer style file with DX and DY instead
of CELLSIZE since the input pixels are non-square. Use the
FORCE_CELLSIZE=TRUE creation option to force use of DX for
even though this will be distorted. Most ASCII Grid readers
(ArcGIS included) do not support the DX and DY parameters. .

The Layer Spatial Reference System for Guadalquivir is:

+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs 

The Layer Spatial Reference System for the raster layers is:

+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs

When clipping, I'm using the function raster >> Extraction >> Clipper 
followed by the options...

No data value = 0
Mask layer: Guadalquivir
Following, I save the new raster as GeoTIFF.


Should the clipping be done using a polygon with the exact same 
projection? I am not sure to what extent the projections differ between 
the layers above.

In case response to question is "Yes" (same projections needed), I did 
the clipping using both options: first by saving Guadalquivir as .shp 
with the raster's projection, and later the other way around, that is 
saving raster files with Guadalquivir's projection. Regardless of the 
option, pixel size remains altered/uneven.

How can I keep the original pixel size of 200,-200?

Thank you in advance.

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] OpenLayers plugin error

2014-04-07 Thread Luciano La Sala
Dear all,  I am using QGIS 2.2.0 Valmiera on Windows 8. Regardless of the 
version of QGIS I use, I've always had some sort of problem with python plugin 
OpenLayers. With this version, I succeeded in installing the plugin but then 
when I select "Plugins" >> "OpenLayers plugin" >> "Add Google Street Layer" or 
"Add Google Satellite Layer", the following error pops up and I can't seem to 
find a solution to this problem! Thank you in advance.  Luciano 

 An error has occured while executing Python code: Traceback (most recent call 
last): File 
 line 50, in addLayer self.__plugin.addLayer(self) File 
 line 204, in addLayer layer = OpenlayersLayer(self.iface, 
self.__coordRSGoogle, self.olLayerTypeRegistry) File 
 line 64, in __init__ self.page = OLWebPage() File 
 line 38, in __init__ proxy = getProxy() File 
 line 42, in getProxy proxy.setPort(settings.value("/proxyPort", 10, type=int))
TypeError: unable to convert a QVariant of type 10 to a QMetaType of type 2 
Python version:
2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:44:16) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] QGIS version:
2.2.0-Valmiera Valmiera, c3a2817 Python path: 
'C:\\PROGRA~1\\QGISVA~1\\bin', 'C:\\PROGRA~1\\QGISVA~1\\apps\\Python27', 

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] (no subject)

2014-04-07 Thread Luciano La Sala
Dear all, 

I am using QGIS 2.2.0 Valmiera on Windows 8. Regardless of the version of QGIS 
I use, I've always had some sort of problem with python plugin OpenLayers. With 
this version, I succeeded in installing the plugin but then when I select 
"Plugins" >> "OpenLayers plugin" >> "Add Google Street Layer" or "Add Google 
Satellite Layer", the following error pops up and I can't seem to find a 
solution to this problem! Thank you in advance. 


An error has occured while executing Python code: Traceback (most recent call 
last): File 
 line 50, in addLayer self.__plugin.addLayer(self) File 
 line 204, in addLayer layer = OpenlayersLayer(self.iface, 
self.__coordRSGoogle, self.olLayerTypeRegistry) File 
 line 64, in __init__ self.page = OLWebPage() File 
 line 38, in __init__ proxy = getProxy() File 
 line 42, in getProxy proxy.setPort(settings.value("/proxyPort", 10, type=int))
TypeError: unable to convert a QVariant of type 10 to a QMetaType of type 2 
Python version:
2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:44:16) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] QGIS version:
2.2.0-Valmiera Valmiera, c3a2817 Python path: 
'C:\\PROGRA~1\\QGISVA~1\\bin', 'C:\\PROGRA~1\\QGISVA~1\\apps\\Python27', 

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Grid creation and export data to *.asc

2012-12-26 Thread Luciano La Sala
Hello again…! 


In doing as Micha advises I came across the following cryptic warning: 


Cannot start module r.out.xyz. command: 
C:/OSGeo4W/apps/grass/GRASS-~1.2/bin/r.out.xyz.bat --interface-description
0 [main] us 0 init_cheap: VirtualAlloc pointer is null, Win32 error 487 
AllocationBase 0x0, BaseAddress 0x7111, RegionSize 0x46, State 0x1 
C:\OSGeo4W\apps\msys\bin\sh.exe: *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, 
Win32 error 0


If I go ahead a hit “run” I get the following output: 



0 [main] us 0 init_cheap: VirtualAlloc pointer is null, Win32 error 487

AllocationBase 0x0, BaseAddress 0x7111, RegionSize 0x46, State 0x1

C:\OSGeo4W\apps\msys\bin\sh.exe: *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, 
Win32 error 0

Finished with error 


I have no idea what the problem is this time. Any help will be more than 


Thank you very much in advance. 





De: Micha Silver [mailto:mi...@arava.co.il] 
Enviado el: Friday, December 21, 2012 2:30 PM
Para: Luciano La Sala
CC: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Asunto: Re: [Qgis-user] Grid creation and export data to *.asc


Hi Luciano

On 12/21/2012 5:30 PM, Luciano La Sala wrote:

Hello Folks, 

Sorry to re-send but I got no response and I am not sure why. If my question 
was not clear I can always rewrite it. Luciano 


Hello QGIS users, 

I have a raster image of human population counts (LandScan) of approximately 1 
km resolution. I need to take each cell of the raster one by one and retrieve 
the population count for that cell. 

To do this, I was told to create a grid theme of population density - based on 
the grid themes specifying population counts and area.

Export population count and population density files from ArcView to *.asc 


Since your Landscan grid is at resolution 1 km, then the population count and 
density (per sq km) should be the same.

Using the GRASS module r.out.xyz you can get an ASCII text file with three 
columns: X,Y,value. The X-Y are cell enters, and value would represent 
Population count.


I am not sure how to create the grid nor how to export pop count and density 
files to *.asc. Any tips? Thank you in advance! 

Luciano La Sala

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Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Grid creation and export data to *.asc

2012-12-21 Thread Luciano La Sala
Thank you Micha! I will do as you suggest. 






De: Micha Silver [mailto:mi...@arava.co.il] 
Enviado el: Friday, December 21, 2012 2:30 PM
Para: Luciano La Sala
CC: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Asunto: Re: [Qgis-user] Grid creation and export data to *.asc


Hi Luciano

On 12/21/2012 5:30 PM, Luciano La Sala wrote:

Hello Folks, 

Sorry to re-send but I got no response and I am not sure why. If my question 
was not clear I can always rewrite it. Luciano 


Hello QGIS users, 

I have a raster image of human population counts (LandScan) of approximately 1 
km resolution. I need to take each cell of the raster one by one and retrieve 
the population count for that cell. 

To do this, I was told to create a grid theme of population density - based on 
the grid themes specifying population counts and area.

Export population count and population density files from ArcView to *.asc 


Since your Landscan grid is at resolution 1 km, then the population count and 
density (per sq km) should be the same.

Using the GRASS module r.out.xyz you can get an ASCII text file with three 
columns: X,Y,value. The X-Y are cell enters, and value would represent 
Population count.


I am not sure how to create the grid nor how to export pop count and density 
files to *.asc. Any tips? Thank you in advance! 

Luciano La Sala

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Qgis-user mailing list
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Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Grid creation and export data to *.asc

2012-12-21 Thread Luciano La Sala
Hello Folks, 

Sorry to re-send but I got no response and I am not sure why. If my question
was not clear I can always rewrite it. Luciano 

Hello QGIS users, 

I have a raster image of human population counts (LandScan) of approximately
1 km resolution. I need to take each cell of the raster one by one and
retrieve the population count for that cell. 
To do this, I was told to create a grid theme of population density - based
on the grid themes specifying population counts and area.
Export population count and population density files from ArcView to *.asc

I am not sure how to create the grid nor how to export pop count and density
files to *.asc. Any tips? Thank you in advance! 

Luciano La Sala
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Grid creation and export data to *.asc

2012-12-19 Thread Luciano La Sala
Hello QGIS users, 

I have a raster image of human population counts (LandScan) of approximately
1 km resolution. I need to take each cell of the raster one by one and
retrieve the population count for that cell. 
To do this, I was told to create a grid theme of population density - based
on the grid themes specifying population counts and area.
Export population count and population density files from ArcView to *.asc

I am not sure how to create the grid nor how to export pop count and density
files to *.asc. Any tips? Thank you in advance! 

Luciano La Sala
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] [Bulk] Re: LandScan data

2012-11-14 Thread Luciano La Sala
Thank you Alexander!! It was simpler than I thought, as usual. 


-Mensaje original-
De: Alexander Bruy [mailto:alexander.b...@gmail.com] 
Enviado el: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 1:14 PM
Para: Luciano La Sala
CC: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Asunto: [Bulk] Re: [Qgis-user] LandScan data

Set contrast enhancement  to StretchToMinMax and select std. dev value
bigger than 0. Both options are available in layer properties dialog

On Wed, 14 Nov 2012 13:15:19 -0300
"Luciano La Sala"  wrote:
> However, I could only import grey raster maps of Haiti into QGIS, so 
> far from what it should look like! Has anyone worked with these type 
> of data before? If so, any tips on how to proceed? Is there a python 
> plug-in that replaces LandScan Tools as thay are implemented in ArcMap?

Alexander Bruy

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] LandScan data

2012-11-14 Thread Luciano La Sala
Hello QGIS users,

I am trying to work with LandScan data in QGIS V. 1.8.0. to estimate
population at risk in areas of Argentina. I download the sample data file
for Haiti to explore how to import and process the data. 

The LandScan 2011 Global Population Database comes in the following formats:

1. Raster GIS: ESRI Grid format. [Note: the Spatial Analyst extension for
ArcGIS or ArcView (3.x) is required for analyzing the LandScan data.] 
2. HPAC Binary: Hazard Prediction Assessment Capability compressed binary
3. Binary raster: ESRI binary raster format (see included documentation).
Almost any high level programming language can read this file directly. 
This is the kind of data you get after downloading the sample dataset, which
presently includes data for Cyprus, available for download at

This is what a raster LandScan map should look like:

However, I could only import grey raster maps of Haiti into QGIS, so far
from what it should look like! Has anyone worked with these type of data
before? If so, any tips on how to proceed? Is there a python plug-in that
replaces LandScan Tools as thay are implemented in ArcMap?


Luciano La Sala

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] LandScan data

2012-10-31 Thread Luciano La Sala

I have the LandScan 2002 Global Population Database at 30 arc seconds but I
am not sure about its format; either "Raster GIS: ESRI Grid format" or
"Binary raster: ESRI binary raster format". I need to extract and process
only data for Argentina, but I feel like I've been beating a dead horse for
days now! 
Is there a straightforward way to do this? 

Thank you in advance! 



Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Kernel smoothing

2012-10-31 Thread Luciano La Sala
Hi all, 

I am using QGIS 1.8.0 on Windows 7. Using GRASS, I transformed several
shapefiles (all polygons) into raster maps, then I assigned certain values
of interest to the pixels, and finally combined all five rasters into one
using GRASS raster map calculator. Now I need to apply a kernel smoothing to
the raster for easier interpretation of the thematic map, which is a risk
map with different colors according different risk estimate for that cell
(pixel value). 
How do I perform kernel smoothin on this raster from QGIS? Is there a
specific python plug-in for this? I read something about "Point sampling
tool plugin for QGIS" but I just can't seem to get it installed. 
Here I shale the link to a brief note I found on "How to sample raster
datasets using points in QGIS", but as I said there seems to be no plug-in
to be installed! Very weird. 


Thank you in advance. 

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Same layer extent?

2012-10-24 Thread Luciano La Sala

I am using GRASS inside QGIS and I need to perform some very basic
arithmetic on raster map layers using "r.mapcalc". Once I have created my
mapset in GRASS and imported all three rasters into GRASS from QGIS view, I
define my algorithm by simply doing "Raster_A + Raster_B + Raster_C".
However, the output gives the message "Unable to open raster map. Finished
with error". 

I am not sure what the problema is, but I suspect that it may be related to
the extent of each layer, which is different for each raster: 

Layer Extent (layer original source projection):

Layer Extent (layer original source projection):

Layer Extent (layer original source projection):

Q1: What do these long numbers represent?

Q2: Should every raster layer have the exact same layer extent for the
mathematical calculation to come out right? 

Thank you so much in advance! 


Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Rasterize vector

2012-10-23 Thread Luciano La Sala
Dear QGIS experts, 

I am using QGIS V. 1.8.0. and I have a shapefile of Argentina which I need
to convert to raster. I looks as a pretty straightforward process, but along
the way I hit the following problem:

1) Once the vector file is loaded, I go to Raster >> Conversion >> Rasterize
(Vector to raster)
2) I select the output file but the following message pops up: "The output
file doesn't exist. You must set up the output size to create it."
3) I hit Ok and then I am left to decide what size do I want for the output
file. The default values are Width = 3000 and Height = 3000.

So at this point my questions are: 

a) What are these values for width and height? What do they represent? After
conversion, I load the raster and under properties and metadata tab it says
that dimensions of raster are X: 3000 Y: 3000 Bands: 1, but I am not sure
what this means. 

Thank you in advance for your help. 


Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] First time here

2012-09-30 Thread Luciano La Sala
Estimado Carlos! Muchas gracias por tu ayuda! Creo que me será muy útil para
lograr mi objetivo. 

Un cordial abrazo desde Argentina!


-Mensaje original-
De: Carlos Cerdán [mailto:sig.up...@gmail.com] 
Enviado el: Sunday, September 30, 2012 8:04 PM
Para: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
CC: Luciano La Sala
Asunto: Re: [Qgis-user] First time here

Hola Luciano:

Mi Inglés no es bueno, así que con (o sin) el permiso del foro van estas
líneas en español:

Bienvenido a QGIS!!

Tengo a la mano un par tutoriales que preparé para unas prácticas con GRASS
bajo QGIS 1.8 que creo te serán útiles.

Tutorial 1 : https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7OCKS4ZyCTARTJNY3h6RWFYcFk

Tutorial 2 : https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7OCKS4ZyCTAODFOSGd5cXRqNzQ

En GRASS hay dos módulos que se ajustan a tus necesidades:

v.to.rast.const : convertir vectorial a raster usando una constante

v.to.rast.attr : convertir vectorial a raster usando valores de su tabla de

Además la calculadora gráfica de GRASS también te será muy útil.

Saludos desde Cajamarca - Perú

My English is not good, so with (or without) the permission of the forum the
above lines in Spanish:

Wellcome to QGIS!!

I have a couple of tutorials that I made for practices with GRASS under QGIS
1.8 that I think it will be useful for you

Tutorial 1 : https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7OCKS4ZyCTARTJNY3h6RWFYcFk

Tutorial 2 : https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7OCKS4ZyCTAODFOSGd5cXRqNzQ

GRASS have two tools that are for your request:



Graphical calculator will be also useful for you.

Cheers from Cajamarca - Perú

El 29/09/12 15:16, Luciano La Sala escribió:
> Hello QGIS users!
> My name is Luciano and I am a wildlife researcher from Argentina. I am 
> rather new to the world of QGIS, so I apologize in advance for any 
> rather basic question.
> I have several shapefiles of Argentina which I am supposed to use to 
> make a risk map. These vector files include:
> 1- Country border (line)
> 2- Airports (points)
> 3- Rivers (lines)
> 4- Wetlands (polygons)
> 5- Roads (lines)
> 6- Poultry farms (points)
> I rasterized each of the vector files and gave each the same, new size 
> (3993 hight and 2393 width) to fit the entire country.
> Then, on each of the six maps, cells should be made to take a value of 
> 1 if risk factor is present (road, city, airport, wetland, and so on) 
> and 0 otherwise. All the rasters should then be combined into one 
> unified map. It is my understanding that this unified map can be made 
> using different approaches (e.g. addition, addition and weighting,
pair-wise comparisons).
> In ArcView 3.2 this is done with "map calculator" of the "spatial
> extension. These procedures would give a map in raster format where 
> color intensity of the cells is associated with the risk present in the
> Finally, one can apply a kernel smoothing to ease interpretation of the
> So at this point my questions are:
> 1) How do I assign values of 0 or 1 to pixels on each raster image? I 
> believe I could use RasterCalc plugin, but I just can't find a way 
> around this.
> 2) Once the above step is solved, how do I combine all maps into one 
> using one of the mentioned procedures (e.g. addition)?
> Thank you in advance.
> Luciano La Sala
> Centro de Estudios Cuantitativos en Sanidad Animal (CECSA) - CONICET 
> Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias - Casilda Universidad Nacional de 
> Rosario Argentina
> ___________
> Qgis-user mailing list
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El 29/09/12 15:16, Luciano La Sala escribió:
> Hello QGIS users!
> My name is Luciano and I am a wildlife researcher from Argentina. I am 
> rather new to the world of QGIS, so I apologize in advance for any 
> rather basic question.
> I have several shapefiles of Argentina which I am supposed to use to 
> make a risk map. These vector files include:
> 1- Country border (line)
> 2- Airports (points)
> 3- Rivers (lines)
> 4- Wetlands (polygons)
> 5- Roads (lines)
> 6- Poultry farms (points)
> I rasterized each of the vector files and gave each the same, new size 
> (3993 hight and 2393 width) to fit the entire country.
> Then, on each of the six maps, cells should be made to take a value of 
> 1 if risk factor is present (road, city, airport, wetland, and so on) 
> and 0 otherwise. All the rasters should then be combined into one 
> unified map. It is my understanding that this unified map can be made 
> using different approaches (e.g. addition, addition and weighting,
pair-wise comparisons).
> In ArcView 3.2 this is done 

Re: [Qgis-user] [Bulk] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 79, Issue 77

2012-09-30 Thread Luciano La Sala
Dear Micha and Paolo, 

I am carefully reading your responses to find a way around this problem
asap. Thanks again! 


Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] First time here

2012-09-29 Thread Luciano La Sala
Hello QGIS users! 

My name is Luciano and I am a wildlife researcher from Argentina. I am
rather new to the world of QGIS, so I apologize in advance for any rather
basic question. 
I have several shapefiles of Argentina which I am supposed to use to make a
risk map. These vector files include:

1- Country border (line)
2- Airports (points)
3- Rivers (lines)
4- Wetlands (polygons)
5- Roads (lines)
6- Poultry farms (points)
I rasterized each of the vector files and gave each the same, new size (3993
hight and 2393 width) to fit the entire country.   

Then, on each of the six maps, cells should be made to take a value of 1 if
risk factor is present (road, city, airport, wetland, and so on) and 0
otherwise. All the rasters should then be combined into one unified map. It
is my understanding that this unified map can be made using different
approaches (e.g. addition, addition and weighting, pair-wise comparisons).
In ArcView 3.2 this is done with "map calculator" of the "spatial analysis"
extension. These procedures would give a map in raster format where color
intensity of the cells is associated with the risk present in the area.  
Finally, one can apply a kernel smoothing to ease interpretation of the map.

So at this point my questions are:

1) How do I assign values of 0 or 1 to pixels on each raster image? I
believe I could use RasterCalc plugin, but I just can't find a way around

2) Once the above step is solved, how do I combine all maps into one using
one of the mentioned procedures (e.g. addition)? 

Thank you in advance. 

Luciano La Sala
Centro de Estudios Cuantitativos en Sanidad Animal (CECSA) - CONICET
Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias - Casilda
Universidad Nacional de Rosario

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