Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-13 Thread Ed Sutton
Hi André,

On May 12, 2010, at 6:13 PM, André Fillipe wrote:

Are there guidelines for the shared lib version numbers? Is this okay?

VERSION  = 1.2.393

I don't really know. The numbering is somehow tied to the library
binary interface. That is something I still have to learn. Someone
here referred me to this paper by a Sun engineer (that I haven't read

Thanks for the article.  Using the Subversion revision number as the micro 
should fit fine in the major.minor.micro pattern.

Defining the binary interface of a C++ library and pinpointing changes
that break it is not so trivial. Nokia's Thiago Macieira has written
extensively about it:


I agree it requires careful thought. After reading, I added the links you sent 
to our wiki.

One question though, what is this section for in the test app?

That is the extra build step I mentioned. It copies the message.txt
file alongside the app binary. If you didn't see it in action maybe
it's because you ran qmake inside the project directory - there's no
need to copy the file it in this case. If you set up a shadow build in
Qt Creator it will certainly run.

I see running make copies message.txt to message in the Test folder.   I am 
still trying to correlate that copy action to the syntax I see in 
pasted below:

# Extra compilers 
-- = Copy Configuration
copy_cfg.input= CONFIG_FILES
copy_cfg.output   = ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}${QMAKE_FILE_EXT}
copy_cfg.commands = $${QMAKE_COPY} ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT}
copy_cfg.CONFIG   = no_link target_predeps


CONFIG_FILES += $$PWD/message.txt

Creating new build steps is explained here:


There is a lot in these articles I was not aware of.  How to apply this is 
still not clear to me. For each Qt project I have an associated build script.  
Perhaps with enough qmake study I can move it all into qmake.  My scripts do 
the following:

qmake *.pro -r -spec linux-g++
make clean
# copy dependent libraries to build output directory
doxygen Doxyfile

Anyway, I will keep reading about qmake using the links you sent and it should 
make since eventually. I did a Google code search of *.pro files to find more 

Thank you again for your time and for the valuable reference links.


Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-12 Thread André Fillipe
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Ed Sutton wrote:

 Having spent a lot of time on making a (mostly)
 automated-checkout-build-and-package process, I would be interested
 in hearing an overview of your build process.  I think I will grep
 some of the Qt .pro files myself to see what new tricks I may learn.

Hi again, Ed! Sorry for the delay.

I see that your issue is not really related to the build process, but
actually with running the demo binary.

While you ship a library, I'm shipping an application, which is more
self-contained, targeted at specific platforms and thus less prone to
the client environment. So, instead of boring you with details of my
build process, I think you should take a look at one of the Qt
Solutions packages, QtSingleApplication, for example:

The solutions are small add-ons that can be compiled as shared or
static libraries, they come with documentation, demos, etc. I feel
they are similar to what you are trying to achieve.

 I probably just need to rethink things.  My goals are to be able to:

  1.  Checkout a Qt project from Subversion ( or extract a tarball )
  2.  Open Qt project file in Qt Creator
  3.  Build
  4.  Run execuable from Qt Creator
  5.  or Start debugger from Qt Creator and debug step into the demo
  source code

 I think it is mainly the running/debugging from Qt Creator that seems
 hard to accomplish without the *.pro.user files or requiring the user
 to setup an environment.

As I said, your build procedure seems quite standard. You can do
pretty much everything without too much qmake black magic.

 To run the demo executable, I have to set environment variables, tell
 it where to located the dynamic myapi libraries, and pass it an xml
 configuration file as a command line argument.

The passing of the XML file with a relative path is the only thing I
believe cannot be done, currently. Is this file expected to be in a
well-known location? It could then be searched for using

If it is bundled with the tarball and needs to be in the same folder
as the demo, you can create an extra target in the .pro file that
copies the XML file to the same location where the binary will be.
(More on this in the attached tarball.)

 I can use rpath to tell it where to look for the libs (run-time search
 paths in general have been a learning curve under Linux as there seems
 to be about 4 ways to do it).

We use rpath in our debug builds, only. If you install your release
libraries to the standard /usr/lib path, everything will work fine.
/usr/lib/app is normally used for modules and plugins specific to
the app itself. See this:

 I am not sure about how to set an environment variable without the
 *.pro.user file.  The command line argument is solvable as long as I
 put the xml file it the same folder as the demo executable.

I did a simple test here, where I removed specific absolute paths from
the .pro.user file, moved the project dir around and opened it back in
Qt Creator. Everything worked fine, environment variables were
preserved. To keep it from being rewritten by Qt Creator, I simply
chmoded it to a-w.

There might be a problem with the Qt configuration to use (the one you
set up in Tools  Options  Qt). I didn't have the time to test if it
breaks the build in a host with a different configuration.

  *   I am building two rpm pacxkages from a single build.spec file;
  myapi and myapi-devel.
  *   The build.spec gets all source from Subversion, calls the build
  scripts(qmake *.pro -r -spec linux-g++, make), and makes the two
  rpms from the build output..
  *   myapi rpm installs shared libraries to /usr/lib/myapi/

See my note regarding rpath and /user/lib above. Remember to add a
VERSION configuration to your .pro file and update it when you release
new versions of you library.

  *   myapi-devel installs the myapi header files to /usr/include/
  myapi/,  Doxygen HTML documentation for the API, and a source code
  example tarball containing a Qt project GUI project demonstrating
  how to use the API

 I am hoping to reduce tech support calls.  I want the customer to be
 able to use Qt Creator and not have to mess about with any environment
 variables or settings.  Using Qt Creator I want him to be able to open
 the project, compile, run, and debug.  Just get him started quickly and
 easily with no setup configuration hassles.

See the tarball that I'm attaching. It is a small project consisting
of a library and an app. You should be able to untar, compile and run
it without any modifications (as long as the library is compiled first
- you can automate that with a SUBDIRS target with CONFIG += ordered).

The app depends on the library and reads information from the command
line, the environment and a text file. The app 

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-12 Thread Ed Sutton
Hi André,

I apologize for my indents and reply formatting.  My Linux development VM host 
is running on OS X and I use Apple's Mail.  I prefer Thunderbird.  
Unfortunately we have an Exchange mail server; Apple Mail works  with Exchange 
and Thunderbird not.  I will work on improving.

On May 12, 2010, at 11:37 AM, André Fillipe wrote:

While you ship a library, I'm shipping an application, which is more
self-contained, targeted at specific platforms and thus less prone to
the client environment.

Eventually I will need to do both ship a library and an application.  Probably 
as three rpm packages; myapi, myapi-devel, and myapiapplication.

So, instead of boring you with details of my
build process, I think you should take a look at one of the Qt
Solutions packages, QtSingleApplication, for example:

The solutions are small add-ons that can be compiled as shared or
static libraries, they come with documentation, demos, etc. I feel
they are similar to what you are trying to achieve.

Extracted, then qmake'd the root *.pro, and make'd.  It all built and ran.  I 
knew how to load single instance of an app in Windows. Now with this Qt example 
I can do it on all the big OS's - cool.  I noticed all path assignments all use 
$$PWD instead of relative syntax.  Is there a reason I should not use relative 
paths such as ./lib or ../docs ?  I guess $$PWD is easier on the eyes than 
one '.' or two period '..' characters.

The passing of the XML file with a relative path is the only thing I
believe cannot be done, currently. Is this file expected to be in a
well-known location? It could then be searched for using

I already had built-in supports for a default configuration.xml file name 
that it looks for in the working directory if none is specified on the command 
line.  For the demo application, I can just use this.  The KISS approach is 
better for a demo application anyway.

If it is bundled with the tarball and needs to be in the same folder
as the demo, you can create an extra target in the .pro file that
copies the XML file to the same location where the binary will be.
(More on this in the attached tarball.)

That's a nice solution.  Good idea.

We use rpath in our debug builds, only. If you install your release
libraries to the standard /usr/lib path, everything will work fine.
/usr/lib/app is normally used for modules and plugins specific to
the app itself. See this:

I like that idea; only use rpath for debug builds.

Thanks for the great file hierarchy reference.  I am currently working in the 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x world.  I just copied that  link to my Wiki.  :-)

I am packaging the dependent Qt shared libs along with mine under 
/usr/lib/myapi/.  I have read Qt docs on deployment.  I guess I was hoping to 
see a Qt run-time rpm package.  I guess my deployment concern is to avoid the 
Windows equivalent of DLL hell if we distribute multiple libs and apps that 
had been built and tested with different versions of Qt 4.x shared libs.  I am 
currently frozen on qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.01.bin as I had an issue 
with a later version.

I did a simple test here, where I removed specific absolute paths from
the .pro.user file, moved the project dir around and opened it back in
Qt Creator. Everything worked fine, environment variables were
preserved. To keep it from being rewritten by Qt Creator, I simply
chmoded it to a-w.

There might be a problem with the Qt configuration to use (the one you
set up in Tools  Options  Qt). I didn't have the time to test if it
breaks the build in a host with a different configuration.

All is good on this end including Tools  Options  Qt.  I extracted, built 
lib, built app, and ran from Qt Creator and received message that was in the 
text file.  I was not aware of *.pri files - thanks!  That's a nice way to 
clean-up the *.pro file.  I can see that technique being especially handy for 
supporting multiple target OSs.

See my note regarding rpath and /user/lib above. Remember to add a
VERSION configuration to your .pro file and update it when you release
new versions of you library.

Oops, that's was a key detail I was missing.  I was wondering how to set the 
lib version.  Very important tip.  Thanks you very much!

I am using a major.minor.svnRevision version format.  The major and minor 
numbers are human settable, the svnRevision increments with every commit.  I 
have a script that builds a non-version controlled version-svn.h.  I suppose I 
can modify to build a non-version controlled version-svn.pri file and include 
this in the *.pro file.

Are there guidelines for the shared lib version numbers? Is this okay?

VERSION  = 1.2.393

I am curious if you are using Ant or any other build or continuous integration 

See the tarball that I'm attaching. It is a 

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-12 Thread Ed Sutton
Hi André,

Sorry, I saw that my vertical reply-indent bars disappeared in the post.  
Here's another with '' inserted.

I apologize for my indents and reply formatting.  My Linux development VM host 
is running on OS X and I use Apple's Mail.  I prefer Thunderbird.  
Unfortunately we have an Exchange mail server; Apple Mail works  with Exchange 
and Thunderbird not.  I will work on improving.

On May 12, 2010, at 11:37 AM, André Fillipe wrote:

While you ship a library, I'm shipping an application, which is more
self-contained, targeted at specific platforms and thus less prone to
the client environment.

Eventually I will need to do both ship a library and an application.  Probably 
as three rpm packages; myapi, myapi-devel, and myapiapplication.

So, instead of boring you with details of my
build process, I think you should take a look at one of the Qt
Solutions packages, QtSingleApplication, for example:

The solutions are small add-ons that can be compiled as shared or
static libraries, they come with documentation, demos, etc. I feel
they are similar to what you are trying to achieve.

Extracted, then qmake'd the root *.pro, and make'd.  It all built and ran.  I 
knew how to load single instance of an app in Windows. Now with this Qt example 
I can do it on all the big OS's - cool.  I noticed all path assignments all use 
$$PWD instead of relative syntax.  Is there a reason I should not use relative 
paths such as ./lib or ../docs ?  I guess $$PWD is easier on the eyes than 
one '.' or two period '..' characters.

The passing of the XML file with a relative path is the only thing I
believe cannot be done, currently. Is this file expected to be in a
well-known location? It could then be searched for using

I already had implemented support for a default configuration.xml file name 
that it looks for in the working directory if none is specified on the command 
line.  For the demo application, I can just use this.  The KISS approach is 
better for a demo application anyway.

If it is bundled with the tarball and needs to be in the same folder
as the demo, you can create an extra target in the .pro file that
copies the XML file to the same location where the binary will be.
(More on this in the attached tarball.)

That's a nice solution.  Good idea.

 We use rpath in our debug builds, only. If you install your release
 libraries to the standard /usr/lib path, everything will work fine.
 /usr/lib/app is normally used for modules and plugins specific to
 the app itself. See this:

I like that idea; only use rpath for debug builds.

Thanks for the great file hierarchy reference.  I am currently working in the 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x world.  I just copied that  link to my Wiki.  :-)

I am packaging the dependent Qt shared libs along with mine under 
/usr/lib/myapi/.  I have read Qt docs on deployment.  I guess I was hoping to 
see a Qt run-time rpm package.  I guess my deployment concern is to avoid the 
Windows equivalent of DLL hell if we distribute multiple libs and apps that 
had been built and tested with different versions of Qt 4.x shared libs.  I am 
currently frozen on qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.01.bin as I had an issue 
with a later version.

 I did a simple test here, where I removed specific absolute paths from
 the .pro.user file, moved the project dir around and opened it back in
 Qt Creator. Everything worked fine, environment variables were
 preserved. To keep it from being rewritten by Qt Creator, I simply
 chmoded it to a-w.
 There might be a problem with the Qt configuration to use (the one you
 set up in Tools  Options  Qt). I didn't have the time to test if it
 breaks the build in a host with a different configuration.

All is good on this end including Tools  Options  Qt.  I extracted, built 
lib, built app, and ran from Qt Creator and received message that was in the 
text file.  I was not aware of *.pri files - thanks!  That's a nice way to 
clean-up the *.pro file.  I can see that technique being especially handy for 
supporting multiple target OSs.

 See my note regarding rpath and /user/lib above. Remember to add a
 VERSION configuration to your .pro file and update it when you release
 new versions of you library.

Oops, that's was a key detail I was missing.  I was wondering how to set the 
lib version.  Very important tip.  Thanks you very much!  

I am using a major.minor.svnRevision version format.  The major and minor 
numbers are human settable, the svnRevision increments with every commit.  I 
have a script that builds a non-version controlled version-svn.h.  I suppose I 
can modify to build a non-version controlled version-svn.pri file and include 
this in the *.pro file.  

Are there guidelines for the shared lib version numbers? Is this okay?

VERSION  = 1.2.393


Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-12 Thread André Fillipe
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Ed Sutton wrote:

 I apologize for my indents and reply formatting.

At least to me, no need to. Gmail color-coded the thread and I could
read it just fine.

 Eventually I will need to do both ship a library and an
 application.  Probably as three rpm packages; myapi, myapi-
 devel, and myapiapplication.

The trick with including .pri files instead of setting the -I, -L, -l
and -rpath switches in every app project that consumes a library is a
great time saver.

 I noticed all path assignments all use $$PWD instead of relative syntax.
 Is there a reason I should not use relative paths such as ./lib or
 ../docs ?  I guess $$PWD is easier on the eyes than one '.' or two period
 '..' characters.

If a file contains $$PWD, $$PWD will always mean that file's
directory. The meaning of '.' and '..' changes on context. That's an
important difference when you start including .pri files from other

 I already had built-in supports for a default configuration.xml file name
 that it looks for in the working directory if none is specified on the
 command line.  For the demo application, I can just use this.  The KISS
 approach is better for a demo application anyway.

Another trick we use a lot here is bundling such necessary immutable
files inside the application binary using the Qt Resource system.

 I am packaging the dependent Qt shared libs along with mine under
 /usr/lib/myapi/.  I have read Qt docs on deployment.  I guess I was hoping
 to see a Qt run-time rpm package.  I guess my deployment concern is to
 avoid the Windows equivalent of DLL hell if we distribute multiple libs
 and apps that had been built and tested with different versions of Qt 4.x
 shared libs.  I am currently frozen on
 qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.01.bin as I had an issue with a later

In theory, you don't have to worry if the host version of Qt is newer
than the one your code was built against. I've seen things break,
however. It is indeed better to avoid the chaos. Rpath in the release
version saves you headaches in this case.

 Are there guidelines for the shared lib version numbers? Is this okay?

 VERSION  = 1.2.393

I don't really know. The numbering is somehow tied to the library
binary interface. That is something I still have to learn. Someone
here referred me to this paper by a Sun engineer (that I haven't read

Defining the binary interface of a C++ library and pinpointing changes
that break it is not so trivial. Nokia's Thiago Macieira has written
extensively about it:


 I am curious if you are using Ant or any other build or continuous
 integration tool?

Not yet. Our codebase just became easy to build this week :) We are
also waiting for Nokia's position regarding the improved build system
mentioned in the Qt Roadmap. We'll do cron-based nightlies while we

 One question though, what is this section for in the test app?

That is the extra build step I mentioned. It copies the message.txt
file alongside the app binary. If you didn't see it in action maybe
it's because you ran qmake inside the project directory - there's no
need to copy the file it in this case. If you set up a shadow build in
Qt Creator it will certainly run.

Creating new build steps is explained here:


 I'll say. You have helped a lot! Thank your for your time and patience.

You are welcome. I'm very glad I could help!

André Fillipe

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-11 Thread Ed Sutton
 My goal is to make a Qt project runnable from any user's Linux home
 directory (no hard coded paths). 
 I tried setting the working directory setting found under Project-Run
 Settings-Running Executable-Working Directory?
 That your app depends on the working directory is the problem. Depending on 
 how (and on which OS) your app is started, the working directory will contain 
 all kind of interesting values. You should try to locate your data relative 
 e.g. QApplication::applicationDirPath(), or 

I am not sure I understand.  I am trying to make the Qt Creator project run 
settings paths relative (no hard-coded absolute paths ).  I want any Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux developer to be able to extract a project tarball to his home 
directory, open the Qt project file and be able to build, run, and debug from 
within Qt Creator without having to modify any Qt Creator project setings.  The 
problem is the Qt project Working Directory Run Setting seems to only 
accept hard-coded absolute paths.

You mean I can access Qt class static methods in the *Qt Creator* project run 
settings? Or are you saying it cannot be done and the best I can do is to use 
these static methods at run-time?

Thank you for your help,

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-11 Thread André Fillipe
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Ed Sutton wrote:

 I am not sure I understand.  I am trying to make the Qt Creator project run
 settings paths relative (no hard-coded absolute paths ).  I want any Red Hat
 Enterprise Linux developer to be able to extract a project tarball to his
 home directory, open the Qt project file and be able to build, run, and
 debug from within Qt Creator without having to modify any Qt Creator project
 setings.  The problem is the Qt project Working Directory Run Setting
 seems to only accept hard-coded absolute paths.

Are you including the .pro.user files in the tarball? If you are, you

André Fillipe
Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-11 Thread Coda Highland
 Or are you saying it cannot be done and the best I can do is to use these 
 static methods at run-time?

We're saying that the run-time solution is superior in general.
Working directory is a notoriously fickle beast and it can change
just depending on how you happen to invoke the program. The static
methods, however, will always return a consistent path no matter how
you invoke the application.

/s/ Adam
Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-11 Thread Ed Sutton

On May 11, 2010, at 12:38 PM, André Fillipe wrote:

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Ed Sutton wrote:

I am not sure I understand.  I am trying to make the Qt Creator project run 
settings paths relative (no hard-coded absolute paths ).  I want any Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux developer to be able to extract a project tarball to his home 
directory, open the Qt project file and be able to build, run, and debug from 
within Qt Creator without having to modify any Qt Creator project setings.  The 
problem is the Qt project Working Directory Run Setting seems to only 
accept hard-coded absolute paths.

Are you including the .pro.user files in the tarball? If you are, you 

Yes, I am.  I have also included the .pro.user files in version control.
Is the preferred alternative to not rely on Qt Creator project settings at all? 
 Basically everything should be persisted in the *.pro file?

Obviously if I delete the .pro.user file I lose all Qt Project settings; 
custom build steps, build environment,  run settings, and run environment 
settings.  I had added an environment variable required by a 3rd-party library 
to the run settings environment.  The pro.user persisted this and without 
this file a user cannot simply extract, open a project in Qt Creator, build, 
and run.  I will need to think about alternatives.

Coming from Windows Visual Studio 2008 I saw Qt Creator as a viable replacement 
tool (or maybe a crutch) in my new Linux world.  I viewed the Qt *.pro files as 
the equivalent to Visual Studio's project *.sln solution file and *.csproj 
project file which I typically versioned control as well.

Thank you both for sharing your experience and time.


Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-11 Thread Nikos Chantziaras
On 05/11/2010 10:39 PM, Ed Sutton wrote:
 Obviously if I delete the .pro.user file I lose all Qt Project settings; 
 custom build steps, build environment,  run settings, and run environment 
 settings.  I had added an environment variable required by a 3rd-party 
 library to the run settings environment.  The pro.user persisted this and 
 without this file a user cannot simply extract, open a project in Qt Creator, 
 build, and run.  I will need to think about alternatives.

Users shouldn't even need to use Qt Creator.  All they need is:


Any tweaks you need should be coded inside the *.pro file.  The qmake 
reference docs contain everything you need.
Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-11 Thread André Fillipe
 Any tweaks you need should be coded inside the *.pro file.


 The qmake reference docs contain everything you need.

Quite the opposite: qmake is probably the worst documented part of Qt.
Try and search for any info on $$qtLibraryTarget, the fakelib
template, $$files and the such. I spent this weekend rewriting my
team's convoluted build process and my best source of reference were
Qt Solutions .pro files. And lots of trial and error. We now build and
package straight from checkout, but it was a chore.

The improved build system in the Qt Roadmap is the feature I am most
anxious about. Qmake is showing its age and none of the replacements
are good enough.

 Coming from Windows Visual Studio 2008 I saw Qt Creator as
 a viable replacement tool (or maybe a crutch) in my new
 Linux world.  I viewed the Qt *.pro files as the equivalent
 to Visual Studio's project *.sln solution file and *.csproj
 project file which I typically versioned control as well.

They are. The *.pro.user files, however, are like the
*.vcproj.{machine}.{username}.user files which you usually shouldn't

If you clarify what you are trying to accomplish (no need to go into
NDA-breaching specifics), maybe I can assist you. I think Qt Creator
is currently the best C++ IDE available for Linux and it would be a
shame not to use it.

André Fillipe

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-11 Thread Ed Sutton
On May 11, 2010, at 4:08 PM, André Fillipe wrote:

Any tweaks you need should be coded inside the *.pro file.


The qmake reference docs contain everything you need.

Quite the opposite: qmake is probably the worst documented part of Qt.
Try and search for any info on $$qtLibraryTarget, the fakelib
template, $$files and the such. I spent this weekend rewriting my
team's convoluted build process and my best source of reference were
Qt Solutions .pro files. And lots of trial and error. We now build and
package straight from checkout, but it was a chore.

Having spent a lot of time on making a (mostly) 
automated-checkout-build-and-package process, I would be interested in hearing 
an overview of your build process.  I think I will grep some of the Qt .pro 
files myself to see what new tricks I may learn.

The improved build system in the Qt Roadmap is the feature I am most
anxious about. Qmake is showing its age and none of the replacements
are good enough.

Coming from Windows Visual Studio 2008 I saw Qt Creator as
a viable replacement tool (or maybe a crutch) in my new
Linux world.  I viewed the Qt *.pro files as the equivalent
to Visual Studio's project *.sln solution file and *.csproj
project file which I typically versioned control as well.

They are. The *.pro.user files, however, are like the
*.vcproj.{machine}.{username}.user files which you usually shouldn't

If you clarify what you are trying to accomplish (no need to go into
NDA-breaching specifics), maybe I can assist you.

I probably just need to rethink things.  My goals are to be able to:

 1.  Checkout a Qt project from Subversion ( or extract a tarball )
 2.  Open Qt project file in Qt Creator
 3.  Build
 4.  Run execuable from Qt Creator
 5.  or Start debugger from Qt Creator and debug step into the demo source code

I think it is mainly the running/debugging from Qt Creator that seems hard to 
accomplish without the *.pro.user files or requiring the user to setup an 
To run the demo executable, I have to set environment variables, tell it where 
to located the dynamic myapi libraries, and pass it an xml configuration file 
as a command line argument.
I can use rpath to tell it where to look for the libs (run-time search paths in 
general have been a learning curve under Linux as there seems to be about 4 
ways to do it).  I am not sure about how to set an environment variable without 
the *.pro.user file.  The command line argument is solvable as long as I put 
the xml file it the same
folder as the demo executable.

 *   I am building two rpm pacxkages from a single build.spec file; myapi and 
 *   The build.spec gets all source from Subversion, calls the build 
scripts(qmake *.pro -r -spec linux-g++, make), and makes the two rpms from the 
build output..
 *   myapi rpm installs shared libraries to /usr/lib/myapi/
 *   myapi-devel installs the myapi header files to /usr/include/myapi/,  
Doxygen HTML documentation for the API, and a source code example tarball 
containing a Qt project GUI project demonstrating how to use the API

I am hoping to reduce tech support calls.  I want the customer to be able to 
use Qt Creator and not have to mess about with any environment variables or 
settings.  Using Qt Creator I want him to be able to open the project, compile, 
run, and debug.  Just get him started quickly and easily with no setup 
configuration hassles.

I think Qt Creator
is currently the best C++ IDE available for Linux and it would be a
shame not to use it.

After making a couple attempts at using Eclipse C++ (with Qt integration), I 
keep coming back to Qt Creator.  I agree I have seen nothing better for a C++ 
Linux IDE and for my development I intend to stick with it.  And if I can get a 
few new customers hooked I am happy to spread the word. :-)

Thank you very much for your assistance,


Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-11 Thread Nikos Chantziaras
I am totally unable to tell which part of your text is a quote and which 
is something you wrote as a reply :-/

On 05/12/2010 01:54 AM, Ed Sutton wrote:
 On May 11, 2010, at 4:08 PM, André Fillipe wrote:

 Any tweaks you need should be coded inside the *.pro file.


 The qmake reference docs contain everything you need.

 Quite the opposite: qmake is probably the worst documented part of Qt.
 Try and search for any info on $$qtLibraryTarget, the fakelib
 template, $$files and the such. I spent this weekend rewriting my
 team's convoluted build process and my best source of reference were
 Qt Solutions .pro files. And lots of trial and error. We now build and
 package straight from checkout, but it was a chore.

 Having spent a lot of time on making a (mostly) 
 automated-checkout-build-and-package process, I would be interested in 
 hearing an overview of your build process.  I think I will grep some of the 
 Qt .pro files myself to see what new tricks I may learn.

 The improved build system in the Qt Roadmap is the feature I am most
 anxious about. Qmake is showing its age and none of the replacements
 are good enough.

 Coming from Windows Visual Studio 2008 I saw Qt Creator as
 a viable replacement tool (or maybe a crutch) in my new
 Linux world.  I viewed the Qt *.pro files as the equivalent
 to Visual Studio's project *.sln solution file and *.csproj
 project file which I typically versioned control as well.

 They are. The *.pro.user files, however, are like the
 *.vcproj.{machine}.{username}.user files which you usually shouldn't

 If you clarify what you are trying to accomplish (no need to go into
 NDA-breaching specifics), maybe I can assist you.

 I probably just need to rethink things.  My goals are to be able to:

   1.  Checkout a Qt project from Subversion ( or extract a tarball )
   2.  Open Qt project file in Qt Creator
   3.  Build
   4.  Run execuable from Qt Creator
   5.  or Start debugger from Qt Creator and debug step into the demo source 

 I think it is mainly the running/debugging from Qt Creator that seems hard to 
 accomplish without the *.pro.user files or requiring the user to setup an 
 To run the demo executable, I have to set environment variables, tell it 
 where to located the dynamic myapi libraries, and pass it an xml 
 configuration file as a command line argument.
 I can use rpath to tell it where to look for the libs (run-time search paths 
 in general have been a learning curve under Linux as there seems to be about 
 4 ways to do it).  I am not sure about how to set an environment variable 
 without the *.pro.user file.  The command line argument is solvable as long 
 as I put the xml file it the same
 folder as the demo executable.

   *   I am building two rpm pacxkages from a single build.spec file; myapi 
 and myapi-devel.
   *   The build.spec gets all source from Subversion, calls the build 
 scripts(qmake *.pro -r -spec linux-g++, make), and makes the two rpms from 
 the build output..
   *   myapi rpm installs shared libraries to /usr/lib/myapi/
   *   myapi-devel installs the myapi header files to /usr/include/myapi/,  
 Doxygen HTML documentation for the API, and a source code example tarball 
 containing a Qt project GUI project demonstrating how to use the API

 I am hoping to reduce tech support calls.  I want the customer to be able to 
 use Qt Creator and not have to mess about with any environment variables or 
 settings.  Using Qt Creator I want him to be able to open the project, 
 compile, run, and debug.  Just get him started quickly and easily with no 
 setup configuration hassles.

 I think Qt Creator
 is currently the best C++ IDE available for Linux and it would be a
 shame not to use it.

 After making a couple attempts at using Eclipse C++ (with Qt integration), I 
 keep coming back to Qt Creator.  I agree I have seen nothing better for a C++ 
 Linux IDE and for my development I intend to stick with it.  And if I can get 
 a few new customers hooked I am happy to spread the word. :-)

 Thank you very much for your assistance,
Qt-creator mailing list

[Qt-creator] Qt Build Settings can use $BUILDIR. Why not Project Run Settings?

2010-05-05 Thread Ed Sutton
My goal is to make a Qt project runnable from any user's Linux home directory 
(no hard coded paths).   Are Qt variables not accessible in the Project Run 

In my Qt project file I set:
   TARGET = democlient
   DESTDIR = ../bin

I tried setting the working directory setting found under Project-Run 
Settings-Running Executable-Working Directory?


The compile output says:

   Cannot change to working directory '$DESTDIR': No such file or directory

Thanks in advance for any tips or direction ( I am still learning Linux and Qt 


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