[QUAD-L] Fwd: Marci's Medicare Update: Week of 08/01/05--Long-term care

2005-08-01 Thread DAANOO

Dana (C4-5, 31 years post, 51, kC)
--- Begin Message ---

    www.medicarerights.org  |  e-newsletters 


Volume 4, Issue 31: Week of August 1, 2005

Welcome to Dear Marci, a free, weekly newsletter designed to keep you in the loop about health care benefits, rights and options for older Americans and people with disabilities.

Dear Marci is a service of the Medicare Rights Center (MRC) (www.medicarerights.org), the nation's largest independent source of health care information for people with Medicare.  A national nonprofit founded in 1989, MRC helps older adults and people with disabilities get good, affordable health care.   

For reprint rights, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Topic of the Month: Long-Term Care

Long-term care, commonly abbreviated as LTC, refers to a range of medical, personal and social services designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities, chronic illnesses or ongoing limitations in their ability to function independently. LTC may be delivered at home, in a nursing home, adult day care facility or other facility. While Medicare does not pay for most long-term care needs, in the next five issues we will examine the coverage Medicare does provide through the Home Health, Skilled Nursing Facility and Hospice benefits.  


Marci's Mailbox

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Dear Marci,

My mother recently qualified for Medicare and did not elect to sign up for Part B.  She’s just gone into the hospital after a very bad fall and when she gets out, she’ll need help at home.  Is she eligible for home health care?

 –Heather (East Thermopolis, WY)
 Dear Heather,

Medicare provides coverage for home health care under both Parts A and B.  Since your mother does not have Part B, she must complete a hospital stay of three consecutive days before she may qualify for home health care coverage under her Part A.  (If you have Part B, you do not need to be hospitalized to qualify for home health care.)

In addition to having either Medicare Part A or B, your mother must meet a few additional requirements to be eligible for Medicare to cover home health care. She must:
* be homebound;
* need skilled care on an intermittent or part-time basis;
* get services from a Medicare-certified home health agency (HHA); and
* have a doctor's plan of care.

Medicare defines homebound to mean that a person is generally unable to leave home and leaving home requires a “considerable and taxing effort.” Whether or not your mother qualifies as homebound is decided by a doctor’s evaluation over an extended period of time. Leaving home for short periods to get medical care or for special non-medical events, such as a family reunion, funeral or graduation would not disqualify your mother. Attending religious services or taking an occasional trip to the beauty parlor is also allowed.

Skilled care includes either skilled nursing care or skilled therapy services. Skilled nursing includes care from Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs). Skilled therapy includes care from licensed physical, occupational and speech therapists. Services covered include, but are not limited to, monitoring and evaluation, teaching and training, administration of medications, tube feedings, catheter changes, wound care, therapeutic exercises, gait training, and maintenance therapy.

Before your mother leaves the hospital, the hospital social worker or discharge planner should arrange for a Medicare home health agency to visit your mother and assess her condition to determine if she qualifies for Medicare-covered home health care.  If your mother is found eligible, the agency will draw up a plan of care.  This plan details the care she will receive and the frequency of services over the next 60 days. If your mother still meets the necessary requirements after 60 days, the home health agency can draw up a new plan of care. 

As long as she continues to qualify, there is no time limit on the benefit under Part B.  Under Part A, she would be limited to 100 visits.  No matter which part you are covered under, Medicare pays the full cost of services.

Stay tuned next week to learn more about the types of skilled and unskilled care provided through the home health care benefit!

 Have a question for Marci?  Click here to   e-mail your questions .  Please include your city, county and state of residence.

Spotlight on Resources

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Use HOMECARE Online, the National Association for Home Care and Hospice Agency Locator, to access a database of more than 20,000 home care and hospice agencies. Qualifications, including Medicare and Medicaid certifications, are noted for each listing.

LongTermCareLiving.com provides consumers with guidance and information on nursing homes, assisted living/residential care and other types of long-term care.
 For a general picture of a Medicare-regulated Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR),


2005-08-01 Thread David K. Kelmer

Hi JT,
I'm sorry that this feedback is getting to you so late.  First, let me welcome you to the Quad-List.  As Lori says you've already received some good responses so I'll just add mine to them.  
Every SCI case is different, just as every person is different, but one thing most of us will agree on is that the first couple of years after a SCI are the hardest.  It may not be that life gets better but you'll learn to deal with life in a better way.
I was white-water rafting on the Upper Salt River in '76 when I broke my neck at C4-5.  I was 22 and had been married for 5 years.  We had two sons, 5 & 2 1/2, and I was managing the second largest car-wash in Phoenix (Freeway Car Wash, Black Canyon Highway & Camelback Rd.) at the time.  Part of my pay package was an insurance policy on me and my family, but the place had been sold to a new man in Jan. of '76, and he had changed insurance carriers, and to save money the new policy went into effect on May 01 and the old policy expired April 15.  I should have been on top of that but I was running the place, keeping the books straight, and doing all of the hiring & firing, and that little gap of two weeks went unnoticed until I broke my neck April 25!  Well, the old company felt real bad but they couldn't do anything to help, and the new company's policy hadn't taken effect yet so they felt real bad but they couldn't hel!
 either.  Life sure has a sense of humor!
I did my rehab at Good Sam, and took the ACT and with the help of VR I started taking classes at GCC.  I was taking the PT's advice and was pushing myself around campus in a manual chair.  I made the Dean's List the first semester and was on my face most of the time letting my bottom heal through the next semester.  I went back the next semester and made the Dean's List again, and spent the next 6 months letting the flap surgery I had to have done on my bottom heal.  With all of that time to think about my priorities my wife and I decided that it would be better if she went to work and I stayed home with the boys.
By this time life was starting to seem ''normal'' and things were looking better.  I was staying out of the hospital, had taken a position on the PTA Board at my boys school, and my wife was working days.  Life seemed like it would be okay but going in a new direction.  I took over running our home, getting the boys through school, and keeping my wife involved, etc.  
Now, I know everyone is different, so by when I noticed that my wife was having trouble sleeping and showing other signs of depression we sat down and had a good long talk.  After talking with a councilor we were able to see that my wife felt like she wasn't contributing to our family, and that because we had married young she felt that there wasn't anything that she could look at and get the satisfaction that she'd accomplished that on her own.  She felt like her dad had taken care of her until we married and I had taken care of her since then.  I knew she was an equal partner in everything we had, but knowing something and changing the way someone feels are very different things.
We discussed different ideas but I could tell that if things continued the way they were going that in a year, maybe two, what she was feeling as dissatisfaction would turn to anger, and eventually hate, and it would be directed toward me.  So, in early '85 we came up with a plan that while I knew would be hard on me and our boys in the short run, would be the best thing for us all in the long run.  We decided that we would sell our home and she and our boys would move back to central MI where she grew-up and get a place that she felt was her own.  I moved back to Lincoln Park, a suburb of Detroit.  I would be far enough away so she would feel that she was going it alone, but close enough that my boys could come to visit when we needed to see each other.  The plan was for her to take two years and if she didn't think she had made the right decision we'd get back together and go on !
By late '86 she had succeeded in creating a new home and life that she felt she could call her own.  The boys had adjusted to the changes and I decided that she would be okay on her own, so I made the decision to move back to AZ where the weather was better suited for me.  The boys would stay with Mom and spend the summers with me.  I had an Uncle that lived in Arlington, TX that asked me if I wanted to spend a few weeks with them before going on to AZ.  I agreed and was staying with them for the start of the New Year, 1987.  
My Aunt & Uncle both worked days but I had planned everything I would need to have each day so that I could live on my own, so it was a great 'test run' for when I moved on.  My Uncle took me to see all of the 'tourist' sights around the Dallas area, and I had some very close friends that were living in Wichita Falls and I called them and made arrangements to visit them.  When I got here I found a friendly 

[QUAD-L] Fwd: Is your Senator/Rep. on this list?

2005-08-01 Thread DAANOO

Dana (C 4-5, 31 years post, 51, KC)
--- Begin Message ---
Here, by state, are the Representatives and Senators who are back in
Congress, who co-sponsored MiCASSA last time, but have NOT YET signed on to
MiCASSA again  When you see them back in the district during this month
of August it's a perfect time to ask them why they haven't signed on again
yet, and urge them to do it the moment they return to DC!

Rep Pastor, Ed [AZ-4] - 5/15/2003

Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 10/29/2003
Rep Lantos, Tom [CA-12] - 5/19/2003
Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] - 5/8/2003
Rep Millender-McDonald, Juanita [CA-37] - 9/16/2003
Rep Miller, George [CA-7] - 5/15/2003
Rep Solis, Hilda L. [CA-32] - 10/8/2004

Rep DeGette, Diana [CO-1] - 6/17/2003
Rep Udall, Mark [CO-2] - 5/8/2003

Rep DeLauro, Rosa L. [CT-3] - 6/10/2003

Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes [DC] - 5/19/2003

Rep Foley, Mark [FL-16] - 6/10/2003

Rep Abercrombie, Neil [HI-1] - 10/29/2003

Rep Leach, James A. [IA-2] - 9/3/2003

Rep Costello, Jerry F. [IL-12] - 5/14/2003
Rep Emanuel, Rahm [IL-5] - 6/17/2003
Rep Evans, Lane [IL-17] - 10/8/2003
Rep Gutierrez, Luis V. [IL-4] - 10/8/2003
Rep Hyde, Henry J. [IL-6] - 3/18/2004
Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [IL-2] - 1/28/2004

SEN Roberts, Pat [KS]
Rep Moran, Jerry [KS-1] - 5/14/2003
Rep Tiahrt, Todd [KS-4] - 6/17/2003

Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4] - 6/4/2003
Rep Olver, John W. [MA-1] - 11/21/2003

SEN Mikulski, Barbara [MD]
Rep Hoyer, Steny H. [MD-5] - 5/8/2003
Rep Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch [MD-2] - 7/15/2004
Rep Van Hollen, Chris [MD-8] - 6/17/2003

Rep Allen, Thomas H. [ME-1] - 6/2/2003
Rep Michaud, Michael H. [ME-2] - 10/8/2004

Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14] - 5/15/2003
Rep Stupak, Bart [MI-1] - 6/25/2003

Rep McCollum, Betty [MN-4] - 6/2/2003
Rep Peterson, Collin C. [MN-7] - 6/2/2003
Rep Sabo, Martin Olav [MN-5] - 10/8/2004

Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] - 5/14/2003

SEN Cochran, Thad [MS]
Rep Pickering, Charles W. (Chip) [MS-3] - 6/10/2003

Rep Price, David E. [NC-4] - 6/2/2003

Rep Andrews, Robert E. [NJ-1] - 6/10/2003
Rep Menendez, Robert [NJ-13] - 1/28/2004
Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. [NJ-6] - 5/8/2003

Rep Udall, Tom [NM-3] - 10/8/2003

Rep Boehlert, Sherwood [NY-24] - 6/4/2003
Rep Engel, Eliot L. [NY-17] - 5/8/2003
Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. [NY-14] - 6/10/2003
Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [NY-4] - 10/29/2003
Rep Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8] - 6/10/2003
Rep Serrano, Jose E. [NY-16] - 5/8/2003
Rep Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [NY-28] - 5/14/2003
Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 5/8/2003
Rep Walsh, James T. [NY-25] - 9/3/2003

Rep Brown, Sherrod [OH-13] - 6/4/2003
Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [OH-10] - 9/16/2003

Rep Cole, Tom [OK-4] - 7/21/2003
Rep Sullivan, John [OK-1] - 6/25/2003

Rep Brady, Robert A. [PA-1] - 5/8/2003
Rep Doyle, Michael F. [PA-14] - 5/8/2003
Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2] - 4/1/2004
Rep Holden, Tim [PA-17] - 5/8/2003
Rep Kanjorski, Paul E. [PA-11] - 6/17/2004
Rep Hart, Melissa A. [PA-4] - 7/16/2003
Rep Murtha, John P. [PA-12] - 5/15/2003
Rep Weldon, Curt [PA-7] - 5/17/2004

Rep Cooper, Jim [TN-5] - 5/14/2003
Rep Ford, Harold E., Jr. [TN-9] - 5/19/2003

Rep Green, Gene [TX-29] - 5/15/2003
Rep Hinojosa, Ruben [TX-15] - 5/8/2003
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18] - 5/15/2003
Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice [TX-30] - 5/14/2003

Rep Matheson, Jim [UT-2] - 10/8/2003

Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] - 5/17/2004

Rep Sanders, Bernard [VT] - 6/2/2003

Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] - 9/16/2003

Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 5/15/2003

Even if your Senators and/or Representative are not on this list, hey this
is their great opportunity to join the illustrious group MiCASSA


NATIONAL ADAPT MAILING LIST - Adapt MiCASA List http://www.adapt.org
--- End Message ---

Re: [QUAD-L] Million Dollar Baby / Roy Oshea

2005-08-01 Thread DAANOO

They don't have Rui O'Shea at Blockbuster I guess they will not be carring 
:-(Dana (C 4-5, 31 years post, 51, KC)

Re: [QUAD-L] Movie: Million Dollar Baby

2005-08-01 Thread Ol' Man River
right on dude.  a thousand years of this would really be cool.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Honorable mentions go to anyone who survives a trauma incident.Being able to carry on, while surviving for 38 years is a veryspecialty in its own. Bonsai= May You Live 1000 Years!WIn a message dated 7/29/05 3:12:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:<< Honorable mention Dave at 38 yrs (1967)I think Mr. Boyd is 1948 or something - 50 some years... i thinkDave >>Dave(what's a quad?)__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

2005-08-01 Thread Ol' Man River
I was going into a store in my rocket where two old retired guys were standing outside and one of them said, "wow, looks like you got it made."  without even thinking or batting an eye, I replied, "You want to trade?" - he said, "no".  probably not very nice of me but he just caught me off guard.   oh well.  Dave
"B. Kimberlin (Quadius)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Stunt,If you read my later responses, I think you will see that I knew the individual meant well.  It was just my first reaction.  It is just the way I am wired, but this was the first thing that came to my mind.  I, however, did not react on this thought and decided to take it for what it was most likely intended -- a well meant greeting.  I know the majority of quadriplegics cannot afford to go to the movies all the time, or even some of the time.  I was simply pointing out that even disabled people, like us quadriplegics, are not immuned to societal stereotypes.I still remember an incident at a local store when a clerk asked to see my the when I was purchasing some electronics with a credit card.  This would not upsetting normally, but I had just watched this same clerk led to able-bodied individuals purchased significantly more than me with a credit card without so much as a cursory look at their identification.  Believ!
 ! e me,
 when I tell you I let not only the clerk know about it, but the manager heard my righteous indignation that day.Maybe my initial e-mail sounded rather harsh.  Don't know.BillyYour Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Wow Billy,I'm surprised by not only your reaction but by those of others responding to it. Is it possible that you're trying to read too much into their greeting? Sounds to me as if they were trying to be friendly. I don't know about the majority of the quads here, but I'm lucky if I can afford to get out to a movie once a year. (Heck throwing a BBQ is a cheap way to get together with other quads)Stunt> > I could have seemed last Friday, herein Tampa, but I was taking my nephew and niece (ages 10 and 11) to the movie and didn't feel this was appropriate. Interestingly enough there were some lower-level quadriplegics promoting the film in the lobby. They looked over at me, been a high quadriplegics, and said "nice to see that you were able to get out." I looked at them and smiled, but inside I wanted to say,!
 ! "what
 the hell do you think? I hardly get out of my house." However, because of my nephew and niece had decided this was not appropriate dialogue and chose the upper road. It was ironic when I was sharing this little tidbit with my parents and they told me a similar thing happened in the movie and the quadriplegic responded in the same manner in which I had originally intended.> I always try to present a likable appearance whenever I am in public. I believe that every time I acted out in public someone believes all of this act this way.> Just my opinion.> > Billy> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I already saw it here in Hollywood and thought they did a great job with the documentary. I had to drive 20 miles to see it. I just wish they would have made it more like a movie (drama) and less like a documentary so that it could have gone more mainstream and make a bigger difference. Here in Los Angeles it!
 ! 's only
 playing in 3 theaters in all of So. California. I'll be surprised if most of you can find it.> Take care all, Donald > > .> > -> Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page > -- http://thor.prohosting.com/stunttnt/http://tnthompson0.tripod.com/

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page Dave(what's a quad?)
		 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

2005-08-01 Thread B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)
Stunt,If you read my later responses, I think you will see that I knew the individual meant well.  It was just my first reaction.  It is just the way I am wired, but this was the first thing that came to my mind.  I, however, did not react on this thought and decided to take it for what it was most likely intended -- a well meant greeting.  I know the majority of quadriplegics cannot afford to go to the movies all the time, or even some of the time.  I was simply pointing out that even disabled people, like us quadriplegics, are not immuned to societal stereotypes.I still remember an incident at a local store when a clerk asked to see my the when I was purchasing some electronics with a credit card.  This would not upsetting normally, but I had just watched this same clerk led to able-bodied individuals purchased significantly more than me with a credit card without so much as a cursory look at their identification.  Believ!
 e me,
 when I tell you I let not only the clerk know about it, but the manager heard my righteous indignation that day.Maybe my initial e-mail sounded rather harsh.  Don't know.BillyYour Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wow Billy,I'm surprised by not only your reaction but by those of others responding to it. Is it possible that you're trying to read too much into their greeting? Sounds to me as if they were trying to be friendly. I don't know about the majority of the quads here, but I'm lucky if I can afford to get out to a movie once a year. (Heck throwing a BBQ is a cheap way to get together with other quads)Stunt> > I could have seemed last Friday, herein Tampa, but I was taking my nephew and niece (ages 10 and 11) to the movie and didn't feel this was appropriate. Interestingly enough there were some lower-level quadriplegics promoting the film in the lobby. They looked over at me, been a high quadriplegics, and said "nice to see that you were able to get out." I looked at them and smiled, but inside I wanted to say,!
 the hell do you think? I hardly get out of my house." However, because of my nephew and niece had decided this was not appropriate dialogue and chose the upper road. It was ironic when I was sharing this little tidbit with my parents and they told me a similar thing happened in the movie and the quadriplegic responded in the same manner in which I had originally intended.> I always try to present a likable appearance whenever I am in public. I believe that every time I acted out in public someone believes all of this act this way.> Just my opinion.> > Billy> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I already saw it here in Hollywood and thought they did a great job with the documentary. I had to drive 20 miles to see it. I just wish they would have made it more like a movie (drama) and less like a documentary so that it could have gone more mainstream and make a bigger difference. Here in Los Angeles it!
 's only
 playing in 3 theaters in all of So. California. I'll be surprised if most of you can find it.> Take care all, Donald > > .> > -> Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page > -- http://thor.prohosting.com/stunttnt/http://tnthompson0.tripod.com/
		 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] Movie: Million Dollar Baby

2005-08-01 Thread B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)
Since I have not seen the movie, I can only comment on what others have told me.  I have also heard the same complaints about this film that you have mentioned here.I guess I will wait and judge for myself later.BillyGreg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have no problem with the plot of the movie Million Dollar Baby. It’s a movie, not a fact. I loved Bonny and Clide, but I don’t condone it. I like when movies don’t always have a happy ending. I actually prefer this ending, to her ending up walking and fighting again. It has a more dramatic affect. And remember, this is a drama.
What I have problems with is that I don’t think it was a very good movie. I thought the acting bad, the boxing scenes were not very good, and the hospital scenes were way off. I mean she was talking while her vent was blowing in. Maybe some can, but I’ve never seen it.
Greg__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

RE: [QUAD-L] Internet myths

2005-08-01 Thread B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)
This might have been a for use of words.  I just remember reading about the issue with the Lincoln and Kennedy coincidences.  After finishing Assassination Vacation I wanted to check on something.BillyAaron Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What myth?  Is it Urban, mythological, ...

From: B. Kimberlin (Quadius) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 6:16 PMTo: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: [QUAD-L] Internet myths
Does anyone know the web site where one can look up and determine if something is a myth or not?Billy 

Yahoo! Mail for MobileTake Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

[QUAD-L] Abdominal Binders

2005-08-01 Thread ~LittleQuad~
for those who need...

http://fly.to/littlequad Yahoo ID - littlequad 

[QUAD-L] Million Dollar Baby / Roy Oshea

2005-08-01 Thread Greg

I just went to this site and viewed the trailer.
It looks very funny. I'd never even seen an Ad for it 
I am for sure going to try and rent it.
I just hope it doesn't end up being one of those everything is 
wonderful movies That life is easy and you can walk if you just have enough 
heart and try hard enough.
Anyone that wants to see a great movie a sci should see Rory O'Shea was 
here, great movie, true to sci and great acting & directing in my opinion a 
much better movie with a good ending.

Re: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] Movie: Million Dollar Baby

2005-08-01 Thread Greg

have no problem with the plot of the movie Million Dollar Baby. It’s a movie, 
not a fact. I loved Bonny and Clide, but I don’t condone it. I like when movies 
don’t always have a happy ending. I actually prefer this ending, to her ending 
up walking and fighting again. It has a more dramatic affect. And remember, this 
is a drama.
I have problems with is that I don’t think it was a very good movie. I thought 
the acting bad, the boxing scenes were not very good, and the hospital scenes 
were way off. I mean she was talking while her vent was blowing in. Maybe some 
can, but I’ve never seen it.

Re: [QUAD-L] Internet myths

2005-08-01 Thread Liz

I think it is www.snopes.com

  - Original Message - 
  Aaron Mann 
  To: B. Kimberlin (Quadius) ; quad-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 7:20 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Internet 
  What myth?  Is it Urban, mythological, 
  From: B. Kimberlin (Quadius) 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 6:16 
  PMTo: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: 
  [QUAD-L] Internet myths
  Does anyone know the web site where one can look up and determine 
  if something is a myth or not?Billy 
  Yahoo! Mail for MobileTake 
  Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. 

Re: [QUAD-L] What's on your wish list for a new power chair?

2005-08-01 Thread Bobbie299

Hows you doing?  Just wanted to see how your getting on with your new chair??
  Well, my "new" chair, that's five years old, is in the shop because it has a mind of it's own. Like stopping whenever it wants to, or changing gears, or moving on it's own while I'm in it reading at the table. And a bunch of other neat other stuff. I sent it to my repair shop and they discovered that the tork and speeds were set as high as possible which, they think, lead to the problems at hand. They fixed it, they think. I just got it back today and am going to check it out this week.
  I still haven't decided if I shooed do major modifications to this "new" five year old chair or order a brand new one. I was even considering buying one out of pocket so I get what I need, after all I live in the goddam thing. If I did buy out of pocket I would just get the base and get an RX for the back, seat, tilt blah, blah blah.
    Thanks for asking,  Bobbie

RE: [QUAD-L] Internet myths

2005-08-01 Thread Aaron Mann

What myth?  Is it Urban, mythological, 

From: B. Kimberlin (Quadius) 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 6:16 
PMTo: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: [QUAD-L] Internet 
Does anyone know the web site where one can look up and determine if 
something is a myth or not?Billy

Yahoo! Mail for MobileTake 
Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

[QUAD-L] Internet myths

2005-08-01 Thread B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)
Does anyone know the web site where one can look up and determine if something is a myth or not?Billy
		Yahoo! Mail for Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

2005-08-01 Thread B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)
Although my first inclination might have been angry, my next was exactly what you have said here Dan.  To put it simply, there are an enormous amount of high-level quadriplegics which do not get the opportunity to get out often and this person was just trying to be nice, despite the fact that he was stereotyping.  I tend to have greater forbearance to well-meaning individuals.  Even disabled individuals are prone to think in stereotypes -- are we.Billy[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Why Be rude ? the person was trying to be nice, some quads never get out I was told by voc rehab. Besides better watch your mouth because some people will slug you in the facedisabled or not.  
  Dan__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: [QUAD-L] BEWARE ... It gets scarier

2005-08-01 Thread David K. Kelmer

Hi Dana,
I know that SSI (Medicaid) is income dependent.  When I received my first SSDI check I was told I no longer qualified for SSI because my income was too high, and my only income at that point was only my SSDI check.  My income did exceed the eligibility levels through the past 25 some years, but today if I could get Social Security to NOT give me the cost-of-living raise for ONE year, I would qualify for SSI because my income (SSDI) would fall below the eligibility level.  That is why the Medicare Waiver was put into law, but the SSA didn't tell me about the Waiver, they left it up to me to discover it on my own.  As my Grandpa would have said, "That's a crazy way to run a railroad"!  
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It is income dependent?Dana (C 4-5, 31 years post, 51, suburb of Kansas City in Johnson County Kansas) 

Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

2005-08-01 Thread Quietstream25322

  Why Be rude ? the person was trying to be nice, some quads never get 
out I was told by voc rehab. Besides better watch your mouth because some people 
will slug you in the facedisabled or not.  

Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

2005-08-01 Thread Liz

Wow Billy,  I'd have run him over!  What an 

  - Original Message - 
  To: quad-list@eskimo.com ; B. Kimberlin 
  Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 6:09 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak 

You are so right Billy.
We are all Ambassador's for the disabled but I would've had to bite 
my tongue too.
I try to be as  pleasant as possible when I go out, a lot of 
people think that we're always bitchin & complaining and unpleasant 
in general so I try to show them I'm just a guy sitting down 
instead of standing up and that's the only difference.
I tell people all the time I just get around a little 

From: B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)
Date: 08/01/05 
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
sneak peak murderball

Sorry for the previous almost incomprehensible e-mail. I was 
dictating rather quickly and did not check it until I went through my 
e-mail and discovered how many errors I had made. I decided to correct a 
few and send it once again. I have not been dictating too much lately 
and my accuracy is seriously wanting.
I could have watched it last Friday, herein Tampa, but I was taking 
my nephew and niece (ages 10 and 11) to the movie and didn't feel this 
was appropriate. Interestingly enough there were some lower-level 
quadriplegics promoting the film in the lobby. They looked over at me, 
being a high level quadriplegic, and said "nice to see that you were 
able to get out." I looked at them and smiled, but inside I wanted to 
say, "what the hell do you think? I hardly get out of my house." Due to 
the presence of my nephew and niece I decided this was not appropriate 
dialogue and chose the upper road. I felt it was ironic when I was 
sharing this little tidbit with my parents and they told me a similar 
thing happened in the movie and the quadriplegic responded in the same 
manner in which I had originally intended.
I always try to present a likable appearance whenever I am in public. 
I believe that every time I acted out in public someone believes all of 
this act this way.
Just my opinion.
Billy"B. Kimberlin (Quadius)" 

I could have seemed last Friday, herein Tampa, but I was taking my 
nephew and niece (ages 10 and 11) to the movie and didn't feel this was 
appropriate.  Interestingly enough there were some lower-level 
quadriplegics promoting the film in the lobby.  They looked over at 
me, been a high quadriplegics, and said "nice to see that you were able 
to get out."  I looked at them and smiled, but inside I wanted to 
say, "what the hell do you think? I hardly get out of my house."  
However, because of my nephew and niece had decided this was not 
appropriate dialogue and chose the upper road.  It was ironic when 
I was sharing this little tidbit with my parents and they told me a 
similar thing happened in the movie and the quadriplegic responded in 
the same manner in which I had originally intended.I always try to 
present a likable appearance whenever I am in public.  I believe 
that every time I acted out in public someone believes all of this act 
this way.Just my 
opinion.Billy[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I already saw it here in Hollywood and thought they did a 
great job with the documentary. I had to drive 20 miles to see it. I 
just wish they would have made it more like a movie (drama) and 
less like a documentary so that it could have gone more mainstream and 
make a bigger difference. Here in Los Angeles it's only playing in 3 
theaters in all of So. California. I'll be surprised if most of you can 
find it.
Take care all, Donald . 

your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
__Do You 
Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection 
around http://mail.yahoo.com 



Re: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] Movie: Million Dollar Baby

2005-08-01 Thread David K. Kelmer

Hi Stunt,
When you say this is an "opinion," if you're referring to the term "Vendetta" used in the title of the article, then I agree, that is an opinion.  Mr. Eastwood's legal issues with the State of CA is a matter of public record.  As for the outcry from the media, left or right, about Mr. Moore, I did a Google search on both Eastwood and Moore, with 1,660,000 hits for Eastwood and 16,700,000 hits for Moore.  I didn't take the time to check if a hit was from the left or the right, but over 10 million more hits for Moore sounds to me as there was some kind of cry about him.  The only mention I found about Mr. Moore being sued over any movie, and I've already said I didn't check-out every hit, are these two from FILM LAWSUITS IN THE NEWS. http://www.indieclear.com/film_lawsuits.htm
Michael Moore sued over anti-gun movie

Associated Press
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Detroit — James Nichols, the brother of Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols, says he was tricked into appearing in the anti-gun documentary Bowling for Columbine, according to a federal lawsuit filed against filmmaker Michael Moore.
Columbia Pictures v. Michael Moore  
Status: Judge ruled June 3, 1998, Miramax's Big One posters must come down. 

Filed: April 15, 1998United States District Court, Los Angeles 
The Case: Columbia Pictures is suing Miramax Films and Mayfair Entertainment for copyright infringement and unfair competition, claiming the distributors stole the advertising concept from 1997's Men in Black campaign and used it to promote the Michael Moore mockumentary The Big One. 
The suit seeks unspecified damages and an injunction on The Big One's movie poster and trailer. 
The National Spinal Cord Injury Association may, in your opinion, be from the leftist media, but in their article they spoke of "exploration" not "exploitation"  Perhaps, as you say, "The choice of words reveals the person."  Not having seen either movie I have only what I've read about the men and their movies to go on, so I will not claim to know either of their motives, but my common sense tells me they both have motives when they make movies.  Be it fame, fortune, or other issues, their motives are why they make movies.    
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA 
Your Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Nothing but a personal opinion.A piss poor one at that.The choice of words reveals the person.Wonder WHY THEY CLAIM HE HAS A VANDETTA?(excuse the caps)Could it be a whiner that meathead moore didn't win it?Where was the outcry from the leftist media when meathead moore lied to and used a student in a wheelchair (who sued him) in the farce Bowling for Columbine?Now THAT was exploitation.Stunt> Eastwood Continues Disability Vendetta with 'Million Dollar Baby'> Source: National Spinal Cord Injury Association-- http://thor.prohosting.com/stunttnt/http://tnthompson0.tripod.com/

Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

2005-08-01 Thread QuadPirate

You are so right Billy.
We are all Ambassador's for the disabled but I would've had to bite my tongue too.
I try to be as  pleasant as possible when I go out, a lot of people think that we're always bitchin & complaining and unpleasant in general so I try to show them I'm just a guy sitting down instead of standing up and that's the only difference.
I tell people all the time I just get around a little different.
---Original Message---

From: B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)
Date: 08/01/05 16:03:52
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

Sorry for the previous almost incomprehensible e-mail. I was dictating rather quickly and did not check it until I went through my e-mail and discovered how many errors I had made. I decided to correct a few and send it once again. I have not been dictating too much lately and my accuracy is seriously wanting.
I could have watched it last Friday, herein Tampa, but I was taking my nephew and niece (ages 10 and 11) to the movie and didn't feel this was appropriate. Interestingly enough there were some lower-level quadriplegics promoting the film in the lobby. They looked over at me, being a high level quadriplegic, and said "nice to see that you were able to get out." I looked at them and smiled, but inside I wanted to say, "what the hell do you think? I hardly get out of my house." Due to the presence of my nephew and niece I decided this was not appropriate dialogue and chose the upper road. I felt it was ironic when I was sharing this little tidbit with my parents and they told me a similar thing happened in the movie and the quadriplegic responded in the same manner in which I had originally intended.
I always try to present a likable appearance whenever I am in public. I believe that every time I acted out in public someone believes all of this act this way.
Just my opinion.
Billy"B. Kimberlin (Quadius)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

I could have seemed last Friday, herein Tampa, but I was taking my nephew and niece (ages 10 and 11) to the movie and didn't feel this was appropriate.  Interestingly enough there were some lower-level quadriplegics promoting the film in the lobby.  They looked over at me, been a high quadriplegics, and said "nice to see that you were able to get out."  I looked at them and smiled, but inside I wanted to say, "what the hell do you think? I hardly get out of my house."  However, because of my nephew and niece had decided this was not appropriate dialogue and chose the upper road.  It was ironic when I was sharing this little tidbit with my parents and they told me a similar thing happened in the movie and the quadriplegic responded in the same manner in which I had originally intended.I always try to present a likable appearance whenever I am in public.  I believe that every time I acted out in public someone believes all of this act this way.Just my opinion.Billy[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I already saw it here in Hollywood and thought they did a great job with the documentary. I had to drive 20 miles to see it. I just wish they would have made it more like a movie (drama) and less like a documentary so that it could have gone more mainstream and make a bigger difference. Here in Los Angeles it's only playing in 3 theaters in all of So. California. I'll be surprised if most of you can find it.
Take care all, Donald . 

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

RE: [QUAD-L] unsubscribe

2005-08-01 Thread Eric W Rudd
Title: Message

Quad List
URL: http://www.makoa.org/quadlist.htm
Eric W Rudd

  -Original Message-From: Warren Koch 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 4:11 
  PMTo: QUAD-LISTSubject: [QUAD-L] 
  Thank You

[QUAD-L] unsubscribe

2005-08-01 Thread Warren Koch

Thank You

Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

2005-08-01 Thread B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)

Sorry for the previous almost incomprehensible e-mail. I was dictating rather quickly and did not check it until I went through my e-mail and discovered how many errors I had made. I decided to correct a few and send it once again. I have not been dictating too much lately and my accuracy is seriously wanting.
I could have watched it last Friday, herein Tampa, but I was taking my nephew and niece (ages 10 and 11) to the movie and didn't feel this was appropriate. Interestingly enough there were some lower-level quadriplegics promoting the film in the lobby. They looked over at me, being a high level quadriplegic, and said "nice to see that you were able to get out." I looked at them and smiled, but inside I wanted to say, "what the hell do you think? I hardly get out of my house." Due to the presence of my nephew and niece I decided this was not appropriate dialogue and chose the upper road. I felt it was ironic when I was sharing this little tidbit with my parents and they told me a similar thing happened in the movie and the quadriplegic responded in the same manner in which I had originally intended.
I always try to present a likable appearance whenever I am in public. I believe that every time I acted out in public someone believes all of this act this way.
Just my opinion.
Billy"B. Kimberlin (Quadius)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I could have seemed last Friday, herein Tampa, but I was taking my nephew and niece (ages 10 and 11) to the movie and didn't feel this was appropriate.  Interestingly enough there were some lower-level quadriplegics promoting the film in the lobby.  They looked over at me, been a high quadriplegics, and said "nice to see that you were able to get out."  I looked at them and smiled, but inside I wanted to say, "what the hell do you think? I hardly get out of my house."  However, because of my nephew and niece had decided this was not appropriate dialogue and chose the upper road.  It was ironic when I was sharing this little tidbit with my parents and they told me a similar thing happened in the movie and the quadriplegic responded in the same manner in which I had originally intended.I always try to present a likable appearance whenever I am in public.  I believe that every time I acted out in public someone believes all of this act this
 way.Just my opinion.Billy[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I already saw it here in Hollywood and thought they did a great job with the documentary. I had to drive 20 miles to see it. I just wish they would have made it more like a movie (drama) and less like a documentary so that it could have gone more mainstream and make a bigger difference. Here in Los Angeles it's only playing in 3 theaters in all of So. California. I'll be surprised if most of you can find it.
Take care all, Donald .

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

2005-08-01 Thread B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\)
I could have seemed last Friday, herein Tampa, but I was taking my nephew and niece (ages 10 and 11) to the movie and didn't feel this was appropriate.  Interestingly enough there were some lower-level quadriplegics promoting the film in the lobby.  They looked over at me, been a high quadriplegics, and said "nice to see that you were able to get out."  I looked at them and smiled, but inside I wanted to say, "what the hell do you think? I hardly get out of my house."  However, because of my nephew and niece had decided this was not appropriate dialogue and chose the upper road.  It was ironic when I was sharing this little tidbit with my parents and they told me a similar thing happened in the movie and the quadriplegic responded in the same manner in which I had originally intended.I always try to present a likable appearance whenever I am in public.  I believe that every time I acted out in public someone believes all of this act this
 way.Just my opinion.Billy[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I already saw it here in Hollywood and thought they did a great job with the documentary. I had to drive 20 miles to see it. I just wish they would have made it more like a movie (drama) and less like a documentary so that it could have gone more mainstream and make a bigger difference. Here in Los Angeles it's only playing in 3 theaters in all of So. California. I'll be surprised if most of you can find it.
Take care all, Donald .
		 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: [QUAD-L] sneak peak murderball

2005-08-01 Thread David K. Kelmer

Hi Stacy,
This is my kind of movie about folks with a SCI.  They refuse to lie down and die, and they also refuse to live a miserable life.  I think that's a great way to live, with or without a SCI.  No one ever said life would always be easy, but no one ever said you can't enjoy the ride, either!  ;-)
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA    Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There will be a sneak peak for murderball on MTV at 11:00.


2005-08-01 Thread wheelchair
Just looked up the Daffy-nition for Father.  No where in the description of 
the term
is "standing" mentioned.  So it appears that you are in good standing with 
your son.
Beside, I know of some sons that can't "Stand" their fathers.

In a message dated 8/1/05 1:51:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< He's turning 14 next month and these are the years when he really needs a

stand up father, there's so much more we could do if I wasn't trapped in

this chair.

He's got a heart of gold! >>


2005-08-01 Thread QuadPirate

Thank You Amye!
---Original Message---

From: ~LittleQuad~
Date: 08/01/05 13:04:33
To: QuadPirate; Quad-list post
you are good father, sitting or standing..QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

You said a mouthful there Dave, you never know who's going to step up to the plate and for me luckily it was a 10 year old boy named Dylan.
My son has helped me so much and "Never" once complained even if I wake him up in the middle of the night and I know I'm difficult sometimes and he just gives me that look!
A thank you goes a long ways.
He's turning 14 next month and these are the years when he really needs a stand up father, there's so much more we could do if I wasn't trapped in this chair.
He's got a heart of gold!
---Original Message---

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 07/31/05 20:15:29
To: Approval Department; quad-list@eskimo.com
my very best friend is a guy i met in 7th grade.  he came to my rescue a year after my accident and has been nearby ever since.  i love this guy and we have a friendship very few on this planet enjoy.  no, we are not gay - we are just very close soul buddies.  you never know who or where your anchor will be, just keep your eyes open.  i truely believe that when one door closes, another opens.   dave c3-1967.~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

well start going out again...i did, go to malls, movies, sit at a restuarant..
ask an old friend out.u just never know!i've had cheaters...don't let them back in no matter how hard they beg or how much you miss them or intimacy.just not worth itwell unless you can separate sex from emotion... :)
we're here for ya when ya need a friend
amye = littlequad
Dear Quad-list,My life has been filled with its biggest challenges in the past year. August 2, 2004 I had a life-changing diving accident that left me paralyzed from my chest down. I'm considered a quadriplegic because I have a little inervasion in my triceps and wrist flexors and I don't have any independent movement of my fingers. I was a 31-year-old, married, father of two, a successful chef, and a modern man of the house. After my accident, it was unclear what I would be able to do. The doctors made no promises, but I was told that my injury is considered incomplete, which means there's a chance to regain at least some movement and sensation.I spent a total of 115 days away from home. Most of that time was spent in rehab learning how to do such simple things as feed myself, bathe myself, sit up, and how to use what movement I have to be as independent! as I can.While I was away from home, the community rallied in support. There were several fundraisers, all aimed at renovating my house for me and my wheelchair. There were many volunteers, friends, family, and complete strangers that donated money, time, prayers, or just generous words of support.Every day I looked forward to coming home. I would speak with my wife every evening, and she would come to visit almost every weekend. Even though it was a little rocky, I always thought we would make it work. We'd been together for over 10 years, married for almost six. I always thought we were soul-mates and would grow old together. We are now facing separation. I guess no one knows what they would do if their spouse became permanently handicapped.How do you know if you're not in the situation?Lots of people have told me that life goes on, you can do anything you could before, just a little different. I heard many success stories of people who went on to have successful careers, marriages, and families after a spinal cord injury. I was especially very positive in the beginning, when I had the support of therapists and specialists. My positive attitude faded when I came home, I became very depressed. I stopped exercising except for physical therapy, and began self-medicating. I was very frustrated with the things I used to be able to do at home. There was a" friend" who had been staying at my house for several months who was helping my wife with many of the things I used to do around the house. I was only home for two weeks before they became intimate.The Monday after New Year's she told me she wanted to move out, a week later she told me what had happened and had been going on for a month. I thought I could share her. It was only a matter of months before I snapped. She has left me the house, and acquired an apartment down the street for her and the kids, so they can come and visit often. I don't know where I! ! ! would be if it wasn't for a couple of close friends who have moved into my house to help me.How do I move on? I believe I have a lot to offer, I used to think we would be together forever, now I'm craving companionship, intimacy, and someone to be close to. I am grateful for any advice and or feedback,Truly yours, Paralyzed and Confus

[QUAD-L] Johnny Otis Valentine

2005-08-01 Thread Rosie Bennett

Hi everyone!
For those of you who don't know, on July 12th, my sister Desiré gave 
birth to her first child, my nephew, and my mother's first grandbaby: 
Johnny Otis Valentine! If you would like to catch a glimpse of him you 
can tune in to the FOX 8 morning news on August 5th where he will be 
featured in a segment of the news called Roy's Pics sometime between 
8:15 - 8:30. If you will not be able to catch the show but would still 
like to see him please let me know and I will send you some pictures.

I hope everybody is enjoying their summer,

Rosie Bennett


Re: [QUAD-L] BEWARE ... It gets scarier

2005-08-01 Thread Lori Michaelson

I don't know hardly anything that is NOT "income dependent."  
When it comes to getting 'help' anyway.'
Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 25 years post
Tucson, AZ
---Original Message---

Date: 07/31/05 17:53:48
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] BEWARE ... It gets scarier
It is income dependent?Dana (C 4-5, 31 years post, 51, suburb of Kansas City in Johnson County Kansas) 

Re: [QUAD-L] i'm so depressed i could throw up

2005-08-01 Thread Smurfonwheels

In a message dated 18/07/2005 12:44:02 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Does anyone know the medical facts behind what these drugs do?  
  I'vebeen curious to know what imbalance these drugs put back in balance. 
  -Original Message-From: William Willis 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2005 2:17 PMTo: 
  quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: FW: RE: [QUAD-L] i'm so depressed i could 
  throw upAs I have grown older depression seems to descend on me  
  morefrequently. Two years ago my father died and I couldn't go through 
  the day withouttwo or three cryings jags. My doc finally gave me zoloft 
  and it hashelped tremendously. I believe in getting help anywhere I can 
  find it.>From: "Stuntman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>To: 
  "Ol' Man River" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,        
  Approval Department ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
  quad-list@eskimo.com>Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] i'm so depressed i could 
  throw up>Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 20:37:18 -0500>>Some 
  people need help out of their mental state.>A comforting word is too 
  much to ask?>While I can take almost anything thrown at ME, I realize 
  there are lots>of people who can't.>Some of us have been 
  tempered by conditioning which took place before >our disability, 
  others are not as lucky.>Clincaly there are 3 major souces (causes) of 
  depression, Medical >(chemical or hormonal), Physcological, and 
  despair.>Only despair can be influenced by friends and the lack of them 
  >(imagined or real) can be devastating.>Sometimes listening can 
  be all the medicine required.>(that's what shrinks 
  do)>Stunt>> >> > "Trust me, none of us on 
  this list are so underprivileged as to have>any real issues to be 
  depressed over for an extended period of time."> >> > 
  that's your diagnostic phrase that is incredibly shallow.  it's 
  like>you think you know everyone's situation and on top of that, you 
  write >off depression as a non-real ailment. or at least that no quad 
  here on >a vent, completely immobile has any right to be depressed. you 
  think >depresasion is linked to the underpriviledged?  do you 
  remember freddy >prinze or curt cobain blowing their brains out?  
  i wouldn't consider >them underprivilidged - but i WOULD class them as 
  severely depressed.>blanket ALL and NEVER statements are very foolish 
  to blurt out.  they >can also be very hurtfull to some.  your 
  psycho-diagnosis is not why we>are here.> > dave> 
  >> >> >> >> >> >> 
  > Aaron Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > How do you 
  compare a ridiculous statement like what Carol said w/>what I 
  said?!?  I assume that you have a "deeper" more meaningful 
  >response?  I was just trying to convey that our often self 
  diagnosed >depression is merely the lack of knowing what is possible to 
  do in life>anymore.  None of us here are professionals, that I 
  know of, so >anything that is said is just an opinion and a way that 
  each of us >deals with things.> >> > I apologize if 
  it was a shallow opinion, but I don't believe that>dwelling on the 
  negative can bring about positive results.  Who would >Bobbie 
  miss?  Maybe the diverse and sometimes ridiculous discussions 
  on>this group?  I don't know.  But, the best way I know 
  to help someone >who's depressed is to not focus on their 
  depression.  Get them involved>in something, get them pissed 
  enough about something that they want to >do something, whatever works 
  to get the person back into the life that >surrounds us all.> 
  >> > You may or may not ever take me serious again, but that is 
  for you > > to>decide.  I care what people think and 
  would like to know how you came >to your conclusions about my comments 
  below.> >

  You can find out about 
  different drugs by typing the name of the drug then doing a search.  It 
  comes up with loads of sites with information on it
  Love Smurf 


2005-08-01 Thread ~LittleQuad~
you are good father, sitting or standing..QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You said a mouthful there Dave, you never know who's going to step up to the plate and for me luckily it was a 10 year old boy named Dylan.
My son has helped me so much and "Never" once complained even if I wake him up in the middle of the night and I know I'm difficult sometimes and he just gives me that look!
A thank you goes a long ways.
He's turning 14 next month and these are the years when he really needs a stand up father, there's so much more we could do if I wasn't trapped in this chair.
He's got a heart of gold!
---Original Message---

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 07/31/05 20:15:29
To: Approval Department; quad-list@eskimo.com
my very best friend is a guy i met in 7th grade.  he came to my rescue a year after my accident and has been nearby ever since.  i love this guy and we have a friendship very few on this planet enjoy.  no, we are not gay - we are just very close soul buddies.  you never know who or where your anchor will be, just keep your eyes open.  i truely believe that when one door closes, another opens.   dave c3-1967.~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

well start going out again...i did, go to malls, movies, sit at a restuarant..
ask an old friend out.u just never know!i've had cheaters...don't let them back in no matter how hard they beg or how much you miss them or intimacy.just not worth itwell unless you can separate sex from emotion... :)
we're here for ya when ya need a friend
amye = littlequad
Dear Quad-list,My life has been filled with its biggest challenges in the past year. August 2, 2004 I had a life-changing diving accident that left me paralyzed from my chest down. I'm considered a quadriplegic because I have a little inervasion in my triceps and wrist flexors and I don't have any independent movement of my fingers. I was a 31-year-old, married, father of two, a successful chef, and a modern man of the house. After my accident, it was unclear what I would be able to do. The doctors made no promises, but I was told that my injury is considered incomplete, which means there's a chance to regain at least some movement and sensation.I spent a total of 115 days away from home. Most of that time was spent in rehab learning how to do such simple things as feed myself, bathe myself, sit up, and how to use what movement I have to be as independent!
  as I
 can.While I was away from home, the community rallied in support. There were several fundraisers, all aimed at renovating my house for me and my wheelchair. There were many volunteers, friends, family, and complete strangers that donated money, time, prayers, or just generous words of support.Every day I looked forward to coming home. I would speak with my wife every evening, and she would come to visit almost every weekend. Even though it was a little rocky, I always thought we would make it work. We'd been together for over 10 years, married for almost six. I always thought we were soul-mates and would grow old together. We are now facing separation. I guess no one knows what they would do if their spouse became permanently handicapped.How do you know if you're not in the situation?Lots of people have told me that life goes on, you can do anything you could before, just a little different. I heard many success stories of people who went on to have
 successful careers, marriages, and families after a spinal cord injury. I was especially very positive in the beginning, when I had the support of therapists and specialists. My positive attitude faded when I came home, I became very depressed. I stopped exercising except for physical therapy, and began self-medicating. I was very frustrated with the things I used to be able to do at home. There was a" friend" who had been staying at my house for several months who was helping my wife with many of the things I used to do around the house. I was only home for two weeks before they became intimate.The Monday after New Year's she told me she wanted to move out, a week later she told me what had happened and had been going on for a month. I thought I could share her. It was only a matter of months before I snapped. She has left me the house, and acquired an apartment down the street for her and the kids, so they can come and visit often. I don't know where I!
 ! ! would
 be if it wasn't for a couple of close friends who have moved into my house to help me.How do I move on? I believe I have a lot to offer, I used to think we would be together forever, now I'm craving companionship, intimacy, and someone to be close to. I am grateful for any advice and or feedback,Truly yours, Paralyzed and Confused in the Adirondacks JT... 32 YO... C6... ALMOST 1 YR POST

http://fly.to/littlequad Yahoo ID - littlequad Dave(what's a quad?) 

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home pag

[QUAD-L] FertiCare

2005-08-01 Thread TheOmen723

has anyone tried the ferticare?  i see it in all the new mobility 
the ad says it helps with:
ejaculation in 
85% off men that use it   
bladder control
i can ejaculate but it takes damn near an hour and i'm sleepy by then. 
Fertility Healthcare Supplies, 

Re: [QUAD-L] What's on your wish list for a new power chair?

2005-08-01 Thread Smurfonwheels

Hey Bobbie,
Hows you doing?  Just wanted to see how your getting on with your new 
Love Smurf xxx


2005-08-01 Thread QuadPirate

You said a mouthful there Dave, you never know who's going to step up to the plate and for me luckily it was a 10 year old boy named Dylan.
My son has helped me so much and "Never" once complained even if I wake him up in the middle of the night and I know I'm difficult sometimes and he just gives me that look!
A thank you goes a long ways.
He's turning 14 next month and these are the years when he really needs a stand up father, there's so much more we could do if I wasn't trapped in this chair.
He's got a heart of gold!
---Original Message---

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 07/31/05 20:15:29
To: Approval Department; quad-list@eskimo.com
my very best friend is a guy i met in 7th grade.  he came to my rescue a year after my accident and has been nearby ever since.  i love this guy and we have a friendship very few on this planet enjoy.  no, we are not gay - we are just very close soul buddies.  you never know who or where your anchor will be, just keep your eyes open.  i truely believe that when one door closes, another opens.   dave c3-1967.~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

well start going out again...i did, go to malls, movies, sit at a restuarant..
ask an old friend out.u just never know!i've had cheaters...don't let them back in no matter how hard they beg or how much you miss them or intimacy.just not worth itwell unless you can separate sex from emotion... :)
we're here for ya when ya need a friend
amye = littlequad
Dear Quad-list,My life has been filled with its biggest challenges in the past year. August 2, 2004 I had a life-changing diving accident that left me paralyzed from my chest down. I'm considered a quadriplegic because I have a little inervasion in my triceps and wrist flexors and I don't have any independent movement of my fingers. I was a 31-year-old, married, father of two, a successful chef, and a modern man of the house. After my accident, it was unclear what I would be able to do. The doctors made no promises, but I was told that my injury is considered incomplete, which means there's a chance to regain at least some movement and sensation.I spent a total of 115 days away from home. Most of that time was spent in rehab learning how to do such simple things as feed myself, bathe myself, sit up, and how to use what movement I have to be as independent as I can.While I was away from home, the community rallied in support. There were several fundraisers, all aimed at renovating my house for me and my wheelchair. There were many volunteers, friends, family, and complete strangers that donated money, time, prayers, or just generous words of support.Every day I looked forward to coming home. I would speak with my wife every evening, and she would come to visit almost every weekend. Even though it was a little rocky, I always thought we would make it work. We'd been together for over 10 years, married for almost six. I always thought we were soul-mates and would grow old together. We are now facing separation. I guess no one knows what they would do if their spouse became permanently handicapped.How do you know if you're not in the situation?Lots of people have told me that life goes on, you can do anything you could before, just a little different. I heard many success stories of people who went on to have successful careers, marriages, and families after a spinal cord injury. I was especially very positive in the beginning, when I had the support of therapists and specialists. My positive attitude faded when I came home, I became very depressed. I stopped exercising except for physical therapy, and began self-medicating. I was very frustrated with the things I used to be able to do at home. There was a" friend" who had been staying at my house for several months who was helping my wife with many of the things I used to do around the house. I was only home for two weeks before they became intimate.The Monday after New Year's she told me she wanted to move out, a week later she told me what had happened and had been going on for a month. I thought I could share her. It was only a matter of months before I snapped. She has left me the house, and acquired an apartment down the street for her and the kids, so they can come and visit often. I don't know where I! ! would be if it wasn't for a couple of close friends who have moved into my house to help me.How do I move on? I believe I have a lot to offer, I used to think we would be together forever, now I'm craving companionship, intimacy, and someone to be close to. I am grateful for any advice and or feedback,Truly yours, Paralyzed and Confused in the Adirondacks JT... 32 YO... C6... ALMOST 1 YR POST

http://fly.to/littlequad Yahoo ID - littlequad Dave(what's a quad?)

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: [QUAD-L] Quad surfing

2005-08-01 Thread QuadPirate

That's a great event you went to Donald and I believe that's Jesse that puts that on every year, last year he had Minni Driver and Ziggy Marley playing later that night if you could afford the tickets.
There's also some great clothing on that site I've bought a few items from him.
---Original Message---

Date: 07/31/05 20:08:11
To: Quad-List@eskimo.com
Subject: [QUAD-L] Quad surfing
I went to the Huntington Beach surfing compitition yesterday and it was awsome. They had plywood all over the beach for walk ways and the people actually got out of the way. They had free style motocross jumping, skateboarders, bikes, all kinds of vendors, and of course surfing. I tripped out on guys surfing who were paralyzed. Here is one of the sites about it www.liferollson.com and they did very well. Oh and did I mention all the hot babes. WOW
Take care all, Donald

[QUAD-L] I'm so depressed i could throw up

2005-08-01 Thread wheelchair
Hey Luke,
That friendly advise came from a very smart, and wise lady, who has been there
and done that.  Her children have been raised and are now educators 
Consider her advise.  Its very credible.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 8/1/05 11:09:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Hey Luke,
I think we have all been there.  My  suggestion to you is to go away to 
college, live on campus. You will have  a new group of friends, ones that 
will stay 
for the rest of your life. Good  luck with whatever you do.  

i know you're right.  but i have accepted my situation for what it is,  as of 
thanks for the kind words.
luke >>

[QUAD-L] I'm back!

2005-08-01 Thread Smurfonwheels

Hey guys,
I'm back!  Thanks for all your good luck emails, I really needed your 
The surgery itself went well, the wisdom tooth was sucessfully removed 
which was the main thing. Once they took the tooth out they found that it 
was bad tooth so it was no wonder it went so easily - it was deformed, at an 
angle and half growing on a bit at the back of my mouth.  The tooth next to 
it they was able to basically sand down as it wasn't that bad, and my gum was 
given quite a few stitches (which I managed to knock out hours 
Only prob was, where the tooth had grown bad anyway, the root of the tooth 
was pratically sitting on one of the nerves at the bottom of my jaw, which 
unavoidably got damaged whilst taking the tooth out so I've now got numbness on 
my cheek, tip of tongue and corner of lip which they said is going to be 
temporary, but not to sure weather that's true or not.
Take care all!
Love Smurf xxx

Re: [QUAD-L] i'm so depressed i could throw up

2005-08-01 Thread TheOmen723

In a message dated 8/1/2005 7:34:22 AM Central Standard Time, 

  Hey Luke,
  I think we have all been there.  My 
  suggestion to you is to go away to college, live on campus. You will have 
  a new group of friends, ones that will stay for the rest of your life. Good 
  luck with whatever you do.  

i know you're right.  but i have accepted my situation for what it is, 
as of now.  
thanks for the kind words.

RE: [QUAD-L] Travel Agents

2005-08-01 Thread Linda Ferrell
Hi Dana,
Sounds like my kind of job. Are you going to continue with it?  I noticed
you have a different companion, Rocco. What happened to Sabre?
Friends, Lindaf

RE: [QUAD-L] leg straps

2005-08-01 Thread Linda Ferrell

H i 
Could you take pictures of the awesome bag, I'm looking 
for something to conceal my catheter bag & tube. Thanks, 

  I have something similar, but I use a cut down bed bag.  I will try 
  to post some pictures to my web site on Monday.BillyJoan 
  Anglin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Regarding the Velcro straps on the back of the leg rest, my daughter 
designed an awesome bag that acts as a leg support, and also conceals my leg 
bag when I am wearing shorts. It makes my leg bag so discreet that even OT's 
and PT's do not realize I am wearing a leg bag.
My leg rest, and foot rests, are not swing away, but instead are modeled 
after the sport wheelchair leg rests. However, the fabric bag just Velcro's 
on, so it would be relatively easy to just unVelcro it to swing the legrest 
  on Yahoo! Auctions - No fees. Bid on great items.


2005-08-01 Thread wheelchair

In a message dated 7/31/05 8:15:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
i truely believe that when one door closes, another opens.   dave c3-1967. 

Have you ever noticed that at every commercial doorway is an "Exit" sign.
Just on the other side of the very same doorway is an #Enter" sign.  Hence,
the same can be said about life, in all its glory.