Logrotating with multilog

2001-08-14 Thread Martin Hasenbein


I'm using qmail with the daemontools and my logs are generated by
multilog. I'm running qmail for example like this:


exec env - PATH=/var/qmail/bin:$PATH \
qmail-start ./Maildir/ multilog t s100 n100 /usr/local/server/qmail/main

Is it possible to make multilog rotate logfiles, lets say every night at 0??



   Martin Hasenbein  Phone (Fax): (+49) 89 1216376-1 (3)
 \|/   Weiglstr.9mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 @ @   D-80636 München   http://martin.hasenbein.com

On the 8th day, god created Unix ;-)

Re: log files

2001-08-10 Thread Martin Hasenbein

Wolfgang Pichler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 the qmail-send/run only executes the /var/qmail/rc script (so its nearly the
 same). And at the first time I havn't had the multilog command in
 /var/qmail/run, i've then added it because the log doesn't worked for me.
 And it still doesn't work.

Hi Wolfgang,

try this:


exec env - PATH=/var/qmail/bin:$PATH \
qmail-start ./Maildir/ multilog t s100 n100 /usr/local/server/qmail/main

Put this in yout /var/qmail/rc

s defines how big the logfile can get

n defines how many logfiles aregenerated

The rest is the path where your logfiles are stored.


qmail-remote crashed ...

2001-08-09 Thread Martin Hasenbein


what could be the reason for such an error message???:

2001-08-09 16:55:10.524490500 new msg 365071
2001-08-09 16:55:10.525218500 info msg 365071: bytes 234 from  qp 2344 uid 8001
2001-08-09 16:55:10.612899500 starting delivery 7: msg 365071 to remote 
2001-08-09 16:55:10.613655500 status: local 0/100 remote 1/100
2001-08-09 16:55:10.618145500 delivery 7: deferral: qmail-remote_crashed./
2001-08-09 16:55:10.618697500 status: local 0/100 remote 0/100

I've patched qmail with a few patches, to have SMTP_AUTH, QMTP, Spamcontrol ...
and it compiled without any problems. I have this qmail running on another
server without any problems but on my server qmail-remote crashes. Why?
Local mail delivery works on both servers. Remote delivery works only
on the other server, but not on mine :-(




   Martin Hasenbein  Phone (Fax): (+49) 89 1216376-1 (3)
 \|/   Weiglstr.9mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 @ @   D-80636 München   http://martin.hasenbein.com

On the 8th day, god created Unix ;-)


2001-08-09 Thread Martin Hasenbein


I've found the qmail-1.03-version of Maex's
outgoingip.patch on the net. I patched my qmail
and it compiled without any errors. When I
first tried to send out an eMail, my logs said:

qmail-remote crashed

As soon as I added the file outgoingip, qmail worked
properly. Did anyone has the same problem before.
Is there an error in the patch?
Can anybody help me?




   Martin Hasenbein  Phone (Fax): (+49) 89 1216376-1 (3)
 \|/   Weiglstr.9mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 @ @   D-80636 München   http://martin.hasenbein.com

On the 8th day, god created Unix ;-)

qmail and logging

2001-08-06 Thread Martin Hasenbein


I'm running qmail with the daemontools and right now
qmail and tcpserver are logging through multilog.
But now I want them to log through splogger,
because I'm used to have everything, belonging to
mail in one logfile. With multilog it's not possible
to write to one logfile. But when I change my startscript
it doesn't work. The script looks like this:

exec 21 \
envdir ./env \
sh -c '
case $REMOTENAME in h) H=;; p) H=p;; *) H=H;; esac
case $REMOTEINFO in r) R=;; [0-9]*) R=t$REMOTEINFO;; *) R=R;; esac
exec \
envuidgid qmaild \
softlimit ${DATALIMIT+-d$DATALIMIT} \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver \
-vDU$H$R \
-xtcp.cdb \
-- ${IP-0} ${PORT-25} \

How do I have to add splogger that this scipt, that it works 




   Martin Hasenbein  Phone (Fax): (+49) 89 1216376-1 (3)
 \|/   Weiglstr.9mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 @ @   D-80636 München   http://martin.hasenbein.com

On the 8th day, god created Unix ;-)

Re: qmail and logging

2001-08-06 Thread Martin Hasenbein

Niles Rowland ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  I'm running qmail with the daemontools and right now
  qmail and tcpserver are logging through multilog.
  But now I want them to log through splogger,
 multilog is much better than splogger.  splogger puts a severe load on your
  because I'm used to have everything, belonging to
  mail in one logfile. With multilog it's not possible
 Yes it is.  The size of the logfiles can be changed before the logs are
 rotated and a new current is created.  This is done with one of the command
 line switches.  I don't know the exact switch off the top of my head and
 qmail.org is unreachable this morning so I don't know which docs to tell you
 to look at.. sorry.

Hi Niles,

I've read that the advantages about multilog and disadvantages about
syslog and splogger, but I want qmail, smtpd, qmtpd and pop3d to
log to one logfile and as far as I know it isn't possible with
multilog to do this. Or am I wrong with that?



   Martin Hasenbein  Phone (Fax): (+49) 89 1216376-1 (3)
 \|/   Weiglstr.9mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 @ @   D-80636 München   http://martin.hasenbein.com

On the 8th day, god created Unix ;-)

qmail and virtual IPs

2001-07-31 Thread Martin Hasenbein


I have installed a few virtual ip-adresses yesterday
to have my webservers and my mailserver on different IPs.
Like this:

inet netmask 0xfff0 broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast
inet netmask 0x broadcast

My server has the and the mailserver should run on
But when I'm now sending eMails its acting from the, not
from the virtual ip-address. How can I change that?



   Martin Hasenbein  Phone (Fax): (+49) 89 1216376-1 (3)
 \|/   Weiglstr.9mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 @ @   D-80636 München   http://martin.hasenbein.com

On the 8th day, god created Unix ;-)

smtp-auth and ssl

2001-06-26 Thread Martin Hasenbein


I installed YAQSAP (Yet Another qmail SMTP AUTH Patch) 
from Eric M. Johnston, which works fine for me. But
now collegues told me that with smtp-auth passwords are
sent non-encrypted over the net. Does anyone of you has
experiences with smtp-auth and SSL? What exactly do I 
have to configure? I already tried the tls.patch from
Frederik Vermeulen but the two patches collide.
Can someone help me? 



   Martin Hasenbein  Phone (Fax): (+49) 89 1216376-1 (3)
 \|/   Weiglstr.9mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 @ @   D-80636 München   http://martin.hasenbein.com

On the 8th day, god created Unix ;-)


2001-06-22 Thread Martin Hasenbein


does anyone have good tips on how to install
smtp-auth for qmail? I want to allow a few
clients with dynamic IP-adresses to relay
over my server. I tried out a few patches.
But it doesn't work correctly. I use Outlook
Express to test it. When I deactivate
Server needs authentification qmail responds
with an error message Sorry, that domain isn't ...
That's ok.
But when I activate Server needs authentification
relaying is permittet, but qmail doesn't care if the password
is right or wrong or if the given user exists or not.
Does maybe anyone have a step-by-step manual on how to
configure it, which patch to use, which checkpassword to use ...
I'm using qmail, daemontools, ucspi and qmail-conf
As checkpassword a I use checkpoppasswd hacked from Paul Gregg.
POP3 works fine for me.



   Martin Hasenbein  Phone (Fax): (+49) 89 1216376-1 (3)
 \|/   Weiglstr.9mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 @ @   D-80636 München   http://martin.hasenbein.com

On the 8th day, god created Unix ;-)