Hello everybody!

Here is this weeks update on the recent developments in Qt Creator:

  * Many people are on vacation, so it was a slow week

  * A branch for the 2.1.0 release was set up. Testing of that branch is
    underway. This is a good time to report any issue you find in that

  * The windows CDB debugger starts about 15s faster now

  * Debugger plugin had a mayor refactoring effort: You can now debug
    multiple executables, take snapshots and switch between the running
    applications and snapshots. Note that the UI side of this change is
    not yet done

  * Searching for symbols was added. See:

  * QML preview and javascript debugger was worked on

  * Quick Property sheet in the QML editor was improved

  * Outline mode can now reorder elements with drag and drop in QML.

  * The C++/QML quickfix infrastructure was improved

  * Library projects can now get deployed to Maemo devices

All these developments are visible in the master branch available at

Please test the 2.1.0 branch and report any issues you encounter there 
so that it is in good shape when we are going to release it!

Best Regards,

Tobias Hunger
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

Nokia gate5 GmbH
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