[qmailadmin] Hi, Need Help ... Qmailadmin - Invalid Login

2006-09-15 Thread Kenny Lee
  Hi,I am Kenny from Malaysia, i have done all the installation needed by qmailadmin, the installation of qmailadmin was no error message there ... then after that i created a new domain name and new user by using /home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain and /home/vpopmail/bin/vadduser, and user able to receive mail and send mail. But the problem is here ... when i wan to use qmailadmin to login for user "postmaster" for the domain, it popup "Invalid Login" error msg, then i goto /home/vpopmail/bin to change the password of postmaster, then try to login again, but also same error msg. So what is the problem here? is it my qmailadmin link to wrong location? but all software like vpopmail, autorepsond and ezmlm installed in default folder ... when i ran the ./configure of qmailadmin .. and no error there ...qmailadmin - 1.2.9  vpopmail - 5.4.17  i am using Redhat
 Fedora core 3Please help ... thank youRegards,  Kenny 
		Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail.

[qmailadmin] Invalid Login when logging in as postmaster

2006-08-22 Thread Joel Gwynn

So I've been following the instructions at qmailrocks.com and I'm
stuck at Part 8:

I can create domains with vqadmin, but for some reason I can't login
to qmailadmin using my postmaster password.  I'm seeing no errors in
my logfiles, or at least I don't know which logfiles to look at.

I'm running Apache 2 on Debian Linux 2.6.8-022stab078.14

Any ideas?


[qmailadmin] Invalid Login - permissions?

2006-02-23 Thread Malcolm Sommerville


I'm running vpopmail 5.4.13 and trying to run qmailadmin 1.2.1 on gentoo
kernel 2.6.13.  Vpopmail works fine, with several users using it
already.  Qmailadmin does not and gives me an invalid login message.
Qmailadmin is set up in an apache Virtual Server, defined thus:

VirtualHost qmailadmin:80
 DocumentRoot /www/servers/qmailadmin/htdocs
 ServerName qmailadmin.sommerville.uk.net
 ServerAlias qmailadmin
 ErrorLog /www/logs/error.log
 TransferLog |/usr/sbin/cronolog
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/servers/qmailadmin/cgi-bin/
 RedirectMatch ^/$

the qmailadmin script is in the correct cgi-bin directory.

Whenever I try to log in, I get the following message in the error log:

[Wed Feb 22 16:53:03 2006] [error] [client] vmysql: can't
read settings from /var/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql, referer:

/var/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql is a symlink to /etc/vpopmail.conf

/var/vpopmail # ls -l /etc/vpopmail.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root vpopmail 635 Feb 21 12:22 /etc/vpopmail.conf

I think I must be missing something really obvious but I'm not sure
where to look next.  Any pointers gratefully appreciated.



[qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi again, configured qmailadmin many times, but still i cant login in :'(./configure --enable-cgibindir=/usr/lib/cgi-bin --enable-htmldir=/var/www/qmailadmin --enable-vpopuser=vpopmail --enable-autoresponder-bin=/usr/bin --enable-ezmlmdir=/usr/bin --enable-cgipath=/cgi-bin/qmailadmin --enable-imagedir=/var/www/images/qmailadmin --enable-vpopmaildir=/home/vpopmail
 qmailadmin 1.2.9 Current settings--- cgi-bin dir = /var/www/cgi-bin html dir = /var/www/qmailadmin image dir = /var/www/images/qmailadmin
 image URL = ""> template dir = /usr/local/share/qmailadmin qmail dir = /var/qmail vpopmail dir = /var/lib/vpopmail autorespond dir = /usr/bin ezmlm dir = /usr/bin
 ezmlm idx = yes mysql for ezmlm = yes help = no modify quota = no domain autofill = nomodify spam check = no#make#make install-stripis there anything that i missed ?
everything seems ok but why qmailadmin doesnt let me in ?any ideas ?[debian etch 2.6.15-1, qmailadmin-1.2.9, vpopmail-5.14.13]

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Alex Dean

Are you receiving error messages, or a blank screen, or what?

Have you set up your web server correctly?  Post the relevant parts  
of your httpd.conf file.

On Feb 14, 2006, at 7:46 AM, Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT wrote:

hi again,
configured qmailadmin many times, but still i cant login in :'(

./configure --enable-cgibindir=/usr/lib/cgi-bin --enable-htmldir=/ 
var/www/qmailadmin --enable-vpopuser=vpopmail --enable- 
autoresponder-bin=/usr/bin --enable-ezmlmdir=/usr/bin --enable- 
cgipath=/cgi-bin/qmailadmin --enable-imagedir=/var/www/images/ 
qmailadmin --enable-vpopmaildir=/home/vpopmail

qmailadmin 1.2.9
Current settings
   cgi-bin dir = /var/www/cgi-bin
  html dir = /var/www/qmailadmin
 image dir = /var/www/images/qmailadmin
 image URL = /images/qmailadmin
  template dir = /usr/local/share/qmailadmin
 qmail dir = /var/qmail
  vpopmail dir = /var/lib/vpopmail
   autorespond dir = /usr/bin
 ezmlm dir = /usr/bin
 ezmlm idx = yes
   mysql for ezmlm = yes
  help = no
  modify quota = no
   domain autofill = no
 modify spam check = no

#make install-strip

is there anything that i missed ?
everything seems ok but why qmailadmin doesnt let me in ?
any ideas ?
[debian etch 2.6.15-1, qmailadmin-1.2.9, vpopmail-5.14.13]


Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi again,web server works fine, and i get the errors on qmailadmin login screen not on a blank page.the followings are the logs kept during invalid login attempts :[Tue Feb 14 17:40:15 2006] [error] [client] script not found or unable to stat: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/qmailadmin[Tue Feb 14 17:40:18 2006] [error] [client] script not found or unable to stat: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/qmailadmin
so ? according to the first mail i sent : what am i doing wrong when configuring with the parameters given ???help please  

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Alex Dean

Apache says :
[Tue Feb 14 17:40:15 2006] [error] [client] script not  
found or unable to stat: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/qmailadmin

qmailadmin says :

qmailadmin 1.2.9
Current settings
   cgi-bin dir = /var/www/cgi-bin

But I see you compiled it with :

./configure --enable-cgibindir=/usr/lib/cgi-bin

The --enable-cgibindir should have put qmailadmin in /usr/lib/cgi- 
bin.  This is where Apache is looking, but Apache isn't finding it  
there.  Qmailadmin says it is installed in /var/www/cgi-bin.

I'm not sure how this all fits together, but it looks worth checking  


Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
/var/www/cgi-bin is just a symlink to /usr/lib/cgi-bin.i dont think that the problem is this.

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Alex Dean

On Feb 14, 2006, at 9:53 AM, Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT wrote:

/var/www/cgi-bin is just a symlink to /usr/lib/cgi-bin.
i dont think that the problem is this.

Do you allow Apache to follow symlinks?  Options FollowSymLinks


Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
yes, Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI for cgi-bin directories.setuid root means what ? ;)did some google analysis and found out this : qmailadmin must be setuid root ? dont know what this is and not sure if my qmailadmin is setuid root or not ?
do you know anything about this ?

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Alex Dean

On Feb 14, 2006, at 10:35 AM, Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT wrote:

 Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI for cgi-bin directories.
setuid root means what ? ;)
did some google analysis and found out this : qmailadmin must be  
setuid root ?
dont know what this is and not sure if my qmailadmin is setuid root  
or not ?

do you know anything about this ?

setuid is part of suexec.  The suEXEC feature -- introduced in  
Apache 1.2 -- provides Apache users the ability to run CGI and SSI  
programs under user IDs different from the user ID of the calling web- 
server. Normally, when a CGI or SSI program executes, it runs as the  
same user who is running the web server.

qmailadmin does not need to be run as root.  I believe doing so would  
be a bad idea.  If you are not confident about how to configure it  
securely, I would not use setuid at all.


Rather than symlinking /var/www/cgi-bin to /usr/lib/cgi-bin, you  
could try adding this to your configuration : ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ / 
usr/lib/cgi-bin/.  Put this in the VirtualHost which serves /var/www.


Could you post all relevant parts of your Apache configuration?  I  
believe that is where your trouble lies.


Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
something very odd happened ;) for the wrong attemps apache logs these datas : [mydomain.com or yourdomain.com which are not listed in assign file. /var/qmail/users/assign]
[Tue Feb 14 20:18:15 2006] [error] [client] Error. Domain mydomain.com was not found in the assign file, referer: 
http://localhost/cgi-bin/qmailadmin[Tue Feb 14 20:18:19 2006] [error] [client] Error. Domain yourdomain.com was not found in the assign file, referer: 
http://localhost/cgi-bin/qmailadminwhereas for the right attempts i mean the domains that exist in assign file such as akbulut.com
 or debian.com ... etc apache logs nothing :(but still qmailadmin doesnt let me in :(((

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Alex Dean

On Feb 14, 2006, at 11:21 AM, Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT wrote:

[Tue Feb 14 20:18:19 2006] [error] [client] Error. Domain  
yourdomain.com was not found in the assign file, referer: http:// 

Did you add your domains using vadddomain?  If so, I'm not sure why  
you would get that error.  If you have manually added domains to /var/ 
qmail/users/assign, I'm not sure if that will work or not.

What is the contents of your assign file?  It's much easier to spot  
problems if you can post relevant files.


Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login = no reply ???

2006-02-14 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
i use vadddomain to add new domains.
and assign contains followings :


no improvements, still cant log in ...

[qmailadmin] qmailadmin = invalid login ?

2006-02-13 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all,
 make qmailadmin setuid root means what ?
i keep getting invalid logins :'(
what should i do not to get such  an  unbearable error ?
many thanks in advance.

[qmailadmin] invalid login

2005-05-11 Thread Paulo Pires
Hi list

I'm having the same issue that Matt has previously initiated in this
mailing list.

I have qmail + courier-imap working upon vpopmail + mysql. It all works,
even smtp-auth and squirrelmail webmail, so I believe everything is ok,
but qmailadmin won't work and won't give me any errors/warnings.

I've installed qmailadmin-1.2.7. I had vqadmin which also was working,
but I removed it since there is no need for it.

Any help about this problem?

Many thanks in advance,
Paulo Pires

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-03-26 Thread Gary
 Why are you making your domain users with ids other than vpopmail?

Using system quota to enforce domain quota.

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-03-26 Thread Tom Collins
On Mar 25, 2004, at 1:47 PM, ep wrote:
the stupid solution is to chmod 644 the vpopmail.mysql file, although
it works.
Amazingly stupid.  Anyone with access to that machine can learn your 
MySQL password for the vpopmail database and use it to read passwords, 
make changes or just delete everything.

Very bad idea.

How about making it group readable, and having all of your domains set 
to use vpopmail's gid (but the user accounts would NOT use vpopmail's 
gid).  chmod 640 vpopmail.mysql, chmod 770 the domain directory.

 another solution would be to change the uid/gid for that
domain in qmail's assign file to 89/89 (vpopmail's uid/gid) and then
chown vpopmail.vchkpw the domains dir in 510/510's home dir AND the
home dir itself (or chmod 744 510/510's home dir).  i don't like this
solution either as i want to keep 510/510's home dir owned by that user
AND have 700 permission for privacy.
What's wrong with keeping all of the domains in ~vpopmail/domains?  Why 
do your users need access to their domain directory if they have 
qmailadmin to manage it?

so the only other solution which i could think of was to set that
domain's uid/gid as 0/0 in qmail's assign file.  now, what kind of
security risks could this setup pose?  i'm brand new to qmail, so i'm
not sure (just installed it a few days ago).
Not a good idea.  Any file qmailadmin creates will be owned by root and 
other utilities managing the domain won't be able to change it.

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QmailAdmin: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/  Vpopmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
Info on the Sniffter hand-held Network Tester: http://sniffter.com/

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-03-26 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Friday 26 March 2004 05:30 am, Tom Collins wrote:
  so the only other solution which i could think of was to set that
  domain's uid/gid as 0/0 in qmail's assign file.  now, what kind of
  security risks could this setup pose?  i'm brand new to qmail, so i'm
  not sure (just installed it a few days ago).

 Not a good idea.  Any file qmailadmin creates will be owned by root and
 other utilities managing the domain won't be able to change it.

also, qmail treats home directories owned by root as non-existant users and 
will bounce mail going to them.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-03-25 Thread ep
--- Jeremy Kitchen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 22:29, ep wrote:
  Hi, after I add a new domain via vpopmail, like this:
  ~vpopmail/bin/vadddomain -i 510 -d 510 somedomain.com password123
  i cannot log in with this domain in qmailadmin!  if i leave out the
  and -d flags  arguments, it works, but i want to store the
  directory under the home dir of a specific user on the system, not
  under vpopmail's home dir.  so i add the -i and -d, w/ vadddomain. 
  creates the dir's and files in 510's home dir, it adds the info in
  qmail's assign file, but no success logging in as postmaster with
  qmailadmin.  what is the prob?
 qmailadmin by default is setuid vpopmail.  The vpopmail user doesn't
 have access to read the files you created with vadddomain under the
 different uid/gid.
 solution:  make qmailadmin setuid root
 Jeremy Kitchen
 Systems Administrator
 Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
 Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
 866.528.3530 toll free
 847.492.0470 int'l
 847.492.0632 fax

hi, thanks for the response.  i'm still having trouble with this.  how
exactly do I make qmailadmin setuid root?  is it something i have to do
at compile time?  right now, qmailadmin is located in my web server's
cgi-bin and is chown root.root and chmod 6755.  apache runs as
nobody/nobody.  i created a tiny php script in the same cgi-bin to
setuid root and then display the current uid. i set the same
permissions on this php script (owned by root/root, 6755). it displayed
99 (nobody).  my apache has suexec, but no User/Group directives in
the VirtualHost part, so it defaults to running scripts as
nobody/nobody. ~ep

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-03-25 Thread satinder

how to run this command it says 

# make qmailadmin setuid 
rootmake: *** No rule to make target `setuid'. 
Satinder Pal Singh

- Original Message - 
From: "Jeremy Kitchen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:06 
Subject: Re: [qmailadmin] "Invalid 
 On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 22:29, ep wrote:  Hi, after I add 
a new domain via vpopmail, like this:  ~vpopmail/bin/vadddomain -i 
510 -d 510 somedomain.com password123i cannot log in 
with this domain in qmailadmin! if i leave out the -i  and -d 
flags  arguments, it works, but i want to store the "domains"  
directory under the home dir of a specific user on the system, not  
under vpopmail's home dir. so i add the -i and -d, w/ vadddomain. 
it  creates the dir's and files in 510's home dir, it adds the info 
in  qmail's "assign" file, but no success logging in as postmaster 
with  qmailadmin. what is the prob?  
permissions.  qmailadmin by default is setuid vpopmail. 
The vpopmail user doesn't have access to read the files you created with 
vadddomain under the different uid/gid.  solution: 
make qmailadmin setuid root  -Jeremy  -- 
 Jeremy Kitchen Systems Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kitchen @ 
#qmail on EFNet - Join the party! . Inter7 
Internet Technologies, Inc. www.inter7.com 
866.528.3530 toll free 847.492.0470 int'l 847.492.0632 
fax GNUPG key ID: 93BDD6CE  

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-03-25 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 02:45, ep wrote:

  solution:  make qmailadmin setuid root

 hi, thanks for the response.  i'm still having trouble with this.  how
 exactly do I make qmailadmin setuid root?

chmod 4711 qmailadmin

 is it something i have to do
 at compile time?

it might be a ./configure option, but manually modifying the permissions
is ok.

 right now, qmailadmin is located in my web server's
 cgi-bin and is chown root.root and chmod 6755.  apache runs as


 i created a tiny php script in the same cgi-bin to
 setuid root and then display the current uid.

depending entirely on your configuration, php scripts are probably not
executed as cgi, and therefore setuid bit doesn't matter.  They're
probably interpreted by mod_php.

 my apache has suexec, but no User/Group directives in
 the VirtualHost part

suexec might complicate things.  You are now beyond scope of this
mailing list.

  so it defaults to running scripts as

php scripts, yes, because they're not likely executed as cgi programs. 
In which case they probably wouldn't be run setuid anyway.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-03-25 Thread ep
I think I've found a solution, although it might not be the best.  It
is the only thing I could think of right now.  If anyone has a better
idea, let me know:

It was indeed a problem with permissions.  I had to chown root.root on
qmailadmin.  but that wasn't all.  In qmail's assign file, the uid/gid
of the domain i added (w/ vadddomain -i 510 -g 510 newdomain.com
password123) was 510/510.  I think when i try to login with qmailadmin
under that domain, it setuid's to 510/510, and so it wasn't able to
read the vital file ~vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql (since it's only
readable by user vpopmail).  i know this because i see this in apache's

vmysql: can't read settings from /usr/local/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql
vmysql: sql error[3]: MySQL server has gone away

the stupid solution is to chmod 644 the vpopmail.mysql file, although
it works. another solution would be to change the uid/gid for that
domain in qmail's assign file to 89/89 (vpopmail's uid/gid) and then
chown vpopmail.vchkpw the domains dir in 510/510's home dir AND the
home dir itself (or chmod 744 510/510's home dir).  i don't like this
solution either as i want to keep 510/510's home dir owned by that user
AND have 700 permission for privacy.

so the only other solution which i could think of was to set that
domain's uid/gid as 0/0 in qmail's assign file.  now, what kind of
security risks could this setup pose?  i'm brand new to qmail, so i'm
not sure (just installed it a few days ago).

Another question:  what is the difference between the -u and -i/-g
flags when running the vadddomain?  they seem to do the same things.  I
know this isn't the vpopmail mailing list, so you don't have to

(ps Oh yeah, and my PHP/apache setup is like this: not as an apache mod
but as CGI/FastCGI, so suexec not only affects all CGI scripts, but
also PHP scripts.  however, suexec seems to be totally irrelevant to
the invalid login problem.)

Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-03-25 Thread Charles Sprickman
On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:


 qmailadmin by default is setuid vpopmail.  The vpopmail user doesn't
 have access to read the files you created with vadddomain under the
 different uid/gid.

 solution:  make qmailadmin setuid root

Just understand the security ramifications of making a slightly messy bit
of C code running as root accessible to the world.  It's not something I'd
really entertain on a box I care about.

Why are you making your domain users with ids other than vpopmail?




 Jeremy Kitchen
 Systems Administrator
 Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
 Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
 866.528.3530 toll free
 847.492.0470 int'l
 847.492.0632 fax

Re: [qmailadmin] INvalid Login

2004-03-08 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 01:21, Robert Stinnett wrote:
 I keep getting an invalid login every time I try to login on the web

qmailadmin needs to be run as a user that has priveleges to read the
vpasswd file for the domain.  usually this is done by adding the setuid
bit to the qmailadmin binary and making all of the domains stay in their
default location.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

Re: [qmailadmin] INvalid Login

2004-03-08 Thread Alexander Ng
HI there, I know this is silly as I've lost my first qmail mailing list instructions. But umm...how do I unsubscribe? Thanks!Jeremy Kitchen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 01:21, Robert Stinnett wrote: I keep getting an invalid login every time I try to login on the web interface.qmailadmin needs to be run as a user that has priveleges to read thevpasswd file for the domain. usually this is done by adding the setuidbit to the qmailadmin binary and making all of the domains stay in theirdefault location.-Jeremy-- Jeremy KitchenSystems Administrator[EMAIL PROTECTED]Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!.Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.www.inter7.com866.528.3530 toll free847.492.0470 int'l847.492.0632 faxGNUPG key ID: 93BDD6CE
Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: [qmailadmin] INvalid Login

2004-03-08 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 04:35, Alexander Ng wrote:
 HI there, I know this is silly as I've lost my first qmail mailing
 list instructions. But umm...how do I unsubscribe? Thanks!

look at the headers for every email sent to you by the mailing list.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
866.528.3530 toll free
847.492.0470 int'l
847.492.0632 fax

[qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-01-09 Thread Joel A Divekar
Hi All

I have installed qmailadmin-1.0.6 on RedHat Linux 9. When I try to login using 
Postmaster I get Invalid Login message in the browser screen. Can anybody guide me, 
as I have compiled and reinstalled vpopmail-5.2.2 and qmailadmin but with no luck. Can 
anybody guide me ... SOS

If this query has been tackled earlier please guide me to the link ... I am sorry I am 
new over here.



Re: [qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2004-01-09 Thread Tom Collins
On Jan 9, 2004, at 4:21 AM, Joel A Divekar wrote:
I have installed qmailadmin-1.0.6 on RedHat Linux 9. When I try to 
login using Postmaster I get Invalid Login message in the browser 
screen. Can anybody guide me, as I have compiled and reinstalled 
vpopmail-5.2.2 and qmailadmin but with no luck. Can anybody guide me 
... SOS

If this query has been tackled earlier please guide me to the link ... 
I am sorry I am new over here.
One way to test, is to run the vuserinfo program from the command line:

~vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See what password it reports, and then try to log in with it.

I think that with RH9, you need to disable a cron job that screws up 
the users/assign file.

Can someone who knows what I'm talking about post more info on this, so 
we can add it to the INSTALL document for vpopmail?

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QmailAdmin: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/  Vpopmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
Info on the Sniffter hand-held Network Tester: http://sniffter.com/

[qmailadmin] invalid login... but no idea why

2003-11-26 Thread Rietsch Thierry

I've installed qmailadmin on a OpenBSD 3.4 box. There weren't any problems
during the build, but I can't login with qmailadmin.

1) I've installed vpopmail and added a domain with postmaster and a dummy
2) Then I've installed qmailadmin
- ./configure  --enable-htmldir=/var/www//qmailadmin
--enable-cgibindir=/var/www/XXX/cgi-bin --enable-ezmlmdir=/usr/local/ezmlm
- gmake
- gmake install-strip

I didn't get any errors during the build. When I call the cgi from the
browser, the login page comes up without errors. Then I enter the username
(postmaster), domain and the dummy password. After submiting the
information, it shows the Invalid Login error.

I've checked the user with vuserinfo and clear passwords (in vpopmail)
enabled and its correct.

OS: OpenBSD 3.4
HTTP: Apache 1.3.28 with chroot disabled
vpopmail: 5.2.2
qmailadmin: 1.0.6

I also searched for a logfile, but it looks like qmailadmin didn't create

I hope someone knows an answer,


[qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2003-07-01 Thread Rafael Hirano
Hi list,

I installed qmail + VPOPMAIL + mysql + qmailadmin.

And when i try login in qmailadmin not log.

and I repaired that the archive vpasswd does not exist inside of the
directory domain.
What´s the problem ??

[qmailadmin] Invalid Login

2003-06-05 Thread System
Hello All,

I have setup two mailboxes [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the passwd admin and postme the users are added through
/home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain mydomain.com postme
/home/vpopmail/bin/vadduser [EMAIL PROTECTED] admin

Now when i log on to
User Account : postmaster
Domain : mydomain.com
Pass : postme

It displays InValid Login

I have checked the vopmail database and it has got entries for admin and
postmaster users then why qmailadmin is not allowing me to log-in ?
Is there any default users or adminstrator where i can log in and change the
settings or something ?


[qmailadmin] Invalid Login ... Regardless

2003-02-22 Thread Phil @ Kusat
Good evening all. I've had qmail+vopomail+squirrelmail+qmailadmin
installed for a long time and it's always worked fine. We run
multiple virtual domains, all users are created via vpopmail (there
are no system email addresses).
At this moment, qmail, vpopmail, pop3, smtp and squirrelmail work
*perfectly* but qmailadmnin gives me an Invalid Login no matter
*what* I do. I can manualy change password, etc, if I do it at the
prompt in the /home/vpopmail/bin folder.
The original Qmailadmin was 1.0.1. I do not know if changing the
server name from old.olddomain.com to new.newdomain.com may have had
to do with anything with it. I've made sure to change the server name
in the related /etc/qmail files (defaultdomain, plusdomain, me) and
in /daemons/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3d/run
I installed the latest qmailadmin with the following:

./configure  --enable-cgibindir=/home/chost/cgi-bin
--enable-ezmlmdir=/daemons/ezmlm --enable-qmaildir=/var/qmail
It compiles and installs well. Here's an ls from the cgi-bin where
it's located:
-rwsr-sr-x1 vpopmail vchkpw 273876 Feb 23 00:09 qmailadmin

Here's the output of ./configure:

Any idea why I can not login (postmaster or any other user)? I tried
to see how I could get more than invalid login but qmailadmin does
not have an error-log (or does it?)... I also tried to give
qmailadmin root privileges (with suid and sgid) but same problem...


loading cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... (cached) /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... (cached) yes
checking for working aclocal... found
checking for working autoconf... found
checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... missing
checking host system type... i686-unknown-linux
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking for ranlib... (cached) ranlib
checking for strerror in -lcposix... (cached) no
checking how to run the C preprocessor... (cached) gcc -E
checking for AIX... no
checking for crypt in -lcrypt... (cached) yes
checking for crypt in -lshadow... (cached) no
checking for floor in -lm... (cached) yes
checking for gethostbyaddr in -lnsl... (cached) yes
checking for getsockname in -lsocket... (cached) no
checking whether we should prohibit caching... no
checking whether to require ip authentication... yes
checking whether to display user index... yes
checking for ezmlm-idx... yes
checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... (cached) yes
checking for opendir in -ldir... (cached) no
checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking for working const... (cached) yes
checking for size_t... (cached) yes
checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... (cached) time.h
checking for getcwd... (cached) yes
checking for mkdir... (cached) yes
checking for strdup... (cached) yes
checking for strstr... (cached) yes
creating ./config.status
creating Makefile
creating config.h

Truly Yours / Sincèrement vôtre,
Philippe Simard, Kusat.com
Web : www.kusat.com
Tel : 514-276-7997 Fax: 276-3434
Toll free: 1 866 27-KUSAT (58728)