isoqlog and multilog not playing nice

2001-05-19 Thread Gary MacKay

I have qmail,qpop3d, and courier-imap humming along just fine. I added
isoqlog which, when run manually works fine, but I can not get it to log
on it's own. I've search all 38 messages (wow!) on the yahoo isoqlog
message board, and tho others are having the same problem, no solutions.

The problem centers around the /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/log/run
file. (Yes, I used the 'Live With Qmail' doc to set everything up. The
isoqlog doc says to remove the 's250 ' portion of the command and
put in !isoqlogappend instead. So the file reads (all on one line):

exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t
!isoqlogappend /var/log/qmail/send

I can see the command running in ps auxw so I know the restart took
affect. But nothing happens. The /var/log/qmail/isoqlog file is supposed
to fill up (I think) with info. But after each nights cron job that
rotates the log file, it just sits there at zero bytes. The doc says to
manully run the tai64nlocal command to create the first isoqlog file,
which works fine. Then I manully run the cron jobs and the web pages get
created beautifully.

What am I missing?

- Gary

Re: isoqlog and multilog not playing nice

2001-05-19 Thread Justin Heesemann


I had similar problems.

In isoqlog it is mentioned to remove any   s12345 stuff from
which looks like nonsense to me.
in fact, multilog ALWAYS uses a s switch. only that it uses default
values of about 100kbyte if you supply it with another size.

so, rotating the log on a daily basis, you would either have to use
the patch for multilog which rotates the logfile, whenever it receives
a HUP, or your logfile is not truely rotated daily. by applying a
small s value however, you can come near to a daily rotation...

please notice, that isoqlogappend is only run when the current log
is rotated.
so if you don't notice anything happening it might just be, because
your current file is smaller than 100kbyte.

well, another possibility would be not to use multilog..

Saturday, May 19, 2001, 11:21:33 PM, you wrote:

 I have qmail,qpop3d, and courier-imap humming along just fine. I added
 isoqlog which, when run manually works fine, but I can not get it to log
 on it's own. I've search all 38 messages (wow!) on the yahoo isoqlog
 message board, and tho others are having the same problem, no solutions.

 The problem centers around the /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/log/run
 file. (Yes, I used the 'Live With Qmail' doc to set everything up. The
 isoqlog doc says to remove the 's250 ' portion of the command and
 put in !isoqlogappend instead. So the file reads (all on one line):

 exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t
 !isoqlogappend /var/log/qmail/send

 I can see the command running in ps auxw so I know the restart took
 affect. But nothing happens. The /var/log/qmail/isoqlog file is supposed
 to fill up (I think) with info. But after each nights cron job that
 rotates the log file, it just sits there at zero bytes. The doc says to
 manully run the tai64nlocal command to create the first isoqlog file,
 which works fine. Then I manully run the cron jobs and the web pages get
 created beautifully.

 What am I missing?

 - Gary
