Re: [QUAD-L] nightmare's from meds

2007-04-01 Thread DAANOO
That is really scary to have dreams like that.  I'm anxious to hear  what 
your doctor says.

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[QUAD-L] To John--About sediment and sludge in urine.

2007-04-01 Thread Danny Hearn
   Hey John.I just wanted to ask you a question. A while back I think 
you said that most the sediment and sludge type stuff released in our urine is 
( Calcium and or White Blood cells )  Well my question is thisAt the 
end of January I had a large Bladder Stone removed, Every since then I have had 
never ending sediment or sludge come thru my cath tubeI suspect an 
infection but a supra pubic wearer always has some bacteria.  Do you think 
after 2 months I should get urine checked ? I'm wondering If a person might be 
losing to much white blood cells or body calcium?  Thanks, To John or anyone 
wishing to post on this issue.  
   Dan H.

[QUAD-L] Disability Documentaries

2007-04-01 Thread theomen723
Hey All
It's been about a year or so since my last post.  Since then I've started going 
to college--majoring in psychology.  What I plan to do is get my Master's in 
Occupational Therapy.
I started a Student Organization along with my fellow college crips.  We're 
called the SWAA--Students With Alternative Abilities.  Our main purpose is to 
increase accessibility on campus.  Another thing we want to do is start 
creating awareness about disabilities.  We want to show informative 
documentaries about disabilities.  SCI, Polio, MS, etc.  Does anyone have any 
documentary recommendations?
Luke  c-5/6 incomplete

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Re: [QUAD-L] To John--About sediment and sludge in urine.

2007-04-01 Thread Dan T
Danny, I think there is a direct correlation between the amount of 
dairy/calcium intake and the sentiment in my urine.  I think an SCI injury and 
being mostly sedentary causes our bodies to rid itself of calcium and possible 
others and minerals.
Try cutting back on your dairy/calcium and you'll probably see a reduction of 
sediment, I did.
Dan T.

Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey John.I just wanted to 
ask you a question. A while back I think you said that most the sediment and 
sludge type stuff released in our urine is ( Calcium and or White Blood cells ) 
 Well my question is thisAt the end of January I had a large Bladder 
Stone removed, Every since then I have had never ending sediment or sludge come 
thru my cath tubeI suspect an infection but a supra pubic wearer always has 
some bacteria.  Do you think after 2 months I should get urine checked ? I'm 
wondering If a person might be losing to much white blood cells or body 
calcium?  Thanks, To John or anyone wishing to post on this issue.  
   Dan H.

RE: [QUAD-L] Disability Documentaries

2007-04-01 Thread Timothy Cox
Hey Luke,
This is my first post.  I was sitting here working on the final edits for my
doctoral disseration when your message came in.  I dont have any documentary
info for you, but just wanted to encourage you and wish you luck on
finishing your masters.
Tim  T-3, incomplete.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 7:34 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Disability Documentaries

Hey All
It's been about a year or so since my last post.  Since then I've started
going to college--majoring in psychology.  What I plan to do is get my
Master's in Occupational Therapy.
I started a Student Organization along with my fellow college crips.  We're
called the SWAA--Students With Alternative Abilities.  Our main purpose is
to increase accessibility on campus.  Another thing we want to do is start
creating awareness about disabilities.  We want to show informative
documentaries about disabilities.  SCI, Polio, MS, etc.  Does anyone have
any documentary recommendations?
Luke  c-5/6 incomplete

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from
AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] A Challenge for All

2007-04-01 Thread Peter Damiano
Some four weeks ago CNBC began their one million dollar investment
contest.  Since that time, the Dow Jones industrial average has had one
of the worst quarterly losses in the last decade.  This is wonderful
since 60 to 70 percent of the people that signed up when the contest
began have portfolios that are underwater, portfolios significantly below
the one million dollars allotted when they signed up for the contest. 
The one million dollars is, of coarse, fictitious; but the person with
the highest capital gains at the end of the contest, still eight weeks
away, will win an annuity of one million dollars.
I have been bedridden with a sore on my foot from my new wheelchair rest,
using my bedside computer and DragonDictate to trade.  Currently I am in
the top 20 percent.  If I was able to utilize the computers in my office
with the multiple screens, I would probably be somewhat higher.  Be this
as it may, I have been trading stocks for 21 years, betting on the future
movement in the price of a security with technical analysis.
For the benefit of my fellow wheelchair-bound companions, I have spent
this weekend sifting through 1800 securities to find only those that fit
the criteria in the stock challenge.  From that list I studied only those
companies whose stock did not exceed 15.00 A Share.  The reason for this
is to capture a large percentage gain which will ultimately decide the
winner. On the other hand, the losses will be of a high percentage also. 
Simply put, you can buy a great deal of shares with a million dollars
when the stock price is 10 dollars a share, as opposed to a stock price
being over 100 dollars.
Go to the CNBC website and join the one million dollar contest.  The
registration list is very simple with no more than a half dozen
questions.  Put all your million dollars into any one of the stocks
listed below, or divided between different securities.  I would not
suggest stretching it past two companies, for this contest is simply a
hit or miss.  The prize last year was a Lamborghini, and that person put
all his million dollars into one stock.
I would love to see one of us going to the CNBC studio in a wheelchair to
collect the prize.  Good luck:
Peter, 25 Long yrs C/4-C/5 With debilitating neuropeptide pain to boot!
ONNN   8.92 A Share
RFMD   6.23 A Share
PMCS   8.92 A Share
MWY6.25 A Share
HMX 5.36 A Share
AAI 10.27 A Share
LSI 10.44 A Share
NKTR 11.80 A Share
PTMK 12.80 A Share
SPSN  12.20 A Share
TRAD  12.60 A Share

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