2001-08-07 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 03:36 AM 8/7/2001, Peter van Dijk wrote:
On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 10:29:41AM +0200, Linux wrote:
  Hi all.
  My need is to copy all the mail sended and received from and to a 
 specific user.
  I explain better
  I have two users mail account, and to backup my e-mail, i need to send all
  received and all sended mail to another local account.
  There is a way with qmail??

/var/qmail/doc/FAQ, part 8.2.

Greetz, Peter

You did say specific user, yes? The FAQ covers making copies of every 
user's email, not specifically one user... Either that or I'm still waking 
up (or both.)

I tweaked qmail-scanner to do something of that nature. Let me know offlist 
if you're interested in my freaky deaky Perl extravaganza.

Jerry Lynde
System Administrator
US Investigative Services


2001-08-07 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 09:27 AM 8/7/2001, Charles Cazabon wrote:
Jerry Lynde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You did say specific user, yes? The FAQ covers making copies of every
  user's email, not specifically one user... Either that or I'm still waking
  up (or both.)

This is what the Unix philosophy is all about -- you glue your tools
together to do what you want.  QUEUE_EXTRA lets you keep copies of all
mail; you then use grep (or whatever filter you want) to decide what to
record.  You want to only keep a record of the fifth word of the second
paragraph of each email you receive, except if the character set is
Hungarian?  You can do that, easily, but it would be silly to expect
qmail to have code to deal with that possibility.

Agreed... that's why I tweaked qmail-scanner. It scans every email anyway,
so with a teensy bit of Perl tinkering, I changed the local copy to check the
To and From headers against a db file for instances of the particular username
and send a copy to a different address if found.

I guess you could say the filter I'm using is Perl...

Anyway, I've got a chunk o code that does what I think it is you're asking 
so if you want to check it out, let me know. Otherwise, happy grepping! :o)

Jerry Lynde
System Administrator
US Investigative Services
Phone: (406) 728-0001 x232
Fax: (406) 728-0006


2001-07-25 Thread Jerry Lynde

Get Wilson!! Drop him in badmailfrom !! quick!!


I'm beggin ya!!

I'm dyin over here!!!

For the love of all that is qmail, between the barrage of virus and the 
you've got virus mails, it's getting bad!

Please, list admin!!!

echo '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'  /var/qmail/control/badmailfrom


Jerry Lynde

Spam is worse than a Virus

2001-04-23 Thread Jerry Lynde

 You know... the virus, I don't mind 
places it quietly and calmly into the quarantine, sends me and email, and 
we all get on with our lives. The part that sucks is the hordes of email 
notices to the list about the virus from every anti-viral program on the 
list. If you're using qmail scanner, it checks for automated mail and does 
*not* send a response to the list is the virus came from a list... wouldn't 
that be nice?

Happy Monday!


At 09:13 AM 4/23/2001, Todd Finney wrote:

I expect my users to not know any better when it comes to virii and 
attachments.  That's the purpose of anti-virus software, filtering, and 
the other sundry defenses.

Consider yourself technical enough to administer a mail server?  Then you 
should know better.

Chris, Johan, David, RC, for your reading pleasure:;


Doh! does qmail still have my messages?

2001-04-19 Thread Jerry Lynde

Howdy folks,

Here's the deal

I installed vpopmail about halfway yesterday, just enough to break mail 
vpopmail took over as a virtual domain with no users, and 
started bouncing
messages... Does anyone know a way to get those bounced messages back here?

I've got local delivery working again, which is half a blessing, but my 
concern is the
email sent to us between the time I broke it and now.

Are they floating in a local queue somewhere? Are they sitting on the 
various sender's
mail servers waiting to come in? Are they simply gone, in which case I 
should probably email
everyone I can think of and ask them to send anything they sent from 
yesterday afternoon onward?

Advice, counseling, flames, notes in the form of "Jer, you're an idiot"
are welcome...

I hope they will just automagically find their way back here...but I have a 
suspicion that
this hope is in vain.

The Humble Sysdamin

Doh! does qmail still have my messages?

2001-04-19 Thread Jerry Lynde

Howdy folks,

Here's the deal

I installed vpopmail about halfway yesterday, just enough to break mail 
vpopmail took over as a virtual domain with no users, and 
started bouncing
messages... Does anyone know a way to get those bounced messages back here?

I've got local delivery working again, which is half a blessing, but my 
concern is the
email sent to us between the time I broke it and now.

Are they floating in a local queue somewhere? Are they sitting on the 
various sender's
mail servers waiting to come in? Are they simply gone, in which case I 
should probably email
everyone I can think of and ask them to send anything they sent from 
yesterday afternoon onward?

Advice, counseling, flames, notes in the form of "Jer, you're an idiot"
are welcome...

I hope they will just automagically find their way back here...but I have a 
suspicion that
this hope is in vain.

The Humble Sysdamin 


2001-02-27 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 10:30 AM 2/27/2001, fred wrote:

I use qmail-1.03 on a redhat 7.0
I have followed all the instruction in the "life with qmail" doc. and TEST.receive are good.
I can send and read local messages but I am unable to use virtualdomain.

My dns and Mx  are good.
It seems to be an authentification problem.

When I try to get message using telnet I have errors:

[fred@localhost fred]$ telnet ip_of_mailserver 110
Trying ip_of_mailserver...
Connected to ip_of_mailserver.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK Hello there.
USER fpinatel@my_virtualdomain
+OK Password required.
PASS mypass
-ERR Login failed.
+OK Better luck next time.
Connection closed by foreign host.
[fred@localhost fred]$

And I have errors in my log files :

Feb 27 18:21:35 www pop3login: Connection, ip=[:::]
Feb 27 18:21:57 www pop3login: LOGIN FAILED, ip=[:::]
Feb 27 18:22:09 www pop3login: Disconnected, ip=[:::]

Can someone help me.
Thanks for your help.

Hi fred,

checkpassword needs to run as is a copy of my run file for 
the important parts (not that it's not all important) are -u0 -g0

exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R -u0 -g0 0 110 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
 /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 21

Hope that helps,


Re: Fw: Source of Anna Kournikova Virus admits...

2001-02-15 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 05:54 PM 2/14/2001, Peter van Dijk wrote:
On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 07:10:16PM +0100, Rembrandt Lensink wrote:
[virus crap]

Could you please pretty *please* stop bothering us with this virus
bullshit? We don't care, ok?

Greetz, Peter.

Actually, Peter... I care... really, I do

Please pretty please email the virus bullshit directly to *me*.. or
if you lose my address, just send it to the qmail list. You'll make
me smile and you'll piss off Peter... what more could you ask for?


Re: I can't find qmail's log file.

2001-02-15 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 04:12 PM 2/15/2001, qiao aijun wrote:
I wan't switch syslog to multilog. I could't find log file in /var/log/qmail
after I changed   qmail rc file and restart the machine.

The following is my rc file.

# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start ./Maildir/ multilog t /var/log/qmail


Try /var/log/qmail


Re: Anna Kournikova ~ VBS.SST@MM ~ Please Help...

2001-02-12 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 03:11 PM 2/12/2001, Charles Cazabon wrote:
Jesse Sunday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just cleared the queue of a lot of mails spawned by the 'virus'  ~  If
  anyone can point me to how to filter certain types of  attachments I would
  really appreciate it...

Everything you need is referenced at

Charles Cazabon[EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

The exact tool you're looking for is called qmail-scanner and it can be found

I've used it for a while works perfectly! Although I'm surprised that
I only caught two of today's worms with it. And those were from the same
infected source. I guess we're just not popular. Dubious benefit that is.

If you use it and decide that there are someone your network who can be
trusted with attachments (like yourself), let me know and I'll get you the
patch I made to add an exclude list.


Re: stupid question of the year award!

2001-01-26 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 03:16 PM 1/26/2001, you wrote:
Sorry for being such a dunce.  I have been there many times and just didn't
pay attention to the title.  Please ignore and don't flame . . .(hiding)

heh too late... there are some on this list who are simply laying in wait for
an opportunity to flame at any sign of weakness or silly questions... a bit
like jackals in that respect, aren't we, Mr. Socha? ;o)

smartass on a Friday


Re: A firestorm of protest?

2001-01-16 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 07:21 PM 1/15/2001, you wrote:
On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Felix von Leitner wrote:

  If you want to use bloated, unreliable, immensely fat software with a

Where I have written, that EACH patch? Only USEFUL patch.
The world goes forward!

Ah...but what is useful to thee may not be useful to me :o)

Or many others for that matter. Who decides what's useful?


Re: A firestorm of protest?

2001-01-15 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 01:18 PM 1/15/2001, Russell Nelson wrote:
I'm considering removing the entire patches section from

I love the patches. I like being asked to add a certain functionality
to the email server, hitting, pressing crtl+f and finding
the way to provide that functionality to my current installtion. I
keep my "patched" source in a directory structure in anticipation
of the next added feature that my boss asks for. I'm comfortable
that I won't have to recompile from the top, adding every slice of
"improvement" to my qmail all over again.

I think it's a great resource, and since I've never said it before,
thanks for hosting it and keeping it alive over there. I only go
there when I need it, btu when I do I'm grateful that it's there.

I never got the implication that qmail was somehow flawed because
there were all these "patches" to the code. Rather I enjoyed the fact
that I had downloaded and installed a fundamental email server to
which I could add the functionality I needed and nothing more.

If you do remove the patch section (please don't) then please send out
a warning so I can download local safe copies of every patch against the
day when I might need them.

I say, keep the status quo. It's beautiful, don't change a thing.

Jerry Lynde,
Devoted qmail Advocate

Re: request to prefix subject header.

2000-12-22 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 04:09 PM 12/22/2000, Dennis wrote:
Hello to one and all (especially the list managers)

Can I make a suggestion
Why don't we prefix the subject header with [qmail].
It makes filtering a lot easier.

feedback ?

what about a filter like the one I use?

Header any recipient contains "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

I guess  ( ( Header Subject contains [qmail] ) ) has fewer characters,
but it's really not that much simpler than checking the recipients...

my $.02


Re: test

2000-11-17 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 03:53 PM 11/17/2000, you wrote:

you get an A for being to the point, and an F for being obscure...which 
averages to a C.. you pass... but next time you should give it more effort

Re: aliases and ...

2000-11-17 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 12:19 PM 11/17/2000, Neil Grant wrote:
I have started seting up qmail and have everything working apart from the
aliases for root, postmaster, etc and smtp (which i havent started on yet)

everything is installed in its default place ie /var/qmail/

in /var/qmail/alias I have done 'touch .qmail-root' and then 'chmod 644
.qmail-root' as root but all mail to these aliases ends up in

what have I done wrong?

also I have found that I regularly (but not everytime) I recieve the dont
'delete this message' message when I collect my pop3 mail - how can I get
rid of it?


Delete it. Seriously... the don't delete this message email is some legacy
stuff from older implementations of pop3 mailboxes. When I worked at an
ISP, we upgraded the mail server and our entire client base got those emails.

Just ignore them, delete them and move along

Jerry Lynde

Re: Leave this lista

2000-11-15 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 05:36 PM 11/15/2000, you wrote:
Can anyone explain me how I leave this list? Please, somebody tell me...


you can unsub anytime you like, but you can never leave
it's just like subscribing, only backwards...

Re: Error 451

2000-11-03 Thread Jerry Lynde

You don't mean the Fahrenheit error, do you? That one means that your 
qmail-send has processed one too many flames. ;o)

At 09:20 AM 11/3/2000, Charles Cazabon wrote:
Tom Laudeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a way to prevent qmail smtp from sending error 451?

Why would you want to?  qmail only sends this when it detects an error.

  Rumor has it that there was a qmail bug where extra newlines in the email
  message generated a 451 response.

Rumor is wrong; there is no such bug.  The bug is in some other MTAs which
send bare linefeeds.

See for details.

  We think we are running the latest stable version under Linux.

That would be 1.03, yes?

Charles Cazabon[EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: Fwd: Re: More trouble

2000-11-03 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 11:10 AM 11/3/2000, Aaron L. Meehan wrote:
Quoting Howard Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Oh and I posted this to the mailing list as well. I am sure everybody
  will be interested! in your behaviour!!

Excuse me, Howie, but STOP posting private messages to the list
just to spite people.  We have some real work to do here. Goodness.


Is it time for shock therapy yet? :o)
or are we still in the "firm-talking-to" stage?

"Describe in single words only the good things that come to mind about. 
your mother."
"My mother? I'll tell you about my mother."


Re: tcprules

2000-10-18 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 03:51 PM 10/18/2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am having problems stopping relaying.

I created the file /etc/tcprules.d/qmail-smtpd
and in there I put

cd /etc/tcprules.d/
tcprules qmail-smtpd.cdb qmail-smtpd.temp  qmail.smptd
  and I get no errors
in /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts I have

but still, It allows relaying according to
the tests on

All replies greatfully recieved
Kind regards

Kevin Waterson

Hi Kevin,

 Did you register with If so, did you test your own domain?
I just tested your domain (after creating a much needed account of my
own there) and it resulted in a false positive, the same false positive I got
when I tested my own mail server.
 The test that failed was #6, which tests an email sent

While qmail accepts initially any mail destined for (in your case),
the email will fail to be sent when qmail finds out that there's no user by 
name "" at your domain. If there was, I would have gotten
  the mail in my mailbox, which I didn't.

Check your logs, and you will see the activity from the test in there, and you
will also get the double-bounce, signifying the failure of the email.

In other words, relax... you're not relaying... have a refreshing drink and
breathe deeply cuz it's all good.


Re: Help with my girlfriend?

2000-10-05 Thread Jerry Lynde

Reminds me of the way spam/trolls/etc. was treated on few 
years back...

had to say somehting...I'll be quiet now


At 03:00 PM 10/5/2000, Peter van Dijk wrote:
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 08:33:22PM +, Wheres Mybrudda wrote:
  Hello. Is this the right place to come for help with my girlfriend? A 
  told me that if I came to the Qinky Mothers After Indigenous Lesbians list
  then you can tell me what I have to do to win back my South-Asian 
  from her qinky mumma.

You have come to the right place. We can teach you how to devote your
time to much more useful things than your girlfriend (which seems lost
to some scantily clad females anyway), like qmail and other cool

Greetz, Peter
dataloss networks
'/ignore-ance is bliss' - me

RE: Help with my girlfriend?

2000-10-05 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 05:33 PM 10/5/2000, Brett Randall wrote:
  Reminds me of the way spam/trolls/etc. was treated on few
  years back...
  had to say somehting...I'll be quiet now

Ahem? :



Re: Help with my girlfriend?

2000-10-05 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 04:45 PM 10/5/2000, you wrote:
On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 09:35:06AM +1000, Brett Randall wrote:
   strace /dev/gf0
  No, I think you've got it wrong. I think its strace /dev/gf6 at the

That depends on your interface renumbering standards. Rebooting in
between relations is a good thing.

if you view rebooting as a system-wide kill and restart, um... that might 
not be such a good idea...
something on the order of shutdown -h forever


Re: Send a mail

2000-09-20 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 12:15 AM 9/20/2000, you wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm using qmail and Unix.
I'm using Life with qmail.
I'm chosing the Maildir.
I'don't  know how an account in /etc/passwd can be a "normal" user for
When a send a mail to user (in /etc/passwd)   and I open the
/var/log/syslog, I
find that message
  "delivery26.: failure :Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/"
I have read the INSTALL.maildir :
I have created the Maildir :
 # maildirmake $HOME/Maildir
   $HOME it is the account's home directory appers in /etc/passwd ?
 # echo ./Maildir/  ~/.qmail
  I m replacing ./Mailbox with ./Maildir in /var/qmail/rc
  I have read the qmail-getpw, but I don't know how account's
homedirectory can be
  visible to qmail-getpw.
Thank you all,

Did you run qmail-pw2u and qmail-newu ??
If not, then even though the users are valid (meaning listed in 
/etc/passwd) qmail doesn't know about them...
In the default install, you should find a list of valid users in 
If they're not there, either create the assign file by hand as per 
http://Web.InfoAve.Net/~dsill/lwq.html section 3.6
or run /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pw2u and then run /var/qmail/bin/qmail-newu.

enjoy :o)


Re: Send a mail

2000-09-20 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 01:05 PM 9/20/2000, you wrote:
Jerry Lynde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you run qmail-pw2u and qmail-newu ??
 If not, then even though the users are valid (meaning listed in
 /etc/passwd) qmail doesn't know about them...

Not true. The use of qmail-users (users/assign) is completely

 In the default install, you should find a list of valid users in


Mah bad... felt like a default setup to me... never mind :o)

Mail marked as read??

2000-09-07 Thread Jerry Lynde

Hello all,

I have a quick feature question. Our old mail server (an NT based, web 
administered thinger) had the capability to mark mail as read if it had 
been accessed via POP, but not deleted. Does anyone know if qmail can do 
this? If so, where in TFM can I find docs to R? :o)


Jerry Lynde
System Administrator
Due Diligence Inc.
Phone: (406) 728-0001 x232
Fax: (406) 728-0006

Re: Mail marked as read??

2000-09-07 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 11:33 AM 9/7/2000, Jerry Lynde wrote:
Hello all,

 I have a quick feature question. Our old mail server (an NT 
 based, web administered thinger) had the capability to mark mail as read 
 if it had been accessed via POP, but not deleted. Does anyone know if 
 qmail can do this? If so, where in TFM can I find docs to R? :o)


Jerry Lynde
System Administrator
Due Diligence Inc.
Phone: (406) 728-0001 x232
Fax: (406) 728-0006

hand raised high Anybody know the answer to my question?

I scoured Google, Life with qmail, the FAQTS, the qmail FAQ, etc...  am I 
out of luck? or is there a way? I don't need a cookbook, just a pointer :o)

RE: Mail marked as read??

2000-09-07 Thread Jerry Lynde

Oh yeah! and Life with qmail happens to have a patch to make qmail-pop3d 
work with that...

'tis a fine day to learn "patch", a fine day indeed.. :o)

now I'll just patch that sucka and rebuild the binaries and move 
qmail-pop3d to it's proper home and all should be well...

Thanks Michael !!


At 03:40 PM 9/7/2000, you wrote:
isn't that what the "cur" directory is used for?

  -Original Message-
  From: Jerry Lynde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 2:32 PM
  Subject: Re: Mail marked as read??
  At 11:33 AM 9/7/2000, Jerry Lynde wrote:
  Hello all,
   I have a quick feature question. Our old mail server (an NT
   based, web administered thinger) had the capability to mark
  mail as read
   if it had been accessed via POP, but not deleted. Does
  anyone know if
   qmail can do this? If so, where in TFM can I find docs to R? :o)
  Jerry Lynde
  System Administrator
  Due Diligence Inc.
  Phone: (406) 728-0001 x232
  Fax: (406) 728-0006
  hand raised high Anybody know the answer to my question?
  I scoured Google, Life with qmail, the FAQTS, the qmail FAQ,
  etc...  am I
  out of luck? or is there a way? I don't need a cookbook, just
  a pointer :o)