Multilog log file size specification

2001-06-14 Thread Alex Khanin

I've read the manpage and it states you should use the ssize action,
So I put this in my /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/log/run:

exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t
/backup/log/qmail ssize 50 nnum 50

That is ignored.

If I put it this way:

exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t ssize
50 nnum 50 /backup/log/qmail

Then files are created with max size of around 3k instead of 500k.

What am I doing wrong?? Someone please help.


qmail-mrtg HELP plz

2000-10-13 Thread Alex Khanin

did anyone here get qmail-mrtg to work? if so PLEASE, let me know.
i cannot get it to work, i get results full of 0's. thank you!

[ ]

alex khanin, sysadmin -- relationalMail
205 hudson st, 7th floor, ny, ny 10013
e: [EMAIL PROTECTED] v: 646.613.2074

multilog (not working)

2000-10-13 Thread Alex Khanin

what am i doing wrong, multilog setup accord to Life with qmail webpage,
is not working for me at all

because their rc file with start command starts the old /var/qmail/rc which
has splogger in it.
also it starts scrolling non stop "tcpserver: cannot bind to port, already
in use"

could someone PLEASE show me what i am doing wrong? dont send to another
because they dont explain anything. please show me step by step the stuff
that i need to do
to get it to work. (ex: what files to edit, what dirs/files to make) PLEASE!

this is what i have:

[root@fly supervise]# pwd

[root@fly supervise]# ls -la
total 4
drwxrwxr-x4 root root 1024 Oct 13 17:56 .
drwxr-xr-x   11 root qmail1024 Oct 13 18:04 ..
drwxrwxr-t4 root root 1024 Oct 13 17:59 qmail-send
drwxrwxr-t4 root root 1024 Oct 13 17:59 qmail-smtpd

[root@fly supervise]# find .

ok inside the /var/qmail/rc:

[root@fly supervise]# cat /var/qmail/rc
export PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH"
qmail-start ./Mailbox splogger qmail >/dev/null 2>&1 &

what do i do??
i did everything according to [] and
its not working.
please help me. thanks.

qmail-mrtg-multilog [all 0's for me]

2000-10-17 Thread Alex Khanin

[root@ns2 qm]# cat mrtg.cfg
WorkDir: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/qm

Title[messages]: - qmail message throughput
MaxBytes[messages]: 100
AbsMax[messages]: 1
Options[messages]: gauge
Target[messages]: `/usr/local/apache/htdocs/qm/qmail-mrtg-mess
PageTop[messages]: - qmail message throughput
ShortLegend[messages]: Messages
YLegend[messages]: Messages
Legend1[messages]: Total messages
LegendI[messages]:  Deliveries:
LegendO[messages]:  Attempts:
WithPeak[messages]: ymwd


Title[queue-size]: - qmail queue size
MaxBytes[queue-size]: 1000
AbsMax[queue-size]: 1
Options[queue-size]: gauge
Target[queue-size]: `/usr/local/apache/htdocs/qm/qmail-mrtg-queue`
PageTop[queue-size]: - qmail queue size
ShortLegend[queue-size]: Messages
YLegend[queue-size]: Messages
Legend1[queue-size]: Messages
LegendI[queue-size]:  Messages:
LegendO[queue-size]:  Unprocessed Messages:
WithPeak[queue-size]: ymwd


Title[concurrency]: - qmail concurrency
MaxBytes[concurrency]: 1000
AbsMax[concurrency]: 1
Options[concurrency]: gauge
Target[concurrency]: `/usr/local/apache/htdocs/qm/qmail-mrtg-concurrency
PageTop[concurrency]: - qmail concurrency
ShortLegend[concurrency]: Concurrency
YLegend[concurrency]: Concurrency
Legend1[concurrency]: Concurrency
LegendI[concurrency]:  Local:
LegendO[concurrency]:  Remote:
WithPeak[concurrency]: ymwd


[root@ns2 qm]# pwd

[root@ns2 qm]# ls -al qmail-mrtg-*
-rwxr-xr-x1 alex alex  680 Jun 12 13:08
-rwxr-xr-x1 alex alex 2279 Jun 12 13:08 qmail-mrtg-mess
-rwxr-xr-x1 alex alex  116 Jun 12 13:08 qmail-mrtg-queue

[root@ns2 qm]# ls -ld /backup/log/qmail/
drwxrwxr-x3 qmaill   root 4096 Oct 17 09:02 /backup/log/qmail/

[root@ns2 qm]# ls -la /backup/log/qmail/
total 940
drwxrwxr-x3 qmaill   root 4096 Oct 17 09:02 .
drwxrwxr-x4 root root 4096 Oct 16 11:46 ..
-rwxr--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 98027 Oct 17 08:54
-rwxr--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 98095 Oct 17 08:54
-rwxr--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 98095 Oct 17 08:54
-rwxr--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 98035 Oct 17 08:54
-rwxr--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 98124 Oct 17 08:54
-rwxr--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 98005 Oct 17 08:55
-rwxr--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 98002 Oct 17 08:55
-rwxr--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 98075 Oct 17 08:55
-rwxr--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 98106 Oct 17 09:02
-rw-r--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 26158 Oct 17 11:29 current
-rw---1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Oct 16 11:07 lock
drwxrwxr-x2 qmaill   root 4096 Oct 17 11:27 smtpd
-rw-r--r--1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Oct 16 11:07 state

// ok lets run the mrtg now..

[root@ns2 qm]# /usr/local/mrtg/bin/mrtg /usr/local/apache/htdocs/qm/mrtg.cfg
[root@ns2 qm]#

[root@ns2 qm]# grep -B 3 0.0 messages.html - qmail message throughput

-- - qmail message throughput

The statistics were last updated Tuesday, 17 October 2000 at 11:41

  Max  Deliveries:
  0.0 Messages (0.0%)
  Average  Deliveries:
  0.0 Messages (0.0%)
  Current  Deliveries:
  0.0 Messages (0.0%)

i have more than 50k messages going out daily, yet these are my reports..
did anyone ever get _ANY_ qmail mrtg to work? if so please reply, with
what logger? (i use multilog) what qmail-mrtg? where to get it? what did
you edit in the cfg file/etc. thank you. help greatly appreciated!!

alex khanin, system administrator, relationalMail
205 hudson st, 7th floor, new york, ny 10013, usa
v: 646-613-2074 * e: alex -at-

Bounce configuration QUESTION..

2000-10-26 Thread Alex Khanin


lets say my mail server is, and i am an MX record
for I am wondering how would I set up
a bounce rule so that * will bounce to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't want ANY mail to go through to the actual
users on the machine, so if I have a user on my mail server called "bob", I
dont want the mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to go to the user
"bob" on my, I want it also to bounce to
How would I do it? Thanks.

Re: qmailanalog - Help...

2000-10-30 Thread Alex Khanin

> Hello, I am trying to setup qmailanalog  -  first of all my log files look
> like this 'Oct 30 10:32:08 flashburn qmail: 972919928.511859 new msg
103249' so
> I assume that I need to strip the 'Oct 30 10:32:08 flashburn qmail:' how
do I do
> that???   Also, once that's streaming in good, what do I need to run???
> help would be appreciated!!!  Thanks!!!

First of all you can read the documentation, it explains how to use matchup.
Assuming your qmailanalog is in /usr/local/qmailanalog, check out

This is from MATCHUP:

To remove the "Aug 1 05:30:08 host qmail:" added by syslogd, feed your
logs through

   awk '{$1="";$2="";$3="";$4="";$5="";print}'

Note that the syslog mechanism is inherently unreliable: it does not
guarantee that all messages will be logged. For reliable logs, try the
logging utilities in the daemontools package.




cat /var/log/maillog | awk '{$1="";$2="";$3="";$4="";$5="";print}' >
cat /tmp/ | /usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/matchup >
cat /tmp/maillog.matchup | /usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/zoverall

Alex Khanin, Systems Administrator

TMP Worldwide, Inc | Directional Marketing -%- Interactive
relationalMail(tm) | 205 Hudson Street 7th Floor NYC 10013
P. 646.613.2074 | F. 646.613.0648 |

concurrency problems

2000-11-07 Thread Alex Khanin

im having a slight problem with my concurrency.
i set my max concurrency in conf-spawn file to 250, and compiled qmail.
after that i set the control/concurrencyremote file to 250. when i send out
about 30,000 messages, my concurrency only goes up to like 90, but
i check the load average and its not even 1.0 nor is my ram all gone.
the connection speed is very fast (t3), im running bind on the machine 
where qmail runs. i do not know where to look for the problem. could
someone recommend anything? thanks.

Re: unable to_establish_an_SMTP_connection

2000-11-07 Thread Alex Khanin

is in your control/locals and control/rcpthosts?
if not put it there, and restart qmail.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 7:38 AM
Subject: unable to_establish_an_SMTP_connection

> I tried on Qmail a SMTP connection with :
> telnet 25
>Connected to
>Escape character is '^]'.
>220 domain ESMTP
>helo dude
>250 domain
>250 ok
>250 ok
>354 go ahead
>Subject: testing
>This is a test.
>250 ok 812345679 qp 12345
>221 domain
> It didn't work as I don't find any message in gast's Mailbox.
> The log file says:
> @40003a082dec011de18c info msg 3388: bytes 211 from
>  qp 1
> 401 uid 502
> @40003a082dec04572ee4 starting delivery 21: msg 3388 to remote
> gast@nse-int.
> de
> @40003a082dec0458b19c status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
> @40003a082dec056084ac delivery 21: deferral:
> Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establi
> sh_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)/
> Why does Qmail think that gast is remote (he's local) ?

Re: qmailanalog + qmailmrtg

2000-11-27 Thread Alex Khanin

Hash: SHA1

> Did anyone compile qmail-mrtg-1.0 from Sean ?
> where can i get the /var/log/qmail/qmail-send/current -> how can i
> generate this file so the qmail-mrtg program can read it ?
> I used Sean Truman qmailmrtg script and seems like in qmail-mrtg.c
> had some problem in strncmp should be strcmp.

you need to use mutlilog from daemontools.
it will be able to generate those log files for qmail-mrtg
to use.
> Thanks in Advance


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unsubscribe qmail

2001-01-02 Thread Alex Khanin

unsubscribe qmail