Re: [Qt-creator] Problem with code completion (and why not make Qt Creator a normal C++ IDE?)

2010-07-26 Thread Christian Kamm

On Monday 26 July 2010 20:54:24 ext Mateusz 'Matthew' Marek wrote:
> last time I worked with Boost and I have a little problem. Because I
> am not a Boost Master, so is very helpful to me having code
> completion. But Qt Creator had a little problem with that. Everything
> is OK (or almost OK, looks like Qt Creator doesn't see templates)
> until is typedef in the code. In boost::asio is basic_deadline_timer<>
> with 3 kind of constructors with different arguments. But also is
> typedef basic_deadline_time deadline_timer.
> And now, when I put in my code boost::asio::deadline_time t, Qt
> Creator don't tell me that there is 3 different constructors and which
> arguments they have, but don't have this problem when I write
> boost::asio::basic_deadline_timer t.

the problems with code completion for templates are known and something we're 
working on in the master branch. Your particular problem sounds like an 
instance of
also check out for an 

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Creator Community

2010-07-26 Thread Victor Sardina
Hi Kevin:

My apologies for not replying a little bit sooner.

You have a point: I did missed your email inside the specs file: they
call that either "tunel vision", or "need of a break"...:-(

To get the plugin to compile and show in QtCreator I did the following:

1) Modified the project (.pro) file to reflect the location of both, the
QtCreator sources and the compiled application itself, as you explain at
the Trac website. As the name of the compiled application contains a
space, you have to escape it inside the .pro file, namely "Qt\\" (see the modified project file enclosed below).

2) Modified the destination directory (DESTDIR) as well to define where
to place the compiled plugin inside the application bundle

3) Replaced all instances of "1.3.84" by "2.0.80" inside the
Doxygen.pluginspec file. Before doing this QtCreator fails to load the
plugin and lists all dependencies on 1.3.84 versions as missing (obvious).

As this turns rather convoluted to explain, I take the liberty of
encloning the modified project file at the end of this email. Of course,
somebody else's settings should reflect the location of their source
files and the like, but this provides at least a template of the needed
changes to at least reach the "loaded plugin" stage on a Mac. With the
settings below the plugin files get correctly copied into the "Qt" application bundle without a glitch.

I have a custom installation of Qt-4.7.0 (git branch 4.7) at
/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0, and QtCreator compiled from the git
repository sources (branch 2.0) as of two or three days ago.

I did try to run the plugin on the header files themselves, but to no
avail: it doesn't appear to have any effect whatsoever. I guess I still
missed something, but that probably reaches my incompetence level...

I hope this helps to get the plugin working for as many people as
possible in the future. I know it has a tag of "low priority", but I
assure you that having to generate all the doxygen tags et al by hand
turns into a royal pain in your backside after a while. I also believe
that you have done a pretty good job already. I think you should give a
little more credit yourself: I surely appreciate it.

Your plugin, together with the astyle plugin turn into two of the things
I would really like to get working across the board, meaning on Mac,
Linux, and Mac (I end up having to work with all of them NIXes sooner or
later). Now that I have a working Mac again (an upgrade to Snow Leopard
a while back left in pretty bad shape (no backup of the backup)), I
would like to try to get these tools working.

Thank you for your reply,

#==Beginning of project file modified for Mac=
TARGET = Doxygen

# Define QTC_SOURCE_DIR to the location of Qt Creator sources (i.e:
unix:QTC_SOURCE_DIR = /Users/vs/Downloads/Qt/qt-creator/
win32:QTC_SOURCE_DIR = C:/Qt/qt-creator-20100421/

# Define QTC_BUILD_DIR to the location of Qt Creator build dir for the
plugin (i.e ~/dev/qtcreator-doxygen/)
unix:QTC_BUILD_DIR = /Users/vs/Downloads/Qt/qtcreatorbuild/
win32:QTC_BUILD_DIR = C:/Qt/qtcreator-doxygen/

# Define DESTDIR to the local location of the installation of Qt creator
(if local user)
# or the system location if building as root
DESTDIR = /Users/vs/Downloads/Qt/qtcreatorbuild/bin/Qt\\$$(PROVIDER)
unix:LIBS += -L/Users/vs/Downloads/Qt/qtcreatorbuild/src/libs \
-L/Users/vs/Downloads/Qt/qtcreatorbuild/bin/Qt\\ \
win32:LIBS += -LC:/Qt/qt-20100421/lib/ \
-LC:/Qt/qtcreator-build-20100421/lib/qtcreator/plugins/Nokia/ \
include( $$IDE_SOURCE_TREE/src/qtcreatorplugin.pri )
include( $$IDE_SOURCE_TREE/src/plugins/coreplugin/coreplugin.pri )
include( $$IDE_SOURCE_TREE/src/plugins/texteditor/texteditor.pri )
include( $$IDE_SOURCE_TREE/src/plugins/cppeditor/cppeditor.pri )
HEADERS += doxygenplugin.h \
doxygen_global.h \
doxygenconstants.h \
doxygen.h \
doxygensettings.h \
doxygensettingswidget.h \
SOURCES += doxygenplugin.cpp \
doxygen.cpp \
doxygensettings.cpp \
doxygensettingswidget.cpp \
FORMS += doxygensettingswidget.ui
OTHER_FILES += Doxygen.pluginspec
$$QTC_SOURCE_DIR/src/plugins \
$$QTC_SOURCE_DIR/src/libs \
$$QTC_SOURCE_DIR/src/libs/cplusplus \
$$QTC_SOURCE_DIR/src/libs/extensionsystem \
$$QTC_SOURCE_DIR/src/libs/utils \
$$QTC_SOURCE_DIR/src/shared \

message(IDE_BUILD_TREE = $$I

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Creator Community

2010-07-26 Thread Kevin Tanguy
On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 17:18:53 -1000, Victor Sardina
> Nicolas:
> I have some feedback on the Doxygen plugin, but couldn't find any way to
> contact Kofee. The project website at Trac doesn't list any obvious way
> to send him feed back. I send this using your email as starter simply
> because you mention Kofee in it, and also because Kofee mentions you as
> the "instigator" in the projects website :-).

Hi Victor,

Now you know how to contact me by email (or fill a bug).

> I tried the Doxygen plugin on a Mac, after going around a couple of
> wrinkles with some setttings. For example, the plugin specs file lists
> dependencies on the 1.3 versions of several modules, when it should list
> "2.0.80". QtCreator finally recognized the plugin and gave it the green
> light (literally), and I can even use the Doxygen tab in the
> Preferences. I can even launch Doxygen from the added menu option after
> setting the path to the doxygen executable.

You are the first person I'm aware of who compiled it for Mac, I'd like
to know what you've done to make it happen as I can't test it myself and
have very few time to bother people with that (btw my email is in the
pluginspec file). A diff or a simple listing of the modifications you've
done would be great.

> Unfortunately, I cannot generated the Doxygen backbone tags using the
> plugin, and maybe making the plugin actually work requires some extra
> modifications other than replacement of 1.3 by 2.0.80 in the specs file?

Are you trying to generate the tags in a header or a source file?
(hint: it's not supposed to work in a source file at the moment)
I'll try tomorrow to compile it with a recent Qt and creator from git
and see how it goes here. I should find where the problem lies quickly.

> In other words, all works but the main thing that the plugin should do.

Unfortunately it's quite a quick hack that I've done in a hurry and
shared in the hope it would be useful to others and could be enhanced
this way but real life really doesn't make it easy to maintain it as
qtcreator development itself is on steroids.



> Victor
> On 3/7/10 7:59 AM, Nicolas Arnaud-Cormos wrote:
>> On Friday 05 March 2010 12:10:41 Peter Kümmel wrote:
>>> As Qt Creater beeing 'only' a plugin-collection,
>>> is there a overview where all Nokia and 3rd-party
>>> plugins are listet and described?
>> Not that I know. I know only 3 3rd party plugins:
>> I know at least 3 3rd party plugins:
>>  * CppSupport, plugin for C++ Class View, from visual fc:
>>  * Doxygen, add doxygen tags, from kofee:
>>  * CppHelper (add create definition action) and Macro (create/save/execute
>> macros), from me:
>> That would be nice to have them somewhere.
>>> Also, is there a wiki which could be used as entry point
>>> for starting developing plugins, with documentations,
>>> example plugins, links to other howtos, and so on?
>> Not that I know, you already have some documentation in the code you can
>> generate (doxygen, maybe qdoc3).
>> There's an excellent document written by Prashanth:
>> It gives you all you the information you need to start your own plugin. Also 
>> I
>> had some troubles to create a plugin that build outside the qt creator src
>> directory, you can get mine and copy whatever you need.
>>> When the intension of Qt Creator is to also create a
>>> community around the creater like there is around Eclipse
>>> then Nokia should spend some resources to evangelize
>>> and support such a community.
>> I would love too, but don't forget that Qt Creator is young (a little more
>> than one year now). For the moment, they are trying to make it awesome for Qt
>> development, and working hard on the Qt Quick integration and also
>> maemo/symbian/whatever new plateform needed by Nokia.
>> At least that's what I'm understanding from an outside pov.
>> But maybe it's at the community to create something, and not the other way
>> around. I don't usually go visit Qt Centre, but they already have a wiki and 
>> a
>> sub-forum for Qt tools (including Qt Creator).
>> At, we already have a sub-forum specific to Qt Creator.
>> As a plugin developer, I would also love to see a "plugin builder" tools for
>> Qt SDK. It's hard to create binaries for our plugins for a specific SDK (I
>> don't have mac, I don't use any SDK, and on Windows you need VS2008 I think).
>> Hope they'll have some time after Qt 4.7 to work on the community building ;)
>> Cheers,
>> Nicolas
>>> (No, the gitorious wiki is not enough.)
>>> Peter
>>> ___
>>> Qt-creator mailing list


Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Creator Community

2010-07-26 Thread Victor Sardina

I have some feedback on the Doxygen plugin, but couldn't find any way to
contact Kofee. The project website at Trac doesn't list any obvious way
to send him feed back. I send this using your email as starter simply
because you mention Kofee in it, and also because Kofee mentions you as
the "instigator" in the projects website :-).

I tried the Doxygen plugin on a Mac, after going around a couple of
wrinkles with some setttings. For example, the plugin specs file lists
dependencies on the 1.3 versions of several modules, when it should list
"2.0.80". QtCreator finally recognized the plugin and gave it the green
light (literally), and I can even use the Doxygen tab in the
Preferences. I can even launch Doxygen from the added menu option after
setting the path to the doxygen executable.

Unfortunately, I cannot generated the Doxygen backbone tags using the
plugin, and maybe making the plugin actually work requires some extra
modifications other than replacement of 1.3 by 2.0.80 in the specs file?

In other words, all works but the main thing that the plugin should do.


On 3/7/10 7:59 AM, Nicolas Arnaud-Cormos wrote:
> On Friday 05 March 2010 12:10:41 Peter Kümmel wrote:
>> As Qt Creater beeing 'only' a plugin-collection,
>> is there a overview where all Nokia and 3rd-party
>> plugins are listet and described?
> Not that I know. I know only 3 3rd party plugins:
> I know at least 3 3rd party plugins:
>  * CppSupport, plugin for C++ Class View, from visual fc:
>  * Doxygen, add doxygen tags, from kofee:
>  * CppHelper (add create definition action) and Macro (create/save/execute 
> macros), from me:
> That would be nice to have them somewhere.
>> Also, is there a wiki which could be used as entry point
>> for starting developing plugins, with documentations,
>> example plugins, links to other howtos, and so on?
> Not that I know, you already have some documentation in the code you can 
> generate (doxygen, maybe qdoc3).
> There's an excellent document written by Prashanth:
> It gives you all you the information you need to start your own plugin. Also 
> I 
> had some troubles to create a plugin that build outside the qt creator src 
> directory, you can get mine and copy whatever you need.
>> When the intension of Qt Creator is to also create a
>> community around the creater like there is around Eclipse
>> then Nokia should spend some resources to evangelize
>> and support such a community.
> I would love too, but don't forget that Qt Creator is young (a little more 
> than one year now). For the moment, they are trying to make it awesome for Qt 
> development, and working hard on the Qt Quick integration and also 
> maemo/symbian/whatever new plateform needed by Nokia.
> At least that's what I'm understanding from an outside pov.
> But maybe it's at the community to create something, and not the other way 
> around. I don't usually go visit Qt Centre, but they already have a wiki and 
> a 
> sub-forum for Qt tools (including Qt Creator).
> At, we already have a sub-forum specific to Qt Creator.
> As a plugin developer, I would also love to see a "plugin builder" tools for 
> Qt SDK. It's hard to create binaries for our plugins for a specific SDK (I 
> don't have mac, I don't use any SDK, and on Windows you need VS2008 I think).
> Hope they'll have some time after Qt 4.7 to work on the community building ;)
> Cheers,
> Nicolas
>> (No, the gitorious wiki is not enough.)
>> Peter
>> ___
>> Qt-creator mailing list

Qt-creator mailing list

[Qt-creator] Does qtcreator 2.0.0 support SuSE10

2010-07-26 Thread Li, Xiaojun M

Is there any Qt Creator 2.0.0 in binary packages for the SuSE 10 platform? I 
installed the qt-sdk-linux-x86_64-opensource-2010.04.bin in SUSE Linux 
Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64) VERSION = 10 PATCHLEVEL = 3, but got error as 
below with a very simple test case:

Starting /tmp/localdisk/xli40/testQt-build-desktop/testQt...
Locking assertion failure.  Backtrace:
#0 /usr/intel/pkgs/X11/R7.3-64/lib/ [0x2dc40bdc]
#1 /usr/intel/pkgs/X11/R7.3-64/lib/ 
#2 /usr/intel/pkgs/X11/R7.3-64/lib/ [0x2c0f9c10]
#3 /usr/X11R6/lib64/ [0x2e32bb4f]
#4 /nfs/ch/disks/ch_seg_disk002/qtcreator-2.0.0/lib/ 
#8 /lib64/ [0x2d7d9304]
testQt: xcb_xlib.c:82: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed.
The program has unexpectedly finished.
/tmp/localdisk/xli40/testQt-build-desktop/testQt exited with code 0

Can anyone help?
Qt-creator mailing list

[Qt-creator] Problem with code completion (and why not make Qt Creator a normal C++ IDE?)

2010-07-26 Thread Mateusz 'Matthew' Marek

last time I worked with Boost and I have a little problem. Because I
am not a Boost Master, so is very helpful to me having code
completion. But Qt Creator had a little problem with that. Everything
is OK (or almost OK, looks like Qt Creator doesn't see templates)
until is typedef in the code. In boost::asio is basic_deadline_timer<>
with 3 kind of constructors with different arguments. But also is
typedef basic_deadline_time deadline_timer.
And now, when I put in my code boost::asio::deadline_time t, Qt
Creator don't tell me that there is 3 different constructors and which
arguments they have, but don't have this problem when I write
boost::asio::basic_deadline_timer t.

My 1st question: it is impossible to make that Qt Creator could tell
me about this 3 different constructors when I write deadline_timer?
Second: Is there is any plans to make Qt Creator more universal as C++
IDE? Or it will be only Qt IDE forever?

Mateusz "Matthew" Marek
Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] This week in Qt Creator

2010-07-26 Thread Eike Ziller

On Jul 26, 2010, at 12:57 PM, ext Robert Caldecott wrote:

> There hasn't been a nightly Windows build for a while now - any chance this 
> will be available soon so we can download and play with this new code rather 
> than build from the source?

* We hope that we have windows 2.1.0 snapshots again soon, but it depends on 
fixes to Qt
* Many of the changes below were done in the master branch which will not have 
binary snapshots for a while still

Br, Eike

> On 26 July 2010 10:44, Tobias Hunger  wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> Here is this weeks update on the recent developments in Qt Creator:
>  * Many people are on vacation, so it was a slow week
>  * A branch for the 2.1.0 release was set up. Testing of that branch is
>underway. This is a good time to report any issue you find in that
>  * The windows CDB debugger starts about 15s faster now
>  * Debugger plugin had a mayor refactoring effort: You can now debug
>multiple executables, take snapshots and switch between the running
>applications and snapshots. Note that the UI side of this change is
>not yet done
>  * Searching for symbols was added. See:
>  * QML preview and javascript debugger was worked on
>  * Quick Property sheet in the QML editor was improved
>  * Outline mode can now reorder elements with drag and drop in QML.
>  * The C++/QML quickfix infrastructure was improved
>  * Library projects can now get deployed to Maemo devices
> All these developments are visible in the master branch available at
> Please test the 2.1.0 branch and report any issues you encounter there
> so that it is in good shape when we are going to release it!
> Best Regards,
> Tobias
> --
> Tobias Hunger
> Software Engineer
> Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
> Nokia gate5 GmbH
> Firmensitz: Invalidenstr. 117, 10115 Berlin, Germany
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin: HRB 106443 B
> Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE 812 845 193
> Geschäftsführer: Dr. Michael Halbherr, Karim Tähtivuori
> ___
> Qt-creator mailing list

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] This week in Qt Creator

2010-07-26 Thread Robert Caldecott
There hasn't been a nightly Windows build for a while now - any chance this
will be available soon so we can download and play with this new code rather
than build from the source?

On 26 July 2010 10:44, Tobias Hunger  wrote:

> Hello everybody!
> Here is this weeks update on the recent developments in Qt Creator:
>  * Many people are on vacation, so it was a slow week
>  * A branch for the 2.1.0 release was set up. Testing of that branch is
>underway. This is a good time to report any issue you find in that
>  * The windows CDB debugger starts about 15s faster now
>  * Debugger plugin had a mayor refactoring effort: You can now debug
>multiple executables, take snapshots and switch between the running
>applications and snapshots. Note that the UI side of this change is
>not yet done
>  * Searching for symbols was added. See:
>  * QML preview and javascript debugger was worked on
>  * Quick Property sheet in the QML editor was improved
>  * Outline mode can now reorder elements with drag and drop in QML.
>  * The C++/QML quickfix infrastructure was improved
>  * Library projects can now get deployed to Maemo devices
> All these developments are visible in the master branch available at
> Please test the 2.1.0 branch and report any issues you encounter there
> so that it is in good shape when we are going to release it!
> Best Regards,
> Tobias
> --
> Tobias Hunger
> Software Engineer
> Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
> Nokia gate5 GmbH
> Firmensitz: Invalidenstr. 117, 10115 Berlin, Germany
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin: HRB 106443 B
> Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE 812 845 193
> Geschäftsführer: Dr. Michael Halbherr, Karim Tähtivuori
> ___
> Qt-creator mailing list
Qt-creator mailing list

[Qt-creator] This week in Qt Creator

2010-07-26 Thread Tobias Hunger
Hello everybody!

Here is this weeks update on the recent developments in Qt Creator:

  * Many people are on vacation, so it was a slow week

  * A branch for the 2.1.0 release was set up. Testing of that branch is
underway. This is a good time to report any issue you find in that

  * The windows CDB debugger starts about 15s faster now

  * Debugger plugin had a mayor refactoring effort: You can now debug
multiple executables, take snapshots and switch between the running
applications and snapshots. Note that the UI side of this change is
not yet done

  * Searching for symbols was added. See:

  * QML preview and javascript debugger was worked on

  * Quick Property sheet in the QML editor was improved

  * Outline mode can now reorder elements with drag and drop in QML.

  * The C++/QML quickfix infrastructure was improved

  * Library projects can now get deployed to Maemo devices

All these developments are visible in the master branch available at

Please test the 2.1.0 branch and report any issues you encounter there 
so that it is in good shape when we are going to release it!

Best Regards,

Tobias Hunger
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

Nokia gate5 GmbH
Firmensitz: Invalidenstr. 117, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin: HRB 106443 B
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE 812 845 193
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Michael Halbherr, Karim Tähtivuori
Qt-creator mailing list