Re: [LONG QUOTE] Re: dot-qmail security

1999-03-16 Thread Oliver Thuns

 This is an extract from proftpd menual:

Has anyone managed to get proftpd to actually chroot?

Yes :-)

[LONG QUOTE] Re: dot-qmail security

1999-03-15 Thread pashah

On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 04:42:42PM +1100, Richard Antecki wrote:
 Forgive me for my stupidity, but can you please explain how this can be

This is an extract from proftpd menual:
Syntax: DefaultRoot directory [group-expression]
Default: DefaultRoot /
Context: server config,VirtualHost
Compatibility: 0.99.0pl7 and later

The DefaultRoot directive controls the default root directory assigned
to a user upon login. If DefaultRoot is set to a directory other than
"/", a chroot operation is performed immediately after a client authenticates. 
This can be used to effectively isolate the client from a portion of the 
host system filespace. The specified root directory must begin with a / or 
can be the magic character '~'; meaning that the client is chroot jailed 
into their home directory. If the DefaultRoot directive specifies a 
directory which disallows access to the logged-in user's home directory, the
user's current working directory after login is set to the DefaultRoot 
instead of their normal home directory. DefaultRoot cannot be used in 
Anonymous configuration blocks, as the Anonymous directive explicitly
contains a root directory used for Anonymous logins.
so, if you have a line in your /etc/proftpd reading:
DefaultRoot ~/public_html ftpusers,!wheel

thouse who belong to ftpusers will be chroot jailed to ~/public_html, thouse
who belong to group whell will not.

hope this helps.

Re: [LONG QUOTE] Re: dot-qmail security

1999-03-15 Thread Scott D. Yelich

 This is an extract from proftpd menual:

Has anyone managed to get proftpd to actually chroot?
