Re: Fw: Source of Anna Kournikova Virus admits...

2001-02-15 Thread Jerry Lynde

At 05:54 PM 2/14/2001, Peter van Dijk wrote:
On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 07:10:16PM +0100, Rembrandt Lensink wrote:
[virus crap]

Could you please pretty *please* stop bothering us with this virus
bullshit? We don't care, ok?

Greetz, Peter.

Actually, Peter... I care... really, I do

Please pretty please email the virus bullshit directly to *me*.. or
if you lose my address, just send it to the qmail list. You'll make
me smile and you'll piss off Peter... what more could you ask for?


Fw: Source of Anna Kournikova Virus admits...

2001-02-14 Thread Rembrandt Lensink
Title: OnTheFly

- Original Message - 
From: Rembrandt 

Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 9:40 AM
Subject: Source of Anna Kournikova Virus admits...

Welcome to OnTheFly! 

  receiving several e-mails from news-papers and news-channels I decided to 
  write this letter. The Netherlands, 13 februari 2001 Dear 
  Sir/Madam, I admit writing the virus. In this letter I’d 
  like you to know that I didn’t do it for fun. Let me first tell you how I 
  made this. As I have been reading on the internet all the time, I 
  have made this virus with a Visual Basic Worm Generator, written by 
  [K]Alamar. K. is NOT involved with this worm! I have been using this 
  programm because I don’t know any programming languages. About 
  the targets Anna Kournikova: Just because I am a big fan 
  of her. She deserves some attention, doesn’t she?? Just because I needed a site. A couple of days 
  ago I bought something in that Dutch Ccomputershop and at the moment of 
  writing that virus I had the receipt in front of me, on my desk. I never 
  meant to harm the site (tell me if I did). That’s why I put the 29th of 
  januari as the date of downloading the site. I’m sure that the 
  VBS/OnTheFly.a-virus is already stopped by then.. Some reasons 
  Ok. This is the most important part of this “press-letter”. Last 
  week I read an artikle about some research ( about the impact 
  of the LoveLetter-virus. The title of that artikle says enough: IDC: 
  internetters hebben niets geleerd van I Love You (wich means in English: 
  Surfing people haven’t learned anything from the I Love You-virus) 
  I think IDC is right. I also think that you agree with me, 
  according to the rate of spreading….Maybe this is also Anna’s blame, she 
  is so pretty..J Last thing I’d like to say is that I never wanted 
  to harm the people you opened the attachment. But after all: it’s their 
  own fault they got infected with the AnnaKournikova virus, OnTheFly virus 
  or watever they call it. To get rid of that virus, please visit 
  the regular anti-virus sites. They all have some antdote right now. 
  Sincerely, OnTheFly The Netherlands 










Re: Fw: Source of Anna Kournikova Virus admits...

2001-02-14 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 07:10:16PM +0100, Rembrandt Lensink wrote:
[virus crap]

Could you please pretty *please* stop bothering us with this virus
bullshit? We don't care, ok?

Greetz, Peter.