Re: [ql-users] Lynx

2006-08-11 Thread Tarquin Mills
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Phoebus Dokos wrote:
> Let me see my documentation... I'm still not settled in Greece and my  
> Internet access is still intermittent at best so I may take a couple of  
> days to find the answer for you... so if anyone has the answer now please  
> send it to Duncan.
Can anybody supply Mr Dokos' address or other contact details?  

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] SMSQ for QXL in NA?

2006-07-25 Thread Tarquin Mills
Phoebus Dokos wrote:
> Tue, 20 Jun 2006 00:55:40 -0400, Al Feng wrote:
> > On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 06:47:37 +0200 "Wolfgang Lenerz" writes:
> >> On 19 Jun 2006 at 12:39, Al Feng wrote:
> >> > Who is handling SMSQ for QXL in North America, now?
> >> >
> >> Phoebus is an official SMSQE reseller.
> >> AFAIK, he lives in the US.
> >
> > Yes, thanks.
> > I posted the query because I can't make consistent, direct e-mail contact
> > with him ... and, I'm hoping Phoebus will contact me, again, so I can buy
> > a current copy from him before he leaves.
> > Al
> Indeed, I sent you a couple of emails after the one that got through to 
> no avail. I will try again from a completely different email 
> address/domain this time and I hope you get it

Have you arrived in Greece OK?
Tarquin Mills 
"What's sensible got to do with it ?
This is usenet - stoke the fire, feed the flames"
   quote on comp.sys.acorn.misc by David Holden (of the APDL) 
QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] Q60 LCD situation

2006-06-12 Thread Tarquin Mills
Please can you tell me what is the cheapest LC display that works with the 
Q60 without the LCD logic chip bodge?
QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] Is Goldfire vapourware?

2006-04-08 Thread Tarquin Mills
The lack of any sounds on this list suggest that Goldfire, even in 
planning form, is not ready and never will be, probably thanks to being 
based on the Coldfire CPU. While I look forward to being corrected, my
hopes have faded :-(.

   Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society)
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Nasta contact details

2006-04-02 Thread Tarquin Mills
Tarquin representing ACCUS wrote:
>   ACCUS are looking for the contact details of Nasta, I have already tried 
> the email address on his website but have had no reply and remember 
> Pheobus asking the same question. He said in the past on this list that 
> if he had 1000 Euros he would produce a prototype, ACCUS have a cheque 
> for the money ready to go, but we have not been able to get in contact. seems to be down, which hosts Nasta website according to 
Dilwyn's link list, it was working a few weeks ago. Dexter who runs the 
Spodmail using a dynamic DNS service last posted to this mailing list 
and CSS in March 2005. While Nasta has not been spotted since early 2004 
on ql-users, 2001 on ql-hardware, and at the October at QL2004 in 
Eindhoven. Does he still have Internet access? 

           Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society)
QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] Nasta contact details

2006-04-02 Thread Tarquin Mills
  ACCUS are looking for the contact details of Nasta, I have already tried 
the email address on his website but have had no reply and remember 
Pheobus asking the same question. He said in the past on this list that 
if he had 1000 Euros he would produce a prototype, ACCUS have a cheque 
for the money ready to go, but we have not been able to get in contact.

   Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society) (We want a Spectrum +4)
QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] Bill wants my Q60 ;-)

2006-02-11 Thread Tarquin Mills
(includes recap)

  The Office of Fair Trading in the UK is trying to close a website that 
is criticizing their position on Microsoft The 
website pillories the OFT for lack of action on Microsoft's 
anti-competitive practices, while the OFT still claims there have been 
no complaints even after at least one recorded deliver complaint. The
site does not back any OFT copyright, however former Director General 
John Bridgeman is lampooned. The website owner Tarquin Mills has received 
a series of solicitors letter from OFT, while Fasthosts stop being the 
register after they got one too. The last letter says that they will seek 
an injunction (in the High Court propably) to take Tarquin's domian, free 
speech and all his assets away. This letter seems to be produced by the 
hot-shot solicitors at the Treasury, based near the high court. The 
website owner vows to keep his property and not let MicrosOFT lap dogs 
silence him, "I will see the OFT in court." For the solicitors letters 
see (or if OFT intimidation 
works again.).

Changing MicrosOFT into Micros and OFT (Office of Fair Trading)  Make the OFT investigate MS Petition
Reboot Movement (An Anti-Wintel Campaign) 
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] OT: OFT say you have our attention on M$ [long]

2006-02-03 Thread Tarquin Mills
Tony Firshman wrote:
> On  Thu, 2 Feb 2006 at 12:32:25, Tarquin Mills wrote:
> >I hope do not mind, if so I apologise, but Microsoft's DOS and Windows
> >monopoly has done much damage to QDOS systems.
> >  After this website appeared earlier last week as
> >part of the Reboot Movement(i.e. Me) launch of a fresh campaign to end the
> >MicrosOFT and Intel monopoly which is holding Linux and many other systems
> >back. Following on swiftly from the launch of the MacBook signalling the
> >beginning of the end of non-x86 based PCs being available in the
> >highstreet. The OFT called Reboot at 10.50am on Friday and said take the
> >website down by midnight Friday or face legal action. The website running
> >on Gentoo Linux on a Mac parodies former OFT Director General John
> >Bridgeman and the OFT with a spoof press release. As you can see the
> >site is still there, as are copies worldwide (mirrors are welcome and
> >some of the content uses FSF licences).
> Not loading this Friday morning
>  Tony says it is still there and my server is still running
fine, maybe Fasthosts or NTL or DynDNS have been giving a unreliable 
services.The domain name uses web forwarding not IP 
forwarding so only the root directory is mapped across, once across to then the other pages are available.
DynDNS seem most likely to the cause of the problem, as I will have to
move the site offshore soon anyway this will be solved if this is the 

   Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society) (We want a Spectrum +4)
QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] OT: OFT say you have our attention on M$ [long]

2006-02-02 Thread Tarquin Mills
at you own and operate the website at ("the 
Domain Name"), which was registered on 22 January 2006 through Fasthosts 
Internet Limited (to whom a copy of this letter is sent for information).  
I note that you have most recently acknowledged this in your telephone
conversation with my client on 27 January 2006.

Breach of copyright

It has recently come to the OFT's attention that the website at the Domain
Name ("the Infringing Work") is clearly derived and almost entirely copied
from the Copyright Work, which can be accessed by the public. The OFT has 
not authorised you or anyone else to substantially  reproduce its website
in this manner. Neither has it authorised you or anyone else to use its logo
on the Infringing Work. In the circumstances, your reproduction of the 
Copyright Work without permission amounts to a breach of copyright under 
section 17 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.


Further, the Infringing Work uses the OFT's name and logo and contains 
certain material that has not been created or authorised by the OFT, 
including amongst other things a document purporting to be a press release
by the OFT dated 23 January 2006. Such material that has been added and
bears your name does not state that it is not authorised or associated with
the OFT in any way. On the contrary, such material purports to have been 
published by the OFT.

The OFT has rights in the OFT name and logo, which came into existence well
before your registration of the Domain Name. You are using the OFT name and 
logo without consent and passing off the Infringing Work, which is almost
identical to the Copyright Work, as a website created by the OFT. Your 
action therefore amounts not only to copyright infringement but also to

Invalid registration

Further, it is the OFT's position that the Domain Name has been registered 
and is being used in a manner unfairly detrimental to its rights and should
be considered an abusive registration. As such the Domain Name is open to 
challenge under the Nominet Dispute Resolution Procedure.


The Infringing Work contains a number of inaccurate and misleading statements
about the OFT and certain officials. Accordingly, my client is seeking legal
advice in relation to its position in a potential claim against you for 


Your continued use of the Domain Name and Infringing Work as well as your 
threatened use of the OFT name and logo and/or the Copyright Work on other  
websites has caused and will inevitably cause the OFT to suffer serious and
irreparable damage.

My client is extremely concerned by the potential extent of damage to its 
reputation caused by the Infringing Work and the current use of the Domain 
Name in addition to your threatened use of other domain names in a similar 
way. Clearly, it is imperative that the OFT takes action to stop any
further confusion caused to members of the public between the Infringing
Work and the Copyright Work as well as any further damage to the OFT's 
reputation and goodwill.

I understand that officials at the OFT spoke to you on 27 January 2006 and
asked you to remove the Infringing Work. I am instructed that you have  
refused to do this and that you stated your intention to acquire the domain
name which has been registered by someone else for the 
purposes of creating another website similar to the Infringing Work. I also
note from the 'press release' (referred to above) on the Infringing Work 
bearing your name that "there are now at least four other copies" of the 
Infringing Work on the Internet and that "a newsportal (Drobe) has been


In light of the above, my client requires you to provide undertakings in 
the form as attached. These undertakings need to be signed and dated by you 
and returned to me within the next 48 hours (by 4.00 pm on Friday 3 
February 2006). If you do not provide these undertakings by that deadline, 
I am instructed to commence proceedings against you seeking all of the 
remedies to which the OFT is entitled. Those remedies may include an 
injunction preventing your use of the Domain Name, OFT name and logo and 
any domain name or logo that is confusingly similar to those in which the 
OFT has rights, transfer of the Domain Name to the OFT, delivery-up of all 
materials that offend against the injunction, and damages. The OFT will 
seek its full legal costs in respect of any such action.

Clearly, it is in both your and the OFT's interests that this matter is  
resolved without recourse to litigation which would involve significant 
costs and expense for which you could ultimately be liable.

My client's full rights are expressly reserved.

Yours sincerely

Smriti Ahluwalia
for the Treasury Solicitor

cc Fasthosts Internet Limited
Discovery House, 154 Southgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2EX


[ql-users] WTD: Mortville Manor

2005-11-29 Thread Tarquin Mills
Anybody got the cartridge for sale?

   Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society) (We want a Spectrum +4)
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] SMSQE and the Qx0

2005-11-02 Thread Tarquin Mills
Peter Graf wrote:
> Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> > I'm told that it might be possible to use larger Eproms on the Qx0 for
> > this, to give us 512 KB of ROM space, which should be enough for the
> > foreseeable future.
> It is possible to use larger EPROMs, but they are 4Mbit chips (256Kbit 
> x16) which results in 1024 KB of ROM space.

I would like to use non-compressed ROMs for maximum boot speed, security 
etc., like a normal QL. The Q60 can use up to 1MB of ROM, so lets play 
to the advantages of the Qx0 range, while the RAM option is still 
available as well, problem solved (hopefully, unless it is a problem
with Aurora II motherboard replacement).

   Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society) (We want a Spectrum +4)
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] The QL is an adult computer conference

2005-10-30 Thread Tarquin Mills
Tarquin wrote:
> Doctor Who: The QL is 21.
> Cyberman:   Excellent (clenches right fist)!
> Doctor Who: Many humans are travelling long distances to support it.
> Cyberman:   That is not logical.
> Doctor Who: Luckly I have the Tardis.

The talks program was so packed that it ran over the whole of saturday and
a lot of sunday. Highlights included Leon Heller's talk, Easyptr 4, Sudoku 
programs, Dilwyns display exhibition, the Quanta freebees and t-shirts,
and the guess the QL hardware competition. The main problem was getting
to sleep in the hotel whos heating made to much noise and heat. Simon 
Goodwin suggested we should link QLs in a network in future and play 
FTC etc. 

If you have a Tardis you can judge the event for yourself.

           Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society) (We want a Spectrum +4)
QL-Users Mailing List

[ql-users] The QL is an adult computer conference

2005-10-28 Thread Tarquin Mills
Doctor Who: The QL is 21.
Cyberman:   Excellent (clenches right fist)!
Doctor Who: Many humans are travelling long distances to support it.
Cyberman:   That is not logical.
Doctor Who: Luckly I have the Tardis.

I am now leaving to travel to Portsmouth, see you all there.

"In fact it [Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy] was probably the most 
remarkable book ever to come out of the great publishing corporations 
of Ursa Minor"."has supplanted the great Encyclopaedia Galactica as the 
standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it many 
omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly 
inaccurate". Has this to say about the Sinclair QL "[QL] used the
powerful formula processing language Forth"

   Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society) (We want a Spectrum +4)
QL-Users Mailing List