Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-07 Thread Malcolm Lear

I have always wanted to take the existing QL mainboard schematic and do an
updated version with improved power, and on-board IDE, floppy and mouse, and
a 680X0 and faster memory. Something like Peter Graf's work, but all on one
replacement PCB. I understand it's not the most viable project, financially,
and it would best be a team effort, but I have a little 80s and 90s
experience to bring to bear (nothing CLOSE to Peter Graf's skills) and could
do a modest QL PCB redesign...


In terms of the graphics I've now found a very nice chip from TI 
(TFP410) that when utilized along side a CPLD and SRAM/DRAM allows a 
fairly easy way to produce QL graphics mode output to DVI.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-05 Thread gdgqler

On 4 Feb 2011, at 20:09, Geoff Wicks wrote:

 Until 2005 an item on the agenda of the AGM was always Any Other Business. 
 When John Mason became chairman he ruled that Any Other Business was 
 unconstitutional. Instead we now have an open discussion which does not 
 have decision making powers. The present officers have continued this policy. 
 Can you name me any other organisation that forbids Any Other Business at 
 its AGM?

I would regard it as normal that  business at an AGM is restricted to that in 
the official notice of the AGM. The way to allow other subjects to be aired is 
to have an informal discussion after the formal AGM.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-04 Thread Malcolm Lear

On 04/02/2011 03:17, Plastic wrote:

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Dilwyn Jones

Sad though that, as Tobias said, it seems that Jan has no plans to do any
further work on the 'new' Qubide.

Dilwyn Jones

If I had a schematic and code, I would be happy to (re)design anything  out
there. I don't have any production ability - but that would change in about
six months.

I have always wanted to take the existing QL mainboard schematic and do an
updated version with improved power, and on-board IDE, floppy and mouse, and
a 680X0 and faster memory. Something like Peter Graf's work, but all on one
replacement PCB. I understand it's not the most viable project, financially,
and it would best be a team effort, but I have a little 80s and 90s
experience to bring to bear (nothing CLOSE to Peter Graf's skills) and could
do a modest QL PCB redesign...


Hi Dave,

A very good idea. I would be very happy to design the new graphics chip 
along with dedicated video memory.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality check and semantics

2011-02-04 Thread gdgqler

On 4 Feb 2011, at 00:01, Peter Baily wrote:

 I shall continue to use the QL notwithstanding its lack of internet
 access because, as I noted before, it enables me to devise routines to
 do what I need without the clutter of what someone else thinks I should
This hits my nail on the head. Also, having in the past programmed ICL's PCC 
(Program Controlled Computer later down graded to Punched Card Calculator), a  
Ferranti Pegasus and the  IBM 360 I find the QL much nicer to deal with.

With the QL you can do what you want and fairly easily too.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-04 Thread Tony Firshman

Billy wrote, on 4/Feb/11 10:54 | Feb4:

On 03/02/2011 21:23, Tobias Fröschle wrote:

Am 03.02.2011 21:09, schrieb Dilwyn Jones:


his plans for the replacement Qubide ( or - Anybody still in


Hello readers, there are no news and no plans to develop it further at
the moment. Sorry for that. (20/6/2010)

Which is quite a pity.


I would venture - more beneficial would be the USB port, lots and lots
of USB HDD out there, floppy drives and other stuff for not much money
(relative) and some of them are Black.

All the best - Bill

.. so will you do the drivers then please (8-)#

The hardware is the easy bit.

USBWIZ has the USB port, but few drivers.


QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254 Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 Skype: tonyfirshman
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-04 Thread Lee Privett

ooh look here

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2

I would venture - more beneficial would be the USB port, lots and lots
of USB HDD out there, floppy drives and other stuff for not much money
(relative) and some of them are Black.

All the best - Bill

.. so will you do the drivers then please (8-)#

The hardware is the easy bit.

USBWIZ has the USB port, but few drivers.



QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-04 Thread Mark Martin
On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:00 AM, Tony Firshman wrote:
 Billy wrote, on 4/Feb/11 10:54 | Feb4:

 On 03/02/2011 21:23, Tobias Fröschle wrote:

 Am 03.02.2011 21:09, schrieb Dilwyn Jones:


 his plans for the replacement Qubide ( or - Anybody still in


 Hello readers, there are no news and no plans to develop it further at
 the moment. Sorry for that. (20/6/2010)

 Which is quite a pity.


 I would venture - more beneficial would be the USB port, lots and lots
 of USB HDD out there, floppy drives and other stuff for not much money
 (relative) and some of them are Black.

 All the best - Bill

 .. so will you do the drivers then please (8-)#

 The hardware is the easy bit.

 USBWIZ has the USB port, but few drivers.

If there's going to be new, AVAILABLE hardware, and it's going to be
relatively easy to get it in the US, I'll help write drivers.
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-04 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: Dilwyn Jones
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

speaking as member D.Jones, not as committee member for this email

Of course, but the most important thing is sorting out the current 
situation as regards the wording (which has with the benefit of hindsight, 
proved to be, umm, not quite satisfactory) of the committee officers term 
of office.

The rest of it isn't too bad as it stands in my opinion, but certainly if 
anyone has concerns about other areas and we can get a group to look at 
it, why not!

It is not just a simple matter of tidying up the words. Several people in 
this discussion have suggested amending the constitution and that could mean 
substantial change. Although only one person has stated it explicitly I have 
the impression that people are saying that we should look again at the 2005 

There is another point. I have seen many constitutions and I have never seen 
one that is an undemocratic as Quanta's constitution. I have never seen one 
that gives so much power to the executive and so little to the members. The 
Quanta constitution wants the members to be like little children, seen but 
not heard. If the constitution wants us to be passive then it is our right 
as members to be apathetic.

This constitution may have been appropriate when Quanta was first formed 
when it had a membership of over 2000 and the fastest means of communication 
were expensive and time consuming long distance telephone calls. In those 
days Quanta could not have survived as a democracy and needed authoritarian 
leadership. It is totally inappropriate for today when the organisation is 
much smaller and fast communication by email is possible.

However, instead of becoming more democratic practically all the 
constitutional amendments in recent years have increased the powers of the 
officers at the expense of the ordinary members. Two of the present three 
officers have actively supported this further restriction on democracy.

Until 2005 an item on the agenda of the AGM was always Any Other Business. 
When John Mason became chairman he ruled that Any Other Business was 
unconstitutional. Instead we now have an open discussion which does not 
have decision making powers. The present officers have continued this 
policy. Can you name me any other organisation that forbids Any Other 
Business at its AGM?

If a member proposes a motion or constitutional amendment for the AGM the 
committee have the power to amend it. The members have no power to amend a 
committee resolution or constitutional amendment. On the occasions when a 
member has tried to propose an amendment at the AGM it has been ruled 

If the members want to call a special meeting they have to obtain the 
signatures of over half the members and pay a deposit of £500.

Quanta is not a democracy and on occasions the officers behave like 
dictators. Before accusing the members of apathy, the officers should ask 
themselves how far they are responsible for that.

To all those people who have asked me to stand again for office in Quanta, 
the answer is no. I wish to have no official role in Quanta until I am 
satisfied that the officers intend to make the organisation a democracy,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread peet vanpeebles

--- On Wed, 2/2/11, Geoff Wicks wrote:

 From: Geoff Wicks
 Subject: [Ql-Users] Reality Check
 To: ql-users
 Date: Wednesday, 2 February, 2011, 20:39
 Last weekend several people
 castigated me for suggesting that Quanta should be wound
 Not really a problem, but something for Quanta to boast
 about. Without Quanta there would have been no new keyboard
 membranes. Any ideas for other good uses for the capital?
 But don't forget you can't use the capital for both projects
 and to make up shortfalls in the subscription
 income/expenditure balance.

 Best Wishes,
 QL-Users Mailing List

A new gold card project would be lovely for new users and people wanting a 
spare. The last one on ebay sold untested for over £190!

As for the lack of users, the QL scene needs to organise a PR group to 
advertise the QL this would attract new users which would improve the scene for 


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Rich Mellor

On 02/02/2011 23:18, Peter Graf wrote:

Hi Geoff,

Last weekend several people castigated me for suggesting that Quanta
should be wound up.

Now it's time to see if you are prepared to put your money where your
mouths are.

I guess QUANTA members benefit more if my time goes into QL hardware and
drivers, than into the other work you mentioned :-)

It's absolutely okay to rise subscription.

All the best
QL-Users Mailing List

Peter - yes, most definitely, if your time is put into QL hardware, that 
is for the benefit of all, including Quanta :-)

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Rich Mellor

On 02/02/2011 22:25, Lee Privett wrote:
Taking what has been said at face value and as a returning member of 
Quanta and living in the south east I am both excited and saddened by 
the current state of affairs, my response to each point is as follows:

1: QUANTA MAGAZINE - I would volanteer for editor but have very little 
experience in this matter, however I have volanteered
2: WEBSITE - same answer as above, I can certainly construct web pages 
so could help with that, however I do not have the experience of web 
site construction only content
3: SHOWS - whilst viable they should continue to be as is, but does 
the constitution allow for video conferencing and could it be set-up 
as such?
4: SOUTH EAST - I have no idea about the secretive group, but I used 
to quite enjoy the Essex meetings held in a pub somewhere near a 
forest if memory serves, I will have a go at arranging a one off in a 
church hall near me and see how many turn up (help anyone - Southend 
5: FINANCE the subscription is ridiculously low and I was surprised 
when paying my first one last year of how inexpensive it is, raising 
it to £25 seems reasaonable to me and if people stop subscribing 
because of  it and less moneu comes in I dont see what difference it 
would really make in the long run, so atleast raising the subs would 
sort the men from the boys so to speak.
6: CONSTITUTION - I feel it should be simplified and reflect todays 
climate and practice.

7: SUBGROUPS - see point 4
8: KEYBOARD MEMBRANES - there are already some good ideas for projects 
already going on in this email/forum and should be supported, by 
raising the subscription then the focus can be made towards that and 
supporting the shortfall.

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2

QL-Users Mailing List


Many thanks for the email and raising these points for discussion.  
Perhaps you would be so kind as to repeat the original email on the QL 
Forums, to attract a wider audience than this mailing list.


I like your enthusiasm - it is good that new (or returning) users, such 
as yourself, Peter Scott and  Rob Heaton have this in abundance.

You should have all received an email I circulated a couple of days ago 
with news, and also a special offer which Quanta have agreed for new 
members subscribing for 3 years - this has been sent to all of my QL 
customers and hopefully this may see a boost in membership and help with 
the financial issues.

I do what I can to promote the QL, and things like the QL Forums and the 
QL Wiki are key to this, alongside the Quanta website which should be 
more of a hub - maybe showing an RSS feed of topics on the QL Forum and 
(maybe) even on this list.

I have always enjoyed attending Quanta shows - although I turn up as a 
trader, the sales are never that great, but then the chats with other 
QLers are invaluable.  However, this year, as I am no longer able to 
subsidise my business through full time employment, I am seriously 
having to look at the cost of staying overnight in Manchester and with 
current attendance levels, wonder whether a 2 day show is justifiable, 
or whether Quanta would be better holding a one day show and AGM, and 
then another one day show later in the year?

The Quanta website should not be too difficult, as it is built around a 
content management system, so updating the content should be a matter of 
just editing the text.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Dilwyn Jones
The Quanta website should not be too difficult, as it is built 
around a content management system, so updating the content should 
be a matter of just editing the text.

Rich Mellor
If only it were that simple! I've used CMS'es in work over the years 
and they generally are, when they work.

I haven't been able to update the Quanta site's news page for months 
now, for example. Problems of some sort between the CMS and servers on 
which Quanta's site runs. I don't know what the problems are (I'm not 
webmaster!), but they must be serious for the site to be partially in 
limbo for this long.

Great to hear, BTW, that Lee has volunteered!

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Rich Mellor

On 03/02/2011 10:33, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
The Quanta website should not be too difficult, as it is built around 
a content management system, so updating the content should be a 
matter of just editing the text.

Rich Mellor
If only it were that simple! I've used CMS'es in work over the years 
and they generally are, when they work.

I haven't been able to update the Quanta site's news page for months 
now, for example. Problems of some sort between the CMS and servers on 
which Quanta's site runs. I don't know what the problems are (I'm not 
webmaster!), but they must be serious for the site to be partially in 
limbo for this long.

Great to hear, BTW, that Lee has volunteered!

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

I didn't realise that there was a problem there between the CMS and 
servers - if the webmasters would like to discuss this with me, I am 
sure I could help out on the software side...

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Peter
Rich Mellor wrote:

 However, this year, as I am no longer able to subsidise my business
 through full time employment, I am seriously having to look at the
 cost of staying overnight in Manchester and with current attendance
 levels, wonder whether a 2 day show is justifiable, or whether Quanta
 would be better holding a one day show and AGM, and then another one
 day show later in the year?

Now that we finally seem close to new QL hardware, I wonder if it's the 
right time to ask for another decline in QUANTA activities.

I rarely attend an AGM, but I consider to come this year. If I find the 
time, I would demonstate some of the QL projects I had started but 
abandoned due to the operating system situation.

This would include

- Prototype of a new QL hardware
- Native ethernet drivers
- QL internet applications
- Cool looking GUI without need for pointer environment
- Parallel port SD card interface

Sorry that I can not commit myself. I'll try to let someone else show the 
hardware prototype if I can not attend.

All the best

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Dilwyn Jones
Now that we finally seem close to new QL hardware, I wonder if it's 

right time to ask for another decline in QUANTA activities.

I rarely attend an AGM, but I consider to come this year. If I find 

time, I would demonstate some of the QL projects I had started but
abandoned due to the operating system situation.

This would include

- Prototype of a new QL hardware
- Native ethernet drivers
- QL internet applications
- Cool looking GUI without need for pointer environment
- Parallel port SD card interface

Sorry that I can not commit myself. I'll try to let someone else 
show the

hardware prototype if I can not attend.

All the best

Hi Peter,

A visit would be great (it would be nice to meet you - and maybe 
Claus - again after several years).

I could probably arrange for you to do a talk or demonstration at the 
Quanta meeting - speakers are always welcome. Please contact me 
privately if you would like to arrange this.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality check

2011-02-03 Thread Peter Baily

 Geoff wicks wrote:

 Last weekend several people castigated me for suggesting that Quanta should 
 be wound up.

 Now it's time to see if you are prepared to put your money where your mouths 

 I am not asking you to to do anything drastic like joining the committee, but 
 something more simple to show your support for Quanta and the Quanta 

 Unlike most of you I have frequent unofficial contact with members of the 
 Quanta committee. In public they are frequently criticising the members for 
 their apathy. In private their language and emotions are much stronger. I 
 think it is fair to say they are bitter and disillusioned by the lack of 
 support from the members. They are having to double or triple up committee 
 duties to keep Quanta alive and feel a lack of concern and interest from the 
 members. Over the last year they have continually warned that the future of 
 Quanta was in jeopardy, but apparently no one was listening. At the moment 
 committee morale is at a low ebb and has been made worse by two factors. For 
 the first time a Quanta committee has had to be prepared for the real 
 possibility of advising the closure of the organisation at the next AGM. They 
 have also had to cope with a serious problem, the details of which I cannot 
 go into, that has proved more difficult to solve than first thought. Some 
 advanced plans 
  for Quanta on which the committee have done hours of preparation have had to 
 be put on hold. Inevitably this has led to some tension between members of 
 the committee.

 So I am asking you all now to give the committee a good morale boost. Below 
 is a list of the problems that face the committee. It is a little frightening 
 in its length. Let's now give the committee some detailed help and feedback 
 on these issues.


 Quanta has been unable to find a permanent editor for its magazine for about 
 6 years. There is now an acute crisis with no editor or acting editor. 
 Producing a magazine is a highly skilled task and the people on the committee 
 with those skills are already overworked with other duties. I doubt if the 
 committee now has the resources to produce a magazine. What should they do in 
 these circumstances? 
 I look forward eagerly to each new (electronic) edition but could not
edit it.   Clearly, the problem is finding someone with, not only
enthusiasm, but experience and time.   If an editor can not be found
among the aging QL enthusiasts then the magazine sadly must cease to be
I also look forward to receiving each edition of QL Today.
I have on rare occasions made minor contributions to both journals.

 The Quanta website has not been updated for 6 months. Although Quanta has had 
 websites for about 10 years it has never mastered the art of keeping a 
 website up to date. How should they tackle this problem?
I suppose Webmasters need similar qualifications/availability magazine

 Quanta can now manage only one show per year and the attendance is usually 
 low. Quanta is legally obliged to hold an AGM each year. Although in recent 
 years attendance has improved, three or four years ago attendance levels were 
 dangerously near the quorum. How should Quanta organise its AGMs in future?
I have tried to attend every year - sadly that has not always been
possible.That the AGM has been held in the middle of the UK seems
very sensible.
For me, shows have become largely places to meet other enthusiasts and
to listen to presentations on what others are doing with their QLs (or
emulators).   There has been very little new software or hardware in
recent years, though news in recent contributions here suggest that may
change soon.

 Apart from a small, and, in my opinion, somewhat secretive subgroup, Quanta 
 has had no presence in the South East for almost 4 years. How do we 
 re-establish contact with the South East?

As a member of a group in the South-East of England, I am not aware of
secrecy, just small size and, in my case, clashes of other engagements
making my attendance at meetings infrequent.

 Some years ago I wrote a piece in QL Today about the falling membership and 
 was accused of being anti-Quanta. When I wrote that item subscription income 
 covered more than 80% of expenditure. Today that figure is more like 60%. 
 Quanta has survived financially in recent years because Rich Mellor has 
 traded in second hand hardware on their behalf, but this is a diminishing 
 source of income. What would you do about the gap between subscription income 
 and expenditure? Would you be prepared to accept increasing the subscription 
 to a maximum of ?25? (And just a warning for those people who suggest 
 structurally using the capital. You would be condemning Quanta to a short 
 term future. In the worst case scenario you could count the years left on the 
 fingers of one hand.)

The subscription should be raised.   £25 p.a. may be a 

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality check

2011-02-03 Thread Tony Firshman

Peter Baily wrote, on 3/Feb/11 13:11 | Feb3:


However, we should not be surprised that most
people use PCs; after all this exchange of views, news, etc. would not
exist unless we were using PCs.

By PCs I take it you mean machines running Windows.
I access this group but don't use a PC.
Guess how.  Forbidden fruit is a clue (8-)#

QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254 Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 Skype: tonyfirshman
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality check

2011-02-03 Thread Norman Dunbar
 By PCs I take it you mean machines running Windows.
 I access this group but don't use a PC.
Likewise, given the definition above. But not the same as you.

 Guess how.  Forbidden fruit is a clue (8-)#
Um, is a pineapple?



Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality check

2011-02-03 Thread gdgqler

On 3 Feb 2011, at 14:24, Tony Firshman wrote:

 Norman Dunbar wrote, on 3/Feb/11 14:19 | Feb3:
 By PCs I take it you mean machines running Windows.
 I access this group but don't use a PC.
 Likewise, given the definition above. But not the same as you.
 Guess how.  Forbidden fruit is a clue (8-)#
 Um, is a pineapple?
 Not a 'pine' one but an aluminium one (8-)#

What's an alapple?

I prefer the fruit with a Scottish flavour.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Lee Privett
Any new hardware for th QL is always welcome especially if it enables people 
who have never upgraded to upgrade to something that extends the life of the 
QL or brings it up to date with current technology in some small way. For 
those of us that emulate through a variety of OS's, hardware upgrades have a 
minor interest but are of little use unless we have one or two dusty QLs 
waiting for some device to revitalise their interest. There are also those 
who have missed the whole move through Gold Card/Super Gold Card/Q40/Q60 
phase and are unable to do anything with with their 128K QLs either. So my 
question is are there enough QL users out there to warrant additional 
hardware projects? and if not, what else can the QL be used for in its 
current format?

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2

- Original Message - 
From: Geoff Wicks

To: ql-users
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 8:39 PM
Subject: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

Last weekend several people castigated me for suggesting that Quanta should 
be wound up.

Now it's time to see if you are prepared to put your money where your mouths 

I am not asking you to to do anything drastic like joining the committee, 
but something more simple to show your support for Quanta and the Quanta 

Unlike most of you I have frequent unofficial contact with members of the 
Quanta committee. In public they are frequently criticising the members for 
their apathy. In private their language and emotions are much stronger. I 
think it is fair to say they are bitter and disillusioned by the lack of 
support from the members. They are having to double or triple up committee 
duties to keep Quanta alive and feel a lack of concern and interest from the 
members. Over the last year they have continually warned that the future of 
Quanta was in jeopardy, but apparently no one was listening. At the moment 
committee morale is at a low ebb and has been made worse by two factors. For 
the first time a Quanta committee has had to be prepared for the real 
possibility of advising the closure of the organisation at the next AGM. 
They have also had to cope with a serious problem, the details of which I 
cannot go into, that has proved more difficult to solve than first thought. 
Some advanced plans for Quanta on which the committee have done hours of 
preparation have had to be put on hold. Inevitably this has led to some 
tension between members of the committee.

So I am asking you all now to give the committee a good morale boost. Below 
is a list of the problems that face the committee. It is a little 
frightening in its length. Let's now give the committee some detailed help 
and feedback on these issues.


Quanta has been unable to find a permanent editor for its magazine for about 
6 years. There is now an acute crisis with no editor or acting editor. 
Producing a magazine is a highly skilled task and the people on the 
committee with those skills are already overworked with other duties. I 
doubt if the committee now has the resources to produce a magazine. What 
should they do in these circumstances?


The Quanta website has not been updated for 6 months. Although Quanta has 
had websites for about 10 years it has never mastered the art of keeping a 
website up to date. How should they tackle this problem?


Quanta can now manage only one show per year and the attendance is usually 
low. Quanta is legally obliged to hold an AGM each year. Although in recent 
years attendance has improved, three or four years ago attendance levels 
were dangerously near the quorum. How should Quanta organise its AGMs in 


Apart from a small, and, in my opinion, somewhat secretive subgroup, Quanta 
has had no presence in the South East for almost 4 years. How do we 
re-establish contact with the South East?


Some years ago I wrote a piece in QL Today about the falling membership and 
was accused of being anti-Quanta. When I wrote that item subscription income 
covered more than 80% of expenditure. Today that figure is more like 60%. 
Quanta has survived financially in recent years because Rich Mellor has 
traded in second hand hardware on their behalf, but this is a diminishing 
source of income. What would you do about the gap between subscription 
income and expenditure? Would you be prepared to accept increasing the 
subscription to a maximum of £25? (And just a warning for those people who 
suggest structurally using the capital. You would be condemning Quanta to a 
short term future. In the worst case scenario you could count the years left 
on the fingers of one hand.)


Several people suggested amending Quanta's constitution to save the 
organisation. What specific amendments are you proposing? There is no need

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Dilwyn Jones
who have missed the whole move through Gold Card/Super Gold 
Card/Q40/Q60 phase and are unable to do anything with with their 
128K QLs either. So my question is are there enough QL users out 
there to warrant additional hardware projects? and if not, what else 
can the QL be used for in its current format?

Lee Privett

Tinkering, what the QL has always been used for!

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Geoff Wicks

Many thanks to all the people who have replied although we still need a lot 
more replies.

I particularly like the positive content of many of the replies. Why can't 
we recreate this sort of enthusiasm right throughout Quanta? After all I did 
not say I wanted Quanta to close, I said the time had come to close Quanta 
and that is something different. I am also on record as saying I believe 
Quanta could still be a vibrant organisation should the members so wish.

I was a bit surprised about the enthusiasm(?)  for a £25 subscription as I 
wrote that with my tongue in cheek, thinking that, as Lee commented, it 
would separate the men from the boys. A subscription to cover costs would be 
somewhere between £20 and £25, but in practice could probably be lower.

I hate to disappoint some people but the idea of Quanta sponsoring a new 
Gold Card is a non-starter. As I understand it the components of the old 
Gold Cards are no longer available and the development of a new one would be 
a complicated and risky matter. Halfway through the last decade some of us 
looked at this problem with a view to helping a developer finance a gold 
card replacement through Quanta, but it had never been developed to the 
extent that we could formulate a business plan to put to Quanta.

Please keep the replies coming in,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: Peter Graf
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 11:18 PM
Subject: [Ql-Users]  Reality Check

I guess QUANTA members benefit more if my time goes into QL hardware and
drivers, than into the other work you mentioned :-)

It's absolutely okay to rise subscription.

Thanks for participating in this discussion, Peter.

You have always been very loyal to Quanta after the help they gave you over 
the Q60.

As an overseas member you are limited in the work you can do for Quanta and 
I think you are right to say your priority should be hardware development,

Best wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: Rich Mellor
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

Many thanks for the email and raising these points for discussion. 
Perhaps you would be so kind as to repeat the original email on the QL 
Forums, to attract a wider audience than this mailing list.

Sorry I am too pushed for time at the moment as the copy deadline for QL 
Today is approaching and we have something of a copy shortage at the moment.

However if you or someone else would like to post it, I would have no 

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Malcolm Lear

I hate to disappoint some people but the idea of Quanta sponsoring a 
new Gold Card is a non-starter. As I understand it the components of 
the old Gold Cards are no longer available and the development of a 
new one would be a complicated and risky matter. Halfway through the 
last decade some of us looked at this problem with a view to helping a 
developer finance a gold card replacement through Quanta, but it had 
never been developed to the extent that we could formulate a business 
plan to put to Quanta.

Are the Super Gold Card schematics available along with the CPLD 
equation file?

With this info, designing a replacement using up to date components 
(apart from the CPU) would be fairly easy and I'd be happy to do it and 
make it open source.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Malcolm Lear

PS, I'd be able to put on an SPI interface as well. This would allow the 
Microdrive units to be replaced by SD FLASH slots.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Robert Heaton
On 3 February 2011 19:29, Malcolm Lear wrote:

 PS, I'd be able to put on an SPI interface as well. This would allow the
 Microdrive units to be replaced by SD FLASH slots.


That would be awesome!!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Dilwyn Jones
Are the Super Gold Card schematics available along with the CPLD 
equation file?

With this info, designing a replacement using up to date components 
(apart from the CPU) would be fairly easy and I'd be happy to do it 
and make it open source.


This would be fantastic if possible.

We also need to contact Jan Polenicek (?) to see if anything came of 
his plans for the replacement Qubide ( or - Anybody still in touch 
with him? And if he doesn't plan to do further work, whether he could 
publish the schematics in a similar way?

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Dilwyn Jones

- Original Message - 
From: Dilwyn Jones

Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

Are the Super Gold Card schematics available along with the CPLD 
equation file?

With this info, designing a replacement using up to date components 
(apart from the CPU) would be fairly easy and I'd be happy to do it 
and make it open source.


This would be fantastic if possible.

We also need to contact Jan Polenicek (?) to see if anything came of 
his plans for the replacement Qubide ( or - Anybody still in 
touch with him? And if he doesn't plan to do further work, whether 
he could publish the schematics in a similar way?

Dilwyn Jones

Oops, failed to spot that some schematics at least are already on his
website (haven't looked at them in detail).

Also, I didn't stop to think that not many IDE hard disks are
available nowadays, they all seem to be e-SATA etc. So a new Qubide 
might not be as good an idea as I first thought.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Geoff Wicks
In the context of putting my own money where my mouth is, I would be happy 
to help in any project to rewrite the constitution.

I am not a lawyer, but I have had some legal training in the UK plus Works 
Council training in the Netherlands and have had a lot of experience of 
constitutions. I once wrote a constitution from scratch in Dutch.

We would need to have a lengthy discussion first, however, about what Quanta 
would want in a new constitution,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Mark Martin
On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
 Oops, failed to spot that some schematics at least are already on his
 website (haven't looked at them in detail).

 Also, I didn't stop to think that not many IDE hard disks are
 available nowadays, they all seem to be e-SATA etc. So a new Qubide might
 not be as good an idea as I first thought.

I've gone IDE-CF on many of my other retros and have plans for others
still.  It's still a fantastic idea.  I believe you can also go
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Dilwyn Jones
In the context of putting my own money where my mouth is, I would be 
happy to help in any project to rewrite the constitution.

I am not a lawyer, but I have had some legal training in the UK plus 
Works Council training in the Netherlands and have had a lot of 
experience of constitutions. I once wrote a constitution from 
scratch in Dutch.

We would need to have a lengthy discussion first, however, about 
what Quanta would want in a new constitution,

Best Wishes,


speaking as member D.Jones, not as committee member for this email

Of course, but the most important thing is sorting out the current 
situation as regards the wording (which has with the benefit of 
hindsight, proved to be, umm, not quite satisfactory) of the committee 
officers term of office.

The rest of it isn't too bad as it stands in my opinion, but certainly 
if anyone has concerns about other areas and we can get a group to 
look at it, why not!

While it's probably too late for this year, it does mean 12 months to 
put it to the vote in 2012.

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Tobias Fröschle

Am 03.02.2011 21:09, schrieb Dilwyn Jones:

- Original Message - From: Dilwyn Jones

Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

Are the Super Gold Card schematics available along with the CPLD 
equation file?

With this info, designing a replacement using up to date components 
(apart from the CPU) would be fairly easy and I'd be happy to do it 
and make it open source.


This would be fantastic if possible.

We also need to contact Jan Polenicek (?) to see if anything came of 
his plans for the replacement Qubide ( or - Anybody still in 
touch with him? And if he doesn't plan to do further work, whether he 
could publish the schematics in a similar way?

Dilwyn Jones

Oops, failed to spot that some schematics at least are already on his
website (haven't looked at them in detail).

His web site says:

Hello readers, there are no news and no plans to develop it further at 
the moment. Sorry for that. (20/6/2010)

Which is quite a pity.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Lee Privett

This might help though, so Qubide still an option?

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2

This would be fantastic if possible.

We also need to contact Jan Polenicek (?) to see if anything came of 
his plans for the replacement Qubide ( or - Anybody still in 
touch with him? And if he doesn't plan to do further work, whether 
he could publish the schematics in a similar way?

Dilwyn Jones

Oops, failed to spot that some schematics at least are already on his
website (haven't looked at them in detail).

Also, I didn't stop to think that not many IDE hard disks are
available nowadays, they all seem to be e-SATA etc. So a new Qubide 
might not be as good an idea as I first thought.

Dilwyn Jones


QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Dilwyn Jones

- Original Message - 
From: Lee Privett

Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

This might help though, so Qubide still an option?

Lee Privett

At just under £20, an interesting option to consider, certainly.

Sad though that, as Tobias said, it seems that Jan has no plans to do 
any further work on the 'new' Qubide.

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Stephen
I'm afraid I'm one of the apathetic subscribers but will put my head 
above the parapet to comment

Having been a Quanta member since close to its inception I am happy to 
continue to pay my sub.  It's trivial enough to be hardly worth the 
bother of cancelling the direct debit.  However, I start up a QL 
emulator (QL2K) just a handful of times a year for a trip down memory 
lane or to try out a bit of code posted here, where my presence is 
mostly as a lurker.  It's a long time since I've contributed to the 
magazine and that is not going to change as my interest in the QL is too 
small a part of my life nowadays.  I have plenty of other organisations 
calling on my time.

Having contributed financially for so many years I am happy for the 
accumulated funds to be used to subsidise membership or for useful 
capital projects.  Eventually Quanta will wind up and its remaining 
funds disbursed to the Red Cross or whatever anyway.  Its functions will 
continue thereafter, as long as anyone is interested, in this list and 
the forum and the diversity of websites.

I will continue to hang around and occasionally interject if only to 
wind up Tony.  If the Quanta sub rises I may cancel my direct debit.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Roy Wood

On 03/02/2011 22:43, Dilwyn Jones wrote:

- Original Message - From: Lee Privett
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

This might help though, so Qubide still an option?

Lee Privett

At just under £20, an interesting option to consider, certainly.

Sad though that, as Tobias said, it seems that Jan has no plans to do 
any further work on the 'new' Qubide.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Back when I still had an Aurora setup I tried an IDE to SATA adaptor in 
my Qubide but the it failed to recognise it. This was probably down to 
the firmware in the Qubide but that is another hurdle. since there are 
cheap 2Gb Compact flash cards and they are, basically IDE anyway. That 
would seem to be a useful route to take with little recoding to do.

I will go back to just reading this now,

Roy Wood

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Peter Graf
Hi Geoff,

 Thanks for participating in this discussion, Peter.

Thank _you_ for your QUANTA work!

 You have always been very loyal to Quanta after the help they gave
 you over the Q60.

Just for the records, the Q60 design and prototypes were all completed
and financed by me, without any help... QUANTA supported DD to start a
series production.

All the best
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality check and semantics

2011-02-03 Thread Peter Baily
On 03/02/2011 16:48, wrote:
 Peter Baily wrote, on 3/Feb/11 13:11 | Feb3:

  However, we should not be surprised that most
  people use PCs; after all this exchange of views, news, etc. would not
  exist unless we were using PCs.
 By PCs I take it you mean machines running Windows.
 I access this group but don't use a PC.
 Guess how.  Forbidden fruit is a clue (8-)#

I did not mean to start a new thread by my imprecise terminology!   By
PC I meant 'personal computer as distinct from QL' (of course, the QL is
a personal computer).
I am aware of operating systems other than 'Windows' - the Apple
computer was one of the early ones in our labs - and I have used Linux
(Ubuntu flavour Norman, sorry!) quite successfully.
The end of my contribution was a bit rushed as I had to grab a quick
lunch before going to collect my youngest grandchildren from school but
what I intended to include also was internet access as desirable for the
QL.   It is the whole modern communications environment in which the QL
needs to be able to survive.

I shall continue to use the QL notwithstanding its lack of internet
access because, as I noted before, it enables me to devise routines to
do what I need without the clutter of what someone else thinks I should


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-03 Thread Plastic
On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Dilwyn Jones

 Sad though that, as Tobias said, it seems that Jan has no plans to do any
 further work on the 'new' Qubide.

 Dilwyn Jones

If I had a schematic and code, I would be happy to (re)design anything  out
there. I don't have any production ability - but that would change in about
six months.

I have always wanted to take the existing QL mainboard schematic and do an
updated version with improved power, and on-board IDE, floppy and mouse, and
a 680X0 and faster memory. Something like Peter Graf's work, but all on one
replacement PCB. I understand it's not the most viable project, financially,
and it would best be a team effort, but I have a little 80s and 90s
experience to bring to bear (nothing CLOSE to Peter Graf's skills) and could
do a modest QL PCB redesign...

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-02 Thread Geoff Wicks
Last weekend several people castigated me for suggesting that Quanta should be 
wound up.

Now it's time to see if you are prepared to put your money where your mouths 

I am not asking you to to do anything drastic like joining the committee, but 
something more simple to show your support for Quanta and the Quanta committee.

Unlike most of you I have frequent unofficial contact with members of the 
Quanta committee. In public they are frequently criticising the members for 
their apathy. In private their language and emotions are much stronger. I think 
it is fair to say they are bitter and disillusioned by the lack of support from 
the members. They are having to double or triple up committee duties to keep 
Quanta alive and feel a lack of concern and interest from the members. Over the 
last year they have continually warned that the future of Quanta was in 
jeopardy, but apparently no one was listening. At the moment committee morale 
is at a low ebb and has been made worse by two factors. For the first time a 
Quanta committee has had to be prepared for the real possibility of advising 
the closure of the organisation at the next AGM. They have also had to cope 
with a serious problem, the details of which I cannot go into, that has proved 
more difficult to solve than first thought. Some advanced plans for Quanta on 
which the committee have done hours of preparation have had to be put on hold. 
Inevitably this has led to some tension between members of the committee.

So I am asking you all now to give the committee a good morale boost. Below is 
a list of the problems that face the committee. It is a little frightening in 
its length. Let's now give the committee some detailed help and feedback on 
these issues.


Quanta has been unable to find a permanent editor for its magazine for about 6 
years. There is now an acute crisis with no editor or acting editor. Producing 
a magazine is a highly skilled task and the people on the committee with those 
skills are already overworked with other duties. I doubt if the committee now 
has the resources to produce a magazine. What should they do in these 


The Quanta website has not been updated for 6 months. Although Quanta has had 
websites for about 10 years it has never mastered the art of keeping a website 
up to date. How should they tackle this problem?


Quanta can now manage only one show per year and the attendance is usually low. 
Quanta is legally obliged to hold an AGM each year. Although in recent years 
attendance has improved, three or four years ago attendance levels were 
dangerously near the quorum. How should Quanta organise its AGMs in future?


Apart from a small, and, in my opinion, somewhat secretive subgroup, Quanta has 
had no presence in the South East for almost 4 years. How do we re-establish 
contact with the South East?


Some years ago I wrote a piece in QL Today about the falling membership and was 
accused of being anti-Quanta. When I wrote that item subscription income 
covered more than 80% of expenditure. Today that figure is more like 60%. 
Quanta has survived financially in recent years because Rich Mellor has traded 
in second hand hardware on their behalf, but this is a diminishing source of 
income. What would you do about the gap between subscription income and 
expenditure? Would you be prepared to accept increasing the subscription to a 
maximum of £25? (And just a warning for those people who suggest structurally 
using the capital. You would be condemning Quanta to a short term future. In 
the worst case scenario you could count the years left on the fingers of one 


Several people suggested amending Quanta's constitution to save the 
organisation. What specific amendments are you proposing? There is no need for 
detailed proposals - that could be a job for the experts. Bear in mind that 
constitutional amendments are not a quick fix. The earliest that constitutional 
amendments affecting the committee could be implemented would be 2013.


This still seems to be a fairly successful area for Quanta. However they have 
great autonomy and, with the exception of London, all the subgroups could 
continue if Quanta closed down. Is there a need for more structured links 
between the sub groups and the central organisation? There must be a lot of 
things happening in subgroups that could be of interest to all members. They 
are also in a position to provide valuable feedback to the committee.


Not really a problem, but something for Quanta to boast about. Without Quanta 
there would have been no new keyboard membranes. Any ideas for other good uses 
for the capital? But don't forget you can't use the capital for both projects 
and to make up shortfalls in the subscription income/expenditure balance.

I want to add some personal comments about the South East 

Re: [Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-02 Thread Lee Privett
Taking what has been said at face value and as a returning member of Quanta 
and living in the south east I am both excited and saddened by the current 
state of affairs, my response to each point is as follows:

1: QUANTA MAGAZINE - I would volanteer for editor but have very little 
experience in this matter, however I have volanteered
2: WEBSITE - same answer as above, I can certainly construct web pages so 
could help with that, however I do not have the experience of web site 
construction only content
3: SHOWS - whilst viable they should continue to be as is, but does the 
constitution allow for video conferencing and could it be set-up as such?
4: SOUTH EAST - I have no idea about the secretive group, but I used to 
quite enjoy the Essex meetings held in a pub somewhere near a forest if 
memory serves, I will have a go at arranging a one off in a church hall near 
me and see how many turn up (help anyone - Southend area?)
5: FINANCE the subscription is ridiculously low and I was surprised when 
paying my first one last year of how inexpensive it is, raising it to £25 
seems reasaonable to me and if people stop subscribing because of  it and 
less moneu comes in I dont see what difference it would really make in the 
long run, so atleast raising the subs would sort the men from the boys so to 
6: CONSTITUTION - I feel it should be simplified and reflect todays climate 
and practice.

7: SUBGROUPS - see point 4
8: KEYBOARD MEMBRANES - there are already some good ideas for projects 
already going on in this email/forum and should be supported, by raising the 
subscription then the focus can be made towards that and supporting the 

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Reality Check

2011-02-02 Thread Peter Graf
Hi Geoff,

 Last weekend several people castigated me for suggesting that Quanta
 should be wound up.

 Now it's time to see if you are prepared to put your money where your
 mouths are.

I guess QUANTA members benefit more if my time goes into QL hardware and
drivers, than into the other work you mentioned :-)

It's absolutely okay to rise subscription.

All the best
QL-Users Mailing List