Re: OT: courier-imapd netscape messanger for windows == complete fuckup... any ideas?

2000-10-15 Thread Georg Lutz

Hi Martin,

what do you mean by "root-level-folders" ?
With a MUA you can only create folders in your INBOX. If you want to
create public-shared-folders you have to use maildirmake (which is part
of courier-imap), perhaps with a combination of
How folders in your private namespace are displayed, depends on the MUA
you are using. In Netscape this are all subfolders of "INBOX".

But for further information you should look at man maildirmake or at the
I am quite happy with courier-imap and I would not recommend any other
imapd with maildir-patches.


Martin Jespersen schrieb:
 Hi all,
 My MUA is netscape messanger 4.73 for windows and i am not about to change this so 
spare me any
 rants about getting another MUA.
 I am currently using wu-imapd v4.7 with maildir patch, but i am not quite satisfied 
with (the
 maildir driver has a few missing features that are really anoying).
 So i am trying to get courier imapd 1.1 up and running, and it runs just fine, but...
 It refused to create root-level subfolders and i can only create subfolders under 
the INBOX.
 i have tried to reconfigure/reinstall 10 times now with and without the 
 i have even tried to modify the source code to use PRIVA as the personal namespace 
instead of INBOX
 (yeah i changed it everywhere and make check worked fine)
 but it is a no-go...
 maybe it would work if i completely rewrote the namespace structure of courier-imapd 
and changed the
 subfolder delimiter from "." to "/" like mh use since mh seems to work fine except 
being super-slow
 and outdated in alot of ways
 is there anyone who is succesfully running courier with support for netscape out 
 going through the sourcecode it seems that courier actually insists that root-level 
folders should
 reside under ./Maildir/ eg. the trashfolder is file-system wise created as 
 can anyone answer me this: why? isn't this just begging for MUA problems?
 *ARGH the pain!*
 if anyone knows of ANY imap server that supports Maildir format and Netscape 
messanger at the same
 time PLEASE tell me, because i am running out of ideas besides coding my own imap 
server and i
 really don't feel like doing that unless i absolutely have to (i hate coding C -go 
figure :)
 if only perl was faster then i would make one today, but alas perl is no good for 
 Martin Jespersen


Georg Lutz   |
ERC - Euro Regio Consult AG  | Tel: +49 7854 9696-0
Im Buehl 10  | Fax: +49 7854 9696-20
D-77694 Kehl

Re: OT: courier-imapd netscape messanger for windows == complete fuckup... any ideas?

2000-10-15 Thread Georg Lutz

Hi Martin,

Courier-imap never creates any folder outside the maildir.
Messenger never shows any subfolders in your private namespace on the
same level as the INBOX-folder.

IMAP-Namespace has nothing to to how IMAP-Server stores their messages.

Even if you patch courier-imap, Messenger shows subfolders of private
namespace as subfolders of INBOX.

courier-imap uses some extensions to maildir-format. 
The "." when creating a folder is used to be compatible with
Otherwise an appplication would not be able to differentiate between
maildir-folder "cur" and user folder "cur".

I realy don't know whats your the problem with courier-imap.


Martin Jespersen schrieb:
 Hi Georg,
   root-level folders = folders on the same level as the INBOX in the filesystem 
directory structure.
   INBOX == ~mylogin/Maildir/
   Trash == ~mylogin/Trash/
   Sent == ~mylogin/Sent/
 I have made a Maildir folder under ~mylogin as ~mylogin/Maildir/ using maildirmake 
and there is no
 problem delivering to it or reading from it.
 The problem is this: Courier-imapd refuse to create root-level folders and insists 
that all folders
 should be created as subfolder of the INBOX folder.
   INBOX == ~mylogin/Maildir/
   Trash == ~mylogin/Maildir/Trash/
   Sent == ~mylogin/Maildir/Sent/
 Furthermore, since courier-imapd uses '.' as separator instead of the standard '/' 
that other
 Maildir-like message structures like Mh use all folders are created with a . infront.
   INBOX == ~mylogin/Maildir/
   Trash == ~mylogin/Maildir/.Trash/
   Sent == ~mylogin/Maildir/.Sent/
 The problem basically seems to be that the guy who wrote courier-imapd is so hooked 
on the rfc's
 that he made a imap server that breakes all clients :( (or at least netscape 
messanger and microsoft
 outlook, which are used by the larger part of internet users as MUA)
 At first i thought that this was due to the silly choice of personal Namespace that 
he made, ie.
 INBOX which is a more or less reserved word in most MUA's.
 But although i patched the source to use PRIVA instead it still fucked up.
 So i guess it might be the '.' seperator that is the problem, though i am in know 
way knowledgable
 enough about the imap specs to base this on anything else than gut-feeling as a 
 programmer of many years.
 But before i take on the task of making a complete working patch for courier imapd 
which supports
 standard MUA's i would like to be sure that no-one has done this before me, since i 
am hard pressed
 on time as it is, and actually need a good working imap server that supports Maildir 
now ;)
 I thought about contacting the guy who wrote it, but i must admit that after reading 
the FAQ and
 BUGS section on the download site i doubt very much that he in anyway cares about my 
problems since
 he seems to think that all MUA's that doesn't speak imap his way should be fixed 
 That is an attitude that is hard to find usefull for the rest of us IMHO.
 Martin Jespersen


Georg Lutz   |
ERC - Euro Regio Consult AG  | Tel: +49 7854 9696-0
Im Buehl 10  | Fax: +49 7854 9696-20
D-77694 Kehl