Re: [Ql-Users] Using different devices

2007-09-03 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], P Witte 

Malcolm Cadman writes:

 Can anyone help me with using a portable Zip Drive as a source, running
 QPC, and being attached to 2 different PC's ( not at the same time ) ?

 On the first computer it is seen as a source - win2_ - on the second
 computer it is seen as a source - win4_

 The software - like QDT and Launchpad - is configured to recognise the
 win drive source as - win2_

 Which means when the source is seen as - win4_ - this is not correct.

 Also, rather than have one very long boot file to load everything, I
 have a number of small boot files that load one after the other,
 depending on what configuration I am using.

 Is there an easy way to preserve the value the physical source - in this
 case either as win2_ or win4_ across the different boot files ?

 Can DEV_USE do this ?

 Or an Environment variable ?

 At present my initial, short, boot file just gets input from the user as
 to which computer is being used, which sets windrive$ to either be -
 win2_ or win4_

 However, the value is not being held when the next boot file is loaded
 with an LRUN.

Ive made a QPC2 system to run off a USB memory stick. This should be
pretty much the same for a zip disk, but I'm not sure..

Thanks, Per.  We are a clever lot with the things that we do :-) . 
as you say a Zip drive is just another device, just like a USB.  So, 
your example below is valid.

However, I am using 2 older PC's here, with WIN95, that do not have 
built in USB ports - although they could still take a PCI Card for that 
purpose - hence the use of portable Zip Drive.

One of the PC's also has a resident SqQuest drive - so that I can copy 
between the 2 types of Removeable hard drive disks..


Once QPC2 is running you can use the SBasic function QPC_NETNAME$ to
find out which machine youre running under (provided youve set this
under Windows first). I have different directories for the different
platforms SMSQ/E runs under, containing the different
platform-specific configuration files such as printer drivers,
FileInfo2_cfg, MenuConf_inf, etc. On my QPC2 systems I use the net
name to tell them apart.

Umm ... can you explain more about how to set up a net name ?  I've not 
used that feature. That is interesting.

Going back to what I said earlier ... having more that one boot file, 
one loading another, using LRUN, seems to clear the BASIC memory area of 
a windrive$ variable that I have just obtained from user input.

I was hoping for a way of preserving that value, so that the next boot 
file could then use the variable.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Using different devices

2007-09-03 Thread P Witte

Malcolm Cadman writes:

 Can anyone help me with using a portable Zip Drive as a source, running
 QPC, and being attached to 2 different PC's ( not at the same time ) ?

 Once QPC2 is running you can use the SBasic function QPC_NETNAME$ to
 find out which machine youre running under (provided youve set this
 under Windows first). I have different directories for the different
 platforms SMSQ/E runs under, containing the different
 platform-specific configuration files such as printer drivers,
 FileInfo2_cfg, MenuConf_inf, etc. On my QPC2 systems I use the net
 name to tell them apart.
 Umm ... can you explain more about how to set up a net name ?  I've not 
 used that feature. That is interesting.

Right click on the My Computer icon on the desktop, or open the System 
module in the Control Panel. Select the Computer Name tab and click on 
Change... then give your computer a nice name ;o) That name, which 
should be unique on your LAN, is returned by the function QPC_NETNAME$.

 Going back to what I said earlier ... having more that one boot file, 
 one loading another, using LRUN, seems to clear the BASIC memory area of 
 a windrive$ variable that I have just obtained from user input.
 I was hoping for a way of preserving that value, so that the next boot 
 file could then use the variable.

There are different ways of passing information to SBasic jobs:

o You can MRUN (or MERGE) stuff, of course. That retains the values of 
any variables set prior to MRUN.

o You can also use the EW/EX progname_bas; 'data' to pass 
information to a program or module, which in turn can read that 
information from the pseudo variable CMD$. Try this (call it 

100 open#1; 'con': cls#1: print#1; CMD$: pause#1: quit


EX ram1_test; 'data'

It should print 'data' to the screen. (Note you dont have to specify 
the _bas unless you also have a ram1_test_exe!)

o You can also use QUIT number to return a value from a sub program:

100 open#1; 'con': cls#1
110 IF CMD$ == 'data' then
120  print#1; 'ok!': pause#1; 100: quit 1000
130 ELSE
140  quit -15
150 END IF

Test with:

print FEW('ram1_test_bas'; 'data')


print FEW('ram1_test_bas'; 'x')

o You could also use the environmental varables, as implemented in 
Richard Zidlicski's(?) ENV_BIN

There are other ways too, but this should be a good start.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Using different devices

2007-09-03 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], P Witte 

Malcolm Cadman writes:

 Can anyone help me with using a portable Zip Drive as a source, running
 QPC, and being attached to 2 different PC's ( not at the same time ) ?

 Once QPC2 is running you can use the SBasic function QPC_NETNAME$ to
 find out which machine youre running under (provided youve set this
 under Windows first). I have different directories for the different
 platforms SMSQ/E runs under, containing the different
 platform-specific configuration files such as printer drivers,
 FileInfo2_cfg, MenuConf_inf, etc. On my QPC2 systems I use the net
 name to tell them apart.

 Umm ... can you explain more about how to set up a net name ?  I've not
 used that feature. That is interesting.

Right click on the My Computer icon on the desktop, or open the System
module in the Control Panel. Select the Computer Name tab and click on
Change... then give your computer a nice name ;o) That name, which
should be unique on your LAN, is returned by the function QPC_NETNAME$.

Ah yes, renaming the My Computer name ...

 Going back to what I said earlier ... having more that one boot file,
 one loading another, using LRUN, seems to clear the BASIC memory area of
 a windrive$ variable that I have just obtained from user input.

 I was hoping for a way of preserving that value, so that the next boot
 file could then use the variable.

There are different ways of passing information to SBasic jobs:

o You can MRUN (or MERGE) stuff, of course. That retains the values of
any variables set prior to MRUN.

Ah ... that is the one !  I had forgotten about MERGE and RUN.

Implementing that has solved my problem !  Thanks Per !!

All I then had to do was to renumber my boot files, so that the line 
numbers are as successive groups, for each of the individual boot files.

In my case ... first boot file is numbered from Line 10 onwards ... then 
second boot file is numbered from Line 500 onwards ... then the third 
boot file(s) are all numbered from LINE 1000 onwards ( the third boot 
file are different configurations at runtime ).

It now works fine ... :-)

I did look up the HISTORY command - pages 61 and 62 in the QPC_Concepts 

That used as a virtual device did what I was trying to achieve, however, 
the LRUN was losing the value :

500 OPEN_NEW#4,HISTORY_device : REMark Open a new HISTORY as Public
510 PUT#4,windrive$ : REMark Put the value of windrive$ in to the 
. later
600 GET#4,drive$ : REMark Get the value out of the HISTORY when needed

I had not used this before ... an interesting Command.  Similar to 
PIPES, but a bit easier to use.

The values with HISTORY are read out as LIFO - Last In First Out.

I didn't need to use these further more complex ideas.  Although, thanks 
for the brainstorm ... :-)

o You can also use the EW/EX progname_bas; 'data' to pass
information to a program or module, which in turn can read that
information from the pseudo variable CMD$. Try this (call it

100 open#1; 'con': cls#1: print#1; CMD$: pause#1: quit


EX ram1_test; 'data'

It should print 'data' to the screen. (Note you dont have to specify
the _bas unless you also have a ram1_test_exe!)

o You can also use QUIT number to return a value from a sub program:

100 open#1; 'con': cls#1
110 IF CMD$ == 'data' then
120  print#1; 'ok!': pause#1; 100: quit 1000
130 ELSE
140  quit -15
150 END IF

Test with:

print FEW('ram1_test_bas'; 'data')


print FEW('ram1_test_bas'; 'x')

o You could also use the environmental varables, as implemented in
Richard Zidlicski's(?) ENV_BIN

Yes, there should be a way of doing what I wanted with an environment 
variable ... yet my efforts failed ... :-(

There are other ways too, but this should be a good start.


Yes, I have had the luck ... :-) ... thanks again.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Microsoft Virtual PC 2007

2007-09-03 Thread hitchies
Marcel wrote:

VirtualPC for Windows is not an emulator like QPC, ... only run x86 
systems on an x86 machine.

I realised I might be missing something.  And I was!  :(

Thanks Marcel, its 68000 clear now!

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Using different devices

2007-09-03 Thread P Witte
Marcel Kilgus writes:

 I can configure the shortcut to start in %CD%\QPC2\ (%CD%  being a
 system variable for the current directory). However the target and 
 icon locations appear, stupidly, to have to be specified exactly: 
 K:\QPC2\QPC2.exe. Is there a way around this?
 Probably not, but why exactly do you have the shortcut? Depending on
 why you use it, a batch file instead might be an option.

I thought it nicer just to have an icon in the root of the device 
rather than opening a folder first to locate the executable.. A batch 
file does the trick:


Problem is the console wont go away until I quit QPC2.. Thanks for the 
tip anyway!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Using different devices

2007-09-03 Thread Marcel Kilgus
P Witte wrote:
 I thought it nicer just to have an icon in the root of the device
 rather than opening a folder first to locate the executable.. A batch 
 file does the trick:


 Problem is the console wont go away until I quit QPC2..


start \qpc2\qpc2.exe

in the file instead should do the trick.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Using different devices

2007-09-03 Thread P Witte
Marcel Kilgus writes:

 I thought it nicer just to have an icon in the root of the device
 rather than opening a folder first to locate the executable.. A batch 
 file does the trick:


 Problem is the console wont go away until I quit QPC2..
 start \qpc2\qpc2.exe
 in the file instead should do the trick.

In the end I settled for a QPC2.bat containing:

@echo off

title QPC2 Shortcut

start /d qpc2 /b qpc2.exe

 rem Bell  chr(7))


Thanks again,


QL-Users Mailing List