Re: [ql-users] QL Schematic

2002-01-05 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 5 Jan 2002 at 22:24:17,  P Witte wrote:
(ref: 000e01c19637$d1395e10$0100a8c0@gamma)

If were thinking about a future for the QL in line with its promising
beginnings something entirely different is called for than trying to catch
up with mainstream. The QL isnt a PC; its a computer! We can only move
ahead if we make the QL do things other systems cant do, and/or make it more
interesting. The idea of the Ibox, an matchbox sized 'embedded' type of QL,
mooted by T (8-)#  F some years ago was a good idea in the first category -
why did it go away?
Stuart H lost interest, and I got this lucrative programming job.
I simply do not have the time to think about anything really complex
(and expensive to develop) as this.

   QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254  Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
  TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Schematic

2002-01-04 Thread ZN

On 1/4/02 at 4:22 PM Dexter wrote:

I'm still looking for a schematic of the QL PCB. Also, the 8049 details.

Actually, you do not need the 8049. All it does can be done using a
different device and handling the difference on the software side
(translation: modified OS code).

I'm thinking of prototyping a 680X0 board with the basic QL facilities,
minus the dodgy serial and net ports, plus IDE. I have a strongarm design
here which has USB and ethernet and I'm seeing if there's a way to take
advantage of any of that knowledge.

A quick question: what do you use for USB?

Also, the +5v is obvious, but if you ignore the net, serial and microdrive
interfaces, was the +/-12v used anywhere else?

Only as a bug fix for the 8302 ULA which incorporates the 9049 IPC
interface, microdrive logic, reset, half the serial ports and the network,
all of which you can forget - except for the RTC. The later is a simple 32
bit second sounter. If you don't use a 8302, then you don't need +-12V.
Serial port levels can easily be handled by something like a MAX232 or it's
many successors and clones.

Finally, on some QLs there was a variable capacitor (?) mid-board. What
did it do? How was it set? It disappeared on later revision boards.

It was used in the RTC oscillator (32768Hz crystal plus a few other
components). The purpose of the variable cap was to adjust the exact
frequency. However, the osc. circuit used in the ULA does not lend itself
to precision, and the select logic for the 8302 has a bug which more often
than not corrupts the RTC register when power is applied. With later board
revisions, any pretense at battery back-up for the RTC internal to the 8302
was abandoned, and with it the need for the RTC to be very precise - it was
enough that the drift was not too bad within a single session (between two
power-ups). Later, the GC and SGC boards introduced their own RTC which
operates by loading the contents of the local RTC into the 8302 RTC, where
it can then be compatibly read.

I am really very intrigued at what you propose to design - especially since
I am myself involved in an (ever ongoing!) process of designing a QL board
to replace the GC/SGC. Even so, it seems there is a real need for something
that would be a true replacement of a SGC, rather than it's successor,
something like a SGC II. The demise of the SGC is connected to an Altera
EP18010 being used for all theglue logic, a chip which has long ago been
obsoleted. The FDC controller on the SGC is also not available any more,
but it has a fully compatible replacement (made by SMSC). Also, the current
state of affairs with memory, would make a potential 68EC020 based board
for the QL very tiny - 16M of RAM could easily be squeezed into two SDRAM
chips - and that only because 16-bit wide ones are easyer to get then the
32-bit wide ones. Something along these lines would make a great QL based
SBC. Not one to contend for the fastest QL out there, but it should be very


Re: [ql-users] QL Schematic

2002-01-04 Thread ZN

On 1/4/02 at 9:55 PM Dexter wrote:

On Fri, 4 Jan 2002, ZN wrote:
 A quick question: what do you use for USB?


...I thought so. I've looked at the USB97C100 (not directly in connection
with QL hardware, though) and like most implementations, getting one's
hands on a non-PC speciffic controller proved to be impossible once again.

 Altera EP18010... a chip which has long ago been obsoleted.

I'm assuming this is a ULA/FPGA. If so, is the logic it represented
available anywhere? The Q40/60 use FPGAs, so we definitely have the skills
to prepare a new part within the community...

Please make the appropriate distinction between a CPLD and a FPGA (although
either moniker hardly describes the devices commonly found in either
group... but that's a semantics discussion). The EP1810 is a (for today's
notions) relatively low density CPLD, however, one that has some rather
unusual characteristics. The logic in it is sort-of' available, if we
manage to ever decipher it's original designer's files :-) but even so, it
would really need a redesign as most today's CPLDs have a different
organization, for which using the logic hand-optimized for the EP1810 would
just be an impediment.

(Sidebar:- Why did you use four FPGAs on ther Q40/60? Was it more cost
effective, and/or were the devices representing functional blocks that you
wanted to keep separate?)

I'm not Peter, but I think I can answer that: the best ratio between
function and price. I'm going to be using one large CPLD on the GoldFire
simply because of space constraints.

And to answer another of your questions: I have uploaded all the Aurora
files (schematics and sources to the three CPLDs) as well as a lot of other
stuff about Qubide, and the GoldFire, into the files area in the QLhardware
egroup. Some of the GoldFire stuff is obsolete, specs have changed but not
looking from the standpoint of the functions available.
Anyone can read this, but only members can upload. I understand many people
have (justified) qualms about joining egroups. The best way I have found to
do this is to get one of the many free email accounts, and promptly forget
it. Use it only to sign onto egroups, then set your group to 'no email'.
You can check the messages on-line, it's not like the group produces many
messages, so no bandwidth problems there. The 'forgotten' email address
will serve as a spam catcher.
I could easily transfer these elsewhere, but at least Egroups alow
relatively easy administration...

If I were to go out on a limb, I would specify:

68060 - at 50MHz or better
4MB flash ROM - for QDOS, SMSQ/E etc, plus room to grow.
32MB RAM - expandable by daughter card[1]

Monitor - SVGA, XGA capable
IDE - ATA if possible
Ethernet - 10/100 if possible[2]
Serial - up to 115k
Sound - line in, line out, mic
GPA - General Purpose Adaptor[3]

[1] Daughter cards or use SIMMs/SDRAM and throw half the capacity away may
be cheaper...
[2] I think this is essential...
[3] This would be to this board what the expansion port was to QL classic.

This is much more vague, because it isn't my area, but I'd be looking
for modularisation of the OS.

Ok, not to demean any of your other comments, I'll get to them in a later
email (hopefully :-) ).
If you go for the above, you will be creating the third system along these
lines. The first one is obviously the Q60, the second - still largely
paperware except for the chips sitting in my drawer here - is the GoldFire.
The Q60 does not have integrated ethernet and IO, the Goldfire does not
have integrated graphics and IDE (and is intended to work as a 2 or 3 board
system using either old QL peripherals or new, yet to be designed
replacements). It also has only 10BaseT ethernet, but that could easily be
upgraded to 10/100 using the same SMSC chip as used on the 5307 Toast
board. BTW I wonder where they got the neat sockets with integrated
magnetics, I've been looking for those for ages!

Re: [ql-users] QL Schematic

2002-01-04 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 4 Jan 2002 at 16:22:58,  Dexter wrote:

Hi all,

I've had at least half a dozen offers for machines by private email. Thank
you! I'll reply individually tonight...

I'm still looking for a schematic of the QL PCB.
See my homepage - Overseas price list.
 Also, the 8049 details.
More difficult - ask Laurence Reeves - lausATlausDOTdemonDOTcoDOTuk
I'm thinking of prototyping a 680X0 board with the basic QL facilities,
minus the dodgy serial and net ports, plus IDE. I have a strongarm design
here which has USB and ethernet and I'm seeing if there's a way to take
advantage of any of that knowledge. I'm not looking to manufacture
anything, but if I come up with any *good* interface schematics I'll
publish them.

Also, the +5v is obvious, but if you ignore the net, serial and microdrive
interfaces, was the +/-12v used anywhere else?
No - but it was not used for the network.
It was also connected (via resistors) to the two mdv data lines.

Finally, on some QLs there was a variable capacitor (?) mid-board. What
did it do? How was it set? It disappeared on later revision boards.
Issue 5 - it was to trim the real time clock

QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
 Voice: +44(0)1442-828254  Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
   TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG