Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-03 Thread Lee Privett
Even with Mr Dunbar's incorrect address Google Chrome (under XP) got me 
thereafter one more click, as for the Quanta website, that is currently 
displaying correctly in Chrome, and displays correctly in Opera too but not in 
IE 8, IE9 will not run in XP hence I changed to Chrome.

 PS I have only looked at the home page

-: Back to the QL :-
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dilwyn Jones 
  Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 5:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

  Right, are you wearing your flame-proof suit, Norman?

  Norman Dunbar wrote:

   I know exactly about this problem because my own web site at has the same problem with IE but not
   with anything else. (IE 9 does manage to display the pages properly 
   have to add.)
  But IE9 does not work on Windows XP machines.

   The affected web sites are using CSS and versions of IE that I have
   tested on my old web site failed miserably, up as far as IE 8 Beta, 
   render the page correctly according to the CSS rules.
  Well, I use IE8 and Firefox 3.6.16 and there are plenty of websites I 
  visit from time to time which fail to display as intended on one 
  browser or the other (mainly IE8 I hasten to add, though not always by 
  any means).
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-03 Thread Dilwyn Jones

Lee Privett wrote:

Even with Mr Dunbar's incorrect address Google Chrome (under XP) got
me thereafter one more click, as for the Quanta website, that is
currently displaying correctly in Chrome, and displays correctly in
Opera too but not in IE 8, IE9 will not run in XP hence I changed to

PS I have only looked at the home page


The point here being that websites using CSS can go well astray under 
some versions of IE as Norman explained.

Next point of course is that (as Norman suggested) should we go the 
extra mile to make sure that the body of IE users get web pages that 
will display as intended on IE or just take the viewpoint that This 
website doesn't display correctly on Internet Exploder. Tough. Try 
another browser.

Of course, it's the age-old question of how far do you take 
compatibility? Many old QL games won't run on QPC2 in high resolution 
or high colour modes for example, but will work if you start QPC2 in 
mode 4 512x256 (or possibly with QPC_QLSCREMU turned on) thus forcing 
screen memory and system variables to the same location as a QL, 
because Marcel went to great lengths to ensure some compatibility with 
older software not written to modern standards. How far can people be 
reasonably expected to go to make websites and software work on all 
systems past and present?

Quanta's website will soon be moved to a new ISP who have specific 
knowledge and experience of the Typo3 CMS and the various plugins we 
would like to be able to use, such as the troublesome News one which 
has caused us so much difficulty since the middle of last year. I just 
hope (fingers and everything else crossed) that this closes the door 
on past problems and frees us to concentrate on the content as we want 
to do, and enable us to move forward with long term projects such as 
putting the Library online for members.

I hope, I really really do.

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-03 Thread Norman Dunbar

Hi Dilwyn,

No! Should I be? I'm only ironing, nothing dangerous! ;-)

Ironing, or smoothing out the bugs?

Well, both! Ironing to smooth out the bugs in my shirts for next week.

Anyway, how can you be reading your email while ironing ???
Iron a shirt, read a mail, iron a shirt ... My office is where I do the 

But you are an IT pro...I only take weekely backups because not enough
changes (normally) get done in one week on any of the small-time stuff I
I may be an IT pro but I don't often backup my laptop, so last week I 
decided that just in case I had better write myself an rsync script 
to backup certain folders to my USB drive.

While it all worked under testing, I noticed that my Documents folder 
was full of backups of my on-line library (ie, about 500 assorted 
manuals that I use for work) and all my documents were gone.

I know *how* it happened - the rsync script was written to remove from 
the backup area anything no longer in the library area. I don't know 
*why* it happened as I had not written the script in my Documents folder 
and neither had I run it from there - so how it managed to backup the 
library and wipe my files from the wrong folder, I have no idea!

You only stand up just before you throw another PC running Windows out
the window! ;-)

Yup! As the caption competition picture my son sent to me for the March
issue of the magazine shows ;-)

Your son seems to do a lot of that sort of thing!

At long last! Seems that forcing M$ to allow Windows user to select
other browsers might be having an influence.
I'm not sure. I have a feeling that the Firefox browser got so many good 
write-ups, even in Windows magazines - that the vast majority of Web 
sites that used to say not using IE, tough! decided that that was no 
longer the way to go.

People started seeing Not using a standards compliant browser? Tough 
messages instead and, as Firefox is fast, secure and free, people 
started using it, showed their friends and it spread.

 That article is not 100%

clear on it, though, because the direct comparison was with IE7.0
specifically and mentions that the figure might be different if you base
it on users using all versions of IE. Still that was 2009, so it must be
even truer today. Thank goodness.
Yes, and one thing the article didn't mention was the fact that a lot of 
browsers have a setting that allows them to pretend to be IE - and the 
figures for IE may include lots of numbers for browsers that are not IE!

At the very best you'd have to admit that you are denying a big group
the joys of accessing your website if it won't work on IE! Then you'd
say (probably) thank goodness
I *may* be denying some people, but no-one has complained so far. And, 
the content is there and visible even with IE, you just have to scroll 
down a little bit.

Yes, that's the difficult part. Give an average emailer the choice of
pretty colours, fonts, pictures etc under their control against simple
plain text, you probably know which they'd choose. Probably not the same
as you and I would.
Yes, that's my point. M$ decide to adopt a new standard simply by 
dint of numbers. You buy a PC, you pay the Windows tax and, in most 
cases, you use the software provided in its default settings. Hence, 
suddenly, HTML becomes frequently used.

And a jolly good rant it was too. I enjoyed it. Cheers!

Drat, failed in my efforts to annoy Norman :o(



Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-03 Thread Norman Dunbar

Hi Lee,

On 03/04/11 15:44, Lee Privett wrote:

Even with Mr Dunbar's incorrect address Google Chrome (under XP) got me 
thereafter one more click, as for the Quanta website, that is currently 
displaying correctly in Chrome, and displays correctly in Opera too but not in 
IE 8, IE9 will not run in XP hence I changed to Chrome.

That's strange, I used my XP in a VM system to run IE8 on my website and 
it was working fine for me yesterday!

Still Chrome is good!


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-03 Thread Norman Dunbar

Hi Dilwyn,

Next point of course is that (as Norman suggested) should we go the
extra mile to make sure that the body of IE users get web pages that
will display as intended on IE or just take the viewpoint that This
website doesn't display correctly on Internet Exploder. Tough. Try
another browser.
Remember the days of IE5 when banks and some online shops refused point 
blank to allow you to shop unless you used IE? The boot is on the other 
foot now! ;-)

What  goes around, comes around - be nice to people on the way up 
because you will meet them again on the way down!

Of course, it's the age-old question of how far do you take
Follow the example set by Microsoft then. I have to use Windows 2000 at 
work. I cannot install the latest version of Oracle on that platform 
because M$ have changed a DLL entry point named GetUserHomeDirectory 
(or something similar) to GetUserHomeDirectoryA and the compilers used 
now generate this latter version rather than the former. This breaks 
Windows 2000. 003, XP, 2008, Vista and Windows 7 work fine, just not 2000.

So, Microsoft don't care much for backward compatibility.

... Marcel went to great lengths to ensure some compatibility with older
software not written to modern standards. How far can people be
reasonably expected to go to make websites and software work on all
systems past and present?
Marcel did indeed go to great lengths and I think I once read that 
Digital Precision went to great lengths *not* to get Turbo to fix bugs 
in the QL because some old programs that could be compiled used those 
bugs to work!

I hope, I really really do.

I hope it all works out for Quanta too.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-03 Thread Lee Privett
Well if there is one constant in this universe it's inconsistency
-: Back to the QL :-
  - Original Message - 
  From: Norman Dunbar 
  Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 5:22 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

  Hi Lee,

  On 03/04/11 15:44, Lee Privett wrote:
   Even with Mr Dunbar's incorrect address Google Chrome (under XP) got me 
thereafter one more click, as for the Quanta website, that is currently 
displaying correctly in Chrome, and displays correctly in Opera too but not in 
IE 8, IE9 will not run in XP hence I changed to Chrome.

  That's strange, I used my XP in a VM system to run IE8 on my website and 
  it was working fine for me yesterday!

  Still Chrome is good!


  Norman Dunbar
  Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

  Registered address:
  Thorpe House
  61 Richardshaw Lane
  West Yorkshire
  United Kingdom
  LS28 7EL

  Company Number: 05132767
  QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-02 Thread Norman Dunbar
I wonder if I may comment on the details of the problems with the Quanta 
Web Page on Page 4 or the latest QL Today. (I have extreme difficulty 
typing Today rather than Toady!)

The statement that Internet Explorer correctly, displays the menu items 
on the left hand side, but the rest of the screen appears blank until 
the user scrolls down to below the menu. amuses me somewhat.

I know exactly about this problem because my own web site at has the same problem with IE but not with 
anything else. (IE 9 does manage to display the pages properly I have to 

Equally, my old website page for QStripper used to have a comment at the 
top that said something about the big blank space and the fact that 
the menu scrolled off the top when you scrolled the page. Only IE gave 
these problems.

The cause is simple, Microsoft don't do standards. End of story. They 
think that they are too big and important for standards and ignore them, 
or change them as they see fit.

The affected web sites are using CSS and versions of IE that I have 
tested on my old web site failed miserably, up as far as IE 8 Beta, to 
render the page correctly according to the CSS rules.

At work I use the same Wiki system (DocuWiki) as I do for the above web 
site. Because the Government's chosen browser is IE 6.0 (the one with 
the most security holes and bugs in - go figure) we have to work with that.

If I use a decent template for our work wiki, it's horrible under IE, so 
I have to use one that make the system look like a late 70's web page 
rather than something a tad more modern.

My own web page doesn't display correctly using IE 6 and neither does 
the Quanta web page.

Gone are the days, thankfully, when you used to see web sites with signs 
on them saying best views in Internet Explorer, now you see Using IE? 
Shame. Why not get a proper browser that follows standards and you will 
enjoy this site all the more. (Or words to that effect!)

I decided with my own web site to use a template that I liked and if IE 
didn't work, then sorry, that's just tough. The properly written 
browsers do display the site correctly, so the solution is to get a 
proper browser. Harsh, possibly, but fair.

The world no longer cow-tows to Microsoft. Moving on 

Also on Page 4, it mentions that I created a test PDF of Volume 5 issue 
1, this was Volume 15 in actual fact, but no worries - I'm hardly one to 
criticise others for making typos am I! Not with the state of some of my 
articles. :-)

The PD I produced was in the full defaults for Open Office 3 and as 
such, the font size may have been bigger than usual. I also produced it 
with white space between paragraphs - something not often done in QL 
Today - and my biggest bugbear with the magazine.

As Geoff mentions, I created a single column layout at first as this is 
easiest to read on screen - you don't want to scroll down the page to 
read the first column, then back up and then down again to read the 
second column. In addition, where two articles share a page, you read 
down, up, down again to finish the first article, then down up and down 
to read the start of the second!

It's excellent on paper where your eyes do the moving, but not on screen 
- unless you have one of those monitors that displays a full A4 page in 
portrait format!


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-02 Thread gdgqler

On 2 Apr 2011, at 17:08, Norman Dunbar wrote:

 I know exactly about this problem because my own web site at has the same problem with IE but not with 
 anything else. (IE 9 does manage to display the pages properly I have to add.)

This site appears not to exist!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-02 Thread Norman Dunbar

I know exactly about this problem because my own web site at has the same problem with IE but not with 
anything else. (IE 9 does manage to display the pages properly I have to add.)

This site appears not to exist!

This is why I said that I'm not in a position to criticise people for 
making typos! The proper URL should be 
and not as above. Sigh!


PS. I note you are busy again George . updating pages all over the 

Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-02 Thread Dilwyn Jones

Right, are you wearing your flame-proof suit, Norman?

Norman Dunbar wrote:

I know exactly about this problem because my own web site at has the same problem with IE but not
with anything else. (IE 9 does manage to display the pages properly 

have to add.)

But IE9 does not work on Windows XP machines.

The affected web sites are using CSS and versions of IE that I have
tested on my old web site failed miserably, up as far as IE 8 Beta, 

render the page correctly according to the CSS rules.
Well, I use IE8 and Firefox 3.6.16 and there are plenty of websites I 
visit from time to time which fail to display as intended on one 
browser or the other (mainly IE8 I hasten to add, though not always by 
any means).

I have just spent an hour or two trying to figure out why a page on a 
site I maintain for a local craft association failed to display 
properly on Firefox - a table got its columns a bit scrambled. I am 
not sure what the problem was - I redid the page in a  slightly 
different way and the problem eventually went away, but I didn't keep 
a copy to examine why. Using comment markers in table cells MAY have 
been the problem, but I am not sure.

My own web page doesn't display correctly using IE 6 and neither 

the Quanta web page.

I am surprised anything displays correctly in IE6!

Quanta home page has consistently failed to display as intended on IE8 
too (Dan and Keith are fed up of me complaining about it - it won't 
get fixed before the move to the new hosts which should happen real 
soon I hope).

It isn't just the Quanta home page that fails when using IE8 for me - 
I have great difficulties with the Typo3 CMS when trying to edit the 
pages via IE8. It is much easier (and seems to be faster, though that 
is probably subjective) when using Firefox.

Gone are the days, thankfully, when you used to see web sites with
signs on them saying best views in Internet Explorer, now you see
Using IE? Shame. Why not get a proper browser that follows 
and you will enjoy this site all the more. (Or words to that 
While I would be the last person on this planet to stand up for 
Micro$oft, the plain home truth is that the majority of Windows users 
still use Internet Explorer of one version or another, despite its 
faults. To say that to your website visitors is laziness in many 
ways, as you are failing to ensure your website works for the 
majority. However, using modern web page editing software often 
produces code which is very hard or impossible to study and recode by 
hand, so this tends to become unavoidable sometimes.

Of course, I suspect if you add up all the users of Firefox, Chrome, 
Safari and any other alternative browsers you may well find that the 
sum total of the others adds up to more than the number of IEs. If all 
the other browsers all display the pages correctly, your statement 
then starts to be valid.

Rant over.

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-02 Thread gdgqler

On 2 Apr 2011, at 17:23, Norman Dunbar wrote:

 PS. I note you are busy again George . updating pages all over the place!

At long last I've found out how (not to) set up  a queue device. In the course 
of this I have found a most intriguing error in SMSQ/E which shows that no-one 
has ever used the vector written specially for queues.

More of this later perhaps!


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-02 Thread Norman Dunbar


On 02/04/11 18:11, Norman Dunbar wrote:

While I would be the last person on this planet to stand up for

You only stand up just before you throw another PC running Windows out
the window! ;-)

You only stand up for Microsoft was what I meant to say!

As of two months ago, the most used browser in all of Europe was Firefox
3. See

Sigh. As of March 31st 2009. Where I got two months ago I have no idea.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta's Web Collapse, PDFs again (in QL Today)

2011-04-02 Thread Dilwyn Jones

Norman Dunbar wrote:

Hi Dilwyn,

Right, are you wearing your flame-proof suit, Norman?

No! Should I be? I'm only ironing, nothing dangerous! ;-)

Ironing, or smoothing out the bugs?

Anyway, how can you be reading your email while ironing ???

I have just spent an hour or two trying to figure out why a page on 

site I maintain for a local craft association failed to display
properly on Firefox - a table got its columns a bit scrambled. I am
not sure what the problem was - I redid the page in a slightly
different way and the problem eventually went away, but I didn't
keep a copy to examine why. Using comment markers in table cells 

have been the problem, but I am not sure.

It's a shame you didn't keep a copy. Actually, I'm surprised you
didn't. Making changes to a live web site is dangerous. My stuff 

backed up daily and the Wiki software keeps n old versions - just
in case.
But you are an IT pro...I only take weekely backups because not enough 
changes (normally) get done in one week on any of the small-time stuff 
I do.

Still, it used to be IE 5.5 and when we (the government) upgraded to
IE 6.0, we have to get the vendors to build in different bugs to 
make the

system work with IE 6. Go figure!

He he, that I can believe ;-)

It isn't just the Quanta home page that fails when using IE8 for me
- I have great difficulties with the Typo3 CMS when trying to edit
the pages via IE8. It is much easier (and seems to be faster, 

that is probably subjective) when using Firefox.

I suspect the problem is because the CMS uses an on screen editor to
generate content. That is working inside a web page itself and
probably using CSS. Hence, IE (whatever version) with its CSS
problems, can't work with the editor properly. Just a hunch - I
obviously don't know.

Could well be the case.

While I would be the last person on this planet to stand up for
You only stand up just before you throw another PC running Windows 

the window! ;-)
Yup! As the caption competition picture my son sent to me for the 
March issue of the magazine shows ;-)

the plain home truth is that the majority of Windows users
still use Internet Explorer of one version or another, despite its

As of two months ago, the most used browser in all of Europe was
Firefox 3. See
- so unfortunately it seems as if all those Windows users are 

on to quality products and no longer being spoon feed mush by
At long last! Seems that forcing M$ to allow Windows user to select 
other browsers might be having an influence. That article is not 100% 
clear on it, though, because the direct comparison was with IE7.0 
specifically and mentions that the figure might be different if you 
base it on users using all versions of IE. Still that was 2009, so it 
must be even truer today. Thank goodness.

To say that to your website visitors is laziness in many ways,
as you are failing to ensure your website works for the majority.
No, my website actually works for the majority. My site is based on 

product that produces Web Standard HTML and CSS. It's not my fault
that the people too lazy to get a proper browser (oops!) decide to
stick with a broken one. One that has butchered web standards and
now, the cows have come home to roost. (Cows? Roosting? Who's got 

chickens then?)
At the very best you'd have to admit that you are denying a big group 
the joys of accessing your website if it won't work on IE! Then you'd 
say (probably) thank goodness

You do know, for example, that the web standard for email is plain
text. So why then do Microsoft set their email clients up with
default that send emails in bloody HTML. It takes masses more
bandwidth and gives what extra? A bold text here or a colour there?
It's content that is important - and that's why we have CSS, it
separates the content from the styling.
Yes, that's the difficult part. Give an average emailer the choice of 
pretty colours, fonts, pictures etc under their control against simple 
plain text, you probably know which they'd choose. Probably not the 
same as you and I would.

Rant over.

And a jolly good rant it was too. I enjoyed it. Cheers!

Drat, failed in my efforts to annoy Norman :o(

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List