masquerading internal adress for external mail

2000-08-23 Thread Davide Giunchi

Hi all.

I have a qmail smtp-pop3 server under linux that administer 30 internal user account, 
this is only an internal server so the internal adresses aren't really present on the 
net, i would like that if an internal users send an e-mail to the external word the 
"From:" field would masquerade his internal adress with an unique adress (the only 
adress that is present on the internet).
A friend of mine say me that in sendmail there's this possibility and i'm sure that 
this is possible in qmail too, how can i do? 

Thanks  Davide.

masquerading adress for external mail

2000-08-24 Thread Davide Giunchi

Hi all.
I'm running qmail on a linux debian 2.2 server with 30 smtp-pop3 users on a
lan, every user has an adress on the local network but only one valid e-mail
adress on the internet, i would like that if an user send an e-mail to a user
on the internet qmail sobstite the "From" header with the e-mail adress valid
on the internet.
How can i do?

I know that this is possible on sendmail and i think that would be possible in
qmail too (i think that this is a common problem).


(O> Davide Giunchi. Duke_Nuke on ircnet
//\ Membro del Forli' Linux User Group 
V_/_PGP key available

Re: masquerading adress for external mail

2000-08-24 Thread Davide Giunchi

> Maybe I am not understanding what you are doing but in most mail clients
> their is a section in the configuration where you put your e-mail
> address.  In that same area there might be a entry called Reply-To which
> is different then your e-mail address that you specified.  When a person
> uses the reply command in their client it will use what is listed in
> Reply-To if there isn't nothing there it will use the e-mail address
> listed.
> If you are talking about qmaiil re-writing the message before it sends
> it then I don't think so but I could be wrong.
> -- 
> Dale Miracle
> System Administrator
> Teoi Virtual Web Hosting

You are right but in this case if i send a mail from a local user to a local
user he wuold reply to the internet adress not the local adress, it's the
second chance do you say that i need  :)


(O> Davide Giunchi. Duke_Nuke on ircnet
//\ Membro del Forli' Linux User Group 
V_/_PGP key available

maildir with imap and more than 1Gb mailbox

2000-08-26 Thread Davide Giunchi

Hi all.

Here it's my problem: i've a qmail linux server smtp/qmail-pop3 and i've a
windows Outlook client with a 1,1Gb of message stored in one file (Outlook use
the only mailbox.pst to store the messages), it's obvious that this client has
a lot of problem of stability and of getion of this large file (microsoft say
that outlook with the mailbox >of 1gb has a lot of problem).
I've thinked to convert the outlook file in a mailbox (with an external
utility) file and then in a maildir archive and place a courier IMAP on the
server with the maildir stored messages, so all the messages will be kept in the
server with no problem for the Outlook client.
I've a little question for this method:

- Is maildir more reliable and fast of mailbox this big size of file/s?
- Will be IMAP slower the Mail usage because the large net traffic (i've a 10mb
  lan) ? or all will work fine?
- Will the server support this big traffic/resource utilizzation? (the server
  is a linux debian 2.2 PII 500 128Mb ram 8 Gb UDMA33 hd)

Thanks for your help.

(O> Davide Giunchi. Duke_Nuke on ircnet
//\ Membro del Forli' Linux User Group 
V_/_PGP key available

vpop for activate smtp

2000-07-14 Thread Davide Giunchi

Hi all.
I'm using qmail and now i'm trying to allow the relay only to the people that first 
check the pop3. 
For this purpose i use vpopmail-4.8a (that allow to set up virual users too) but i'm 
not able to start smptd with this options, here it's my startup file for qmail:

csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'
QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R 0 pop-3 -v -p -c100 -u$QMAILUID \ -g$NOFILESGID 0 smtp 
rblsmtpd /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &
#/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -R -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c100 -u71 \
-g65534 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &

The "#" was my previous startup line that work well, but with the new
line if i try to connect to the smtpd i get connection refused.

How can I start qmail with the vpopmail support?


vpop: this user has no $HOME/Maildir

2000-07-17 Thread Davide Giunchi

Hi all
I'm trying to use vpopmail to allow user that autenticate via pop3 the
user of smtpd. 
I create a user with  vadduser e vaddpasswd  then i try to connect
to the qmail-pop3d   telnet localhost pop-3 i insert:
user prova  or user prova%virtualdomain
pass prova   
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir

I get this error if i try with a /etc/passwd users such as a virtual 
Here it's my inetd.conf startup line for pop3

/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

Thanks for help.

no "ESMTP" prompt after some messages

2000-11-13 Thread Davide Giunchi

Hi all.

I'm using qmail-1.03 on a linux slackware 7.1 Atlhon server, after some
time and some mail sent 
perfectly from the smtpd server i don't get the "ESMTP ..." prompt of qmail

if i do a "telnet server smtp"  i get the "escape caracter is..." line and
after that nothing, this continue
until i reboot the server. I get the following error in another qmail

Here it's my startup line:
 csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'
  QMAILUID=`id -u qmaild` 
  NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
  /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c100 -u$QMAILUID
ESGID 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &  >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

in the /var/log/mail.log there's nothing interesting.
What can i do?


Italian qmail howto

2001-01-07 Thread Davide Giunchi

Hi all.
I've written an "Italian qmail HOWTO", this document (in italian
language) explain how
to install,configure and running qmail.
This isn't a translation of the english "qmail howto" but is a new
document write.
It can be found in
I hope that it could be useful for all qmail users.
I will post the link to and ILDP (italian linux doc project)

Davide Giunchi. Duke_Nuke on ircnet
Membro del FoLUG (ForlĂ­ Linux User Group) -
GPG Key available on

qmail-masq released

2001-04-26 Thread Davide Giunchi

Hash: SHA1

Hi all.
I've written "qmail-masq":

This is a perl program that works with qmail, it masquerade the internal mail 
users address with an external one when sending email from local network 
users to the external internet users.

you can reach it at

qmail-masq works with qmail-qfilter.
I've written it because it's a feature i need and it doesn't exist for qmail 
(but for sendmail yes).

I hope that will be useful.

- -- 
Davide Giunchi.
Membro del FoLUG (ForlĂ­ Linux User Group) -
Linux: The GNU economy!
GPG Key available on
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see
